HE :: Volume #18

#1761: Lonesome appears to the old ancestor!

Chapter 1761 第1761章 Does the gate. 乾门。 Kills!” “杀!” More than 200 crown prince Imperial Guard compose simple star anise Array, crossed the city gate, is revolving suddenly, kills to go toward opposite several thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry. 200多名东宫禁军组成一个简单的八角阵法,翻过城门,急剧的旋转着,向着对面数千乌伤铁骑袭杀而去。 Bang!” “轰!” However more than 200 people have not gone forward far, only listens to a xī yù yù horse cry, a sky dark, tens of thousands of Heavy Cavalry instantaneous rush, but. 然而这200多人还没前进多远,只听一阵希聿聿的马鸣,天空一暗,成千上万的铁骑瞬间冲杀而至。 Cutting lineup!” “切割阵型!” Blinks, Wushang Heavy Cavalry are similar to flowers showered on the earth below by a goddess of the sky instantaneous dispersing, when close city wall, another turns around, returns rapidly, cutting, even if 100,000 god demons exterminate a in addition to hold, small Array that this 200 people compose also instantaneously disintegrates. 只是一个眨眼,一名名乌伤铁骑如同天女散花般瞬间散开,在接近城墙的时候,再一个转身,迅速杀回,前后不过一个切割,即便有100000神魔诛灭阵的加持,这支200人组成的小型阵法也瞬间瓦解。 Striking power, the Wushang Heavy Cavalry battle efficiency also above Heavy Cavalry that thousand Aristocratic Family Great Clan Expert composes. ——单论攻击力,乌伤铁骑的战斗力还远在一千世家大族高手组成的铁骑之上。 Bang!” “轰!” A lineup transforms, several thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry rush ahead once more, but, broke through the dry gate like a great blade, broke in rear Great Army. 只是一个阵型变换,数千乌伤铁骑再次冲杀而至,有如一柄巨刃冲过乾门,冲入了后方的大军之中。 „!” “啊!” Only listens to an intermittent sad and shrill pitiful yell, in a flash, innumerable forms in abundance but actually. 只听一阵阵凄厉的惨叫,电光石火间,无数的身影纷纷倒了下去。 Meanwhile, women. 与此同时,坤门。 Roar!” “吼!” Ha!” “哈!” ...... …… With an intermittent thunder calling out sound, before giant city gate, several thousand Mo Blade Squadron Cavalry platoons become Formation, the hand lifts Mo Blade, aspirates the sound, proceeds to tread step by step. When several thousand Mo Blade Squadron armed soldiers are treading the neat step, such as the wall advances, that imposing manner shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth, moves mountains, even also above the Heavy Cavalry charge. 随着一阵阵雷霆般的暴喝声,巨大的城门前,数千陌刀队骑兵排成阵列,手举陌刀,吐气开声,一步步往前踏去。当数千陌刀队甲士踏着整齐的步伐,如墙推进,那股气势惊天动地,排山倒海,甚至还远在铁骑冲锋之上。 Bang!” “轰!” Handle Mo Blade layer on layer/heavily chops, the tremendous strength opposite several hundred Imperial Guard will divide the lift-off to fly directly, called out pitifully is pounding in rear Great Army. 一柄柄陌刀重重劈下,巨大的力量直接将对面数百名禁军劈得离地飞起,惨叫着砸在后方的大军之中。 Draws back quickly!” “快退!” Be careful!” “小心!” ...... …… Facing Mo Blade Squadron that astonishing imposing manner and strength, after the city wall, Imperial Guard whole faces are panic-stricken, goes toward retreat in abundance. 面对陌刀队那惊人的气势和力量,城墙后,一名名禁军满脸惊骇,纷纷往后退去。 Had already heard the Talas's War this new unit given name, but the legend is a matter, felt as the match by oneself, was a different matter, a that type of feeling probably mountain range pounded toward oneself general, frightening, was hard to be a worthy opponent radically. 早就听说过怛罗斯之战这支新兵种的名号,但传说是一回事,作为对手亲身感受,又是另一回事,那种感觉就好像一座山峦朝自己砸过来一般,让人心惊胆战,根本难以匹敌。 Scoundrel!” “混账!” Sees with own eyes several tens of thousands Imperial Guard elite under the attack of Mo Blade Squadron, retreats in defeat again and again, is utterly routed, behind Great Army, segment vermilion Yan is hidden complexion gloomy in armor, the look ugly. 眼见数万禁军精锐在陌刀队的攻击下,节节败退,溃不成军,大军后方,段朱厌隐没在盔甲中的脸色阴沉,神色难看不已。 Clang!” “锵!” in a flash, segment vermilion Yan treads, huge dark-red Aura like the blade radiation, sweeps away the audience rapidly. At the same time, segment vermilion Yan One with the Horse, changes into together the shake the heavens rainbow, pull-off long a trace in void, goes toward the opposite Mo Blade Squadron rush. 电光石火间,段朱厌脚下一踏,一道巨大的暗红色光环有如刀刃般辐射而出,迅速横扫全场。同一时间,段朱厌人马合一,化为一道惊天长虹,在虚空中拖出一道长长的痕迹,朝着对面的陌刀队冲杀而去。 Roar!” “吼!” The ray flashes, void distortion, while segment vermilion Yan kicks out, old age vermilion Jiao apes and monkeys Behemoth was roaring, proceeded to flush away along with segment vermilion Yan suddenly together, that two furry giant long arms like the mountain range, were coercing the destructive strength, pounded ruthlessly toward the opposite. 光芒一闪,虚空扭曲,就在段朱厌扑出的同时,一只白头朱脚的猿猴巨兽咆哮着,猛然随着段朱厌一起往前冲去,那两条毛茸茸的巨大猿臂有如山峦般,裹挟着毁灭性的力量,朝着对面狠狠砸去。 xī yù yù!” 希聿聿!” In a twinkling, only listens to intense horse's neigh, powerful and brave, as if the Giant common robust man, is riding blood and sweat treasured horse, grasps carries Wootz Steel Long Sword thick, by the astonishing Speed washout, but. 说时迟那时快,只听一阵激烈的马嘶,一名孔武有力,仿佛巨人一般的壮汉,骑着一匹汗血宝马,手持厚背乌兹钢长剑,以惊人的速度冲刷而至。 Bang!” “轰隆!” The sword intersection, in a flash, two warhorses layer on layer/heavily hit in together, at the same time, Li Siye whole body wild Astral Qi also with segment vermilion Yan fierce hit of Astral Qi in void. 刀剑相交,电光石火间,两匹战马重重撞击在一起,同一时间,李嗣业浑身狂暴的罡气也和段朱厌的罡气在虚空中猛烈的撞击。 Only listens to a shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth loud sound, that checks, the entire world as if avalanche, the incomparable strength was centered on them, sweeps away the four directions, the strength hit on the wall, sent out was actually steel thundering. 只听一声惊天动地的巨响,那一刹,整个天地都仿佛崩塌了,无匹的劲气以两人为中心,横扫四方,劲气撞击在墙壁上,发出的却是钢铁般的轰鸣。 wēng! 嗡! Li Siye stands motionless, is similar to the beauty is ordinary, but opposite segment vermilion Yan, actually with horse, tread the tread tread to draw back several steps continually. 李嗣业站立不动,如同天人一般,而对面的段朱厌,却是连人带马,蹬蹬蹬连退了数步。 How possible?” “怎么可能?” Sees the opposite Giant robust man, segment vermilion Yan the pupil shrinks immediately, whole face is incredible. 看到对面巨人般的壮汉,段朱厌顿时瞳孔一缩,满脸的不可置信。 ...... …… Does the gate, the gate and women, in the short time, ten ten thousand Imperial Guard have encountered the unprecedented intense attack, with beforehand different, this time, Hou Junji's 100,000 god demons exterminated to bear the huge pressure. 乾门、中门、坤门,短短时间内,十万禁军遭到了前所未有的激烈进攻,和之前不同,这一次,侯君集的100000神魔诛灭阵承受了巨大的压力。 The strong winds howl, in the dim light of night tense atmosphere is incomparable, the war cry that soars to the heavens passes the clouds, entire national capital, innumerable common people in this war cry fearful restless. 狂风呼啸,夜色中气氛紧张无比,那冲天的喊杀声直透云霄,整个京师,无数百姓都在这喊杀声中惶惶不安。 Report!” “报!” The fight is still continuing, the Wang Chong two temple long hair wave, his vision is looking at the front, but also is managing entire Array. At this time, Heavy Cavalry suddenly progressing electricity shot. 战斗还在继续,王冲两鬓长发舞动,他的目光望着前方,还在主持整座阵法。就在这个时候,一名铁骑突然策马电射而来。 Lord King, the surrounding discovered the person who a Duke Zhao mansion, said that has the important matter to seek an interview Lord King.” 王爷,外围发现一名赵国公府的人,说有要事求见王爷。” From also more than ten steps, that Heavy Cavalry rapidly turns over/stands up dismount, kneels to bend down in the place. 距离还有十多步,那名铁骑迅速翻身下马,跪俯在地。 Duke Zhao mansion person?” 赵国公府的人?” The Wang Chong brow selects, accidental/surprised: 王冲眉头一挑,大为意外: Makes him come!” “让他过来!” Now an entire Imperial Palace piece of fierce combat, no one has thought, the person of Duke Zhao mansion will brave the danger, ran up to the frontline at this time, if did not have the extremely important matter, is such will not do absolutely. 现在整个皇宫一片激战,谁也没有想到,赵国公府的人会冒着危险,在这个时候跑到前线来,如果不是有极为重要的事情,是绝对不会这么做的。 The time of moment, along with a sound of footsteps in a hurry, wears the middle-aged scholar of clothes anxiously, the face whiten, the look toward Wang Chong walks rapidly. 只是片刻的时间,伴随着一阵匆匆的脚步声,一名身着青衫的中年文士,脸色苍白,神色惶急的向着王冲迅速走来。 Lord King, the important matter is not good!” 王爷,大事不好了!” That person just came, plop, the knees kneel down, without delay, has knocked on three knocks toward Wang Chong one after another. 那人刚一过来,扑通,双膝跪倒在地,二话不说,朝着王冲接连叩了三个响头。 Today early toward, First Imperial Prince deceives in all high-ranking court official ministers Hall of Supreme Harmony, now sends to guard with large army, imprisons all people. Runs away with great difficulty below, asking Lord King to save the every(one) high-ranking court official and my family Sir in any event!” “今日早朝,大皇子把所有公卿大臣都骗进了太和殿中,现在更是派了重兵把守,将所有人囚禁起来。在下好不容易才逃出来,请王爷无论如何都要救救诸位公卿和我家大人!” That person more said is more anxious, then ruthlessly kowtows on the ground, has dispersed including the hairlace, the scalp also knocked to bleed. 那人越说越急,接着又在地上狠狠叩头,连发带都散了,头皮也磕出血了。 Suddenly, all around Xu Keyi and the others also looked to Wang Chong. 一刹那间,四周许科仪等人也纷纷望向了王冲 The high-ranking court official minister is the Royal Court core, without them, Royal Court is hard to revolve normally, First Imperial Prince detains them in Hall of Supreme Harmony, obviously after is preparation and other matters succeeded, forcing the minister to acknowledge, thus good fortune and stratagem counter matter justifiable. 公卿大臣是朝廷核心,没有他们,朝廷难以正常运转,大皇子把他们强留在太和殿中,显然是准备等事情成功之后,逼迫大臣承认,从而将造化、谋逆的事情名正言顺化。 If acknowledged his legitimate status, if denied......, Without a doubt, by the First Imperial Prince disposition, will not be forgiving. 如果承认他的正统身份也就罢了,如果否认……,毫无疑问,以大皇子的性格,决不会留情。 This matter of great substance, cannot delay absolutely, but precisely fights at present the most intense time, must have Wang Chong radically. 兹事体大,绝对不能耽搁,但眼下正是战斗最激烈的时刻,根本少不了王冲 Do not be anxious first!” “你先别急!” The Wang Chong comfort said, looked quickly to nearby in addition together form: 王冲安慰道,很快望向了一旁的另一道身影: Green radish song!” “卫青歌!” Subordinate in!” “属下在!” The green radish song lowers the head, said hastily. 卫青歌低着头,连忙道。 You lead one team of troops, directly soars Hall of Supreme Harmony. Hou Junji's center of gravity places Taiji Hall, the Hall of Supreme Harmony person will not be many. I adjust 20 Wootz Steel Heavy Cavalry to you . Moreover, day deaf mute two seniors!” “你带一队人马,直奔太和殿。侯君集的重心放在太极殿,太和殿的人绝不会太多。我调20名乌兹钢铁骑给你,另外,天聋地哑两位前辈!” Lord King please tell.” 王爷请吩咐。” Wang Chong behind, a sound resounds quickly, precisely day deaf mute two people. Chaotic of three king relations are major, in the Wang Chong hand the military strength is short, except for Aristocratic Family Great Clan Expert, Expert in many Sect had been moved by him similarly. 王冲身后,一阵声音很快响起,正是天聋地哑二人。“三王之乱”关系重大,王冲手中兵力短缺,除了世家大族高手,许多宗派界中的高手同样被他调了过来。 Troubled you. If certainly wants the means to come out the numerous position minister safety belt!” “麻烦你们了。一定要想办法把众位大臣安全带出来!” Wang Chong said. 王冲道。 Lord King felt relieved, this matter, our two will certainly manage appropriately.” 王爷放心,这件事情,我们两个一定会办得妥妥当当。” With a tí dā dā hoofbeat, the day deaf mute two people sleeves are floating, are leading Expert in ticket Sect, without delay, leaves along with the green radish song quickly, toward Hall of Supreme Harmony. 随着一阵蹄哒哒的马蹄声,天聋地哑两人大袖飘飘,带领着一票宗派界中的高手,二话不说,很快随着卫青歌离开,朝着太和殿去了。 The fight is getting more and more intense, an intermittent war cry direct impact horizon, the thick smoke flame in Imperial Palace is also getting more and more blazing. 战斗越来越激烈,一阵阵的喊杀声直冲天际,皇宫内的浓烟火焰也越来越炽烈。 Wang Chong was looking at the front strongly, Spiritual Strength completely to the front. 王冲望着前方,精神力全部集中到了前方。 Lord King!” 王爷!” Also shortly after green radish song and the others left, suddenly, the ray flashes, the Miyasame Ayaka black clothes wears a mask, is covering the abdomen, suddenly from the dark deep place, the electricity shoots. 也就在卫青歌等人离开之后不久,突然之间,光芒一闪,宫雨绫香黑衣蒙面,一手捂着腹部,突然从黑暗深处,电射而出。 You were injured!” “你受伤了!” Wang Chong looked at one, the look immediately becomes dignified incomparable, the Miyasame Ayaka whole body is fragrant, but place that her hand covers, is the blood is contaminated, has been injured very much obviously, and injury is heavy. Bang, thinks without enough time, a Wang Chong palm racket, vigorous Astral Qi is bright, like the rivers and streams, the instantaneous bang enters to Miyasame Ayaka within the body. 王冲只是看了一眼,神色立即变得凝重无比,宫雨绫香浑身香汗淋淋,而她手捂的地方,更是鲜血浸染,很明显受伤了,而且伤势不轻。砰,来不及多想,王冲手掌一拍,一股浑厚的罡气明亮无比,有如江河般,瞬间轰入到宫雨绫香的体内。 Miyasame Ayaka uh-huh, obtains the treatment of this Astral Qi, the obvious facial expression was better. 宫雨绫香嗯哼一声,得到这股罡气的治疗,明显气色好了许多。 Lord King, the situation is not wonderful. Fifth Imperial Prince hangs personally, brought three thousand military force(s), is killing toward here. The First Imperial Prince person has discovered them, is sending Great Army to encircle. The subordinates braved death to rush, asking Lord King to go to rescue Fifth Imperial Prince as soon as possible!” 王爷,情况不妙。五皇子亲自挂阵,带了三千兵马,正在朝这里杀来。大皇子的人已经发现他们,正在派大军围剿。属下冒死闯了过来,请王爷尽快前去救援五皇子!” Miyasame Ayaka said, is only a few words, surroundings people look immediately one tight, Wang Chong also frowned, the look becomes heavy. 宫雨绫香道,只是一句话,周围众人神色顿时一紧,就连王冲也不由皱起了眉头,神色变得沉重起来。 Fifth Imperial Prince is Great Tang future really Dragon Son of Heaven, is can contend with First Imperial Prince only truly, person who competes for the throne. If the Fifth Imperial Prince body dies, the consequence is dreadful. 五皇子大唐未来的“真龙天子”,也是唯一真正可以和大皇子抗衡,争夺皇位的人。若是五皇子身死,后果不堪设想。 Wang Chong, the chessgame has suspended, doesn't come to play chess a game with the old man?” 王冲,棋局已经摆好,不来与老夫对弈一局吗?” At this time, the earth shook and heavens spun shook, the sound that Hou Junji was familiar with conveyed from the Imperial Palace deep place from afar, sound faint smile: 就在这个时候,天摇地动,侯君集熟悉的声音从皇宫深处远远传来,声音似笑非笑: Was right, if must rescue Fifth Imperial Prince, perhaps you must a bit faster.” “对了,如果要救五皇子的话,你恐怕就要快点了。” Hou Junji last few words, said people look in great surprise. 侯君集最后一句话,说得众人神色大惊。 Lord King!” 王爷!” Miyasame Ayaka look tight, subconscious raising the head looks to Wang Chong. Very obviously, Hou Junji has also discovered Fifth Imperial Prince, leaves the time of people not to be many. 宫雨绫香神色一紧,下意识的抬头望向王冲。很显然,侯君集也发现了五皇子,留给众人的时间不多了。 Hou Junji wanted take action, it seems like he wanted to divert me with Fifth Imperial Prince!” “侯君集要出手了,看来他想要用五皇子来牵制我!” Unexpected, Wang Chong raised the head, not only among the looks does not see slightly anxiously, instead shows a smiling face: 出乎预料,王冲抬起头来,神色间不但不见丝毫紧张,反而露出一丝笑容: This fight, is truly starts now! Lonesome to old ancestor, other comes looked at you!” “这场战斗,现在才算是真正开始!寂离老祖,余下来的就看你了!” Lonesome leaves the old ancestor?” “寂离老祖?” Miyasame Ayaka is looking up to Wang Chong, stunned of face. 宫雨绫香仰望着王冲,一脸的错愕。 Her subconscious turning head, side Wang Chong except for the armed soldier, simply does not have other people. 她下意识的扭头,王冲身边除了甲士,根本没有其他人。 hē hē, to me?” 呵呵,到我了吗?” The next quarter, in the vision of Miyasame Ayaka vibration, an armed soldier suddenly circles from the rear area, walked two steps, that humming sound the sound spreads from his armor. 下一刻,就在宫雨绫香震动的目光中,一名甲士突然从后方绕出,走了两步,那嗡嗡的声音从他的铠甲下传出。 The aura of this armed soldier whole body was not intense, mixes with a commonplace in one group of armed soldiers, but the next quarter, the bang, is similar to the volcanic eruption, a mountain range sea aura erupts from him suddenly, the aura shocks incomparably. 这名甲士浑身的气息本来并不强烈,夹杂在一群甲士中毫不起眼,但是下一刻,轰,如同火山爆发般,一股山峦大海般的气息陡然从他身上喷发而出,气息震撼无比。 Clang!” “锵!” Meanwhile, sees only that person to point at extends, crosses the top of the head, picks gently, has picked the helmet, throws on the ground conveniently. 与此同时,只见那人手指一伸,越过头顶,轻轻一摘,就将头盔摘了下来,随手扔在地上。 The strong winds raid, that person of full head sending silk dances in the breeze, simultaneously reveals old, but actually verve incomparable face. 狂风袭来,那人满头的发丝飘舞,同时显露出一张苍老,但却刚猛无比的脸庞。 This is......” “这是……” This sudden change, Wang Chong Xu Keyi and the others for a while feared. They had not discovered that when side Wang Chong mixes in this old man. 这突然的变化,就连王冲身旁的许科仪等人都一时惊住了。就连他们都没有发现,王冲身边是什么时候混入这名老者的。 Lonesome to the old ancestor, a while troubled you.” “寂离老祖,一会儿就麻烦你了。” Wang Chong shows a faint smile to say. 王冲微微一笑道。 Lonesome is he invites specially to the old ancestor, in fact, after the tour of northwest had ended, lonesome had also said to the old ancestor must arrive in the national capital, now precisely just right. Big Luo Xianzhen needs a powerful person to manage Array, Wang Chong leaves, needs the person substitute, lonesome leaves the old ancestor is the best candidate. 寂离老祖是他特意请过来的,事实上,西北之行结束后,寂离老祖也说过要到京师中来,如今正是恰到好处。大罗仙阵需要一个实力强大的人主持阵法,王冲离开,就必须要有一个人替代,寂离老祖就是最好的人选。 Un.” “嗯。” Lonesome has not spoken to the old ancestor, is only serious nod. 寂离老祖没有说话,只是郑重的点了点头。 The tour of northwest, Wang Chong broken greatly Luo Xianzhen time, he, also had also known about this Array . Moreover, manages Array only to need to instill into Astral Qi toward gathering air/Qi pearl in merely unceasingly, by lonesome to old ancestor's strength, has more than enough to spare. 西北之行,王冲破大罗仙阵的时候,他也在其中,对这个阵法也有所了解,另外,主持阵法仅仅只需要不断地往聚气珠中灌输罡气,以寂离老祖的实力,绰绰有余。
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