HE :: Volume #11

#1077: The war of top Legion ( 3 )

Kills - “杀——” Another battlefield, more than 1000 silver Behemoth rear areas, resound roaring of Caliphate language suddenly. In the vision of all people, on a left chest has special Legion that the blood red sword marks, by astonishing Speed toward battlefield. 另一处战场,1000多架银色巨兽的后方,忽然响起一阵大食语的咆哮。就在所有人的目光中,一支左胸口上有着血红色刀剑标记的特殊军团,以惊人的速度向着战场而来。 Sir, is Musi \\ / Iron Blood Legion of forest!” “大人,是艾布穆斯\\/林的铁血军团!” Has not waited for this Legion to approach, side Gao Xianzhi, Cheng Qianli sits on a big warhorse, the pupil shrinks, is critical situation. 还没等这支军团靠近,高仙芝身旁,程千里坐在一匹高大的战马上,瞳孔一缩,如临大敌。 Iron Blood Legion is Musi \\ / one of the forest subordinates most Top Level Legion, their quantity is numerous, perhaps Divine Military Army and Divine Prison Army are short-handed, cannot resist.” 铁血军团是艾布穆斯\\/林麾下最顶级军团之一,他们数量众多,神武军神狱军人手不足,恐怕抵挡不住。” Last, Cheng Qianli turned head to look fiercely to Gao Xianzhi. 最后一句,程千里猛地扭头看向了高仙芝 Iron Blood Legion and Iron Wall Legion can be said as a pair of enemy, even is having one including the name in iron character, this seems symbolizing, no matter Gao Xianzhi and Musi \\ / forest form is apart from far, among two people inevitably decisive battle. From Samarkand to Cong Ridge, eventually only then a person can stand erect here, becomes the overlord of this lands. 铁血军团铁壁军团可以说是一对冤家,甚至连名字中都带着一个“铁”字,这似乎象征着,不管高仙芝和艾布穆斯\\/林相距多远,两人之间都势必有一场决战。从撒马尔罕葱岭,终究只有一个人才能屹立在这里,成为这片土地的霸主。 2-3 months of engaging in fierce battle, Iron Wall Legion had considerable many soldiers dead under the Iron Blood Legion blade, but Iron Blood Legion also has considerable many soldiers dead under the Iron Wall Legion sword similarly, between both sides already was the deep hatred. 两三个月的鏖战,铁壁军团已经有相当多的士兵死在了铁血军团的刀下,而铁血军团同样也有相当多的士兵死在铁壁军团的剑下,双方之间早已是血仇。 Preparation! Passes on me to order, Iron Wall Legion sends out!” “准备!传我命令,铁壁军团出动!” The Gao Xianzhi arm wields, suddenly has issued the order. 高仙芝手臂一挥,突然下达了命令。 Iron Blood Legion and Iron Wall Legion, this war how long, no matter continues, between both armies inevitably must decide a victory and defeat. 铁血军团铁壁军团,这场战争不管持续多久,两军之间都势必要分出一个胜负。 In the Gao Xianzhi mind flashes through the thought that the vision crosses opposite tens of thousands of Caliphate Heavy Cavalry together rapidly, looked to distant place that huge black war flag, stood erect motionless Musi \\ / forest. But is almost at the same time, the latter has also had the induction, the vision like the electricity, crosses the numerous spaces, connects in void with the Gao Xianzhi vision together. 高仙芝脑海中闪过一道念头,目光迅速越过对面成千上万的大食铁骑,望向了远处那杆巨大的黑色战旗下,矗立不动的艾布穆斯\\/林。而几乎是同一时间,后者也生出了感应,目光如电,越过重重空间,和高仙芝的目光在虚空中交接在一起。 That flash, void silent, all sounds are still, the sponsors of two wars, the body erupted a shake the heavens war intent. 那一刹那,虚空寂静,万籁无声,两位战争的发起者,身上都爆发出了一阵惊天的战意。 Clang!” “锵!” Also in this time, an intermittent sword recited the sound continuously, resounded through the skies. in a flash, after the first steel defense line, does not know that many Iron Wall Legion soldiers have extracted Long Sword, was looking at opposite rapidly close Iron Blood Legion. 也就在此时,一阵阵剑吟声此起彼伏,响彻云霄。电光石火间,第一道钢铁防线后,不知道多少铁壁军团的战士抽出了身上的长剑,纷纷望着了对面急速接近的铁血军团 Bang, finally, only listens to an intense tumult sound, thousands of Iron Blood Legion soldier separates the crowd, appears behind more than 1000 silver-white war Behemoth, the rapid pulling weapon, kills toward Divine Military Army and Divine Prison Army. 轰隆,终于,只听一阵激烈的骚动声,数以千计的铁血军团战士分开人群,出现在1000多架银白色战争巨兽后方,迅速的拔出武器,朝着神武军神狱军杀去。 Kills, kills them!” “杀,干掉他们!” Roars, the soldier hands of 3,000-4,000 Iron Wall Legion grasp Long Sword, rapid in big strides, flushes away toward the Iron Blood Legion soldier. Kills, only listens to intermittent intense shouting, both armies fight rapidly together. 一声怒吼,三四千名铁壁军团的战士手握长剑,迅速的大踏步,朝着铁血军团的战士冲去。杀,只听一阵阵激烈的嘶吼,两军迅速的战斗在一起。 Bang!” “轰隆!” When two Great Army numerous hits in together, that instant, everything may become vulnerable, entire world as if static. 当两支大军重重的撞击在一起,那一霎,地动山摇,整个世界都仿佛静止了下来。 Gao Xianzhi and Musi \\ / the forest two topest Empire Great General looks are dignified, simultaneously looked to two has battled in together Legion. 高仙芝、艾布穆斯\\/林两位最顶尖的帝国大将神色凝重,同时望向了两支激战在一起的军团 But behind Great Army, Wang Chong, Cheng Qianli and Wang Yan, opposite Ottoman, Aibeck as well as Daqin Ruozan, Huoshu Guicang and the others, the vision centralized to have fought similarly completely intensely, gathers in Top Level soldier most places. 大军后方,王冲程千里王严,还有对面的奥斯曼艾伊贝克以及大钦若赞火树归藏等人,同样目光全部集中到了战斗最激烈,聚集顶级战士最多的地方。 In fierce combat, Anxi Protectorate Army Iron Blood Legion soldier intense battle of Iron Wall Legion soldier and Caliphate in the same place, but this time, no matter one side of Caliphate or Great Tang, no one has sent out the army again, all people are waiting for between both sides to decide a victory and defeat. 刀光剑影中,一名名安西都护军铁壁军团战士和大食铁血军团战士激烈的厮杀在一起,不过这一次,不管是大食还是大唐一侧,谁都没有再派出军队,所有人都在等待着双方之间分出一个胜负。 The time passes by bit by bit, Black Tortoise Army, Divine Military Army, Divine Prison Army and Iron Wall Legion, the Great Tang aspect had four topest strengths to put into the fight, but the Caliphate aspect, Danto Legion, Blood Beast Legion and Iron Blood Legion, three Caliphate Empire are famous, battle efficiency powerful incomparable top Legion, put into the fight similarly. 时间一点一滴过去,玄武军神武军神狱军铁壁军团,大唐方面已经有四支最顶尖的力量投入了战斗,而大食方面,断头军团血兽军团铁血军团,三支大食帝国名闻天下,战斗力强悍无比的顶尖军团,同样投入了战斗。 These Legion, any sufficiently makes formidable Empire be nervous and uneasy, sleeps on pins and needles. Two Legion appear, sufficiently makes Empire feel that extinguishes the danger of country's. Three Legion appear, formidable such as Sassanid Empire such several thousand years of Empire, vanishes in a puff of smoke, say nothing of other Empire. 这些军团,任何一支都足以让一个强大的帝国如芒在背,寝食难安。两支军团出现,就足以让一个帝国感觉到灭国的危险。三支军团出现,强大如萨珊王朝这样的几千年帝国,也跟着灰飞烟灭,更不用说其他帝国 However now, Caliphate People not only has not exterminated Talas Tang People successfully, oneself instead presented many casualties. 但是现在,大食人不但没有成功剿灭怛罗斯唐人,自身反而都出现了不少的伤亡。 Sir, does not have the means to break through their defenses!” “大人,还是没有办法攻破他们的防御!” Zhihad takes back the vision, the brow deeply wrinkles, looked to Musi \\ / forest and Ottoman and the others. 齐亚德收回目光,眉头深深皱起,望向了身旁的艾布穆斯\\/林和奥斯曼等人。 never of this situation in the past fight appeared, Zhihad does not know that should do what responds. 这种情况在以往的战斗中从未出现,就连齐亚德都不知该做何反应了。 Musi \\ / forest, Ottoman and Aibeck frowned, the collection complete/even three big governors, 400,000-500,000 military strength, unexpectedly how these Tang People, before this is people, has not thought. 艾布穆斯\\/林、奥斯曼艾伊贝克皱起了眉头,集齐三大总督,四五十万的兵力,居然还奈何不了这些唐人,这是众人之前所没有想到的。 Makes Fearless Legion send out!” “让无畏军团出动吧!” Musi \\ / forest silent moment, ordered suddenly. 艾布穆斯\\/林沉默片刻,突然下令道。 Hears this name, Ottoman and Aibeck look shakes slightly, on two faces has shown a look of recollection faintly. 听到这个名字,奥斯曼艾伊贝克神色微微一震,两人脸上隐隐露出了一丝回忆的神色。 Fearless Legion! 无畏军团 Very long had not listened to this name, previous appearance, when copes with Sassanid Empire. This is Musi \\ / forest subordinates is true, most formidable Legion! Fearless Legion is Musi \\ / forest pulls up the Eastern Governor basis, is he most formidable the strength in Caliphate Empire. 已经很久没有听过这个名字了,上一次出现,还是在对付萨珊王朝的时候。这是艾布穆斯\\/林麾下真正的,最强大的军团无畏军团是艾布穆斯\\/林挤身东方总督的根本,也是他在大食帝国内部最强大的力量。 However with any most formidable the thing is the same, Musi \\ / the Fearless Legion population of forest are few, is only about 4000 people. This Legion dies every time a person, wants to train one again, at least takes ten years. From Khorasan „after Sassanid Empire exterminates fights, Musi \\ / forest no longer this Legion assigns. 不过和任何“最强大”的东西一样,艾布穆斯\\/林的这支无畏军团人数非常少,只有4000人左右。这支军团每死上一个人,想要再培养出一个来,至少需要十年。所以自呼罗珊的“萨珊王朝”剿灭战之后,艾布穆斯\\/林就不再把这支军团调派出来。 But after ten years, this / forest has been placed Fearless Legion in rear strategic place by Musi \\, finally was assigned by him, appeared in the Eastern battlefield again. 而时隔十年之久,这支被艾布穆斯\\/林一直放在后方重镇中的无畏军团,终于被他调派过来,再次出现在了东方的战场上。 Subordinate is compliant!” “属下遵命!” The look that in the Zhihad eye flashes through a respect, races a horse rapidly, issued to order. 齐亚德眼中闪过一丝尊敬的神色,迅速驰马而出,下达命令去了。 Fearless Legion! 无畏军团 This Legion has too many glory, is almost and Musi \\ / forest ties up together. To order this Legion, only then two talented people can achieve, is Musi \\ / forest and Zhihad. 这支军团拥有太多的荣耀,几乎是和艾布穆斯\\/林捆绑在一起。想要命令这支军团,只有两个人才做得到,就是艾布穆斯\\/林和齐亚德 ... „! - “呜!——” Suddenly, long bugle horn sound, transmits from the distant place. Behind the Caliphate People army, a tumult, as if has any thing toward the battlefield. 突然之间,一阵悠长的号角声,从远处传来。大食人的军队后方,一阵骚动,似乎有什么东西正在朝着战场而来。 Sir, Caliphate People also had movement!” “大人,大食人又有动作了!” A sound suddenly resounds, Zhang Que looks at the distant place, the facial expression somewhat is slightly restless. 一个声音突然响起,张雀看着远处,神情微微有些不安。 The intense degree of this war, has far exceeded his cognition. Even southwest the war, perhaps is unable in comparison. But this war gathered so many Great Tang and Caliphate top military force(s) unexpectedly, was he is unable to imagine for a lifetime! 这场战争的激烈程度,已经远远超出了他的认知。甚至就连西南之战,恐怕都无法与之相比。而这场战争居然聚集到了如此多的大唐大食的顶尖兵马,更是他一辈子都无法想像的! Zhang Que is only a scout, some degree, even is not including the soldiers, because he is not used to go forth to battle to kill the enemy. However, in his mind has an intense faith. 张雀只是一个侦察兵,某种程度,甚至连士兵都算不上,因为他不是用来上阵杀敌的。但是,在他的心中有一种强烈的信念。 So long as Wang Chong does not retreat, he never will retreat! 只要王冲不退却,他就永远不会退却! Zhang Que believes that person of entire Talas like him, tens of thousands of! Wang Chong, is in all person hearts, most formidable backer. 张雀相信,整个怛罗斯像他一样的人,成千上万!王冲,就是所有人心中,最强大的靠山。 Musi \\ / forest must send out Fearless Legion!” “艾布穆斯\\/林要派出无畏军团了!” Wang Chong looks the sky that distant place one group twists, opens the mouth to say. 王冲看着远处一团扭曲的天空,开口道。 The imposing manner of soldier did not have shade invisible, all around cannot create influence regarding thing. But this Legion imposing manner concentrates like the essence, even can twist continually void, what is more important, although the weather early, did not have the darkness, but the place of that piece of void distortion, is actually a gloom, resembled the curtain of night early to arrive generally, to person an extremely restless feeling. 战士的气势本来是无影无形的,对于周遭的事物不会造成影响。而这支军团的气势凝如实质,甚至连虚空都能扭曲,更重要的是,尽管天色还早,还没有黑暗,但是那片虚空扭曲的地方,却是一片阴暗,就好像夜幕早早降临了一般,给人一种极其不安的感觉。 This feeling, can only make Wang Chong remember a name, Fearless Legion! 这种感觉,只能让王冲想起一个名字,无畏军团 About Talas's War of western region, / forest name is connected in Musi \\ together, there are innumerable names, innumerable unit, but the interrelatedness is highest, is most noticeable, without a doubt is Fearless Legion. Musi \\ / the forest subordinates most formidable strength has two, Iron Blood Legion put into the fight, remaining naturally was also Fearless Legion. 关于西域的怛罗斯之战,和艾布穆斯\\/林这个名字关联在一起的,有无数个名字,无数个兵种,但关联度最高,最引人注目的,毫无疑问就是“无畏军团”。艾布穆斯\\/林麾下最强大的力量有两支,一支铁血军团已经投入了战斗,剩下的自然也就是无畏军团了。 Wang Chong, the Fearless Legion battle efficiency is more formidable than Iron Blood Legion, only depends on our here strengths, any one checks a army to be unlikely hard to prevent!” 王冲,无畏军团的战斗力比铁血军团还要强大,仅凭我们这边的力量,任何一支单一军队恐怕都难以阻挡!” Gao Xianzhi turns the head, looked that said to Wang Chong, the vision appears extremely discrete. 高仙芝转过头来,看向王冲道,目光显得极其谨慎。 The Empire Great General sensation is much keener than the average person, although has not seen Fearless Legion, but Gao Xianzhi can feel that bunch of destruction storms, rapid approach toward the battlefield. 帝国大将的感知比一般人要敏锐得多,尽管没有看到无畏军团,但是高仙芝已经能够感觉得到,那一团团的毁灭风暴,正迅速朝着战场逼近。 Us three Legion have not sent the battlefield, which Legion then do you prepare to make cope with Fearless Legion?” “我们这边还有三支军团没有派上战场,接下来你准备让哪支军团对付无畏军团?” Although is Talas Top Level Commander-in-Chief, however is fighting, all hand over by Wang Chong direct, this situation has not occurred before, is representing the approval of Gao Xianzhi to Wang Chong ability. 虽然同是怛罗斯顶级统帅,但是在战斗中,一切都是交由王冲指挥,这种情况在以前还从来没有发生过,也代表着高仙芝王冲能力的认可。 hē hē, Fearless Legion strength, although is formidable, but Legion can resist them.” 呵呵,无畏军团的实力虽然强大,但是有一支军团可以抵抗住他们。” The Wang Chong facial expression is calm, to resist compared with Iron Wall Legion more formidable Fearless Legion, only depends on the ordinary strength definitely cannot achieve, but Wang Chong actually knows, now also the strength, can meet as an equal with Fearless Legion. 王冲神情镇定从容,要想对抗比铁壁军团更加强大的无畏军团,仅凭普通的力量肯定是做不到的,但是王冲却知道,现在还有一支力量,可以和无畏军团分庭抗礼。 Transmitted orders, making Tiger Roar Army go on stage!” “传令下去,让虓虎军上场吧!” Wang Chong indifferently said, does not return. 王冲淡淡道,头也不回。 Tiger Roar Army?” 虓虎军?” Gao Xianzhi, Cheng Qianli, Xi Yuanqing and the others look to Wang Chong, this army they have the contact, from the feeling, seems to be similar to other Legion strengths, the people have not thought, the confidence of Wang Chong to this army is higher than any army. 高仙芝程千里席元庆等人纷纷看向王冲,这支军队他们也有过接触,从感觉上,似乎和其他军团的力量差不多,众人都没有想到,王冲对这支军队的信心比任何军队都要高。 Wang Chong is light smiles, excessively had not explained. 王冲只是淡淡一笑,并没有过多解释。 Tiger Roar Army, this is the army that the Great Tang No. 2 character trains! 虓虎军,这可是大唐第二号人物训练的军队啊! Zhang Shougui as the Great Tang No. 2 character, is next to existence of crown prince Young Protector Wang Zhongsi, top strength that this character trains, how also possibly to treat lightly. 张守珪做为大唐的第二号人物,仅次于太子少保王忠嗣的存在,这种人物训练出来的顶尖力量,又怎么可能等闲视之。 From Longxi to Serene Province, Zhang Shougui has been full of legendary entire life, has conquered too many too many matches, the sole view age, perhaps including Geshu Han and Gao Xianzhi is his later generation, say nothing of other people. Moreover reckless, man (Han) are able to discriminate, between the western region and Serene Province are separated by ten thousand miles, Gao Xianzhi had not understood Zhang Shougui obviously. 陇西幽州,张守珪的一生充满了传奇色彩,也征服了太多太多的对手,单论年纪,恐怕连哥舒翰高仙芝都是他的后辈,更不用说其他人了。而且胡、汉有别,西域和幽州之间相隔万里,高仙芝对于张守珪显然还远没有那么了解。 Tiger Roar Army is most strengthening of the armed forces team that Zhang Shougui spent to train for a lifetime, each battle efficiency was much more formidable, sole view strength Level, Black Tortoise Army and Divine Military Army and Iron Wall armed forces are unable in comparison. Wang Chong regarding some Divine Prison Army actually confidence that oneself train, the time that but they establish is too after all short, on quenching of crucial moment, is unable to place on a par with Tiger Roar Army this being repeatedly tempered the Master of fierce tiger eventually. 虓虎军张守珪花了一辈子训练出来的最强军队,每一个的战斗力都强大得不可思议,单论实力级别,就连玄武军神武军铁壁军都无法与之相比。王冲对于自己训练的神狱军倒是有些信心,但是他们建立的时间毕竟太短,在火候的淬炼上,终究还是无法和虓虎军这种千锤百炼的猛虎之师相提并论。 Zhang Shougui, looks at your performance now!” 张守珪,现在就看你的表现了!”
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