HF :: Volume #1 妖精的尾巴

#15: Rout! Hidden! getting stronger!

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( Thanked panda very!’, cloud Qiqing the valley and dragon day i and closes the eye is dawn and ice lunar shadow and autumn waters autumn clear and you are my i and ‚the small h dwelling and day deep waning moon and ‚the qin soul goes down in the world and poi of special fan and ‚the sing young and wild rose young girl wild rose young girl and ** soul hitting enjoys!) (十分感谢‘熊猫啊!’、‘云歧青谷’、‘龙天i’、‘閉上眼睛就是天亮’、‘冰・月影’、‘秋水秋澈’、‘你是我的i’、‘小h宅’、‘天冥・残月’、‘吢魂落魄’、‘特别迷的poi’、‘sing仔’、‘蔷薇少女蔷薇少女’、‘**的魂魄’的打赏!) ( Sought the collection! Sought the recommendation! Sought the click! The friend friends intentionally support one on the help! Although does not know that many people will notice our seeks help...[ tears rush]...) (求收藏!求推荐!求点击!有心的友友们就帮忙支持一个吧!虽然不知道有多少人会看到咱的求助...[泪奔]...) Chī————! 嗤————! In resounding sky-splitting sound, Mogria suddenly/violently to rush who changes into a lightning, toward kneeling to bend down Noah in ground and Erza two people direction to flush away. 在响亮的破空声中,化为一道闪电的莫格利亚暴冲而出,往跪伏在地面上的诺亚艾露莎两人的方向冲去。 ————!” Noah and Erza two people complexion simultaneously changes, wants to dodge, but the Noah body wound is a point is heavy, even to set out, still expenditure a lot of time, radically without enough time. ————!”诺亚艾露莎两人面色同时一变,想闪避,但诺亚身上的伤可是一点都不轻,即使是想起身,也得花费不少的时间,根本来不及。 Looks of full head sweat is supporting the injury, struggles Noah that the plan is setting out, Erza clenches teeth, leapt the body, standing of being duty-bound not to turn back in front of Noah's, held up Knight Sword in hand, is pillaging the lightning that came to refer to that. 看着满头大汗的强撑着伤势,挣扎着打算起身的诺亚,艾露莎一咬牙,一跃身,义无反顾的站在了诺亚的面前,举起手中的骑士剑,对着那暴掠而来的闪电指去。 Chī————! 嗤————! In turned into lightning Mogria will soon flush to Noah and Erza front, another lightning came from side suddenly/violently to dodge suddenly, in sharp sky-splitting sound, collision ruthlessly in the Mogria body lightning. 就在化身为闪电莫格利亚即将冲至诺亚艾露莎的面前时,另一道闪电猛然自旁边暴闪而来,在一声尖锐的破空声响中,狠狠的撞在了莫格利亚身化的闪电上。 BOOM————! 咚————! Just liking the explosion is ordinary, the violent impact storm from colliding in the together two lightnings shakes, the expansion, swept across to all around, raised the rich mist and dust with lightning current that aimlessly back and forth paced back and forth continuously. 恍若爆炸一般,猛烈的冲击风浪自碰撞在一起的两道闪电中一震而起,扩展而出,席卷向了四周,掀起了浓郁的烟尘与一缕缕漫无目的来回徘徊的电流 "Get down!" Noah will keep off Erza before own hastily drawing, makes an effort to press, with together, lay in the ground. “趴下!”诺亚连忙将挡在自己身前的艾露莎给拉过来,用力一按,与自己一起,趴在了地面上。 The impact storm wreaks havoc from lying a man and a woman top of the head above one volume in ground, the lightning current also powder that back and forth paced back and forth to all around, without attacking timely lay Noah in ground and Erza two people body, only had that rich mist and dust to blow, covered Noah and body of Erza two people. 冲击风浪肆虐似的从趴在地面上的一男一女头顶上方一卷而过,来回徘徊的电流也散向了四周,没有冲击到及时趴在地面上的诺亚艾露莎两人身上,唯有那浓郁的烟尘吹过,覆盖住了诺亚艾露莎两人的身体。 Also does not know after how long, attacks the storm, recklessly rampage lightning current and rich mist and dust disappearance gradually. 也不知道过去了多久以后,冲击风浪、肆意暴走电流、浓郁的烟尘才渐渐的消失。 Lies Noah in ground and Erza two people raised the head slowly, looked to the front. 趴在地面上的诺亚艾露莎两人缓缓的抬起头,看向了前方。 Sees only, just that whole face killing intent Mogria just like at this time same only lost the chicken of resistivity to be the same, by a powerful hand seizing the neck, raised in the midair, kicking that the both feet did not live in moved, the complexion became the sauce purple gradually. 只见,刚刚那满脸杀机莫格利亚此时正如同一只失去了抵抗力的小鸡一样,被一只强而有力的手给掐住了脖子,提在半空中,双脚不住的踢动,脸色渐渐的变为了酱紫色。 But seizes the Mogria neck, Mogria raising in the midair, is flashing Laxus of golden electric arc in the whole body. 而掐住莫格利亚脖子,将莫格利亚给提在半空中的,正在浑身闪动着金黄色的电弧的拉克萨斯 Hey.” Laxus first looked at Noah and Erza that two people lies in not far away, will look at the pain immediately is struggling Mogria, laughs to make noise, the look is getting more and more indifferent. “嘿。”拉克萨斯先是看了一眼趴在不远处的诺亚艾露莎两人,随即才将目光投向了痛苦的挣扎着的莫格利亚,嗤笑出声,眼神却越来越冷漠。 Really was two little rascal who troubled you to take care of my family.” “真是麻烦你照顾我家的两个小鬼了。” You...” Mogria felt that the breath is getting more and more difficult, the chest ache, held Laxus to seize the hand of neck, difficult opens the mouth. “你…”莫格利亚感觉呼吸越来越困难,胸口都疼痛了起来,抱着拉克萨斯掐住自己脖子的手,艰难的开口。 How you... can...” “你…怎么会…” Why is very strange I to be able make a move?” On the Laxus face hung up an unconventional expression. “很奇怪我为什么可以出手?”拉克萨斯脸上挂上了一个放荡不羁的表情。 „To block me? Is this/should finds several substantive people?” “想拦住我?是不是该多找几个有份量的人啊?” hearing this, Noah, Erza and Mogria three people realized suddenly, also turned the head, looks to the surroundings. 闻言,诺亚艾露莎莫格利亚三人蓦然醒觉,同时转头,看向了周围。 Eh...” …” „...” “呜…” „...” “啊…” Like three people of the words that hears Laxus by general that in the back of the body expects, in the surroundings, these that came from Phantom Lord just besieged to Laxus Magicians, at this time, was actually the one by one whole body braves the light smoke with lying down of faint trace electricity glow in the ground, exuded the disorderly and slight wailing sounds, obviously is unable to stand up again. 如同三人听到拉克萨斯的话以后心中所料想的一般,在周围,从幽鬼的支配者(lord)来的那些刚刚围攻向拉克萨斯魔导士们,此时,却是一个个浑身冒着轻烟与一丝丝电芒的躺在地面上,发出杂乱又细微的一声声哀嚎声,显然无法再站起身来了。 You...” Mogria stared wide-eyed, looks is laughing wildly on the face of Laxus is completely the unbelievable expression. “你…”莫格利亚瞪大了自己的眼睛,看着狂笑着的拉克萨斯的脸上尽是难以置信的表情。 Although these Phantom Lord Magician do not have one to be stronger than Mogria, moreover entirely Magician of only Phantom Lord branch, but also compares in some ordinary Magician some. 这些幽鬼的支配者(lord)魔导士虽然没有一个比莫格利亚强,而且还通通只是幽鬼的支配者(lord)支部的魔导士,但也比一些普通的魔导士强上一些。 Such Magician, two look purely oppressively to Mogria only, three four Mogria can also solve with ease, but words on ten same place, even Mogria will still start in the strenuous, complete 30 same places, Mogria does not dare to say oneself can win. 这样的魔导士,一个两个对上莫格利亚只是纯粹找虐,三个四个莫格利亚也能轻松的解决,但十个一起上的话,即使是莫格利亚也会开始吃力,全部三十个一起上的话,连莫格利亚都不敢说自己能够获胜。 However, Laxus actually won, moreover seems like also including an injury not to have! 然而,拉克萨斯却是获胜了,而且看起来还连一点伤害都没有! This... is this possible? 这…这怎么可能呢? could it be that, this did Laxus also hide the strength? 难道,这个拉克萨斯还隐藏了实力? That said, opposite party are stronger? 那岂不是说,对方比自己还强许多吗? But is he only 15 years old not? 可他才十五岁不是吗? 15 -year-old then so many? 十五岁便比自己强这么多? What kind terrifying person! 何等恐怖的一个人啊! Mogria was afraid finally. 莫格利亚终于感到恐惧了。 So... so strong... Erza dumbfounded looks that the surrounding these Phantom Lord Magicians that wails in the ground, looked also changes to the Laxus vision. 好…好强…艾露莎一愣一愣的看着周围那些在地面上哀嚎的幽鬼的支配者(lord)魔导士们,望向拉克萨斯的目光也变了。 „Is this Master/President grandson's true strength?” “这就是会长的孙子的真正实力吗?” Erza estimated that present, if to Laxus, only feared that a even/including move did not cross! 艾露莎估计,现在的自己,若是对上拉克萨斯的话,只怕连一招都过不了! Laxus, was too strong! 拉克萨斯,实在太强了! No wonder Makarov was announcing that the Quest performer, mentioned Laxus also meets make a move time, these Magicians in Fairy Tail Guild can clamor collectively, and was no longer worried that this Quest will have problems time. 难怪马卡罗夫在宣布任务的执行者,提到拉克萨斯也会出手的时候,妖精的尾巴(fairytail)公会里的那些魔导士们会集体喧哗,并不再担心这一次的任务会出问题。 In Fairy Tail, is Magician of this level? 妖精的尾巴(fairytail)里面,都是这种层次的魔导士吗? Erza thorough overthrew in oneself heart originally the impression to Fairy Tail, started to face up to Fairy Tail. 艾露莎彻底的推翻了自己心中原本对妖精的尾巴(fairytail)的印象,开始正视起妖精的尾巴(fairytail)了。 Only has Noah, is covering the injured left shoulder and left hand arm, looks at the whole body to flash electricity glow Laxus, the look is gradually dignified. 只有诺亚,捂着自己受伤的左肩膀与左手臂,看着浑身闪动着电芒的拉克萨斯,眼神逐渐凝重而起。 From the beginning, Noah then induces to Laxus Magic Power is a little special, seems hiding what general. 一开始,诺亚便感应到拉克萨斯魔力有点特殊,仿佛隐藏着什么一般。 Now, looks at Laxus body glittering the electric arc, Noah can affirm, these lightning, with lightning that Laxus previously used, is different! 现在,看着拉克萨斯身上闪烁着的电弧,诺亚能够肯定,这些雷电,跟拉克萨斯先前使用的雷电,根本不一样! Laxus within the body, hid certainly another power! 拉克萨斯体内,一定隐藏了另外一股力量 Moreover, this power also very powerful! 而且,这股力量还非常的强大! precisely takes advantage of this power, Laxus is routing Phantom Lord these Magician at one fell swoop, and takes Mogria instantaneously! 正是依仗着这股力量,拉克萨斯才一举击溃幽鬼的支配者(lord)的那些魔导士,并瞬间拿下莫格利亚 Otherwise, by strength that Laxus showed that at most with a Mogria level. 否则,以原本拉克萨斯表现出来的实力,顶多就是跟莫格利亚一个层次而已。 Laxus did within the body, actually hide what thing? 拉克萨斯体内,究竟隐藏了什么东西呢? In the Noah heart, Laxus looks at whole face frightened Mogria looking pensive, grins fiendishly to make noise. 诺亚心中若有所思的时候,拉克萨斯看着满脸恐惧的莫格利亚,狞笑出声。 „, Then was one's turn you!” “那么,接下来轮到你了!” Not... wait/etc...” “不…等等…” Mogria just wants to beg for mercy, seizes on that arm of his neck, berserk lightning current be relentless flowed to his body, and continuously conducted the impact. 莫格利亚刚想求饶,掐住他脖子的那只手臂上,一阵狂暴电流毫不留情的流向了他的身体,并不断的进行了冲击。 Aaaah————!” 啊啊啊啊————!” The pitiful yell sound, reverberates in the surroundings. 惨叫声,在周围回荡。 „!” “蓬!” In a while, whole body burned black, braves the light smoke Mogria eyes turns white by Laxus throwing in ground, looks at that appearance, not only severe wound, but also thorough stupor. 没过多久,浑身焦黑,冒着轻烟的莫格利亚双眼翻白的被拉克萨斯给扔在地面上,看那个样子,不仅重伤,而且已经彻彻底底的昏迷了。 „Have I said?” Curling the lip that Laxus disdains. “我说过了吧?”拉克萨斯不屑的一撇嘴。 Opportunity that I will not kneel down to apologize to you!” “我可不会给你们下跪道歉的机会!” Noah.” Another side, Erza helped up Noah. 诺亚。”另一边,艾露莎扶起了诺亚 Also can stand?” “还站得起来吗?” Also good...” Noah reveals a forced smile, is supporting the body, stands up, but by Erza supporting by the arm, will otherwise definitely drop down. “还行…”诺亚露出一个苦笑,强撑着身体,站起身来,但还是被艾露莎给搀扶着,否则肯定会倒下。 After this matter, you should also understand time?” “经过这一次的事情,你也该明白了吧?” Laxus walks toward here, while sneers is looking at Noah that burned black left shoulder and left hand arm. 拉克萨斯一边往这边走来,一边冷笑着看着诺亚那焦黑的左肩膀与左手臂。 Does not have power, your anything cannot achieve!” “没有力量,你什么都做不到!” Noah was silent immediately. 诺亚顿时沉默了。 Although Noah does not think that Laxus words is right, but the Laxus words absolutely are not wrong. 虽然诺亚不认为拉克萨斯的话是对的,但拉克萨斯的话也并不是绝对错误的。 At least, in just that scene, without power, Noah entered the stage the qualifications of fight not to have continually, can only be protected, bravely steps forward at most, helping the person keep off to strike, and gives some unexpectedly, superficial attack. 至少,在刚刚那种场面,没有力量,诺亚连出场战斗的资格都没有,只能被保护,顶多就是挺身而出,帮人挡下一击,并给予一些出其不意,不痛不痒的攻击而已。 Without learn Magic, wants to cope with Magician, in the end still is too reluctant. 没有学会魔法,想对付魔导士,终究还是太勉强。 Ordinary Magician words actually said that may look like Mogria this level opponent, that said difficultly. 普通的魔导士的话倒是好说,可像莫格利亚这种层次的对手,那就难说了。 getting stronger!” Laxus deeply looked present younger brother. 变强吧!”拉克萨斯深深的看着自己眼前的弟弟。 Only has getting stronger, you can achieve the matter that you want to handle, no matter that is anything!” “只有变强,你才能做到你想做的事情,不管那是什么!” On the spot, a silence. 现场,一片寂静。
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