HE :: Volume #23

#2255: The northeast major success, the world joyfully celebrates!

Several days later, Great Tang national capital. 数天之后,大唐京师。 At this moment, the Great Tang national capital clads in silvery white, the snow-white piece, overlooks from the sky, on everyone roof completely on pile thick snow, thick icy cold crowded like forest, lets fall along the eave corner/horn, changed into an alternative world the entire national capital. 此时此刻,大唐京师银装素裹,白皑皑一片,从天空俯瞰而下,千家万户屋顶上全部都堆上了一层厚厚的积雪,一条条粗大的冰凌密集如林,沿着檐角垂落,将整个京师化为了一个另类的世界。 But is close, in spreading across national capital streets and alleys, empty piece. 而鳞次栉比,纵横交错的京师街巷之中,空荡荡一片。 The world is silent, all sounds are still, just like changed into an unmanned spacious world! 天地寂静,万籁无声,俨然化为了一片无人的空旷世界! The cold weather, at this moment, in the place that the people cannot see, about 1 million Great Tang national capital common people rolled up respectively the cave that unearthed in the room, is waiting for silently, since the ancient times, has also happened in an imperial capital of dynasty like this situation never. 天寒地冻,这一刻,在众人看不到的地方,近百万的大唐京师百姓都蜷缩进了各自在屋子里挖掘的地窖之中,默默地等待着,自古以来,像这种情况还从未在一朝的帝都中发生过。 However, the southeast corner in national capital, in the misty wind and snow, in the pavilion, still has person's shadow together to stand erect, is looking at the northeast direction silently, seems waiting for anything. 不过,在京师的东南角,漠漠的风雪之中,亭台里,却依然有一道人影矗立着,默默地望着东北的方向,似乎在等待着什么。 Crash-bang! 哗啦啦! A snow eagle flies to fall from the sky, in that Great Tang Heavy Cavalry heart shakes, raised the head fiercely, some cannot believe extends the take action palm, caught that snow eagle. 一只雪鹰从天空飞落,那名大唐铁骑心中一震,猛地抬起头来,有些不敢相信的伸出手掌,接住了那只雪鹰。 This is the northeast news!” “这是东北的消息!” In that Heavy Cavalry heart stunned. 那名铁骑心中一片错愕。 He waited to have several days of here, perhaps in the world of this snow and ice, he was only one also stands in the outdoors is protecting the entire national capital, simultaneously silently waiting news person. 他在这里等待有数天的时间了,在这个冰雪的世界里,他恐怕是唯一一个还站在户外守护着整个京师,同时默默等待消息的人。 In this endless waiting, the time is most unendurable, every seconds like a century long. 在这种无尽的等待中,时间是最难熬的,每一秒都像一个世纪一样漫长。 Here anything does not have besides the wind and snow, everywhere is the same sceneries, white piece. 在这里除了风雪之外什么都没有,到处都是相同的景物,白茫茫一片。 He has been used to such waiting, was used to day-by-day no result, but has not expected, will wait till Northeast Serene Province news at this time unexpectedly. 他已经习惯了这样的等待,也习惯了一天又一天的毫无结果,但怎么也没有料到,竟然会在这个时候等到东北幽州的消息。 „Did Northeast...... win?” “东北……大胜了?” Northeast won!” “东北大胜了!” That Cavalry first muttered, the whole person was immediately excited, turned over/stood up to ride the horseback suddenly, was insane sped away to go toward Imperial Palace generally. 那名骑兵先是喃喃自语,随即整个人都兴奋起来,突然之间一个翻身骑上马背,然后疯了一般朝着皇宫疾驰而去。 Northeast won!” “东北大胜了!” Northeast won!” “东北大胜了!” The horse's hoof flies to tread, raises the intermittent wind and snow, that Heavy Cavalry spins, the exciting shouting sound reverberates in the entire city. 马蹄飞踏,掀起阵阵风雪,那名铁骑一路急奔,兴奋的嘶吼声在整座城池中回响。 The entire snow-white national capital first is a silence, only then the sound of wind and snow, but is quick, an intermittent clamoring sound transmits from the streets and alleys of Heavy Cavalry process. 整座白皑皑的京师先是一片寂静,只有风雪的声音,但是很快,一阵阵喧哗声从铁骑经过的街巷两旁传来。 What? Northeast wins, did Great Tang win?” “什么?东北大胜,大唐赢了?” King of Foreign Territory really success!” 异域王真的成功了!” By the street, every large or small heads, shove open the window to brave the wind and snow to poke head from inside, the cold weather, on these person of eyebrows, hair and beard had layer upon layer white frost rapidly, even the children are so, but everyone is the complexion flushed, excited. 街道两旁,一个个大大小小的脑袋,推开窗子顶着风雪从里面探出头来,天寒地冻,这些人眉毛、头发、胡须上迅速结出了一层层白色的冰霜,甚至连小孩子都是如此,但所有人都是脸色潮红,激动不已。 Bang!” “轰!” Quick, the sound that the both sides discussed turned into cheering of shake the heavens. 很快,两侧议论的声音变成了惊天的欢呼。 Northeast and war related matter, only needed into to report Royal Court, let fill toward the high-ranking court official knows was OK, was Li Heng resists opposition, set up a pavilion southeast the national capital, all northeast Serene Province news before spreading to Imperial Palace, must first make the common people in national capital know. 东北和战争相关的事情,本来只需要入报朝廷,让满朝重臣知晓就可以了,是李亨力排众议,在京师东南角设立一个亭台,所有东北幽州的消息在传入皇宫之前,都必先让京师的百姓知晓。 When according to the Li Heng's view, Empire already arrives at the danger, more is at this time, more is needed the government and people wholeheartedly, the rulers and ministers wholeheartedly, one mind, should not hide the truth from the Empire common people. 按照李亨的说法,帝国已到危难之时,越是这个时候,越是需要朝野一心,君臣一心,上下一心,不应该瞒着帝国的百姓。 Only then works as one, crosses a river in a boat together, Empire can endure now this crisis truly, and even, crisis that possibly faces. 只有同心协力,同舟共济,帝国才能真正熬过现在这场危机,乃至以后可能面对的危机。 Only then has this spirit, Great Tang can the true long-term peace and good government, the prosperous times be lively. 只有具备这种精神,大唐才能真正的长治久安,盛世繁华。 tí dā dā!” 蹄哒哒!” In intermittent cheers, the hoofbeat is anxious, spread into palatial Imperial Palace. 就在一阵阵欢呼声中,马蹄声急,一路驰入了巍峨的皇宫之中。 In Hall of Supreme Harmony, a basin basin Fang Ding charcoal fire flaming combustion, in the main hall, Li Heng is sitting on the dragon chair, the look is tired, but before the body, is the full palace whole body of ministers. 太和殿中,一盆盆方鼎炭火熊熊的燃烧着,大殿里,李亨坐在龙椅上,神色困乏,而身前则是满殿群臣。 Except for the charcoal fire flip-flop the sound, in entire Hall of Supreme Harmony is silent. 除了炭火噼啪的声音,整个太和殿中寂静无声。 The cold weather, the whole world falls into frozen, Great Tang this huge machine, at this moment also stagnated during, has no thing to need in Hall of Supreme Harmony to discuss, but Li Heng called in all ministers Hall of Supreme Harmony completely. 天寒地冻,整个世界陷入一片冰封,大唐这架庞大的机器,这一刻也陷入了停顿之中,已经没有任何事物需要在太和殿商议了,不过李亨还是将所有的大臣全部召集到了太和殿中。 This condition started from the war of Northeast Serene Province is this. 这种状态从东北幽州之战开始就已经是这样了。 The Empire destiny has decided at the northeast that war unknowingly completely, Great Tang wins, then the prosperous times are peaceful, all lively can also continue to continue, if were defeated......, all will be nothing left. 帝国的命运不知不觉中已经全部决定于东北的那场大战,大唐,则盛世太平,所有的繁华也能够继续延续下去,而如果失败了……,一切将荡然无存。 Your majesty, Northeast won!” “陛下,东北大胜了了!” Suddenly, bang, the palace gate shoves open, that Heavy Cavalry whole body snow, the travel-worn quick steps walked. 突然之间,轰隆一声,殿门推开,那名铁骑满身积雪,风尘仆仆的疾步走了进来。 Whish!” “哗!” Hears the voice of that messenger, in main hall originally a deathly stillness, but suddenly, all whole body of ministers open eyes completely, an excitement of face. 听到那名传令兵的声音,大殿内原本一片死寂,但是瞬息间,所有群臣全部睁开眼,一脸的激动。 „Did Northeast win? Really won?” “东北大胜了?真的大胜了?” Everyone exciting incomparable, innumerable day and night waiting, for this news. 所有人激动无比,无数个日日夜夜的等待,就是为了这个消息。 With, shows Us!” “拿上来,给朕看看!” At this time, a sound transmitted from the main hall, Li Heng sat on the dragon chair high , suddenly standing up, the facial expression was suddenly excited. 就在这个时候,一个声音从大殿上方传来,李亨原本高坐在龙椅上,突然之间,霍的站起身来,神情激动无比。 Good, good!” “太好了,太好了!” King of Foreign Territory, We have not misread you!” 异域王,朕没有看错你!” Li Heng stands in the main hall, is looking in the hand that Wang Chong own writing by hand on the victory report, can be seen in speech and appearance joyfully. 李亨站立在大殿上,看着手中那封王冲亲手写就的捷报,喜悦溢于言表。 The innumerable days and nights, in Hall of Supreme Harmony, he have almost not rested, for are the present at this moment. 无数个日日夜夜,在太和殿中,他几乎一刻都没有睡过,为的就是现在这一刻。 Passes on Us to order, to strike the bell!” “传朕命令,击钟!” Li Heng gravely says. 李亨沉声道 Clang!” “铛!” A moment later, the snow rustle, shakes out everywhere, in the palace wall southeast corner high city wall, a giant copper bell vibrates suddenly, the loud and clear sound is deafening, spreads over the entire national capital instantaneously, even the misty wind and snow cannot cover. 片刻之后,积雪簌簌,扑落满地,皇城东南角高高的城墙上,一口巨大的铜钟猛然震动起来,洪亮的声音震耳欲聋,瞬间传遍整个京师,即便漠漠的风雪也掩盖不住。 This is Li Heng especially sets up for this war specially, so long as the ding resounds, means that the war of northeast this decision national destiny, Great Tang won thoroughly. 这是李亨专门为这一次战争特别设立的,只要钟声响起,就意味着东北这场决定国运的战争,大唐彻底地胜利了。 Clang clang clang!” “铛铛铛!” Clang clang clang!” “铛铛铛!” Clang clang clang!” “铛铛铛!” ...... …… Another loud and clear ding shake wind and snow, resound through the national capital. 一记又一记洪亮的钟声震荡风雪,响彻京师。 Bang!” “轰!” Most starts was also only Imperial Palace nearby common people heard the ding, stretches the body forward from the room, then the range expanded unceasingly, more and more common people heard the ding, cheered, and finally everyone knows the news that Northeast won, an intermittent cheers surging forward, resounded through the horizon: 最开始的时候还只是皇宫附近的百姓听到了钟声,从房间里探出身来,接着范围不断扩大,越来越多的百姓听到了钟声,欢呼起来,到了最后所有人都知道了东北大胜的消息,一阵阵欢呼声汹涌澎湃,响彻天际: King of Foreign Territory!” 异域王!” King of Foreign Territory!” 异域王!” King of Foreign Territory!” 异域王!” ...... …… A deathly stillness, as if a national capital of empty city lived in this moment thoroughly, the innumerable common people are cheering, the place that even from stays respectively walked, floods into the streets and alleys, crazy celebration. 原本一片死寂,仿佛一座空城的京师在这一刻彻底活了过来,无数的百姓欢呼着,甚至从各自栖身的地方走了出来,涌入街巷之中,疯狂的庆祝起来。 Although the cold weather, the outdoors temperature is extremely low, but at this moment, in the people heart regarding the joy of victory has pressed all. 尽管天寒地冻,户外温度极低,但是这一刻,众人心中对于胜利的喜悦已经压过了所有的一切。 At this moment, the Wang Chong's name is doomed with Great Tang to go down in history! 这一刻,王冲的名字注定要和大唐一起载入史册! ...... …… But at the same time, northwest, City of Steel. 而与此同时,西北,钢铁之城 Kills!-” “杀!-” Intermittent war cry resounds through the top, the northeast war ended, but the northwest City of Steel fierce combat is just luxurious, moreover is different from Northeast, in City of Steel, Great Tang is actually in the absolute disadvantage. 一阵阵喊杀声响彻城头,东北的战争结束了,但西北钢铁之城却激战正酣,而且和东北不同,钢铁之城中,大唐却正处于绝对的劣势之中。 For U-Tsang!” “为了乌斯藏!” One shouts in the sound intermittently, U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry takes place of the fallen one after another, the continuous climbing up top, who can think, year to year lives the Plateau nomadic nation on horseback, after being separated from the warhorse , is so actually fierce in siege games, even is fiercer than many Great Tang siege soldiers. 一阵阵嘶吼声中,一名又一名乌斯藏铁骑前仆后继,源源不断的攀上墙头,谁又能想到,常年生活在马背上的高原游牧民族,脱离了战马之后,在攻城中竟然也如此勇猛,甚至比许多大唐攻城兵还要厉害。 But the short several months time, Dalun Qinling trained a special rope army from U-Tsang Empire unexpectedly, these people used rope siege to be skilled . Moreover the combat fierce did not fear, was completely not as people expected. 只不过短短数月的时间,大论钦陵竟然从乌斯藏帝国训练出了一支专门的绳索部队,这些人利用绳索攻城熟练自如,而且作战悍不畏死,完全出乎众人的预料。 The City of Steel big city wall actually absolutely does not have the use to this army! 钢铁之城高大的城墙对这支部队竟然完全没有用处! But regarding Unit Great Tang in City of Steel, incessantly is these that needs to be worried- 而对于钢铁之城内的大唐来说,需要担心的还远不止是这些- hōng lōng lōng!” 轰隆隆!” A shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth explosion sound transmits from southeast, does not have the slight indication, a big city wall drops down loudly, immediately reveals a giant gap, in the shake the heavens war cry, the horse's hoof is intermittent, on massive U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry full is the snow, rush. 一阵惊天动地的轰响从东南方向传来,没有丝毫的征兆,一座高大的城墙轰然倒下,顿时露出一处巨大的缺口,惊天的喊杀声中,马蹄阵阵,大量的乌斯藏铁骑身上满是积雪,不停的冲杀过来。 But in observation post that City of Steel center highest steel builds, Young Master Qing Yang and Li Junxian, shouted Barrshe and the others to occupy a commanding position, overlook all around, all received the eyeground, complexions were ugly. 钢铁之城中心最高的一座钢铁打造的瞭望台上,青阳公子、李君羡、呼巴尔赦等人居高临下,俯瞰四周,将所有的一切都收入眼底,一个个脸色难看无比。 We underestimated him, this U-Tsang Imperial Minister imagines wanting also to be nastier , to have for quite a while us this way many again, City of Steel will fall into enemy hands thoroughly!” “我们都低估他了,这位乌斯藏帝相比我们想象中的还要难以对付,这样下去,最多再有半天,钢铁之城就会彻底失守!” Li Junxian stands in the observation post smiles bitterly to say. 李君羡站立在瞭望台上苦笑道。 This Confucianism Sect merry outstanding Confucian does not have the past bearing and elegant demeanor, on that snow white meek garment also full is the blood and scar, many traces looked is the sword stays behind, is seemingly alarmed, obviously before had experienced extremely the fight of bad risk. 这一位儒门风流俊逸的儒首早已没有了昔日的气度和风采,那件雪白的儒衫上也满是鲜血和伤痕,许多痕迹一看就是刀剑留下的,看起来触目惊心,显然之前经历过极其凶险的战斗。 This war time-consuming long time, after confrontation, no matter Li Junxian and Young Master Qing Yang shouted Barrshe, was is damaged heavily as for Du Wusili and Jiudu Fuluo. 这一场大战耗时良久,几经交锋,不管是李君羡青阳公子还是呼巴尔赦,乃至于都乌思力九度覆罗全都受创不轻。 Also this war compared with wants difficult many that the people imagine. 这一场战争远比众人想象的还要艰难的多。 Does not have the means that Dalun Qinling was too fierce, in the strategy, even three of us jointly is not his opponent, perhaps only then King of Foreign Territory here, can cope with him!” “没有办法,大论钦陵太厉害了,在谋略上,就算我们三人联手也不是他的对手,恐怕只有异域王在这里,才能对付得了他!” the Barrshe breath disorder, shakes the head, similarly bitter and astringent say/way. 巴尔赦呼吸紊乱,摇了摇头,同样苦涩道。 However the confrontation of short time, his subordinate Western Turkic military force(s) is the loss is serious, Dalun Qinling far exceeded the imagination fearfully. 不过短短时间的交锋,他麾下的西突厥兵马已经是损失惨重,大论钦陵的可怕远远超出了想象。 Before then, shouted Barrshe to think Dalun Qinling even again strong, still had eventually, but currently, he will not have this idea. 在此之前,呼巴尔赦一直认为大论钦陵就算再强,也终究有个度,但现在,他已经不会有这种想法了。 Dalun Qinling is fierce tiger, restrained the lackey, dwells in their side terrifying monster. 大论钦陵就是一头猛虎,一头收敛了爪牙,就栖息在他们身旁的恐怖怪物。 He did not begin before, to let the surrounding various countries merely neglects in the beast of prey that side them dwells, but when he opens the lackey, launches the attack, that type terrifying and fierce is anybody is inconceivable, in fact, can in this U-Tsang Imperial Minister subordinate survive to the present, shout Barrshe to feel a miracle. 他之前不动手,仅仅只是为了让周围诸国忽略掉在他们身旁栖息的这头猛兽而已,但当他张开爪牙,发起进攻,那种恐怖和凶猛是任何人都难以想象的,事实上,能够在这位乌斯藏帝相的手下坚持到现在,就连呼巴尔赦自己都已经感觉是个奇迹了。 Without the City of Steel of Wang Chong construction, shouted Barrshe even not to dare to imagine, met Dalun Qinling to be in the wilderness region what fate. 如果没有王冲建造的这座钢铁之城,呼巴尔赦甚至都不敢想象,在旷野地带遇到大论钦陵会是什么下场。 Report!” “报!” In a twinkling, when several people spoke, sudden sound of footsteps hurriedly from the rear area transmits, a messenger look was anxious, was on the observation post hurriedly: 说时迟那时快,就在几人说话的时候,突然一阵急匆匆的脚步声从后方传来,一名传令兵神色惶急,急匆匆登上瞭望台: Sir, southwest is in danger, section General spreads the news, there gap the guard has not lived quickly, please several Sirs decide, fast sends Great Army to support!” “大人,西南方向告急,段将军传来消息,那里的缺口已经快把守不住了,请几位大人定夺,速派大军支援!” wēng! 嗡! Hears the words of messenger, in the observation post, three people of look severe shake, the facial expression is bitter and astringent. 听到传令兵的话,瞭望台上,三人神色剧震,神情苦涩无比。 It seems like could not support the half of the day, could not want several double-hour, City of Steel to be solved thoroughly.” “看来支撑不了半天了,要不了几个时辰,钢铁之城就会彻底告破。” The Li Junxian look is ugly. 李君羡神色难看。 Now various City of Steel places are in danger, the military that all can send out has sent out, does not have the soldier available, this means the City of Steel momentarily possible destruction. 现在钢铁之城各处告急,所有能派出的兵力都已经派出,已经无兵可用,这意味着钢铁之城随时都可能覆灭。
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