HE :: Volume #23

#2263: Worry of Zhangchou Jianqiong!

hē hē, if I told everyone, all cold waves came from North Pole, and some people in a curtain control, created, how does everyone think? every(one) is the fierce and ambitious, hero and monarchy entire land world, what the truth but actually bottom is, the impossible idea not to have?” 呵呵,如果我告诉大家,所有寒潮都是从北极而来,并且是有人在幕手一手操控,造成的,大家会怎么想?诸位都是整个陆地世界的枭雄、豪杰、君主,真相倒底是什么,不可能一点想法都没有吧?” Wang Chong sprinkles however says with a smile. 王冲洒然一笑道。 Lord King, this matter also guessed in the final analysis, and has the solid evidence . Moreover, if were the manpower said that such astonishing range, such big might , was extremely rather astonishing!” 王爷,这种事情说到底也只是猜测,并有没有确凿的证据,而且,如果说是人力所说,这么惊人的范围,这么大的威力,也未免太过惊人了!” The Yeon Gaesomun hesitation moment, said. 渊盖苏文沉吟片刻,道。 Begins with one's own hands to make the so terrifying cold wave, frozen lives in the entire land world, such matter perhaps only then the god demon can achieve. 一手创造出如此恐怖的寒潮,冰封住整个陆地世界,这样的事情恐怕只有神魔才能做得到。 „Is hē hē, not to mention, but hasn't every(one) that the manpower can achieve seen Taishi in Serene Province? Stayed with these people was so long, I do not believe that every(one) did have no discovery?” 呵呵,是不是人力可以做到的暂且不说,但是诸位幽州不是见过太始吗?和那些人呆了那么久,我不相信诸位没有任何发现?” Wang Chong said with a smile slightly. 王冲微微笑道。 This......” “这……” In a flash, in the hall, various country kings and military officers lower the head, in heart looking pensive. 一瞬间,大厅内,诸国君王和将领们纷纷低下头来,心中若有所思。 No one was the fool, the relations of An Lushan and Taishi and that mysterious influence is really intimate. 没有人是傻子,安禄山和太始以及那个神秘势力的关系实在是太亲近了。 Moreover the cold wave starts, Taishi great Great Array under the Serene Province arrange/cloth, is used to resist the cold, all these rather also too coincidence. 而且寒潮乍起,太始就在幽州布下巨大阵法,用来抵御风寒,这一切未免也太巧合了。 Must say in the people heart absolutely not to have the idea, is impossible. 要说众人心中完全没有想法,根本不可能。 However wants to turn over to think, eventually does not have any evidence. Moreover in that situation, does not have any country dares to revolt against Taishi at that time. 但是想归想,终究没有任何证据。而且在当时那种情况下,根本没有任何国家敢反抗太始。 This matter relates too in a big way, what even if we have to suspect, cannot take seriously after all, does not know that what evidence King of Foreign Territory can have?” “这件事情关系太大,就算我们有什么怀疑,也毕竟当不得真,不知道异域王可有什么证据?” Finally that beautiful Queen Xi stood, said the idea in people heart. 最后还是那位美艳的奚女王站了出来,说出了众人心中的想法。 This matter no small matter, and is closely linked with various countries, if later needs to use various country strengths, perhaps at this matter , needs some to be able the convincing evidence. 这件事情非同小可,且和诸国息息相关,如果以后需要动用到诸国力量的话,那么在这种事情上,恐怕还需要有一些能令人信服的证据。 If confirmed the Wang Chong's guess, then regarding people, is a huge impact. 而且如果证实了王冲的揣测,那对于众人来说,也是一个巨大的冲击。 Without a doubt, various countries were used. 毫无疑问,诸国都被人利用了。 hē hē, the evidence has certainly.” 呵呵,证据当然有。” Wang Chong shows a faint smile, as if has expected the people to have this one to ask: 王冲微微一笑,似乎早就料到众人会有此一问: Comes the person! Comes up that belt/bring!” “来人!把那一位带上来吧!” Quick, in various country the doubts vision of king and military officer, with one dá dá the sound of footsteps, several Great Tang military commanders sent under custody the person's shadow to walk one on the left and other on the right together. 很快,就在诸国君王和将领的疑惑目光中,随着一阵哒哒的脚步声,几名大唐武将一左一右押送着一道人影走了进来。 ! 唰! When a military commander pulls the lower hood to live in that person of headgear, after revealing the appearance/portrait, in the main hall, everyone exuded one to call out in alarm. 当一名武将一把扯下罩住那人的头套,显露真容后,大殿内,所有人都不由发出了一声惊呼。 Finger of God elder! 神工长老! That person who Wang Chong leads, displayed the finger of God elder of pivotal impact in the allied armies unexpectedly. 王冲带上来的那个人,竟然是在联军中发挥了举足轻重作用的神工长老。 A Northeast war, in the entire Heavenly God organization except for Taishi, this finger of God elder perhaps was people most familiar one. 东北一战,整个天神组织中除了太始,这位神工长老恐怕是众人最熟悉的一位。 After war, Taishi was killed, the An Lushan body dies, various country military force(s) disperse instantly, but the finger of God elders and these Black-Clothed Man also all flee, does not know the trace. 战争过后,太始被杀,安禄山身死,诸国兵马一哄而散,而神工长老和那些黑衣人也全部逃离,不知所踪。 The people think he had returned to the Heavenly God organization successfully, but no one has expected, Wang Chong actually captures him. 众人原本以为他已经成功逃回了天神组织,但是谁也没有料到,王冲竟然早就擒获了他。 In a flash, everyone's vision in abundance centralized to finger of God elder on. 一瞬间,所有人的目光纷纷集中到了神工长老身上。 Originally is you!” “原来是你!” The vision that the finger of God elder most starts somewhat is absent-minded, but on the people after the palace has swept one, the finger of God elder locked front Wang Chong rapidly, in the eye sprayed the dreadful hatred. 神工长老最开始的目光还有些恍惚,但是从殿内众人身上扫过一圈后,神工长老迅速锁定了前方的王冲,眼中喷射出滔天的仇恨。 Finger of God elder, said the plan of Heavenly God organization, perhaps I can give you a happiness.” “神工长老,把天神组织的计划说出来,说不定我可以给你一个痛快。” Wang Chong looks at finger of God elder indifferently said. 王冲看着神工长老淡淡道 Snort! Wang Chong, you killed Taishi Sir, got rid of An Lushan, but also ruined day the purification plan, offended the day, but also thinks how long can oneself be wild?” “哼!王冲,你杀了太始大人,又干掉了安禄山,还毁掉了‘天’的净化计划,得罪了天,还以为自己能猖狂多久吗?” The finger of God elder sneers intermittently, looks at present Wang Chong like looking at a deceased person: 神工长老阵阵冷笑,看着眼前的王冲就像看着一个死人一样: This war, you think that you did win? The cold wave of that world continually is still welling up, the world will be getting more and more cold, the wind and snow will also be getting bigger and bigger, when the time comes, human of the whole world will exterminate completely!” “这一战,你以为自己赢了?那个世界的寒潮还在不断涌来,天下将会越来越冷,风雪也会越来越大,到时候,整个世界的人类将会全部灭绝!” Haha, you here, but also thinks oneself won!” “哈哈,你们在这里,还以为自己赢了!” Hears the words of finger of God elder, in the main hall, Usumish Khan, Yeon Gaesomun and Khitan king and Queen Xi, everyone completely all look changes. 听到神工长老的话,大殿内,乌苏米施可汗渊盖苏文契丹王、奚女王,所有人尽皆色变。 Finger of God elder had not discovered, but his these words had verified the Wang Chong beforehand inference without a doubt in disguised form. 神工长老自己还没发现,但他这番话毫无疑问已经变相印证了王冲之前的推断。 This big cold wave that affects the entire world, is really the Heavenly God organization facilitates unexpectedly single-handedly! 这场波及整个人类世界的大寒潮,竟然真的是天神组织一手促成! Scoundrel, is really you did! What do you actually want to make?” “混账,原来真的是你们干的!你们到底想做什么?” Usumish Khan cannot bear finally, gloomy the face is walking, seizes him, raised him, fierce say/way. 乌苏米施可汗终于忍不住,阴沉着脸走上去,一把掐住他,将他提了起来,厉声道。 And finally, they faint Khaganate, including Xi and Khitan, and Goguryeo Empire, sacrificed so many people, finally unexpectedly by person, when the spear/gun causes. 到了最后,他们厥汗国,包括奚和契丹,以及高句丽帝国在内,牺牲了那么多人,最后竟然只是被人当枪使。 Even if Usumish Khan also angrily. 哪怕乌苏米施可汗也愤怒不已。 Ha Ha Ha!” 哈哈哈!” The finger of God elder laughs, even if were seizing by the throat by Usumish Khan, raised, even if were possibly massacred momentarily, does not dread: 神工长老大笑起来,即便被乌苏米施可汗掐着脖子,提了起来,即便随时可能被杀掉,也毫不畏惧: You, you ants thing, at death's door had not known, also dares to mix with these sinful subjects unexpectedly in the same place.” “你,你们蝼蚁般的东西,死到临头还不自知,竟然还敢和这些罪民搅和在一起。” Originally this action, purification plan are if successful most will only massacre you half of people, but now, you actually betray day, betrays us! When the time comes new world will not have your spacee again!” “本来这次行动如果成功的话,‘净化计划’里最多只会杀掉你们一半的人,但现在,你们竟然背叛‘天’,背叛我们!到时候的新世界将不会再有你们的一席之地!” All of you must die entirely! Don't you like the prairie? After you die, your skeletons will become in the future the nourishment of new world.” “你们所有人通通都得死!你们不是喜欢大草原吗?等你们死后,你们的尸骸将成为未来新世界的养料。” What faints? What Goguryeo? One flock of base and low ants, in the future, the new civilization will be born, but you like the air, have not existed.” “什么厥?什么高句丽?一群卑微的蝼蚁,在未来,新的文明将诞生,而你们就像空气一样,从不曾存在过。” Your all the traces of existence by completely obliterated, this are you will betray Heavenly God, with Heavenly God for the fate of enemy!” “你们所有存在的痕迹都会被彻底抹杀,这就是你们背叛天神,与天神为敌的下场!” The finger of God elder laughs, said with the most virulent language curse. 神工长老哈哈大笑,用最恶毒的语言诅咒道。 But in the main hall, everyone changed the complexion instantaneously. 而大殿内,所有人瞬间变了脸色。 Said enough?” “说够了吗?” At this time, Wang Chong started talking suddenly, his look was faint, but beckons with the hand slightly, then prevented the people of burning with rage: 就在这个时候,王冲突然开口说话,他的神色淡漠,只是微微摆了摆手,便阻止了群情激愤的众人: „Can day destroy the world in the future, regardless of this for the time being, but I can massacre Taishi, in the future, naturally can also get rid of the day. You, help a tyrant do evil actually, besotted, your was out I to know actually ahead of time.” “天未来能不能毁灭人类世界,这个暂且不论,不过我能杀掉太始,未来,自然也能干掉天。倒是你,助纣为虐,执迷不悟,你的下场我倒是已经提前知道了。” Hears this to turn the words, finger of God elder eyelid steep jumps, but has not waited for him saying that in the vision of people, Wang Chong cold snort/hum, the right palm stretches out, is only gently in a flash, the bang, the next moment, such as mountain Ruhai the huge strength, copious can keep off not, suddenly from day empty. 听到这翻话,神工长老眼皮陡的一跳,不过还没等他多说,就在众人的目光中,王冲冷哼一声,右掌伸出,只是轻轻一晃,轰,下一刻,一股如山如海的庞大的力量,沛莫能挡,猛然从天空落了下来。 the next moment, in a land bellow, the finger of God elder including snort/hum no snort/hum one, was pounded by this huge strength, the whole person changes into the muddy flesh, the body dies at the scene. 下一刻,就在一阵大地轰鸣声中,神工长老连哼都没哼一声,就被这股庞大力量砸中,整个人化为肉泥,当场身死。 Bastard, was cheap he!” “混蛋,便宜他了!” Lord King said that needs us to make anything, so long as can have a need for our places, although told.” 王爷说吧,需要我们做什么,只要能用得着我们的地方,尽管吩咐。” The people look is indignant, immerses by the present in the anger. 众人神色愤愤,到现在还沉浸在愤怒之中。 Wang Chong sees this, is only slightly nodded. 王冲看到这一幕,只是微微点了点头。 Heavenly God organizes the most fearful place has massive Expert, on the one hand this fears any sole state unable with it to compare. 天神组织最可怕的地方就是拥有大量的高手,这一方面恐怕任何一个单一国度都无法与之比拟。 To cope with them, solves this cold wave, but also really needs various countries to help. 要想对付他们,解决这场寒潮,还真的需要诸国帮助。 Big cold wave results from North Pole, there temperature is extremely low, perhaps compares here to be much colder, except for Empire Great General Level and above Expert, others is unable to span, therefore I need various countries to send out all these Level Expert, even the kings including various country's, goes to North Pole with me together, solves this big cold wave.” “大寒潮起于北极,那里温度极低,恐怕比我们这里还要寒冷得多,除了帝国大将级别以及以上的高手,其他人根本无法跨越,所以我需要诸国派出所有这个级别高手,甚至包括诸国的君王,同我一起前往北极,解决这场大寒潮。” Wang Chong looks at the people, a language explained own goal. 王冲看着众人,一语道明了自己的目的。 But dispatches depending on Lord King!” “但凭王爷差遣!” In the main hall, everyone lowers the head completely, Usumish Khan and Yeon Gaesomun and the others also similarly so. 大殿内,所有人全部低下头来,就连乌苏米施可汗渊盖苏文等人也同样如此。 Finger of God elder words disclosed meaning that making everyone be afraid. 神工长老话里透露出来的意味,令所有人不寒而栗。 Purification plan! 净化计划! Even this time acts successfully, after routing Great Tang, finger of God elder and his behind day must exterminate various country more than 50% population, before these are the people, does not know. 甚至这次行动成功,击溃大唐之后,神工长老以及他身后的“天”还要剿灭诸国一半以上的人口,这些都是众人之前根本不知道的。 Made one dread what with terrifying was, this mysterious influence regarding world various countries, and life of entire land world regarded, if worthless, did not have the awe regarding the life, not pitied, said like the finger of God elder, all human to them were only the ants. 更令人忌惮和恐怖的是,这个神秘的势力对于天下诸国,以及整个陆地世界的生灵视若草芥,对于生命毫无敬畏,也无怜悯,就像神工长老所说,所有人类对他们而言都只是蝼蚁而已。 Their schemes are too fearful, was too terrifying. 他们的图谋太可怕,也太恐怖了。 If makes them work, perhaps the entire world will change into the purgatory. 如果让他们得逞,整个天下恐怕都将化为炼狱。 Wang Chong nods, soon starts to discuss specific detail that joins this North Pole action. 王冲点了点头,很快开始商议参加这次北极行动的具体细节。 After one hour, the conference ended, everyone left from the main hall. 半个时辰后,会议结束,所有人都从大殿里离开了。 But after everyone leaves, in the main hall, Zhangchou Jianqiong stopped by calling out Wang Chong. 而就在所有人离开之后,大殿里,章仇兼琼叫住了王冲 Wang Chong, various countries just surrendered, the will of the people are not steady, at this time let them and we acts together, this...... really appropriate?” 王冲,诸国才刚刚投降,人心不稳,这个时候就让他们和我们一起行动,这样……真的合适吗?” Moreover, after we leave, entire Serene Province is equivalent to a group of people without a leader, if has some mutinies or other conflicts, I am worried to be hard to tidy up when the time comes!” “另外,我们离开之后,整个幽州相当于群龙无首,如果发生兵变或是其他的一些冲突,我担心到时候难以收拾啊!” Various countries after all with us are not a heart!” “诸国毕竟和我们不是一条心啊!” Zhangchou Jianqiong looks at present Wang Chong, a face anxious say/way. 章仇兼琼看着眼前的王冲,一脸忧虑道。 Various countries turn to Great Tang, that has to fall, moreover there is Wang Chong to bring up the rear, various countries feared in the bone to him, does not dare to make anything, but if Wang Chong no longer, were a different matter. 诸国投靠大唐,那是不得不降,而且有王冲压阵,诸国对他怕到了骨子里,也不敢做什么,但如果王冲不再,就是另一码事了。 Moreover not enough to go around, the Serene Continent grain were not many, when the time comes, no one brings up the rear, likely triggers the mutiny. 而且僧多粥少,幽洲的粮食本来就不多了,到时候,无人压阵,很可能引发哗变。 These are Zhangchou Jianqiong have to be worried. 这些都是章仇兼琼不得不担心的。 At that time was in front of people, did not say. 只是,当时当着众人的面,不好说出来而已。 hē hē, chooses a person does not doubt, doubts the person not to use!” 呵呵,用人不疑,疑人不用!” Unexpected, regarding the worry of Zhangchou Jianqiong, Wang Chong sprinkles however smiles, was not worried: 出乎意料,对于章仇兼琼的担心,王冲只是洒然一笑,并不担心: Various countries will not have this thoughts, does not dare to have this concern. Now they do not have the escape route, if mutinies again, that is the dead end . Moreover, no matter Usumish Khan and other country kings, are these military commanders, should understand, at the present in this case, if they also dare to betray Great Tang again, what result can be?” “诸国不会有这种心思,也不敢有这种心事。现在他们已经毫无退路了,如果再哗变,那就是死路一条,另外,不管是乌苏米施可汗等诸国君王,还是那些武将,应该都明白,在现在这种情况下,如果他们还敢再背叛大唐,会是什么样的结果?” A Wang Chong royal robes clothing/taking, the look is calm, reveals a convincing strength. 王冲一身衮服,神色从容,举手投足间流露出一股令人信服的力量。 Issue that Zhangchou Jianqiong is worried about, how won't he have the consideration to be complete? 章仇兼琼担心的问题,他又岂会没有考虑周全? Moreover, I have told Array Diagram Old Man, if various countries also dare to have the disloyalty, that makes him thoroughly remove Serene Province Great Array. When the time comes under the cold wave, I can have a look at various country also several people to survive but actually?” “另外,我已经告诉阵图老人,如果诸国还敢有异心,那就让他彻底撤掉幽州大阵。到时候在寒潮之下,我倒要看看诸国还有几人存活?” „!” “啊!” Zhangchou Jianqiong hears word, steep opened the eye to open the eyes, he has not thought, Wang Chong has guarded unexpectedly ahead of time, and left behind such subsequent hand. 章仇兼琼闻言,陡的睁大了眼睁,他倒没有想到,王冲竟然已经提前防备,并且留下了这样的后手。
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