HE :: Volume #20

#1979: Serene Continent vigilance!

When Wang Chong goes out of the Wang Residence main hall, at the same time, remote Serene Province. 王冲走出王府大殿的时候,与此同时,遥远的幽州 Crash-bang!” “哗啦啦!” In the dim light of night, the wings vibrate, several carrier pigeons delimit excessive heavy void, most likes going to that mountain range that to graze toward Anya Luoshan rapidly to go. 夜色之中,羽翅振动,数只信鸽划过重重虚空,迅速向着安轧荦山最喜欢去的那座山峦飞掠而去。 At this moment, on the summit, the flame is ample, several forms stand its, precisely Anya Luoshan and the others. 此时此刻,山巅上,火光绰绰,数道身影站立其下,正是安轧荦山等人。 Drove out Zhang Shougui, successfully sat the Andong Great Protectorate position, present Anya Luoshan can be said as succeeds greatly, but for all this, Anya Luoshan actually and Zhang Shougui was different, did not like treating in Andong Protectorate General of that representative Andong highest authority, but liked treating as in this mountain top, overlooked Central Plains. 驱走了张守珪,成功坐上了安东大都护的位置,现在的安轧荦山可以说是大获成功,不过尽管如此,安轧荦山却和张守珪不同,并不喜欢待在那座代表安东最高权力的安东都护府中,而是依旧喜欢待在这座山头,眺望中原 As for Cui Ganyou and the others, where so long as Anya Luoshan appears, they appear there, stands in the summit, where can overlook, at all is not they cares. 至于崔乾佑等人,只要安轧荦山出现在哪里,他们就出现在那里,站在山巅,能眺望到哪里,根本不是他们关心的。 dá dá!” “哒哒哒!” When one group of people enjoy the summit scenery, suddenly, rapid sound of footsteps transmits from the rear area, a Hu People guard lowers the head, walked hurriedly. 就在一群人欣赏山巅风景的时候,突然之间,一阵急促的脚步声从后方传来,一名胡人侍卫低着头,急匆匆的走了上来。 What's wrong? Also is that Wang Chong and news of our Great Protectorate meeting?” “怎么了?又是那个王冲和我们大都护会面的消息吗?” Anya Luoshan is shouldering both hands, has not returned said. 安轧荦山背负着双手,头也没回道。 Zhang Shougui was censured to include the state provincial governor, Wang Chong by Nine Provinces Great Protectorate, protects country Great General, the status of Lingyan Pavilion gentleman greets in high-profile manner, this matter has spread over the world, Anya Luoshan, although in Serene Province, actually also knows similarly. 张守珪被贬括州刺史,王冲九州大都护,护国大将军,凌烟阁士的身份高调迎接,这件事情早已传遍天下,安轧荦山虽然远在幽州,却也同样知晓。 In fact, leaves Serene Province that quarter from Zhang Shougui, his every action and every movement during his surveillance, but Wang Chong this big ** the side's first person is also the important goal that he pays attention. 事实上,从张守珪离开幽州那刻起,他的一举一动就在他的监视之中,而王冲这位大**方第一人也同时是他关注的重要目标。 These days their meeting, has passed on noisily. 这一段时间两人的会面,早已传得沸沸扬扬。 „It is not!” “不是!” Unexpected, the rear area, Yanzhuang received the confidential letter, but looked at one, immediately shakes the head, look heavy many: 出乎预料,后方,严庄接过密信,只是看了一眼,立即摇了摇头,神色沉重了不少: Your majesty, had an accident, secure disappears!” “主公,出事了,安兰不见了!” What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Hears these words, the Anya Luoshan complexion changes, steep has turned head: 听到这番话,安轧荦山脸色一变,陡的扭过头来: What is called secure to disappear, don't I make you neater, kill her as soon as possible?” “什么叫做安兰不见了,我不是让你们干脆利落一些,尽快干掉她吗?” secure is important personage in the whole thing, is side Zhang Shougui follows many years of maid, Zhang Shougui trusts her, was used to serving of this maid, Anya Luoshan precisely bribed secure, can succeed in the Zhang Shougui tea intoxicates. 安兰是整件事情中的重要人物,也是张守珪身边跟随多年的婢女,张守珪对她非常信任,也习惯了这个婢女的伺候,安轧荦山正是买通了安兰,才能成功在张守珪的茶中下毒。 So long as Zhang Shougui has not left office, Anya Luoshan does not dare easily to remove her, but Zhang Shougui has arrived in the national capital, he had also issued the order in secret, removes secure, by never recurring trouble. 张守珪只要还没有离任,安轧荦山就不敢轻易将她除掉,不过张守珪早已抵达京师,他也早就暗中下达了命令,除掉安兰,以绝后患。 Now Yanzhuang tells him, secure disappears! 现在严庄却跟他说,安兰不见了! What meaning is this? 这算什么意思? Made a careless mistake, our people have truly coped with secure, but this woman actually in the slyness compared with imagination, she asks for leave to Zhang Shougui unexpectedly one day ahead of schedule, said that returns to the native place, our people traced the past quickly, finally actually discovered that she has disappeared. We have blocked throughout, had not found her trail.” “出了点纰漏,我们的人确实已经去对付安兰了,但这个女人却比想象中的狡猾,她居然提前一天向张守珪请假,说是返回老家,我们的人很快追踪过去,结果却发现她早已不见踪影。我们已经封锁了全境,也没有找到她的踪迹。” Yanzhuang lowers the head, over the face is ashamed. 严庄低着头,满面羞惭。 secure is only one lacks the strength to truss up a chicken, the insignificant unimportant person, coping with her is also a matter of blade, without big difficulty, therefore Anya Luoshan gave him to process this matter, where expected the careless mistake. 安兰只是一个手无缚鸡之力,微不足道的小人物,对付她本来也就是一刀的事,没有多大难度可言,所以安轧荦山就将这件事情交给了他来处理,哪里料到出了纰漏。 On the summit, the air current surges, the atmosphere actually suddenly becomes dignified. 山巅上,气流涌动,气氛却陡然变得凝重起来。 Although secure is an unimportant person, but in the whole thing, is actually playing the important role, this matter does not do well, is very easy to present the huge hidden danger. 安兰虽然是个小人物,但在整件事情中,却起着至关重要的作用,这件事情一个弄不好,很容易出现巨大的隐患。 Does not need to look, does not have the accident/surprise, perhaps this is Wind, Forest, Fire, Mountain four groups of people does.” “不必找了,没有意外,这恐怕是风林火山四组人做的。” At this time, nearby noble opens the mouth. 就在这个时候,一旁的高尚开口了。 People in abundance look changes that a few words, said that simultaneously looked. 一句话,说的众人纷纷色变,齐齐望了过来。 secure is only a girl, clarity that her birth origin we checked, moreover her parents also fell in our hands, she impossible to dare to escape. Serene Province Border is so big, her woman, where has such big ability, can flee from our hands, unsurprisingly, perhaps was that King of Foreign Territory take action.” “安兰只是一个小女子而已,她的出生来历我们查的清清楚楚,而且她的父母还落在我们手中,她不可能敢逃跑。幽州地界就这么大,她一个弱女子,哪里有这么大的能耐,能从我们手里走脱,不出意外,恐怕是那位异域王出手了。” Noble facial expression assured say/way. 高尚神情笃定道。 Hears the noble words, in an instant, everyone's complexion becomes ugly incomparable, especially Anya Luoshan, the complexion is the black bottom of the pot is ordinary. 听到高尚的话,刹那间,所有人的脸色变得难看无比,特别是安轧荦山,脸色更是黑的锅底一般。 Now entire Great Tang, Anya Luoshan most dreads is Wang Chong! 整个大唐,安轧荦山现在最忌惮的就是王冲 That fellow continuously in view of oneself, beforehand time, he has to send out military force(s) to pry itself, Armory, tows to fall the river, gives the Caliphate Emperor Caliph white jade porcelain axis and that will write „the lord of future Divine Province the paper including oneself, all will fall in his hands. 那个家伙一直在针对自己,之前的时候,他就有派出兵马刺探自己,军械库,曳落河,包括自己送给大食皇帝哈里发的白玉瓷轴以及那张写有“未来神州之主”的纸条,全都都落在他的手中。 He and Yeon Gaesomun colludes, ahead of time starts the action, developed this „the Serene Province war, has the greatest relations with that fellow. 他和渊盖苏文勾结,提前发动行动,演了这场“幽州大战”,和那个家伙也有莫大的关系。 Now essential maid secure falls into his hand, especially considered that Wang Chong is inviting Zhang Shougui, Anya Luoshan to have fearful and apprehensive immediately, extremely feeling of unease. 如今关键的婢女安兰又落入了他的手中,特别是考虑到王冲正在宴请张守珪,安轧荦山顿时就有一种心惊肉跳,极度不安的感觉。 Needs to be worried not only also this, before several double-hour, ** faints Khaganate, Goguryeo, and that side Xi and Khitan sends in the news, their side also discovers the Wind, Forest, Fire, Mountain trail.” “需要担心的还不只是这个,就在几个时辰前,**厥汗国,高句丽,以及奚和契丹那边都发来消息,他们那边也发现风林火山的踪迹。” At this time, another sound resounded, that person of appearance was strange, on the black mole of forehead also steadily a white eyebrows, before impressively precisely, ran away to Xi and Khitan Bai Zhentuo Luo. 就在这个时候,又一个声音响起,那人样貌古怪,眉心的黑痣上还长了一根白眉,赫然正是之前逃到奚和契丹白真陀罗。 Before Niu Xiantong event time, framed Zhang Shougui, Bai Zhentuo Luo Hezhao endures to run away Xi and Khitan, but entire Serene Province exchanges ownerships now, Anya Luoshan replaced Zhang Shougui to become the entire northeast master, moreover all officers also during people's control, Bai Zhentuo Luo Hezhao endured have not naturally kept there reason again. 之前牛仙童事件的时候,陷害张守珪,白真陀罗和赵堪逃到奚和契丹,不过如今整个幽州易主,安轧荦山取代张守珪成为了整个东北的主人,而且所有的将士也在众人的掌控之中,白真陀罗和赵堪自然也没有再留在那里的理由。 This is not the good news, we suspected that person scouting of hand/subordinate has penetrated ** faints, Goguryeo, Xi, in Khitan, that several places is not tightly guarded like us, I somewhat worried that in the national capital that has possibly known our and ** faints, Xi, Khitan, and relations between Goguryeo.” “这可不是什么好消息,我们怀疑那个人手下的斥候已经深入到了**厥,高句丽,奚,契丹中,那几个地方可不像我们这边戒备森严,我有些担心京师里那位可能已经知道了我们和**厥,奚,契丹,以及高句丽之间的关系。” Nearby Zhao Kan also follows to say. 一旁的赵堪也跟着道。 Two people go into exile in these days, fearful and apprehensive, because dreads Zhang Shougui yi 两人流亡这段时间,胆战心惊,因为畏惧张守珪的yi The prestige, incessantly is Xi and Khitan, the entire Serene Province surrounding region, all ran, does not dare to stop over in a place for a long time, but also because of so, were many some understanding of these places. 威,不止是奚和契丹,整个幽州周围的地带,全部都是跑了一遍,根本不敢在一个地方长久逗留,不过也因为如此,对这几个地方多了一些了解。 ** Faints, Xi, Khitan, Goguryeo these places, although the military is powerful, however at information defense oversight very much, is not proportional with their military powers completely, to a certain extent, they simply do not even have this concept. **厥、奚、契丹高句丽这几个地方,虽然军事强盛,但是在信息防御方面疏漏的很,和他们的军事实力完全不成正比,某种程度上,他们甚至根本没有这种概念。 Their performance the consciousness, as if favors by the overwhelming strength, steamroll opponent in battlefield. 他们的表现出来的意识,似乎更加倾向以压倒性的实力,在战场上碾压对手。 By this degree of cognition, that stabbing of basic in the national capital on the defense searches. 以这种程度的认知,根本就防御不住京师里那位的剌探。 Once had any evidence by the opposite party, the consequence is dreadful, only feared that the place of Serene Continent immediately becomes the places of numerous arrow! 一旦被对方掌握住什么证据,后果不堪设想,只怕幽洲之地立即成为众矢之地! Bastard!” “混蛋!” Anya Luoshan is also the complexion is at this time ugly, Zhao Kan, Bai Zhentuo also guessed, but Anya Luoshan actually knows, he certainly to that going otherwise, Serene Continent his not military, why does send out Wind, Forest, Fire, Mountain four groups of elite? 安轧荦山此时也是脸色难看,赵堪、白真陀罗还只是猜测,但安轧荦山却知道,他一定是冲着那个去的否则的话,幽洲他并无兵力在,何必派出风林火山四组精锐? Khitan and Xi, ** faints that side Khaganate and Goguryeo, perhaps had overflowed the information! 契丹、奚、**厥汗国高句丽那边,说不定已经泄出了情报! So long as thinks of this, Anya Luoshan jumps on the eyelid crazily, dark felt that a suffocating pressure, has anything to extrude probably general toward him from four sides. 只要想到这点,安轧荦山就眼皮狂跳,冥冥中感觉到一股令人窒息的压力,就好像有什么东西从四面朝他挤压过来一般。 Although Wang Chong not in Serene Continent, but that pressure is actually closely associated, so long as there is a that person, his one day is hard to feel at ease. 王冲虽然不在幽洲,但是那种压力却是如影随形,只要有那个人在,他就一天都难以心安。 Your majesty does not need to worry, no matter that side King of Foreign Territory whether obtains the material, temporarily cannot threat us!” “主公不必担忧,不管异域王那边是否得到资料,暂时都对我们构不成威胁!” At this time, a sound resounded, opened the mouth nobly suddenly, compared the anxieties of others, the noble facial expression was assured, was much calmer: 就在这个时候,一个声音响起,高尚突然开口了,相比起其他人的不安,高尚神情笃定,要镇定得多: Goguryeo and ** faints that side Khaganate, we made the preparation early, all copy clerks, write a letter on another's behalf with Yanzhuang by me, your majesty did not write . Moreover, we also beforehand and Yeon Gaesomun reached an agreement, in addition carved the representative capacity special seal. A lot of contents, replace with the special cipher, no one can understand except for us radically.” 高句丽和**厥汗国那边,我们早做了准备,所有的文书,都由我和严庄代笔,主公绝不执笔,另外,我们也事先和渊盖苏文商量好了,另刻了代表身份的特殊私章。很多内容,都用特殊暗号代替,除了我们根本没有人看得懂。” Goguryeo and ** faints that side Khaganate, in national capital that even if resulted in the letter/believes that they and we communicated to contain, was still not meaningful. When the time comes, Sage Emperor really inquired, your majesty only need say, because was outstanding, in addition destroyed their army in the war, was that side Yeon Gaesomun and Xi, Khitan frames your majesty jointly, was not worth believing, believed that side Sage Emperor and Royal Court, how also cannot your majesty, inquire that on the contrary that person who assumed the communication to contain, at that time, we may instead hit a rake on the contrary, coped with him taking advantage of this in turn.” 高句丽和**厥汗国那边,京师里那位,就算得了他们和我们来往的信涵,也没有任何意义。到时候,圣皇真的询问起来,主公只需说因为过于优秀,加上在大战中摧毁了他们的部队,是渊盖苏文和奚、契丹那边联手陷害主公,根本不值得信,相信圣皇朝廷那边,也不能把主公怎么样,反倒会询问起那个呈递信涵的人,那时候,我们反倒可反打一耙,借此反过来对付他。” The noble vision is profound, the facial expression wisdom, during the spoken languages seemed to have expected planning strategy(-ies) that all, that type revealed imperceptibly, made in the people heart stabilize immediately much. 高尚目光深邃,神情睿智,言语间似乎早已预料到了一切,那种无形中流露出的运筹帷幄,顿时令众人心中安定了不少。 Sir Gao said that has Intrisic Principle, without ironclad evidence, in the national capital that same cannot do to us. Moreover, we operate such for a long time, if really bumps into, not necessarily and feared them!” 高大人说得有道理,只要没有真凭实据,京师里那位也一样奈何不了我们。而且,我们经营这么久,如果真的碰上,并不见得就怕了他们!” At this time, nearby Cui Ganyou also opened the mouth. 就在这个时候,一旁的崔乾佑也开口了。 His vision is sharp, is ordinary like the sword, simultaneously the under foot treads slightly, the bang, a boundless strength erupts from his within the body immediately, in an instant, entire mountain top, the air twists immediately, looks from afar, a piece sticks the mold, seemingly scary incomparable. 他的目光锋利,有如刀剑一般,同时脚下微微一踏,轰,一股磅礴的劲气立即从他体内爆发而出,刹那间,整个山顶,空气顿时扭曲起来,远远望去,一片糊模,看起来骇人无比。 The sole view strength, this moment Cui Ganyou has reached the Saint Martial peak, is not completely inferior in any Empire Great General. 单论实力,这一刻的崔乾佑早已达到了圣武巅峰,完全不逊色于任何的帝国大将 Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! But is almost simultaneously, not far away Tian Qianzhen, Tian Chengsi and the others are the body is also shocked, similarly erupts a shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth essence, such as the storm sweeps across the world. 而几乎是同时,不远处的田乾真田承嗣等人也是身躯震动,同样爆发出一波波惊天动地的精气,如风暴般席卷天地。 No matter Cui Ganyou, is Tian Qianzhen and Tian Chengsi, is the great Martial Path talents, peerless Expert! 不管崔乾佑,还是田乾真田承嗣,都是一等一的武道天才,绝世高手 However because of the relations of Anya Luoshan, all Serene Continent people is completely low-key reserved, the reputation does not reveal, except for Serene Continent, entire Empire no one knows them radically, but in the strength, the sole view strength, Cui Ganyou and the others can pull up the Great Tang general long before, but now, has to aspire to seize the Great General strength. 不过因为安轧荦山的关系,所有幽洲众人全部都是低调内敛,名声不显,以致于除了幽洲,整个帝国根本没人知道他们,而实力上,单论实力,崔乾佑等人很早以前就可以挤身大唐将星之列了,而现在,更是拥有问鼎大将的实力。 sole view this point, small Serene Continent, has been equivalent to a small country! 单论这一点,小小一个幽洲,已经相当于一个小国了! Your majesty felt relieved, I and others pledged to fight to the death to defend your majesty!” “主公放心,我等誓死保卫主公!” Tian Qianzhen, Tian Chengsi and the others serious say/way. 田乾真田承嗣等人一脸严肃道。
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