HSSB :: Volume #16

#1537: Past passing Great Cataclysm

About Heavenly Lord of Supreme Oneness and Salvation from Misery, the powerhouse of Taoism authentic family background, for example Unequalled Holy Mother, naturally is interested. 关于太乙救苦天尊,道门正宗出身的强者,例如无当圣母,自然非常感兴趣。 Before helped Yan Zhaoge they cover up, with the aim of seeking for Fallen Immortal ancient sword, who once thought unexpected beside, practiced fraud comes true unexpectedly. 之前只是帮燕赵歌他们遮掩,以便寻找陷仙古剑,谁曾想出乎预料之外,竟然弄假成真 Unequalled Holy Mother, including Yan Zhaoge and the others, curious Heavenly Lord of Supreme Oneness and Salvation from Misery now whereabouts where. 无当圣母,包括燕赵歌等人在内,也都好奇太乙救苦天尊如今下落何方。 If this ancient Heavenly Lord is also alive, then to the Taoism orthodox school, definitely is the good news. 如果这位古老的天尊还在世,那对道门正宗来说,肯定是好消息。 Although Heavenly Lord of Supreme Oneness and Salvation from Misery the whereabouts is uncertain, conduct low key, but in entire Taoism history, is ranks the front row top Supreme Being. 太乙救苦天尊虽然行踪不定,行事低调,但在整个道门历史上,都是排名前列的顶尖大能 If this ancient Heavenly Lord died, naturally is the sad news, but more early knows that exceed is advantageous for the Yan Zhaoge and the others strain. 如果这位古老的天尊已经陨落,自然是噩耗,但越早知道,越便于燕赵歌等人应变。 If, Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable and Immortal Courtyard are not also, therefore cloth diversion, that Heavenly Lord of Supreme Oneness and Salvation from Misery truly will not be Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable.” Yan Zhaoge rubs own temple gently, muttered. “如果,无量天尊仙庭不是也在故布疑阵的话,那太乙救苦天尊确实不会是无量天尊。”燕赵歌轻轻搓揉自己的太阳穴,喃喃自语。 Feng Yunsheng, Yan Di and Gao Qingxuan also slight bow. 封云笙燕狄高清漩也都微微点头。 Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable can step forward that last step with the aid of Human Primordial Stone, explained that his originally is Taoism cream of the crop Great Encompassing Heavenly Immortal. 无量天尊能借助人元石跨出那最后一步,说明他本就道门最顶尖大罗天仙 The candidates without doubt are limited. 人选无疑还是有限的。 After Three Pure Ones founder above worldly matters, generally speaking, Taoism first expert naturally is Great Heavenly Lord of Jade Sovereign. 三清祖师超脱后,一般而言,道门第一高手自然玉皇大天尊 Beside Great Heavenly Lord of Jade Sovereign, the Heavenly Court No. 2 character of recognition, is Middle Heaven Purple Tenuity of the North Pole Star Grand Sovereign Great Emperor of head of Four Augusts, is Purple Tenuity Great Emperor. 玉皇大天尊之外,公认的天庭第二号人物,乃是四御之首的中天紫微北极太皇大帝,也就是紫微大帝 Heavenly Lord of Supreme Oneness and Salvation from Misery year to year does not station in Heavenly Court Divine Palace, moves fast unpredictable, but includes the South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor Heavenly Court Divine Palace powerhouse, then mostly approves the Heavenly Lord of Supreme Oneness and Salvation from Misery strength, weakly will not be the group star main Purple Tenuity Great Emperor. 太乙救苦天尊常年不在天庭神宫驻留,飘忽难测,但包括南极长生大帝在内的天庭神宫强者,则大多认可太乙救苦天尊的实力,不会弱于身为群星之主的紫微大帝 Grand Saint of Nine Spirits in Monster Race Great Saint is the ruthless role that have several, but initially was also surrendered by Heavenly Lord of Supreme Oneness and Salvation from Misery. 九灵元圣妖族大圣中是有数的狠角色,但当初也被太乙救苦天尊降服。 But Heavenly Lord of Supreme Oneness and Salvation from Misery year to year pays no attention to the Heavenly Court business, unusual take action, therefore appears mysterious. 只不过太乙救苦天尊常年不理天庭事务,也少有出手,所以显得神秘。 Beside Three Pure Ones legacy and Heavenly Court Divine Palace, other Taoism top great people have with the Master Zhenyuan of world with Monarch, as well as Queen Mother of the West. 三清嫡传天庭神宫之外,道门其他顶尖大人物还有与世同君的镇元子,以及西王母 Master Zhenyuan was needless saying that with the world with Monarch, only respected Great Way. 镇元子自不用多说,与世同君,只敬大道 As for Queen Mother of the West, usually resided in legendary Western Kunlun, faces each other across a great distance with Eastern Kunlun that Jade Pure legacy occupies, is called Golden Mother of the Jade Lake, has the world Head of Female Immortals reputation. 至于西王母,素来居于传说中西昆仑,同玉清嫡传所居的东昆仑遥遥相对,又被称为瑶池金母,有天下女仙之首的美誉。 Also there are to call her Lady Queen Mother, but she and Great Heavenly Lord of Jade Sovereign may really not be husbands and wives, is not a Heavenly Court Divine Palace people. 也有称呼她王母娘娘的,不过她和玉皇大天尊可真的不是夫妻,也非天庭神宫中人。 The words that must speak , the remote Immemorial time, had the hearsay in years past she and Immemorial Three Sovereigns take a walk common. 真要说的话,昔年久远的太古时代,有传闻她与太古三皇常有走动。 After Immemorial, Queen Mother of the West is the same with Master Zhenyuan, most of the time becomes a standard, is different from Three Pure Ones legacy and Heavenly Court Divine Palace. 太古之后,西王母镇元子一样,大多数时候自成一格,有别于三清嫡传天庭神宫 However relatively speaking, she and relations of other Heavenly Court Divine Palace Taoism Supreme Being, are closer than Master Zhenyuan. 不过相对而言,她与天庭神宫其他道门大能的联系,比镇元子更密切一些。 Therefore, Purple Tenuity Great Emperor, Heavenly Lord of Supreme Oneness and Salvation from Misery, Master Zhenyuan and Queen Mother of the West, generally speaking, are considered as under Great Heavenly Lord of Jade Sovereign by individual strength theory, Taoism cream of the crop several Supreme Being powerhouses, besides Purple Tenuity Great Emperor, each one are Earlier Heaven live, incomparably ancient existence. 于是,紫微大帝,太乙救苦天尊,镇元子西王母,一般来说,被认为是玉皇大天尊之下以个人实力论,道门最顶尖的几位大能强者,除了紫微大帝以外,个个都是先天而生,无比古老的存在。 If must give the Great Encompassing powerhouse through the ages to arrange a seating order, then can compete under Way Realm besides Great Heavenly Lord of Jade Sovereign the first person of throne, these four Taoism Supreme Being powerhouses, hopefully sprints the first ten candidate. 如果要给古往今来的大罗强者排一个座次,那么除了玉皇大天尊可以竞争道境之下第一人的宝座外,这四位道门大能强者,也都是有希望冲刺前十之列的人选。 Even if Three Pure Ones founder above worldly matters, the power of Taoism, can thus be inferred in years past. 哪怕三清祖师超脱,昔年道门之强盛,由此可见一斑。 In addition, Dīpankara daoist is the Ancient Buddha incarnation, the Daoist Lu Ya foot cross [say / way], Buddha and monster Three Families, to often not regard them by pure Taoism Supreme Being. 此外,燃灯道人古佛化身,陆压道人则足跨道、佛、妖三家,是以往往不以纯粹的道门大能来看待他们。 But Medieval Era studies the Thoughtless Extinguishing Primordial Scripture Heavenly Lord of the Countless Treasures unusual present world, everybody touches does not permit his strength change, let alone now known his Medieval Era first year then falls from the sky. 中古纪元修习混灭元经多宝天尊少有现世,大家都摸不准他的实力变化,更何况如今已知他中古纪元初年便陨落了。 Except for Heavenly Lord of the Countless Treasures, being worth mentioning also has Grand Pure Head Apprentice Great Master Xuan Dou and Jade Pure legacy most splendid descendant Yang Jian. 除了多宝天尊,值得一提的还有太清首徒玄都大法师玉清嫡传最出色的传人杨戬 However former unusual take action, is extremely hard to speculate similarly mystically. 不过前者少有出手,同样太过神秘难以推测。 Latter success splendid strength is powerful, dominates above many Earlier Heaven Supreme Being with the body of Purple Tenuity Great Emperor same Later Heaven, but when initially Great Cataclysm once came. 后者战绩彪炳实力强悍,和紫微大帝一样后天之身凌驾许多先天大能之上,但在当初大破灭的时候曾经现身。 At that time, Great Cataclysm started, Heavenly Court Divine Palace early collapse most, the Yang Jian midway meddled to enter the war, although is missing now, but then whereabouts was quite clear. 彼时,大破灭已经开始,天庭神宫崩灭大半,杨戬中途才插手参战,虽然如今下落不明,但当时的行踪较为清晰。 When Yan Zhaoge main body one line of harvest Fallen Immortal ancient sword successfully, returns to Heavenly Awakening Universe time, his North Deep Doppelgänger, at present another spacial region space and time. 燕赵歌本尊一行人成功收获陷仙古剑,返回天苏宇宙的时候,他的北冥分身,眼下正在另一方宇域时空。 Really gets stronger and stronger, is only besides Dīpankara Ancient Buddha, does not know that who Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss Pure Land can be comes fight recklessly Grand Saint of Nine Spirits.” The North Deep Doppelgänger line of sight looks to the distant place. “果然愈演愈烈,只是除了燃灯上古佛以外,不知西天极乐净土会是谁来硬拼九灵元圣。”北冥分身视线望向远方。 In there, has been able to see the chaotic light class to interlock, breaks the space and time, crushes the stars, performs an intense war. 在那里,已经能见纷乱的光流交错,打破时空,粉碎星辰,上演一场激烈的大战。 The North Deep Doppelgänger at this moment environment, is actually a side light cyan world, same outside endless void isolates. 北冥分身此刻所处的环境,却是一方淡青色的世界,同外界无尽虚空隔离开来。 However, outside is indiscoverable, here has the universe. 不过,外面却难以发现,这里另有乾坤。 In the light cyan world, sword qi is dense, is spectacular. 淡青色的世界里,剑气森森,却又气象万千。 After North Deep Doppelgänger is looking at the distant place observation moment, asked in a soft voice: Empress Holy Mother, about Heavenly Lord of Supreme Oneness and Salvation from Misery whether still exists in this in society, still isn't at present able to determine?” 北冥分身望着远方观察片刻后,轻声问道:“圣母娘娘,关于太乙救苦天尊是否还存在于这世间,目前仍然无法确定吗?” This side sword qi melts the world, impressively Unequalled Holy Mother obviously handiwork. 这方剑气所化天地,赫然正是无当圣母显化的手笔 At this moment, a sound resounds in the Yan Zhaoge's North Deep Doppelgänger ear, the syllable is strange, but can make Yan Zhaoge understand meaning. 此刻,一个声音在燕赵歌的北冥分身耳边响起,音节古怪玄奥,但偏偏能让燕赵歌理解其中意思。 Chaos get up suddenly, at that time Jade Gate presently in Heavenly Court, suppresses entire sky, we were also affected, when revolt, the strength of suppression suddenly was weak.” “大乱骤起,彼时一座玉门现于天庭,镇压诸天,吾等也受影响,正待反抗时,镇压之力却忽地弱了。” Past the disorder, starting from Heavenly Court Divine Palace without doubt, my un- earliest possible time personally experienced, at that time the scene in Heavenly Court Divine Palace, all stemmed from South Pole and North Star two Fellow Daoist to consider afterward.” “昔日乱象,始自天庭神宫无疑,吾未第一时间亲身经历,当时天庭神宫里的情景,皆源于事后南极勾陈二位道友相告。” Unequalled Holy Mother said: „According to them, Jade Gate swayed suddenly fiercely, in the gate had the person's shadow to be partly visible, was difficult to distinguish the status, even the population was hard to determine.” 无当圣母言道:“据他们所言,玉门忽然剧烈摇晃,门内有人影若隐若现,难辨身份,甚至人数都难以确定。” All matters, only in suddenly, after Jade Gate sways, South Pole, North Star and Queen of the Earth planned that enters Jade Gate to find out, but Lord Buddha Maitreya arrived at this time suddenly, a palm covers Heavenly Court Divine Palace.” “一切事情,都只在瞬息间,玉门摇晃后,南极勾陈后土都打算进入玉门一探究竟,但这时弥勒尊佛祖突然到来,一掌笼罩天庭神宫。” Yan Zhaoge calmly listens respectfully, in the mind appears oneself to remember, that terror is peerless, palm of dropping from the clouds. 燕赵歌静静聆听,脑海中重新浮现自己记忆中,那恐怖绝伦,从天而降的手掌。 He is in the Scriptures Pavilion Pavilion Spirit memory, does not have existence of that leaf of Jade Gate, wants to come is because was suppressed at that time, thought not spirit reason. 他身为藏经阁阁灵的记忆里,没有那扇玉门的存在,想来便是因为当时遭到镇压,念头不灵的缘故。 But Hall of Pills Palace Spirit, instead because in near by, therefore before feeling Jade Gate appears, matter initial clue. 丹殿殿灵,反而因为就在左近,于是感受到玉门出现前,事情最初的端倪。 Later, because is just near from Jade Gate, therefore Hall of Pills escapes death by a hair's breadth when Future Buddha take action. 之后,也正因为距离玉门较近,所以丹殿才在未来佛祖出手时幸免于难。 Heavenly Court Divine Palace, really perishes at the civil strife. 天庭神宫,果然亡于内乱。 When thinks back on oneself previously greatly noisy Immortal Courtyard, by Jade Gate that white lotus blocks, can want to see, Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable, is really born in Pre-Great Cataclysm. 遥想自己先前大闹仙庭时,被白莲挡住的玉门,可以想见,无量天尊,果然是在大破灭前诞生。 Perhaps, to prevent the birth of Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable, Future Buddha attacks Heavenly Court. 或许,就是为了阻止无量天尊的诞生,未来佛祖才袭击天庭 Although what a pity, was disturbed continuously, but Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable successfully arrives at this world, later the war with Future Buddha, hits Heaven Falls and Earth Rends unceasingly, the war influence expands, until is not restrainable, sweeps across entire entire world Great Thousand. 可惜,虽然连续受到干扰,但无量天尊还是成功降临此世,之后同未来佛祖的大战,打得天崩地裂,战局影响不断扩大,直到不可抑制,席卷整个寰宇大千 The increasing number of people or initiative or are involved in the flames of war passively, the casualty is serious. 越来越多的人或主动或被动卷入战火,死伤惨重。 The final result, is that Great Cataclysm, nearly has changed the world again. 最后的结果,便是那场大破灭,近乎重换了天地。
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