HRP :: Volume #4 忍界巅峰

#567: Big result

The head of the clan complexion big change of Ōtsutsuki Clan, he is not clear, why own soul will be damaged. 大筒木一族的族长脸色大变,他不明白,为什么自己的灵魂会受到损伤。 In his opinion, by the for several thousand years to nourishing of soul, let alone these wind and snow, even if were hit by some frontages in attack will still not have the matter to be right. 在他看来,以自己数千年来对灵魂的滋养,别说这些风雪了,就算被一些攻击正面击中也应该不会有事才对。 Yamanaka Ryo saw his idea, smiles to speak of: „ This world is opened at first by my eyes power Spiritual/Mental Strength, situated in illusory and space of reality. 山中远看出了他的想法,笑了笑说到:“这个世界起初是由我的瞳力精神力开辟出来的,介于虚幻和现实的一处空间。 Now although this space evolved the complete world, but the characteristics of the world of ice have not changed. 现在这处空间虽然进化成了完整的世界,但是冰之世界的特性并没有改变。 Besides I and obtain the person who I shelter, any soul will be corroded by the endless wind and snow in this world. 除了我和得到我庇护的人以外,任何灵魂在这个世界都会被无尽的风雪所侵蚀。 ! Head of the clan mister, your final card in hand can become own curse. ” 没想到吧!族长先生,你最后的底牌会成为自己的催命符。” The Yamanaka Ryo soul hit a sound to refer , the world of ice also blew the snowstorm. 说完山中远的灵魂打了个响指,冰之世界随之刮起了暴风雪。 Contains eyes power and Spiritual/Mental Strength wind and snow starts to corrode the soul of head of the clan Ōtsutsuki unceasingly. 蕴含着瞳力精神力的风雪开始不断的侵蚀着大筒木族长的灵魂。 The Yamanaka Ryo soul also follows the snowstorm to launch the attack. 山中远的灵魂也伴随着暴风雪发动了攻击。 Two soul dogfights in one, the fight of soul had no technique, the skill, is only the pure hand-to-hand fighting. 两个灵魂缠斗在了一起,灵魂的战斗没什么术,技巧可言,只是单纯的肉搏战。 The soul of head of the clan Ōtsutsuki compared with the Yamanaka Ryo soul must, head of the clan Ōtsutsuki exist after all for several thousand years, the quality and tenacious degree of soul are not Yamanaka Ryo can compare. 大筒木族长的灵魂比起山中远的灵魂要强很多,毕竟大筒木族长存在了几千年,灵魂的质量和坚韧程度都不是山中远能比的。 However was in the world of ice, Yamanaka Ryo had the home advantage, under the corrosion of snowstorm, the soul of head of the clan Ōtsutsuki fell gradually leeward. 不过身在冰之世界,山中远占据了主场优势,在暴风雪的侵蚀下,大筒木族长的灵魂渐渐落入了下风。 At this time head of the clan Ōtsutsuki somewhat flustered, he knows that is getting down, own soul thoroughly destroys by the wind and snow and Yamanaka Ryo of this world. 这时候大筒木族长有些慌了,他知道在这么下去,自己的灵魂会被这个世界的风雪和山中远彻底摧毁。 Therefore head of the clan Ōtsutsuki starts doing everything possible to make his soul return to own body, but Yamanaka Ryo naturally cannot make him achieve wishes. 所以大筒木族长开始想尽办法让他的灵魂回归自己的身体,而山中远自然不会让他如愿。 The world of Yamanaka Ryo ice world, he can control all of this world, after discovering head of the clan Ōtsutsuki wants to let the soul return body, Yamanaka Ryo is controlling the ice piece, transported the other places of the world of ice the body of head of the clan Ōtsutsuki. 冰之世界山中远的世界,他能控制这个世界的一切,在发现大筒木族长想让灵魂回归身体以后,山中远控制着冰块,将大筒木族长的身体运到了冰之世界的其他地方。 Seeing the return body is hopeless, head of the clan Ōtsutsuki decided that life-and-death wrestles, reckless throws toward Yamanaka Ryo. 见回归身体无望,大筒木族长决定殊死一搏,不顾一切的朝山中远扑过来。 Yamanaka Ryo not slightly flustered, controls the wind and snow of the world of ice to weaken the soul of head of the clan Ōtsutsuki, while dodges the attack of head of the clan Ōtsutsuki. 山中远没有丝毫慌张,一边控制着冰之世界的风雪削弱大筒木族长的灵魂,一边闪避大筒木族长的攻击。 After several hours, the soul of head of the clan Ōtsutsuki had reduced the larger part, was incapable of being able to support again. 几个小时后,大筒木族长的灵魂已经缩小了一大半,无力再支撑下去了。 Also crossed the most hour, the soul of head of the clan Ōtsutsuki was like his body, freezes an ice sculpture. 又过了大半个小时,大筒木族长的灵魂和他的身体一样,冻成了一座冰雕。 Yamanaka Ryo saw that to show the smile, he hit a sound to refer , the world of snow and ice ice also gathered a ice hammer, he operated the ice hammer to shiver directly the soul of head of the clan Ōtsutsuki. 山中远见状露出了笑容,他打了个响指,冰之世界冰雪随之汇聚成了一柄冰锤,他操纵着冰锤直接敲碎了大筒木族长的灵魂。 Head of the clan Ōtsutsuki the instance of soul disruption, Rinnegan Dojutsu (Eye Technique) also relieves, Yamanaka Ryo returned to own body. 大筒木族长的灵魂碎裂的瞬间,轮回眼瞳术也随之解除,山中远回到了自己的身体。 The soul returns, Yamanaka Ryo sits cross-legged immediately, with fight consumption too many Spiritual/Mental Strength of head of the clan Ōtsutsuki, must grasp the time restoration a moment ago now. 灵魂回归,山中远马上盘坐下来,刚才和大筒木族长的战斗耗费太多精神力了,现在必须抓紧时间恢复。 But the soul of head of the clan Ōtsutsuki, after being knocked the fragment, lost itself consciousness, quick turned into pure Spiritual/Mental Strength. 大筒木族长的灵魂,被敲成碎片以后,失去了自己意识,很快就变成了纯净的精神力 This Spiritual/Mental Strength mostly was iced the world to absorb, before making up, by that some Spiritual/Mental Strength of Yamanaka Ryo extraction. 这股精神力大多被冰之世界吸收,弥补之前被山中远抽取的那部分精神力 And the small parts were absorbed by Yamanaka Ryo, helping him regain the condition as soon as possible. 其中有一小部分被山中远吸收,帮助尽快他恢复状态。 The quick Yamanaka Ryo condition had basically restored, he flickers to transfer to by the body of head of the clan Ōtsutsuki, extracts downward from the forehead of head of the clan Ōtsutsuki the rime fog sword, then relieved freezing of head of the clan Ōtsutsuki. 很快山中远的状态已经基本恢复了,他瞬移到大筒木族长的身体旁边,将冰雾剑从大筒木族长的眉心拔下来,然后解除了大筒木族长的冰冻。 Body of head of the clan Ōtsutsuki after relieving frozen, dies of old age by visible Speed, less than one minute from 20-year-old young people, turned into about to the old man of rotten wood. 大筒木族长的身体在解除冰封以后,以肉眼可见的速度老去,不到一分钟就从一个20多岁的年轻人,变成了行将朽木的老者。 The simple sensation, Yamanaka Ryo discovered that head of the clan Ōtsutsuki the present body is safely decayed, Tenseigan (Reincarnation Eyes) eyes power also starts to dissipate is iced the world to absorb, has the strength was only Rinnegan of forehead. 简单感知了一下,山中远发现大筒木族长现在的身体已经安全腐朽了,转生眼瞳力也开始消散被冰之世界吸收,唯一还拥有力量的就是眉心的轮回眼了。 Yamanaka Ryo thinks or makes a move to take down head of the clan Ōtsutsuki nine tomoe Rinnegan of forehead, Rinnegan was taken down, the body of head of the clan Ōtsutsuki turned into the residual instantaneously. 山中远想了想还是出手取下了大筒木族长眉心的九勾玉轮回眼,轮回眼被取下,大筒木族长的身体瞬间化成了残渣。 Yamanaka Ryo sighed, built a simple tomb to bury this fission poison with the snow and ice, then left the world of ice. 山中远叹了口气,用冰雪堆砌成一个简单的坟墓将这堆残渣掩埋,然后离开冰之世界。 At this time the outside world, Namikaze Minato their fights had also ended, the Ōtsutsuki Clan two elders die wounded. 此时外界,波风水门他们的战斗也已经结束了,大筒木一族的两位长老一死一伤。 Yamanaka Ryo comes out after the world of ice, the people immediately encircled. 山中远从冰之世界出来以后,众人马上围了上去。 „Was sensei, you wins?” Shisui cautious asking. 老师,是您赢了吗?”止水小心翼翼的问到。 Yamanaka Ryo nods: He was kept the world of ice by me forever, endured the biggest threat to vanish.” 山中远点点头:“他被我永远留在冰之世界了,忍界最大的威胁已经消失了。” The people heard that the word showed the smile, Naruto is excited jumped directly. 众人闻言都露出了笑容,鸣人更是激动的直接跳了起来。 „, How do you plan to handle the Ōtsutsuki Clan person?” Namikaze Minato asked. “远,那你打算怎么处置大筒木一族的人?”波风水门问到。 killed, what kind of?” Sasuke suggested. “都杀了,怎么样?”佐助建议到。 I did not agree!” Hanayo hears word opposes immediately: „ Besides Ōtsutsuki Clan, this world also has the Dhoop learned person that they are innocent. “我不同意!”花阳闻言马上表示反对:“除了大筒木一族以外,这个世界还有那么多普通人,他们都是无辜的。 After killed Ōtsutsuki Clan person, because these average people have not resisted the strength of foreign enemy the person by other world to be massacred. ” 杀了大筒木一族的人后,那些普通人会因为没有抵御外敌的力量而被其他世界的人杀掉。” What relations life this of this world average person and do we have?” “这个世界普通人的死活这和我们有什么关系?” How not to have the relations, we do not kill them, they actually die because of us, this was too cruel.” “怎么没关系,我们不杀他们,他们却因为我们而死,这样太残忍了。” Ok, ok, do not quarrel.” Yamanaka Ryo sighed to speak to prevent two people of quarrels. “好了,好了,你们别吵了。”山中远叹了口气出言阻止了二人的争吵。 I felt right that Hanayo said that all massacres the Ōtsutsuki Clan person is not truly inappropriate, after all so many were sheltered the average person by them. However the Ōtsutsuki Clan clansman wild ambition, to enduring to have coveted, I do not want to let off them. “我觉得花阳说的对,全杀掉大筒木一族的人确实不合适,毕竟还有那么多受他们庇护普通人。不过大筒木一族的族人狼子野心,对忍界一直有所觊觎,我也不想就这么放过他们。 Therefore I decide to prop up one not to our threatening people, becomes new head of the clan Ōtsutsuki Clan. ” 所以我决定扶植一个不会对我们有威胁的人,成为新的大筒木一族族长。” To not enduring threatening? You say him?” Namikaze Minato referred to Ōtsutsuki willow tree asking. “不会对忍界有威胁的?远,你是说他?”波风水门指了指大筒木柳式问到。 Yamanaka Ryo nods: „ Ōtsutsuki willow tree was revised the thought by Kotoamatsukami (Distinguished Heavenly Gods), is our puppets, later I will exchange to him Rinnegan of head of the clan Ōtsutsuki, have this eye, the Ōtsutsuki willow tree -type strength should enough command Ōtsutsuki Clan. 山中远点点头:“大筒木柳式被别天神修改了思想,已经算是我们的傀儡了,以后我会将大筒木族长的轮回眼给他换上,有这种眼睛,大筒木柳式的实力应该足够统领大筒木一族了。 As for the remaining two elders, killed! Province has what accident/surprise again. ” 至于剩下的两个长老,都杀了吧!省的再有什么意外。” People hears word look at each other in blank dismay, discussed simply after one next, agreed with the opinion of Yamanaka Ryo. 众人闻言面面相觑,简单商量了一下后都同意了山中远的意见。 After reaching the agreement, Yamanaka Ryo exchanged Rinnegan to Ōtsutsuki willow tree, Namikaze Minato was flickers to move to massacre also remained the one breath Ōtsutsuki water, then the people returned to Ninja Academy together, massacred Ōtsutsuki wind. 达成共识后,山中远大筒木柳式换上了轮回眼,波风水门则是瞬移过去杀掉了还剩一口气的大筒木水式,然后众人一起返回了忍者学校,杀掉了大筒木风式。 Yamanaka Ryo also solved the Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki type and Ōtsutsuki Urashiki conveniently, these two are not the good thing, one and solves the staying behind future trouble of province. 山中远还顺手解决了大筒木桃式和大筒木浦式,这两人不是什么好东西,一并解决省的留下后患。 After handling all, Yamanaka Ryo orders to Ōtsutsuki willow tree, making him bring Ōtsutsuki Clan and this world vanishes in the starry sky. 搞定一切后,山中远大筒木柳式下命令,让他带着大筒木一族和这个世界消失在星空中。 Then the people returned to the transmission center to plan that returned using the transfer passage endures. 然后众人回到了传送中心打算利用传送通道返回忍界。 What may make them not think, the transfer passage was sealed up by Kaguya unexpectedly. 可让他们没想到的是,传送通道居然被辉夜姬封闭了。 Elder Brother, what situation is this? Won't this woman renege on a promise?” Asking that Suzune somewhat worries about. “哥哥,这是什么情况?这个女人不会反悔了吧?”铃音有些担忧的问到。 Yamanaka Ryo shakes the head: Special details I do not know, but we hurry back to have a look as soon as possible quite well.” 山中远摇摇头:“具体情况我也不知道,不过我们还是尽快赶回去看看比较好。” Channel was sealed up, how do we go back?” Naruto asked. “通道被封闭了,我们怎么回去?”鸣人问到。 With Ōtsutsuki willow tree initial method, first to moon on! Then on the channel using moon returns endures.” Yamanaka Ryo thinks to speak. “用大筒木柳式当初的方法,先到月亮上吧!然后利用月亮上的通道返回忍界。”山中远想了想说到。 Namikaze Minato nods: Also can only like this. The preparation starts!” 波风水门点点头:“也只能这样了。准备开始吧!” After a preparation, the people under uniting efforts of Yamanaka Ryo and Namikaze Minato, returned to moon together. 经过一番准备以后,众人在山中远波风水门的协力之下,一起回到了月亮上。 Has not stayed on moon, the people flickered to move back directly endured. 没有在月亮上停留,众人直接瞬移回了忍界。 After returning to endure, the Yamanaka Ryo sensation a situation, before discovering endures the peace, does not have any tumult. 回到忍界后,山中远感知了一下情况,发现忍界以前和平,没有任何骚动。 Yamanaka Ryo relaxes to speak of: „ It seems like Kaguya is only because feared Ōtsutsuki Clan to close the channel, she has not violated the agreement. 山中远松了口气说到:“看来辉夜姬只是因为惧怕大筒木一族才关闭了通道,她没有违反约定。 Ok, the following matter gives me! Brother Minato you lead them to return to the village! ” 行了,接下来的事情就交给我吧!水门哥你带他们回村子吧!” Good, that asked you.” Said that Namikaze Minato led the people to flicker to move back Konoha. “好,那就拜托你了。”说完波风水门带着众人瞬移回了木叶 Yamanaka Ryo flickered to transfer to the Kaguya space directly. 山中远则是直接瞬移到了辉夜姬的空间。 In this time space, besides Kaguya, Brother Hagoromo, when Yamanaka Ryo flickers moves, saw Brother Hagoromo and Kaguya like the common mother and child, sits together. 此时的空间里,除了辉夜姬以外,羽衣兄弟在,所以当山中远瞬移过来的时候,看到了羽衣兄弟和辉夜姬就像一般的母子一样,围坐在一起。 On three people of faces is hanging the smile, the probably previous contradiction, the conflict did not exist was the same. 三人的脸上都挂着笑容,好像之前的矛盾,冲突都不复存在了一样。 Yamanaka Ryo is somewhat surprised, does not know that will have anything to make Kaguya have such sweeping change. UU reads 山中远有些意外,不知道发生了什么会让辉夜姬产生这么大变化。UU看书 Nearby Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo saw the doubts of Yamanaka Ryo, with a smile speaking of: „ Mother and Ōtsutsuki Clan head of the clan has some relation, head of the clan Ōtsutsuki Clan died mother immediately on sensation. 一旁的大筒木羽衣看出了山中远的疑惑,笑着说到:“母亲和大筒木一族的族长有某种联系,大筒木一族族长死亡的时候母亲马上就感知到了。 The mother's fear to head of the clan Ōtsutsuki is she violates so many wrong biggest reasons, now the Ōtsutsuki Clan head of the clan died, mother's heart tied also unties. ” 母亲对大筒木族长的恐惧是她犯下这么多错的最大的原因,如今大筒木一族的族长死了,母亲的心结也随之解开了。” Originally is this, that just right, I also planned to display my Plot Armor! Now looked like can save. “原来是这样,那正好,我本来还打算施展我的嘴遁呢!现在看来可以省了。 Then Kaguya, among us agreement whether... ” 那么辉夜姬,我们之间的约定是不是可以...” Kaguya nods, her within the body strips Jūbi (Ten-Tails) on own initiative, Yamanaka Ryo sees that to relax to speak of: Kaguya, the matter of body, troubles you to wait a bit, possibly also needs...” 辉夜姬点点头,主动将十尾她体内剥离,山中远见状松了口气说到:“辉夜姬,身体的事,麻烦你稍等一下,可能还需要...” Does not use, I did not need the body. I they had reached an agreement with Hagoromo a moment ago, I can look at endured the change with them in another world together.” The Kaguya soul left the body of Uchiha Madara, then vanished with Brother Hagoromo. “不用了,我不需要身体了。刚才我已经和羽衣他们说好了,我会和他们一起在另一个世界看着忍界的变化的。”说完辉夜姬的灵魂离开了宇智波斑的身体,然后和羽衣兄弟一起消失了。 Brings back the Uchiha Madara both eyes delay of body to look at Yamanaka Ryo, Yamanaka Ryo sighed, delivered the Uchiha Madara last regulation. 重新拿回身体的宇智波斑双目呆滞看着山中远,山中远叹了口气,送了宇智波斑最后一程。 Hence endured all hidden dangers and issues has solved, Yamanaka Ryo thought that the whole person flash was relaxed. 至此忍界所有的隐患和问题都已经解决了,山中远觉得整个人一瞬间都轻松了。 After he deeply inspires, flickered to move back Yamanaka Clan, here had the person who he loved, with loving his person he went back. 他深吸一口气后,瞬移回了山中一族,这里有他爱的人,和爱他的人在等他回去。 Yamanaka Clan, Yamanaka Nori, Pakura prepared a big table together delicious, Suzune that just went home is eating to the heart's content, at this time Yamanaka Ryo suddenly appeared in the room, looks that own family members showed the bright smile: Mother, Pakura, I came back!” 山中一族,山中菁子,叶仓一起准备了一大桌好吃的,刚回到家的铃音正在大快朵颐,这时候山中远突然出现在房间里,看着自己的家人们露出了灿烂的笑容:“母亲,叶仓,我回来了!”
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