HRP :: Volume #4 忍界巅峰

#566: Terrifying war

Tenseigan (Reincarnation Eyes), nine tomoe samsara Sharingan add on Truth-Seeking Ball (Gedodama) again, facing these enemies, Yamanaka Ryo somewhat feels timid at heart. 转生眼,九勾玉轮回写轮眼再加上求道玉,面对这些的敌人,山中远的心里有些发怵。 But at this moment is not he flinches, today facing the Ōtsutsuki Clan head of the clan only has two results, is not he dies, is Yamanaka Ryo dies. 可事到如今不是他退缩的时候,今天面对大筒木一族的族长只有两个结果,不是他死,就是山中远死。 Among them does not have the personal grudge, but on them shouldered the destinies of two world, therefore only war. 他们之间没有私仇,但是他们两个身上背负了两个世界的命运,因此唯有一战。 Ōtsutsuki Clan head of the clan also very clear this point, after the thick fog wraps his body, he launched the attack toward Yamanaka Ryo directly. 大筒木一族的族长也很清楚这一点,所以在浓雾重新包裹住他的身体以后,他直接朝山中远发动了攻击。 Sees only a blue ray to burst out from the right hand of head of the clan Ōtsutsuki Clan, then the ray lengthens suddenly, divided toward Yamanaka Ryo. 只见一道蓝色的光芒从大筒木一族族长的右手中迸发,然后光芒突然变长,朝山中远劈了下去。 Yamanaka Ryo controls the ice of the world of ice to turn into an ice shield, keeps off in his top of the head. 山中远控制着冰之世界的冰变成一块冰盾牌,挡在他的头顶。 The Ōtsutsuki Clan head of the clan shot a look at an ice shield, sneers, wields the blue ray to divide directly on the ice shield. 大筒木一族的族长瞥了一眼冰盾牌,冷笑一声,直接挥动蓝色的光芒劈在冰盾牌上。 In the blue ray contains the special strength, iced a shield contact to present the crack, the Ōtsutsuki Clan head of the clan lifted the hand to wield the blue ray once again, this chapter of ice shield could not bear the pressure on break to pieces the powder directly. 蓝色光芒中蕴藏着特殊的力量,冰盾牌一接触就出现了裂纹,大筒木一族的族长抬起手又一次挥动蓝色光芒,这回冰盾牌承受不住压力直接碎成了粉末。 One side Yamanaka Ryo sees that flickers to transfer to hastily, the blue ray chops in the world of ice, cut a being too deep to see the bottom crack. 山中远见状连忙瞬移到一边,蓝色的光芒劈在冰之世界的大地上,砍出了一条深不见底的裂缝。 Attracts-” Yamanaka Ryo held breath cold air, he has not thought that head of the clan Ōtsutsuki Clan attacks conveniently has such terrifying strength. “吸-”山中远倒吸了一口凉气,他没想到大筒木一族族长随手的攻击就有这么恐怖的力量。 The Yamanaka Ryo look becomes dignified, his both hands hand seal wild Raiton (Lightning & Thunder Style) Chakra wrapped his body instantaneously, then the endless wind and snow of the world of ice also start to surround in his side, after several seconds, Yamanaka Ryo appears the armor that gradually snow and ice composed. 山中远的神色变得凝重起来,他双手结印狂暴的雷遁查克拉瞬间包裹了他的身体,然后冰之世界的无尽风雪也开始在他身边环绕,几秒钟后山中远渐渐浮现出了一副冰雪组成的铠甲。 Then Raiton (Lightning & Thunder Style) Chakra and Armor of Ice fuse gradually, Yamanaka Ryo armor also turned into the royal purple. 而后雷遁查克拉冰之铠甲渐渐融合,山中远身上的铠甲也变成了蓝紫色。 Raiton (Lightning & Thunder Style) armor + Armor of Ice, this is the strongest defense that Yamanaka Ryo can make at present. 雷遁铠甲+冰之铠甲,这是山中远目前所能制造的最强防御。 The Ōtsutsuki Clan head of the clan first noticed Yamanaka Ryo armor, his brow wrinkled red Truth-Seeking Ball (Gedodama) to float to his right hand near, then Truth-Seeking Ball (Gedodama) was stave, the blue ray bedding bag wrapped up a red thin film. 大筒木一族的族长第一时间就注意到了山中远身上的铠甲,他眉头一皱一枚红色的求道玉漂浮到他右手边,然后求道玉破碎,蓝色的光芒被包裹上了一层红色的薄膜。 The Yamanaka Ryo facial expression is even more serious, he felt the thick threat from this ray, if processing were not good, may die! 山中远的神情越发严肃,他从这道光芒上感觉到了浓浓的威胁,如果处理不好的话,可能会死! Thinks that this Yamanaka Ryo not in hesitant, around his body starts to emit the rime fog, these rime fogs were in his eyes power and body Ice Element of most source composed, the temperature Mugen/infinite has been close to the zero absolute temperature. 想到这山中远也不在犹豫,他的身体四周开始冒出冰雾,这些冰雾是他的瞳力和身体内最本源的冰元素组成了,温度已经无限接近于绝对零度。 A rime fog appearance, its surrounding time as if must stagnate. The Yamanaka Ryo operation rime fog gathers an sword-shaped shape slowly, in the instance of formation, the rime fog froze the space, turned into own sword blade the space. 冰雾一出现,它周围的时间都仿佛要停滞了。山中远操纵冰雾慢慢汇聚成一把剑形状,在成型的瞬间,冰雾冻结了空间,将空间变成了自己的剑身。 The Yamanaka Ryo thought moves, the rime fog sword flies toward the head of the clan of big tung oil tree wooden clan. 山中远意念一动,冰雾剑就朝着大桐木一族的族长飞去。 The Ōtsutsuki Clan head of the clan has not flinched he to control the red and blue colored light glow directly to the rime fog sword. 大筒木一族的族长没有退缩他控制着红蓝色光芒直接对上了冰雾剑。 Both's collision erupted to make the world of entire ice shiver, the Ōtsutsuki Clan head of the clan iced the snow and ice of the world to start by visible Speed to melt, but that side the rime fog sword, the space, the strength of head of the clan Ōtsutsuki Clan was frozen clear snowflake to fall piece by piece. 两者的碰撞爆发让整个冰之世界都颤抖了起来,大筒木一族的族长冰之世界的冰雪开始以肉眼可见的速度消融着,而冰雾剑那边,空间,大筒木一族族长的力量都被冻成了一片片晶莹的雪花落下。 Yamanaka Ryo sees that deeply inspires, the right hand appears Rasengan that becomes by the snow and ice and Chakra gathering, this Rasengan is revolving slowly, eyes power in the world of ice, Spiritual/Mental Strength, nature Chakra along with revolving slow integration Rasengan. 山中远见状深吸一口气,右手浮现出一颗由冰雪和查克拉汇聚而成的螺旋丸,这颗螺旋丸缓慢的旋转着,冰之世界内的瞳力,精神力,自然能量伴随着旋转缓慢的融入螺旋丸中。 As pulling out of these strengths leave, the snow and ice in the world of ice start the large surface area melting. 而随着这些力量的抽离,冰之世界中的冰雪开始大面积融化。 Finally after collecting the strength of the world of less than half ice, snow and ice Rasengan completed finally, Yamanaka Ryo flickers to transfer to with the Ōtsutsuki Clan head of the clan who side the rime fog sword resists directly, was patting to him snow and ice Rasengan. 最终在汇集了小半个冰之世界的力量以后,冰雪螺旋丸终于完成了,山中远直接瞬移到和冰雾剑对抗的大筒木一族的族长身边,将冰雪螺旋丸对着他拍了下去。 After the Ōtsutsuki Clan head of the clan feels the terrifying power of this Rasengan implication , the behind seven Akimichi jade that the complexion big change, he controls kept off in his front. 大筒木一族的族长感受到这颗螺旋丸蕴含的恐怖力量后脸色大变,他控制的身后的七枚秋道玉挡在了他的面前。 Snow and ice Rasengan and Truth-Seeking Ball (Gedodama) bump into, does not have the sound beyond expectation, the fluctuation of no Chakra, two strengths are corroding each other, is also repairing the opposite party to the destruction that oneself bring. 冰雪螺旋丸求道玉相撞,出乎意料没有声音,没有什么能量的波动,两种力量在互相侵蚀对方,同时也在修复对方对自己带来的破坏。 Quick first red Truth-Seeking Ball (Gedodama) broke to pieces, the snow and ice Rasengan volume also reduced, second, finally after third... to seventh Truth-Seeking Ball (Gedodama) disrupts, the snow and ice Rasengan volume also only has the baby fist size. 很快第一颗红色的求道玉碎了,冰雪螺旋丸的体积也缩小了一些,紧接着第二颗,第三颗...到最后第七颗求道玉碎裂以后,冰雪螺旋丸的体积也只剩下婴儿拳头大小了。 Yamanaka Ryo draws close to the instance of head of the clan Ōtsutsuki Clan in snow and ice Rasengan, hidden strength that it only remained. 山中远在冰雪螺旋丸贴近大筒木一族族长的瞬间,隐藏了它仅剩的力量。 In a flash, a huge cold air eruption, the head of the clan complexion big change of Ōtsutsuki Clan, the thick fog of whole body starts the violent fluctuation. 一瞬间,一股巨大的寒气爆发,大筒木一族的族长脸色大变,周身的浓雾开始剧烈的波动起来。 Hesitant, Yamanaka Ryo operated the rime fog sword, was supposing punctures toward the Ōtsutsuki Clan head of the clan forehead, oneself chose the temporary retreat. 犹豫了一下,山中远操纵了冰雾剑,估摸着朝大筒木一族的族长眉心刺去,自己则是选择了暂时后退。 The eruption of snow and ice Rasengan continued for more than ten seconds, these more than ten seconds to Yamanaka Ryo like more than ten years long. 冰雪螺旋丸的爆发持续了十几秒,这十几秒对山中远来说就像十几年一样漫长。 Finally along with conclusion that the ice explodes, head of the clan Ōtsutsuki Clan the thick fog of whole body turned to be frozen grains of clear finely ground particles, from in the air fell, but the Ōtsutsuki Clan head of the clan by the freezing vulture , was also being inserted a sword in his forehead at this time. UU reads 终于伴随着冰爆的结束,大筒木一族族长周身的浓雾变成了被冻成了一粒粒晶莹的小颗粒,从空中落下,而大筒木一族的族长此时也被冻成了冰雕,在他的眉心还插着一把剑。UU看书 Yamanaka Ryo saw that to show the smile, he flickered to move to side head of the clan Ōtsutsuki Clan directly, planned that seized the chance to make up the blade to end this fight. 山中远见状露出了笑容,他直接瞬移大筒木一族族长身边,打算趁机补刀结束这场战斗。 What may make him not think, approached the Ōtsutsuki Clan head of the clan, head of the clan Ōtsutsuki Clan nine tomoe Rinnegan of forehead sends out the ray suddenly, Yamanaka Ryo gawked, next second of feeling at present one black, Yamanaka Ryo in opening eyes detected that own body and soul have separated. 可让他没想到的是,一靠近大筒木一族的族长,大筒木一族族长眉心的九勾玉轮回眼突然发出了光芒,山中远一愣,下一秒感觉眼前一黑,在睁眼的时候山中远发觉自己的身体和灵魂已经分离了。 Naturally, the Ōtsutsuki Clan head of the clan is also the same, body and soul separation. 当然,大筒木一族的族长也一样,身体和灵魂分离了。 „Is this your Rinnegan Dojutsu (Eye Technique)?” Yamanaka Ryo of soul condition asked. “这是你轮回眼瞳术吗?”灵魂状态的山中远问到。 The Ōtsutsuki Clan head of the clan nods: Game must end, told you also to might as well. My Rinnegan Dojutsu (Eye Technique) is the soul peeling, can separate from within the body the soul of enemy forcefully, then Spiritual/Mental Strength of suck dry enemy, expands my own soul, therefore the little darling suffers to death!” 大筒木一族的族长点点头:“游戏就要结束了,告诉你也无妨。我的轮回眼瞳术就是灵魂剥离,可以将敌人的灵魂强行从体内分离,然后吸干敌人的精神力,壮大我自己的灵魂,所以乖乖受死吧!” Yamanaka Ryo hears word sneers: „Does little darling suffer to death? Hehe! You feared that did not lose the wisdom.” 山中远闻言冷笑一声:“乖乖受死?呵呵!你怕不是失了智。” After the Ōtsutsuki Clan head of the clan has not understood Yamanaka Ryo, half a word words, but the taunt in Yamanaka Ryo weapon he understands: You think that depends on you with my soul strength to contend? I lived for several thousand years, the soul is expanding always, are you big?” The Ōtsutsuki Clan head of the clan threw toward Yamanaka Ryo. 大筒木一族的族长没有听懂山中远后半句话,但是山中远武器中的嘲讽他还是明白的:“难道你以为就凭你可以和我的灵魂力量相抗衡吗?我活了几千年,灵魂无时无刻都在壮大,你才多大?”说完大筒木一族的族长朝山中远扑了过去。 Yamanaka Ryo sneered, soul condition he hits a sound to refer , the wind and snow of the world of ice immediately the soul package of head of the clan Ōtsutsuki Clan. 山中远冷笑一声,灵魂状态的他打了个响指,冰之世界的风雪马上将大筒木一族族长的灵魂包裹。 Ōtsutsuki Clan head of the clan cold snort/hum, disregarded these wind and snow to continue toward Yamanaka Ryo to throw. 大筒木一族的族长冷哼一声,无视了这些风雪继续朝山中远扑过来。 May let the matter that he has not thought, without and other soul to Yamanaka Ryo in front, he discovered that own soul received the damage unexpectedly. 可让他没想到的事,没等他的灵魂到山中远面前,他就发现自己的灵魂居然受到了损伤。
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