HE :: Volume #16

#1538: The general situation has decided!

Chapter 1538 第1538章 One generation is awakens by him forcefully, regarding situation in one generation in within the body, nobody is clearer than him. 一代是由他强行唤醒的,对于一代体内的情况,没有人比他更明白。 The present situation, the entire battlefield can catch the tiger strength immortal attack, only has one generation. However this way, one generation of Vital Power will thoroughly consume, if cannot find out other means to resist the tiger strength immortal, finally waited for everybody as before is the dead end. 现在的情况,整个战场能接住虎力大仙攻击的,唯有一代。但是照这样下去,一代的生命力就会彻底消耗一空,如果想不出别的办法抵挡虎力大仙,最后等待大家的依旧是死路一条。 Ha Ha Ha, your base and low human, I thought that you also take anything and we resist!” 哈哈哈,你们这些卑微的人类,我看你们还拿什么和我们对抗!” At the same time, the sheep strength immortal had also discovered the opposite sound, laughs suddenly. But responds to his sound likely, the tiger strength immortal is an axe violently wields, before this axe and entirely different, the aura is vast, the might is huger. Moreover that huge aura locks on one generation, even if one generation wants to run cannot run away. 同一时间,羊力大仙也发现了对面的动静,陡然之间大笑起来。而像是回应他的声音,虎力大仙又是一斧头猛烈挥出,这一斧和之前截然不同,气息浩瀚,威力更加庞大。而且那庞大的气息锁定在一代身上,哪怕一代想跑也跑不掉。 The bang, only listens to a shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth loud sound, this axe wields, the earth shook and heavens spun shook, the space of entire bottom seemed broken. Clang, only listens to a series of bangs, around one generation all remaining flying swords completely by this axe smashing. But that fearful strength odd/surplus Shi does not rest, shakes dozens meters far one generation directly, aura of one generation in within the body is suddenly feeble, dying embers of that weak Vital Power in like the wind, momentarily will extinguish. 轰,只听一声惊天动地的巨响,这一斧挥出,天摇地动,整个地底的空间都仿佛被破开了。锵,只听一连串的巨响,一代周围所有剩下的飞剑全部都被这一斧粉碎。而那可怕的力量余势不歇,直接将一代震出数十米远,一代体内的气息更是急剧衰弱,那一点微弱的生命力有如风中残火,随时都会熄灭。 „!” “啊!” in a flash, in the ground spreads suddenly calls out in alarm intermittently, sees only one generation of strengths as if feebly extremely fiercely, is unable in the midair to maintain the personal appearance again, falls straightly from the midair. 电光石火间,地面上突然传出阵阵惊呼,只见一代的力量似乎衰弱的太过剧烈,再也无法在半空中维持身形,从半空中笔直掉落下来。 Snort!” “哼!” But at this time, cold Hengbing was cold, resounded in the sky like the startling thunderclap, defeated one generation smoothly, the tiger strength immortal has turned head finally, looked all Sect martial artist to Wang Chong as well as the ground. That facial expression occupies a commanding position, probably looks at one group of deceased people. 而就在这个时候,一声冷哼冰寒刺骨,有如惊雷般在天空响起,顺利击败一代,虎力大仙终于扭过头来,望向王冲以及地面上所有的宗派武者。那种神情居高临下,就好像看着一群死人。 wēng! 嗡! in a flash, not slightly hesitant, the tiger strength immortal corners of the mouth show a callous smiling face, immediately makes together the law Secret Art fiercely, the seven cuns (2.5 cm) immortal axe ray in midair rises suddenly once more, shoots to go toward below electricity. 电光石火间,没有丝毫犹豫,虎力大仙嘴角露出一丝冷酷的笑容,随即猛地打出一道法诀,半空中的七寸仙斧再次光芒暴涨,朝着下方电射而去。 „It is not good!” “不好!” In an instant, the people look big change, Song Yuanyi and thanked Guangting, Mysterious Yin Old Ancestor, the bone demon old ancestor, in each individual heart surges a feeling of being faced with imminent disaster. 刹那间,众人神色大变,宋元一、谢光亭、玄阴老祖,还有骨魔老祖,每个人心中都涌起一股大难临头的感觉。 In the beforehand fight, the people had consumed massive Astral Qi, but the strength of tiger strength immortal was higher than too much, say nothing of him compared with it people now has put forth Magical Artifact, by strength of one generation of living corpses, in addition could not resist, now trades to be them, facing this fearful axe, almost must die without doubt. 之前的战斗中,众人本来就已经消耗大量罡气,而虎力大仙的实力比之众人又高出太多,更不用说他现在使出了一门法器,以一代活死人的实力尚且抵挡不住,如今换做他们,面对这可怕的一斧,几乎必死无疑。 wēng! 嗡! The tiger strength immortal this strikes take action Speed to be extremely quick, the first time also beyond dozens meters, but during blinking, already across layer on layer/heavily void, falls to the people top of the head. Moreover the range that this strikes is enormous, if carries out, person who including Song Yuanyi and Evil Emperor old man, in entire Sect at least has the larger part dies under a tiger strength immortal axe, but the remaining people also postpone several seconds of Death. 虎力大仙这一击出手速度极快,第一眼的时候还在数十米之外,但是眨眼之间,就已经穿过重重虚空,落到众人头顶。而且这一击的范围极大,如果落实,包括宋元一邪帝老人在内,整个宗派界中至少有一大半的人死在虎力大仙的一斧之下,而剩下的人也只是延后几秒死亡而已。 Was finished! We died!” “完蛋!我们死定了!” Sect martial artist desperate closing eyes. They spell to try to resist these Black-Clothed Man, but to finally, was still difficult to run away dies. 一名名宗派武者绝望的闭上眼睛。他们拼尽全力想要对抗这些黑衣人,但是到了最后,依然难逃一死。 Top fight of this Level, by their abilities, even if sacrifices this life, cannot completely meddle. 这种级别的顶尖战斗,以他们的能力,即便豁出这条性命,也完全不能插手到其中。 Crash-bang, wants dazzling golden Astral Qi compared with Sun, easily accomplished, flies to fall , the Astral Qi place visited, the space is in abundance stave, reveals the innumerable black fissures. 哗啦啦,比太阳还要刺目的金色罡气,摧枯拉朽,飞落而下,罡气所过之处,空间纷纷破碎,露出无数的黑色裂痕。 This flash, time as if static 这一霎那,时间都仿佛静止下来 Is separated by not the far place, Wang Chong stands and waits for a long time in void, looking up, in the jet black pupil is producing an inverted image clearly Astral Qi of sky that axe. 相隔不远的地方,王冲伫立在虚空中,微仰着头,漆黑的瞳孔中清楚倒映着天空那斧形的罡气 In front of a tiger strength immortal huge axe, Wang Chong felt the unprecedented huge pressure similarly, then must roast the fierce energy not to fall compared with Sun, Wang Chong felt creepy feeling, the whole body sends to explode, probably momentarily will cleave in two to be the same. 在虎力大仙这庞大的一斧面前,王冲同样感受到了前所未有的庞大压力,那比太阳还要炙烈的能量还没有落下,王冲就已经感觉头皮发麻,全身发炸,就好像随时会被劈成两半一样。 Clang!” “锵!” Also under this huge pressure, a clear and melodious sword recited resounds, in an instant, the big Luo Xianjian ray in Wang Chong hand flaminged greatly, became dry and hot incomparable, but its entire sword blade has fierce trembling, grasped the fingers/tiger mouth of sword to shatter Wang Chong that. 也就在这庞大的压力作用下,一声清越的剑吟响起,刹那间,王冲手中的大罗仙剑光芒大炽,变得燥热无比,而其整个剑身更是发生剧烈的震颤,将王冲那握剑的虎口都震裂了。 This sudden change, making Wang Chong astonished, in that flash, he felt greatly Luo Xianjian the unusuality of that seal. That say/way ancient seal from the Wang Chong's blood, as if derived some unique energy, inside ancient seal is instantaneously stave, a huge and ancient thunder strength, floods into Wang Chong within the body from inside suddenly. 这突如其来的变化,让王冲大为惊愕,在那一刹那,他感觉到了大罗仙剑内部的那道封印的异常。那道古老的封印从王冲的血液中,似乎汲取了某种独特的能量,里面的古老封印瞬间破碎,一股庞大而古老的雷霆力量,突然从里面涌入王冲体内。 Cry!” “唳!” in a flash, the Wang Chong's soul probably entered another world, in that world, gloomy, thunder, but in the infinite lightning, a beast head person, the back was growing the monster of pair of wings, cried suddenly, flew toward Wang Chong, broke in his within the body. 电光石火间,王冲的灵魂就好像进入到了另一个世界,在那个世界之中,天昏地暗,电闪雷鸣,而就在无穷的闪电中,一头兽首人身,背后长着双翼的怪物,猛然大叫一声,朝着王冲飞了过来,一头冲入他的体内。 But along with this thunder monster breaks in within the body at the same time, the infinite information also similarly emerges in the Wang Chong's mind. 而随着这只雷霆怪物冲入体内的同时,无穷的信息也同样涌入王冲的脑海之中。 This flash, Wang Chong suddenly discovered that in this handle Luo Xianjian interior, is containing greatly move of extremely formidable ancient secret skill unexpectedly. 这一霎那,王冲突然发现在这柄大罗仙剑的内部,居然还蕴含着一招极其强大的古老绝学 Rushes to the thunder to be as fast as lightning! 奔雷掣电! in a flash, in Wang Chong mind steep flashing through together thought. But in that flash, body at will moves, the inexhaustible thunder strength is wild, erupts from Wang Chong within the body. 电光石火间,王冲脑海中陡的闪过一道念头。而就在那一刹那,身随意动,无穷无尽的雷霆力量狂暴无边,从王冲体内爆发而出。 Incites!” “滋滋!” With say/way ear-piercing the sound of thunder and lightning, Wang Chong was covered by the purple thunder and lightning from top to bottom, the whole body trillion cells under pouring into and stimulation of this thunder energy, stimulate the huge potential, fierce shivers, but that pair of eyes pupil, is the electric light sparkle, erupts the blazing ray. 伴随着道道刺耳的雷电之声,王冲浑身上下被紫色雷电笼罩,全身上下亿万个细胞在这股雷霆能量的灌入和刺激下,激发出巨大的潜力,剧烈的颤抖起来,而那一双眼眸,更是电光闪耀,爆发出炽烈的光芒。 wēng! 嗡! Sees only thunder light to dodge, the Wang Chong's personal appearance vanishes immediately on the spot. 只见雷光一闪,王冲的身形立即消失在原地。 Draws back completely to me!” “全部给我退开!” In the world, the Wang Chong solemn sound resounds, just like the god is ordinary. The next quarter, hōng lōng lōng, the earth shook and heavens spun shook, in vision that in all people shock, a huge pressure, dominates above the world myriad things, suddenly appear here piece void. 天地间,王冲冷峻的声音响起,犹如神祗一般。下一刻,轰隆隆,天摇地动,就在所有人震撼的目光中,一股庞大的威压,凌驾于天地万物之上,突然出现在这片虚空中。 kā chā chā, in the sky the thunder clouds are billowing, the infinite thunder and lightning is dazzling, inside is containing the ruinous strength, from gathers to come in all directions. Has not waited for other people to respond, the shake the heavens purple thunder explodes to shoot together suddenly, bombardment axe of ruthlessly in midair on tiger strength immortal that Ruin the Heavens, Destroy the Earth. 咔嚓嚓,天空中雷云滚滚,无穷的雷电耀眼无比,里面蕴含着毁灭性的力量,从四面八方汇聚而来。还没等其他人反应过来,一道惊天紫雷突然爆射而出,狠狠的轰击在半空中虎力大仙那毁天灭地的一斧上。 hōng lōng lōng!” 轰隆隆!” The thunder ax intersection, the purple thunder only struck on the bang breaks to pieces in the midair a that Ruin the Heavens, Destroy the Earth axe, everywhere golden light dissipated instantaneously, vanishes into thin air. 雷斧相交,紫雷只一击就轰碎了半空中那毁天灭地的一斧,漫天的金光瞬间消散,化为乌有。 Is impossible!” “不可能!” This is any thing!” “这到底是什么东西!” in a flash, the deer strength immortal and sheep strength immortal are surprised, the strength most intrepid tiger strength immortal also in this flash, is hard to keep cool, on the face shows the look that shocks. 电光石火间,鹿力大仙和羊力大仙大吃一惊,就连实力最强悍的虎力大仙也在这一刹那,难以保持镇定,脸上露出震撼的神色。 This struck to contain the tiger strength immortal complete strength, was his most strikes, even if before were formidable incomparable one generation is unable to resist, by asking the price with no intention of buying midair. But now, he strongest attack was crushed by lowly ants unexpectedly easily. 这一击蕴含了虎力大仙全部的力量,是他的最强一击,即便是之前的强大无匹的一代都无法抵挡,被打落半空。但现在,他最强的攻击居然被一个卑贱的蝼蚁轻易粉碎了。 How is this possible?! 这怎么可能?! Deer strength immortal, the sheep strength immortal , helping me quickly!” “鹿力大仙,羊力大仙,快来助我!” Tiger strength immortal look changes, in a pair of scarlet eye pupil full is unwilling and crazy. 虎力大仙神色一变,一双猩红的眼眸中满是不甘与疯狂。 But is almost simultaneously, , he big blood essence will spout finally, in an instant seven cuns (2.5 cm) gold/metal axe ray blazing greatly, erupts a more terrifying pressure, toward that say/way purple thunder ruthlessly detachment. 而几乎是同时,噗,他将最后一大口精血喷出,刹那间七寸金斧光芒大炽,爆发出一股更加恐怖至极的威压,朝着那道紫雷狠狠劈去。 The crisis moment, where also wanted the tiger strength immortal saying that the sheep strength immortal, the deer strength immortal look was serious, is critical situation, already erupted the final strength, went toward that say/way purple thunder explosion of Wang Chong incarnation. 危机关头,哪里还要虎力大仙多说,羊力大仙,鹿力大仙神色沉重,如临大敌,早已爆发出最后的力量,朝着王冲化身的那道紫雷轰去。 Group immortal compete!” “群仙逐鹿!” Gold/Metal sheep Potian!” “金羊破天!” Three are above the terrifying attack of martial artist imagination simultaneously the bang to Wang Chong, this is their final strengths, is strongest strikes, the oath must destroy Wang Chong at one fell swoop. 三道超乎武者想象的恐怖攻击同时轰向“王冲”,这是他们最后的力量,也是最强的一击,誓要将王冲一举毁灭。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Four formidable incomparable terrifying energies ruthlessly hits in together, that flash, the air wave thunders, the mist and dust is billowing, the entire bottom world fierce vibration, void as if must split general. That boundless air wave sweeps across the four directions, nearest martial artist and Black-Clothed Man in abundance will shake to fly, person still at airborne, then the mouth has spat the blood, already severe wound. 四股强大无匹的恐怖能量狠狠的撞击在一起,那一刹那,气浪轰鸣,烟尘滚滚,整个地底世界都剧烈的震动起来,虚空都仿佛要裂开一般。那无边的气浪席卷四方,将距离最近的武者黑衣人都纷纷震飞出去,人尚在空中,便已经口吐鲜血,已然重伤。 „!” “啊!” The people are without enough time panic-stricken, only listens to that billowing mist and dust to erupt three sad and shrill pitiful yells, three person's shadows explode to shoot, numerous pounding strike on the distant place thick dike. 众人来不及惊骇,只听那滚滚烟尘中爆发出三声凄厉至极的惨叫,三道人影爆射而出,重重的砸击在远处厚厚的岩壁上。 sheep Luhu three immortal joint efforts, completely are unable to contend with that the thunder strength that unexpectedly made one tremble, but struck, they have then carried the severe wound, ruthlessly was flown by pounding. 羊鹿虎三位大仙合力,居然也全然无法抗衡那股令人震颤的雷霆力量,只是一击,他们三人便已经身负重伤,被狠狠的砸飞出去。 , in the sky the strong winds were vast, in the midair, all these had not actually finished, scoff, the deep blue thunder glittering, projected in each pupil of person, that flaminged bright thunder light to make all between world lose the color instantaneously, in each individual heart ten Level 2 earthquakes were vibrating crazily. 呼,天空中狂风浩浩,半空中,这一切却远没有结束,嗤,湛蓝的雷光闪烁,投射在每一个人的瞳孔中,那炽亮的雷光令天地间的一切都瞬间失去了颜色,每个人心中都十二级地震般疯狂震动着。 The present all have exceeded their imagination, even nobody knows radically had anything. 眼前的一切已经超出了他们的想象,甚至根本没有人知道发生了什么。 „It is not good!” “不好!” The flash, the deer strength immortal and sheep strength immortal, including the tiger strength immortal, three most Top Level Black-Clothed Man Leader produce an extremely intense restlessness in this flash, that is in their long life never has the experience, is containing in front of the high-strength, ruinous deep blue thunder light in that each cell, each inch flesh fiercely is shivering, intense dangerous feeling comes like the sea tide, as if momentarily will embezzle them. 一刹那,鹿力大仙、羊力大仙,包括虎力大仙,三名最顶级黑衣人首领在这一霎那都产生一种极其强烈的不安,那是在他们漫长生命中从未有过的体验,在那蕴含着高强度,毁灭性湛蓝色的雷光面前,他们每一个细胞,每一寸肌肤都在剧烈颤动,强烈的危险感一波波有如海潮般汹涌而来,似乎随时都会把他们吞没。 Walks!” “走!” The deer strength immortal feels keenly, has not waited for other people to respond, his body one vertical, immediately is separated from the fight, toward passing the road junction goes, facial expression not slight recall. 鹿力大仙感觉最为敏锐,还没等其他人反应过来,他的身躯一纵,立即脱离战斗,朝着通道口而去,神情没有丝毫的留恋。 But another side, the response of sheep strength immortal is half beat behind slightly, but after all is Fine and Detailed Realm Powerhouse, saw that the deer strength immortal escapes, the sheep strength immortal wants not to think, together escapes. As for the strength highest tiger strength immortal, in three people, he starts late, is in the heart hesitant struggles, but his Speed instead is quickest. But a blink has surpassed the deer strength immortal. 而另一侧,羊力大仙的反应稍微慢了半拍,但毕竟是入微境强者,看到鹿力大仙逃跑,羊力大仙想都没想,就跟着一起逃跑。至于实力最高的虎力大仙,在三人之中,他是起步最晚,同时也是心中最犹豫挣扎的,但他的速度反而是最快的。只不过一眨眼就超过了鹿力大仙。 Three people are topest Fine and Detailed Realm Powerhouse, they are arrogant, is impossible to run away this character in their dictionaries. 三人都是最顶尖的入微境强者,他们性情傲慢,在他们的字典中根本就不可能有逃这个字。 However Wang Chong that compaction was extremely fearful, in these 16,000 kilometers place bottom deep places, he can collect so huge thunder strength unexpectedly, is hard to imagine simply. 但是王冲那一击实在太过可怕了,在这16000千米的地底深处,他居然可以汇集如此庞大的雷霆力量,简直难以想象。 Incessantly so, from the Wang Chong's strength, three people also feels an extremely ancient aura. 不止如此,从王冲的力量中,三人还感觉到一股极其古老的气息。 That aura has gone far beyond this time, most restrains them exactly, and made them deeply dread. 那股气息远远超过了这个时代,恰恰是最为克制他们,并且令他们深深为之畏惧的。
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