HE :: Volume #8

#753: First battle! ( 3 )

Chapter 753 第753章 Calls the Qinghai soldier! A round solution match!” “召集青海兵!一轮解决对手!” In the Dayan Xiboye eye the anger is torrential, Death of more than 8000 U-Tsang recruit soldiers, has detonated the anger in his heart thoroughly. Can be so dissolute on U-Tsang Plateau without the soldiers of any other nationalities, especially Tang People focusing on infantry. 达延悉勃野眼中怒火滔滔,8000多乌斯藏新兵战士的死亡,彻底引爆了他心中的愤怒。没有任何其他民族的士兵能够在乌斯藏高原上如此放肆,特别是以步兵为主的唐人 Who no matter these are, if they think that defeats these recruits to bluff and bluster, rides roughshod on this piece of Plateau, that was completely mistaken. 不管这些是什么人,如果他们以为击败这些新兵就能够耀武扬威,在这片高原上横行无忌,那就大错特错了。 He will certainly make them know, anything is called on Plateau the true control! 他一定会让他们知道,什么叫做高原上真正的主宰! hōng lōng lōng, along with the order of Dayan Xiboye, remaining close about 20,000 people U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry, had the change instantaneously. All recruits have met anything probably, makes way toward the both sides rapidly. 轰隆隆,随着达延悉勃野的命令,剩下接近20000人左右的乌斯藏铁骑,瞬间发生了变化。所有的新兵好像遇到了什么,迅速向着两侧让开。 But in their rear areas, the mist and dust is billowing, a huge aura as if storm generally rapid advance. But in the wink of an eye, more than a 7000 people of army, tall and strong, bulging muscles, speeds away. 而就在他们的后方,烟尘滚滚,一股庞大的气息仿佛风暴一般急速前进。只不过瞬息之间,一支7000多人的军队,魁梧健硕,肌肉贲起,疾驰而来。 Different with other U-Tsang Cavalry, the armor that Cavalry in all recruit Training Camp put on majority is the half-finished product, only then some armor, only then some soldiers will put on the regular army armor of complete set. 和其他的乌斯藏骑兵不同,所有新兵训练营中的骑兵大部分穿的铠甲都是半成品,或者只有部分铠甲,只有部分士兵才会穿上全套的正规军铠甲。 However on this army completely is the sincere dark-red armor, even is much more formidable than the regular armies by the quality, this treatment is other soldiers does not have. 但是这支军队身上全部都是及其厚重的暗红色铠甲,论品质甚至比正规军都要强大得多,这种待遇是其他士兵所没有的。 However what is most special is their forehead, center all soldier foreheads, the position of close forehead, has a white mark of thumb size. 不过最特殊的还是他们额头,所有的士兵额头正中,接近眉心的位置,都有一个拇指大小的白色印记。 Soldier killing qi of 7000 dark-red armor is steaming, speeds away toward the Dayan Xiboye position. 7000暗红色铠甲的士兵杀气腾腾,朝着达延悉勃野的位置疾驰而来。 Qinghai!” “青海!” In the chest positions of these dark-red armor soldiers, with the U-Tsang article clear writes Qinghai two characters. 在这些暗红色铠甲士兵的胸口位置,用乌斯藏文清晰的写着“青海”两个字。 Qinghai soldier! 青海兵! This is the entire likely male recruit Training Camp most formidable strength, is military force(s) that the Dayan Mangbojie letter covets. 这就是整个象雄新兵训练营地最强大的力量,也是达延芒波杰来信觊觎的兵马 The Qinghai soldiers are different from White Valiant Soldier, is different from any other U-Tsang unit, they are not selective from U-Tsang four big Royal Faction, but is extremely high from the U-Tsang elevation, terrain special Qinghai instigates to come. 青海兵和白雄兵不一样,也和其他任何的乌斯藏兵种不一样,他们并不是从乌斯藏四大王系精挑细选的,而是从乌斯藏海拔极高,地形特殊的青海调拨而来的。 Qinghai is one of the U-Tsang Empire sharpest Cavalry sources, there soldier is powerful, the talent is extremely high, cultivation other martial arts and U-Tsang soldiers are entirely different, Speed wants on quickly many, achievement also on high many. 青海一直是乌斯藏帝国最精锐的骑兵来源地之一,那里的士兵实力强大,天赋极高,修炼武功和其他的乌斯藏士兵截然不同,速度要快上很多,成就也高上很多。 The soldiers in Qinghai are U-Tsang all elite Heavy Cavalry and origin of military commander own health/guard. 这些青海的士兵一直都是乌斯藏所有的精锐铁骑和武将亲卫的来源。 But „the Qinghai soldier is more special, they carefully selected from all Qinghai soldiers come out. Soldiers in Qinghai originally few, 7000 Qinghai soldiers are the limits. 而“青海兵”则更加特殊,他们是从所有的青海士兵中千挑万选出来的。青海的士兵本来就很少,7000青海兵已经是极限了。 This time, Dayan Xiboye emerges by oneself dozens years of recruit training experiences, was selected by Tibet King, becomes the training commanding generals of 7000 Qinghai soldiers. 这一次,达延悉勃野是凭借自己几十年的新兵训练经验才脱颖而出,被藏王挑中,成为7000青海兵的训练主将。 Dayan Xiboye also extremely cherishes to them, treats specially, although trains has not completed, however all mail-armor and helmets all one time arrives, should have the thing that to be equally many. 达延悉勃野对他们也是极其爱护,特殊对待,虽然训练还没有完成,但是所有的甲胄全都一次到位,该有的东西一样不少。 Maintained an army to use the army for an hour on the thousand th, now arrives at these 7000 Qinghai soldiers to apply. 养兵千日用兵一时,现在就到了这7000青海兵派上用场的时候了。 All people obey orders, along with me together, strikes to kill Tang People.” “所有人听令,随我一起,击杀唐人。” Bang, issues an order, Dayan Xiboye vertical leaps, rushed ahead to go toward Wang Chong and the others. 轰隆,一声令下,达延悉勃野率先纵跃而出,向着王冲等人冲杀而去。 But at the same time, another side, Wang Chong and the others advanced freely and quickly, sweeps away all obstacles, kills the rout to burst to lose U-Tsang People. U-Tsang People are building up unceasingly, tries to counter-attack Wang Chong and the others, but all revolts are the futile efforts, cuts Array facing Wang Chong's, surrounding U-Tsang People, does not have including the opportunity of building up, was attacked scattered about. 而与此同时,另一侧,王冲等人纵横驰骋,所向披靡,将乌斯藏人杀得大败溃输。一名名乌斯藏人不断的集结着,试图反击王冲等人,但所有的反抗都是徒劳,面对王冲的切割阵法,周围的乌斯藏人,连集结的机会都没有,就被冲击得七零八落。 Wushang Village was known as the Great Tang strongest manpower resources place, all Wushang Village person strengths are higher than the ordinary soldier, moreover most Wushang People has close Profound Martial Realm cultivation base, in addition Wushang Aura and Dusk Stallion Aura the strength of amplification, Wushang Cavalry completely has surmounted these U-Tsang Cavalry. 乌伤村本来就号称大唐最强的兵源地,所有的乌伤村人实力都远高于普通的士兵,而且绝大部分乌伤人都有接近玄武境修为,再加上乌伤光环乌骓光环的增幅之力,乌伤骑兵已经完全超越了这些乌斯藏骑兵 The U-Tsang regular soldiers cannot resist, say nothing was these also the recruit in training. 就连乌斯藏的正规兵都抵挡不住,更不用说是这些还在训练中的新兵了。 hōng lōng lōng, U-Tsang Cavalry unceasing dropping down one after another. Buzz, when Wang Chong's Wushang Heavy Cavalry slaughters, suddenly, a strange feeling wells up to be careful. 轰隆隆,一队又一队的乌斯藏骑兵不断的倒下。嗡,就在王冲的乌伤铁骑四下厮杀的时候,突然之间,一种奇异的感觉涌上心来。 The Wang Chong heart has a feeling, raised the head fiercely, sees only near the left hand, the mist and dust is billowing, rides the U-Tsang military commander of deep red warhorse to be extremely striking, in him behind, nobody expressing an opinion, tens of thousands, puts on U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry of dark-red armor, dense and numerous, blots out the sky and moves mountains, is uniting other boundlessly such as sea U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry in own direction, roaring, charge. 王冲心有所感,猛地抬起头来,只见左手边,烟尘滚滚,一名骑着枣红色战马的乌斯藏武将极其醒目,在他身后,万马齐喑,成千上万,穿着暗红色铠甲的乌斯藏铁骑,密密麻麻,铺天盖地、排山倒海般,联合着其他茫茫如海的乌斯藏铁骑向着自己的方向,咆哮着,冲锋而来。 In the unification puts on U-Tsang People of black armor, these dark red War Armor U-Tsang People look like out of the ordinary, is extremely striking. 在统一穿着黑色铠甲的乌斯藏人中,这些暗红战甲乌斯藏人看起来与众不同,极其醒目。 Qinghai soldier! 青海兵! The Wang Chong's vision flutters the white marks of these dark red military force(s) forehead, in the mind has flashed through together the thought fiercely. Different with White Valiant Soldier, Wang Chong has seen the Qinghai soldiers, not only their spheres of action Qixi, meanwhile has included Longxi, although is only the glance, but actually gave Wang Chong to make the extremely deep impression. 王冲的目光飘过这些暗红兵马眉心的白色印记,脑海中猛地闪过一道念头。和白雄兵不同,王冲是见过青海兵的,他们的活动范围不只是碛西,同时还包括了陇西,虽然只是惊鸿一瞥,但却给王冲留下了极深的印象。 Although is repeatedly tempered with later generation that after the Qinghai soldier of flames of war baptism compared with, present Qinghai soldiers, although has not gone to that formidable situation, but they have demonstrated that embryonic form. 虽然和后世那支千锤百炼,经过战火洗礼的青海兵相比,眼前的青海兵虽然还没有达到那种强大的地步,但他们已经显示出了那种雏形。 U-Tsang three big top unit, each can create the enormous destructive power, puts in the battlefield, can definitely control the final trend of war, with victory or defeat result. 乌斯藏三大顶尖兵种,每一支都可以造成极大的破坏力,放到战场上,完全可以左右战争的最终走向,和胜败结局。 Qinghai soldier sphere of action is too big, in the Great Tang end, this army once gave Great Tang to have the enormous destruction and impact. Now all come again, famous Wushang Heavy Cavalry reappears, but this Qinghai soldier has not actually reached the altitude of later generation. 青海兵活动范围太大,在大唐末期,这支军队曾经给大唐造成极大的破坏和冲击。如今一切重来,名闻天下的乌伤铁骑重新出现,而这支青海兵却还远没有达到后世的高度。 All come again, since has this opportunity at this time, Wang Chong absolutely will not let this Qinghai soldier, once more wreaking havoc world, for calamity Great Tang. 一切重来,既然此时有这个机会,王冲就绝对不会让这支青海兵,再次肆虐天下,为祸大唐 Ten thousand classes return to the birth family!” “万流归宗!” Slight hesitation, in seeing the Qinghai soldiers instant, Wang Chong issues an order, was divided into 50, each 100 people, as if the hinge generally spreads across, attacks U-Tsang People Wushang Heavy Cavalry crazily, gathers to come suddenly, one second, five thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry unexpectedly completed the army to assemble in the situation of high-speed charge once more. 没有丝毫的犹豫,就在看到青海兵的刹那,王冲一声令下,原本分成50股,每股100人,仿佛铰链一般纵横交错,疯狂攻击乌斯藏人乌伤铁骑,突然之间汇聚而来,前后连一秒都不到,五千乌伤铁骑居然就在高速冲锋的情况下完成了军队再次集结。 Kills!” “杀!” Charge!” “冲锋!” Time that the warhorse rumble, this both sides hit imagination is much quicker. Only listens to a shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth loud sound, two famous top Cavalry, are ordinary just like two Great Desolation Behemoth, layer on layer/heavily hits together. 战马隆隆,这次双方撞击的时间远比想象中的都要快得多。只听一声惊天动地的巨响,两支名闻天下的顶尖骑兵,宛如两头洪荒巨兽一般,重重地撞击在一起。 Bang! 轰! The steel thunders, in two big top Heavy Cavalry hits instant, no one has noted, is together huge, with any Aura entirely different great * white Halo of Thorns, suddenly jumps to shoot from the Wang Chong's under foot, and is similar to the hurricane prompt radiation entire battlefield. 钢铁轰鸣,就在两大顶尖铁骑撞击的刹那,谁也没有注意到,一道庞大的,和任何光环都截然不同的巨*白色荆棘光环,突然从王冲的脚下迸射而出,并且如同飓风般迅速辐射整个战场。 But these time before different, this formidable cream Halo of Thorns does not attach to the person on one's own side on, but in addition held on opposite U-Tsang People. 只不过这一次和以前不同,这道强大的乳白色荆棘光环并不是附加到自己人身上,而是加持到了对面的乌斯藏人身上。 Buzz, the ray flashes, under feet of U-Tsang Cavalry were suddenly many immediately cream halos of shakes. Tens of thousands of U-Tsang Cavalry, presented the cream halos of tens of thousands of say/way immediately. Under these cream halo functions, all U-Tsang People, rapidly drop several Level including 7000 Qinghai soldier strengths. 嗡,光芒一闪,瞬息间,一名名乌斯藏骑兵的脚下顿时多了一道道震荡的乳白色光晕。成千上万名乌斯藏骑兵,顿时就出现了成千上万道的乳白色光晕。在这些乳白色的光晕作用下,所有的乌斯藏人,包括7000青海兵实力迅速下降数个级别 „It is not good!” “不好!” Sees this, Dayan Xiboye is surprised, firm and resolute such as the Qinghai soldier of mountain is also the look sudden change, lost calmness and calm originally instantaneously. 看到这一幕,达延悉勃野大吃一惊,原本坚毅如山的青海兵也是神色骤变,瞬间失去了原本的镇定和从容。 A stone arouses thousand overlapping waves, xī yù yù, along with intermittent intense horse's neigh, in huge shocking and stunned, in 7000 Qinghai soldiers has a cotton wool to be chaotic immediately, some Qinghai soldiers felt change, steep has postponed Speed, however rear Heavy Cavalry is still maintaining extremely high Speed, one slow one quick. 一石激起千层浪,希聿聿,随着一阵阵激烈的马嘶,在巨大的震惊和错愕下,7000青海兵中顿时发生一丝絮乱,一些青海兵感觉到身上的变化,陡的放缓了速度,然而后方的铁骑依然保持着极高的速度,一缓一快。 xī yù yù, only listens to an intermittent intense horse's neigh sound, the hundreds of Qinghai soldiers hit violently in one, under the huge effect of inertia, was calling out pitifully, threw from the warhorse, fell into under the war horse's hoof of fierce charge, was trod to leap from the body by the warhorses of tens of thousands of charge rapidly. 希聿聿,只听一阵阵激烈的马嘶声中,数以百计的青海兵猛烈的撞击在了一起,在巨大的惯性作用下,一个个纷纷惨叫着,从战马上抛落下来,落入了凶猛冲锋的战马蹄下,被成千上万急速冲锋的战马从身上踏跃而过。 However these also start merely, with a shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth war cry, Wushang Heavy Cavalry assembles once more, they immovability, invade like the fire, just like has crashed in the camps of 7000 Qinghai soldiers like lightning fiercely. 然而这些仅仅还只是开始,随着一阵惊天动地的喊杀声,乌伤铁骑再次集结成阵,他们不动如山,侵略如火,犹如闪电般猛地冲进了7000青海兵的阵营中。 hōng lōng lōng!” 轰隆隆!” The slight flower is not skillful, does not have slight making concessions, xī yù yù, Wushang Heavy Cavalry and a Qinghai soldier hit fierce in together, the meat and physical body hit, the sound that makes are more resounding than the avalanche of mountain range. Bang, only listens to a loud sound, that dark red War Armor Qinghai soldier was thrown directly void. 没有丝毫的花巧,也没有丝毫的退让,希聿聿,一名乌伤铁骑和一名青海兵凶猛的撞击在一起,肉与肉体相撞击,发出的声音却比山峦的崩塌还要响亮。砰,只听一声巨响,那名暗红战甲的青海兵直接被抛到了虚空。 If the original Qinghai soldiers can also with a Wang Chong's Wushang Heavy Cavalry war, in Bane of the Soldiers under the function of Aura, all Qinghai soldier strengths reduce greatly, drops several Level, has not definitely been able to contend with Wushang Heavy Cavalry. 如果说原来的青海兵还可以和王冲的乌伤铁骑一战的话,那么在“万卒之敌光环的作用下,所有的青海兵实力大减,跌落数个级别,已经完全无法与乌伤铁骑相抗衡。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! But innumerable Wushang Heavy Cavalry charges, crowded such as the impact noise of rain, the bellow, the horse's neigh sound, the miserable howling sound, interweaves the same place, resounds. During this piece of confrontation, the Qinghai soldier of famous world, will be split up in the future instantaneously, another big strong Highland Barley Horse miserable number is dropping down, 7000 Qinghai soldiers are utterly routed, a confusion. 无数的乌伤铁骑冲锋而至,密集如雨的撞击声,轰鸣声,马嘶声,惨嚎声,交织成一起,响成一片。在这片交锋之中,未来驰名天下的青海兵,瞬间四分五裂,一头又一头高大健硕的青稞马惨号着纷纷倒下,7000青海兵溃不成军,一片混乱。 Bastard!” “混蛋!” At this moment, is most surprised, angriest was Dayan Xiboye. The Qinghai soldiers are the entire likely male recruit Training Camp places, including entire sect Ka, strength strongest unit, will be the future U-Tsang most formidable military strength. 此时此刻,最吃惊,最愤怒的莫过于达延悉勃野了。青海兵是整个象雄新兵训练营地,包括整个宗喀,实力最强的兵种,也是未来乌斯藏最强大的兵力。 Their strengths are far in excess of other people. 他们的实力远远超越其他人。 He has not thought, unexpectedly could not resist them including the Qinghai soldiers. When, the Great Tang ordinary army so is unexpectedly fierce. 他怎么也没有想到,居然连青海兵都抵挡不住了他们。什么时候,大唐普普通通一支军队居然有这么厉害。 „Who are you?” “你们到底是什么人?” Roars shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth, Dayan Xiboye One with the Horse, in the hand the long blade raises, is instantaneously most abundant toward the Wushang Heavy Cavalry point, the swiftest and fiercest place cuts. Bang, burns brightly, the transparent air wave erupts suddenly from Dayan Xiboye. 一声怒吼惊天动地,达延悉勃野人马合一,手中长刀一扬,瞬间朝着乌伤铁骑锋芒最盛,最凌厉的地方斩去。轰隆,一股灼亮的,透明的气浪猛然从达延悉勃野身上爆发出来。 Wild air wave rapid expansion, the range of radiation number hundred zhang (333 m). 狂暴的气浪迅速的扩展,幅射数百丈的范围。 xī yù yù!” 希聿聿!” „!” “啊!” The horse's neigh sound, the pitiful yell sound, resounds. In the range of hundred zhang (333 m), sod blows, Wushang Heavy Cavalry as if kites with broken string generally shake more than ten zhang (3.33 m) high, toward shakes to fly away in all directions, hōng lōng lōng numerous crash on the ground. 马嘶声,惨叫声,响成一片。在百丈的范围内,草皮刮起,一名名乌伤铁骑仿佛断线风筝一般震起十余丈高,向着四面八方震飞开去,轰隆隆重重的坠落在地上。 wēng! 嗡! In the Great Army clump, the Wang Chong complexion changes, felt that this air wave, the fierce accent is excessive. Penetrated the numerous battlefields, Wang Chong had seen facial features were resolute, vision bone-chilling cold, the tall of stature and strong U-Tsang military commander, was riding a deep red warhorse, as if invincible hell Devil God spanned in the Great Army front. 大军丛中,王冲脸色微变,感觉到这股气浪,猛的调过头来。穿透过重重的战场,王冲一眼就看到了一名面容刚毅,目光凛冽,身躯高大、健硕的乌斯藏武将,骑着一匹枣红色的战马,仿佛一尊不可战胜的地狱魔神般横亘在大军的前方。
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