HE :: Volume #16

#1543: Legend of resurrecting!

Chapter 1543 第1543章 This what's the matter?!” “这到底是怎么回事?!” In the Wang Chong heart muttered, a few words could not say. He has not thought that along the light toward, unexpectedly is not greatly Luo Xiangong who oneself see finally, but stepped into another space. 王冲心中喃喃自语,一句话都说不出来。他从来没有想过,沿着幢光往里,自己最后看到的居然不是大罗仙宫,而是踏入到了另外一个空间。 The present world is spacious, to person unknown and mysticalness of not being able to say. 眼前的世界空旷无比,给人一种说不出的未知和神秘。 The Wang Chong intention moves, the subconsciousness expands Spiritual Strength, but the Spiritual Strength institute, Wang Chong cannot feel the slight difference. But has turned head, that flake gold light already vanished does not see, only then at present same misty white mist. 王冲心念一动,下意识将精神力扩展而出,但是精神力所及,王冲根本感觉不出丝毫的异样。而回过头,身后那片金光早已消失不见,只有和眼前一样的白蒙蒙雾气。 Saw this, the Wang Chong's brow deeply wrinkled immediately, at present all, imagine the day to leave with him without doubt at first badly. 看到这一幕,王冲的眉头顿时深深皱了起来,眼前一切,无疑和他最初的想象天差地别。 Buzz, at this time, the feeling that felt hot slightly once more transmits from the palm, big Luo Xianjian in hand shivered once more at this time. 嗡,就在这个时候,一阵微微发烫的感觉再次从掌心传来,手中的大罗仙剑在这个时候再次颤动起来。 It seems like should be here!” “看来应该就是这里了!” In Wang Chong heart secretly thought. Also comes to settle it, since the determination is here right, Wang Chong then simply calms down. 王冲心中暗暗道。既来之则安之,既然确定是这里没错,王冲便索性定下心来。 Crash-bang!” “哗啦啦!” At this time, a rocking sound sudden biography of chains heard, in this piece of spacious and peaceful space, appeared very ear-piercing. 就在这个时候,一阵锁链的晃动声突然传入耳中,在这片空旷而安静的空间中,显得非常刺耳 In the Wang Chong heart moves, goes following the prestige, sees only in the mist, two fuzzy shadows rocked fiercely, immediately vanishes does not see, was covered by the mist again. 王冲心中一动,循声望去,只见雾气中,两条模糊的影子剧烈晃动了一下,随即消失不见,再次被雾气所掩盖。 Is the chains!” “是锁链!” In the Wang Chong mind the thought flashes, immediately has identified, shouted, the big sleeve wielded, boundless Astral Qi howled, changed into strong winds, has blown off the present mist. Under Baishi under body, distance not far away, Wang Chong sees two arm thick or thin chains, the distant place flying shuttle, upward has never increased, toward the high place of trim space, the inexhaustible spread goes. 王冲脑海中念头一闪,立即辨认了出来,呼,大袖一挥,一股磅礴的罡气呼啸而出,化为一阵狂风,吹散了眼前的雾气。就在身下的白石下方,相距不远处,王冲看到两条手臂粗细的锁链,从不远处飞梭而过,一路往上攀升,向着整片空间的高处,无穷无尽的蔓延而去。 In the space the air current surges, these two chains then also along with the large vibration, exude the sound. 空间中气流涌动,这两条锁链便也随着大幅的震动,发出哗哗的响声。 Wang Chong stands in same place, ponders over moment, immediately gently one vertical, flies to shoot, is ordinary like a light leaf, falls above the chains. 王冲站在原地,思忖片刻,随即轻轻一纵,飞射而出,有如一片轻飘飘的树叶一般,落在锁链上方。 Quite cold, is Spatial Meteorite Iron!” “好冷,是天外陨铁!” The Wang Chong both feet just stained the chains, immediately has identified. He collected massive Spatial Meteorite Iron from the overseas, is familiar with the quality of material of this type of thing, meteorite iron that but this and collect is different, the chains of under foot looks like ancient . Moreover the nature unusual ice is also cold. 王冲双脚刚一沾上锁链,立即辨认了出来。他从海外收集了大量的天外陨铁,对于这种东西的质地再熟悉不过,但这和自己收集的陨铁不同,脚下的锁链看起来更加的古老,而且性质也非常的冰寒。 Buzz, a Wang Chong within the body Astral Qi revolution, under foot naturally has a suction, simultaneously proceeds to graze to go. 嗡,王冲体内罡气一转,脚下自然而然的生出一股吸力,同时往前飞掠而去。 Ten zhang (3.33 m), hundred zhang (333 m), thousand zhang (3.33 m)......, Wang Chong's Speed is extremely quick, along the wire rope upward, is away from the original position to be also getting higher and higher, the time of moment, then any resolution is not only clear at present, the other two ice-cold chains are only directing the direction. 十丈,百丈,千丈……,王冲的速度极快,沿着铁索往上,距离原来的位置也越来越高,只片刻的时间,眼前便什么也分辨不清楚了,只余下两根冰冷的锁链指引着方向。 Wang Chong does not know where this is, does not know where two chains aim at finally, all unknown, has filled the endless mysticalness. 王冲并不知道这是什么地方,也不知道两条锁链最终指向哪里,一切都是未知的,充满了无尽的神秘。 Wang Chong continues to proceed to graze, the time passes by slowly, the quarter, two quarters, a double-hour, two double-hour, three double-hour, Astral Qi of Wang Chong within the body consumes unceasingly, however the present chains is inexhaustible, sign that completely has not stopped. 王冲继续往前飞掠,时间缓缓过去,一刻钟,两刻钟,一个时辰,两个时辰,三个时辰,王冲体内的罡气不断消耗,但是眼前的锁链无穷无尽,完全没有停止的迹象。 , Wang Chong felt gradually some do not suit. 渐渐地,王冲就感觉有些不对劲了。 By my present strength, even if more than 10,000 meters, a double-hour also arrived. However now passed 34 double-hour, how the entire bottom possibly has such big space!” “以我现在的实力,就算是10000多米,一个时辰也已经到了。但是现在已经过去34个时辰,整个地底怎么可能有这么大的空间!” In the Wang Chong heart muttered, was only at this moment, he did not have the escape route, can only continue to proceed. 王冲心中喃喃自语,只是此时此刻,他已经没有退路了,只能一路继续往前走下去。 Whish!” “哗!” At this time, is a sound biography hears, this flash, in the Wang Chong heart suddenly has the unusual feeling of not being able to say. Wang Chong stops the footsteps, looks following the place that the sound conveys, sees only the great distance not far another place, another chains is rocking, never distant place shuttle. 就在这个时候,又是一阵声响传入耳中,这一瞬间,王冲心中突然有种说不出的异样感。王冲停下脚步,顺着声音传来的地方望去,只见相隔不远的另一个地方,另一条锁链晃动着,从不远处穿梭而过。 The direction that chains and Wang Chong come is completely different, but several chains look like are actually leading to the same direction. 那一根锁链和王冲来的方向完全不同,但是几根锁链看起来却是通往着同一个方向。 „It is not right! What is that?” “不对!那是什么?” Suddenly, the Wang Chong's vision has swept the front of that chains, his forehead jumps, immediately had discovered does not suit. , the Wang Chong big sleeve wielded, the boundless strength washout in the past, swept across the front turbulent mist, the next quarter, Wang Chong saw clearly the thing on chains finally. 突然之间,王冲的目光扫过那条锁链的前方,他的眉心一跳,立即发现了一丝不对劲。呼,王冲大袖一挥,磅礴的劲气冲刷过去,将前方汹涌的雾气席卷开来,下一刻,王冲终于看清楚锁链上的东西。 That is a white skeleton hangs above, swings along with floating that the chains keeps. 那是一具白色的骸骨挂在上面,随着锁链不停的飘来荡去。 When sees clearly that skeleton the strange feeling that instant, a powerful impact and could not say welled up to be careful suddenly. Wang Chong after passing through a golden light enters this piece of mysterious space, according to Intrisic Principle besides oneself, here should not have other people again. 而当看清楚那具骸骨的刹那,一股强烈的冲击和说不出的怪异感突然涌上心来。王冲是在穿过金色幢光之后才进入这片神秘空间的,按道理除了自己之外,这里不应该再有其他人。 The sudden third chains has made the person feeling very strange, but on the third chains is hanging the skeleton, strengthened the situation this feeling in the extreme. 突然出现的第三根锁链已经让人感觉非常的怪异了,而第三根锁链上挂着的骸骨,更是将这种感觉增强到了无以复加的地步。 This what's the matter? don't tell me said before , do some people have been to here? Also or besides here, actually also has other different channels?” “这到底是怎么回事?难道说以前还有人到过这里?又或者说,除了这里,其实还有其他不同的通道?” In Wang Chong heart continuously. 王冲心中此起彼伏。 Continues to proceed, chains that sees are getting more and more, but is scattered, the white skeleton that Wang Chong sees are also getting more and more, all look like so mysterious, making people definitely unable to estimate with the common sense. 一路继续往前,看到的锁链越来越多,而零零散散,王冲看到的白色骸骨也越来越多,一切都看起来如此神秘,让人完全无法用常理去揣度。 The time passes slowly, Wang Chong could not recall to mind itself to stay here the long time, or went forward many distances, all the way, he only noticed the chains of top of the head are getting more and more, increased to 78 from 2-3, more than ten, dozens......, Similar to the spider web is ordinary, radiates to the same direction. 时间缓缓流逝,王冲已经记不起自己在这里呆了多长的时间了,又或者前进了多少距离,一路上,他只看到头顶的锁链越来越多,从两三条增加到了78条,十多条,几十条……,如同蛛网一般,辐射向同一个方向。 Probably only has the flash, has been similar the innumerable long centuries, finally, along the chains that increases, in the place of innumerable chains gathering, Wang Chong saw a light gate, is sending out the weak ray in tall Kongchu, seems waiting for anything. 好像只有一刹那,又仿佛过了无数个漫长的世纪,终于,沿着一路攀升的锁链,就在无数锁链汇聚的地方,王冲看到了一道光门,在高空处散发着微弱的光芒,似乎在等待着什么。 wēng! 嗡! At this time, in the Wang Chong hand, immersed for a long time big Luo Xianjian also as if to feel anything, buzz called one, shivered once more. Felt the blazing aura that Luo Xianjian passes on greatly, Wang Chong the mind inspires immediately greatly, recovers suddenly. 就在这个时候,王冲手中,已经沉浸许久的大罗仙剑也仿佛感受到了什么,嗡鸣一声,再次颤动起来。感觉到手中大罗仙剑传过来的炽热气息,王冲顿时心神大振,猛然回过神来。 His body shakes, likes arrow of the irrelevant string, broke in the light gate like lightning. 他的身躯一震,就有如一支离弦之箭般,闪电般冲入到了光门之中。 The endless white light comes, these rays are dazzling than it Sun, making the person definitely unable to open eyes, long time long time 无尽的白光迎面而来,这些光芒比之太阳还要耀眼,令人完全无法睁开眼来,良久良久 When the present ray gradually becomes weak, Wang Chong finally slowly opens eyes. Wang Chong felt first is an under foot solid ground, but opens eyes, that piece of white space vanishes finally does not see. 当眼前的光芒渐渐变得微弱,王冲终于慢慢的睁开眼来。王冲最先感觉到的就是脚下一片坚实的地面,而睁开眼,那片白茫茫的空间终于消失不见。 When Wang Chong sees clearly the scene after white light gate, that pair is young and firm and resolute, on the face of being through a lot, first time has shown the extremely stunned look. 王冲看清楚白色光门后的场景,那一双年轻、坚毅,历经沧桑的脸庞上,第一次露出了极其错愕的神色。 Wang Chong thinks behind the white light gate is possibly hiding another stretch of strange world, when Wang Chong opens eyes, the discovery the ray is gentle at present, is a resplendent in gold and jade green hall. 王冲本来以为白色的光门后面可能隐藏着另外一片陌生的天地,只是当王冲睁开眼时,却发现眼前光线柔和,是一座金碧辉煌的大厅。 This hall magnificently decorated building, antique, the both sides of hall, are let fall the place the curtain, but looks again outward, the both sides walls are wooden qualitative hollow out the construction completely, above is carving designs, is not the flower-and-bird insect fish, but is some ancient beast designs. 这座大厅雕梁画栋,古香古色,大厅的两侧,是一张张垂落到地的帷幔,而再往外看去,两侧的墙壁全部都是木质的镂空建筑,上面雕刻着一个个图案,不是花鸟虫鱼,而是一些古兽的图案。 All give people a quiet feeling of not being able to say. 一切都给人一种说不出的静谧感。 This is......” “这是……” Wang Chong opened the eye suddenly, is somewhat unbelievable, this place, Wang Chong, although before , has not come, however here construction gives the Wang Chong's feeling not to be strange. 王冲陡然睁大了眼睛,有些难以置信,这个地方,王冲虽然以前从来没有来过,但是这里的建筑给王冲的感觉却并不陌生。 This is greatly Luo Xiangong interior. 这是大罗仙宫的内部。 Wang Chong has not thought, oneself has spent that long time, surmounted that long distance, across that white light gate, entered this greatly Luo Xiangong interior finally. Suddenly, innumerable thought passing over gently and swiftly mind, this flash, in the Wang Chong mind only had a thought: 王冲万万没有想到,自己花费了那么长的时间,跨越了那么长的距离,穿过那道白色的光门,最后才进入到了这座大罗仙宫的内部。瞬息间,无数的念头掠过脑海,这一刹那,王冲脑海中只有一个念头: Unbearable! 咫尺天涯! Looking from outside, from golden light to greatly a Luo Xiangong just several feet distance, but is these several feet distances, actually surmounted an entire space regarding Wang Chong. 从外面看,从金色的幢光到大罗仙宫只不过数丈的距离,但就是这数丈的距离,对于王冲来说却是跨越了一整个空间。 The flash, in the Wang Chong heart has an indescribable awe feeling, the present all have gone beyond the Martial Path category without a doubt, has been hard regarding martial artist related to another Realm and strength that surely estimates and imagines. 一刹那,王冲心中不由产生一种无法形容的敬畏感,眼前的一切毫无疑问已经超越了武道的范畴,涉及到了另一个对于千万武者来说难以揣摩和想象的境界和力量。 in a flash, these thoughts graze from the mind, Wang Chong calms down quickly, looks to the front. In the Wang Chong's front, a distance several chi (0.33 m) place, two bronze incense burners one on the left and other on the right separately stands erect, the copper crane single foot stands and waits for a long time, sharp beak slightly supine, a continuously azure smoke remotely unceasingly, emits from the crane mouth, void is flooding light delicate fragrance. 电光石火间,这些念头从脑海中飞掠而过,王冲很快定下心来,看向前方。就在王冲的前方,相距数尺的地方,两只青铜香炉一左一右分别矗立,铜鹤单脚伫立,尖喙微仰,一缕缕青烟渺渺不绝,从鹤嘴中冒出,虚空中充斥着一股淡淡的清香。 Behind the copper crane, an ancient circular altar is standing erect, the altar surface is presenting greatly Luo design, but in altar most central is placing a flood white obsolete rush cushion. But on the rush cushion, a thin old man puts on the Spring and Autumn Period the crane cloak, the head is inserting a silver white hair hairpin, sits cross-legged there, is maintaining the posture of sitting in meditation, motionless. 铜鹤后方,一座古老的圆形祭坛矗立着,祭坛表面呈现着大罗图案,而在祭坛的最中央摆放着一张泛白的老旧蒲团。而蒲团上,一名清瘦的老者穿着春秋时代的鹤氅,头上插着一根银白发簪,盘坐在那里,保持着打坐的姿势,一动不动。 The old man head hangs, the aura is decayed, the skin iron grey that reveals, looked like obvious died the extremely long time. 老者头颅微垂,气息腐朽,露出来的皮肤灰白色,看起来明显已经死了极其漫长的时间。 In entire space, all sounds are still, a silence. 整个空间中,万籁无声,一片寂静。 This should be greatly Luo Immortal Monarch!” “这位应该就是大罗仙君了!” Wang Chong looks on old man robe greatly Luo design, in heart looking pensive. 王冲看着老者衣袍上的“大罗”图案,心中若有所思。 Although died the extremely long time, however present big Luo Immortal Monarch is still maintaining the dust refined makings, thinks living time, is a bearing is dignified, features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality peerless Powerhouse. 虽然已经死了极漫长的时间,但是眼前的大罗仙君依然保持着一股出尘脱俗的气质,想必活着的时候,也是一位气度威严,仙风道骨的绝世强者 The Wang Chong hesitation moment walks up quickly, kneeling lower part of the body before the body of old man, respectful good a ritual. 王冲沉吟片刻很快走上前去,在老者的身前跪下身来,恭恭敬敬的行了一礼。 Younger generation Wang Chong, sees the oversized Luo Immortal Monarch senior. Intrudes the immortal palace rashly, the place of failure in politeness also looks to be broad-minded.” “晚辈王冲,见过大罗仙君前辈。贸然闯入仙宫,失礼之处还望海涵。” The sound has not fallen, Wang Chong has knocked on a head respectfully. The future is a guest, since entered in the room of master, the proper courtesy must have, this is also the Wang Chong consistent style. 声音未落,王冲恭恭敬敬的叩了一个头。来者是客,既然进入了主人的房间里,应有的礼数还是必须要有的,这也是王冲一贯的行事风格。 Raising the head of instant, a sudden unusual feeling wells up to be careful, in the Wang Chong heart moves, begins supinely, sees only greatly above Luo Immortal Monarch behind slanting, on the wall of pattern bulge, one is only the butterfly of decorative carving shivered suddenly. 抬起头来的刹那,突然一种异样的感觉涌上心来,王冲心中一动,仰起头,只见大罗仙君身后的斜上方,花纹凸起的墙壁上,一只本来只是雕饰的蝴蝶突然颤动起来。 Its body is vibrating, is dodging the blue ray faintly . Moreover the ray is getting more and more abundant, but flickers, bang, works loose immediately. 它的身躯抖动着,隐隐闪着蓝色的光芒,而且光芒越来越盛,只是一瞬,嘭的一下,立即挣脱出来。 „!!!” “!!!” Saw this strange one, the Wang Chong whole person tarries. 看到这灵异的一幕,王冲整个人都呆住了。 The next quarter, sees only the spirit butterfly wing to open gathers, flashing, is flying from the place above, unexpectedly likes sparkling stone light, fell on under greatly Luo Immortal Monarch forehead. 下一刻,只见灵蝶翅膀一开一合,闪动着,从上方飞下,居然有如一点莹光般,落在了下方大罗仙君的额头上。 The wing of spirit butterfly slowly is fanning, but big Luo Immortal Monarch that not lived, very decayed body, fans along with the wing of spirit butterfly, slowly had an inconceivable change. 灵蝶的翅膀缓缓的扇动着,而大罗仙君那已经了无生息,非常腐朽的躯壳,也随着灵蝶的翅膀扇动,慢慢发生了一丝不可思议的变化。 In the Wang Chong's vision, a wisp of light vitality, grows out of nothing, suddenly appears in greatly Luo Immortal Monarch body deep place. 就在王冲的目光,一缕淡淡的生机,从无到有,突然出现在大罗仙君的躯壳深处。 In the beginning, is vague, is ordinary just like the sparkling stone fire, but just suddenly, develops in according to storm Speed, sweeps across. 开始的时候,还是若有若无,宛如莹火一般,但是只不过眨眼间,就在以风暴般的速度滋长,席卷开来。 The big Luo Immortal Monarch exposed skin outside is only the deceased person general iron grey, but obtains moistening of this vitality, rapidly becomes ruddy, slowly Recovery to normal color. 大罗仙君裸露在外的皮肤原本只是死人一般的灰白色,但是得到这股生机的滋润,迅速变得红润起来,慢慢恢复到了正常的颜色。 But on big Luo Immortal Monarch, that withered wrinkle, was opened slowly, becomes ruddy plentiful. 而大罗仙君身上,那一条条干枯的皱纹,被缓缓地撑开来,变得红润丰满。 This flash, Wang Chong as if understood anything, looks at present big Luo Immortal Monarch, in the eye is showing the extremely shocking look finally. 这一霎那,王冲仿佛明白了什么,望着眼前的大罗仙君,眼中终于露出极度震惊的神色。 This...... This is how possible!” “这……这怎么可能!” If personally does not see, Wang Chong cannot believe that in the world also has such matter unexpectedly. 如果不是亲眼所见,王冲根本不敢相信,世上居然还有这样的事情。 But as if responded to his guess to be ordinary, the big Luo Immortal Monarch body shivered slightly, merely was only a small movement, actually started ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) mighty waves in the Wang Chong heart. 而似乎回应着他的猜测一般,大罗仙君的身躯微微颤动一下,仅仅只是一个微小的动作,却在王冲心中掀起万丈波澜。 You came finally!” “你终于来了!” Spooky, the long sigh, resounds in the Wang Chong mind suddenly. But along with this sound, the Wang Chong present big Luo Immortal Monarch eyelid shivered, opens eyes fiercely. 一声幽幽的,长长的叹息,突然在王冲脑海中响起。而随着这个声音,王冲眼前的大罗仙君眼皮颤抖了一下,猛地睁开眼来。
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