HE :: Volume #9

#815: Launches an attack, lethal card!

Chapter 815 第815章 Treats with indifference differently with Fumeng Lingzhao and Wang Chong's, the Xueyang Palace event in Effect that the several other places of Great Tang border region initiate is entirely different. 夫蒙灵察王冲的淡然处之不同,雪阳宫事件在大唐边陲的其他几个地方引发的效果是截然不同。 Anxi Protectorate General, Gao Xianzhi and Feng Changqing gather together, in the palace floods one type to be restless and anxious. 安西都护府,高仙芝封常清聚在一起,殿内充斥着一种不安和焦虑。 Changqing, initially listened to your words luckily, has not mixed up with four imperial princes, otherwise, your I am perhaps beyond redemption today.” 常清,幸好当初听了你的话,没有和四皇子混在一起,否则的话,今日你我恐怕万劫不复了。” Gao Xianzhi said, his brow wrinkles deeply, lowers the head, keeps walking back and forth in the room. 高仙芝道,他的眉头皱得深深的,低着头,在房间里不停地走来走去。 Sir why was worried, we have not colluded with four imperial princes, why must also to be worried that Sage Emperor is furious?” “大人何必担心,我们并没有和四皇子勾结,又何须担心圣皇震怒?” The Feng Changqing comfort said. 封常清安慰道。 Words, although so, but this time matter no small matter, four imperial princes had won over us, and permits by heavy, this is also the fact, if Sage Emperor therefore misunderstands us and four imperial princes colludes, your I fear the future completely to destroy.” “话虽如此,但是这次的事情非同小可,四皇子曾经拉拢过我们,并且许以重诺,这也是事实,如果圣皇因此而误会我们和四皇子勾结,你我恐怕前途尽毁。” Gao Xianzhi gravely says. Because border pass Great General involves the struggle of imperial prince, finally was eliminated the official title, apprehends being not infrequent that is jailed. Learns from another's mistakes, the Master of latter car(riage), Gao Xianzhi has to be worried oneself were misunderstood by Sage Emperor, is involved. 高仙芝沉声道。边关大将因为介入皇子之争,最后被剥夺官衔,捉拿下狱的不在少数。前车之鉴,后车之师,高仙芝不得不担心自己被圣皇误会,牵扯其中。 Oh!” “唉!” In Feng Changqing heart deep sigh. Great Protectorate to the shock role that and Great General of this time matter border pass play, is other people cannot imagine. Different with Fumeng Lingzhao this secure veteran, qualifications of General in armed forces does not have him to be so deep, reason that can crawl from the floor to the Anxi Great Protectorate position, is the Sage Emperor favor, as well as cautious, is step by step careful, establishes the meritorious military service unceasingly, never line of wrong -and-a-half step styles. 封常清心中深深的叹息一声。这次的事情对边关的大都护大将军起到的震撼作用,是其他人想象不到的。和夫蒙灵察这种有恃无恐的老将不同,将军在军中的资历远没有他那么深,之所以能从底层爬到安西大都护的位置,靠得是圣皇的恩宠,以及如履薄冰,步步小心,不断立下战功,从不行错一步半步的行事风格。 This also why he unceasingly initiates the reason of foreign challenge in Anxi, attacks Stone Country including this plan is also so, only has the unceasing establishing meritorious military service, General can consolidate own status, obtains the favor of Sage Emperor, otherwise, in the event of this situation, other Great General and Great Protectorate may be secure likely now, but General is not good. This is also and General inborn error. 这也是为什么他在安西不断发起对外挑战的原因,包括这次计划攻打石国也是如此,唯有不断的立下战功,将军才能稳固自己的地位,获得圣皇的宠幸,否则的话,一旦出现像现在这种情形,别的大将军大都护或许会有恃无恐,但是将军却不行。这也是自己和将军的先天性缺陷。 Sir, the ship arrives at the bridgehead nature to be straight, our in heaven, bends down supinely worthily worthily in the place, only has the meritorious military service with Great Tang, but is unblamable. If Sage Emperor blames, Changqing is willing the electrical connector to enter Capital, washes clean the wrongful treatment for the Sir!” “大人,船到桥头自然直,我们仰不愧于天,俯不愧于地,与大唐只有战功,而无过错。如果圣皇怪罪下来,常清愿提头入京,为大人洗清冤屈!” Feng Changqing honest sound said. 封常清诚声道。 Hears Feng Changqing these words, Gao Xianzhi sobers all of a sudden. 听到封常清这句话,高仙芝一下子就清醒过来。 Changqing, your my common onset and retreat, after hard and dangerous, until now also ten years, how I possibly make you sacrifice for me. Oh, Changqing, prepares the words paper inkstone for me, I must write one to Sage Emperor personally, related with keen sorrow the right and wrong, Sage Emperor wise God Martial, definitely understands that your I not seek the heart of counter rebelling.” 常清,你我共同进退,历经艰险,至今也有十余载,我又怎么可能让你为我而牺牲。唉,罢了,常清,替我准备笔墨纸砚,我要亲自向圣皇书写一封,痛陈其中曲直,圣皇英明神武,必然会明白你我并无谋逆反叛之心。” The last few words, Gao Xianzhi long sigh, sets firm resolve finally. 最后一句话,高仙芝长长叹息一声,终于下定决心。 Crash-bang, a moment later, a carrier pigeon shoots up to the sky, rapid flying to national capital. 哗啦啦,片刻之后,一只信鸽冲天而起,迅速的飞往京师。 ...... …… Meanwhile, Longxi and Beiting, carrier pigeons shoot up to the sky similarly, fly to Capital City. 与此同时,陇西北庭,一只只信鸽同样冲天而起,飞往京城 Nobody can neglect the Sage Emperor will, no matter Gao Xianzhi and Geshu Han, or An Sishun, in the people heart respectively dreaded, has the restlessness respectively. All Great General and Great Protectorate, are receiving gold medal that moment, submits a written statement to Royal Court by quickest Speed, expounds itself, hopes to dispel the Sage Emperor anxiety. 没有人可以忽略圣皇的意志,不管是高仙芝哥舒翰,亦或是安思顺,众人心中都各有忌惮,各有不安。所有的大将军大都护,都在收到金牌的那一刻,以最快的速度上书朝廷,阐明自己,希望消除圣皇疑虑。 The time passes by slowly, the Xueyang Palace event unceasing fermentation, several Great Protectorate and Great General submit a written statement with Memorial to the Emperor, making this matter even more catch attention. 时间缓缓过去,雪阳宫事件不断的发酵,几位大都护大将军上书和奏折,使得这件事情越发受到关注。 Since Great Tang has founded a nation, this is first time has so many Hu People Great General, large-scale involvement in Royal Court the struggle of imperial prince, the attention that therefore, triggers is also unprecedented. Inside and outside Royal Court, all people are whooping, discussed that this matter, more people were guessing, which Hu People Empire Great General has to involve to four emperor's sons' matters, is one, two,...... All people? 大唐立国以来,这还是第一次有如此多的胡人大将,大规模的介入到朝廷的皇子之争中,因此,引发的关注也是前所未有的。朝廷内外,所有人都在议论纷纷,讨论这件事情,还有更多的人在猜测,到底有哪些胡人帝国大将介入到四皇子的事情之中,是一个,两个,……还是所有人? In the entire national capital makes noisily, in the Wang Zhongsi, Zhang Shougui and other Han people Mount Tai Big Dipper existence, is paying attention to this matter, but in Imperial Palace, First Imperial Prince and Second Imperial Prince, as well as other every(one) imperial princes, are paying attention to this matter similarly. 整个京师之中闹得沸沸扬扬,就连王忠嗣张守珪等汉人中泰山北斗般的存在,都在关注这件事情,而皇宫之中,大皇子二皇子,以及其他诸位皇子,同样在关注这件事情。 Big Brother, the Fourth Brother is really the big courage, unexpectedly dares to collude with Hu People!” “大哥,四弟真是好大的胆子,居然敢勾结胡人!” In the First Imperial Prince palace, the Second Imperial Prince Li Yao station in the palace, a face is indignant, is in an uncontrollable rage: 大皇子的宫殿中,二皇子李瑶站在殿中,一脸愤愤,怒不可遏: This time Yang Chao that muddled egg drank the liquor, after the liquor, spat the true words, we also never know, he has caused unexpectedly also this method.” “这次要不是杨潮那个糊涂蛋喝多了酒,酒后吐真言,我们恐怕还永远都不知道,他居然还使了这种手段。” „Is Second Brother why irritable?” “二弟何必急躁?” In main hall, First Imperial Prince Li Ying sitting well place above, his action the teacup, another hand is taking the tea lid, is wiping superficial tea froth gently, has blown the tone, then sipped one lightly, the throat skidded, swallowed down. Entire process leisurely, unflustered, is entirely different from Second Imperial Prince Li Yao irritable: 大殿上,大皇子李瑛端坐上方,他的一只手端着茶杯,另一只手拿着茶盖,轻轻地抹着表面的一层茶沫,吹了口气,然后轻啜了一口,喉头滑动,吞了下去。整个过程慢条斯理,从容不迫,和二皇子李瑶的急躁截然不同: Fourth Brother was also anxious, therefore thinks that borrowed the Hu People method. In the past ancestor Taizong grandfather went on a punitive expedition against the four directions, was called day Khan by various country respectful, all Barbarians looked to submit. Moreover to afterward, Barbarians has submitted, is willing with from side Taizong grandfather, helping him go on a punitive expedition against the four directions. Present coming to pay tribute Hu People from this comes. The Fourth Brother estimated that has thought ancestor Taizong grandfather, will think of this move.” “四弟也是急了,所以才会想到借用胡人的手段。当年先祖太宗爷爷征伐四方,被诸国恭称为天可汗,所有的夷狄都望而臣服。而且到了后来,夷狄臣服,都愿意跟从在太宗爷爷身旁,帮助他征伐四方。现在的内附胡人就是由此而来的。四弟估计是想到了先祖太宗爷爷,才会想到这一招。” Snort, you can calm down actually, at this time will also speak for him. If made him succeed, you do not think that can be any consequence.” “哼,你倒是沉得住气,这个时候还会替他说话。要是让他成功了,你也不想想会是什么后果。” A Second Imperial Prince Li Yao face uneven say/way. 二皇子李瑶一脸不平道。 „, The matter exposes now, the general situation has decided that the Second Brother why is worried about anything. So long as I come to defend virtue, does not give him the opportunity, how even if he did earn the support of all Hu People to be able? On this day under Father Emperor decides after all. With its is worried about this, would rather cares about the Third Brother. He has also treated sometime in Ancestral Mansion, finds a time to see him, told him law-abidingly, defended a oneself point. Moreover told the guard, gave him a letter, making him write the confession book, so long as can move Father Emperor, making Father Emperor think that he reformed, your I asked for leniency at the appointed time again together, the time was similar, moreover he also received has punished, the Father Emperor that side estimated that will make him come out.” “呵,现在事情败露,大局已定,二弟又何必担心什么。而且只要我居中守德,不给他可乘之机,就算他获得了所有胡人的支持又能如何?这天下毕竟还是父皇说了算。与其担心这个,倒不如关心三弟。他在宗人府中也待了有段时间,找个时间见见他,告诉他安分一点,守己一点。另外告诉看守,给他一封信,让他自己写忏悔书,只要能够打动父皇,让父皇觉得他改过了,你我到时再一起说情,时候差不多了,而且他也受过惩罚了,父皇那边估计就会让他出来了。” First Imperial Prince puts down the teacup, indifferently said. His facial expression is tranquil, calm, as if in this world does not have anything to make him change countenance, all performs during his control. 大皇子放下茶杯,淡淡道。他的神情平静,波澜不惊,似乎这个世界上没有什么能让他动容的,所有的一切都尽在他的掌控之中。 Compares Fourth Brother that muddled egg, can waste all previous efforts because of Yang Chao, was detained to be jailed by Father Emperor, I care about Fifth Brother Li Heng but actually. Beforehand Fifth Brother what, your I know, but the previous time palace struggled you also to see, his astuteness, the method, step by step, spoke with confidence, the Third Brother fell into his within shooting range not to know. This has the person of high skill to direct obviously, if behind him nobody, I will be will not believe absolutely. Compares the Fourth Brother, I instead want to know, who behind him is that person?” “相比起四弟那个糊涂蛋,能因为一个杨潮而前功尽弃,被父皇关押下狱,我倒更关心五弟李亨。以前的五弟什么样,你我都知道,但是上次的殿争你也看到了,他的城府,还有手段,一步接一步,侃侃而谈,三弟落入他的彀中还不自知。这明显是有高人指点,如果说他背后没有人的话,我是绝对不会相信的。相比起四弟,我反而更想知道,他背后的那个人到底是谁?” The eyelid of First Imperial Prince has shaken slightly, wisp of astonishing cold glow jumps to shoot, making the person whole body tremble, but also was the moment, that wisp of cold glow flashed to pass, First Imperial Prince Recovery was normal immediately, same indifferent to fame or gain gentle, making the person unable to see any flaw. 大皇子的眼皮微微抖了一下,一缕惊人的寒芒迸射而出,令人浑身颤栗不已,但也就是片刻,那缕寒芒一闪而逝,大皇子立即恢复了正常,一样的恬淡平和,让人看不出任何的破绽。 ...... …… The time like the shuttle, the Xueyang Palace event received more and more attention inside and outside the government and people, but more and more information also disclose. When Sage Emperor is furious, this matter has reached the peak. However quick, several are involved in Hu People Great Protectorate and Great General protested Memorial to the Emperor posthaste to arrive in the national capital, disclosed. 时光如梭,雪阳宫事件在朝野内外受到了越来越多的关注,而越来越多的信息也跟着披露出来。当圣皇震怒,这件事情更是达到了顶峰。不过很快,几个卷入其中的胡人大都护大将军的申辩奏折就十万火急的抵达了京师,披露出来。 Without a single exception, all Hu People Great Protectorate in fear and trepidation in Memorial to the Emperor, claimed treats unjustly, and protested to Sage Emperor with four imperial princes not any colluding. One acknowledged that four imperial princes initially truly had won over him, but was rejected by him with stern words. Geshu Han and An Sishun completely are so. 毫无例外,所有的胡人大都护都在奏折诚惶诚恐,声称冤枉,并且向圣皇申辨和四皇子之间并无任何的勾结。只有一位承认四皇子当初确实拉拢过他,但是被他严辞拒绝了。哥舒翰安思顺全部都是如此。 The Xueyang Palace event fell into a fast knot in light of this. open/stretch prominent, Zhao who You although Yang Chao as well as was interrogated they claimed that four imperial princes had the support of border pass Hu People Great General, but these are only their statements of only one of the parties, but between four imperial princes and these border pass Great General intercourse correspondence does not have. 雪阳宫事件就此陷入了一种死结。虽然杨潮以及被审问出来的张显、赵佑他们都声称四皇子得到了边关胡人大将的支持,但是这些都只是他们的一面之辞,而四皇子和这些边关大将之间往来的信函一个都没有。 As for four imperial princes, but, is claimed that does not have this matter certainly. 至于四皇子而里,更是声称绝无此事。 Therefore, the entire interrogation fell into, although all has aimed at every(one) Hu People Great Protectorate and Great General of border pass, but does not have the solid evidence to show that throughout Geshu Han, An Sishun, Fumeng Lingzhao and Gao Xianzhi also had other people involved. 因此,整个审问就陷入了尽管所有的一切都指向了边关的诸位胡人大都护大将军,但是却始终没有确凿的证据能够证明哥舒翰安思顺夫蒙灵察高仙芝还有其他人涉入了其中。 But Big Dipper Great General Geshu Han and the others, although is Hu People, but is Royal Court performs the distinguished service, moreover always remains pure and incorruptible, once was the person who Great Tang War God and crown prince Young Protector Wang Zhongsi promoted, in secret, compared Dali Temple, Ancestral Mansion and Ministry of Justice three division joint hearing the content that Zhao You and other population examined from Yang Chao, open/stretch prominent, more people approved excuse of Geshu Han in Memorial to the Emperor, namely four imperial princes have truly realized his value, truly tried to win over him, but was rejected by him. 北斗大将哥舒翰等人虽然是胡人,但是为朝廷立下汗马功劳,而且一向洁身自好,又曾是大唐战神、太子少保王忠嗣提拔的人,私底下,相比起大理寺宗人府刑部三司会审从杨潮、张显、赵佑等人口中审出来的内容,更多人都认可哥舒翰奏折中的申辨,即四皇子确实意识到了他的价值,也确实曾经试图拉拢过他,但是都被他拒绝了。 In Imperial Palace all imperial princes try to win over the in-court minister actually, but, many people were rejected. Was rejected, with succeeding is two completely different concepts. Was rejected, is equal to anything has not occurred. 皇宫中所有皇子其实都试图拉拢过朝中的大臣,只不过,很多人都被拒绝了而已。被拒绝,和成功了是两种完全不同的概念。被拒绝,就是相当于什么都没有发生过。 Only then accepted, colludes with the in-court high-ranking court official. 只有应承了,才算是勾结朝中重臣。 Solely depends upon Yang Chao, open/stretch prominent, Zhao You and the others the oral confessions, is unable to govern the Hu People Great Protectorate crime. After all, these Great Protectorate each are powerful and prominent, impossible, because the casual several people accuse groundlessly, apprehends to be jailed them. 仅仅依靠杨潮、张显、赵佑等人的口供,根本无法治胡人大都护们的罪。毕竟,这些大都护每一个都地位显赫,不可能因为随随便便几个人捕风捉影的指责,就将他们捉拿下狱。 Otherwise, do the Royal Court high-ranking court officials have what face? Also extremely child's play. 否则的话,朝廷重臣们还有何脸面可言?也太过儿戏了。 However in influence of this matter, along with several Great Protectorate trying to explain Memorial to the Emperor, but heat degree gradually retrogression time, next day early towards time, no one can think the matter that another no one can think of occurred. 然而就在这件事情的影响,随着几位大都护的辨白奏折,而热度渐渐消退的时候,第二天早朝的时候,一件谁也想不到另一件谁也想不到的事情发生了。 Your majesty, feudal official Deng Chang has playing!” “陛下,臣邓昌有本奏!” When ended day of government affairs toward discussing, hoary-headed old Imperial Censor Deng Chang, is holding the tablet held by officials during imperial audience itself suddenly, a face stern walks up. 就在结束了一天政务朝议的时候,白发苍苍的老御史邓昌,突然捧着笏本,一脸正色走上前去。 Old Imperial Censor, you have any matter, said.” “老御史,你有什么事情,说吧。” The Sage Emperor sound is spacious and lofty, is passing the infinite dignity and honored, does not transmit from the main hall likely, but floats from the vault of heaven endless high place likely. 圣皇的声音空旷、高远,又透着无穷的威严和尊贵,不像是从大殿上传来的,而像是从苍穹无尽的高处飘来。
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