HE :: Volume #10

#940: Confusion of Daqin Ruozan!

Chapter 940 第940章 Should at least have about 6,000-7,000 people!” “应该至少有六七千人左右!” Li Siye said. 李嗣业道。 Does not have the means to calculate opposite party in the U-Tsang camp precisely, this is only an estimate, but for all this, more than 4000 people of night assault armies can kill the opposite party 6,000-7,000 people, but oneself only damaged 60-70 individual this motions to be called attains greatly successfully. 乌斯藏营地是没有办法精确计算对方的死伤人数的,这只是一个估算,不过尽管如此,4000多人的夜袭部队能够杀伤对方六七千人,而自己只损伤六七十个人这次行动已经称得上大获成功了。 Good! According to this logic U-Tsang People and Western Turkic Chinese added the present should only the remaining more than 60,000 people, Daqin Ruozan can display the space that and organize getting smaller. Believes from now on, his later motion will be getting more and more careful.” “不错!这样说来乌斯藏人西突厥汗人加起来现在应该只剩下60000多人了,大钦若赞能够施展和腾挪的空间就越来越小了。相信从现在开始,他以后的行动会越来越小心。” Gao Xianzhi satisfied nod. 高仙芝满意的点了点头。 This night assault copes with U-Tsang People, Wang Chong and Gao Xianzhi goal is clear, must kill the effective strength of opposite party effectively, unceasing reduces the army quantity of Daqin Ruozan subordinates. 这次夜袭对付乌斯藏人,王冲高仙芝的目的非常明确,就是要有效的杀伤对方的有生力量,不断的削减大钦若赞麾下的部队数量。 From this, Wang Chong and his night assault army goal achieved completely. 从这点来说,王冲和他的夜袭部队目的已经完全达成。 That side Sir Gao?” 高大人那边呢?” Wang Chong asked. 王冲问道。 Similar to Gao Xianzhi does not know that the Wang Chong special details are the same, Wang Chong does not know Gao Xianzhi that side motion similarly, all details including casualty situation, only then Gao Xianzhi and Cheng Qianli two Anxi Protectorate Army Supreme Commander knows. 如同高仙芝不知道王冲这边的具体情况一样,王冲同样不知道高仙芝那边的行动,所有的细节包括伤亡情况,只有高仙芝程千里两位安西都护军最高统帅才知道。 hē hē, this motion with is the same, who you expect * that side really does not have any protection, he was too self-confident, self-confidently to thinking oneself support the soldier 200,000, we do not dare to attack him. Therefore this motion is easier.” 呵呵,这次行动和你预想的一样,艾布*那边果然没有任何的防备,他太自信了,自信到认为自己拥兵200000,我们根本不敢袭击他。所以这次行动容易很多。” Gao Xianzhi heard that happily chatted. 高仙芝闻言笑了起来。 Not only perhaps is extremely self-confident, but is he thinks, even if makes us go well, will not have too big influence regarding the general situation, irrelevants radically.” “或许不只是太过自信,而是他认为即便让我们得手,对于大局来说也不会有太大的影响,根本无关痛痒。” Wang Chong said with a smile indifferently. 王冲淡然一笑道。 This is not of little significance, if * thinks, that may really be completely mistaken.” “这可不是无关大局,如果艾布*真的这么想的话,那可就真的大错特错了。” Gao Xianzhi has turned head to look to an behind vice general: 高仙芝扭过头来望向身后的一名副将: Bosom is suitable, Caliphate People did Saker Falcon settle? Does this motion altogether go well several?” “怀顺,大食人猎隼都安顿好了吗?这次行动总共得手几只?” Returns to the Sir, arranged, altogether three Saker Falcon. Has given completely lesson hawk in armed forces.” “回大人,都安排好了,总共三只猎隼。已经全部都给军中的训鹰手了。” The named Kang Huaishun Anxi vice general returns to say respectfully. 名叫康怀顺的安西副将恭敬回道。 „Was the following measure well in place? Can arouse suspicion?” “后续的措施都到位了吗?会不会引起怀疑?” Gao Xianzhi said. 高仙芝道。 According to Sir's instruction, we in has looked like very much the rock hawk corpse that processes after Caliphate Saker Falcon three, keeps the Caliphate People camp. These rock hawk only remaining hashed meat and feathers, look like with Saker Falcon very much look like. Caliphate People is not careful unable to distinguish. Moreover, the person repayment of night assault spot, Saker Falcon of Caliphate People camp are many, loses three Saker Falcon merely, should not bring to their attention.” “按照大人的吩咐,我们在已经把三只和大食猎隼很像的岩鹰尸体处理后,留在大食人的营地。那些岩鹰只剩下碎肉和羽毛,看起来和猎隼很像。大食人不仔细是分辨不出来的。而且,夜袭部位的人回报,大食人营地的猎隼很多,仅仅丢失三只猎隼,应该不会引起他们的注意。” Kang Huaishun honest sound said. 康怀顺诚声道。 Kang Huaishun is also Anxi Protectorate Army Famous General, this night assault motion, is mainly carries out by him. 康怀顺也是安西都护军名将,这次的夜袭行动,就是主要由他来执行的。 Wang Chong is auditing, nodded secretly. This Anxi Protectorate Army is responsible for the Caliphate People aspect, the main goal does not kill Caliphate People, but is these fierce Caliphate Saker Falcon. Between Daqin Ruozan and Caliphate People the communication intercourse, uses is this exceptionally fierce Caliphate Saker Falcon, if can succeed steals these Caliphate Saker Falcon, can interrupt the communication of Caliphate People and Daqin Ruozan. 王冲在一旁听着,暗暗点了点头。这次安西都护军负责大食人方面,最主要的目的并不是杀伤大食人,而是那些凶猛的大食猎隼大钦若赞大食人之间通信往来,用的就是这种异常凶猛的大食猎隼,如果能够成功的偷取这些大食猎隼,就能够截断大食人大钦若赞的通信。 Issue, the Caliphate People Saker Falcon temper is violent, comes back after the Caliphate People camp sharply has shouted, our people kept completely the means from making them peaceful. Moreover they are not willing to eat us to feed to their meat.” “不过还有一个问题,大食人猎隼性子猛烈,从大食人的营地回来以后就一直锐叫,我们的人使尽了办法也无法让它们安静下来。而且它们也不肯吃我们喂给它们的肉食。” Kang Huai on the way. 康怀顺道。 If Saker Falcon does not have the means to tame, cannot use for oneself, even if grasps equally to be also useless. 猎隼如果没有办法驯服,就不能为己所用,就算抓回来也一样没有用。 This issue is but actually easy to be solved.” “这个问题倒容易解决。” Wang Chong sprinkles however smiles, thinks little. 王冲洒然一笑,不以为意。 Kang General, my subordinates have one to teach hawk to be called Zhang Que, his Saker Falcon to Caliphate People knows a great deal about, this matter gives him to process.” “康将军,我麾下有一名训鹰手叫做张雀,他对大食人猎隼极有研究,这件事情交给他来处理就可以。” Bosom is suitable, presses the office that Sir king said.” “怀顺,就按王大人说的办吧。” Gao Xianzhi says with a smile: 高仙芝微笑着道: Moreover, that is called Nurman, Caliphate night assault Famous General also together gives Protectorate Wang!” “另外,那个叫做努尔曼的,大食夜袭名将也一起交给王都护吧!” Oh? 哦? Wang Chong eye one bright, in heart accidental/surprised. That Nurman, he also thinks that the seat Yuan should give to kill him, has not thought, unexpectedly also retained him. 王冲眼睛一亮,心中大为意外。那个努尔曼,他还以为席元应把他给杀了,没想到,居然还把他保留了下来。 That many thanks.” “那就多谢了。” Now the war nears, Wang Chong's Great Yin-Yang World Fortune Art always recruits a person, the strength on the additional profound point. Regarding the present war, even more is helpful. 现在大战在即,王冲的大阴阳天地造化功每多吸收一个人,实力就加精深一分。对于眼前的大战,就越发的有帮助。 Yes!” “是!” Another side, Kang Huaishun lowers the head to obey an order, turns around to depart quickly. 另一侧,康怀顺低头应命,很快转身离去。 Sir Gao! Sir king!” 高大人!王大人!” At this time, new Leader that had not spoken sturdy suddenly opens the mouth. 就在这个时候,一直没有说话的新任首领骨力突然开口了。 In addition has a matter......” “另外还有件事情……” The sturdy look is disturbed, starts to speak but hesitates. This action attracted in the hall rapidly the attention of all people. Wang Chong and his Banhan Leader Fergahana also together looked. 骨力神色忐忑,欲言又止。这一番举动迅速吸引了大厅里所有人的注意。就连王冲和他身旁的拔那汗首领费尔干纳也一起看了过去。 How to be sturdy?” “怎么了骨力?” Some Gao Xianzhi being astonished different ways. 高仙芝有些讶异道。 This...... Caliphate People night assault time, once the army turned the wall to submerge in the city, relates our Karluks Tribe secretly, mentioned that matter.” “这……大食人夜袭的时候,曾经有一支部队翻墙潜入了城内,偷偷联系我们葛罗禄部落,说起了那件事情。” The sturdy stammering, among the facial expressions reveals the enormous scruples. In the hall the atmosphere all of a sudden becomes subtle, sturdy, although had not said that matter is anything, but the people all of a sudden responded, Wanhe Peiluo was killed with the Karluks seen through matter, obviously that side Caliphate has not known the circumstances of the matter, moreover unexpectedly also sent out the person to contact with them secretly. 骨力期期艾艾,神情间显露出极大的顾忌。大厅里气氛一下子变得微妙起来,骨力虽然没有说那件事情是什么,但众人还是一下子反应过来,万赫裴罗被杀和葛罗禄被识破的事情,显然大食那边还不知情,而且居然还派出了人偷偷联系他们。 Two Sir Protectorate, our Karluks Tribe really not anti- intent, but also please two Sir Protectorate bright mirror......” “两位都护大人,我们葛罗禄部落真的没有反意,还请两位都护大人明鉴……” Sturdy honest sound said. 骨力诚声道。 Sturdy, you do not need to be flustered, we believe you.” “骨力,你不必慌张,我们相信你。” Gao Xianzhi opens the mouth to comfort saying that but a few words made sturdy peaceful. 高仙芝开口安慰道,只是一句话就令骨力安静下来。 Many thanks Sir!” “多谢大人!” Sturdy full is the gratitude said. 骨力满是感激道。 Caliphate People clearly cultivates the plank road to do something secretly, in surface / army with Great Tang after wing of army night assault first defense line Death, in fact actually secretly sends out the person, Karluks Tribe in relation city, this is everyone has not thought. 大食人明修栈道暗度陈仓,表面上用死亡之翼部队夜袭第一道防线后的大唐/军队,实际上却偷偷派出人,联系城内的葛罗禄部落,这是谁也没有想到的。 Sturdy can say this matter, sufficiently proves to the Great Tang sincerity. 骨力能把这件事情说出来,就足以证明对大唐的诚意。 Wang Chong, how this matter do you see?” 王冲,这件事情你怎么看?” Gao Xianzhi said. 高仙芝道。 Wang Chong has not spoken, but the corners of the mouth show a smiling face. That bright flame shines on his face, making the Wang Chong whole body appear a unique appearance. 王冲没有说话,只是嘴角露出一丝笑容。那明亮的火光照耀在他的脸上,让王冲浑身显出一种独特神采。 Since Caliphate People is so anxious, promises them why not?” “既然大食人这么急切,答应他们又何妨?” Wang Chong showing a faint smile asked. In the hall, all people are startled, has smiled. 王冲微微一笑反问道。大厅内,所有人都是一怔,不由的都笑了起来。 ...... …… That night what is doomed is unassuageable, in the city of Talas brilliantly illuminated, another place, U-Tsang People and Top Level military officer of Western Turkic person gathers similarly. 这一夜注定的是难以平静的,当怛罗斯之城里灯火辉煌的时候,另一处地方,乌斯藏人西突厥人的顶级将领同样聚集在一起。 However, with the city of Talas in different, here atmosphere is much serious. All U-Tsang are responsible for the military commander in edge sentry post standing completely, facial expressions dread, keep silent. 不过,和怛罗斯之城里不同,这里的气氛要沉重得多。所有乌斯藏负责边缘岗哨的武将全部站立着,一个个神情畏惧,噤若寒蝉。 That night, the entire U-Tsang camp, several tens of thousands troops, was made the earth-shaking by the Tang People about thousand troops, has established the armed soldier of that many sentry post and patrol, unexpectedly nobody knows where Tang People most started to attack. Even if the present fought had finished, still nobody knows. 这一天晚上,整个乌斯藏营地,数万人马,被唐人近千人马闹得地覆天翻,设置了那么多的岗哨和巡逻的甲士,居然没有人知道唐人最开始是从哪里进攻的。而且即便现在战斗已经结束了,依然没有人知道。 This simply is one shame! 这简直是一种耻辱! You recall carefully again, really not any discovery?” “你们仔细再回想一下,真的没有任何发现吗?” Daqin Ruozan sits on a chair, will look at the present U-Tsang numerous to open the mouth to say. His sound is lightly gentle, simply does not have the slight anger, but in the tent the U-Tsang military commander head hangs down, was even more restless. 大钦若赞坐在一张椅子上,望着眼前的乌斯藏众将开口道。他的声音平平淡淡非常轻柔,根本没有丝毫的火气,但是营帐里乌斯藏武将头颅低垂,越发的不安了。 Scoundrel!” “混账!” A thunder shouted angrily, Daqin Ruozan has not gotten angry, nearby Huoshu Guicang could not bear erupt actually. 一声雷霆怒喝,大钦若赞没有发怒,一旁的火树归藏倒是忍不住爆发了。 This evening, entire U-Tsang played with by Wang Chong in applauses, even a simple issue, nobody replied, this made Huoshu Guicang unable to bear infuriated. 这个晚上,整个乌斯藏都被王冲玩弄于鼓掌之间,甚至就连一个简简单单的问题,都没人回答出来,这让火树归藏忍不住火冒三丈。 Huoshu, this matter cannot blame them, that person at all is not their abilities can resist, he planned such for a long time began, certainly has prepared completely safe. Will not leave behind too many clues to us.” 火树,这件事情也不能怪他们,那个人根本不是他们的能力能够对抗的,他谋划了这么久才动手,一定是做好了万全的准备。不会给我们留下太多的蛛丝马迹的。” Daqin Ruozan comforting said. 大钦若赞安抚道。 His temper is always not that irritable person, the brow that but wrinkles slightly revealed the idea in his heart as before, obviously at this matter, he is the same with Huoshu Guicang, is hard to get over an emotion. 他的性子从来都不是那种急躁的人,但是微微皱起的眉头依旧泄露了他心中的想法,显然在这件事情上,他和火树归藏一样,也难以释怀。 U-Tsang is not cannot be defeated, but how actually cannot be defeated does not know. 乌斯藏不是不可以失败,但是却不能连怎么失败的都不知道。 Great Minister!” 大相!” At this time, the sudden sound of footsteps hurriedly transmitted from the tent, the curtain screen raised, a U-Tsang messenger, on the waist was matching the sickle, rushed from outside, just met immediately single knee on the ground: 就在这个时候,突然一阵急匆匆的脚步声从营帐外传来,帘子一掀,一名乌斯藏的传令兵,腰上配着弯刀,从外面闯了进来,刚一见面立即单膝跪在地上: We go on patrol outside, discovers something, probably is Tang People stays behind!” “我们在外面巡逻,发现一些东西,好像是唐人留下的!” What thing?” “什么东西?” The Daqin Ruozan eyebrow selects, opens the mouth to say. At the same time, several other people also together looked. 大钦若赞眉毛一挑,开口道。同一时间,其他几人也一起看了过来。 Is some wolf skins!” “是一些狼皮!” The messengers kneel on the ground said. 传令兵跪在地上道。 wēng! 嗡! The sound falls, other Huoshu Guicang and several people did not have anything to respond, but Daqin Ruozan is actually in the heart suddenly shakes, among the lightning flash fire from flint, had the innumerable thought passing over gently and swiftly mind faintly. 声音一落,火树归藏和其他几人还没什么反应,但大钦若赞却是心中陡然一震,电闪石火间,隐隐有无数的念头掠过脑海。 Leads me to go quickly!” “快带我去!” Daqin Ruozan wants not to think, Huo has stood from the seat. 大钦若赞想也不想,霍的从座位上站了起来。 ...... …… A moment later, is away from an edge sentry post number hundred zhang (333 m) the place, Daqin Ruozan, Huoshu Guicang and Dusong Mangbuzhi, Du Wusili, as well as other military commanders rushed to spot in abundance. The Daqin Ruozan prestige as well as the severe order and training have played the role, was discovering that earliest possible time of these things, the surrounding U-Tsang soldier has not acted presumptuously, but retained all, waited for that Daqin Ruozan handles. 片刻之后,就在距离一处边缘岗哨数百丈的地方,大钦若赞火树归藏都松莽布支,都乌思力,以及其他的武将纷纷赶到了“事发地点”。大钦若赞的声望以及严苛的命令和训练发挥了作用,在发现那些东西的第一时间,周围的乌斯藏士兵并没有擅自行动,而是将一切保留了下来,等待大钦若赞来处置。 Thing here?” “东西都在这里吗?” Daqin Ruozan opens the mouth to say. His frown tight wrinkle, looks at present in the ground, the huge azure wolf skin, the look is very one after another unattractive. But around him, Huoshu Guicang and Dusong Mangbuzhi facial expression is not too attractive. Even the Du Wusili look is so. 大钦若赞开口道。他的双眉紧皱,看着眼前地面上,一块一块巨大的青色狼皮,神色很不好看。而在他周围,火树归藏都松莽布支的神情也不是太好看。甚至就连都乌思力的神色都是如此。 Returns to Great Minister, some other also wolf skins spread in other places. However majority of here.” “回大相,其他还有一些狼皮散布在其他地方。但是大部分都在这里了。” A U-Tsang Low Level officer explained: 一名乌斯藏低级士官解释道: Our people start not to care, afterward fought to finish, discovered that some are not right. These of ground dispersion are the spatial wolf skins, inside does not have the skeleton and flesh and blood, even including bloody water not to have. Cleanness of complete processing, this at all is not the normal phenomenon.” “我们的人开始也没有在意,后来战斗结束,才发现有些不对。地上散布的这些统统都是空狼皮,里面没有骨骼、血肉,甚至连一点血水都没有。全部处理的干干净净,这根本不是正常的现象。” Around four quiet, all people fell into the deathly stillness. 四周围静悄悄的,所有人都陷入了死寂。
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