HE :: Volume #18

#1749: Slaughters the chessgame!

Chapter 1749 【The fourth chapter 第1749章【第四章】 Crown prince. 东宫。 Crash-bang! 哗啦啦! A carrier pigeon drops from the clouds, fell into the main hall of crown prince quickly. 一只信鸽从天而降,很快落入了东宫的大殿之中。 How?” “怎么样了?” In the main hall a sound asked. 大殿上一个声音问道。 Your highness, that side King of Foreign Territory's Mansion did not have the sound temporarily!” “殿下,异域王府那边暂时还没有动静!” Kinsuke stone scatters the hand, emits the carrier pigeon, at the same time opens the mouth to say. 金佑石把手一撒,将信鸽放出,一边开口说道。 In the main hall, the flame drags, a peace, but First Imperial Prince actually slightly frowned. No matter the army of border region or national capital, performs during his control, but regarding that Wang Clan's young child, he has deep dreading throughout. 大殿里,火光摇曳,一片安静,但是大皇子却微微皱起了眉头。不管是边陲还是京师的军队,尽在他的掌控之中,但是对于那个王家的幼子,他始终有着很深的忌惮。 Until now, Wang Chong exposes in outwardly on also merely only then that 1200 guards, but military force(s) that he ambushes, then has not known the trace until now. Even if Kinsuke stone has used full power, cannot find these armies. 到现在为止,王冲展露在明面上的还仅仅只有那1200个侍卫而已,而他潜伏起来的兵马,则到现在为止还不知所踪。即便金佑石已经倾尽全力,也还是没能找到那些军队。 Regarding First Imperial Prince, this without doubt is a huge threat. 对于大皇子来说,这无疑是个巨大的威胁。 Damn! Damn! Damn! Why, why you must with this palace oppose!” “该死!该死!该死!为什么,为什么你非得要和本宫作对!” The First Imperial Prince three fists, pound one after another ruthlessly on the table before oneself, his forehead blue vein Ben gets up, complexion gloomy is incomparable. 大皇子接连三拳,狠狠砸在自己身前的桌案上,他的额头青筋贲起,脸色阴沉无比。 Does not solve Wang Chong this disaster, he is not always able to feel at ease, no one hopes that in staging a rebellion, has such a restless factor. 不解决掉王冲这个祸患,他始终无法心安,谁也不希望在举事的时候,身后还有这么一个不安因素。 Sovereign brother, in my opinion, we do not need these many scruples, to make the sovereign younger brother take three ten thousand military force(s), I completely eradicate certainly Wang Chong this disaster for you!” “皇兄,依我看,我们根本不必这么多顾忌,就让皇弟带上三万兵马,我一定彻底替你铲除王冲这个祸害!” At this time, a sound transmitted from slanting checking, Third Imperial Prince Li Ju gold War Armor, grasped the fist to say suddenly ruthlessly. 就在这个时候,一个声音从斜刹里传来,三皇子李琚一身黄金战甲,突然狠狠握着拳头道。 Good, Third Brother words coarse principle is not coarse, the sovereign brother, in my opinion, we truly do not need extremely to have scruples to Wang Clan. Sees by the simple-minded younger brother, disperses while Wang Chong's military force(s) to various places, we make first move and get control, in advance solves Wang Chong.” “不错,三弟话糙理不糙,皇兄,依我看,我们确实没必要对王家太过顾忌。以愚弟见,趁着王冲的兵马分散至各处,我们先发制人,先行解决掉王冲。” Now entire Empire only can also threaten the sovereign brother, only has King of Foreign Territory, so long as kills him, but also who can prevent the sovereign brother!” “现在整个帝国唯一还能威胁到皇兄的,也只有异域王而已,只要干掉他,还有谁能够阻止得了皇兄!” So long as sovereign brother agreed, Li Yaoyuan and Third Brother go together!” “只要皇兄同意,李瑶愿和三弟一同前往!” Almost is at the same time, Second Imperial Prince Li Yao proceeded two steps, opened the mouth to say. 几乎是同一时间,二皇子李瑶往前走了两步,跟着开口道。 Two imperial prince opens the mouth, in main hall immediately a silence. 两位皇子一开口,大殿内顿时一片寂静。 In the main hall, a people silence, solemn Great Tang King of Foreign Territory, War God of new generation, has killed people 1 million existences, how possibly to look like Second Imperial Prince and Third Imperial Prince to say was so easy to cope. Solely was these days crown prince set out that many eagle birds and informers and spy, cannot solve the spy of Wang Chong subordinates, say nothing was other. 大殿内,众人一片沉默,堂堂大唐异域王,新一代的战神,杀人过1000000的存在,怎么可能像二皇子三皇子说的那么容易对付。单单是这几天东宫出动了那么多鹰雀和耳目、间谍,都没能解决掉王冲麾下的间谍,更不用说是其他的了。 Your highness is patient.” “殿下稍安勿躁。” At this time, a sound transmitted from side, has broken Second Imperial Prince and Third Imperial Prince, shifted the entire topic. In the First Imperial Prince side, Ghost King crosses the hands behind the back to stand, clouds are thin, wind is soft of face. 就在这个时候,一个声音从旁边传来,打断了二皇子三皇子,也将整个话题转移开来。就在大皇子的身边,鬼王负手而立,一脸的云淡风轻 All I have the arrangement, King of Foreign Territory leave me to cope, your highness will only need the relieved waiting to coronate tomorrow then.” “一切我自有安排,异域王就留给我来对付,殿下只需安心等待明日加冕即可。” These words are loud and clear, naturally reveals a persuasive strength. 这番话掷地有声,自然而然的流露出一股令人信服的力量。 Kinsuke stone, did the time was similar, prepare?” “金佑石,时间差不多了,准备好了吗?” Hou Junji has turned head suddenly, is looking around Kinsuke stone-paved road. 侯君集突然扭过头来,望着一旁的金佑石道。 Momentarily can move!” “随时可以行动!” In Kinsuke stone heart one cold, lowers the head to say hastily. 金佑石心中一凛,连忙低头道。 Goes!” “去吧!” Hou Junji beckoned with the hand, then no longer said. 侯君集只是摆了摆手,便不再多说。 ...... …… But merely in a moment later, when Wang Chong also examination national capital map in mansion-- 而仅仅就在片刻之后,当王冲还在府邸中查看京师地图的时候—— Bang! 轰隆! Suddenly, not having the slight indication, the earth movement day to swing, intense trembling transmits from the under foot, follows, crash-bang, the roof trembles, but suddenly, the glazed tile of big piece falls from the roof, pounds on the ground crushes, the kā chā chā sound is lingering on faintly. 突然,没有丝毫征兆,地动天摇,一股强烈的震颤从脚下传来,紧随其后,哗啦啦,屋顶震颤,只不过瞬息间,大片的琉璃瓦从屋顶四周滑落下来,在地上砸得粉碎,咔嚓嚓的声音不绝于耳。 What's all this about?” “这是怎么回事?” The Wang Chong brow selects, steep stands up from the seat. 王冲眉头一挑,陡的从座位站起身来。 However has not waited for him to respond, next quarter, bang, in the Wang Chong's induction, boundless, is full of the destructive strength, never the far place soars to the heavens suddenly. 然而还没等他反应过来,下一刻,轰隆,就在王冲的感应中,一股磅礴的,充满毁灭性的力量,突然之间从不远的地方冲霄而起。 ! 咻! Wang Chong robe pulls up, flies to shoot from the main hall instantaneously, but blinks, immediately appeared outside the Wang Residence front door. 王冲衣袍一撩,瞬间从大殿内飞射而出,只不过一个眨眼,立即出现在了王府大门外。 This is!” “这是!” At that moment, sees the present scene, even if Wang Chong were prepared at heart, is moved. 那一刻,看到眼前的场景,即便王冲心里已经有了准备,也不由为之动容。 Sees only the northeast direction, in the position that Imperial Palace is, the earth shook and heavens spun shook, huge, exceeds the imagination the essence, soars to the heavens from Imperial Palace like the strong winds, penetration world. 只见东北方向,就在皇宫所在的位置,天摇地动,一股庞大的,超出想象的精气,有如狂风般从皇宫之中冲霄而起,贯通天地。 But in the Imperial Palace place above, the ray gathers, reveals a golden yellow complex design faintly. 而就在皇宫的上方,光芒汇聚,隐隐显露出一个金黄色的复杂图案。 Great Array! 大阵 In the Wang Chong heart vibrates, in the mind is almost the instinct flashing through together thought. 王冲心中震动,脑海中几乎是本能的闪过一道念头。 Lived for dozens years in the national capital, Wang Chong had not seen Imperial Palace to have this mutation, but disclosed to this mutation in aura that Wang Chong was not strange, that was the giant Array aura. 在京师中生活了几十年,王冲从没有见过皇宫产生这种异变,但是对这种异变中透露出来的气息,王冲却并不陌生,那是巨型阵法的气息。 Initially in Talas, Wang Chong also once felt has been to this ancient strength, but Talas bottom that depth buried ten ten thousand Rakshasa earth fortress and at present compared with Great Array in Imperial Palace, felt dwarfed obviously, both sides completely were not the same progressions. 当初在怛罗斯,王冲也曾感受到过这种古老的力量,只不过怛罗斯地底那个深埋的“十万罗刹大地堡垒阵”和眼前皇宫中的大阵相比,明显是小巫见大巫,双方完全不是同一个级数。 In Imperial Palace, the mutation is still continuing, that radiant ray almost illuminated the daytime the sky, but along with Imperial Palace deep place that huge ancient Array rotation, in the Wang Chong's sensation, the aura in entire Imperial Palace was camouflaged immediately slowly, resembled the giant theater curtains, covered to be the same there completely. 皇宫中,异变还在继续,那璀璨的光芒几乎将天空都照成了白昼,而随着皇宫深处那庞大古老的阵法转动,在王冲的感知中,整个皇宫内的气息顿时慢慢被遮蔽,就好像有一张巨大的幕布,将那里完全笼罩起来一样。 Slowly, radiance collects gradually, but entire Imperial Palace also becomes in the sensation of people a silence, resembles there is the world of another without owner is ordinary. 慢慢的,光华渐渐敛去,而整个皇宫在众人的感知中也变得一片寂静,就好像那里是另外一个无主的世界一般。 wēng! 嗡! In the garden, Xu Keyi, Cheng Sanyuan and Zhang Que, all people are looking at the Imperial Palace direction, has grown up the mouth, could not speak. They were also attracted by that vibration sound, the present all have surpassed the imagination, nobody knows that had anything. 庭院中,许科仪程三元张雀,所有人都望着皇宫的方向,一个个都长大了嘴巴,说不出话来。他们也是被那震动声吸引过来的,眼前的一切超过了想象,没有人知道发生了什么。 Finally started!” “终于开始了!” Nobody is clearer than him, when entire Imperial Palace was isolated, is that side the crown prince momentarily will launch the rebellion the time. 没人比他更明白,当整个皇宫被隔绝起来的时候,也就是东宫那边随时会发动叛乱的时候。 Crash-bang! 哗啦啦! But at this moment, in Imperial Palace mutation attraction countless person lines of sight, nobody notes, in darkness, a carrier pigeon across layer on layer/heavily void, flew into Imperial Palace southeastern King Qi's Mansion Di. 而此时此刻,当皇宫中异变吸引无数人视线的时候,没有人注意到,黑暗中,一只信鸽穿过重重虚空,飞入到了皇宫东南的齐王府邸之中。 A silence, all people are waiting for in all directions. 四面八方一片寂静,所有人都在等待着。 Cry!” “唳!” In the Imperial Palace sky, is away from several kilometers upper air, a short rock eagle opens the both wings, but actually by with body extremely not symmetric tight spiral of Speed in upper air. Its vision falcon advantage, bends down to look below piece of dim Great Tang Imperial Palace, all was performed the pleasant bottom by it. 就在皇宫的上空,距离数千米的高空之中,一只短小的岩鹰张开双翅,但却以和身躯极不相称的速度在高空中急速盘旋着。它的目光隼利,俯看着下方一片昏暗的大唐皇宫,所有的一切都被它尽入眼底。 However just the time of moment, wind sound/rumor howls, only listens to a series of vicious sharp cries, in the darkness, dozens Gyrfalcon and golden eagles rapid swoop toward here. 然而只不过片刻的时间,风声呼啸,只听一连串凶狠的尖唳,黑暗中,数十只海东青和金雕迅速朝着这里飞扑而来。 Sees only that only short rock eagle both wings to inspire, immediately increases to a higher place, simultaneously sends out one or the long or short sharp cry, the sound spreads is very far. 只见那只短小的岩鹰双翅一振,立即攀升向更高的地方,同时发出一阵或长或短的尖唳,声音传出很远。 One group, two groups, three groups...... 一拨,两拨,三拨…… In the darkness, each place of the groups of eagle birds from Imperial Palace, shoots up to the sky, one after another swoops to come toward airborne that terse and forceful rock eagle, but completely rapidly was actually flashed through by it, no matter meets many wave of attacks, that terse and forceful rock eagle is not willing to leave throughout, the vision has been sizing up under. 黑暗中,一拨拨的鹰雀从皇宫中的各个地方,冲天而起,接二连三的朝着空中那短小精悍的岩鹰飞扑而来,但却全部被它飞速闪过,不管遇到多少波攻击,那头短小精悍的岩鹰始终不愿离开,目光一直打量着下方。 kā chā, its steel claw grasps, even breaks off a left wing of Gyrfalcon directly, lost the left wing, that Gyrfalcon crashes directly from void. 咔嚓,它的钢爪一抓,甚至将一头海东青的左翅直接折断,失去了左翼,那头海东青直接从虚空中坠落下来。 In the ground, notes without many people, a aura is boundless, grasps the bow just like the mountain range sea common military commander left hand, the right hand seizes the arrow, suddenly a about hundred jin (0.5 kg) strong bow drew the full moon sharp, the arrow distant has aimed at the airborne that only terse and forceful rock eagle. 地面上,没有多少人注意到,一名气息磅礴,宛如山峦大海一般的武将左手抓弓,右手捉箭,猛然将一张近百斤重的强弓拉成满月,箭尖遥遥的对准了空中那只短小精悍的岩鹰。 Only aura that lends from him looks, this obviously is a top marksman. 只从他身上散发的气息看,这显然是一名顶尖的神射手。 Bang!” “轰!” Void blasting open, along with a gust thunderclap, the military commander in that Imperial Palace, loosens the bowstring finally, that five chi (0.33 m) odd/surplus Chang bow and arrow with lightning speed, suddenly has delimited several kilometers upper air immediately, directly soars that rock eagle in sky to go. However in a flash, only listens to a wailing, that only short rock eagle unexpectedly as if induced any general, in final flash fierce transferring direction, crosswise booklet, by the difference of least, danger dangerous has evaded a that fatal arrow. 虚空炸裂,伴随着一阵风雷声,那名皇宫内的武将,终于松开弓弦,那根五尺余长的弓箭立即风驰电掣,瞬息间划过数千米的高空,直奔天空中的那只岩鹰而去。但是电光石火间,只听一声尖啸,那只短小的岩鹰居然仿佛感应到了什么一般,在最后一刹那猛的调转方向,横向一折,以毫厘之差,险之又险的避过了那致命的一箭。 Domestic animal!” “畜生!” The dim light of night deep place, hears the imprecations of that military commander faintly, but has to temporarily give up eventually. 夜色深处,隐隐传来那名武将的咒骂声,但终究不得不暂时放弃。 -- the altitude of rock eagle flight has surmounted his firing distance. ——岩鹰飞行的高度已经超越了他的射程。 Crosses the numerous spaces, from the tightly guarded Imperial Palace deep place, carries over the southwest, in being away from Imperial Palace the place several kilometers away, notes without many people, the thin form is standing in the Wang Residence northeast corner darkness together silently is listening attentively. 一路越过重重空间,从戒备森严的皇宫深处,移向西南,就在距离皇宫数千米外的地方,没有多少人注意到,一道削瘦的身影正站在王府东北角的黑暗中默默的谛听着。 little sand, depends on you now!” “小沙,现在就靠你了!” In the darkness, Zhang Que robe flutters, the double pupil looks up to the nighttime sky of Imperial Palace deep place, in the item was worrying completely. Now the entire King of Foreign Territory's Mansion informer news is at the suppressed condition completely, Zhang Que can only in this way, lets out eagle king Xiaosha alone, monitors to the Imperial Palace place above. 黑暗中,张雀衣袍猎猎,双眸仰望着皇宫深处的夜空,目中满是担忧。现在整个异域王府的耳目消息全部处于被压制的状态,张雀只能通过这种方式,把鹰王小沙单独放出去,到皇宫的上方监视。 That or the long or short sharp cries, are the news that eagle king Xiaosha feeds, once Imperial Palace causes trouble, little sand can feed in the news by quickest Speed, this is also at present the people can only do. 那或长或短的一声声尖唳,就是鹰王小沙传回的消息,一旦皇宫生变,小沙就能以最快的速度把消息传回,这也是目前众人唯一能做的。 -- once Imperial Palace causes trouble, or Sage Emperor has an accident, then regarding entire Empire is the destructive disasters, nobody can undertake this consequence! ——一旦皇宫生变,或者圣皇出事,那对于整个帝国都是毁灭性的灾难,没有人能够承担的起这种后果! Zhang Que does not know that monitors Imperial Palace in this way, how long can also survive. From here hear, in the Imperial Palace above upper air, the Gyrfalcon fierce wailing sound one after another, that side the crown prince has assembled the massive eagle birds to surround eagle king Xiaosha by far, even the King of Foreign Territory's Mansion above eagle bird had the considerable amount to be transferred, little sand situation is surrounded by perils now, in imminent danger. 只是,就连张雀也不知道通过这种方式监视皇宫,到底还能坚持多久。从这里听去,远远的,皇宫上方的高空中,海东青凶猛的尖啸声一阵接着一阵,东宫那边已经调集了大量的鹰雀来围堵鹰王小沙,甚至就连异域王府上空的鹰雀都有相当数量被调走了,小沙的处境现在是险象环生,岌岌可危。 Once were surrounded or held by the bird group, little sand is the dead end. 一旦被鸟群围堵或者是抓住,小沙就是死路一条。 If the master because of were good!” “要是师父在就好了!” Looks the eagle group in the sky blotting out the sky, in the Zhang Que mind cannot help but flashes through the master Old Eagle face. 望着天空中铺天盖地的鹰群,张雀的脑海中不由自主的闪过师父老鹰的脸庞。 Zhang Que all raises the ability of eagle bird to study from master Old Eagle completely, if the master here, has certainly means solution this Goguryeo eagle king! 张雀所有豢养鹰雀的能力全部都是学自师父老鹰,若是师父在这里,一定有办法解决这个高句丽鹰王! These thoughts plunder from the mind, Zhang Que recovers quickly: 这些念头从脑海中一掠而过,张雀很快回过神来: You go to report to Lord King, said that in Imperial Palace all securities, that side the crown prince does not have the sound to the present!” “你去禀报王爷,就说皇宫之中一切安全,东宫那边到现在都没有动静!” Yes!” “是!” Zhang Que behind, Jinwu Guard has turned around quickly, hurries away toward the Wang Residence main hall. 张雀身后,一名金吾卫很快转过身来,朝着王府大殿匆匆而去。 The candlelight drags, one foot long red candle, had burnt down at this time the big truncation, the time tick-tock, each past moment, open/stretch Zheng Beiting Protectorate Army in a distance here nearer point, leaves the Wang Chong's time not to be many. 烛火摇曳,原本一尺多长的红烛,此时已经烧去了大截,时间滴答,每过去一刻,张征的北庭都护军就距离这里越近上一分,留给王冲的时间不多了。 Where, where starts?” “在哪里,到底从哪里开始?” Before a black white checkerboard vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, the Wang Chong double pupil shuts, in the mind, the look is continuously dignified. 一张黑白子纵横的棋盘前,王冲双眸微闭,脑海中此起彼伏,神色凝重。 Wang Chong or Hou Junji, both sides have prepared to finish, everyone is waiting for a turning point, but nobody knows that this turning point is anything. 不论是王冲还是侯君集,双方都已经准备完毕,每一个人都在等待着一个契机,但是没有人知道这个契机是什么。
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