HE :: Volume #11

#1075: The war of top Legion ( 1 )

Chapter 1075( in addition one) Thanks anonymous 13101701130627 become this book person immortal 第1075章(加更一)【感谢匿名13101701130627成为本书人仙】 Bang! 轰! The next quarter, only listens to a shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth loud sound, in an instant is off their feet, in the vision of countless person, four thousand Divine Prison Army like Giant Sword, ruthlessly inserted. 下一刻,只听一声惊天动地的巨响,刹那间人仰马翻,就在无数人的目光中,四千神狱军有如一把巨剑,狠狠地插了过去。 Rumbling, how the people have not even seen clearly Divine Prison Army to leave the move, sees one after another big * sharp Heavy Cavalry, like withered grass generally in abundance but actually. 轰轰轰,众人甚至都没有看清楚神狱军是如何出招,就见一排又一排的大*锐铁骑,有如败草一般纷纷倒了下去。 On their corpses tattered and torn, presented the innumerable pinholes. But these Divine Prison Army soldiers, even looked continually has not looked at their one eyes, brushes from their body banks, rapid goes toward Divine Military Army and Blood Beast Legion direction. 在他们尸身上千疮百孔,出现了无数的小洞。而这些神狱军的士兵,甚至连看都没有看他们一眼,从他们身畔擦身而过,迅速的向着神武军血兽军团的方向而去。 Bang bang bang, in the instance that they pass through, originally frame motionless Caliphate Heavy Cavalry, suddenly the body cracks the innumerable blocks, wearily in place. 砰砰砰,就在他们经过的瞬间,身后,一名名原本定格不动的大食铁骑,突然身体裂成无数块,委顿于地。 The time of blinking, 7,000-8,000 Caliphate Heavy Cavalry, change into the muddy flesh. 前后不过一个眨眼的时间,足足有七八千名大食铁骑,化为肉泥。 But four thousand Divine Prison Army did not say a word, in the people frightened vision, advanced toward the front rapidly. In intense battle, their Speed not only does not have slight weakening, instead is getting quicker and quicker. 而四千神狱军则一言不发,在众人惊悚的目光中,迅速向着前方推进。在激烈的厮杀中,他们的速度不但没有丝毫的削弱,反而越来越快。 No matter which unit, no matter also many Caliphate Heavy Cavalry prevents before their bodies, finally just like the slip of paper is ordinary, poured in their. 不管是哪个兵种,也不管有多少的大食铁骑阻挡在他们身前,最终都犹如纸片一般,纷纷倒在了他们脚下。 What unit is this?” “这是什么兵种?” Sees this, the distant place, Ottoman, Zhihad under and Aibeck black war flag in abundance changed the complexions. Hundreds of thousands of Caliphate military force(s), although does not dare to say everybody like Blood Beast Legion and Danto Legion existence, but after all is not ordinary elite. 看到这一幕,就连远处,黑色战旗下的奥斯曼齐亚德艾伊贝克都纷纷变脸色了。数十万的大食兵马,虽然不敢说人人都是像血兽军团断头军团一样的存在,但是毕竟都不是普通的精锐。 In normal fight, even if the match is fierce, is impossible to cut to kill them easily. This point, perhaps Blood Beast Legion and Danto Legion cannot achieve. The battle efficiency that however although opposite population many Great Tang \\ / army, shows, makes any person be overshadowed sufficiently. 正常的战斗中,就算是对手再厉害,也不可能轻易将他们斩杀。这一点,恐怕血兽军团断头军团都做不到。但是对面的这支虽然人数不多的大唐\\/军队,所展现出来的战斗力,却足以让任何人为之黯然失色。 Has fought many battles innumerably, battle efficiency powerful big * sharp, before them, unexpectedly like chopping the melon cuts the dish to be ordinary, easy was cut to kill by them. 无数身经百战,战斗力强悍的大*锐,在他们面前,居然就像砍瓜切菜一般,轻而易举的就被他们斩杀了。 Underestimated them, I need to revise my beforehand judgment. This Eastern Empire, perhaps compared with before us said also wants formidable many!” “低估他们了,我需要修正我之前的判断。这个东方的帝国,恐怕比我们之前所说的还要强大的多!” Aibeck said. 艾伊贝克道。 Under four black war flags, quiet, at this time anybody has not dared this Eastern state, to regard some insignificant small country again, without a doubt, this Talas army is worth all person existences of whole-heartedly. Even if formidable such as Caliphate is unable to treat lightly. 四杆黑色的战旗下,静悄悄,这个时候已经没有任何人再敢把这个东方的国度,当成某个无足轻重的小国了,毫无疑问,这支怛罗斯的军队是值得所有人全力以赴的存在。就算是强大如大食也无法等闲视之。 But, is this is interesting! Compared to Sassanid Empire remnant, with other small and weak civilizations, destroys such state has the sense of achievement! I felt that somewhat could not wait!” “不过,越是这样才越是有趣!相对于萨珊王朝余孽,和其他的弱小文明,摧毁这样的国度才更加的有成就感啊!我感觉已经有些等不及了!” Speaking of finally, Aibeck licked the lip, on the face has revealed one to grin fiendishly, his vision revolution, looked to the distant place, Wang Chong behind, that row of denseness and numerousness, standing one's ground steadfastly Wushang Heavy Cavalry. 说到最后,艾伊贝克舔了舔嘴唇,脸上露出一丝狞笑,他的目光一转,望向了远处,王冲身后,那一排密密麻麻,岿然不动的乌伤铁骑 Hasn't sent out to the present? These military force(s) so were formidable, does not know really, Wushang Heavy Cavalry in Musi \\ \\ Linkou, what situation was also formidable to?” “到现在都还不出动吗?这几支兵马都已经这么强大了,真不知道,艾布穆斯\\\\林口中的乌伤铁骑,到底又强大到了什么地步?” Distant place, in the battlefield of front line, three thousand Divine Military Army and fight of numerous Blood Beast Legion already precisely most intense time, clang, a handle long, qibashi cattys in weight dark-red sickle, heavy extremely heavy ruthlessly has divided, the cutter body passed over gently and swiftly, sends out one sound that made one tremble, as if including the steel can the cleavage, but the next quarter, the bang, sparks flying in all directions, a handle long heavy sword cut, with dark-red sickle numerous hit in together, had an intermittent shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth loud sound! 远处,最前方的战场上,三千神武军和众多血兽军团的战斗已经正是最激烈的时候,锵,一柄长长,重达七八十斤的暗红色弯刀,重愈万钧狠狠的劈了下来,刀体掠过,发出一阵令人颤栗的声音,似乎连钢铁都能劈裂,但是下一刻,轰,火花四溅,一柄长长的重剑斩出,和暗红色的弯刀重重的撞击在一起,发出一阵阵惊天动地的巨响! Grasps the Long Sword Divine Military Army soldier, therefore however is the under foot sinks, however the opposite Blood Beast Legion soldier armor of sends out the intermittent kā chā resounding similarly, a both sides look is solemn, does not have the slight expression, but another , then the appearance such as Behemoth is ordinary, Divine Military Army strives to defeat by some realities, the fight skill informed and experienced, victory plans, however the inferiority of population is unable to divide to exempt eventually. 手持长剑神武军战士故然是脚下一沉,但是对面的血兽军团战士身上的铠甲同样发出阵阵咔嚓的脆响,双方一个神色冷峻,没有丝毫的表情,而另一个则面目如巨兽一般狰狞,神武军以些许的实力胜出,战斗技巧更加的历练,更加的胜出一筹,但是人数的劣势终究无法劈免。 In the Divine Military Army surroundings, the Blood Beast Legion soldier are getting more and more, each Divine Military Army soldier at the same time, starts to face two slowly, even many Blood Beast Legion attack of soldier's. Although they are always calm, and does not have slightly flurried and retreats, but obvious fell into the inferiority slowly. 神武军的周围,血兽军团的士兵越来越多,每一名神武军的战士同一时间,开始慢慢面临两名,甚至更多的血兽军团的士兵的进攻。虽然他们始终冷静,并且没有丝毫的慌乱和退却,但是明显已经慢慢陷入了劣势。 - bent the bottom to bring the entire Blood Beast Legion soldier, but Geshu Han sends part of Divine Military Army of merely. ——屈底部带来了整个血兽军团的士兵,而哥舒翰仅仅是派来了一部分的神武军 wēng! 嗡! In a Divine Military Army soldier's brandished the extreme hand Big Dipper heavy sword shortly, left Chongyou suddenly, fell into tight encirclement during gradually, in this time, the mutation broke out, in two handle 70-80 jin (0.5 kg) dark-red sickles separately from two directions, chopped to a Divine Military Army soldier the time, , the blood light for the first time presently, handle Long Sword came from slanting checking, only one sword, stabbed into from the slit of armor, a sword stabbed to put on a Blood Beast Legion soldier. 眼看着一名神武军的士兵将手中的北斗重剑挥舞到了极点,左冲右突,渐渐陷入重围之中,就在此时,异变突起,就在两柄七八十斤重的暗红色弯刀分别从两个方向,砍向一名神武军士兵的时候,噗,血光乍现,一柄长剑从斜刹里而来,只一剑,就从铠甲的缝隙剌入,一剑就将一名血兽军团的战士前后剌穿。 , but is almost simultaneously, second handle Long Sword also flies the stack to come, Long Sword refers to slantingly, from below chin, stabbed to put on Blood Beast Legion nape of the neck of soldier instantaneously, did neatly, not having the slight flower to be skillful, all aimed at cutting to kill the opposite party. Scoffs, Long Sword fierce crosswise all, a head of Blood Beast Legion soldier high Gao Fei gets up immediately, the headless corpse has swayed two, spouts a blood, is shivering, fell down. 噗,而几乎是同时,第二柄长剑也飞沓而来,长剑斜指,瞬间从下颔,剌穿了一名血兽军团的士兵的脖颈,干动干脆利落,没有丝毫的花巧,一切都以斩杀对方为目的。嗤,长剑猛的横向一切,一名血兽军团战士的头颅立即高高飞起,无头的尸体摇晃了两下,喷出一盏鲜血,然后颤抖着,倒在了地上。 That Divine Prison Army soldier withdrawing Long Sword, bridges over from the corpse, does not have the slight sentiment walks toward the second Blood Beast soldier. But in him behind, two, three, four..., Enough 4000 Divine Prison Army soldiers, fully-armed, in an indifferent and firm way, has moved into these boundlessly such as sea the soldier of Blood Beast Legion. 那名神狱军的战士抽回长剑,从尸体上跨过,不带丝毫感情的朝着第二名血兽战士走去。而在他身后,两名,三名,四名…,足足4000名神狱军的战士,全副武装,以一种冷漠而坚定的方式,跨向了那些茫茫如海的血兽军团的士兵。 Different with Geshu Han Divine Military Army, soldier each face whitens of these Divine Prison Army, do not have what blood-color, but on them killing qi, is much more formidable than Divine Military Army. , is a sword stabs, saw Long Sword obviously, but the Blood Beast Legion soldier actually completely cannot resist, helplessly looks that these Long Sword stab into oneself body, then numerous dropping down. 哥舒翰神武军不同,这些神狱军的战士每一个都脸色苍白,没有什么血色,但是他们身上杀气,比神武军都要强大得多。噗,又是一剑剌出,明明看到了长剑,但是血兽军团的士兵却完全抵挡不住,眼睁睁的看着那些长剑剌入自己的身体,然后重重的倒下。 Two, three, four..., The Divine Prison Army soldier pushes onward unceasingly, how their styles are not complex, but Speed of sword actually quickly to pinnacle. Although the Blood Beast Legion soldier has prevented vigorously, but is actually led far astray by a slight error, the erroneous by the thousand li (500 km), merely is only the slight disparity on Speed, causes is actually other day badly result. 一个,两个,三个,四个…,神狱军的战士不断挺进,他们的招式并不如何复杂,但是出剑的速度却快到极致。尽管血兽军团的战士已经极力阻挡,但是却差之毫厘,谬以千里,仅仅只是速度上的细微差距,导致的却是天差地别的结果。 Any unit, the strength achieves Divine Military Army and Blood Beast Legion and Divine Prison Army this Level, any little enhancement will be the qualitative change. Rumbling, in an instant, totals military defeat, when four thousand Divine Prison Army investment battlefields, in the battlefield had the huge reversal instantaneously, by the Blood Beast Legion strength, cannot resist Divine Prison Army unexpectedly completely. Three thousand Divine Military Army add on the coordination of four thousand Divine Prison Army, the situation becomes is extremely immediately disadvantageous to Caliphate People. 任何一支兵种,实力达到神武军血兽军团神狱军这种级别,任何一点点的提高都将是质的变化。轰轰轰,刹那间,兵败如山倒,当四千神狱军投入战场,战场上瞬间发生了巨大的逆转,以血兽军团的实力,居然完全抵挡不住神狱军。三千神武军加上四千神狱军的配合,形势顿时变得对大食人极其不利。 Zhihad, passes on me to order, to set out Iron Blood Legion!” 齐亚德,传我命令,出动铁血军团!” The distant place, under the black war flag, Musi \\ / in forest Yan the ray flashed, suddenly opens the mouth to say. 远处,黑色的战旗下,艾布穆斯\\/林眼中光芒闪了一下,突然开口道。 Hears these words, on the face of Zhihad flashes through stunned slightly: 听到这句话,齐亚德的脸上微微闪过一丝错愕: But the Sir, Blood Beast Legion just put into the fight, has not retreated completely, we send out now, is...” “可是大人,血兽军团才刚刚投入战斗,还没有完全溃退,我们现在就出动,是不是…” Speaking of finally, Zhihad looked at one to ride subconsciously in warhorse victor on Qutayba. 说到最后,齐亚德下意识瞄了一眼骑在战马“胜利者”上的屈底波 Blood Beast Legion after all is military force(s) of Qutayba subordinates, moreover is sharpest, one of the most Top Level strengths. At this time, if not pass through the agreement of Qutayba, sends out Iron Blood Legion, without a doubt is to his one challenge and affronting. 血兽军团毕竟是屈底波麾下的兵马,而且是最精锐、最顶级的力量之一。在这个时候,如果不经屈底波的同意,派出铁血军团的话,毫无疑问是对他的一种挑战和冒犯。 The war just started, Musi \\ / forest or Aibeck and Ottoman, in three people of surfaces, although anything had not said that but the heart of hearts, vigorously is avoiding having the conflict with this Caliphate War God actually. 战争才刚刚开始,无论是艾布穆斯\\/林还是艾伊贝克奥斯曼,三人表面上虽然什么都没有说,但其实内心深处,都在极力避免和这位大食战神发生冲突。 Qutayba agreed!” 屈底波已经同意了!” Musi \\ / forest indifferently said. 艾布穆斯\\/林淡淡道 „?” “啊?” Zhihad is stunned, he has stood in Musi \\ / side of forest, is away from Qutayba also be only several feet distance, however in the impression of Zhihad, had not seen that Qutayba has spoken any words. 齐亚德一脸错愕,他一直站在艾布穆斯\\/林的旁边,距离屈底波也就只有数丈的距离,但是齐亚德的印象中,并没有看出屈底波有说过任何话。 Actually that moment of Ottoman Danto Legion going on stage, Qutayba agreed that from the beginning, he has let loose the jurisdiction, therefore you do not need to consider these.” “其实从奥斯曼断头军团上场的那一刻起,屈底波就已经同意了,从一开始,他就已经放开了权限,所以你不必考虑这些。” Musi \\ / forest indifferently said. 艾布穆斯\\/林淡淡道 Zhihad shot a look at Musi \\ / forest, looked at Caliphate War God Qutayba, he has been startled being startled first, immediately as if understood anything. 齐亚德瞥了一眼艾布穆斯\\/林,又看了看大食战神屈底波,他先是怔了怔,随即仿佛明白了什么。 The Empire governors always some subtle tacit understanding, without any language, merely are only 1-2 looks, or is the glance, sometimes even felt, can understand the meaning of opposite party. Initially attacked Khorasan time, Musi \\ / between forest, Ottoman and Aibeck had such tacit understanding, now looks like, the same matter occurred again. 帝国的总督们总有一些微妙的默契,没有任何的语言,仅仅只是一两个眼神,或者是扫视,有时候甚至只是感觉,就已经能够明白对方的意思。当初进攻呼罗珊的时候,艾布穆斯\\/林、奥斯曼艾伊贝克之间曾经就有过这样的默契,现在看起来,同样的事情再次发生了。 Regarding Zhihad, the subtle tacit understanding between this governors, is still unreadable. 只是对于齐亚德来说,这种总督之间的微妙默契,依然难以理解。 Iron Blood Legion, attack!” 铁血军团,进攻!” Zhihad wields starts, has issued the order of attack rapidly. 齐亚德挥下手,迅速下达了进攻的命令。 Bang, the earth vibrates, the Iron Blood Legion soldier starting to walk footsteps, rush to the battlefield frontline rapidly. 轰隆,大地震动,一名名铁血军团的士兵迈开脚步,迅速赶赴战场前线。 ... The battlefield situation is fast changing, after the appearance of Divine Prison Army completely changes the Divine Military Army inferiority, battlefield another side, the Great Tang left-wing direction, fight between Danto Legion and Black Tortoise Army of Ottoman subordinates also entered the situation of superheating. 战场的形势瞬息万变,当神狱军的出现彻底改变神武军的劣势之后,战场的另一侧,大唐的左翼方向,奥斯曼麾下的断头军团玄武军之间的战斗也进入到了白热化的地步。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! The bellow of steel, is linking lingering on faintly, 8000 many Black Tortoise Army soldier and close 9000 Danto Legion battle together. Bang bang bang, a handle handle strange Xing heavy sword has delimited unceasingly void, stays behind to wipe the swift and fierce sword mark, these Long Sword are heavy and sinks, cuts unceasingly to the head and four limbs strategic point of Black Tortoise Army. Attack of Danto Legion simply, succinct, but is threatening, in the past fight, they once cut the heads of innumerable match, but this time, they met have defended strongest existence. 钢铁的轰鸣声,一阵连着一阵不绝于耳,8000多的玄武军战士和接近9000的断头军团激战在一起。嘭嘭嘭,一柄柄奇形的重剑不断地划过虚空,留下一抹抹凌厉的剑痕,那些长剑又重又沉,不断地斩向玄武军的头颅和四肢要害。断头军团的攻击干脆、简洁,但却极具威胁,在过去的战斗中,他们曾经切下了无数对手的头颅,但是这一次,他们遇到了防御最强的存在。
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