HE :: Volume #25

#2426: Person sovereign Wang Chong!

But as imperial capital center Imperial Palace , conducted some reconstruction and extensions, becomes even more grand, fused various clan Imperial Palace some characteristics, but the place of most core retained as before. 而作为帝都中心的皇宫,也进行了部分重建和扩建,变得越发壮丽,同时也融合了各族皇宫的一些特色,不过最核心的地方依旧保留了下来。 In Hall of Supreme Harmony. 太和殿中。 My sovereign long live!” “吾皇万岁万岁万万岁!” After the whip cracked in the air to warn the crowd to keep silent during imperial processions three make a sound, various state various government offices, including overseas Promised Land, as well as Turkic, Mengshe Polity various clan officials, enormous and powerful, enters in the main hall in abundance, mountainous cry to long live. 静鞭三响之后,各州各府,包括海外应许之地,以及突厥蒙舍诏等各族官员,浩浩荡荡,纷纷进入大殿中,山呼万岁。 When the entire world realizes universal, east from the Goguryeo peninsula, west to Red Sea and Baghdad area, north from the North Pole edge, south to Promised Land, even a farther region, so numerous population, are not the original official system can govern. 当整个人类世界实现大一统,东起高句丽半岛,西至红海、巴格达一带,北起北极边缘,南至应许之地,甚至更远的区域,如此众多的人口,根本不是原来的官员体系能治理的。 The present royal courtier no longer is civil and military hundred officers, but should be called civil and military thousand officers. 现在的朝臣已经不再是“文武百官”了,而应该称为“文武千官”。 Bang!” “轰!” When the dense and numerous, enormous and powerful officials kneel to bend down on the ground, that scene shocks extremely, but in the above that thousand officers worship on bended knees, on that gigantic dragon chair, the dignified form stands and waits for a long time together, the new sovereign of precisely entire human , after is the war, where the popular will inclines first-generation person sovereign, Wang Chong. 当密密麻麻,浩浩荡荡的官员跪伏在地上,那场景极为震撼,而就在千官跪拜的上方,那张硕大的龙椅上,一道威严的身影伫立,正是整个人类的新皇,也是大战之后,民心所向的第一代人皇,王冲 No matter Caliphate, Goguryeo, U-Tsang, Caliphate and Sassanid, are the people of other clans, regarding supporting and respect that this unprecedented person sovereign is from the heart. 不管大食高句丽乌斯藏大食萨珊,还是其他族的人,对于这位史无前例的人皇都发自内心的拥戴和尊敬。 If not Wang Chong, the entire world has perished, he is the benefactors and liberators of various clans, moreover under the Wang Chong governance, all clans is all equal, this is unprecedented, only has the big fusion time in legend. 如果不是王冲,整个人类世界早已灭亡,他是各族的恩人和救星,而且在王冲治理下,所有各族一律平等,这是前所未有,只存在于传说中的大融合时代。 In the main hall, a Wang Chong imperial robe, looked at your highness dense and numerous officials, in the eye was moving slightly. 大殿上,王冲一身龙袍,望着殿下密密麻麻的官员,眼中微微动了一下。 For several years passes, Wang Chong is still young, but before , compared very sweeping change. On the lip gathered the beard, became even more calm heavy/thick , revealed air/Qi of unprecedented rich emperor imperceptibly. 数年过去,王冲依然年轻,只是和之前相比有了很大变化。嘴唇上蓄起了胡须,变得越发沉稳厚重,举手投足间,无形中流露出一股前所未有的浓郁帝王之气。 If Sage Emperor, Great Emperor Han Wu, Qin Shi Huang and others are Great Tang opens up territory pioneer/monarch earth the king is an eternity emperor, then present Wang Chong has gone beyond this category obviously, is called in history the greatest emperor is not overrated. 如果说圣皇汉武大帝、秦始皇等为大唐开疆辟土的君王是千古一帝,那么如今的王冲显然早已超越这个范畴,称为史上最伟大的帝王也不为过。 Sirs have the matter to get up to play, the safe/without matter draws back toward!” “众卿有事起奏,无事退朝!” The one of the Wang Chong's vision from the civil and military feudal officials plunders, that loud and clear dignified sound resounds through the main hall. 王冲的目光从文武众臣身上一掠而过,那洪亮威严的声音响彻大殿。 Your majesty, humble official plays!” “陛下,微臣有奏!” ...... …… Royal courtiers leave ranks in abundance, started one day morning toward. 一个个朝臣纷纷出列,又开始了一日的早朝。 Long time, toward will finish, all officials all leave, Wang Chong stands up from the dragon chair finally. 良久,朝会结束,所有官员全部离开,王冲终于从龙椅上站起身。 Prepared?” “准备好了吗?” Wang Chong Hong Shengdao. 王冲洪声道。 Returns to your majesty, has prepared appropriately!” “回陛下,已经准备妥当!” In this time main hall the nobody left, only has Xu Keyi, Old Eagle, Zhang Que, Xue Qianjun wait/etc. to do the Wang Chong's former subordinate, everyone look is excited, stands in the main hall, had known anything faintly. 此时的大殿中空无一人,只剩下许科仪老鹰张雀薛千军等一干王冲的老部下,所有人神色激动,站立在大殿中,隐隐已经知道了什么。 Un.” “嗯。” Wang Chong long inspires, nods. 王冲长吸了一口气,点了点头。 The present world, realized the innumerable worthy people of former times to take place of the fallen the long-cherished wish that truly wanted to realize, the virtuous feudal official will be good countless, the outstanding talent there are numerous similar cases, although Empire was big, but there are these people full power to promote, did not have too many place that needed Wang Chong to worry about. 现在的人类世界,真正实现了无数先贤前仆后继想要实现的夙愿,贤臣良将不计其数,杰出的人才更是不知凡几,帝国虽大,但有这些人全力推动,也没有太多需要王冲去操心的地方。 But regarding Wang Chong, seven years, he finally the time that waited for most to anticipate. 而对于王冲来说,七年了,他终于等来了最期待的时刻。 Bang!” “轰!” the next moment, in Old Eagle, Zhang Que and the others in the vision, Wang Chong sudden stretches out, grasps to void, at the same time, the Wang Chong's forehead, a gigantic crystal is clear, bursts out to flaming the bright ray, precisely Stone of Destiny. 下一刻,就在老鹰张雀等人的目光中,王冲突然一手伸出,抓向虚空,同一时间,王冲的眉心,一个硕大的晶体晶莹璀璨,迸发出炽亮的光芒,正是命运之石 Stone of Destiny, opens the space.” 命运之石,打开空间。” Not slightly hesitant, Wang Chong communicated Stone of Destiny in forehead rapidly. 没有丝毫犹豫,王冲迅速沟通了眉心中的命运之石 the next moment, the ray changes, in Stone of Destiny, in a secret space, carefully looks, together light group float in void, but each light group appears together phantom faintly, and sends out a life body unique soul fluctuation. 下一刻,光芒变化,就在命运之石内部,一个隐秘的空间中,仔细看去,一道道光团悬浮于虚空,而每一道光团都隐隐显出一道虚影,并且散发出一股生命体特有的灵魂波动。 The sensation that familiar aura, in the Wang Chong heart is also excited at this time. 感知着那一道道熟悉的气息,王冲心中此时也不由激动起来。 Master, Village Chief, Old Su senior, too one, too......” “师父,村长,苏老前辈,太一,太洛……” Wang Chong muttered, 11 distinguished these aura. 王冲喃喃自语,一一辨别出了那些气息。 Seven years! 七年了! Seven years ago that shocking war, countless people sacrificed, master Evil Emperor old man, Wushang Village Chief, Su Zhengchen and Li Xuantu, too one, too, Li Siye......, to save oneself, everyone died in the day hand, this was in the Wang Chong heart forever pain, when Wang Chong fused Stone of Destiny, successfully achieved Divine Mar­tial Realm , had an opportunity eventually. 七年前的那场惊世大战,无数人牺牲了,师父邪帝老人乌伤村长苏正臣、李玄图、太一、太洛、李嗣业……,为了救自己,所有人都死在了天的手中,这是王冲心中永远的痛,不过当王冲融合命运之石,成功达到神武境,终究是获得了一线机会。 No matter Evil Emperor old man or Wushang Village Chief and the others, are world topest Powerhouse, the soul is extremely powerful, although the body die, but the lucky soul has not dissipated completely, by the Stone of Destiny strong ability, the Wang Chong success collected their remnant soul, and put in Stone of Destiny completely, with the aid of Stone of Destiny huge strength warm support, a Wang Chong point called the roll of officers and assign them tasks they to pull back from the Death edge finally. 不管是邪帝老人还是乌伤村长等人,都是世间最顶尖的强者,灵魂极其强大,他们虽然身死,但万幸灵魂还没有完全消散,凭借命运之石强大的能力,王冲成功搜集到了他们的残魂,并且全部放入命运之石中,借助命运之石庞大的力量温养,王冲终于一点点将他们从死亡边缘拉了回来。 So long as the soul does not extinguish, they still have the fresh hope. 只要灵魂不灭,他们就依然拥有生的希望。 Like soul patching and restoration ability that Tai Su grasps, Stone of Destiny of perfect condition also has this ability. 就像太素掌握的灵魂修补和再造能力一样,完美状态的命运之石也同样具备这种能力。 Just, the life and death exceeds the god demon after all Domain, is the forbidden area of life, even collected their soul, Wang Chong still needs to wait on for seven years. 只不过,生死毕竟超越神魔的领域,是生命的禁区,就算收集到了他们的灵魂,王冲也需要等上七年。 wēng! 嗡! The Wang Chong intention moves, huge high-grade universe energies, including spiritual energy, turbulent boundless, floods into these light/only group rapidly, at the same time, in the Wang Chong's mind, massive Destiny Energy Points consume rapidly. 王冲心念一动,一股股庞大的高等级宇宙能量,包括精神能量,汹涌磅礴,迅速涌入那些光团中,同一时间,王冲的脑海中,大量的命运能量点急速消耗。 Finally, that light group rapid congealing reality, turns into the Wang Chong familiar forms. 终于,那一个个光团迅速凝实,变成一个个王冲熟悉的身影。 Bang!” “轰!” The ray flashes, in the main hall, the huge energy rapid fluctuation, the next moment, the form appears in the main hall one after another rapidly, Evil Emperor old man, Wushang Village Chief, Su Zhengchen and Li Xuantu, too one, too, Li Siye......, the people by the empty reality, reveal rapidly from the main hall. 光芒一闪,大殿内,庞大的能量急剧波动,下一刻,一道又一道身影迅速出现在大殿中,邪帝老人乌伤村长苏正臣、李玄图、太一、太洛、李嗣业……,众人由虚化实,迅速从大殿中显露出来。 But in the main hall, Wang Chong has prepared the clothes for everyone. 而大殿里,王冲早就为所有人准备好了衣服。 When the entire process ended, in the main hall, Evil Emperor old man and the others seemed to be awakening from a dream, opens eyes, most starts, the people are bewildered, but is quick, all memories swamp into the mind in abundance. 当整个过程结束,大殿里,邪帝老人等人如梦初醒,纷纷睁开眼来,最开始,众人都是一脸茫然,但是很快,所有记忆纷纷涌入脑海。 Chong'er!” 冲儿!” the next moment, the people noticed that in the main hall wears Wang Chong of imperial robe. 下一刻,众人就看到大殿上身着龙袍的王冲 Master, senior.” “师父,前辈。” The Wang Chong look is excited , the stride moves forward to meet somebody. Seven years, he saved the people finally. 王冲神色激动,也大步迎了上去。七年的时间,他终于将众人救了回来。 „Did Chong'er, what exactly have?” 冲儿,到底发生了什么?” Evil Emperor old man first opens the mouth saying that the look confuses, present with them remembers obviously has very big difference. 邪帝老人首先开口道,神色迷惑不已,眼前的一幕和他们记忆中的明显有很大差异。 Wang Chong smiles, then all cause and effect, the change 11 with these seven years entire world narrated to the people. 王冲只是一笑,便将所有前因后果,和这七年整个人类世界的变化一一向众人叙说。 A moment later, Evil Emperor old man and the others bring shock, left quickly. 片刻之后,邪帝老人等人带着震撼,很快离开了。 Seven years, they had too many things to need to consume, moreover just regained consciousness, the soul was not quite stable, needed well the training. 七年时间,他们有太多东西需要去消耗了,而且刚刚苏醒,灵魂不太稳定,也需要好好修养。 When the people leave, in the main hall is peaceful, Old Eagle, Zhang Que and the others also left. 等到众人离开,大殿内再次安静下来,就连老鹰张雀等人也离开了。 Four no one, is looking at the empty main hall, sighed lightly, on the Wang Chong's face revealed a sadness finally. 四下无人,望着空荡荡的大殿,一声轻叹,王冲的脸上终于露出一丝悲伤。 In all the people of resurrecting, and does not include Li Heng. 在所有复活的人中,并不包括李亨 The war ended, Wang Chong tried all means that including the use soul fire, wants to collect his soul, but failed completely. 大战结束,王冲尝试了所有办法,包括使用魂火,想要收集他的灵魂,但全部都失败了。 At that time, Wang Chong knows, Li Heng did not come back again. 那个时候,王冲就知道,李亨再也回不来了。 Evil Emperor old man and the others were died in battle, but Li Heng was different, he changed into Dragon Qi all soul essence, integrated own within the body, the tiny bit remnant soul has not stayed behind. 邪帝老人等人是战死的,但李亨不同,他将所有灵魂精气都化为龙气,融入到自己体内,没有一丝一毫的残魂留下。 He is the true dissipation in the world, even Stone of Destiny still has no means. 他是真正消散在天地之间,就算是命运之石也没有任何办法。 Wang Chong, when you see this letter/believes, I already not. Long ago, I from have actually become child senior there to know broadly the Divine Mar­tial Realm secret is Dragon Qi, moreover must be emperor Dragon Qi. However I know, if I turn over the throne to another to you, you will be will not accept absolutely. Therefore forgives me not to tell you beforehand, has not told anybody.” 王冲,当你看到这封信的时候,我已经不在了。很久之前,我其实已经从广成子前辈那里知道了神武境的秘密是龙气,而且必须是天子龙气。但是我知道,如果我禅让给你,你是绝对不会接受的。所以原谅我事先没有告诉你,也没有告诉任何人。” You do not need to feel sad for me, I am Central Plains Emperor, should protect own people in own way, this is also my choice.” “你不必为我感到悲伤,我是中土皇帝,理应以自己的方式守护自己的子民,这也是我的选择。” Moreover, has your such brothers friend, the Li Heng life not regrets!” “另外,有你这样的兄弟朋友,李亨此生无憾!” ...... …… Wang Chong looks that letter/believes that in the sleeve takes out, is looking above the familiar writing, in the heart intermittent sad. 王冲看着袖中取出的那封信,望着上面熟悉的文字,心中阵阵悲伤。 Li Heng, has your such friend, is my true being honored!” 李亨,有你这样的朋友,才是我真正的荣幸!” Spoke these words, Wang Chong serious folds the letter paper, received the bosom the personal collection, then goes out of the main hall. 说完这句话,王冲郑重的将信纸折好,收入怀中贴身收藏,然后才走出大殿。 Pendulum harnesses Chaofeng Gong!” “摆驾朝凤宫!” ...... …… Opens the front door, Wang Chong steps into Chaofeng Gong quickly, across the numerous palace valances, sees only the familiar beautiful figure to wear the phoenix coronet robe together, the appearance is peerless, stands smartly there, over the face tender feelings. 推开大门,王冲很快踏入朝凤宫中,穿过重重宫帷,只见一道熟悉的倩影身着凤冠凤袍,容颜绝世,俏立在那里,满面柔情。 Qiqin, waited for a long time.” 绮琴,久等了。” The Wang Chong corners of the mouth show a smile, moves forward to meet somebody quickly. 王冲嘴角露出一丝笑容,快步迎了上去。 【The book ends 【全书完】
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