HE :: Volume #18

#1755: Saint Martial camp!

Chapter 1755 Tenth 第1755章【第十更】 Her look is calm, the step is calm, cannot see the color of slight fear completely. 她的神色镇定,步履从容,完全看不到丝毫的畏惧之色。 You make way, even if his Li Ying hoodwinks the public, grasped Imperial Palace, this palace does not fear him! Since old times never heard harem imperial concubine must avoid the rebels!” “你们让开,就算他李瑛一手遮天,掌握了皇宫,本宫也绝不怕他!自古从未听说后宫正妃还要回避乱臣贼子!” The Imperial Concubine Taizhen look is imposing, has arrived at outside the palace along the main hall ice-cold jade board step by step. 太真妃神色凛然,一步步沿着大殿冰冷的玉石板走到了殿外。 Empress, may not! Since they dare to revolt, the duty that did not attend to the official, the empress cannot be swayed by personal feelings, hides quickly with the servants!” “娘娘,不可啊!他们既然敢造反,就已经是不顾臣子的本分了,娘娘千万不可意气用事,快和奴婢一起躲起来吧!” Several True Jade Palace palace maid whole faces are anxious, want to prevent Imperial Concubine Taizhen, but completely was actually worked loose by her. 身后,几名玉真宫的宫女满脸焦急,想要阻止太真妃,但却全部被她挣脱了。 You do not need to urge me, your majesty is Great Tang Sage Emperor, will be the emperor of eternity, this palace will be his imperial concubine, in any event will not drop before these rebels your majesty prestige!” “你们不必劝我了,陛下是大唐圣皇,是千古的帝王,本宫是他的妃子,无论如何都绝不会在这些乱臣贼子面前堕了陛下的威名!” Imperial Concubine Taizhen face said resolutely, on that beautiful face, cannot see tiny bit fear completely. 太真妃一脸正色道,那张绝美的脸庞上,完全看不到一丝一毫的畏惧。 Clang!” “锵!” Long Sword comes out of the sheath, has delimited void, is almost simultaneously, a sharp blade arrived under the chin of Imperial Concubine Taizhen. 长剑出鞘,划过虚空,几乎是同时,一柄利刃抵在了太真妃的颔下。 Outside the palace, innumerable military force(s) come in swarms, surrounds True Jade Palace all round, but is head precisely of impressively grasps the military commander of sharp blade. 殿外,无数的兵马蜂拥而至,将玉真宫团团包围,而为首的赫然正是那手持利刃的武将。 Empress, I and others followed orders to handle affairs, has no intention to affront, but also asked the empress do not make me and other awkward!” “娘娘,我等只是奉命行事,无意冒犯,还请娘娘不要让我等为难!” On horseback, that military commander cold sound said. 马背上,那名武将冷声道。 Saw meaning that Imperial Concubine Taizhen has not avoided completely, instead withstand/top the sharp blade to proceed to walk, the next quarter, Long Sword in that military commander hand turns, racket of sword back on the Imperial Concubine Taizhen nape of the neck, Imperial Concubine Taizhen at present one black, then anything does not know. 眼看太真妃完全没有回避的意思,反而顶着利刃要往前走去,下一刻,那名武将手中的长剑一翻,剑背在太真妃脖颈上一拍,太真妃眼前一黑,便什么也不知道了。 Takes!” “拿下!” That military commander palm wields, the next quarter, innumerable military force(s) come in swarms immediately. 那名武将手掌一挥,下一刻,无数的兵马立即蜂拥而至。 ...... …… Northwest Imperial Palace. 皇宫西北。 Cry!” “唳!” In the nighttime sky, huge Gyrfalcon launches the both wings, is similar to the advantage arrow is ordinary, dives from void. 夜空之中,一只巨大的海东青展开双翅,如同利箭一般,从虚空中俯冲而过。 But in ground, while Gyrfalcon has flown, along with issuing an order, innumerable military force(s) carries out activities openly, broke in the gold sun palace instantaneously. 而地面上,就在海东青飞过的同时,随着一声令下,无数的兵马明火执仗,瞬间冲入到了金阳宫中。 Takes! Takes them entirely!” “拿下!把他们统统拿下!” Found Fifth Imperial Prince?” “找到五皇子了吗?” „It is not right! Fifth Imperial Prince not in palace!” “不对!五皇子不在宫中!” ...... …… One intermittent drinks to spread from the gold sun palace in distant place severely, but is quick, as if the discovery goal is not, in gold sun palace a confusion. 一阵阵厉喝声从远处的金阳宫中传出,但是很快,似乎发现目标不在,金阳宫中一片混乱。 But at this moment, in being distanced the extremely far another place, notes without many people, the form wears the Imperial Guard armor together, is standing in the high wall, the stealth in the darkness, looks at this silently. 而此时此刻,在相距极远的另一处地方,没有多少人注意到,一道身影穿着禁军的盔甲,正站在高高的宫墙上,隐身于黑暗中,默默地看着这一幕。 Your highness, King of Foreign Territory said right, they began tonight really!” “殿下,异域王说的没错,他们真的在今晚动手了!” The strong winds howl, Li Jingzhong stands side Fifth Imperial Prince Li Heng's, looks at distant place dense and numerous Great Army, in the heart rejoices: 狂风呼啸,李静忠站在五皇子李亨的身旁,看着远处密密麻麻的大军,心中庆幸不已: Narrow squeak, we prepared luckily ahead of time, shifted the place, otherwise really made First Imperial Prince go well!” “好险,幸好我们提前准备,转移了地方,要不然就真的让大皇子得手了!” Fifth Imperial Prince Li Heng is the First Imperial Prince eye-sore thorn in the side, nobody is clearer than Li Jingzhong, if makes First Imperial Prince go well, Li Heng must certainly die without doubt. From infancy to maturity, First Imperial Prince started too aims at Li Heng's to assassinate repeatedly, under the imperial authority did not have the brothers, Fifth Imperial Prince can arrive at these step not to be quite easy. 五皇子李亨一直都是大皇子的眼中钉肉中刺,没有人比李静忠更明白,如果让大皇子得手,李亨一定必死无疑。从小到大,大皇子发动太多次针对李亨的暗杀了,皇权之下无兄弟,五皇子能走到这一步极为不易。 Li Heng has not spoken, his vision is looking at the distant place, in discovering Li Heng not after palace, Heavy Cavalry that these First Imperial Prince send started to search nearby palace space. 李亨没有说话,他的目光望着远处,在发现李亨不在宫中之后,那些大皇子派来的铁骑已经开始搜索附近的宫宇了。 Your highness, here was unsafe, we hurry to leave!” “殿下,这里已经不安全了,我们赶紧离开吧!” Li Jingzhong opens the mouth saying that all of them have prepared beforehand one set of Imperial Guard armor, is no exception, now in Imperial Palace Li Jingzhong a confusion, is Imperial Guard, the people mixes everywhere wants to leave, is not very difficult. 李静忠开口道,他们所有人事先都准备了一套禁军的铠甲,就连李静忠都不例外,现在皇宫之中一片混乱,到处都是禁军,众人混在其中想要离开,并不是很难。 Li Heng stands in the top, has not spoken, in his eye continuously, no one knows he is thinking anything. 李亨站在墙头上,没有说话,他的眼中此起彼伏,谁也不知道他在想什么。 „Does Uncle Jing, how many military force(s) in our present hands have?” 静叔,我们现在手中有多少兵马?” Li Heng opens the mouth to say suddenly. 李亨突然开口道。 „?” “啊?” These words suddenly, in the Li Jingzhong heart are startled, accidental/surprised, but for all this, the reply of Li Jingzhong or instinct: 这番话突如其来,李静忠心中一怔,大为意外,不过尽管如此,李静忠还是本能的回答道: In our hands currently has probably about 3,000-4,000 troops!” “我们手中现在大约有三四千人马左右!” As the imperial prince, Li Heng can raise 1000 private soldiers, to guard against First Imperial Prince, before Li Heng is very long, starts to incur to buy military force(s), places in Imperial Guard, protects itself. 作为皇子,李亨本来就可以豢养1000私兵,而为了防备大皇子,李亨很久之前就开始招买兵马,安插在禁军之中,保护自己。 Now the Imperial Palace rebellion, Li Heng naturally also all private soldiers, military force(s) including Imperial Guard called, 3,000-4,000 troops are not many, at least in this big rebellion, the futile attempt, cannot play too in a big way role, but had the strength of certain self-preservation. 如今皇宫叛乱,李亨自然也把所有的私兵,包括禁军中的兵马召集了过来,三四千人马并不多,至少在这种大叛乱中,杯水车薪,起不了太大作用,但已经有一定的自保之力了。 Li Heng has not spoken, his turning the head slowly, looked to the Taiji Hall direction. 李亨没有说话,他缓缓的转过头来,望向了太极殿的方向。 There flame flaming, the war cry heavenshaking penetrating place, does not know that has gathered many military force(s), main force of this rebellion, then centralized there. 那里火光熊熊,喊杀声震天彻地,不知道集聚了多少兵马,这次叛乱的主力,便集中于那里。 In Imperial Palace danger numerous, First Imperial Prince military force(s) is looking around, but Li Heng most was worried that at this time, is actually not own safety. 皇宫之中危险重重,大皇子兵马更是在四处搜寻自己,但李亨此时最担心的,却并不是自己的安危。 Father Emperor......” 父皇……” On the Li Heng jet black pupil, reflects Taiji Hall of distant place, on the face was worrying completely, but is only the moment, Li Heng calm. 李亨漆黑的瞳孔上,倒映着远处的太极殿,脸上满是担忧,但只是片刻,李亨就镇定了下来。 Passes on me to order, Great Army assembles, kills along with me together to Taiji Hall!” “传我命令,大军集结,随我一起杀向太极殿!” Your highness?!” “殿下?!” Hears these words, Li Jingzhong is surprised, the whole person has been shocked, he holds Li Heng, shakes the head to say again and again: 听到这番话,李静忠大吃一惊,整个人都惊呆了,他一把抓住李亨,连连摇头道: This matter does not may! Now First Imperial Prince is in power, in the hand holds ten ten thousand military force(s), moreover in city each important highway almost all during his control. Only in this military strength depending on our hands, radically attacks somebody stronger than oneself, is no different brings about own destruction, the urgent matter, is hurries to leave Imperial Palace, maintains the strength, simultaneously summoned that regional military force(s) go to the capital together Emperor Qin!” “此事万万不可啊!现在大皇子得势,手中握有十余万兵马,而且城中各个要道几乎全在他的控制之中。仅凭我们手中这点兵力,根本就是鸡蛋碰石头,无异于自寻死路,当务之急,是赶紧离开皇宫,保存实力,同时号召各地的兵马一起进京勤王!” Keeps the mountain, does not worry not to have the firewood fever!” “留得青山在,不愁没柴烧啊!” Although Li Jingzhong covets life and fears death, but this time is actually far from oneself, present situation, how when not to be swayed by personal feelings. 李静忠虽然贪生怕死,但这次却绝非为了自己,眼前的局势,无论如何也不是意气用事之时。 Uncle Jing, you do not need to urge me, Father Emperor is thrown into jail now, when precisely danger, if my abandoning did not attend to at this time, considers only itself to escape, in vain manner?-- in any event, I will not leave!” 静叔,你不必劝我,父皇现在身陷囹圄,正是危难之时,如果这个时候我弃之不顾,只顾自己逃命,岂不是枉为人子?——无论如何,我都绝不会离开!” Li Heng spoke these words, clang draws out the treasured sword, leap under resolutely wall. 李亨说完这句话,锵的一声拔出宝剑,毅然决然的跃下宫墙。 Your highness, wait/etc.!” “殿下,等等!” The Li Jingzhong look sudden change, pursued in the Li Heng's direction hastily. 李静忠神色骤变,连忙朝着李亨的方向追了过去。 ...... …… Meanwhile, in Imperial Palace, crown prince deep place, brilliantly illuminated. 与此同时,皇宫之中,东宫深处,灯火通明。 Your highness, Sir Ghost King, our military force(s) proceed, succeeded seized the Qingyang palace, to discuss Yang Gong, Huayanggong. Moreover, we have also seized the Double Ninth Festival gate and toward Gate of Heaven, but, the person in Saint Martial camp also sent out, at present our people are battling with them.” “殿下,鬼王大人,我们的兵马一路往前,已经成功的占领了庆阳宫、商阳宫、华阳宫。另外,我们还占领了重阳门和朝天门,不过,圣武营的人也已经出动,目前我们的人正在和他们激战。” „The manpower of Saint Martial camp are not many, is impossible to resist ten ten thousand Imperial Guard, because of the terrain reason, our military force(s) cannot well up completely, perhaps also needs to capture Taiji Hall some time!” 圣武营的人手并不多,根本不可能抵挡十万禁军,不过因为地形原因,我们的兵马并不能完全涌过去,恐怕还需要一段时间才能攻入太极殿!” Jinwu Guard Commander , the armor is brightly burnished, kneels to bend down on the ground bows saying that loud and clear sound reverberates in the entire palace. 一名金吾卫统领,盔甲锃亮,跪伏在地上躬身道,那洪亮的声音在整个殿中回响。 Saint Martial camp! 圣武营! This is in entire Imperial Palace, most special unit, their Training Camp situated in primal chaos palace north. 这是整个皇宫之中,最特殊的兵种,他们的训练营地位于太极宫以北。 Since the ancient times, Taiji Hall that Sage Emperor occupies is in Imperial Palace the northern place, Imperial Guard or the ministers can not overstep, but only has the Saint Martial camp to be special. 自古以来,圣皇所居的太极殿皇宫之中最北的地方,无论是禁军还是大臣都不得逾越,但唯有圣武营特殊。 They are regarded as right-hand of Sage Emperor, is side the Sage Emperor final level defense, only has them to be able north Taiji Hall to establish the camp, and as own training ground. 他们被视为圣皇的左膀右臂,是圣皇身边的最后一层防卫,也唯有他们才能在太极殿以北建立营地,并且作为自己的训练场。 The Saint Martial camp has all sorts of special rights, they can the freedom reassign the manpower from Imperial Guard, and investigates, once enters the Saint Martial camp to be equal to that is separated with the original status, henceforth cannot have any relation with the family. 圣武营拥有种种特殊权利,他们可以自由从禁军中抽调人手,并且进行调查,一旦进入圣武营就等于和原来的身份脱离,从此不能和家族中有任何联系。 The Saint Martial camp is self-made, their trainings and Imperial Guard distinguish right from wrong, usually does not occur together. 圣武营自成体系,他们的训练和禁军泾渭分明,平常毫无交集。 Moreover, any minister includes the imperial prince, cannot have any relation with the Saint Martial camp, cannot approach. 另外,任何大臣包括皇子,都不能和圣武营有任何联系,更不能靠近。 Any attempts the action of close Saint Martial camp, will be suspected as the behavior will be illegal, the same severe punishment, will hand over by Ancestral Mansion handles. 任何试图接近圣武营的举动,都会被怀疑为行为不轨,一律严惩,交由宗人府处置。 The recruitment custom of Saint Martial camp is quite severe, except for is powerful, must be far in excess of other Imperial Guard, but must be absolutely loyal to Sage Emperor, for this reason, the manpower of Saint Martial camp are not many, altogether only has 8000 people, because of this, the person in Saint Martial camp is extremely also loyal, is impossible to betray. 圣武营的招收规矩极为严苛,除了实力强大,必须远远超越其他禁军,还必须要对圣皇绝对忠诚,因为这个原因,圣武营的人手并不多,总共只有8000人,但也正因为如此,圣武营的人极其忠诚,绝不可能背叛。 Therefore, First Imperial Prince from the beginning, gave up gathering the plan of Saint Martial camp. 所以,大皇子从一开始,就放弃了招揽圣武营的打算。 These time attacks Taiji Hall, the biggest barrier is this 8000 well-trained, strength extremely high Saint Martial army. 这一次进攻太极殿,最大的障碍就是这8000训练有素,实力极高的圣武军。 How long also needs probably?” “大概还需要多久?” At this time, a sound resounded, nearby wishing child En went forward two to open the mouth to say. 就在这个时候,一个声音响起,一旁的祝童恩上前两步开口道。 Did not draw turning head arrow those who lived in ages, the rebellion was the capital crime! Once does not start successfully, then dies for a righteous cause. “开弓没有回头箭”历朝历代,造反都是死罪!一旦发动不成功,便成仁。 Regarding people, from starting that moment of rebellion, the head of everyone hung on the cutting edge, the time elongated the moment every time, the head of people left on a cutting edge near point. 对于众人来说,从发动叛乱的那一刻起,每个人的脑袋都悬在了刀口上,时间每拉长一刻,众人的脑袋就离刀口近上一分。 Only then fights a battle to force a quick decision, killing as soon as possible enters in Taiji Hall, supports First Imperial Prince to mount the throne, can get it over and done. 只有速战速决,尽快的杀进太极殿中,拥护大皇子登上皇位,才能一劳永逸。 „The resistance of Saint Martial camp is intense, it is expected that...... Perhaps needs about half double-hour.” 圣武营的抵抗非常激烈,预计……恐怕需要半个时辰左右。” That Jinwu Guard Leader kneels to bend down on the ground said. 那名金吾卫首领跪伏在地上道。 Was too long, I give you, as soon as burns a joss stick( for 30 minutes) the time, must capture Taiji Hall in any event!” “太长了,我给你们一炷香(30分钟)的时间,无论如何都要攻入太极殿!” Ghost King stands up from the table, indifferently said. 鬼王从桌案上站起身来,淡淡道 Yes!” “是!” In a flash, on that Jinwu Guard forehead the cold sweat flowed, but can only clench teeth to say. 一瞬间,那名金吾卫额头上冷汗都流出来了,但只能咬牙应道。 military order such as mountain inverted/fall, was also beyond control they to refute at this time. 军令如山倒,这个时候也由不得他们反驳了。 But Sir! That side King of Foreign Territory has killed! Perhaps by their Speed, we do not have the time that one burns a joss stick!” “可是大人!异域王那边已经杀过来了!以他们的速度,我们恐怕没有一炷香的时间!” At this time, Meng slaughter went forward to open the mouth to say. 就在这个时候,孟屠上前一步开口道。 The use unparalleled in the world of Wang Chong to Cavalry, Wushang Heavy Cavalry of his subordinates is known as the first under heaven, sprints like rushing to the thunder is as fast as lightning, from the imperial city gate to Taiji Hall, perhaps has more than enough the too much time. 王冲骑兵的使用天下无双,他麾下的乌伤铁骑就号称天下第一,冲刺起来有如奔雷掣电,从宫门到太极殿,恐怕都用不了太多时间。 Moreover, perhaps that side yellow General cannot block him!” “而且,黄将军那边恐怕挡不住他!” The last few words, Meng Tucai said the anxiety in heart. 最后一句话,孟屠才说出了心中的忧虑。 yellow Tianzhao is Imperial Guard one of the three Great Commander, strength strong without a doubt, but he faces is actually trim land most outstanding War God, is very difficult to resist Wang Chong by yellow Tianzhao the strength! 黄天兆是禁军的三大统领之一,实力之强毋庸置疑,但是他面对的却是整片陆地最杰出的战神,以黄天兆的实力恐怕很难抵挡得住王冲 hē hē.” 呵呵。” Ghost King hears word is light smiles. 鬼王闻言只是淡淡一笑。 Relax, all I have position! Moreover, I also prepared a big ritual to give him!” “放心,一切我自有主张!而且,我也准备了一份大礼给他!” Speaking of last, Ghost King looked in one gate direction, in the eye, if had the profound meaning. 说到最后一句,鬼王望了一眼中门的方向,眼中若有深意。 ...... …… 【The today's ten chapters erupted as promised, hopes that everybody pays attention to my meager and slightly letter public number much, searches Huangfu strange then!( #^. ^#)】 【今天十章已经如约爆发完毕,希望大家多多关注我的微薄和微信公众号,搜索“皇甫奇”即可!(#^.^#)】
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