HE :: Volume #9

#842: Soldiers near Qixi!

Chapter 842 第842章 tí dā dā! 蹄哒哒 But is almost Wang Chong leads Great Army to leave City of Steel at the same time, the Heavy Cavalry look in a panic, turns the head by far together hastily, goes in the Qixi Protectorate General direction. 而几乎是王冲带领大军离开钢铁之城的同时,远远地,一道铁骑神色仓皇,连忙转过头来,向着碛西都护府的方向而去。 „It is not good, transmitted orders quickly General, Wushang that Wang Chong leads Great Army, came toward Qixi Protectorate General!” “不好了,快传令将军,乌伤的那个王冲带领大军,朝着碛西都护府来了!” That Heavy Cavalry runs while yelled. 铁骑一边跑一边大叫。 The cry, with that Hu People Heavy Cavalry big cry, Old Eagle soars rapidly, the wailing, is going toward the northwest direction rapid flight. Across the numerous spaces, finally the both wings received, fell into the Qixi Protectorate General main hall. 唳,随着那名胡人铁骑的大叫声,一只老鹰迅速腾空而起,尖啸着,朝着西北的方向疾飞而去。一路穿过重重空间,最后双翅一收,落入了碛西都护府的大殿之中。 What?! That Wang Chong came!” “什么?!那个王冲来了!” The news that Old Eagle has, falls like a giant stone, has initiated a great unrest in bustling Qixi Protectorate General. 老鹰带回来的消息,就像一块巨石坠下,在熙熙攘攘的碛西都护府中引发了一阵轩然大波。 Bastard! He has harmed Great Protectorate, unexpectedly also really dares to come, thinks really we have feared him?” “混蛋!他害了大都护,居然还真的敢来,真的以为我们怕了他吗?” Calls all brothers, all arrives at Protectorate General to come, what to do I must have a look at him to dare but actually to take us.” “召集所有的兄弟,全部都到都护府来,我倒要看看他敢拿我们怎么办。” Qixi Great Protectorate! Even if what kind of Royal Court appointment? Nods without our brothers, his fart is not!” 碛西大都护!就算朝廷任命的又怎么样?没有我们兄弟点头,他屁都不是!” Day high Emperor is far, how Royal Court does not dare to take us, I must have a look at him to have any method but actually. Where he comes, where makes him get lost/roll returns goes!” “天高皇帝远,朝廷都不敢拿我们如何,我倒要看看他有什么手段。他从哪里来,就让他滚回哪里去!” ...... …… In the main hall burns with rage, news of Wang Chong arrival like holding hornet's nest, all Hu People military officers blasted out all of a sudden. But the time of a blink, the innumerable forms flushed from the main hall, the next quarter, entire Qixi Hu People Great Army transfers, the dense and numerous Hu People soldiers tens of thousands, comes in swarms from each direction, collects to the Qixi Protectorate General direction. 大殿里群情激愤,王冲到来的消息就像捅了马蜂窝一样,所有的胡人将领一下子炸开了。只不过一眨眼的时间,无数的身影从大殿中冲了出去,下一刻,整个碛西胡人大军随之调动起来,密密麻麻的胡人士兵成千上万,从各个方向蜂拥而来,汇集向碛西都护府的方向。 Cry!” “唳!” Only Old Eagle shoots up to the sky, entire Qixi situation unprecedented turbulence, an atmosphere anxiety. 一只只老鹰跟着冲天而起,整个碛西的局势前所未有的动荡起来,气氛一片紧张。 Lord Marquis, looks there, is Qixi Protectorate Army detection Old Eagle!” 侯爷,看那里,是碛西都护军侦查的老鹰!” To the Qixi path on, Zhang Que raised the head, looks several sunspots that the distant place sky presents, open the mouth to say suddenly. A few words attracted the attention of all people immediately. 通往碛西的道路上,张雀抬起头来,看着远处天空出现的几个黑点,突然开口道。一句话顿时吸引了所有人的注意。 „Does Lord Marquis, need to eliminate them?” 侯爷,需要把它们清除掉吗?” Does not need.” “不必了。” Wang Chong looked up one, sprinkled however smiles, beckoned with the hand: 王冲抬头看了一眼,洒然一笑,摆了摆手: Goes by them, making them look also well, selects the setup time to them, happen to disposable solution.” “由他们去吧,让他们看着也好,给他们点准备时间,正好一次性解决。” The Wang Chong's sound is light, has an enormous self-confidence. The Qixi matter dragged to be so long, should solve. 王冲的声音平平淡淡,却有一种极大的自信。碛西的事情拖了这么久,也该解决了。 Transmitted orders, accelerates to march!” “传令下去,加速行军!” Yes!” “是!” ...... …… hōng lōng lōng, the mist and dust is billowing, to several feet high, five thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry accelerates to go forward, the movement is neat, just like one person. But another side, before Qixi Protectorate General, all Hu People Cavalry gather completely, all various professions, rows , the platoon becomes the neat battle formation, the sea of people, the shop sprinkles before the Protectorate General main hall. All people keep silent, the atmosphere is suffocating. 轰隆隆,烟尘滚滚,冲起十几丈高,五千乌伤铁骑加速前进,动作整齐,宛如一人。而另一边,碛西都护府前所有的胡人骑兵全部聚集在一起,一行行,一列列,排成整齐的阵势,人山人海,铺洒在都护府的大殿前。所有人默不作声,气氛令人窒息无比。 Is far?” “还有多远?” Ten miles!” “还有十里!” Good! Prepares the thing, we give him first several big presents! If he does not know good from bad, but also dares to come, that was beyond control we.” “好!把东西准备好,我们先送他几份大礼!他如果不知好歹,还敢过来,那就由不得我们了。” Yes, General!” “是,将军!” Scout, the personal appearance flutters one after another, the unceasing illness plunders to go. 一名又一名斥侯,身形翻飞,不断的疾掠而去。 ...... …… Report! Lord Marquis, on front road discovers large quantities of barricades!” “报!侯爷,前方路上发现大批拒马!” Also is a moment later, Wushang Scout from the front illness plunders, but, one turns over/stands up to kneel on the ground. 也就是片刻之后,一名乌伤斥侯从前方疾掠而至,一个翻身跪在地上。 Oh? 哦? The Wang Chong straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards select, looked into one from afar, sees only to resist beyond several hundred meters, about 34 chi (0.33 m) triangle barricades pile, dense and numerous, thousands, overspreads in the front to the road of Qixi Protectorate General on. By the Wang Chong's eyesight, even saw the barricades front, the left and right of major road, but also has set up a big tree pile at the same time, above also crooked has written several thick Chinese characters: 王冲剑眉一挑,远远眺望了一眼,只见相拒数百米外,一个个34尺左右的三角拒马桩,密密麻麻,数以千计,铺满在前方通往碛西都护府的路上。以王冲的目力,甚至一眼看到了拒马前方,官道的左右两侧,还一边立了一个大树桩子,上面还歪歪扭扭的写了几个粗大的汉字: Now turns head!” “现在回头!” Advancer dies!” “前进者死!” Merely eight characters, but disclosed intense killing qi. 仅仅八个字,但却透露出一股强烈的杀气 This character...... Good clown!” “这字……好丑!” Wang Chong sprinkles however smiles, turned head quickly: 王冲洒然一笑,很快回过头来: Arranges an army, turning the horse cleaning is clean!” “安排一支部队,把扭马清扫干净!” Yes, Lord Marquis!” “是,侯爷!” An accompanying the armed forces military officer goes quickly accordingly. 一名随军将领很快应声而去。 The Qixi Great Protectorate position is always not lucrative position in an imagination, has been full of the challenge position on the contrary, solely is these unruly Hu People officers is one issue that made one have a headache about. Wang Chong has not taken office, is away from the Qixi Protectorate General also ten miles, these people started to suspend barricades, comes dismount, the manner was self-evident. 碛西大都护的位置从来都不是一个想像中的肥缺,反倒是充满了挑战的位置,单单是那些桀骜不驯的胡人将士就是一个令人头疼的问题。王冲还没上任,距离碛西都护府还有十里,这些人就已经开始摆拒马,来下马,态度已经不言而喻。 If the average person, or has changed a person, alone takes office, perhaps is really also at a loss, was prevailed by them, made concessions directly. However was a pity, what they meet is oneself. Wang Chong is not always good to cope, Lord who is good to send. He has not prepared with the conventional method, copes these to be filled with the resentment Qixi Protectorate Army. 如果是一般人,或者是换了一个人,单身上任,恐怕还真的就束手无策,被他们得逞,直接退让了。不过可惜,他们遇到的是自己。王冲从来都不是什么好对付,好打发的主。他也并没有准备用常规的手段,去对付这些满心怨气的碛西都护军 hōng lōng lōng, an army has divided quickly, the warhorse gallops, just the time of moment, raises the intermittent mist and dust on the major road. Time that several cannot breathe, all barricades were swept away, sets aside one to say directly. 轰隆隆,一只军队很快分了出来,战马奔腾,只不过片刻的时间,就在官道上掀起阵阵烟尘。几个呼吸不到的时间,所有的拒马就被一扫而空,直接腾出一条道来。 The Cavalry combat, bumps into barricades and trap is the common matter. Especially southwest the war, Wang Chong sprinkles the innumerable caltrops directly, cuts off the path that Moncheux Allied armies had climbed mountains at that time directly. As outstanding Cavalry, outstanding Commander-in-Chief, Wang Chong has to consider this situation. 骑兵作战,碰到拒马、陷坑都是常有的事。特别是西南之战,王冲直接洒出无数的铁蒺藜,直接断绝了蒙舍联军当时上山的道路。做为一支优秀的骑兵,一个优秀的统帅,王冲不得不考虑这种情况。 This situation is completely possible, if Wushang Heavy Cavalry this way could not deal continually, that also in vain for first under heaven Heavy Cavalry. 这种情况是完全可能出现的,乌伤铁骑如果连这种方式都应对不了,那也枉为天下第一铁骑了。 Therefore at the beginning of the construction, in the Wang Chong's Wushang Heavy Cavalry team, has had this kind of special elimination army. 所以早在建设之初,王冲的乌伤铁骑队伍中,就一直有这样一支专门的清除部队。 Removes barricades, Great Army continues upwardly, all the way trap, caltrop, horse-tripping rope......, Various methods emerge one after another incessantly, completely by the Wang Chong rapid elimination. Regarding present Wushang Heavy Cavalry, these cannot pose the threat. But the time of moment, Wang Chong has advanced to be away from Qixi Protectorate General is about five miles place. 排除拒马,大军继续向上,一路上陷坑,铁蒺藜,绊马索……,各种手段层出不穷,全部被王冲迅速清除。对于现在的乌伤铁骑来说,这些根本构不成威胁。只不过片刻的时间,王冲已经突进到距离碛西都护府不过五里的地方。 This time, did not have any institution trap again, on the broad major road, an alone Hu People soldier, the hawk deep nose, wears armor and carries weapons, spans in five thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry front, as if waited for is very long. 这一次,再没有了任何的机关陷阱,在宽阔的官道上,一名孤零零的胡人士兵,鹰目深鼻,披坚执锐,横亘在五千乌伤铁骑的前方,似乎等待了很久。 Wang Chong, General has the command, immediately repulses the enemy, does not want self to harm!” 王冲,将军有令,立即退兵,不要自误!” Sees Wang Chong, that Hu People soldier look is solemn, turns the head suddenly, shouted loudly severely: 看到王冲,那名胡人士兵神色冷峻,陡然转过头来,大声厉喝道: Now turns head, but also with enough time. If bridges over this line, that does not want us not to be impolite!” “现在回头,还来得及。如果跨过这条线,那就不要我们不客气了!” Scoffs, that Hu People soldier was saying, in hand long halberd one horizontal, bends down suddenly, in the vision of people, the sharp halberd point in underground draws a long straight line, major road one point two is, draws an obvious demarcation line. 嗤,那名胡人士兵说着,手中长戟一横,陡然俯身,就在众人的目光中,锋利的戟尖在地下划出一条长长的直线,将官道一分二为,划出一道明显的界线。 Bold!” “大胆!” Dissolute! The Lord Marquis name is also you can be called?” “放肆!侯爷的名字也是你可以叫的吗?” Sees this, Wang Chong behind, flying into a rage of people. Wang Chong is Emperor's Disciple, Great Tang Young Marquis, is new Qixi Great Protectorate, Li Siye and the others, usually do not dare to say his name, this Hu People is just a young soldier, unexpectedly said the Wang Chong's name, was simply unscrupulous, extremely arrogant. 看到这一幕,王冲身后,众人的勃然大怒。王冲天子门生,大唐少年侯,还是新任的碛西大都护,就连李嗣业等人,平常都不敢直呼他的名字,这个胡人只不过是一个小小的士兵,居然直呼王冲的名字,简直肆无忌惮,狂妄之极。 However has not waited till people take action, xī yù yù, fights the horse's neigh cry, the blood light flashes, in a flash, sees only Heavy Cavalry to be together prominent, that Hu People soldier whole face is loudly stunned, even has not responded, the sword light falls together, the giant extravagant back sword that Hu People together with the warhorse of under foot, as well as the earth, a sword cuts open. 然而还没等到众人出手,希聿聿,战马嘶鸣,血光一闪,电光石火间,只见一道铁骑突出,轰然,那名胡人士兵满脸错愕,甚至还没反应过来,一道剑光落下,巨大的阔背剑将那名胡人连同脚下的战马,以及大地,一剑剖开。 Sword Qi odd/surplus Jin does not rest, rips open the ground, splits more than ten zhang (3.33 m) long cracks to meet together! 剑气余劲不歇,将地面撕开,剖出一道十余丈的长长裂逢! „The following defies superiors, is impolite to Lord Marquis, so liao!” “以下犯上,对侯爷无礼,如此獠!” The Li Siye vision is cold, that ice-cold sound is similar to slating, hōng lōng lōng resounds through the world, the sound reaches several miles far, Qixi Protectorate General of distant place can hear the clear, broadminded color deteriorations. In the dawn ray, the Li Siye horizontal blade, that grandiose and sincere form, is similar to a mountain range is immediately great, the deep brand mark entered in the eyes of people. 李嗣业目光凛凛,那冰冷的声音如同雷鸣般,轰隆隆响彻天地,声达数里之远,就连远处的碛西都护府都能听得清清楚楚,一个个豁然变色。晨曦的光芒中,李嗣业横刀立马,那壮硕、厚重的身影,如同一座山峦般伟岸,深深的烙印进了众人的眼中。 Bastard!” “混蛋!” That flash, before Qixi Protectorate General, the complexion of people ugly. 那一刹那,碛西都护府前,众人的脸色难看不已。 Advance!” “前进!” Wang Chong gives a calm smile, Long Sword wields, has issued the order of advance. Qixi Protectorate General these Hu People want to cope with him with this means that that finds fault the person completely, if thinks that this can prevent him, that simply was dream of a fool. 王冲淡然一笑,长剑挥下,发布了前进的命令。碛西都护府的那些胡人想要用这种办法对付他,那完全是找错人了,如果以为这样就可以阻止他,那简直是痴人说梦。 Great Army goes forward, these time did not run into any match again, a moment later, Wang Chong saw standing lofty Qixi Protectorate General finally, before Qixi Protectorate General, boundless like sea, thousands Hu People Great Army! 大军前进,这一次再没有遇到任何的对手,片刻之后,王冲终于看到了巍然矗立的碛西都护府,还有碛西都护府前茫茫如海,数以万计的胡人大军 Thousands Hu People Great Army wears armor and carries weapons, is divided into Formation, is similar to a giant gully, spans between Wang Chong's Wushang Great Army and Qixi Protectorate General main halls. Great Army is silent, actually invisible killing qi soar to the heavens, tens of thousands of Hu People officers whole body is lending the formidable aura, that swift and fierce vision from looked in all directions, wishes one could to meet a cruel death Wang Chong. 数以万计的胡人大军披坚执锐,分成一个又一个的阵列,如同一道巨大的沟壑般,横亘在王冲的乌伤大军碛西都护府的大殿之间。大军寂静,却有一股无形的杀气冲霄而起,成千上万的胡人将士浑身散发着强大的气息,那凌厉的目光从四面八方望了过来,恨不得将王冲粉身碎骨。 The flash, the atmosphere ties tight, suddenly becomes withers incomparably, Wang Chong's five thousand Wushang military force(s) hence also slowly stopped the footsteps. 一刹那,气氛紧绷,突然变得肃杀无比,王冲的五千乌伤兵马至此也缓缓地停下了脚步。 Bastard! These fellows want to do!” “混蛋!这些家伙想干什么!” Sees this, Wang Chong behind the people in abundance changes color, in the eye passed over gently and swiftly wipes the violent anger the look. Wang Chong is Royal Court Qixi Great Protectorate, this is seals by Sage Emperor, these people dare to gather military force(s) unexpectedly, here resists Wang Chong, this has been equal to the mutiny of defying one's superiors. 看到这一幕,王冲身后众人纷纷变色,眼中掠过一抹暴怒的神色。王冲朝廷碛西大都护,这是由圣皇亲封的,这些人居然敢聚集兵马,在这里抵制王冲,这已经相当于犯上作乱的兵变了。 Really is absurd! don't tell me do they dare to revolt really?” “真是岂有此理!难道他们真敢造反?” In the Xu Keyi eye passed over gently and swiftly wipes angry look, pats the warhorse fiercely, goes toward the front sprint. 许科仪眼中掠过一抹怒色,猛地一拍战马,向着前方冲刺而去。 wait one moment.” 等一下。” At this time, a sound from behind transmitted, a Wang Chong palm stretched out, stopped by calling out Xu Keyi: 就在这个时候,一个声音从身后传来,王冲一掌伸出,叫住了许科仪: Comes back, first has a look at them to make anything.” “回来,先看看他们想做什么。” The Wang Chong look is indifferent, thinks little slightly. This he has expected before set off, Fumeng Lingzhao is he draws dismount, moreover Hu People of border region always does not have what favorable impression to him, this time marches Qixi Protectorate General to take office smoothly, really makes him feel strange. 王冲神色淡然,丝毫不以为意。这一幕他早在出发之前就已经预料到了,夫蒙灵察是他拉下马的,而且边陲的胡人一向对他没有什么好感,这次进军碛西都护府能够顺利上任,才真的让他奇怪。 Hongmen banquet, interesting!” “鸿门宴啊,有趣!” Wang Chong rides the warhorse to go forward two steps, looks at that boundlessly such as sea Hu People Great Army, the corners of the mouth is revealing light smiling. 王冲骑着战马上前两步,望着那茫茫如海的胡人大军,嘴角露出一丝淡淡的笑。 This time from City of Steel set off, he has not thought that no matter these Hu People Great Army have many people, today they let also probably let, does not let also let let! 这次从钢铁之城出发,他就没有想过回去,不管这些胡人大军有多少人,今天他们让也得让,不让也让得让! Wang Chong!” 王冲!” Suddenly, thunderous, a vigorous and loud and clear sound is having the Hu People unique vibrato, transmits from Great Army: 突然之间,一阵雷鸣,一个浑厚、洪亮的声音带着胡人特有的颤音,从大军后方传来: Your big courage, has harmed our Great Protectorate, unexpectedly also has a face to appear before us! Thinks really we don't dare to kill you? I give you an opportunity, now draws back also with enough time!” “你好大的胆子,害了我们大都护,居然还有脸出现在我们面前!真的以为我们不敢杀你吗?我给你一个机会,现在退回去还来得及!” Along with this chilling sound, before Qixi Protectorate General, boundless Great Army such as the water spray separates, 20-30 Hu People military officers throw over firm duplicate armor, in the sonorous armor piece vibration sound, killing qi is steaming, stride. But in the forefront of this group of Hu People military commanders, is a physique is big, the body strong Hu People military officer, his vision is cut-throat, the hawk regarded to be very suspicious, has imitated the endless ambition, thousands Hu People military force(s) and his aura merged into one organic whole, served as contrast his personal appearance big incomparable. 随着这冷硬的声音,碛西都护府前,茫茫的大军如水浪分开,二三十名胡人将领披坚覆甲,在铿锵的甲片振动声中,杀气腾腾,大步而来。而在这群胡人武将的最前面,是一名体格高大,身体健硕的胡人将领,他的目光凶狠,鹰视狼顾,充了无尽的野心,数以万计的胡人兵马和他的气息融为一体,将他的身形衬托的高大无比。 Gu Douli! 骨都力 The Qixi Protectorate General Hu People military commander's head , is also Wang Chong is promoted to the Qixi Great Protectorate biggest barrier. 碛西都护府中的胡人武将之首,也是王冲升任碛西大都护最大的障碍。
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