HE :: Volume #9

#820: Qixi Great Protectorate candidate!

Chapter 820 第820章 Now you understood.” “现在你明白了吧。” King Song deeply shot a look at an old steward, knows that he also responded. By Song and king two friendship, in addition Wang Yan itself excellent Commander-in-Chief and direction ability, was the best candidate. However now, is not instead most suitable. 宋王深深瞥了一眼老管家,知道他也已经反应过来了。以宋、王两家的交情,再加上王严本身过人的统帅和指挥才能,本来是最好的人选。但是现在,反而是最不适合的。 Moreover, Qixi Protectorate General has most Hu People, the Hu People natural disposition is stubborn, is hard to surrender. If landed Wang Yan in the past, the Han people in Qixi Protectorate Army, but these Hu People are will not take absolutely his. Wang Gengzhi is always harsh, training troops is rigorous, but don't tell me can he come up completely to massacre 50% Qixi Protectorate Army? What your majesty wants is sends for stabilizing the Qixi aspect, guards U-Tsang and Western Turkic Khaganate, but has not started to cope with U-Tsang and Turkic, from the waste hands and feet, mutually in fights.” “而且,碛西都护府有大半的胡人,胡人生性桀骜,难以降服。如果空降王严过去,碛西都护军中的汉人也就罢了,但是那些胡人是绝对不会服他的。王耿直一向苛刻,治军严谨,但是难道他能一上去就把一半的碛西都护军全部杀掉?陛下要的是派人去稳定碛西的局面,镇守乌斯藏西突厥汗国,而不是还没开始对付乌斯藏突厥,就自废手脚,互相内斗。” The old steward is silent, politically he is not a very good discussing object, this aspect could not interrupt, is unable to give King Song too to help. 老管家沉默,在政治上他并不是一个很好的商量对象,这方面也插不上嘴,无法给予宋王太多帮助。 Old steward, helping me send a letter, told him here matter, asks his opinion.” “老管家,帮我去一封信,把这里的事情告诉他,问问他的意见。” The King Song hesitation moment, opens the mouth to say suddenly. 宋王沉吟片刻,突然开口道。 Yes, old servant this manages.” “是,老奴这就去办。” The old steward lip wriggles, quick goes accordingly. 老管家嘴唇蠕动,很快应声而去。 An entire King Song department, if can render the King Song biggest assistance in each aspect, absolutely is Wang Chong without doubt. Fumeng Lingzhao is so fierce Great Protectorate, in military soldier dozens years of qualifications, tall Juelong, Mount Tai Big Dipper existence, unexpectedly by Wang Chong dismount step by step. 整个宋王一系,如果说能在各个方面给予宋王最大帮助的,绝对是王冲无疑。夫蒙灵察这么厉害一位大都护,军伍中几十年的资历,位高爵隆,泰山北斗般的存在,居然被王冲一步步的拉下马 In the present national capital, the Wang Chong's reputation unknowingly had already gone to an extremely high situation. Although Wang Chong in the border region, has not marched into Imperial Court, does not have the power of participation and discussion on state affairs, however in many nobility powerful official and Aristocratic Family first-class eyes, this already was at the height of power, perhaps compared to many old ministers Imperial Court, but must to dread. 现在的京师之中,王冲的声名早已不知不觉达到了一个极高的地步。尽管王冲远在边陲,还没有步入朝堂,没有参政议政之权,但是在很多王公权贵、世家一流眼中,这一位早已是如日中天,恐怕比起许多的朝堂老臣,还要让人忌惮。 But gradually, King Song had not discovered, he more and more regards as important regarding Wang Chong now, invisible, comes across the difficult problem, subconscious will associate to arrive at Wang Chong, hopes that can obtain the opinion from his there. 而慢慢的,就连宋王自己都没有发现,他现在对于王冲越来越看重,无形之中,一遇到难题,下意识的就会联想到王冲,希望能从他那里得到意见。 ...... …… Several days later, Wushang, City of Steel. 数天之后,乌伤,钢铁之城 Wang Chong reads the King Song letter, puts down the letter paper, for a very long time did not speak. 王冲看完宋王的来信,放下信笺,久久不语。 What kind, had the attention?” “怎么样,有注意了吗?” Xu Qiqin sits in the one side, the white clothing like the snow, in wonderful glances the circulation, has blown the tea froth, cherry lips light start/open say/way. 许绮琴坐在一旁,白衣如雪,妙目中眼波流转,吹了口茶沫,樱唇轻启道。 „The Fumeng Lingzhao candidate is not good to elect, related to the Empire Great Protectorate candidate, is used to is decided by Royal Court. This matter, I have not thought King Song can ask me.” 夫蒙灵察的侯选者不是那么好选的,涉及到帝国大都护的人选,一惯都是由朝廷来决定。这种事情,我本来就没有想过宋王会来问我。” Wang Chong shook the head, opens the mouth to say. Has saying that also King Song to his attaching great importance, compared with wants fierce many that he imagines. 王冲摇了摇头,开口道。不得不说,宋王对他的重视,比他想像的还要厉害的多。 Fumeng Lingzhao is you move him, can you some candidates?” 夫蒙灵察是你把他挪走的,那你心里总该有些人选吧?” Xu Qiqin said, was saying, while stretches out the snow white delicate fingers, takes up cakes and pastries from the small dish plate on table, sends in the mouth gently, chewing of small mouth is eating, the stance is graceful. In Wushang in the course of time, the matter that she participates are getting more and more, among the relations with Wang Chong is also getting more and more near. 许绮琴道,一边说着,一边伸出雪白的纤指,从桌上的碟盘中拿起一块糕点,轻轻送入嘴中,小口的嚼吃着,姿态优雅从容。在乌伤日久,她参与的事情越来越多,和王冲之间的关系也越来越近。 Now, two people have the breakfast together, somewhat important matter, Wang Chong not only does not evade him, asks her to refer together. 现在,两人都是一起吃早餐,有些重要的事情,王冲不但不避讳他,也找她一起参考。 Naturally has thought. Original Qixi Great Protectorate, the best candidate is my father, if he can enter Qixi, we can be more convenient. However looks like, perhaps King Song thinks, removed him.” “当然想过。本来碛西大都护,最好的人选就是我的父亲,如果他能进入碛西,我们就能方便许多。但是看起来,宋王恐怕还是觉得不行,已经把他排除掉了。” A Wang Chong sigh sound said slightly. 王冲微微的叹息一声道。 Song and king two family background generations were on good terms, the Qixi Great Protectorate position vacancy, did not raise with oneself, King Song definitely first will also think of the father. However the King Song letter asked own opinion. Very obviously, King Song thought that father as the Qixi Great Protectorate candidate, is insufficient. 宋、王两家世代交好,碛西大都护的位置空缺,不用自己提,宋王也必然会首先想到父亲。但是宋王却还是来信询问自己的意见。很显然,宋王还是觉得父亲做为碛西大都护的人选,还是不够。 The King Song manner is fair, although Song and king more than two years of friendship, in the King Song heart, were however most important, actually Great Tang and world. Matter that this does not have the means. But on the other hand, is Wang Chong respects his reason exactly. In Imperial Court, King Song can a forcing King Qi head, be respected by the whole body of ministers, has the reason. 宋王为人秉直,虽然宋、王两家多年的交情,但是在宋王心中,最重要的,其实还是大唐和天下。这也是没办法的事。但另一方面,恰恰也是王冲尊重他的原因。在朝堂里,宋王能够力压齐王一头,受到群臣的尊敬,也是有原因的。 „...... If no accident/surprise, King Song removes the father, what perhaps is also his Commander-in-Chief is the infantry, but is not the Cavalry reason.” “……如果不出意外,宋王排除掉父亲,恐怕也是他统帅的是步兵,而不是骑兵的原因吧。” Wang Chong some, helpless said. 王冲有些无奈道。 Among different unit, the difference is very big. The war of southwest, the father is not Empire Great General Level Powerhouse, but can actually anti- live in the attack of Huoshu Guicang this U-Tsang Empire Great General, depends is Djinn Heavenly God Great Array, gathers the Great Army strength to obtain. 不同的兵种之间,差别是很大的。西南之战,父亲并非帝国大将级别强者,但是却能够抗住火树归藏这种乌斯藏帝国大将的攻击,靠的就是巨灵天神大阵,集合大军的力量而获得的。 But if has traded Cavalry, trades that group of subordinates who he has been familiar with, then Djinn Heavenly God Great Array cannot display. But did not have Djinn Heavenly God Great Array, father runs into the Empire Great General Level character radically is not a match. 但是如果换了骑兵,换了他熟悉的那群部下,那么“巨灵天神大阵”根本就施展不出来。而没有了巨灵天神大阵,父亲遇到帝国大将级别的人物根本就不是对手。 Such person is not absolutely suitable into Qixi Great Protectorate! 这样的人是绝对不适合成为碛西大都护的! These thoughts graze from the mind, Wang Chong also deep frowning. 这些念头从脑海中飞掠而过,王冲也不由深深的皱起了眉头。 If except for the uncle, in your don't tell me mind doesn't have other candidates?” “如果除了伯父的话,你难道脑海中就没有其他人选吗?” Xu Qiqin shows a faint smile, some do not believe. Wang Chong that she knows, is always confident, self-poise, handles any matter, ahead of time has confidence. This likely is not that Wang Chong that she knows. 许绮琴微微一笑,有些不信。她认识的王冲,一向成竹在胸,镇定自若,做什么事情,都提前有把握。这可不像是她认识的那个王冲 Haha!” “哈哈!” Wang Chong hears word turned head, has smiled: 王冲闻言不由回头,笑了起来: Actually I must be very simple the reason that Fumeng Lingzhao move, have him, I simply do not have the means to take the action. Like reaching Mang Mangbo night assault the matter repeatedly will occur. Moreover all my plans, he will find the way to destroy. Has constructed City of Steel like me in Triangle Jag, he will act immediately as soon as one gets the news. Therefore, entire Qixi, so long as is not Fumeng Lingzhao assumes personal command, yes. Moreover, if the father is not quite appropriate, then can also consider Xianyu Zhongtong, or other Han people all generals. So long as is not the King Qi that lineage/vein person, can......” “其实我要把夫蒙灵察挪走的原因很简单,有他在,我根本没有办法展开行动。像达莽芒波杰夜袭这样的事情会不断的发生。而且我所有的计划,他都会想办法破坏。就像我在三角缺口建了一个钢铁之城,他马上就会闻风而动。所以,整个碛西,只要不是夫蒙灵察坐镇,都是可以的。另外,如果父亲不太合适的话,那么也可以考虑鲜于仲通,或者其他的汉人诸将。只要不是齐王那一脉的人,也就可以……” But no matter who, so long as is the King Qi's person, then Song Royal Capital did not agree absolutely.” “但是不管是谁,只要是齐王的人,那么宋王都是绝对不同意的。” Has not waited for Wang Chong to speak, Xu Qiqin breaks to say suddenly. 没等王冲说话,许绮琴突然打断说道。 Intelligent!” “聪明!” Wang Chong turned head to look at Xu Qiqin, approved one heartfeltly. 王冲回头看了一眼许绮琴,由衷的赞了一声。 Fumeng Lingzhao successor, no matter that side Royal Court chooses, is actually not I must care. Compares matter that King Song said that I instead am worried about another matter.” 夫蒙灵察的继任人选方面,不管朝廷那边选择,其实都不是我要关心的。相比起宋王说的事情,我反而更担心另外一件事情。” The Wang Chong's sound falls, in the room, two people are simultaneously silent. 王冲的声音一落,房间里,两个人同时都沉默下来。 Fumeng Lingzhao detains to be jailed because of the struggle of imperial prince, Wang Chong was smoothly has solved in the Qixi biggest enemy and threat, but this matter accidentally has actually caused another bigger conflict. Hu People that the Qixi Protectorate General at least 50% people are to come to pay tribute, but Hu People advocated bravely, said simply, whose strength was big, who took responsibility. 夫蒙灵察因为皇子之争而关押下狱,王冲碛西最大的敌人和威胁算是顺利的解决了,但是这件事情却无意中引发了另外一件更大的冲突。碛西都护府至少有一半人都是内附的胡人,而胡人崇尚勇武,简单的说,谁的力气大,谁就做主。 When Fumeng Lingzhao in fortunately, all can also suppress. After Fumeng Lingzhao leaves, the entire Qixi a group of people without a leader, all issues surface immediately. The entire Qixi flash at least presented several mountain tops, several factions, each one are striving for the Qixi Protectorate Army sovereignty. 夫蒙灵察在的时候还好,一切还压得住。但是当夫蒙灵察离开之后,整个碛西群龙无首,所有的问题立即曝露出来。整个碛西一瞬间至少出现了十几个山头,十几个派系,各自都在争夺碛西都护军的统治权。 Although according to the Royal Court convention, the Qixi Great Protectorate candidate can only assign by Royal Court. However regarding advocating individual bravely, Hu People of fist decision brain, this set basic, no matter uses. 虽然按照朝廷的惯例,碛西大都护的人选只能由朝廷来指定。但是对于崇尚个人勇武,拳头决定脑子的胡人来说,这一套根本不管用。 Wang Chong initially opposed the provincial governor system, opposes to entrust with heavy responsibility Hu People excessively, there is this reason. If traded is one group of Han people, was impossible to have this situation. 王冲当初反对节度使制度,反对过度重用胡人,也有这个原因。如果换了是一群汉人,绝不可能出现这种情况的。 The present situation, that several Hu People military officers fight for power and profit, may erupt a Qixi Protectorate Army internal conflict very much. 现在的情形,那十几个胡人将领争权夺利,很有可能爆发一场碛西都护军内部的冲突。 Li Siye, Qixi that side situation how?” 李嗣业,碛西那边的情况怎么样了?” Wang Chong turns head to look at gate outlet suddenly. 王冲突然扭头望着门外道。 Returns to Lord Marquis, we have monitored that side situation in the day and night. With is the same, Fumeng Lingzhao side that you expect is called Gu Douli the trusted friend is winning over other Hu People in Qixi Protectorate Army wantonly, his strength is greatly strengthened, is Fumeng Lingzhao own health/guard, now he call in armed forces, has surpassed Habere, what is more important, east side Qixi Protectorate Army on Turkic prairie defense line started to support him. Without accident/surprise, if in Qixi Protectorate Army selects one to substitute for Fumeng Lingzhao, likely was he. Moreover, I receive the information, these days, Gu Douli will perhaps adopt the expression, suppressed Habere.” “回侯爷,我们已经在日夜监控那边的情况了。和您预料的一样,夫蒙灵察身边那个叫做‘骨都力’的心腹正在大肆的拉拢碛西都护军中的其他胡人,他的实力极强,本来就是夫蒙灵察的亲卫,现在他在军中的呼声,已经超过了贺拔野,更重要的是,就连东边突厥大草原防线上的碛西都护军都已经开始拥护他了。没有意外,如果碛西都护军里挑一个来取代夫蒙灵察的话,很可能就是他了。另外,我收到信息,这段时间,骨都力恐怕就会采取措辞,压制贺拔野了。” A Li Siye military garb, protects in the gate tastes. 李嗣业一身戎装,守护在门口道。 Moreover, according to our acquired information, Gu Douli has the serious rebelling tendency. Recently he had expressed several times opinions, expressed that Hu People should not hit Hu People, everybody naturally is one, even said that must bring in Qixi Protectorate Army all Hu People to hire oneself together Western Turkic Khaganate.” “另外,根据我们收集到的情报,骨都力有严重的反叛倾向。最近他已经发表好几次言论,表示‘胡人不应该打胡人,大家天然就是一家’,甚至说出要带碛西都护军中所有的胡人一起投靠西突厥汗国。” Hears the Li Siye words, the two people in room both frowned. 听到李嗣业的话,房间里的两个人都皱起了眉头。 Wang Chong, do not impulse, the Qixi Protectorate General matter we do not have the jurisdiction, the Great Tang penal code we unable to overstep rashly, otherwise, will have very serious issue, even may cause us to waste all previous efforts, loses 100 percent. Let alone, in Qixi Protectorate Army has not had the major war, in this time meddle, struck to kill the Qixi Protectorate Army military commander arbitrarily, this was the capital crime.” 王冲,你千万不要冲动,碛西都护府的事情我们没有管辖权,大唐的律例我们不能贸然逾越,否则的话,会产生很严重的问题,甚至有可能导致我们前功尽弃,满盘皆输。更何况,碛西都护军中还没有发生大规模战争,在这个时候插手,擅自击杀碛西都护军的武将,这可是死罪。” Xu Qiqin watches a person's every mood in side, immediately felt anything, Warning said hastily. 许绮琴在旁边察言观色,立即感觉到了什么,连忙警告道。 Oh, can only put temporarily!” “唉,只能暂时放一放了!” In the Wang Chong heart sighed. The Qixi Protectorate General matter, now is one group of messes, can only wait for that new Qixi Great Protectorate takes office, can the it thorough settlement. 王冲心中叹息一声。碛西都护府的事情,现在就是一团乱麻,只能等待新的碛西大都护上任,才能够将之彻底解决。 Li Siye, Qixi Protectorate General that side matter gave you, gave me closely to monitor, always paid attention to their sounds, in the event of civil strife, no matter had anything, must involve, prevented them.” 李嗣业,碛西都护府那边的事情就交给你了,给我严密监视,随时注意他们的动静,一旦发生内乱,不管发生什么,都一定要介入进去,阻止他们。” Yes, Lord Marquis.” “是,侯爷。” Li Siye respectful sound said. 李嗣业恭声道。 Gave Li Siye all, Wang Chong has rested the moment in the room, enjoyed the breakfast with Xu Qiqin, left from the room quickly. The matter that Qixi Protectorate General has truly made the will of the people live to worry, but regarding Wang Chong, these was only itchy of mustard moss, another matter, was much more important than this matter. 将一切交给李嗣业,王冲在房间内小憩了片刻,和许绮琴享受完早点,很快从房间里离开了。碛西都护府发生的事情确实令人心生担忧,不过对于王冲来说,这些都只是芥藓之痒,还有另外一件事情,比这件事情重要得多。 Two Grandmasters, do not see for a long time.” “两位大师,好久不见。” In City of Steel, in City Lord Mansion Di's grand hall, Wang Chong saw long-separated for a long time Aroga and Alona two Grandmasters. More than one year do not see, although two people are as before thin, but the facial expression was better. 钢铁之城,城主府邸的大堂中,王冲见到了阔别已久的阿罗迦阿罗傩两位大师。一年多不见,两人虽然依旧削瘦,但气色却好了很多。 Young master Chong, greetings.” 冲公子,有礼了。” „More than one year do not see, cannot think that the young master has conferred the title of prince upon Bai Hou. The young master is so young and promising, we initially really had not misread the person.” “一年多不见,想不到公子已经封王拜侯。公子如此年轻有为,我们当初果然没有看错人。” Sees Wang Chong, two Sindhi big monks stand up from the seat immediately, holds together only, bows a ritual, the manner respects. Initially the Sindhi noisy famine, Wang Chong had delivered the massive cattle and grain in the past, has solved the urgent matter of Sindhi, regarded as by entire Sindhi the most important benefactor and distinguished guest. 看到王冲,两位身毒大和尚立即从座位上站起身来,单掌合什,躬身一礼,神态非常尊敬。当初身毒闹饥荒,王冲送了大量的牛羊和粮食过去,解了身毒的燃眉之急,被整个身毒视为最重要的恩人和贵宾。 Moreover, Wang Chong has purchased Hy­der­abad Ore, the price of giving is high, with offers of other countries completely is not a scale. Therefore, Sindhi highest High Priest regards as the most honored guest him. 而且,王冲购买了海德拉巴矿石,给出的价钱非常高,和其他各国的出价完全不是一个档次的。因此,就连身毒最高的大祭司都将他视为最尊贵的客人。 Today only has one chapter.】 【今天只有一章。】
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