HE :: Volume #16

#1554: Demon! ( 3 )

Chapter 1554 第1554章 Silent! 寂静! A silence! 一片寂静! On the steep dike, except for the huge sound that place demon raises, other place peace. Finally, the ray flashes, the demon huge body climbs over the region that on the cliff the golden light shines, crawls the dark region that into Wang Chong was. 陡峭的岩壁上,除了那头地魔掀起的巨大动静,其他地方一片安静。终于,光芒一闪,地魔庞大的身躯爬过峭壁上金光照耀的区域,一路爬入到了王冲所在的黑暗地带。 Roar!” “吼!” Only listens to roaring of shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth, suddenly, the demon huge body first time stands from the dike. Reaches as high as hundred meters terrifying body stands upright high, two thick right arms contract to gather the strength suddenly backward, the vision solidly lock in the front darkness are similar to ants Wang Chong, then two macrobrachias by fast of as powerful as a thunderbolt, have pounded toward Wang Chong ruthlessly. 只听一阵惊天动地的咆哮,突然之间,地魔庞大的身躯第一次从岩壁上站立起来。高达百米的恐怖身躯高高挺立,两条粗大的右臂猛然向后收缩蓄力,目光牢牢锁定前方黑暗中如同蝼蚁般的王冲,然后两条巨臂以雷霆万钧之速,朝着王冲狠狠砸了过去。 Bang!” “轰隆!” This strikes is similar to rushes to the thunder to be as fast as lightning, the might is scary incomparable, that huge strength has been far in excess of peak Great General Level, even if Wang Chong is also hard to resist. 这一击如同奔雷掣电,威力更是骇人无比,那庞大的力量已经远远超越了巅峰大将级别,即便王冲也难以抵挡。 wēng! 嗡! The air wave explodes, suddenly, in dozens zhang (3.33 m) raging waves wild waves. Saw that giant fist blocks the sky, pounds toward oneself by astonishing Speed, Wang Chong stands on the dike, is looking up to the place above, does not look like slight fear. 气浪爆炸,瞬息间,数十丈内一片狂涛骇浪。眼看着那巨大的拳头遮天蔽日,以惊人的速度朝着自己砸来,王冲站立在岩壁上,仰望着上方,看起来没有丝毫的畏惧。 40 zhang (3.33 m), 30 zhang (3.33 m), 20 zhang (3.33 m), that huge armored hand is similar to the dense dark cloud is only getting more and more near, at this time, the Wang Chong pupil shrank, not slightly hesitant, immediately called out makes noise: 40丈,30丈,20丈,那只巨大的铁拳如同黑压压的乌云般越来越近,就在这个时候,王冲瞳孔一缩,没有丝毫犹豫,立即暴喝出声: Is now! Begins!” “就是现在!动手!” That drinks severely, resounds through the four directions. 那一声厉喝,响彻四方。 Like a signal, in an instant, in all directions, calls out again and again, does not have the slight hesitation, hides hundreds in Sect martial artist simultaneously take action of hidden place. 就像一个信号,刹那间,四面八方,暴吼连连,没有丝毫的犹豫,数以百计潜藏在暗处的宗派武者齐齐出手 That checks, time as if static 那一刹,时间仿佛静止 hōng lōng lōng! 轰隆隆 in a flash, imitates, if slow motion playbacking, under the giant place demon body, the ray flashes, a diameter achieves more than 50 meters great Great Array to reappear faintly, only the flash, then fiercely explodes. 电光石火间,仿若慢镜头回放,就在巨大的地魔身下,光芒一闪,一个直径足足达到50多米的巨大阵法隐隐浮现,只一霎那,便猛地爆炸开来。 Big tunnel! 大地洞阵! This is Wang Chong large-scale Array that studies from Fig. old man there, displays needs more than ten people to coordinate together, pours into more than ten incompatible strengths to Array, to initiate the explosion of Array. 这是王冲从阵图老人那里学来的一门大型阵法,施展的时候需要十多人一起配合,给阵法灌注十余种互不相容的力量,以引发阵法的爆炸。 Fig. old man always comes and goes freely, therefore did not have the opportunity to display. However Wang Chong is different, here has enough Sect martial artist momentarily to transfer for him. 阵图老人一向独来独往,所以一直没有机会施展。但是王冲不同,这里有足够的宗派武者供他随时调动。 Incessantly so, in the set up formation, Wang Chong also found time to read a that Array book from heaven. And has recorded a big tunnel more ancient edition, is a might bigger edition. Wang Chong integrates in it Array, more explosive increased the Array might. 不止如此,在布阵的时候,王冲还抽空看了一眼那本阵法天书。其中记载了大地洞阵更古老的版本,同时也是威力更大的版本。王冲将它融入到阵法中,更劲爆的增加了阵法的威力。 Bang, next quarter, in all vision of person intense anticipation, ground rapid avalanche within demon under foot 50 meters range, however this merely is also only a start. 轰,下一刻,就在所有人紧张期待的目光中,地魔脚下50米范围内的地面迅速崩塌,然而这仅仅还只是个开始。 Rumbling, is centered on the place that the demon stands, from inside to outside, rock layers crush, burst and explode, but suddenly, the demon foothold, explodes completely fiercely together with the range of perimeter hundred zhang (333 m). Million tons crushed stone, together with the body huge place demon, is similar to the gravel, falls from the cliff, the silt all, crashes to go. 轰轰轰,以地魔站立的地方为中心,由内向外,一片又一片的岩层纷纷粉碎、破裂、爆炸,只不过眨眼间,地魔的立足之地,连同周围数百丈的范围全部猛地爆炸开来。数以百万吨的碎石,连同身躯庞大的地魔,如同砂砾般,从峭壁上滑落,泥沙俱下,坠落而去。 Trim region, before the people arrive, the people the division of labor and cooperation, changed the dike foundation of trim region, when Mysterious Yin Old Ancestor, lonesome to old ancestor and Song Yuanyi like this peerless Powerhouse, in addition hundreds of Sect martial artist cooperate, that explosion is all people are hard to imagine. Such astonishing explosion power, even if Fine and Detailed Realm Powerhouse must be seriously injured. 整片区域,早在众人抵达之前,众人就已经分工合作,将整片区域的岩壁根基松动,当玄阴老祖、寂离老祖、宋元一这样的绝世强者,再加上数以百计的宗派武者通力合作,那种爆炸是所有人都难以想象的。这样惊人的爆炸威力,哪怕是入微境强者也要身受重伤。 Wang Chong stands in the range of explosion area, naturally was also affected, but regarding all these, Wang Chong early is prepared. 王冲站在爆炸区域的范围内,自然也是受到了波及,只不过对于这一切,王冲早有准备。 „!” “咻!” Also while trim region rock layer explodes, no one has noted, the Wang Chong's right hand wears a azure silk glove, but in his five fingers, had already gripped the silver-white spider's silk that slender such as sends. A big tunnel detonation, Wang Chong also jumps similarly, with the aid of the strength of spider's silk, in void, goes toward another end of cliff immediately. 也就是在整片区域岩层爆炸的同时,谁也没有注意到,王冲的右手戴着一只青色的丝绸手套,而在他的五指间,早就已经握住一根纤细如发的银白色蛛丝。大地洞阵引爆,王冲同样也纵身而出,借助蛛丝之力,在虚空一荡,立即朝着悬崖的另一端而去。 But that while he swings, angrily roars again and again, only other slaughters the instinct the place demon. In its roaring sound, first time shows panic-stricken. Although this place demon lost the malfunction wisdom, but regarding the Death fear, all living thing common. 而就在他荡出的同时,身后怒吼连连,只余下杀戮本能的地魔。它的咆哮声中,第一次透出一丝惊恐。这头地魔虽然已经丧失灵智,但是对于死亡的恐惧,所有生物都是共同的。 The air wave rushes, does not need to turn head, Wang Chong can also feel, demon that huge body is crashing toward under by astonishing Speed, falls into below darkness rapidly. 嗷,气浪澎湃,不用回头,王冲也能感觉出来,地魔那庞大的身躯正在以惊人的速度朝着下方坠落,迅速落入下方的黑暗中。 Succeeded!” “成功了!” In Wang Chong heart one happy, all plan with him exactly the same. When martial artist of entire Sect cooperates, even if this place demon strength is strong, same move. 王冲心中一喜,一切都和他计划得一模一样。当整个宗派界的武者通力合作,哪怕这头地魔实力再强,也一样中招。 Good!” “好!” But is almost simultaneously, in all directions, hide in four surrounding Sect martial artist cheers in abundance. From just to the present, does not know that many people die in this place demon hand. However now, this huge threat was killed finally. 而几乎是同时,四面八方,一名名隐藏在四周围的宗派武者纷纷跟着欢呼起来。从刚刚到现在,不知道有多少人死在这头地魔的手中。不过现在,这个巨大的威胁终于被干掉了。 „It is not good! Looks quickly!” “不好!快看!” In a twinkling, when the people mind rouses, suddenly, a sound in the ear of people resounds. The flash, all cheers vanish completely. 说时迟那时快,就在众人心神纷纷振奋的时候,突然之间,一个声音在众人的耳中响起。一刹那,所有的欢呼声全部消失。 In the midair, Wang Chong borrowed the spider's silk to swing, hears this calling out in alarm, immediately lowered the head, downward looks. 半空中,王冲本来已经借用蛛丝荡了出去,听到这阵惊叫,立即低下头来,往下看去。 Sees only under the body dark deep place, demon that huge body under the Abyss suction function, originally suddenly fall down, but at this time, why did not know, demon fall down Speed has slowed down suddenly. 只见身体下方的黑暗深处,地魔那庞大的身躯在深渊底下的吸力作用下,本来正在急剧下坠,但是这个时候,不知道为什么,地魔下坠速度突然放缓了很多。 „It is not good!” “不好!” The Wang Chong pupil shrinks, in a flash, vision by layer on layer/heavily dark, sees clearly. In people several hundred meters , the body outbreak that the demon crashed rapidly the people unexpectedly changed. 王冲瞳孔一缩,电光石火间,目光透过重重黑暗,看得清清楚楚。就在众人数百米的下方,地魔急速坠落的身躯突然发生了众人意想不到的变化。 In crash, its two expand, sturdily, the diameter has 78 meters thick left arm fully, suddenly suddenly atrophy shortening, but its two right arms actually rapidly increase to elongate, an instance, rises suddenly immediately one time. 在坠落的时候,它两条膨大、粗壮,直径足有78米粗的左臂,突然急剧萎缩变短,而它的两条右臂却急速攀升拉长,一个瞬间,立即暴涨一倍。 Bang, when Wang Chong looked in the past, happen to saw that the demon two giant sharp stone claws grasped ruthlessly, one deeply pricked in the dike. 轰隆,当王冲看过去的时候,正好看到地魔两条巨大锋利的石爪狠狠抓出,一把深深刺入到了岩壁之中。 How possible?!” “怎么可能?!” Sees this, let alone is Wang Chong, Song Yuanyi and Mysterious Yin Old Ancestor, lonesome leave the old ancestors and ten thousand ghost old ancestors......, All Sect martial artist have a big shock. 看到这一幕,别说是王冲,宋元一玄阴老祖、寂离老祖、万鬼老祖……,所有的宗派武者纷纷大惊失色。 No one has thought, this place demon really also has such exceedingly high method, unexpectedly can making up for one's deficiency by learning from others'strong points, display to be similar in Martial Path passes the arm marvelous ability the ability. 谁也没有想到,这头地魔竟然还有这样通天的手段,居然能够“取长补短”,施展出类似于武道中通臂神功的能力。 kā chā chā, the demon pair of claws grasps into the stone wall the form to resound in all person ears, that sound is frightening, as if that two claw do not grasp on the dike, but grasps on the people heart. Under the huge momentum, the innumerable rocks fall from the dike, looks , the demon sharp claws from afar stresses two 78 meters width on the dike directly, dozens meters deep gulley mark. 咔嚓嚓,地魔双爪抓入石壁的身影在所有人耳中响起,那声音令人心惊肉跳,仿佛那两只爪子不是抓在岩壁上,而是抓在众人心上。巨大的冲力下,无数的岩石从岩壁上滑落,远远望去,地魔的利爪直接在岩壁上抓出两条78米宽,几十米长的深深沟痕。 Most shocking is also not this, the demon carrier is the yellow turbans person of great strength, has the formidable place is the ability, the two hand claws of local demon grasp into the rock time, in all directions, a layer upon layer cliff probably lived to be the same, the crazy absorption came, as if must with the place demon two sturdy arms, as well as its huge body fuses together. 最令人震惊的还不是这个,地魔的载体是黄巾力士,拥有强大的地系能力,当地魔的两只手爪抓入岩石的时候,四面八方,一层层峭壁就好像活过来了一样,疯狂的吸附而来,似乎要和地魔两条粗壮的手臂,以及它庞大的身躯融为一体。 „It is not good! If makes it succeed, wasted all previous efforts!” “不好!如果让它成功,就前功尽弃了!” The Wang Chong complexion changes, realized that the Speed visible drop of demon, pondered without enough time, his body one vertical, immediately has worked loose the spider's silk, simultaneously changes the direction, falls toward below place demon. 王冲脸色一变,察觉到地魔的速度明显下降,来不及细想,他的身躯一纵,立即挣脱了蛛丝,同时改变方向,朝着下方的地魔坠去。 Master!” “师父!” Song hegemon!” “宋盟主!” Mysterious Yin Old Ancestor!” 玄阴老祖!” While fall down, Wang Chong exudes three to call out one after another. 下坠的同时,王冲接连发出三声暴吼。 On quick! If made it succeed, all of us must die here!” “快上!如果让它成功了,我们所有人都得死在这里!” Together after bulge rock, Righteous Path Lord Song Yuanyi to see this, slightly changed the complexion. 一块凸起的岩石后,正气盟宋元一看到这一幕,也微微变了脸色。 The situation is urgent, pondered without enough time, the Song Yuanyi body in a flash, threw toward under suddenly directly. But is almost simultaneously, thanked Guangting, Sikong Yuan armor and Ouyang long identically equal person also from the place of respective hideaway kick out, goes toward place demon that two sturdy arm. 情况紧急,来不及细想,宋元一身躯一晃,突然朝着下方直接扑了过去。而几乎是同时,谢光亭、司空元甲、欧阳长恒等人也纷纷从各自隐藏的地方扑出,向着地魔那两条粗壮的手臂而去。 Irritated the father! This domestic animal also is really tenacious!” “气死老子了!这畜生还真是顽强!” Sees this, the Mysterious Yin Old Ancestor air/Qi does not hit one. All carry on obviously very smoothly, who thinks that failed when success seemed within reach at this time. 看到这一幕,玄阴老祖气不打一处来。明明一切进行得非常顺利,谁会想到在这个时候功败垂成。 The bang, only listens to one to roar, the black smoke is billowing, Mysterious Yin Old Ancestor changes into dozens meters Black Dragon directly, walks randomly in the dikes such as flies, by extremely quick Speed, throws toward below place demon from another direction. 轰,只听一声咆哮,黑烟滚滚,玄阴老祖直接化为一条数十米长的黑龙,在岩壁间游走如飞,以极快的速度,从另一个方向朝着下方的地魔扑去。 hōng lōng lōng, the earth shook and heavens spun shook, is almost simultaneously, ten thousand ghost old ancestor and bone demon old ancestor simultaneously displays the respective incarnation, tens of thousands of ghosts, the clever soldier and yama's underlings, will rise straight from the ground together with a giant bone demon, swoops to go toward that giant place demon. 轰隆隆,天摇地动,几乎是同时,万鬼老祖、骨魔老祖齐齐施展出各自的化身,成千上万的鬼将、鬼兵、鬼卒,连同一头巨大的骨魔拔地而起,朝着那头巨大的地魔飞扑而去。 Bang!” “轰!” In a twinkling, Wang Chong moves sideways, the body in the airborne booklet, big Luo Xianjian in tight handshake, the head puts one's foot down on, One with the Sword, passed to own Gods and Demons Obliteration Technique to display pinnacle Su Zhengchen, cut fiercely on a place demon macrobrachia. But the time of moment, hears a shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth loud sound. Wang Chong's Sword Qi chops to fall, an demon sturdy right arm complete/even root will cut off directly. 说时迟那时快,王冲一个闪身,身躯在空中一折,紧握手中的大罗仙剑,头下脚上,人剑合一,将苏正臣传给自己的苍生鬼神破灭术施展到了极致,猛地斩在地魔的一条巨臂上。只不过片刻的时间,就听到一声惊天动地的巨响。王冲的剑气劈落,直接将地魔一条粗壮的右臂齐根斩断。 This strikes earth-shakingly, the strength is extremely heavier, even if the demon is also caught off guard. The demon loses an arm in a hurry, startled and anger, looks at present ant Wang Chong of size, roared fiercely. 这一击石破天惊,力越万钧,即便是地魔也措手不及。地魔仓促间丢失一条手臂,又惊又怒,看着眼前“蚂蚁”大小的王冲,猛地咆哮一声。 „!” “嗷!” The air wave explodes, the voice is billowing, number with myriad air waves, above the Wang Chong bang toward top of the head goes. But washes out together along with the air wave, demon within the body that jet black like black ink, raging waves wild waves petrification Astral Qi. 气浪爆炸,声浪滚滚,数以万千的气浪,朝着头顶上方的王冲轰去。而随着气浪一起冲刷过来的,还有地魔体内那漆黑如墨,狂涛骇浪般的石化罡气 At present the black air wave comes in waves, in Wang Chong heart one cold, pondered without enough time, the dantian bang, blasts out instantaneously, the innumerable Astral Qi mighty currents erupt immediately, protects Wang Chong, layer on layer/heavily hits with place demon that vast Astral Qi together. 眼前黑色的气浪滚滚而来,王冲心中一凛,来不及细想,丹田轰隆一声,瞬间炸开,无数的罡气洪流立即爆发而出,将王冲护在其中,和地魔那浩大的罡气重重撞击在一起。 Realm Level of yellow turbans person of great strength has not achieved Fine and Detailed Realm, however the present place demon completely is not so. It not only had sheep Luhu three people of abilities, simultaneously and obtained Yellow Dragon True Monarch to entrust with its ruinous destructive power. 黄巾力士的境界级别是没有达到入微境的,但是眼前的地魔已经完全不是如此了。它既具备了羊鹿虎三人的能力,同时又获得了黄龙真君赋予它的毁灭性破坏力。 Black Astral Qi concentrates like substantive, enormous and powerful, is rubbing Wang Chong's Astral Qi unceasingly, that surmounts the Fine and Detailed Realm strength and Wang Chong's Astral Qi each other conflicts and repels mutually, to the utmost fully attempts the Wang Chong petrification. 黑色的罡气凝如实质,浩浩荡荡,不断的摩擦着王冲的罡气,那超越入微境的力量和王冲的罡气彼此互相冲突、排斥,极尽全力试图将王冲石化。 Crash-bang!” “哗啦啦!” In place of two people Astral Qi contact, piece by piece black shale unceasingly falls, is only these shale strange Baoru papers, other petrified degrees and martial artist has the difference of heaven and earth. 就在两人罡气接触的地方,一片片黑色的页岩不断掉落下去,只是这些页岩奇薄如纸,石化程度和其他的武者有着天壤之别。
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