HE :: Volume #23

#2265: Powerhouse completely leaves, sword north-seeking pole- cultivates

Entire Serene Continent can escape by luck in the big cold wave, depended is that giant nameless Great Array. 整个幽洲之所以能在大寒潮中幸免,靠的就是那巨型的无名大阵 If Wang Chong remove Great Array, that various countries only have the dead end when the time comes, is too late to regret. 如果王冲撤掉大阵,那到时候诸国就只有死路一条,悔之晚矣。 Relax!” “放心!” Wang Chong patted the shoulder of Zhangchou Jianqiong, is smiling the comfort saying: 王冲拍了拍章仇兼琼的肩膀,笑着安慰道: Has me, will not go wrong. We go to a North Pole, is not does not return, he rebels must consider after I come back consequence!” “有我在,不会出什么乱子。我们只是去一趟北极,不是不回,他反叛就必须考虑到我回来之后的后果!” Moreover various countries in the future are the Great Tang officials, anything has a beginning, later also on be used.” “而且诸国日后都将为大唐的臣子,任何事情都有一个开端,以后也就习惯了。” Regarding the Zhangchou Jianqiong thoughts, Wang Chong is not accidental/surprised, in fact, this not only perhaps an idea of Zhangchou Jianqiong person, is also representing Zhang Shougui, Wang Zhongsi and the others to a certain extent the anxiety in heart. 对于章仇兼琼的心思,王冲倒一点都不意外,事实上,这恐怕不只是章仇兼琼一个人的想法,某种程度上也代表着张守珪王忠嗣等人心中的忧虑。 The people worry the Wang Chong's idea after all, and finally, was chosen by Zhangchou Jianqiong explains this point. 只是众人毕竟顾虑王冲的想法而已,到了最后,选择由章仇兼琼出面说明这一点。 The war of entire land world continued for a long time, this is not which dynasty which generation started, but from ancient to present several thousand years were so. 整个陆地世界的战争持续得太久了,这不是哪一朝哪一代开始的,而是从古至今的数千年都是如此。 Such remote hatred, is not the one day and one night, a war can change. 这么久远的仇恨,不是一朝一夕,一场战争就能改变的。 What in the Zhangchou Jianqiong surface said is North Pole and Serene Province matter, in fact between various countries for several thousand years the chaos caused by war is actually unceasing, not trust and suspicion of long-time gratitude and grudges. 章仇兼琼表面上说的是北极和幽州的事情,实际上其实还是诸国间数千年来战乱不断,长久恩怨的不信任和怀疑。 Moreover now says is also a good deed. 而且现在说出来也是一件好事。 But Wang Chong will not change own decision, fuses for various countries mutually, this is the general trend. 可是王冲并不会改变自己的决定,为了诸国互相融合,这是大势所趋。 In front of the giant crisis, all gratitude and grudges must put down. 在巨大的危机面前,所有恩怨都必须放下。 Moreover in true experience to the methods of these people, and felt after giant crisis, Wang Chong believes that various countries should understand how they should do. 而且在真正见识到那些人的手段,并且感觉到巨大的危机之后,王冲相信诸国应该明白他们该怎么做。 Except for Great Tang, does not have any influence can help them, said like the finger of God elder, really has that situation, then the civilizations of various country's like the bubble, will vanish in the history of human thoroughly, is the same like the civilization that the past these vanished. 除了大唐,没有任何势力能够帮助得了他们,就像神工长老所说,真的出现那种情况,那么诸国的文明就会像泡沫一样,彻底消失在人类的历史中,如同过去那些消失的文明一样。 Comforts Zhangchou Jianqiong, Wang Chong leaves quickly. 安抚住章仇兼琼,王冲很快离开。 ...... …… The time like the shuttle , several days passes by suddenly. 时间如梭,眨眼之间,数天过去。 North Serene Province, the cold wind call letter, the wind and snow are misty. 幽州北部,寒风呼号,风雪漠漠。 The Wang Chong's main bodies and three big Divine Embryo clone, Zhangchou Jianqiong, Wang Zhongsi, Zhang Shougui, Bakrham, Yeon Gaesomun, Usumish Khan and iron agreement to execute strength and Khitan king and Queen Xi, various country Sect Powerhouse gathers completely. 王冲的本体以及三大神胎分身、章仇兼琼王忠嗣张守珪巴赫拉姆渊盖苏文乌苏米施可汗、铁契毙勒力、契丹王、奚女王,还有诸国宗派强者全部聚集在一起。 Entire land world most Top Level Powerhouse, almost performs the collection in this, this is an unprecedented vast action. 整个陆地世界大半的顶级强者,几乎尽集于此,这是一次前所未有的浩大行动。 The people looked at one mutually, finally vision completely centralized to Wang Chong on. 众人互相看了一眼,最后目光全部都集中到了王冲身上。 Wang Chong has not spoken, but looked back on and looked at rear entire Serene Province, the military force(s) of close house, a military tent and various country's, took back the vision quickly. 王冲没有说话,只是回首又看了一眼后方整个幽州,鳞次栉比的房屋、一顶军用帐篷和诸国的兵马,很快收回了目光。 Starts!” “开始吧!” The Wang Chong sound falls, three big Divine Embryo appeared in him rapidly behind, extends a hand simultaneously according to his shoulder. 王冲声音一落,三大神胎迅速出现在他身后,同时伸出一只手按在了他的肩上。 wēng! 嗡! the next moment, the Wang Chong intention moves, bang, a silver white ray such as the water rapid jumps to shoot from his within the body generally, sweeps across the release, and is involved in which the people completely. 下一刻,王冲心念一动,轰的一声,一股银白的光芒如水一般迅速从他的体内迸射而出,席卷释放,并且将众人全部卷入其中。 The ray flashes, Wang Chong leads the people to change into together the flowing light, immediately flies to escape to go toward North Pole. 光芒一闪,王冲带领着众人化为一道流光,立即朝着北极飞遁而去。 The cold wind howls, the billowing cold air comes, has the defense cover protection except for Serene Province, before other places and compares, the weather was even more cold. 寒风呼啸,滚滚的寒气汹涌而来,除了幽州有保护罩保护,其他地方和之前相比,天气越发寒冷了。 However for all this, actually and has no sensation regarding the people, all wind and snow and cold air were resisted by third Divine Embryo remarkable ability completely outside. 不过尽管如此,对于众人来说却并没有任何感知,所有的风雪和寒气全部都被第三神胎神通抵挡在外。 The time press, the Serene Province grain is consuming every day, leaves the time of people is not many. 时间紧迫,幽州的粮食每一天都在消耗,留给众人的时间不多了。 Wang Chong's Speed is extremely quick, suddenly is nearly hundred li (0.5 km) distance. 王冲的速度极快,眨眼之间就是近百里的距离。 However the time of moment, the people then arrived ** fainting prairie, but again in the future several hundred li (0.5 km), then yes ** faints to be used to herd Chita of cattle. 不过片刻的时间,众人便抵达了**厥大草原,而再往后数百里,便是**厥用来放牧牛羊的赤塔。 Is looking at outside the light cover by snow and ice freeze Chita, Usumish Khan and iron agreement executes in the eye of strength to reveal moved. 望着光罩外被冰雪封冻的赤塔,乌苏米施可汗和铁契毙勒力的眼中都流露出了一丝伤感。 Not long, here water plant is lush, million cattle such as cloud Ruhai, here free running quickly. But following the rivers of not far away, herdsmen snort/hum song, a piece auspicious peaceful. 曾几何时,这里水草肥美,数以百万头的牛羊如云如海,在这里自由自在的奔驰。而顺着不远处的河流,牧民们哼着歌,一片祥和安宁。 Regarding ** faints Khaganate, here is their land of plenty, is the places of their civilized origin. 对于**厥汗国来说,这里就是他们的“鱼米之乡”,是他们文明的发源之地。 It can be said that ** faints powerful and here cannot withdraw the relations. 可以说,**厥的强盛和这里脱不开关系。 However now, looking into the distance, the seeing institute, except for blowing up hill and everywhere snows, and in the wind and snow some broken ancient towers, with the delapidated tent but actually, other anything cannot look. 但是现在,放眼望去,入目所及,除了一座座鼓起的山包和漫天的积雪,以及风雪中一些残破的古塔,和颓倒的营帐,其他什么也看不出来。 As for that regarding the people, fed the innumerable cattle, the most precious rivers, have vanished under the thick snow and ice, even Usumish Khan somewhat is also hard to distinguish. 至于那条对于众人来说,喂养了无数的牛羊,最为弥足珍贵的河流,早已消失在厚厚的冰雪之下,甚至就连乌苏米施可汗也有些难以分辨出来。 The rivers vanished! 河流消失了! ** Chita that faints has no longer had long existed. **厥的赤塔早已不再存在。 Another side, Wang Chong also felt ** moved of fainting person, stood and waited for a long time in the light cover, Wang Chong looked following the Usumish Khan vision, saw the frozen world. 另一侧,王冲也感受到了**厥人的伤感,伫立在光罩中,王冲顺着乌苏米施可汗的目光看去,也看到了冰封的世界。 But flickers merely, Wang Chong took back the vision. 但仅仅只是一瞬,王冲就收回了目光。 If not find the way to solve this big cold wave, attacked far more than is ** faints, the situation in Chita will perhaps appear in other places quickly. 如果不想办法解决这场大寒潮,受到冲击的又何止是**厥,赤塔的情形恐怕很快就会出现在其他所有地方。 The whole world will turn into Chita!” 整个世界都会变成“赤塔!” Walks!” “走吧!” Wang Chong indifferently said. 王冲淡淡道 Across Chita, toward north, quick is Lake Baikal. 穿过赤塔,一路往北,很快便是贝加尔湖。 This world's largest fresh water lake has turned into the thick solid ice completely. 这个世界最大的淡水湖已经全部化成厚厚的坚冰。 Wang Chong investigated with Spiritual Strength, basically, the entire Lake Baikal has turned into one to be trillion tons giant iceberg. 王冲精神力探查了一下,基本上,整个贝加尔湖已经变成了一个重达亿万吨的巨大冰山。 This feeling is strange. 这种感觉非常怪异。 To a certain extent, this Berga lake also vanished thoroughly. 某种程度上,这座贝尔加湖也彻底消失了。 However Wang Chong notices is actually this, the cold wind howls incessantly, to here, the wind and snow was even more crowded, the temperature also markedly reduced. 不过王冲注意到的却不止是这个,寒风呼啸,到了这里,风雪越发密集,气温也明显降低了许多。 Wang Chong saw in the land, many clear ice corner. 王冲看到了大地上,许许多多晶莹的冰棱。 Wang Chong has not stayed here is too long, then continues to proceed to go quickly. 王冲在这里并没有停留太久,很快便继续往前而去。 Cold wind call letter, even more sad and shrill, cries loudly like the innumerable ghosts and gods, but in land white piece, has no distinguishable terrestrial reference again. 寒风呼号,越发的凄厉,就像无数的鬼神嚎哭,而大地上白茫茫一片,再没有任何可辨识的地标。 Looks from afar, the wind and snow wreak havoc, here, the naked eye has been not meaningful, resolution anything. If not Wang Chong has guided the people direction with Spiritual Strength, the people do not know where must toward walk. 远远望去,风雪肆虐,在这里,肉眼已经没有任何意义,也分辨不出任何东西。如果不是王冲一直用精神力引导众人方向,众人根本不知道要往哪里走。 In the face of this vast nature might, even powerful martial artist still appears tiny incomparable. 在这种浩翰的大自然威力面前,就算是强大的武者也显得渺小无比。 Your majesty, really made King of Foreign Territory say right. If this big cold wave has continued, the south also like here, no one can survive, all Empire will disintegrate.” “陛下,真的让异域王说对了。如果这场大寒潮一直持续,南方也会像这里一样,没有任何人可以存活,所有帝国都将土崩瓦解。” In the silver-white light cover, the iron agreement executes strength to turn the head toward Usumish Khan, said quietly. 银白色的光罩内,铁契毙勒力转头朝着乌苏米施可汗,悄声道。 Freely ** the fainting prairie and southern heavy snow are faded and fallen, the temperature is extremely low, even does not have the obstacles, without Serene Province protection against the cold Great Array, even the beast of burden including elite Heavy Cavalry, froze to death completely. 尽管**厥大草原以及南部大雪飘零,气温极低,甚至没有遮蔽物,没有幽州的御寒大阵,连牛马包括精锐的铁骑在内,全部都被冻毙。 However these places and people compared with the region, are not anything now. 但是那些地方和众人现在所处的地带相比,根本算不上什么。 Both are no comparison between them completely. 两者完全不可同日而语。 Sees here, places, will feel anything truly is the true despair! 看到这里,身处其中,才会真正感受到什么是真正的绝望! If from Serene Province set off time, the people and Wang Chong travel together, part of reasons are because various countries have submitted to Great Tang, has to for it words. 如果说从幽州出发的时候,众人和王冲一起同行,其中一部分原因是因为诸国已经臣服大唐,不得不为之的话。 Then the person noticed in the presence of everyone here side is cold, the idea in heart has changed unknowingly. 那么当众人看到这里的极寒,心中的想法早已不知不觉的变化。 If the cold wave continues, all that at present has will arrive to the southern all states, at that time will be the true civilized destruction, does not have any Empire can fortunately survive. 如果寒潮继续,眼前发生的一切就会降临到南方的所有国度,那时将是真正的文明毁灭,没有任何帝国可以幸存。 How can there be under the compound nest to end the egg! 覆巢之下焉有完卵! Now even if no Wang Chong's instruction and arranges, the people still felt that an urgency, in any event, found certainly the way to prevent this catastrophe. 现在就算没有王冲的吩咐和安排,众人也感觉到了一丝迫切,无论如何,一定想办法阻止这场浩劫。 In people heart heavy , to continue to proceed to go. 众人心中沉重,继续往前而去。 In the future ten in many days, except for the boundless white snow, anything cannot see, except for the cold wind and heavy snow, endless lonely and loneliness, Zhangchou Jianqiong, Usumish Khan, Yeon Gaesomun and the others were silent. 在往后的十多天里,除了茫茫的白雪,什么也看不到,除了寒风和大雪,就只有无尽的孤独和寂寞,就连章仇兼琼乌苏米施可汗渊盖苏文等人都沉默了许多。 In this world, the people were abandoned probably were the same, except for them again no one. 在这片世界里,众人就好像被遗弃了一样,除了他们再没有任何人。 Quick, the people finally arrived in the North Pole forest. 很快,众人终于抵达了北极森林。 Here temperature drops abruptly, even the air froze. 这里的气温骤降,连空气都冰冻了。 In the people thinks like this rapid march, until arriving in the North Pole end time, unexpected, Wang Chong actually stopped suddenly. 就在众人以为会这样一路急行军,直到抵达北极尽头的时候,出乎意料,王冲却突然停了下来。 King of Foreign Territory, this is-” 异域王,这是-” Usumish Khan and Yeon Gaesomun, turn head to look at Wang Chong including Xi Queen and the others in abundance, in the eye are being astonished completely. 乌苏米施可汗渊盖苏文,包括奚女王等人纷纷扭头望着王冲,眼中满是讶异。 Et al.!” “等人!” The Wang Chong look is solemn, brief and to the point say/way. 王冲神色冷峻,言简意赅道。 Et al.?” “等人?” People stunned, in this type of heavy snow frozen, is one deathly stillness world, what person Wang Chong must wait for? 众人一片错愕,在这种大雪冰封,一算是死寂的世界,王冲要等什么人? In the beginning, the people have not felt, but is quick, the people felt that a different place, in the sensation of people, several just like the storm powerful aura, suddenly appeared in the land of this length and breadth, and opposite party as if also discovered the people, rapid toward here. 开始的时候,众人还没有感觉出来,但是很快,众人就感觉到了一丝不一样的地方,就在众人的感知之中,数道宛如风暴般的强大的气息,突然出现在了这片广袤的大地之中,并且对方似乎也发现了众人,迅速的向着这里而来。 The atmosphere instantaneously becomes tight. 气氛瞬间变得紧张起来。 Powerhouse of various countries', can appear here, almost here. 所有诸国的强者,能出现在这里的,几乎都在这里。 Moreover, Wang Chong only said that is and the others, had not said that is the enemy is the friend! 而且,王冲只说是等人,却并没有说是敌是友! „Is don't tell me these Black-Clothed Man?” 难道是那些黑衣人吧?” Usumish Khan, Yeon Gaesomun and the others in heart one cold, almost remembered these Black-Clothed Man subconsciously. 乌苏米施可汗渊盖苏文等人心中一凛,几乎是下意识的想起了那些黑衣人 Compares others, these Black-Clothed Man may appear here, after all here is their domains. 相比起其他人,那些黑衣人倒更有可能出现在这里,毕竟这里本来就是他们的地盘。 Perhaps, Wang Chong is detected that their aura, stopped suddenly. 说不定,王冲就是察觉到了他们的气息,才突然停了下来。 In people surprised uncertain time, Wang Chong within the body Astral Qi thunders, that silver-white light cover coerces rapidly is flying to shoot to go toward that several powerful aura. 正在众人惊疑不定的时候,王冲体内罡气轰鸣,那银白色的光罩裹挟着迅速朝着那数道强大的气息飞射而去。 wēng! 嗡! But, the Wang Chong's silver white colored light covers one volume suddenly, coerced two forms instantaneously. 只不过眨眼之间,王冲的银白色光罩一卷,瞬间就将两道身影裹挟了进来。 Prepares for action!” “准备作战!” The iron agreement executes a strength face in short supply say/way. 铁契毙勒力一脸紧张道。 But Usumish Khan, Yeon Gaesomun and Khitan king, including Queen Xi, and Sect Expert of various countries, plays out completely, prepares take action. 乌苏米施可汗,渊盖苏文契丹王,包括奚女王,以及各国的宗派高手在内,全部剑拨弩张,准备出手 Two people who this comes, figure tall thin, especially is one person, the body wears a black robe, looks has the dignity extremely, has seven points of similar to these Black-Clothed Man. 这进来的两人,身形高瘦,特别是为首一人,身上穿着一身黑袍,看起来极有威严,和那些黑衣人倒有着七分相似。 Perhaps is these Black-Clothed Man! 说不定就是那些黑衣人 Master! Village Chief!” “师父!村长!” However at this time, the Wang Chong's sound spread to the people ear suddenly. 然而就在这个时候,王冲的声音突然传入众人耳中。
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