HE :: Volume #11

#1070: The war begins!

Chapter 1070 Before down!】 第1070章【第五更!】 Bang!” “轰!” When Caliphate and U-Tsang People military force(s) converges in together, Great Army of both sides erupts cheering of shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth. This shake the heavens cheers, spread in nighttime sky are very far, has alarmed also the garrison troops on Talas City. 大食乌斯藏人兵马汇合在一起时,双方的大军都爆发出一阵惊天动地的欢呼。这惊天的欢呼声,在夜空中传出很远,同时也惊动了怛罗斯城上的守军。 Daqin Ruozan and Du Wusili they arrived ahead of time!” 大钦若赞都乌思力他们提前到达了!” In the Talas high city wall, Cheng Qianli and Wang Chong stand shoulder to shoulder, his clothes sends to dance in the air, looks at the distant place brilliantly illuminated place, in the heart surges. 怛罗斯高高的城墙上,程千里王冲并肩而立,他的衣发飞舞,看着远处灯火辉煌的地方,心中激荡不已。 Is ready to cope with anything to resist by whatever means available, this fights is eventually avoidless!” “兵来将挡水来土掩,这一战终究是无法避免的!” Wang Chong crossing the hands behind the back stands in the one side, similarly is looking into the distant place. Different with Cheng Qianli, arrival of Daqin Ruozan and Du Wusili, although makes in his heart deeply feel heavy, but the Wang Chong's vision is tranquil throughout. 王冲负手站在一旁,同样眺望着远处。和程千里不同,大钦若赞都乌思力的到达,虽然让他心中深感沉重,但是王冲的目光却始终平静。 Should come after all must come, to fight now, was very difficult to have any thing to make in his heart feel that vibrated. 该来的终归要来,战斗到现在,已经很难有什么东西能够让他心中感到震动了。 Transmitted orders, stops training, well rest, preparation tomorrow's decisive battle!” “传令下去,停止训练,好好休息,准备明天的决战!” Wang Chong does not return, suddenly gravely says. 王冲头也不回,突然沉声道 Yes!” “是!” A sound from behind resounds, and goes far away rapidly. 一个声音从身后响起,并且迅速远去。 The blowing up for rain, this war, all matches completely have been taken to the threshing ground. Although in the dim light of night is a tranquility, but Wang Chong actually deeply knows, this war regarding all parties, will be the most brutal test. 山雨欲来风满楼,这场战争,所有的对手都已经全部登场。虽然夜色之中还是一片宁静,但王冲却深深知道,这场战争对于各方来说,将是一场最残酷的考验。 ...... …… The East is suddenly white, a night quick in the past. 东方骤白,一夜很快过去。 The sky is gloomy, the temperature ice is cold, since that day Sun's Black Erosion, the entire Talas temperature is getting more and more low. But at this moment, west Talas City, is away from several tens of thousands zhang (3.33 m) distance, two mainland ground most formidable military force(s) are facing each other across a great distance in history. 天空阴暗,气温冰寒,自从那日的太阳黑蚀过后,整个怛罗斯的气温越来越低。而此时此刻,怛罗斯城西侧,隔着数万丈的距离,两支大陆地上有史以来最强大的兵马正在遥遥相对。 Confrontations of two military force(s), from last night, have continued the present. 两支兵马的对峙,从昨夜,一直持续到了现在。 „!” “呜!” Has not known how long, in all person ears heard resounding bugle horn sound suddenly suddenly, hōng lōng lōng, with a rapid hoofbeat, the earth was broken instantaneously tranquilly, four black flags appear from the Caliphate People camp, moves toward the front rapidly. 不知道过了多久,骤忽间,所有人耳中都听到了一阵高亢的号角声,轰隆隆,随着一阵急促的马蹄声,大地瞬间被打破平静,四杆黑色的大旗从大食人的营地中出现,迅速向着前方移动。 Under the black war flag, forms stand and wait for a long time gorgeously, the aura that lends are common like the mountain range sea. But along with the migrations of these forms, stay still, as if lived like the mountain range general Caliphate army instantaneously, in shake the heavens bugle horn sound, like rushes vastly, wells up in the Talas direction. 黑色战旗下,一道道身影巍然伫立,散发出的气息有如山峦大海一般。而随着这几道身影的移动,原本静止不动,有如山峦一般的大食军队瞬间仿佛活了过来,在惊天号角声中,有如汪洋澎湃,朝着怛罗斯的方向涌去。 Bang!” “轰隆!” But almost simultaneously, felt that the distant place strong austere killing qi breath, the Talas giant city gate opens wide loudly. Immediately, armor shiny military force(s), like steel mighty currents, from the city, rushes the front steel defense line turbulently. 而几乎是同时,感觉到远方浓烈的肃杀气息,怛罗斯巨大的城门轰然洞开。随即,一波波盔甲铮亮的兵马,有如一股股钢铁洪流般,从城内汹涌而出,涌向前方的钢铁防线。 Started!” “开始了!” The forefront of team, Wang Chong, Gao Xianzhi, Wang Yan, Cheng Qianli and Evil Emperor old man, Wushang Village Chief and the others were riding the warhorse, shoulder to shoulder. 队伍的最前端,王冲高仙芝王严程千里邪帝老人乌伤村长等人骑着战马,并肩而出。 A mountain does not accommodate two tigers, delaying for one month later, Caliphate and Great Tang welcomed between both sides eventually the inevitable decisive battle. 一山不容二虎,在延缓了一个多月后,大食大唐终究迎来了双方之间无可避免的决战。 The cold wind howls, atmosphere compared with couple of days ago even more gloomy and cold, Wang Chong progresses in the cold wind, rushed to the front quickly. After the long steel defense line, rows of soldier straight standing, are looking at the front, although the war has not started, but everyone can feel in short supply aura in air. 寒风呼啸,气氛较之前两天越发的阴冷,王冲在寒风中策马而出,很快赶到了前方。在长长的钢铁防线后,一排排战士笔挺的站立,望着前方,尽管战争还没有开始,但是每个人都能感觉得到空气中的紧张气息。 Warning! The Talas's War 2nd Stage war will soon start!” 警告怛罗斯之战第二阶段的战争即将开始!” This is last war between Great Tang and Caliphate, two big Empire must come out the final victor!” “这将是大唐大食之间的最后一场战争,两大帝国必须决出最后的胜利者!” From now on, Caliphate People died in battle five ten thousand military force(s) every time, rewards host ten thousand Destiny Energy Points, if Great Tang surplus military force(s) are less than 20,000, then deducts host ten ten thousand Destiny Energy Points, if disaster completely obliterated!” “从现在开始,大食人每阵亡五万兵马,奖励宿主一万命运能量点,若大唐剩余兵马少于20000,则扣除宿主十万命运能量点,若战争失败则彻底抹杀!” ...... …… Almost in simultaneously, a series of sounds resounds from the Wang Chong mind. This is until now, highest Quest reward that Stone of Destiny issues. 几乎是在同时,一连串的声音从王冲脑海中响起。这是迄今为止,命运之石发布的最高任务奖励。 Is listening to the mind the high quota destiny reward of Stone of Destiny issue, the Wang Chong's look actually slowly becomes dignified. 听着脑海中命运之石发布的高额命运奖励,王冲的神色却慢慢变得凝重起来。 So the reward of high quota, is indicates that this war will compare any war bad risk, sternly?” “如此高额的奖励,是预示着这场战争将比任何一场战争都凶险、严峻吗?” In the Wang Chong heart indifferently said, in the look does not have the slight vacillation. Since the war is avoidless, that personally was delivered this war by oneself *! 王冲心中淡淡道,眼神之中却没有丝毫的动摇。既然战争无法避免,那就让自己亲手将这场战争送上最*! ...... …… Sir, looks there!” “大人,看那里!” The form progresses to go forward together rapidly, looks into the distant place suddenly to present that say/way young form after City of Steel. But is almost simultaneously, Daqin Ruozan, Huoshu Guicang and Dusong Mangbuzhi have Du Wusili, the vision of all people looked to Wang Chong. 一道身影迅速策马上前,眺望着远处突然出现在钢铁之城后的那道年轻身影。而几乎是同时,大钦若赞火树归藏都松莽布支还有都乌思力,所有人的目光纷纷望向了王冲 As the key man of this war, Wang Chong just appeared in the battlefield, accidentally/surprisingly did not attract the attention of all people, together looked including Abmuslin and Zhihad. 作为这场战争的关键人物,王冲刚出现在战场上,就毫无意外吸引了所有人的注意力,连艾布穆斯/林齐亚德也一起望了过去。 If this war, Tang People is all people wants to kill, that certainly is Wang Chong. If not he, Caliphate and U-Tsang already won this war, has seized the entire western region. 如果说这场战争,有一个唐人是所有人都想杀的话,那一定是王冲。如果不是他,大食乌斯藏早就赢得了这场战争,占领了整个西域。 hē hē, fights this situation, Great Tang already not any escape route, now looked how he dealt!” 呵呵,战斗到这一地步,大唐已经没有任何的退路,现在就看他如何应对了!” Daqin Ruozan looks at the distant place, a face said with a smile. 大钦若赞看着远方,一脸微笑道。 Although has spent the massive time, the middle suffered some twists and turns, but ten ten thousand U-Tsang and Western Turkic allied armies eventually have achieved the initial goal, bypassed the steel defense line successfully, joins forces with Caliphate People smoothly. 虽然花费了大量的时间,中间又出现了一些波折,但是十万乌斯藏西突厥联军终于还是实现了最初的目标,成功绕过了钢铁防线,和大食人顺利会师。 Wang Chong, this time we returned to the zero point, 400,000 Great Army to 100,000 Great Tang military force(s), but the previous time is we and Mengshe Polity, these time is actually the tripartite alliance. These fights you also to be able like the previous time, defeats a numerically superior enemy, strives to turn the tide?” 王冲,这一次我们又回到了原点,400000的大军对100000的大唐兵马,只不过上一次是我们和蒙舍诏,这一次却是三方联盟。这一场战斗你还能像上次一样,以少胜多,力挽狂澜吗?” These thoughts dodge to pass from the mind, Daqin Ruozan shows a faint smile, quick Recovery was normal. 这些念头从脑海中一闪而逝,大钦若赞微微一笑,很快恢复了正常。 Transmitted orders Great Army, the preparation!” “传令大军,准备吧!” Yes, Great Minister! ’ “是,大相!’ A messenger departs quickly accordingly. 一名传令兵很快应声离去。 !” “呼!” The war flag is floating, at the same time, is away from the Daqin Ruozan not far place, Abmuslin, Ottoman, Aibeck and Zhihad, four Caliphate People top Commander-in-Chief are assemble. Four people of vision simultaneously are looking at a direction, under that huge black hell roaring flame war flag, empty, does not see that person's shadow. 战旗飘飘,与此同时,就在距离大钦若赞不远的地方,艾布穆斯/林奥斯曼艾伊贝克齐亚德,四名大食人的顶尖统帅齐聚一堂。四人的目光齐齐望着一个方向,就在那杆巨大的黑色地狱烈焰战旗下,空荡荡的,丝毫不见那道人影。 What to do?” “怎么办?” Cairo Governor Ottoman has turned head, looks to nearby Abmuslin: 开罗总督奥斯曼扭过头来,望向一旁的艾布穆斯/林: Has not appeared Qutayba to the present.” 屈底波到现在都还没有出现。” Waits again, this war his military strength we could not have won.” “再等等吧,这一战没有他的兵力我们根本赢不了。” Abmuslin gravely says. 艾布穆斯/林沉声道 Although seems like he and Qutayba are treated equally, is the Caliphate governors, but in fact, the Qutayba status is higher than four people, even if this war Great Army has been ready and waiting, has sounded the bugle, but does not have the appearance of Qutayba, four people no one dares to send out easily. 尽管看似他和屈底波平起平坐,都是大食的总督,但事实上,屈底波的地位远高于四人,这场战争即便大军已经整装待发,吹响了号角,但是没有屈底波的出现,四人谁也不敢轻易出动。 Really is thorny!” “真是棘手啊!” Aibeck frowns to say. 艾伊贝克皱着眉头道。 As Mamlik Legion Supreme Commander, never has any person to dare to make him wait for is so long, but Aibeck has not dared to have the slight complaint. What is more awkward, these matters have not been able they to state clearly to Daqin Ruozan. 身为马木留克军团最高统帅,还从来没有任何一个人敢让他等待这么久,但是偏偏艾伊贝克还不敢有丝毫的怨言。更加尴尬的是,这些事情还不能向大钦若赞他们明说。 What kind, Sir Governor, do we start now?” “怎么样,总督大人,我们现在开始吗?” A hoofbeat transmits, Daqin Ruozan is riding Highland Barley Horse, walked from side, opens the mouth unexpectedly is the pure Caliphate language. 一阵马蹄声传来,大钦若赞骑着青稞马,从旁边走了过来,一开口居然是纯正的大食语。 This......” “这……” Hears the Daqin Ruozan words, four people of complexions are slightly awkward. 听到大钦若赞的话,四人的脸色都是微微尴尬。 Sir, Sir Qutayba came!” “大人,屈底波大人来了!” When the atmosphere is most awkward, a hoofbeat transmits, behind Great Army, Caliphate Heavy Cavalry progresses rapidly. 就在气氛最尴尬的时候,一阵马蹄声传来,大军后方,一名大食铁骑迅速策马而来。 Hears these words, four people are the body shake, simultaneously turned head to look, Daqin Ruozan also as if felt anything. Following four people of vision, sees only Great Army of distant place such as the water spray to separate suddenly, all wears the golden mail-armor and helmet form such as to exile to fall the world Sun, toward people slowly. 听到这句话,四人都是身躯一震,齐齐扭头望了过去,就连大钦若赞也仿佛感觉到了什么。顺着四人的目光,只见远处的大军突然如水浪分开,一个全身披着金色甲胄的身影如谪落人间的太阳,朝着众人缓缓而来。 His Speed is not quick, but every step as if has extremely powerful, when this person appears instant, Abmuslin, Ottoman and other top Governor Caliphate, immediately are similar to the fluorescence in the bright moon, becomes does not have gloomily up. 他的速度并不是很快,但是每一步都似乎有万钧之力,当这个人出现的刹那,艾布穆斯/林奥斯曼等顶尖的大食总督,顿时如同萤光之于皓月般,变得暗淡无光。 When that god of journeys common form appears in the battlefield, immediately becomes the focal point and center that the entire battlefield deserves. 当那道神祗一般的身影出现在战场,顿时成为整个战场当之无愧的焦点和中心。 „Is this that War Governor?” “这就是那个战争总督吗?” Daqin Ruozan narrows the eye slightly, in mind is flashing through together the thought. Yesterday's war he not at the scene, therefore did not know the detailed process, the Caliphate language that but from last night to the present, Daqin Ruozan with has a good command of skilled, has made him collect enough information sufficiently. 大钦若赞微微眯着眼睛,脑海中闪过一道念头。昨天的战争他并没有在现场,所以也不知道详细的过程,但是从昨晚到现在,大钦若赞用熟练掌握的大食语,已经足以让他搜集到足够的情报了。 Therefore, this person lets existence that Abmuslin and Ottoman extremely dread?” “所以,这个人就是让艾布穆斯/林奥斯曼都极度忌惮的存在吗?” Daqin Ruozan has not seen Qutayba, but sees his first merely, has let the Daqin Ruozan staying behind indelible impression sufficiently. U-Tsang many Expert, in Great Snow Mountain Temple have many recluse Expert, but besides Saint Monk, almost nobody can give him so intensely to attack the feeling. Also is this flash, he somewhat is suddenly clear, so will dread why to this Qutayba by Abmuslin and Ottoman status. 大钦若赞并没有见过屈底波,但是仅仅见到他的第一眼,已经足以让大钦若赞留下难以磨灭的印象了。乌斯藏不乏高手,大雪山神庙中就有许许多多的隐士高手,但是除了圣僧之外,几乎没有人能给他如此强烈的冲击感。也就是这一刹那,他突然有些明白,以艾布穆斯/林奥斯曼的身份为什么会对这个屈底波如此忌惮了。 This fellow, is quite fearful!” “这个家伙,好可怕!” At this time, a sound transmitted from the ear, Du Wusili narrowed the eye, the eyelid is shivering suddenly. Since cultivation Array Celestial Phenomenon, the Du Wusili strength had many progress, besides with the war of Great Tang reinforcements, has suffered a loss in that two old fogy hands, but also does not have what character to be able by him to be paid attention to, but this Qutayba...... 就在这个时候,一个声音从耳边传来,都乌思力微眯着眼睛,眼皮急剧颤动。自从修炼阵法天象之后,都乌思力的实力有了不少的进步,除了和大唐援军的一战,在那两个老家伙手里吃过亏之外,还真没有什么人物能被他放在眼里,但是这个屈底波…… Somewhat cannot endure on him Du Wusili that swift and fierce point. 就连都乌思力都有些忍受不住他身上的那种凌厉锋芒。 Too fearful! How Caliphate People will have so fearful Powerhouse! 太可怕了!大食人怎么会有如此可怕的强者 In the one side, Huoshu Guicang and Dusong Mangbuzhi is also the whole body muscle ties tight, sees distant place that golden form, in the eye shows the look that dreads extremely. 就在一旁,火树归藏都松莽布支也是浑身肌肉紧绷,看着远处那道金色的身影,眼中透出极度忌惮的神色。 However Qutayba has probably not seen people same, his whole body wraps in the golden light, the look is indifferent, slowly progresses to go forward. 然而屈底波就好像没有看到众人一样,他全身包裹在金光之中,神色冷漠,缓缓的策马上前。 Prepared?” “准备好了吗?” Side Abmuslin and the others, Qutayba stopped, opens the mouth to say. Although these words to Abmuslin and the others said that however the Qutayba look actually looks into the front, looked continually has not looked at people one eyes. 艾布穆斯/林等人身边,屈底波停了下来,开口道。这句话虽然是对艾布穆斯/林等人说的,但是屈底波的眼神却是眺望前方,连看都没看众人一眼。 His sound is solemn, in the look does not have slight fluctuating. 他的声音冷峻,眼神中也没有丝毫的起伏。 Yes!” “是!” Finally Zhihad approaches, breaks silent: 最后还是齐亚德主动上前,打破沉默: Sir, when starts to attack?” “大人,请问什么时候开始进攻?” The Zhihad sound falls, Abmuslin, Ottoman and Aibeck, looked together with Daqin Ruozan and Du Wusili and the others to Qutayba of front line. 齐亚德声音一落,艾布穆斯/林奥斯曼艾伊贝克,连同大钦若赞都乌思力等人都纷纷望向了最前方的屈底波 Although on the people mouth did not acknowledge, that moment that but this war presents in Qutayba, the command jurisdiction shifted Qutayba from Abmuslin. 虽然众人嘴上不承认,但是这场战争在屈底波出现的那一刻,指挥权已经从艾布穆斯/林身上转移到了屈底波
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