HE :: Volume #11

#1066: Qutayba retreat!

Chapter 1066 First!】 第1066章【第一更!】 Rumbling, gradually, 10,000 Mo Blade Squadron soldiers, with long hurried strides, the advancement, that imposing manner give the feeling of person rapidly, easily accomplished, invincible. As if no matter anything prevents in the front, will be ground into dust. 轰轰轰,一步又一步,10000名陌刀队士兵,大步流星,急速推进,那股气势给人的感觉,摧枯拉朽,所向无敌。似乎不管什么阻挡在面前,都会被碾成齑粉。 Mo Blade Squadron advancement Speed is extremely quick, but the moment, arrived has fought the most intense place. The bang, the forefront Mo Blade Squadron soldier, wields suddenly begins seven chi (0.33 m) odd/surplus Chang Mo Blade, suddenly is a blade, has cut toward Caliphate Heavy Cavalry that a front surface to/clashes ruthlessly. 陌刀队的推进速度极快,只不过片刻,就抵达了战斗最激烈的地方。轰,最前端的陌刀队士兵,突然挥动手中七尺余长的陌刀,猛然就是一刀,朝着一名迎面冲来的大食铁骑狠狠斩了过去。 xī yù yù! 希聿聿 Neighing sound penetrating sky of warhorse, in immediately Caliphate Heavy Cavalry raises the sickle instant, a handle long blade chops to fall suddenly, immediately this Caliphate Heavy Cavalry, with horse, cleaves in two. But is almost at the same time, miserable hissings one after another are lingering on faintly, tens of thousands of Mo Blade Squadron soldier simultaneously wields Mo Blade, in an overbearing way, the present soldier will cut the crack. 一阵战马的嘶鸣声响彻天空,就在马上的大食铁骑扬起弯刀的刹那,一柄长刀猛然劈落下来,顿时将这名大食铁骑,连人带马,劈成两半。而几乎是同一时间,一阵接一阵的惨嘶声不绝于耳,成千上万的陌刀队士兵齐齐挥动陌刀,以一种霸道的方式,将眼前的士兵纷纷斩裂。 At once, bang bang, the warhorse layer on layer/heavily falls down the sound to be lingering on faintly, in the battlefield left several thousand Caliphate People corpses instantaneously, but all these merely are only the preludes of Mo Blade Squadron attack. 一时之间,砰砰,战马重重坠地声不绝于耳,战场上瞬间多出了几千具大食人的尸体,而这一切仅仅只是陌刀队攻击的前奏。 Mountain!” “山!” Suddenly, 10,000 Mo Blade Squadron call out with one voice, both hands grasp the blade, holds up high, the knife sticks to the chest, simultaneously the stride advances. The bang, in instant, 10,000 Mo Blade Squadron soldier once more take action that second wave of Caliphate Heavy Cavalry to/clashes, are only a blade, is off their feet, under the close 10,000 Caliphate armies, were cut to get dropped by Mo Blade Squadron again. The billowing mist and dust shoots up to the sky, but Mo Blade Squadron is still going forward. 突然之间,10000名陌刀队齐声暴喝,一个个双手握刀,高高举起,刀身紧贴胸膛,同时大步推进。轰,就在第二波大食铁骑冲过来的刹那,10000名陌刀队士兵再次出手,只是一刀,人仰马翻,接近10000名大食军队,再次被陌刀队斩落马下。滚滚的烟尘冲天而起,而陌刀队还在前进。 Forest!” “林!” Drinks in the sound greatly, the dense and numerous Mo Blade Squadron soldiers such as the wall advances once more, that imposing manner is ordinary like the tide, turbulent enormous and powerful, copious cannot keep off. Bang, is wave of Caliphate military force(s) miserable hiss, falls down under the body of Mo Blade Squadron, the blood flows on the ground recklessly, but Mo Blade Squadron is still advancing, and Speed is getting quicker and quicker. 大喝声中,密密麻麻的陌刀队士兵再次如墙推进,那股气势有如潮水一般,汹涌浩荡,沛不能挡。轰,又是一波大食兵马惨嘶着,扑倒在陌刀队的身下,鲜血在地上肆意流淌,而陌刀队还在推进,并且速度越来越快。 Wind!” “风!” Also is one round, under Mo Blade Squadron take action, tens of thousands of Caliphate military force(s) will be cut to fall, but Mo Blade Squadron Speed does not have slight slowing down from beginning to end, as if in this world does not have anything to prevent before them. The enemy was cut to kill, either Mo Blade Squadron dies, is impossible to have the third result. But the Mo Blade Squadron long knife, fully had demonstrated in this time own superiority, so-called one inch, one inch, the system of Mo Blade favored chops to chop, did not have, when the military force(s) attack of Caliphate, Mo Blade Squadron had the first opportunity of attack. 又是一轮,陌刀队出手,将成千上万的大食兵马被斩落马下,而陌刀队速度至始至终没有丝毫的减缓,仿佛这个世界上没有任何东西能够阻挡在他们面前。或者敌人被斩杀,或者陌刀队死,绝不可能有第三种结果。而陌刀队长长的刀身,在此时充分的展示了自己的优势,所谓一寸长,一寸强,陌刀的型制本就利于劈砍,还没等到大食兵马攻击,陌刀队就已经获得了抢先攻击的机会。 Fire!” “火!” Mo Blade Squadron keeps receiving the blade, draws a sword, or chops or chops, cuts ruthlessly. In place that they pass through, corpse unceasing dropping down, Mo Blade Squadron is powerful, and holds in in addition of this imposing manner, Speed is getting quicker and quicker, the imposing manner is also getting stronger and stronger, finally 陌刀队不停地收刀,抽刀,或劈或砍,狠狠斩下。在他们经过的地方,一具又一具的尸体不断的倒下,陌刀队气势如虹,并且在这股气势的加持下,速度越来越快,气势也越来越强,终于 Draws back!” “退!” Draws back quickly!” “快退!” In an intermittent calling out sound, sees the Mo Blade Squadron fearful imposing manner, in Caliphate Heavy Cavalry eyes has shown the look of fear finally. The Mo Blade Squadron huge lethality still in next, over ten thousand people together such as the wall advances, that terrifying imposing manner, making one feel deep, in chill in the air from marrow. As if no matter many people, regardless of charges many times, before these Great Tang soldiers, is impossible to have the tiny bit function, even stops their footsteps unable to achieve continually slightly. 一阵阵的嘶喊声中,看到陌刀队的可怕气势,一名名大食铁骑眼中终于露出了畏惧的神色。陌刀队庞大的杀伤力还在其次,上万人一起如墙推进,那种恐怖的气势,令人感觉到一股深深,发自骨髓中的寒意。似乎不管多少人,无论冲锋多少次,在这些大唐的士兵面前,都不可能有一丝一毫的作用,甚至连稍微阻拦一下他们的脚步都做不到。 So long as can also defeat some opposite party people not to retreat, when feels defeats to be hopeless, that is all people feels the frightened start. 只要还能够战胜对方就不会有人退却,但是感觉战胜无望时,那就是所有人感觉到恐惧的开始。 xī yù yù, tens of thousands of warhorses, panic-stricken neighed, that frightened atmosphere even linked these Caliphate warhorses to be infected, before not settling down, going all out wanted to work loose the reins, fled the Mo Blade Squadron direction. 希聿聿,成千上万的战马,惊恐的嘶叫起来,那种恐惧的气氛甚至连这些大食战马都受到了感染,纷纷驻足不前,拼命的想要挣脱缰绳,逃离陌刀队的方向。 But rear area, Divine Prison Army and Divine Might armed forces and Dragon Rise Army come, a imposing manner is ordinary like the tide. 而后方,神狱军神威军、龙骧军汹涌而来,一波波的气势有如潮水一般。 Damn! How Tang People will have these many formidable reinforcements!” “该死!唐人怎么会有这么多强大的援军!” In the gap, a military officer eyelid of Caliphate jumps crazily, in the heart clenches jaws. That fearful imposing manner, moves mountains, he follows in the War Governor Qutayba subordinates, but also has not seen any enemy to have. 缺口中,一名大食的将领眼皮狂跳,心中咬牙切齿不已。那可怕的气势,排山倒海,他跟随在战争总督屈底波麾下,还从没有见过任何一个敌人能拥有过。 hōng lōng lōng, followed Caliphate military force(s) that the gap to/clashes, fearful and apprehensive, facing the frontline unceasing rout, cannot bear toward retreat finally goes. 轰隆隆,原来顺着缺口冲进来的大食兵马,一个个心惊胆战,面对前线不断的溃败,终于忍不住往后退去。 „!” “呜!” But also at this time, withdrawing troops strikes a gong to transmit from the distant place, the sound of this retreating suddenly, has flash that an entire battlefield deathly stillness. Immediately hōng lōng lōng, hundreds of thousands of tide rushed the Great Tang first steel defense line generally, and in a big way washes out * sharp military force(s) that goes, immediately by quicker Speed, flushes away toward the Talas west battlefield outside. 而也就在这个时候,一阵收兵的鸣金声从远处传来,这阵撤退的声音突如其来,有那么一刹那,整个战场一片死寂。随即轰隆隆,数十万原本潮水一般涌向大唐第一道钢铁防线,并且冲刷而去的大*锐兵马,立即以更快的速度,朝着怛罗斯西侧的战场外冲去。 Kills!” “杀!” Comes joyfully extremely suddenly, all people were shocked. In an instant, the innumerable soldiers following the direction that Caliphate retreats, goes turbulently. 喜悦来得太过突然,所有人都被惊呆了。刹那间,无数的士兵顺着大食撤退的方向,汹涌而去。 ...... …… Scoundrel!” “混帐!” At this moment, most stunned is float in the midair, a person leans on the sword, with Evil Emperor old man resistance War Governor Qutayba. Positively seeks for Evil Emperor old man flaw in him, prepares with a it war, Great Army such thoroughly retreated. 此时此刻,最错愕的莫过于悬浮在半空中,一人拄剑,正在和邪帝老人对抗的战争总督屈底波了。就在他积极寻找邪帝老人身上的破绽,准备与之一战的时候,大军就这么彻底撤退了。 Looks stands one's ground steadfastly at present, cultivation base immeasurably deep Evil Emperor old man, looks at the aura that distant place one group of storms have raided, Wang Chong, Cheng Qianli, Wang Yan and Gao Xianzhi that as well as all around Recovery comes slowly, Qutayba clenched teeth, finally has made the choice. 看着眼前岿然不动,修为深不可测的邪帝老人,又看了看远处一团风暴般袭来的气息,以及四周慢慢恢复过来的王冲程千里王严高仙芝,屈底波咬了咬牙,终于做出了选择。 Tang People, we will meet again!” 唐人,我们会再见面的!” Qutayba looks at present, with Evil Emperor old man that confront, the body in a flash, chooses finally retreated toward the distant place. 屈底波看着眼前,与自己对峙的邪帝老人,身躯一晃,终于选择了向着远处退却。 With Wang Chong as well as in fight of one crowd of Wushang Heavy Cavalry, Qutayba has consumed too many Astral Qi. In the condition of this non- peak, Qutayba has not grasped completely can defeat Evil Emperor old man. 在和王冲以及一群乌伤铁骑的战斗中,屈底波已经消耗了太多的罡气。在这种非巅峰的状态下,屈底波完全没有把握可以战胜邪帝老人 Bang!” “轰!” The ray flashes, the air thunders, War Governor Qutayba changes into together the golden light, is pulling long channels void, then vanishes in the distant place. 光芒一闪,空气轰鸣,战争总督屈底波化为一道金光,在虚空拉扯出一条条长长的通道,然后消失在远处。 What kind of?” “怎么样?” A familiar sound, old incomparable, transmits from the ear. The rumor/wind sound flutters, Wushang Village Chief is leaning on walking stick, appears like the spirit in the Evil Emperor old man side generally, the vision looks at the direction that Qutayba leaves. 一个熟悉的声音,苍老无比,从耳边传来。风声飘荡,乌伤村长拄着拐杖,有如幽灵一般出现在邪帝老人的身边,目光看着屈底波离开的方向。 His Speed compared with practice Myriad Sea of Qi Technique, became aware the ventilation Evil Emperor old man together to miss, although was quick, because eventually a minor matter has delayed a while on the road, cannot catch up with this war. 他的速度较之修练“万千气海术”,悟透气之一道的邪帝老人还是差了一些,尽管已经很快了,但终究因为一件小事在路上耽搁了一会儿,没能赶上这场战争。 This fellow is very strong, I have not run into the so fierce match! Moreover, only feared that contacted that First Layer Realm.” “这个家伙很强,我还从来没有遇到过如此厉害的对手!而且,只怕已经接触到那一重境界了。” Evil Emperor old man said. 邪帝老人道。 „!” “啊!” Wushang Village Chief slightly one surprised, looks direction that Qutayba is leaving, immediately shows a dignified look. No matter he is Evil Emperor old man deeply understands, what Realm touches to the Saint Martial Realm peak above point place is. Everything can touch that Realm, that absolutely is legendary Level Powerhouse. 乌伤村长微微一愕,望着屈底波离开的方向,顿时透出一丝凝重的神色。不管是他还是邪帝老人都深深明白,摸到圣武境巅峰更上面一点的地方是什么样的境界。凡是能触摸到那种境界,那绝对都是传奇级别强者 First leave alone here, first helps these children. By their strengths, resists that Level Powerhouse, is somewhat reluctantly.” “先别管这里,先帮帮这些孩子们吧。以他们的实力,对抗那种级别强者,还是有些勉强。” Evil Emperor old man said, takes back vision quickly, fell on Gao Xianzhi and Cheng Qianli. 邪帝老人道,很快收回目光,落到了高仙芝程千里身上。 Although Gao Xianzhi and Cheng Qianli are illustrious in the western region, Gao Xianzhi is Great Tang Empire Great General, Anxi Great Protectorate, but Evil Emperor old man after all compared with them old, even if Gao Xianzhi, in front of Evil Emperor old man and Wushang Village Chief, merely is only a child. 虽然高仙芝程千里在西域赫赫有名,高仙芝更是大唐帝国大将,安西大都护,但是邪帝老人毕竟比他们年长很多,即便是高仙芝,在邪帝老人乌伤村长面前,也仅仅只是个孩子而已。 !” “呼!” The Evil Emperor old man personal appearance flutters, first appears in Gao Xianzhi side, him raises after the ground, a fierce palm pats on his shoulder. In an instant, only listens to the loud sound of bang, immediately the world strong winds are vast, the air current surges, howls fierce sharply, the surrounding area several hundreds, all world Origin Qi change into the vast expanse of water to be ordinary, howls from the sky, such as hundred Sichuan entering the sea, the bang enters Gao Xianzhi within the body. 邪帝老人身形一飘,首先出现在高仙芝的旁边,把他从地上提起来之后,猛的一掌拍在他的肩膀上。刹那间,只听轰的一声巨响,随即天地狂风浩浩,气流涌动,厉声锐啸,方圆数百内,所有的天地元气化为一片汪洋一般,从天空呼啸而下,如百川入海,轰入高仙芝的体内。 Incessantly so, that billowing turbulent, voluminous Origin Qi energy, concentrates like the essence, is similar to myriad speeding horses is ordinary, simultaneously rushes in the ground Cheng Qianli, Xi Yuanqing, Lou Shiyi and other human bodies. 不止如此,那滚滚荡荡,浩如烟海的元气能量,凝如实质,如同万千奔马一般,同时涌向地面上的程千里席元庆娄师仪等人体内。 „!” “啊!” Saw that this all people were shocked. 看到这一幕所有人都惊呆了。 very strong!” 好强!” Feels strength that within the body constantly is strengthening, Cheng Qianli, Xi Yuanqing and the others looked at Evil Emperor old man, in the eye is showing the look that shocks. This is their first time sees Master Wang Chong's Evil Emperor old man, two people self-examine are extremely top Martial Path Powerhouse, but Evil Emperor old man formidable completely has actually exceeded their imagination. 感受着体内不断增强的力量,程千里席元庆等人望着邪帝老人,眼中露出震撼的神色。这是他们第一次见到王冲的师父邪帝老人,两人自问已经是极顶尖的武道强者,但是邪帝老人的强大却完全超出了他们的想象。 Their never has thought that some people and grasp regarding the understanding of Origin Qi energy, already exquisitely to this situation. In comparison, Saint Martial Realm Powerhouse are weak is similar to the child is the same. 他们从未想过,有人对于元气能量的理解和掌握,已经精妙到了这种地步。与之相比,圣武境强者们幼稚得就如同小孩一样。 very strong energy!” 好强的能量!” Gao Xianzhi stands in Evil Emperor old man side, the whole body is wrapping strong Origin Qi, such near distance, his feeling wants clear and intense many compared with any other people. old man, the whole body is flooding the formidable Explosive-Nature strength, on him, Gao Xianzhi felt tens of thousands of intense cyclones. 高仙芝就站在邪帝老人的旁边,浑身包裹着浓烈的元气,这么近的距离,他的感受比其他任何一个人都要清晰和强烈的多。身旁的老人,全身都充斥着强大的爆炸性力量,在他身上,高仙芝感觉到了成千上万个强烈的气旋。 His never felt that on any person so fearful strength, was similar to compresses a lot of times of human form storms to be ordinary simply. 从未在任何一个人身上感觉到如此可怕的力量,简直如同一个压缩了千百倍的人形风暴一般。 At this moment, his even one types deeply rejoiced, rejoiced this is own ally, but is not the enemy. 此时此刻,他甚至有一种深深地庆幸,庆幸这是自己的盟友而不是敌人。 Therefore this is the Wang Chong's subsequent hand? Where he looks for so formidable martial artist!” “所以这就是王冲的后手吗?他到底是从哪里找来如此强大的武者!” At this moment, Gao Xianzhi deeply changes countenance, he self-examined that the strength was very strong, however missed before this old man much, if were not he appears promptly, kept off Qutayba, perhaps the consequence was dreadful. 这一刻,高仙芝深深动容,他自问实力已经很强了,但是在这位老者面前还是差了不少,如果不是他及时出现,挡下了屈底波,恐怕后果不堪设想。 Myriad Sea of Qi Technique of master, looked like before is fiercer than!” “师父的万千气海术,看起来比以前更加厉害了!” At this moment, happiest was Wang Chong. 此时此刻,最高兴的莫过于王冲了。 Since the dantian was broken, master quiet a long time, but after cultivation Myriad Sea of Qi Technique, the strength of master progresses by leaps and bounds, every time sees the master, Wang Chong can feel that Myriad Sea of Qi Technique of master excels, is getting more and more immeasurably deep. 自从丹田被破,师父沉寂了很长一段时间,但是修炼万千气海术之后,师父的实力突飞猛进,每一次见到师父,王冲都能够感觉得到师父的万千气海术越来越高强,也越来越深不可测。 Arrived the present, could not guess the master to achieve any Realm Wang Chong. 到现在,就连王冲都揣测不到师父达到什么境界了。 It looks like, he has made up for flaw originally completely. 看起来,他已经完全弥补了身上原本的破绽。
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