HE :: Volume #14

#1395: Fierce combat!

Chapter 1395 第1395章 This fellow and Evil Emperor Zhang Wenfu masters and disciples mix up, is not any friendly kind. Wei writing, you lead several people to kill that old thing, gives me as for this fake Young Master Qing Yang!” “这家伙和邪帝张文符师徒混在一起,也绝不是什么善类。魏文,你带几个人干掉那个老东西,至于这个假青阳公子就交给我!” Sikong Yuan armor sound jar sound jar air/Qi, loud and clear incomparable, his finger extends, directional Fig. old man, 78 Righteous Path Expert throw immediately toward Fig. old man. 司空元甲的声音瓮声瓮气,洪亮无比,他的手指一伸,指向阵图老人,立即就有78名正气盟高手朝着阵图老人扑去。 Damn! You ask me to do!” “该死的!你们找我干嘛!” Fig. old man sees this, the entire face was white, the real precisely city gate catches fire to bring disaster to the mackerel shad, he simply has not done any dishonorable matter, because of Evil Emperor Zhang Wenfu in the same place, he has connected is attacked by these Righteous Path Expert twice. 阵图老人看到这一幕,整个人脸都白了,真正是城门失火殃及池鱼,他根本没有干过什么伤天害理的事,就因为和邪帝张文符在一起,他已经接连两次被这些正气盟高手攻击了。 Week old seniors, you withdraw, I protect you!” “周老前辈,你退后,我来保护你!” At this time, a sound resounded in the ear of Fig. old man. The critical moment, the Wang Chong footsteps proceed to tread, span before the Fig. old man body, protects him in oneself behind. 就在这个时候,一个声音在阵图老人的耳边响起。关键时刻,王冲脚步往前一踏,横亘在阵图老人身前,将他护在自己身后。 Boy, like a clay buddha crossing the river is unable to defend oneself, unexpectedly also has other blank pipe people, comes the person! Seizes this boy with me, lets people have a correct understanding of the facts!” “小子,泥菩萨过河自身难保,居然还有空管其他人,来人!和我一起擒下这小子,以正视听!” The Sikong Yuan armor vision is cold, the sound has not fallen, the body in a flash, launches an attack toward Wang Chong. 司空元甲目光冷冽,声音未落,身躯一晃,率先朝着王冲发难。 Bang! 轰! In Sikong Yuan armor take action instant, Wang Chong wants not to think, immediately is a palm distant bang goes, however faces the Wang Chong's attack, the meaning of Sikong Yuan armor not dodging. 就在司空元出手的刹那,王冲想也不想,立即就是一掌遥遥轰去,然而面对王冲的攻击,司空元甲没有一丝闪避的意思。 Wish friendly god armor!” “祝融神甲!” Sikong Yuan armor gives a loud shout, in an instant, compact fiery-red jumps to shoot from his within the body, changes into thick fiery-red War Armor to cover rapidly in his body surface. A Wang Chong palm lays out, unexpectedly was used body first half ruler thick wishing to melt god armor by him to shoulder stiffly, and steering-invariance, approaches toward Wang Chong by astonishing Speed. 司空元甲大喝一声,刹那间,一股致密的火红色从他体内迸射而出,迅速化为一件厚厚的火红色战甲覆盖在他的体表。王冲一掌拍出,居然被他用身上半尺多厚的祝融神甲硬生生扛了下来,并且方向不变,以惊人的速度朝着王冲靠近。 Defense class marvelous ability!” “防御类神功!” Wang Chong sees this, in eye steep flashes through a ray. 王冲看到这一幕,眼中陡的闪过一丝光芒。 He had seen Sikong Yuan armor on the mountain, but contests with him truly, this is the first time. 他在山上就已经见过司空元甲,但真正和他过招,这还是第一次。 World martial arts is divided into the attack class and defense class, Dexterity kind and Speed kind. martial study of Sikong Yuan armor clearly belongs to study the defense secret skill, moreover is topest defense secret skill. Can withstand itself to make an effort to strike, and sends lossless, Sikong Yuan armor god armor absolutely as firm as a shocking situation. 天下的武功分为进攻类和防御类,还有敏捷类和速度类。司空元甲的武学明显属于专攻防御的绝学,而且还是最顶尖的防御绝学。能够承受自己用力一击,并且毫发无损,司空元甲身上的神甲绝对坚固到了一个令人震惊的地步。 However quick, Wang Chong responded. 但是很快,王冲就反应过来。 ! 嗤嗤! A Wang Chong finger ball, in an instant, several cream Qi energy jump to shoot one after another, directly soars Sikong Yuan armor to go. 王冲手指一弹,刹那间,接连数道乳白色的气劲迸射而出,直奔司空元甲而去。 skill of no high order!” 雕虫小技!” Sikong Yuan armor smiles cold, wants not to think, the big fist wields, immediately goes toward the referring to air/Qi numerous bang that Wang Chong sends out. 司空元甲冷然一笑,想也不想,大拳一挥,立即朝着王冲发出的指气重重轰去。 However the next quarter, fist astral and refers to the air/Qi intersection, Sikong Yuan armor has not responded, immediately felt wishing on arm to melt god armor to be punctured by anything probably generally. Hard incomparable god armor, cannot resist that cream referring to air/Qi unexpectedly completely, but two cream referring to air/Qi are directly soar Sikong Yuan armor the surface gate to go. 然而下一刻,拳罡和指气相交,司空元甲还没有反应过来,立即感觉到手臂上的祝融神甲好像被什么刺破了一般。坚硬无比的神甲,居然完全抵挡不住那乳白色的指气,而其中两道乳白色的指气更是直奔司空元甲的面门而去。 „It is not good! Sword Qi!” “不好!剑气!” in a flash, a thought passing over gently and swiftly mind, Sikong Yuan armor had a big shock immediately. Sikong Yuan armor has thought what Wang Chong sends out is only some type of compact referring to air/Qi, but contacts truly discovered that several wisps refer to the air/Qi seem like slender, the regulations are swift and fierce, is in Martial Path most difficult cultivation Sword Qi. 电光石火间,一个念头掠过脑海,司空元甲顿时大惊失色。司空元甲一直以为王冲发出的只是某种致密的指气,但是真正接触才发现,那几缕指气看似纤细,实则凌厉无匹,乃是武道中最难修炼剑气 Moreover in the sensation of Sikong Yuan armor, that has not pointed at the thick cream bracing cold, is sends the silk slender Sword Qi compression by. Each wisp of Sword Qi is harder than it steel wire, but the sharp degree is to compare godly weapon. Wishing of Sikong Yuan armor melts god armor to resist the Wang Chong's powerful to strike, but is actually hard to resist this appearance common Sword Qi cutting. 而且在司空元甲的感知中,那还没有手指粗的乳白色气劲,乃是由一根根发丝般纤细的剑气压缩而成。每一缕剑气比之钢丝还要坚硬,而锋利程度更是比拟神兵利器司空元甲的祝融神甲可以抵挡王冲的强力一击,但却难以抵挡这貌不起眼的剑气切割。 wēng! 嗡! in a flash, pondered without enough time, Sikong Yuan armor first one, had evaded by the difference of least Wang Chong compact strikes. A pitiful yell from behind transmits, Righteous Path Expert dodges, was passed through the head by Wang Chong's Sword Qi, straight crashes from the midair. 电光石火间,来不及细想,司空元甲把头一偏,以毫厘之差避过了王冲致密的一击。啊,一声惨叫从身后传来,一名正气盟高手闪避不及,被王冲的剑气贯穿头颅,直挺挺的从半空中坠落下来。 Gods and Demons Obliteration Technique! 苍生鬼神破灭术 Wang Chong's this cultivation method inheritance from Great Tang / Military God Su Zhengchen, due to own various reasons, Wang Chong has concentrated in Great Yin-Yang World Fortune Art that is easy to strive, has also stayed as for this quite difficult Gods and Demons Obliteration Technique in little to become Realm, will be away from accomplishment Realm to be never. 王冲的这门功法传承自大唐/军神苏正臣,不过由于自身的各种原因,王冲一直把精力放在了易于精进的大阴阳天地造化功上,至于这门比较难的苍生鬼神破灭术还一直停留在小成的境界,距离大成的境界还遥遥无期。 However for all this, is relying on Wang Chong own Realm, as well as Gods and Demons Obliteration Technique terrifying lethality, even if little to become Realm Sword Qi, has the astonishing threat. In this regard, even if wishing of Sikong Yuan armor melts god armor to be also hard to resist. 不过尽管如此,凭借着王冲自身的境界,以及苍生鬼神破灭术恐怖的杀伤力,即便是小成境界剑气,也拥有惊人的威胁。在这一方面,即便是司空元甲的祝融神甲也难以抵挡。 Everybody on together! Has killed him!” “大家一起上!杀了他!” Saw that Sikong Yuan armor suffers setbacks, one crowd of Righteous Path Expert is drinking severely, closes in quickly. 看到司空元甲受挫,一群正气盟高手厉喝着,很快一拥而上。 Damn Righteous Path, one group of bastards!” “该死的正气盟,一群混蛋!” Fig. old man startled and anger, when Expert attacks of these Righteous Path, does not divide the range, together attacks together with Fig. old man, thinks without enough time, the Fig. old man big sleeve wields, not a weak Astral Qi broken body, shook rear area the arrow rain that flew to raid to come. 阵图老人又惊又怒,这些正气盟高手攻击时,根本不分范围,连同阵图老人也一同攻击,来不及多想,阵图老人大袖一挥,一股不弱的罡气破体而出,震开了后方飞袭而来的箭雨。 Meanwhile, his five fingers spread out, in the palm departs five five colors cobblestones rapidly, that five cobblestones spread around Fig. old man, just fell to the ground, immediately makes bang bang the sound, in an instant, the ray flashes, Fig. old man immediately disappearing trace. 同时,他的五指箕张,掌心中迅速飞出五颗五色的鹅卵石,那五颗鹅卵石散布在阵图老人周围,刚一落地,立即发出砰砰的声响,刹那间,光芒一闪,阵图老人立即不见了踪影。 What's all this about?” “这是怎么回事?” Righteous Path Expert that 78 pursue steep has postponed the footsteps, looks at front empty void, is dumbfounded, over the face is stunned. 78名追击过来的正气盟高手陡的放缓了脚步,看着前方空荡荡的虚空,一个个大眼瞪小眼,满面错愕。 Is impossible! This fellow cannot run away absolutely!” “不可能!这家伙绝对逃不了!” And Righteous Path Expert nips the tooth ruthlessly, the sound has not fallen, a palm laid out fiercely, broke several boulders in midair, a palm vanished the direction to shake toward Fig. old man. The bang, this palm lays out, void that was empty, shakes suddenly fiercely, has probably hit any general. 其中一名正气盟高手狠狠咬了咬牙齿,声音未落,猛地一掌拍出,震碎了半空中的几块圆石,一掌朝着阵图老人消失得方向震去。轰,这一掌拍出,原本空无一物的虚空,突然猛地一震,好像击中了什么一般。 In there! Do not let him run away!” “在那里!别让他逃了!” One crowd of Righteous Path Expert the spirit inspires immediately greatly, looks the place that Fig. old man vanishes finally, the dantian shakes, Sword Qi and Blade Qi, refer to the air/Qi and palm air/Qi from turning toward the direction bang that Fig. old man to go in all directions. 一群正气盟高手立即精神大振,纷纷看着阵图老人最后消失的地方,丹田一震,一股股剑气刀气、指气、掌气从四面八方向着阵图老人所在的方向轰去。 However the next quarter, making all person shocking matters of occur. Did not have, when their attacks fall, in an instant, in all directions, all arrow rain and boulders as if receive a hauling of invisible great strength to be the same, form a huge oval-shape vortex, then likes the strong winds brashly, simultaneously howls to go toward these Righteous Path Expert. 然而下一刻,令所有人震惊的事情发生了。还没等到他们的攻击落下,刹那间,四面八方,所有的箭雨、圆石仿佛受到一股无形巨力的牵引一样,形成一个巨大的椭圆形漩涡,然后有如狂风骤雨般,齐齐向着那些正气盟高手呼啸而去。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Only listens to an intermittent shake the heavens explosive sound, Sword Qi and Blade Qi that 78 Righteous Path Expert send out, refer to the air/Qi and palm air/Qi, has not approached, immediately rumbles by tens of thousands of thick arrow rain and boulders is split up, but more arrow rain go toward these Righteous Path Expert. 只听一阵阵惊天的爆炸声,78名正气盟高手发出的剑气刀气、指气、掌气,还没有靠近,立即被成千上万粗大的箭雨和圆石轰得四分五裂,而更多的箭雨则朝着那些正气盟高手而去。 How possible!” “怎么可能!” This fellow can control greatly in Luo Xianzhen strength unexpectedly!” “这个家伙居然能够控制大罗仙阵内的力量!” One crowd of Righteous Path Expert have a big shock, soon stared including the eye. No one has thought that looks the appearance common dwarf old man so is unexpectedly fierce, can invert in Array the partial strength, making them cope with itself in turn. 一群正气盟高手大惊失色,连眼睛都快要瞪出来了。谁也没有想到,那个看着貌不起眼的侏儒老者居然这么厉害,可以颠倒阵法内局部的力量,使得它们反过来对付自己。 Be careful!” “小心!” Righteous Path Expert expand Astral Qi in within the body in abundance, whole-heartedly, resists the arrow rain and boulder that comes. Before different, the effort of this round arrow rain and boulder was obviously big, shakes people wrists/skills to tingle with numbness, the aura shake in within the body continuous. 一名名正气盟高手纷纷将体内的罡气扩展而出,全力以赴,抵挡呼啸而至的箭雨、圆石。和之前不同,这一轮箭雨、圆石的力度明显大了很多,震得众人一个个手腕发麻,体内的气息震荡不休。 But the distant place, in the midair the vortex takes shape, the second round arrow rain and boulder are following close on coming in swarms. 而远处,半空中又有一个漩涡成型,第二轮箭雨、圆石紧跟着蜂拥而至。 Damn! Withdraw quickly!” “该死!快撤!” Several Righteous Path Expert see that in heart sends being afraid/painful, the under foot stands on tiptoes, will withdraw hastily in the future. 几名正气盟高手见状,心中发憷,脚下一踮,连忙往后撤去。 They are chased down Fig. old man, but at this moment, removes pursuing past Speed was quicker. 他们本来是去追杀阵图老人的,但是这一刻,撤的比追过去的速度更快。 Your these young bastards! Come! Come, chases down old man quickly!” “你们这些小混蛋!来啊!来啊,快来追杀老夫啊!” In small Array of several chi (0.33 m) square, Fig. old man looks at one crowd of Righteous Path Expert distressed appearances, laughs, self-satisfied. 一个数尺见方的小阵法中,阵图老人看着一群正气盟高手狼狈的样子,哈哈大笑,得意不已。 He does not excel on martial arts, although is also insufficient to be too weak, but meets Evil Emperor old man and Song Yuanyi, even is Sikong Yuan armor as well as many Righteous Path elders, was well below obviously. The rivers and lakes are dangerous, if no a method, only depends on this level cultivation base, is insufficient the walk world by far. 他在武功上并不擅长,虽然也不至于太弱,但是遇上邪帝老人宋元一,甚至是司空元甲以及许多正气盟的长老,明显远远不如。江湖险恶,如果没有一点手段,仅凭这种层次的修为,远远不足以行走天下。 These five five colors cobblestones are one of the Fig. old man methods. 这五颗五色鹅卵石就是阵图老人的手段之一。 The beforehand risk, Fig. old man has been stranded, although cannot ascertain greatly Luo Xianzhen operating law, but also made him study diligently many mysteries. Coordinates his Array attainments again, has made Fig. old man invert the Array strength in the partial range sufficiently, controls the operation of Array, is used to cope with these Righteous Path Expert. 之前的冒险,阵图老人一直被困在阵中,虽然没能窥破大罗仙阵的运行规律,但是也让他钻研出了不少的奥秘。再配合他本身的阵法造诣,已经足以让阵图老人在局部范围内颠倒阵法的力量,控制阵法的运行,用来对付那些正气盟高手 Dishonest ways, everybody must execute it, everybody collaborates together, eliminates this young demon!” “邪门歪道,人人得而诛之,大家一起联手,消灭这个小魔头!” But another side, Wang Chong and fight between Sikong Yuan armor as well as an numerous Righteous Path elders , went to the most intense situation. Righteous Path long graveclothes sleeve were floating, coordinating Sikong Yuan armor to launch the attack from each direction toward Wang Chong, the innumerable Astral Qi mighty currents came like the strong winds brashly. 而另一侧,王冲司空元甲以及一众正气盟长老之间的战斗,也达到了最激烈的地步。一名名正气盟长老衣袂飘飘,配合着司空元甲从各个方向朝着王冲发起了进攻,无数的罡气洪流有如狂风骤雨般呼啸而至。 So the offensive, sufficiently makes anybody change colors. 如此攻势,足以让任何人都为之失色。 Especially present Wang Chong, borders on the qi deviation danger, the strength drops many, is the danger numerous. However for all this, Wang Chong is also unperturbed fearless. 特别是现在的王冲,濒临走火入魔的危险,实力下降很多,更是危险重重。不过尽管如此,王冲也是夷然无惧。 Heaven's Fate War Armor!” 天命战甲!” Great Universe Technique!” 大乾坤术!” Gods and Demons Obliteration Technique!” 苍生鬼神破灭术!” Void Escape !” 虚空遁!” ...... …… In the vision of people, Wang Chong ray flashes, first covers black Heaven's Fate War Armor, then displayed Great Yin-Yang World Fortune Art, simultaneously pointed at even/including Dan, one continuously slender incomparable, but actually swift and fierce incomparable Mortals and Spiritual Beings Annihilation Sword Qi immediately spread across, howled. 就在众人的目光中,王冲身上光芒一闪,先是覆盖上了黑色的天命战甲,然后施展出了大阴阳天地造化功,同时手指连弹,一缕缕纤细无比,但却凌厉无匹的苍生鬼神破灭剑气立即纵横交错,呼啸而出。 But is most fearful, «Void Escape » that Wang Chong obtains from the Black-Clothed Man hand. Wang Chong most starts has not comprehended completely, but most made the person palpitation, can comprehend secret skill in the fight. 而最可怕的,还是王冲黑衣人手中得到的《虚空遁》。王冲最开始的时候还没有领悟完全,但是最令人心悸的,就是可以在战斗中领悟绝学 At the beginning, Void Escape that Wang Chong displayed was clumsy, flaw numerous, but relied on the Heaven's Fate War Armor fearful defensive power to resist the attack of Sikong Yuan first-class person. 刚开始的时候,王冲施展的虚空遁还非常笨拙,破绽重重,只是凭借着天命战甲可怕的防御力才抵挡住了司空元甲等人的攻击。 However quick, Wang Chong's Void Escape is getting more and more skilled, simultaneously under the pressure of fight, in the Wang Chong mind passed over gently and swiftly the Void Escape heart law mnemonics, unexpectedly starts to comprehend Void Escape in the fight. But the way of this practice compares a person to try to find out, the advancement is much quicker. 但是很快,王冲的虚空遁越来越熟练,同时在战斗的压力下,王冲脑海中掠过一篇篇虚空遁的心法口诀,居然在战斗中开始领悟虚空遁。而这种实践的方式远比一个人摸索,进境要快得多。 Sikong Yuan armor and one group of Righteous Path elders just started also to catch the Wang Chong's form, unceasing attack he, but to behind, Wang Chong's movement art was getting quicker and quicker, is getting more and more faintly recognizable. 司空元甲和一群正气盟长老刚开始还能够捕捉到王冲的身影,不断的攻击到他,但是到了后面,王冲的身法越来越快,越来越飘渺。 But that tens of thousands of Mortals and Spiritual Beings Annihilation Sword Qi promiscuous in Great Yin-Yang World Fortune Art Astral Qi, mysteriously appears and disappears, incurs the move to directly soar the people strategic point, in a flash, is the Sikong Yuan first-class person is tired out from the press on the contrary, was suppressed by Wang Chong. 而那成千上万的苍生鬼神破灭剑气混杂在大阴阳天地造化功罡气中,神出鬼没,招招直奔众人要害,一瞬间,反倒是司空元甲等人疲于奔命,被王冲压制了。
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