HSSB :: Volume #12

#1161: The mother and child meet

Yan Zhaoge speeds along the road, how in the heart while calculates then should do. 燕赵歌一边在路上飞驰,心中一边盘算接下来该怎么做。 Goes to Jade Green Stream Heaven naturally is the single layer choice, but, how Yan Zhaoge does not plan to do unless it is absolutely essential. 投奔碧游天自然是一重选择,不过不到万不得已,燕赵歌不打算怎么做。 Did not say actually travels to lose face, but since has managed in Realm Above the Realm, Sect development, personal connection relation wait / etc.. 倒是不说跑路丢面子,而是一直以来都在界上界经营,宗门发展,人脉联系等等。 Now makes a fresh start, rather was a pity. 如今另起炉灶,未免可惜。 Especially the accident is hasty, is hard to be complete various aspects, unavoidably cannot attend to one thing without losing track of another thing. 尤其事发仓促,难以周全各方面,难免顾此失彼。 Let alone, will make Sword Sovereign Yue Zhenbei difficult to do. 更别说,会让剑皇越震北难做。 Yan Zhaoge, with the aid of Opening the Primordial Sword, just now kills Wang Zhengcheng and black clothed Brocade Emperor after all, the death of Wang Zhengcheng, Jade Capital Cliff cannot be inseparable from eventually. 燕赵歌,毕竟是借助开元剑,方才杀伤王正成和黑衣锦帝,王正成之死,玉京岩终究脱不了干系。 Taoism has a hundred things to do, sovereign is rare, the core conflict that if may solve all, Earth Sovereign and Hidden Sovereign will not attempt to encircle kill Sword Sovereign. 道门百废待兴,皇者难得,如无不可化解的核心冲突,地皇隐皇不会尝试围杀剑皇 However, Sword Sovereign must try complete direct disciple Wang Pu and Nie Jingshen and the others. 但是,剑皇必然要设法周全自己门下弟子王普聂惊神等人 The words that the Yan Zhaoge whole family racket the buttocks travel, contradictory shifts to Sword Sovereign with Earth Sovereign, Sword Sovereign was equal to that was a scapegoat for Yan Zhaoge. 燕赵歌一家人拍拍屁股跑路的话,矛盾就转移到剑皇地皇之间,剑皇等于替燕赵歌背锅了。 Although Sword Sovereign for the Supreme Lord of the Gold Luminary Venus reason, has taken on this responsibility for Yan Family mostly. 虽然剑皇为了金曜太白上尊的缘故,多半就替燕家担了这层干系。 But Yan Zhaoge cannot regard as satisfied this, matter that should should divide. 可是燕赵歌不能将这视为心安理得,应该应分的事情。 However, no matter what, Yan Zhaoge must try to determine the Xue Chuqing safety first. 不过,不管怎么说,燕赵歌要先设法确定雪初晴的安危。 Xue Chuqing safe and sound naturally is the best result, but thinks that later accidentally meets, Yan Zhaoge somewhat is unavoidably awkward. 雪初晴安然无恙当然是最好的结果,只是想到稍后万一见面,燕赵歌难免有些尴尬。 To be honest, to him, oneself this mother, like a mark, or looks like a story, many have looked like a living person. 说心里话,对他而言,自己这位娘亲,像一个符号,或者说像一个故事,多过像一个活生生的人。 Although has seen the image, knows the Daoist priest anything appearance, even the heart deep place also had the several points of memory of childhood. 虽然见过图像,知道长什么模样,甚至心底深处还有儿时的几分记忆。 But said strictly words that this is he usually has not sought actually a meeting, person who truly has not had to do. 但严格说起来的话,这其实是一个他素未谋面,从没有真正打过交道的人。 Is other any person, this is an old lady, this is very awkward. 是别的什么人也就罢了,偏偏这是老娘,这就很尴尬。 Yan Zhaoge now is very deep with the Yan Di sentiment, with Ah Hu, with Yuan Zhengfeng, with Xu Fei, is as for their friendship is significant with Fang Zhun, Sikong Qing and Fu Enshu. 燕赵歌现在同燕狄感情很深厚,同阿虎,同元正峰,同徐飞,乃至于同方准司空晴傅恩书他们都情谊匪浅。 But this is establishes in foundation that in everybody these many year repeated difficulties walk together, from morning until evening relative, fortune and misfortune and altogether. 但这是建立在大家这么多年一起风风雨雨走过来的基础上,朝夕相对,祸福与共。 Back then when the Eight Extremities World consciousness just regained consciousness, was also together with Yan Di and Ah Hu for several months quick six months, gradually eliminated awkwardly and cautiously. 想当年在八极大世界意识刚刚苏醒的时候,同燕狄阿虎也是相处了几个月快半年的时间,才渐渐消去尴尬和小心翼翼。 Now, all these could come, Yan Zhaoge is quite helpless. 如今,这一切可能又要重新来一遍,燕赵歌颇为无奈。 When Xue Chuqing with Yan Zhaoge torn, Yan Zhaoge also extremely young, until now many years passed by. 虽然雪初晴燕赵歌骨肉分离时,燕赵歌还极为年幼,时至今日已经多年过去。 But after all blood is thicker than water. 但毕竟血浓于水。 Yan Zhaoge really felt that somewhat is hard to balance discretion. 燕赵歌实在感觉有些难以拿捏其中的分寸。 He had not experienced similar situation before. 他以前也没经历过类似情况啊。 How to display before the bystander, easy to do. 在外人面前如何表现,好办。 Is related to mother safety, leave alone is the separate many years, Yan Zhaoge naturally must whole-heartedly. 事关母亲安危,别管是不是失散多年,燕赵歌自然要全力以赴。 Let alone, Yan Di must certainly go all out. 更何况,燕狄肯定要拼命的。 Yan Zhaoge is strange with Xue Chuqing, but these years with Yan Di's sentiment deep. 燕赵歌雪初晴陌生,但这些年来同燕狄的感情实打实的深厚。 With Xue Chuqing, unavoidably somewhat is face-to-face awkward. 只是,同雪初晴面对面,就难免有些尴尬。 At present the situation is very happen to urgent, after meeting, sent regards simply, then decisively discussed the proper business!” The Yan Zhaoge right fist pounds in the left hand palm: First discussed the proper business, managed proper business, could not attend to the private affair, later can in being together process, gradually be slowly familiar.” “正好眼下事态很紧急,一见面之后,简单问候一下,然后就果断谈正事!”燕赵歌右拳捣在左手掌心里:“先谈正事,办正事,就顾不上私事了,以后可以在慢慢相处过程中,渐渐熟悉。” Actually, he regarding the parental kinship, the innermost feelings longs for very much, therefore initially can so be about not to have the barrier with Yan Di. 其实,他对于父母亲情,内心很渴望,所以当初才能同燕狄那么快没了隔阂。 Um, such manages.” Yan Zhaoge nods again and again, for own wise resolution happily. “嗯,就这么办。”燕赵歌连连点头,为自己的英明决断得意不已。 Then sees the distant place suddenly to have brilliance to flash through. 然后就见远方突然有光华闪过。 The feeling aura, Yan Zhaoge then knows that is Yan Di. 感受其中气息,燕赵歌便知道那是燕狄 Obviously, after Eastern Blue Heaven Realm that side matter has result, Yan Di is with Yan Zhaoge similar thoughts. 显然,东方苍天境那边事情有结果后,燕狄是同燕赵歌类似的心思。 Knew that after Yan Zhaoge pursues Wang Zhengcheng is returning to Realm Above the Realm, Yan Di also first to Central Honour Heaven Realm catches up. 得知燕赵歌追着王正成重返界上界后,燕狄也第一时间向中央钧天境这边赶来。 The both sides front surface meets by chance, Yan Zhaoge only sees a Yan Di person of form, slightly is startled. 双方迎面相逢,燕赵歌只见到燕狄一人身影,不由微微一惊。 But sees on oneself father face not sad look, the joyous feelings in the foreheads instead not being able to suppress, Yan Zhaoge puts down the heart. 但见自家老爹脸上并无悲伤神色,眉宇间反而压不住的喜悦之情,燕赵歌又放下心。 Father, this is...” East Yan Zhaoge takes a look, the west has a look: „, I... My mother? All right?” “老爹,这是…”燕赵歌东瞅瞅,西看看:“呃,我…我娘亲呢?没事吧?” Yan Di sizes up Yan Zhaoge one up and down, sees Yan Zhaoge is also the appearance of not being affected much, then said with a smile: All right, promptness that I arrive, has cut that Taoist Heavenly Unity.” 燕狄上下打量燕赵歌一眼,见燕赵歌也是无大碍的模样,便笑道:“没事,我到的及时,斩了那天一道人。” His face appearance with a smile, entire life hard to see, making Yan Zhaoge express admiration. 他一脸笑吟吟的模样,生平少见,让燕赵歌啧啧称奇。 As for your mother...” Yan Di cannot help smiling: She is some near nostalgia is timid, does not know how should face you...” “至于你的娘亲嘛…”燕狄忍俊不禁:“她是有些近乡情怯,不知该如何面对你…” The voice has not fallen, a female voice spreads from void in: My where has? Now the situation is not clear, I am busy calculating the countermeasure!” 话音未落,一个女子声音自虚空中传出:“我哪有?只是如今局势不明朗,我忙着在盘算对策罢了!” Yan Zhaoge is startled, this excuse and mentality, are quite familiar... 燕赵歌一怔,这说辞和思路,好熟悉啊… Yan Di top of the head Grand Simplicity Splendour Cloud, as if the lotus flower is in full bloom. 燕狄头顶太易华云,仿佛莲花般盛开。 In the flower petal of numerous nebula, a female leaps, arrives in front of Yan Zhaoge. 重重星云似的花瓣中,一个女子从中一跃而出,来到燕赵歌面前。 Yan Zhaoge fixes the eyes on to look that sees only that female seems 30 years old appearances, the appearance is simple and beautiful, makings tall magnificence. 燕赵歌定睛看去,只见那女子看上去30岁许模样,容颜清丽,气质高华。 Yan Zhaoge already does not know that has looked at many images Xue Chuqing appearances. 正是燕赵歌早已不知看过多少次影像的雪初晴的模样。 But Xue Chuqing in image seems pair of ten time passages, now multi- one point is mature. 只不过影像中的雪初晴看上去不过双十年华,现在多一点成熟。 Compares in the image, the honorable person adds the elegant demeanor, the vision is nimble and resourceful, seems to be several points of intelligent and crafty, but the bright atmosphere, appears several points sparsely puts. 相较于影像,真人更添风采,目光灵动,似有几分慧黠,但又明朗大气,显出几分疏放。 Mother... Kisses?” Yan Zhaoge braces oneself, some egg pain probes calling out. “娘…亲?”燕赵歌硬着头皮,有些蛋疼的试探着叫道。 Although Xue Chuqing a natural appearance, but is stealing actually also a glance observes Yan Zhaoge, is contrary to her elegant demeanor said dry: Zhaoge, you so were big...” 雪初晴虽然一副大方模样,但其实也在偷眼观察燕赵歌,有违她风采的干巴巴说道:“赵歌,你都这么大了…” Obviously, she suddenly some do not know how should face one already the grown son. 显然,她一时间也有些不知该如何面对一个早已成年的儿子。 In the past she left, Yan Zhaoge was three -year-old baby. 当年她离开的时候,燕赵歌还是个三岁大的小娃娃。 These years she alone roams about, when besides disguise camouflage, daily life actually with the past young girl the difference is not big, suddenly are many such big age child, she also needs to select the temporal adaptation. 这些年来她独自流浪,除了乔装伪装以外,日常生活其实同当年少女时差别不大,突然多出这么大岁数的孩儿,她也需要点时间适应。 Although occasionally heard Yan Zhaoge fathers and sons news for these years, in her heart joyful, with having glory. 虽然这几年偶尔听到燕赵歌父子消息,她心中喜悦,与有荣焉。 May truly time face-to-face, in the Xue Chuqing heart somewhat is also frightened. 可真正面对面的时候,雪初晴心中也有些惶然。 Somewhat guilty. 有些愧疚。 Torn many years, the sons so were big, oneself in the side, from had not performed to making mother's duty, to oneself is the regrettable matter, is unfair to the son. 骨肉分离多年,儿子都这么大了,自己一直不在身边,从没尽到做母亲的义务,对自己来说是憾事,对儿子也非常不公平。 Pursues everywhere by Realm Above the Realm and Immortal Courtyard becomes a fugitive, Xue Chuqing is without turning a hair. 界上界仙庭追得到处逃亡,雪初晴都面不改色。 But faces Yan Zhaoge at this moment, some of her really Ma Claw. 可这一刻面对燕赵歌,她是真的有些麻爪。 Yan Zhaoge actually also similar... 燕赵歌其实也差不多… Was right, side matter we later again said.” Yan Zhaoge decided that comes according to own repertoire: I just killed Earth Supreme Wang Zhengcheng, the matter have implicated am not young, how the damage control, we must take a regulation to come out as soon as possible!” “对了,旁的事咱们稍后再说。”燕赵歌还是决定按照自己的套路来:“我刚刚干掉了地至尊王正成,事情牵连不小,如何善后,我们还需尽快拿个章程出来!” But almost with Yan Zhaoge with one voice, Xue Chuqing also said: „The feeling at parting we later again narrated since parting, this time matter, the opposite party will not give up, we must provide for a rainy day...” 而几乎与燕赵歌异口同声,雪初晴也说道:“别后离情咱们稍后再叙,这次的事情,对方不会善罢甘休,我们还需未雨绸缪…” Speaking of the halfway, mother and child could not be justified, suddenly was dumbfounded. 说到半路,母子二人都说不下去了,一时间大眼瞪小眼儿。 Nearby Yan Di, throws one to smile to make noise. 旁边的燕狄,扑哧一下笑出声来。
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