HDLL :: Volume #10

#956: Is the appearance of Xixi attractive?( 4 / 4, to uncover coffin, but Wan Shang)

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On December 15, arrived on this day quickly! 十二月15日,这一天很快就到来了! Regarding «China's The Voice» fans, the night of today's peak, they anticipated was very long! 对于《中华好声音》粉丝来说,今天的巅峰之夜,他们已经期待了很久了! One month ago, has spread various to mount the student list of night of peak finally, naturally, the war of last issue of champion ended last week, four strong results also finally come out. 早在一个月之前,就已经流传出各种版本的最终能够登上巅峰之夜的学员名单,当然,上周最后一期冠军之战结束,四强结果也最终出炉。 But the four teacher respective strongest students, launch the final decisive battle, matches the final champion, tonight's program, obviously is most essential, most intense and most splendid! 但四个导师各自的最强学员,展开最终的决战,赛出最终的冠军,今晚的这个节目,显然才是最关键、最激烈、最精彩的一场! Regardless and audience members that prepares to watch dull at home, on the afternoon of 15 th outside the Beijīng 100,000 people of stadiums, had lined up, snatches the ticket innumerably fans, catches up from all over the country, watches this music grand feast for the scene! 且不论准备呆在家里观看的观众们,15日下午京城100000人体育场外面,已经排起了长队,无数抢到票的粉丝们,从全国各地赶过来,就为了现场观看这场音乐盛宴! The scene is a bustling appearance! 现场已经是一幅热火朝天的样子! But in Jiangcheng Wuhu District collects the fine elementary school, afternoon campus is also extremely busy, after the second class finishes class, many guardians outside campus, the relatives and friends groups in abundance flooded into the campus, some early go to the small assembly hall in art center to occupy the position, some are the children who the full campus will seek for itself soon to attend the competition, was saying words that finally will encourage. 而在江城邬湖区的汇嘉小学,下午的校园也热闹非凡,第二节课下课后,很多等在校园外的家长们、亲友团们都纷纷涌入了校园,有的早早去艺术馆的小礼堂占位置,有的则是满校园地寻找自己即将参加比赛的孩子,说着最后鼓励的话。 Yang Yi is the latter, Yang Huan brings the relatives and friends group to go to small assembly hall second floor to look for the seat, he is bringing Mo Fei, before Xixi studies the dance the classroom, saw Xixi. 杨轶就是后者,杨欢带着亲友团去小礼堂二楼找座位,他则是带着墨菲,到曦曦之前学舞蹈的教室,见到了曦曦 little girl has exchanged the white lithely, to bring the blue spot dance skirt, naturally, before coming to power, she also wears a thick coat. The school also considered that children's health, is therefore arranging the warm air in the stage in small assembly hall, therefore before Xixi comes to power, can take off the coat to be able again. 小姑娘已经换上白色轻盈、带着蓝色斑点的舞裙,当然,上台前,她还穿着一个厚厚的外套。学校也考虑到孩子们的身体健康,所以在小礼堂的舞台上布置着暖气,所以曦曦上台前再可以脱下外套便可。 Teacher Xia Suqing is also glancing the makeup spreads some eye shadows of Pan-Blue camp to her on the corner of the eye and eyelid, little girl originally on the inborn beauty, after melting the pale makeup, became more attractive! 夏素青老师也正在给她上眼妆在眼角和眼皮上涂上有些泛蓝的眼影,小姑娘本来就天生丽质,化了淡妆后,就变得更漂亮了! Smart-alecky charming! 更有一种俏皮的妩媚! Naturally, this is only the need of Xixi that dance. 当然,这只是曦曦那个舞蹈的需要。 Xixi may unable to sit still, the teacher spread the light red lip gloss to her a moment ago, cannot speak, little girl is about to harbor evil thoughts! Now the father and a mother arrival, Xixi cannot attend to responding to father and mother's praise, said with the father impatiently: Papa, can you help me have a look, Qiqi and Shiyun did they arrive?” 曦曦可坐不住,刚才老师给她涂淡红色的唇彩,不能说话,小姑娘都快憋坏了!现在爸爸和妈妈一到来,曦曦都顾不上回应爸爸妈妈的夸奖,迫不及待地跟爸爸说道:“粑粑,你可不可以帮我去看看,琪琪诗云她们到了吗?” Outside person these many, how does the father help you look?” Yang Yi said with a smile that has not related, they pledged said that must come to cheer to you, definitely will come, when the time comes, you good dance in stage well well! They can see.” “外头人这么多,爸爸怎么帮你看啊?”杨轶笑着说道,“没关系,她们承诺了说要来给你加油助威,肯定会来的,到时候,你在台上好好地跳舞就好啦!她们能看到的。” Some of your many young audiences?” Mo Fei is holding Little Tongtong, stands by toilet table, teased Xixi with a smile, today, you should be among the children who these many attended the competition, fans most?” “你都有这么多小观众啊?”墨菲抱着小曈曈,站在化妆台旁边,笑着调侃一下曦曦,“今天,你应该是这么多参加比赛的小朋友中间,粉丝最多的一个了吧?” This also with saying? Xixi are fans many, looks under Yang Yi Weibo to shout every day attentively father-in-law's population knew! 这还用说?曦曦粉丝多不多,看杨轶微播下面每天殷勤地过来喊岳父的人数就知道了! Even if Yang Yi had not sent recently the Xixi trend, these bastard boys also all day come to seek Yang Yi to be happy! 就算最近杨轶没有怎么发曦曦的动态,那些混蛋小子们还整天过来寻杨轶开心! However, Mo Fei finger of fans, did not say these virtual fans obviously. What Mo Fei finger is today gives the relatives and friends who Xixi lends assistance! 不过,墨菲指的粉丝,显然不是说那些虚拟的粉丝墨菲指的是今天来给曦曦应援的亲朋好友们! Xia Suqing all spends the last eyebrow makeup to Xixi, is tactful to give a pretext to go to a washroom very much, to Xixi and space of family member a while coexistence. 夏素青给曦曦花完最后一笔眉妆,也很识趣地借口去上一下洗手间,给曦曦和家人一会儿共处的空间。 After the teacher walks, Xixi did not have that many to worry, little girl jumped down from the toilet table excitedly, pinches is having a skirt of only blue eye, turned upwards a foot smart-alecky, demonstrated with mother that hopes asked: Mama, you look at you to look that I am attractive?” 老师走后,曦曦就没有那么多顾虑了,小姑娘兴奋地从化妆台上跳下来,捏着有一只只蓝眼睛的裙子,俏皮地翘起一只脚,跟妈妈展示起来,期盼地问道:“麻麻,你看你看,我是不是漂不漂亮?” She asked a moment ago embarrassed that thought said strangely embarrassed. 刚才她都不好意思问,觉得这么说怪不好意思的。 Attractive!” Mo Fei smilingly said that our Xixi, turn into an attractive small peacock now!” “漂亮啊!”墨菲笑眯眯地说道,“我们的曦曦,现在变成一个漂亮的小孔雀了呢!” Xixi is well satisfied, hee hee smiles, but also is pinching two valance pendulums, has turned the small buttocks. 曦曦心满意足,嘻嘻地笑着,还捏着两边裙摆,扭了扭小屁股。 Yang Yi noticed that has stared the big eye of his round to see the elder sister in Little Tongtong of Mo Fei bosom, the kid the non- nearsightedness, he such stares, the Yang Yi estimate is because the Xixi present appearance somewhat makes him unable to respond. 杨轶留意到,在墨菲怀里的小曈曈一直瞪着他圆溜溜的大眼睛看着姐姐,小家伙又不近视,他这么瞪着眼睛,杨轶估计是因为曦曦现在的打扮有些让他反应不过来。 How?” Yang Yi put out a hand, has rubbed the head of Little Tongtong, asked with a smile, „didn't you recognize the elder sister to come?” “怎么了?”杨轶伸出手,揉了揉小曈曈的脑袋,笑着问道,“你认不出姐姐来了?” Xixi heard the father saying that then full of enthusiasm jumped mother, has played the role of making faces to Little Tongtong, eats to smile. 曦曦听到爸爸这么说,便兴致勃勃地跳到了妈妈的跟前,冲小曈曈扮了扮鬼脸,吃吃地笑了起来。 No one has thought that Little Tongtong unexpectedly by fiendish features Xixi frightening, the kid hurried to turn the head to hold mother's collar, but also cannot bear look to mother, put out a hand to refer to Xixi, has not dared to return makes a sound: Well!” 谁也没想到,小曈曈居然被“青面獠牙”的曦曦给吓到了,小家伙慌忙转头抓住妈妈的领子,还忍不住看向妈妈,伸手指了指曦曦,头也不敢回地发出一个声音:“咦!” Well, is this person so fearful? 咦,这人怎么那么可怕? This is an elder sister!” Mo Fei answered funnily. “这是姐姐啊!”墨菲好笑地解释道。 However, Little Tongtong still reveals to fear expression that he is pointing at Xixi, the pouts small mouth, sends out the complaint the sound: Elder sister......” 然而,小曈曈依然露出怕怕的表情,他指着曦曦,嘟着小嘴巴,发出埋怨的声音:“姐姐……” Right, Elder sister, but is very fearful! 对呀,姐姐,但还是很可怕! Yang Yi and Mo Fei then understood, Little Tongtong does not adapt to the elder sister who put on make-up, moreover puts on make-up to melt results in the peacock same elder sister! 杨轶墨菲这才明白了,小曈曈是不适应化了妆的姐姐,而且还是化妆化得跟孔雀一样的姐姐! Does not have the means that their not to know whether to laugh or cry has roared a while Little Tongtong, but also makes his near distance observation not do strange Xixi suddenly, makes him accept elder sister's present appearance reluctantly, even if so, the kid only dares to look at the elder sister secretly, does not dare to look. 没办法,他们哭笑不得地哄了一会儿小曈曈,还让他近距离地观察一下不搞怪的曦曦,才让他勉强接受了姐姐现在的模样,但纵然如此,小家伙还是只敢偷偷瞄一下姐姐,不敢多看。 Younger brother thought that I am unattractive!” Xixi is seeing the father and mother to roar Little Tongtong at the same time, her also gently jue drew out the small mouth, is holding father's hand, did not say happily, why? I thought that small peacock very adorable!” “弟弟觉得我不好看!”曦曦在一边看着爸爸妈妈哄小曈曈,她也轻轻地噘起了小嘴巴,拉着爸爸的手,不开心地说道,“为什么呀?我觉得,小孔雀挺可爱的呀!” Because the younger brother has not seen you to dance, when he noticed that you wear this clothes to dance, knows that you were attractive!” Yang Yi also has to comfort Xixi. “因为弟弟还没看到你跳舞,等他看到你穿这个衣服跳舞,就会知道你有多漂亮了!”杨轶也只好安慰起了曦曦 Matter that this does not have the means that Little Tongtong is small, he in some changes to life, the acceptance is weak. 这没办法的事,小曈曈毕竟还小,他对生活中的一些变化,接受能力还是偏弱的。 Was good comes because of the person of breaking through! 好在解围的人来了! Xixi was talking over a moment ago little friends, under the leadership on dance lesson Yang Luoqi, has also flooded into this classroom. 曦曦刚才念叨着的小伙伴们,在也在上舞蹈课的杨珞琪的带领下,涌进了这个课室。 Xixi, I may see you! Looked for quite a while!” They have not come , the Chen Shiyun excited sound then passed on. 曦曦,我可见到你了!找了半天!”她们还没进来,陈诗云激动的声音便传了过来。 Is I looks! I know Xixi certainly here!” The Yang Luoqi small cheek freezes a little red outside, although her voice is very small, but impatiently takes undeserved credit with Xixi. “都是我找的呢!我知道曦曦一定在这儿!”杨珞琪小脸蛋在外面冻得有点红,她声音虽然很小,但还是迫不及待地跟曦曦邀功。 Hee hee, you came!” Xixi swept a moment ago self-confidently, with the children gathering same place, does not shake hand joyfully jumps and jumps. “嘻嘻,你们都来了!”曦曦一扫刚才的不自信,欣喜地跟小朋友们凑到一块,拉着手又蹦又跳。 „, Xixi, your dancing dresses well is attractive!” Nan Zhaoyu envies looks at Xixi, said that you wear such attractive skirt, certainly can win the prize!” “哇,曦曦,你跳舞穿得好漂亮!”南昭宇羡慕地看着曦曦,说道,“你穿这么好看的裙子,一定能拿奖!” The Nan Zhaoyu yesterday's singing competition cannot win the prize, he may go bad depressed. Now he found an excuse to himself is yesterday puts certainly on not attractively! 南昭宇昨天的唱歌比赛没有能够拿奖,他可郁闷坏了。现在他给自己找了一个借口一定是自己昨天穿得不漂亮! Real? But my younger brother does not think attractively!” Xixi winked the big eye, asked happily. She wants to seek the affirmation of little friends. “真的吗?可是我的弟弟觉得不漂亮呢!”曦曦眨了眨大眼睛,开心地问道。她还是想要寻求小伙伴们的肯定。 Right! But was attractive!” Lu Xiaoyu and other little friends chirp responded, they will not disappoint Xixi. “对啊!可漂亮了!”陆晓瑜和其他小伙伴们都叽叽喳喳地回应了起来,她们可不会让曦曦失望。 Yu Xiaowei also nodded, envies said low voice: I also think attractive.” 就连于小薇也点了点头,羡慕地小声说道:“我也觉得漂亮。” Xixi, where does your this skirt buy? I also want to make my father buy one for me, was too attractive! Resembles the peacock!” Lan Xin also very much earnestly inquired, no matter also she can put on, no matter also the buyer show can have the day to leave with the model show badly. 曦曦,你这裙子哪里买的?我也想让我爸爸给我买一个,太好看了!就好像孔雀!”兰馨还很认真地询问了起来,也不管她能不能穿得下,也不管买家秀跟模特秀会不会有天差地别。 Hee hee, is small peacock!” Xixi jumped jumping, responded cheerfully. “嘻嘻,就是小孔雀呀!”曦曦蹦了蹦,乐呵呵地回应了起来。
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