HSH :: Volume #7

#656: My Mulan! Empress Medusa!( Asked monthly ticket)

Before jumping, Shen Lang has thought many results. 跳下去之前,沈浪想过很多种结果。 But the result is...... absolutely does not have the result. 但结果是……完全没有结果。 No response! 没有任何反应! He floats in deep well the water of soul, motionless. 他就这么漂浮在深井的灵魂之水中,一动不动。 Has not unravelled, has not conducted the sensibility of high rank dragon. 没有灰飞烟灭,也没有进行高阶龙之感悟。 Shen Lang entered the boundary of sensibility of dragon, as before does not have any response, as if nothing happened general. 沈浪进入了龙之感悟的境界,依旧没有任何反应,就仿佛什么都没有发生一般。 Can see as before is the water of inexhaustible soul, is too deep to see the bottom, really felt that goes nonstop to the hell. 所能看到的依旧是无穷无尽的灵魂之水,深不见底,真的感觉直通地狱。 More than 10,000 people who Gang Yi brings plunge into this Inaida, unravelled. Finally Gang Yi also jump, unravelled. 冈一带来的一万多人跳入这口井内,灰飞烟灭了。最后冈一自己也跳进来,灰飞烟灭了。 After only Shen Lang jumps, does not have any change, does not have any feeling. 唯独沈浪跳进来之后,没有任何变化,没有任何感觉。 He calmly lies down in the water of soul, is looking up to the sky. 他静静地躺在灵魂之水中,仰望着天空。 No, here does not even have the sky, eternal aloneness. 不,这里甚至都没有天空,只有永恒的孤寂。 At this time Shen Lang almost knows where in this well the water of 2/3 soul come, one was the antiquity bright king, one was mother of dragon. Was in antiquity prison 3 and No. 4 prisoner. 此时沈浪差不多知道这口井里面三分之二的灵魂之水是哪里来的了,一个是上古明王,一个是龙之母。就是上古监狱里面的三号和四号囚犯。 Before Shen Lang, has been strange, if the antiquity bright king knows that the sensibility of high rank dragon, why doesn't teach Shen Lang directly? 沈浪之前一直非常奇怪,如果上古明王知道高阶龙之感悟,为何不直接教给沈浪呢? Now he understood. 现在他明白了。 Completes the soul psychic force that the sensibility of high rank dragon needs is the astronomical figures, moreover needed greatly to sacrifice and offer sacrifices. 完成高阶龙之感悟需要的灵魂精神力是天文数字,而且需要巨大的牺牲和献祭。 What is most essential, Shen Lang must sense personally, takes the investments of 100% body and mind and soul. 最最关键的是,沈浪要亲自去感悟,要百分之百身心和灵魂的投入。 Shen Lang had asked Gang Yi, you thought that what the sensibility of high rank dragon is? Gang Yi said that does not know. 沈浪曾经问过冈一,你觉得高阶龙之感悟是什么?冈一说不知道。 Shen Lang the innermost feelings were similar at this time some guess, that was the life and death! 沈浪此时内心仿佛有了一个猜测,那就是生死! Sensibility life and death! 感悟生死! This sounds mysterious, but as if moves toward the powerful road which must be taken. 这听上去玄而又玄,但仿佛是走向强大的必经之路。 Jiang Li arrives now powerful limitlessly, what are the significant features? He completely understood the life and death, even subverted the life and death. 姜离如今强大到无边无际,有一个重要特点是什么?他看透了生死,甚至颠覆了生死。 What is the hell crystal? To a certain extent, it was the synonym of death. 什么是地狱晶体?某种程度上,它就是死亡的代名词。 Penetrates into the hell, comprehends death, then Nirvana. 深入到地狱,去参悟死亡,进而涅槃。 Life and death weapon, utilizes such as the hot ultramarine in the Jiang Li hand, he stripped the life and death, made several hundred thousand antiquity human soul evade big to extinguish. He even made oneself life and death to subvert, made him almost rule the whole world now. 生死这个武器,在姜离手中运用得如火纯青,他就是剥离了生死,才让几十万上古人类灵魂躲过了大涅灭。他甚至制造了自己的生死颠覆,才使得他如今几乎统治了整个世界。 The life and death in his hands, becomes the fatal weapon. 生死在他手中,成为了致命的武器。 Therefore, the sensibility of so-called high rank dragon, comprehends the life and death, grasped the strength of true death? 所以,所谓的高阶龙之感悟,是不是参悟生死,掌握真正死亡的力量? If Shen Lang’s guessed does not have the mistake, the antiquity bright king, after mother of dragon helped the Shen Lang Nirvana promote the perfect body, these two arrived at the antiquity Great Tribulation Temple ruins, offered sacrifices own soul, fulled floaded operation 2/3 this deep well. 如果沈浪的猜测没有错误,上古明王,龙之母帮助沈浪涅槃升级了完美躯体之后,这两人就来到了上古大劫寺遗址,献祭了自己的灵魂,把这口深井灌满了三分之二。 If that was true, that makes Shen Lang breathe out implores. 如果真是这样的话,那就让沈浪嘘吁不已。 These two person Shen Lang have not seen, but was actually Shen Lang offered all. 这两个人沈浪从来都没有见过,但是却为沈浪献出了一切。 But is insufficient, the soul that the sensibility of high rank dragon needs offered sacrifices is really many, was the sensibility of middle rank dragon needs the soul spirit innumerable continued. 但还是不够,高阶龙之感悟需要的灵魂献祭实在是太多了,是中阶龙之感悟所需要灵魂精神的无数倍不止。 Gang Yi adds on 10,000 people of offering sacrifices, almost does not have any function. 冈一加上一万人的献祭,几乎没有任何作用。 But this well the water of soul has not filled, cannot conduct the sensibility of dragon, then remaining should 1/3, whom make overbrim? 而这口井的灵魂之水没有满,就不能进行龙之感悟,那么剩下的三分之一,应该让谁来注满? In this world whose soul strength can this situation, with the antiquity bright king, mother of dragon post powerful? 这个世界上有谁的灵魂力能够强大到这个地步,与上古明王,龙之母并列? Dark empress? 黑暗女皇? No, she is not good! 不,她不行! First she by the Jiang Li captive, is been impossible to get out of trouble. Moreover her soul strength is far from enough. 首先她已经被姜离俘虏了,不可能脱困的。而且她的灵魂力量远远不够。 Can fill up this well remaining 1/3 to only have one only, that is the soul of Empress Medusa! 唯一能够填满这口井剩下三分之一只有一个,那就是美杜莎女皇的灵魂! She is in this world a psychic force most powerful person. 她是这个世界上精神力最强大的一个人。 Jiang Xie can complete the sensibility of high rank dragon, reason that can such great strength, be able to lead several hundred thousand souls to cross antiquity big to extinguish, Empress Medusa the weight/quantity is indispensable. 姜歇之所以能够完成高阶龙之感悟,之所以能够如此之强大,能够带领几十万灵魂渡过上古大涅灭,其中美杜莎女皇分量不可或缺。 He first conquered the body and mind of Empress Medusa, gained all her spiritual sensibility, all energy cognition, and grasped staring of god. 他先征服了美杜莎女皇的身心,获取了她所有的精神感悟,所有的能量认知,并且掌握了神之凝视。 Finally, he thought staring to turn into the fossil Empress Medusa. 最后,他用神之凝视把美杜莎女皇变成了化石。 Then soul of Empress Medusa in? Psychic force also in? 那么美杜莎女皇的灵魂在在不在?精神力还在不在? Shen Lang feels supposed, otherwise that two eyes of her statue are impossible always to release the energetic information, impossible every day to perform the mirage light screen. 沈浪觉得应该是在的,否则她雕像的那两只眼睛不可能时时刻刻释放出精神信息,不可能每天都上演海市蜃楼光幕。 However Shen Lang went to Devil Triangle, that giant Empress Medusa the statue has disappeared. 但是沈浪去过魔鬼大三角,那个巨大的美杜莎女皇雕像已经不见了。 Where did it go to? Carried off by Jiang Li? 它去了哪里?是被姜离带走了? Was lost the monster master to walk? 还是被失落妖母带走了? Shen Lang favors the latter, Empress Medusa loses the god in empire, loses the monster female and innumerable sea monsters leave, certainly will carry off the empress statue, how does the only difficult problem carry off? 沈浪倾向于后者,美杜莎女皇是失落帝国的神,失落妖母和无数海怪离开的时候,一定会带走女皇雕像的,唯一的难题是如何带走? If all expected like Shen Lang, where then lost the monster master the innumerable sea monsters to migrate? 如果一切如同沈浪预料,那么失落妖母带着无数海怪迁移去了哪里? At that time Shen Lang let lose the monster mother to walk immediately, left by far, goes to the place that a anybody could not find. Shen Lang does not know where they should go, but loses the monster mother not to know. 当时沈浪让失落妖母立刻走,远远离开,去一个任何人都找不到的地方。沈浪不知道它们应该去哪里,而失落妖母也不知道。 Therefore, where should go to look for the statue of Empress Medusa? 所以,该去哪里找美杜莎女皇的雕像? But even found, what to do should also? 而就算找到了,又该怎么办? His statue to Empress Medusa said, asked your Her Imperial Majesty, to save the world, please sacrifice yourself, offered sacrifices own soul, making me complete the sensibility of high rank dragon. 难道他对美杜莎女皇的雕像说,求求您女皇陛下,为了拯救世界,请您牺牲自己,献祭出自己的灵魂吧,让我完成高阶龙之感悟。 In the past Jiang Xie Crown Prince has deceived her one time, making her sacrifice one time, but the good and evil also had the love. Empress Medusa definitely is loves Jiang Xie bone to inter the body, will be willing to offer all her. 当年姜歇太子已经欺骗过她一次,让她牺牲了一次,但好歹还有爱情。美杜莎女皇肯定是爱姜歇入骨,才会舍得献出自己的一切。 What relations do Empress Medusa and Shen Lang have? The little relations do not have. 美杜莎女皇和沈浪之间又有什么关系?一点点关系都没有。 Why does she offer sacrifices? 她凭什么献祭? Naturally, if insisted saying that she had the reason to offer sacrifices. 当然,如果硬要说的话,她还是有理由献祭的。 For example retaliates Jiang Xie, for example saves to lose the empire. 比如报复姜歇,比如拯救失落帝国。 The hatred by liking being transformed, is fiercest, even to revenge to pay all. Therefore Empress Medusa hatred to the Jiang Xie, should enough be able to burn the day to burn. 由爱转变成的仇恨,才是最凶猛的,甚至为了报仇可以付出一切。所以美杜莎女皇对姜歇的仇恨,应该足够可以焚天焚地。 Moreover Jiang Li, once swallowed the strength of the world, the losing empire of that survival will also certainly destroy. 而且姜离一旦吞噬了全世界的力量,那幸存的失落帝国也一定会毁灭。 Therefore key question, statue of Empress Medusa where. 所以关键问题还是,美杜莎女皇的雕像在哪里。 But at this time! 而就在这个时候! Near the Shen Lang ear resounded the sound. 沈浪耳边又响起了声音。 Antiquity Great Tribulation Temple, antiquity Great Tribulation Temple, I was Jin Mulan, I was Jin Mulan.” “上古大劫寺,上古大劫寺,我是金木兰,我是金木兰。” ?! 呃?! Shen Lang one surprised, the Mulan's sound resounded. 沈浪一愕,木兰的声音又响起了。 Please record the information, and passed on to my husband, 8596,3325,6567......” “请记录一下信息,并且转告给我的夫君,8596,3325,6567……” Also is a long character, surpassed several hundred figures. 又是一段长长的字符,超过了几百个数字。 But after Shen Lang hear, interprets immediately. 沈浪听完之后,就立刻解译了出来。 Husband, coming to Antarctic to lose the empire!” “夫君,来南极失落帝国!” Then, the Mulan's sound is repeating repeatedly. 接下来,木兰的声音一遍又一遍重复着。 Shen Lang can only answer as before, but cannot have any reply. 沈浪依旧是只能接听,而不能有任何回复。 Suddenly, the Mulan's sound changed, entangles crazily and delightful. 忽然,木兰的声音变了,痴缠而又甜美。 Husband, is you are listening right? I know that you are definitely listening!” “夫君,是你在听对吗?我知道你肯定在听!” The Shen Lang heart cannot help but shakes. 沈浪心脏不由得一抖。 Right, is I am listening.” Shen Lang opens the mouth saying that but Mulan beside ten thousand li (5,000 km) cannot hear. “对,是我在听。”沈浪开口道,但是远在万里之外的木兰是听不见的。 Husband, I felt you, really......” the Mulan sob said: I quite think you, these 30 years, I do not have one day not to think you. Husband I quite regretted that I have not thought such day. In the past I should not leave with the teacher, I wore side you, did not separate with you, did not separate with the family member, how did such world destroy even? At least we can in together several years of time......” “夫君,我感受到你了,真的……”木兰哭泣道:“我好想你,这三十年,我没有一天不在想你。夫君我好后悔啊,我一点都不想过这样的日子了。当年我不应该跟老师离开的,我就戴在你身边,不和你分开,也不和家人分开,那样就算世界毁灭了又怎么样?至少我们可以在一起几年时光……” Husband, I have not thought such day, how the world destroyed even. We are only an ordinary couple, this world must be finished to be finished, why to give you to shoulder the responsibility?” “夫君,我一点都不想过这样的日子,就算世界毁灭了又怎么样。我们只是一对普通的夫妻而已,这个世界要完蛋就完蛋好了,凭什么把责任交给你来背负?” The Shen Lang ear heard the Mulan's wail. 沈浪耳边传来了木兰的哭泣声。 Mulan as before has not changed, is not only and 30 years ago has not changed, even before living Shen Ye has not changed. 木兰依旧没有变,不仅仅是和三十年前没有变化,甚至和生沈野之前都没有变化。 I am only a concubine, why can compel me to complete what important matter? I do not hope, I do not want. 我只是一个小女人,为何要逼我去完成什么大事?我一点都不希望,我一点都不想要。 Has saying that she and Shen Lang beforehand mind reading is really invincible, even if widely separated by tens of thousands li (0.5 km), she really can feel that Shen Lang’s exists. 不得不说,她和沈浪之前的心灵感应真是无敌的,哪怕远隔几万里,她真的可以感觉到沈浪的存在。 Cried some little time, Mulan said: Husband, you...... you come to Antarctic to lose the empire quickly. That...... that I......” 足足哭了好一会儿,木兰道:“夫君,你……你快来南极失落帝国。那……那我……” What at this time should say? 这个时候应该说什么啊? This is not a telephone, cannot say that I made the telephone call. It looks like in the spiral ancestor, this perhaps is completely talking during sleep that Mulan one-sided wishes. 这又不是电话,不能说我挂电话了啊。在螺祖看来,这或许完全是木兰一厢情愿的呓语而已。 But the Shen Lang innermost feelings sigh with emotion infinitely. 沈浪内心无限地感慨。 Mulan, Mulan...... 木兰,木兰…… Thirty years ago starts, Mulan darling is rushing about for him every day, as if no end to be ordinary, 从三十几年前开始,木兰宝贝每一天都在为他奔波,仿佛没有尽头一般, From the beginning seeks for the trail of big dragon, then must help complete Shen Lang to conduct the sensibility of high rank dragon, but can never meet, because of Mulan must first Shen Lang one step. 一开始是寻找巨龙的踪迹,接下来又要帮助完成沈浪进行高阶龙之感悟,但是又始终不能见面,因为木兰一直要先沈浪一步。 This antiquity Great Tribulation Temple ruins, there is an demon crystal equally similar energy center, can receive the information. 这个上古大劫寺遗址,也有魔晶一样类似的能量中心,能够接收到信息。 Where now Shen Lang has known Empress Medusa the statue. 现在沈浪已经知道美杜莎女皇雕像在哪里了。 Lost the monster master the innumerable sea monsters to go to Antarctic, where should away the Jiang Li empire most remote place. 失落妖母带着无数海怪去了南极,哪里应该是距姜离帝国最遥远的地方了。 Shen Lang wants to complete the sensibility of high rank dragon, must go to a Antarctic. 沈浪想要完成高阶龙之感悟,就必须去一趟南极。 How however...... should he go out now? How to leave the antiquity Great Tribulation Temple ruins? 但是……他现在该如何出去啊?如何离开上古大劫寺遗址? He comes in while the total lunar eclipse. But the next total lunar eclipse, when did not know. 要知道,他可是趁着月全食进来的。而下一次月全食,就不知道什么时候了。 Gang Yi has also offered sacrifices, unravelled, is unable to inquire. 冈一也已经献祭,灰飞烟灭了,无法询问。 However Shen Lang has not had doubts too long, he goes down to the well of this soul, dives unceasingly downward, dives downward. 但是沈浪并没有疑惑太久,他深入这口灵魂之井,不断往下潜,往下潜。 Does not know how long submerged. 不知道潜入了多久,多远。 Perhaps several hundred thousand meters, are perhaps farther. 或许几十万米,或许更远。 Suddenly...... 忽然…… Arrived the under end of well of soul, Shen Lang flushed fiercely. 到了灵魂之井的底下尽头,沈浪猛地冲了出来。 Left the antiquity Great Tribulation Temple ruins, appears in the boundless sea. 离开了上古大劫寺遗址,出现在茫茫大海之中。 Greatly ultra...... are you, you doing?” After running out of the seabed, Shen Lang sees strange one. “大超……你,你在干什么?”冲出海底之后,沈浪见到诡异的一幕。 Greatly ultra is conducting a very strange posture. 大超正在进行一个非常诡异的姿势。 A leg stands, the wing is breaking off another leg, wants to extend the top of the head diligently. 一条腿站立,翅膀掰着另外一条腿,努力地想要伸过头顶。 Are you...... you playing the yoga? 你……你这是在玩瑜伽吗? As a flight beast, did you have the pursue? 作为一只飞行兽,你是不是太有追求了啊? But greatly ultra saw that Shen Lang biu appeared, immediately frightened trembled, this yoga posture collapses immediately, turned to directly. 而大超见到沈浪又biu一声出现了,顿时吓了一哆嗦,这个瑜伽姿势立刻崩溃了,直接翻到在海里。 It was really bored. 它实在是太无聊了。 But this yoga posture, it saw Princess Ning Han is often doing, follows to study bewilderedly. 而这个瑜伽姿势,它是见到宁寒公主经常在做,莫名其妙跟着学的。 Is so high as for the Princess Ning Han martial arts, why must make this strange movement, was unknown completely. 至于宁寒公主武功那么高,为何要做这种奇奇怪怪的动作,就完全不得而知了。 Walked......” Shen Lang to pat the greatly ultra neck to say. “走了……”沈浪拍了拍大超的脖子道。 Then, greatly ultra runs out of the sea level fiercely, Shen Lang falls on its conducting the back, flies toward the south side. 然后,大超猛地冲出海面,沈浪落在它的背上,朝着南边飞去。 Continuously toward south, toward south! 一直往南,往南! Goes to Antarctic! 去南极! .......................................... …………………………………… Shen Lang has not gone to Antarctic completely. 沈浪还完全没有去过南极呢。 Even this world almost all people have not gone to Antarctic, because here does not have White Jade Capital, no path of human live. 甚至这个世界几乎所有人都没有去过南极,因为这里没有白玉京,没有任何人类生活的轨迹。 Shen Lang is unable to imagine, if loses the monster master the innumerable sea monsters to arrive at Antarctic, how to survive? 沈浪无法想象,如果失落妖母带着无数海怪来到南极,是如何生存下去的? Several days and several nights later! 几天几夜后! Shen Lang flew the sky of Antarctic. 沈浪飞到了南极的上空。 Compared with North Pole, here has almost no trace of civilization, everywhere is the world of ice and snow. 比起北极,这里几乎完全没有任何文明的痕迹,到处都是冰天雪地。 Has not seen to lose the empire, has not seen any sea monster, here temperature about 80 degrees Celsius below zero. 没有见到失落帝国,没有见到任何海怪,这里的温度在零下80摄氏度左右。 It seems like definitely is unable to survive. 看上去是完全无法生存的。 Shen Lang sought repeatedly, had not found to lose the trail in empire as before, has not seen the statue of Empress Medusa. 沈浪寻找了一遍又一遍,依旧没有找到失落帝国的踪迹,更加没有看到美杜莎女皇的雕像。 However Mulan darling said that makes Shen Lang come to here, then loses the empire definitely here. 但是木兰宝贝说让沈浪来这里,那么失落帝国肯定就在这里。 Shen Lang thinks discovery process of desert Capital, was Princess Ning Han accepted the information of Empress Medusa, and after trading a body, had the special field of vision. 沈浪想到了漠京的发现过程,就是宁寒公主接受了美杜莎女皇的信息,并且换了一具躯体之后,拥有了特殊的视野。 Others look at the ten thousand li (5,000 km) big wilderness, is the limitless red sand. But Princess Ning Han looks at the ten thousand li (5,000 km) big wilderness, as if can see the high antiquity the city-state, as if entered the ar view. 别人看万里大荒漠,就是无边无际的红沙。而宁寒公主看万里大荒漠,就仿佛能够看到远古时代的城邦,就仿佛进入了ar视野。 After Shen Lang and Ning Han marry, obtained this energetic field of vision directly. 沈浪宁寒联姻之后,也直接得到了这种精神视野。 He closes the eye, enters another inner world completely, enters the energetic memory world that Empress Medusa gave. 他闭上眼睛,完全进入另外一个精神世界,进入了美杜莎女皇给予的精神记忆世界。 Opens the eye again. 再一次睁开眼睛。 Present scene, complete change. 眼前的景象,完全变化了。 Here is not everywhere snow and ice, is not the limitless glacier and sea, but is the lively losing empire. 这里不在是漫天的冰雪,不在是无边无际的冰川和海洋,而是繁华的失落帝国。 Limitless city-state, plain beautiful city, half under sea water, half above sea water. 无边无际的城邦,古朴美丽的城市,一半在海水之下,一半在海水之上。 Even these glaciers of Antarctic, become city that loses the empire. 甚至南极的这些冰川,都成为了失落帝国的城市本身。 These towering glaciers, were carved to become all kinds of castles, all kinds of tall and pleasing to the eye constructions. 这些耸立冰川,被雕琢成为各式各样的城堡,各式各样美轮美奂的建筑。 Has the giant ice sculpture seen? 巨型冰雕见过吗? But in the Shen Lang field of vision enlarged 1000 times, 10,000 times of ice sculpture world. 沈浪视野中就是放大了一千倍,一万倍的冰雕世界。 Not was only the area enlarged 10,000 times, the esthetic attainments also enlarged 10,000 times. 不仅仅是面积放大了一万倍,还有美学造诣也放大了一万倍。 Too magnificent! 太华丽了! The Devil Triangle losing empire, is swoonsome. 魔鬼大三角的失落帝国,就已经让人着迷。 Does the Medusa royal family in Antarctic, really have such a snow and ice kingdom? 没有想到,美杜莎王族在南极,竟然也有这么一个冰雪王国? Here house, even the stone did not have, only then blue cold ice. 这里的房子,甚至连石头都没有了,只有蓝色的寒冰。 Shen Lang a blink, ancient times lost the scene of empire to vanish, at present bleak world of ice and snow. 沈浪又一眨眼,远古失落帝国的景象消失了,眼前只有荒凉的冰天雪地。 A twinkling, ancient times lost the snow and ice city-state of empire to appear in again at present. 再一眨眼,远古失落帝国的冰雪城邦又出现在了眼前。 Shen Lang understood, this at all is not the illusion, but is in the brain energetic memory. 沈浪明白了,这根本不是什么幻觉,而是大脑里面的精神记忆。 When ancient times the spirit remembers, at present place superposition time, saw that this tall and pleasing to the eye ancient times lost the empire city-state. 当远古精神记忆,和眼前地点重合的时候,就看到这美轮美奂的远古失落帝国城邦了。 But it truly was vanishes the destruction. 但它确实是消失毁灭了。 The Antarctic of Earth altogether has 14 million square kilometers, but Antarctic of this world is bigger, astonishing 50 million square kilometers. 地球的南极总共有1400万平方公里,而这个世界的南极更大,惊人的五千万平方公里。 Shen Lang is riding greatly ultra, the flight, has penetrated the center of Antarctic. 沈浪骑着大超,一直飞行,一直深入南极的中心。 In the ancient times memory field of vision, these several million square kilometers Antarctic, were completely the dense and numerous losing empire city-states. 在远古记忆视野内,这几千万平方公里的南极,全部都是密密麻麻的失落帝国城邦。 These ice sculpture cities, time and time again dashing Shen Lang’s esthetics concept. 这些冰雕城市,一次又一次冲撞沈浪的美学概念。 Almost makes one wallow! 几乎让人沉迷! It is not able to imagine, in this world also has such beautiful city. 无法想象,这个世界上还有这么美丽的城市。 Here should be the ancient times loses the empire, in largest extinguishes records the Medusa empire before Yuan, with the ancient times empire of ten thousand li (5,000 km) big wilderness should be the same time, compared with the antiquity East empire, the antiquity lost the empire to be earlier to record the Yuan. 这里应该就是远古失落帝国,在第一次大涅灭记元之前的美杜莎帝国吗,和万里大荒漠的远古帝国应该是同期的,比上古东方帝国,上古失落帝国更早一个记元。 But in the ten thousand li (5,000 km) big wilderness, almost all city-states destroyed, turned into the everywhere red sand. 而在万里大荒漠,几乎所有的城邦都毁灭了,变成了漫天的红沙。 In Antarctic also similarly so, all ancient times Medusa empire city-states, destroyed, is only left over the world of ice and snow. 在南极也同样如此,所有的远古美杜莎帝国城邦,也都毁灭了,只剩下冰天雪地。 Shen Lang non-stop flies, non-stop flies. 沈浪一直飞,一直飞。 He longs for seeing the demon crystal above space tunnel. 他渴望见到魔晶上空的空间隧道。 Desert Capital was the ninth city-state ruins of ancient times empire only survival, then the ancient times Medusa empire of Antarctic should also have such a? 漠京是远古帝国唯一幸存的第九城邦废墟,那么南极的远古美杜莎帝国也应该有这么一个? Otherwise Mulan darling will not make him come to here. 否则木兰宝贝不会让他来这里。 Really, Shen Lang saw! 果然,沈浪看到了! Almost sky over exactly the same space tunnel with desert Capital, moreover is fluctuating unceasingly. 几乎和漠京上空一模一样的空间隧道,而且不断变幻着。 At this time in anybody field of vision, seen only then everywhere snow and ice, only Shen Lang can see this space tunnel. 此时任何人视野中,看到的就只有漫天冰雪,唯独沈浪能够看到这个空间隧道。 Shen Lang along this space tunnel, is unceasingly thorough, thorough. 沈浪沿着这个空间隧道,不断深入,深入。 Flew several thousand li (0.5 km), 10,000 li (0.5 km). 飞行了几千里,一万里。 Because it is evolving unceasingly, this is for a city-state that to protect Antarctic only saves. 因为它不断在演变,这是为了保护南极仅存的一个城邦。 Finally, after flying fully several double-hour, saw the end of space tunnel. 终于,整整飞了几个时辰后,见到了空间隧道的尽头。 Shen Lang rushes over fiercely. 沈浪猛地冲了过去。 Instantaneously! 瞬间! At present the field of vision changes thoroughly. 眼前视野彻底变化。 The space tunnel disappears, at present is city of the tall and pleasing to the eye snow and ice. 空间隧道不见了,眼前是一座美轮美奂的冰雪之城。 However did not have ancient times the memory field of vision city of snow and ice is so complete, it is on the wane. 但是没有远古记忆视野中的冰雪之城那么完整,它正在凋零。 The ten thousand li (5,000 km) big wilderness had a survival ancient times empire city-state. 万里大荒漠有幸存的一个远古帝国城邦。 Really, Antarctic here also had the survival ancient times Medusa empire city-state. Here also energy cover, protected the entire ancient times city-state hidden. 果然,南极这里也有幸存的远古美杜莎帝国城邦。这里也有一个能量罩,把整个远古城邦隐藏保护起来。 The demon crystal only has about 30,000 square kilometers at this time, but at present the city-state ruins of this ancient times Medusa empire, be only about 30,000 square kilometers. 魔晶此时只剩下三万平方公里左右,而眼前这个远古美杜莎帝国的城邦废墟,也只有三万平方公里左右了。 Desert Capital has a giant pyramid, here also has. 漠京有一个巨型金字塔,这里也有。 The giant pyramid peak in desert Capital, is a looking day totem of person surface snake body. But here also totem, was...... once Devil Triangle inside Empress Medusa the statue. 漠京的巨型金字塔顶端,是一个人面蛇身的望天图腾。而这里也有一个图腾,就是……曾经魔鬼大三角里面的美杜莎女皇雕像。 Shortly after Shen Lang just appeared, immediately braved the innumerable forms from the ruins of city of this ancient times Medusa empire snow and ice. 沈浪刚刚出现后不久,顿时从这个远古美杜莎帝国冰雪之城的废墟中冒出来了无数身影。 Completely is all kinds of sea monsters. 全部都是各式各样的海怪。 Several thousand, tens of thousands, several hundred thousand. 几千只,几万只,几十万只。 However without are more, only had several hundred thousand. 但是没有更多,就只有几十万只了。 In the past but lost the monster mother leads these sea monsters to leave Devil Triangle the time, can over several million great, now is only left over 1/10. 可是当年失落妖母带领这些海怪离开魔鬼大三角的时候,可以超过几百万之巨啊,如今只剩下十分之一。 A moment later, the body that snow and ice condense, appears in front of Shen Lang gradually, after hesitating slightly, she crawled to kneel. 片刻之后,一个冰雪凝聚的身体,渐渐出现在沈浪面前,稍稍犹豫后,她匍匐跪了下去。 Loses the monster mother, pays a visit your majesty, my sovereign long live, long live, long live!” “失落妖母,拜见陛下,吾皇万岁,万岁,万万岁!” Loses the monster mother, is not willing to demonstrate her real sea monster body in front of Shen Lang as before. 失落妖母,依旧不愿意在沈浪面前展示她真实的海怪身体。 Shen Lang puts out a hand, supported by the arm her. 沈浪伸出手,将她搀扶了起来。 Then, the vision looks to the losing empire sea monsters of these several hundred thousand survivals. 然后,目光望向这几十万幸存的失落帝国海怪。 They also knelt neatly. 它们也整整齐齐跪了下去。 You bring your clansman eventually, found here, avoided slaughtering of Jiang Li, saved inheritance that loses the empire, you were laborious.” Shen Lang said. “你终究还是带着你的族人,找到了这里,躲避了姜离的屠戮,挽救了失落帝国的传承,你辛苦了。”沈浪道。 Loses monster mother say/way: Ashamed, my your majesty! Depends upon my ability, could not find here, to here. Is...... Her Imperial Majesty directs me to come to here. This city-state ruins, had left uncultivated completely, the totem statue that even/including Hanbing the pyramid withstand/top also melted, is Medusa Her Imperial Majesty displaces, established the energy cover again, sheltered us.” 失落妖母道:“惭愧,我的陛下!依靠我的能力,是找不到这里的,也到不了这里。是……女皇陛下指引着我来这里。这座城邦废墟,已经完全荒废了,连寒冰金字塔顶的图腾雕像也消融了,是美杜莎女皇陛下取而代之,再一次建立了能量罩,将我们庇护了下来。” Shen Lang looks again to that statue that giant pyramid withstood/top, at this time she is not invisible. 沈浪再一次望向了巨型金字塔顶的那个雕像,此时她已经不隐形了。 The looking day totem of demon crystal, the eyes are looking at the sky, but here Empress Medusa the statue, is the eyes horizontally views. 魔晶的望天图腾,双眼是望着天空,而这里的美杜莎女皇雕像,是双眸平视。 Shen Lang said: Loses the monster mother, my wife also here?” 沈浪道:“失落妖母,我的妻子还在这里吗?” Loses monster mother say/way: Your wife? Queen Jin Mulan? I have not seen her!” 失落妖母道:“您的妻子?金木兰皇后?我并没有见到她啊!” Shen Lang cannot help but one surprised, this...... is this possible? 沈浪不由得一愕,这……这怎么可能? Gang Yi could not say the Mulan's whereabouts, lost the monster mother unable to say the Mulan's whereabouts. 冈一说不出木兰的下落,失落妖母也说不出木兰的下落。 However, Mulan darling truly directed him first to go to the antiquity Great Tribulation Temple ruins, directed him to come the ancient times Medusa empire ruins of Antarctic. 但是,木兰宝贝确实指引着他先去了上古大劫寺遗址,又指引他来南极的远古美杜莎帝国废墟。 However these two places, have not actually seen her trail. 但是这两个地方,却又都没有见到她的踪迹。 Then Mulan darling actually where? 那么木兰宝贝究竟在哪里啊? Where does she direct Shen Lang’s? 她是在哪里指引沈浪的啊? Shen Lang said: Loses the monster mother, haven't you seen my wife from beginning to end?” 沈浪道:“失落妖母,你从头到尾都没有见过我的妻子吗?” Loses the monster mother to say earnestly: Never has.” 失落妖母认真道:“从来没有。” This...... this was wonderful! 这……这就奇了啊! Shen Lang said: That spiral Ms. ancestor/grandfather?” 沈浪道:“那螺祖女士呢?” Loses monster mother say/way: Also no! After we Her Imperial Majesty were directed is arriving at this ruins, has not seen anybody, but is barely managing to maintain a feeble existence difficultly. I have been waiting for your arrival.” 失落妖母道:“也没有!我们被女皇陛下指引着来到这个废墟之后,没有见过任何人,只是艰难地苟延残喘着。我一直都在等待您的到来。” Shen Lang said: Some people told you, will I come?” 沈浪道:“有人告诉你们,我会来吗?” Loses monster mother say/way: „ Also never has. 失落妖母道:“也从来都没有。 Shen Lang closes the eye, did he ask the Gang Yi Mulan's whereabouts? Gang Yi replied that I can say doesn't know? 沈浪闭上眼睛,他问冈一木兰的下落呢?冈一回答说我能说不知道吗? Then Gang Yi has not truly seen Mulan, but he is extremely intelligent, can guess. 那么冈一确实没有见过木兰,但是他绝顶聪明,能够猜测到一点。 But loses the monster mother not to see Mulan, she actually where? 而失落妖母也没有见过木兰,那她究竟在哪里? At that time North Pole drastic change time, Mulan, the spiral ancestor and White Capital envoy, even Adolf should leave. 当时北极剧变的时候,木兰,螺祖、白京使者、甚至阿道夫都应该已经离开了。 Actually did they go to where? Moreover is always helping Shen Lang, is directing the Shen Lang’s path. 那她们究竟去了哪里?而且还在时时刻刻帮助沈浪,指引着沈浪的道路。 Long shouted the one breath, Shen Lang abandoned this thought temporarily. 长长呼一口气,沈浪暂时将这个念头抛开。 Mulan darling is all right, she is longing for all these hurried to finish, then with Shen Lang on happy and leisurely and carefree life. 木兰宝贝没事,她一直渴望着这一切赶紧结束,然后和沈浪过上幸福而又悠闲的生活。 Certainly will have a little, certainly will have! 一定会有那么一点的,一定会有! Then, Shen Lang asked that loses monster mother say/way: Outside that what happened, don't you know?” 接着,沈浪问失落妖母道:“那外面发生了什么事情,你们都不知道?” Does not know completely.” Loses monster mother say/way: In this migration, several million sea monsters died 90%, only then 10% sea monsters lived were arriving here. However here, we hibernate every day, otherwise does not go on living. Therefore extremely sorry His Majesty Shen Lang, the time we have almost not made any contribution in these years, is living merely, is living difficultly.” “完全不知。”失落妖母道:“这一次迁徙中,几百万海怪死了百分之九十,只有百分之十的海怪活着来到了这里。但是在这里,我们每天都冬眠,否则活不下去。所以非常抱歉沈浪陛下,这几十年时间我们几乎没有做出任何贡献,仅仅只是活着,艰难地活着。” This was enough, this was enough.” Shen Lang said. “这就足够了,这就足够了。”沈浪道。 It seems like that here environment is worse than the demon crystal. That side the desert Capital surviving energy can also support several hundred thousand people to live at least normally, but Antarctic here, ancient times the energy of Medusa empire city-state ruins, even the survival of foundation could not maintain, these sea monsters can only hibernate. 看来,这里的环境比魔晶还要恶劣。漠京那边的残存能量起码还能支撑几十万人正常地生活,而在南极这里,远古美杜莎帝国城邦废墟的能量,连基础的生存都维持不了,这些海怪只能一直冬眠。 The Shen Lang vision looks to these sea monsters, in Devil Triangle, they were once maintaining the savage powerful natural disposition as before, has the astonishing striking power. 沈浪目光望向这些海怪,曾经在魔鬼大三角,它们依旧保持着凶残强大的本性,拥有惊人的攻击力。 But now...... they are such dispiriteds, even build small several times. 而现在……它们是如此的萎靡,甚至体形都小了好几倍。 Really can only call it is living reluctantly, maintains the entire ethnic group, did not wither away. 真的只能称之为勉强地活着,维持整个族群,不被消亡。 Moreover in the salvation plan of Jiang Li, his future spaceship is nothing loses the list of empire. What he must save is the human civilization, rather than sea monster. 而且在姜离的救世计划中,他未来的飞船是没有任何失落帝国的名单的。他要拯救的是人类文明,而不是海怪。 What then should Shen Lang make? 接下来沈浪应该做什么? Told loses the monster mother, my wish made Empress Medusa offer sacrifices the final soul, filled up that well, making me complete the sensibility of high rank dragon? 告诉失落妖母,我想要让美杜莎女皇献祭出最后的灵魂,填满那口井,让我完成高阶龙之感悟? In this case, Shen Lang also really says. 这样的话,沈浪还真的说不出口。 „Can I go to pyramid Main hall Center?” Shen Lang asked. “我能够去金字塔大殿中心吗?”沈浪问道。 Naturally, your majesty.” Loses monster mother say/way. “当然,陛下。”失落妖母道。 Shen Lang walks toward giant pyramid. 沈浪朝着巨型金字塔走去。 This pyramid, almost carves with a complete glacier, enough several kilometers high. 这个金字塔,几乎是用一个完整的冰川雕琢出来的,足足几千米高。 But statue of Empress Medusa, processing in the pyramid peak. 美杜莎女皇的雕像,就处理在金字塔顶端。 Several hundred thousand sea monsters also with. 几十万海怪也跟了上来。 Shen Lang entered in the cold ice pyramid main hall, several hundred thousand sea monsters encircle in the surroundings of pyramid, calmly thinks so, calmly is waiting. 沈浪进入了寒冰金字塔大殿之内,几十万海怪就围在金字塔的周围,就这么静静地看着,静静地等待着。 ................................................ ………………………………………… Enters in pyramid! 进入金字塔内! Really, here also wall screening house from street, solidifies like the crystal clear wall screening house from street. 果然,这里也有一个影壁,凝固如同水晶一般的影壁。 Are similar to desert Capital pyramid in all. 和漠京金字塔内的一切非常相似。 Shen Lang with the sensibility of middle rank dragon, wrote a dragon character. 沈浪用中阶龙之感悟,写了一个龙字。 This time, consumed his suitable part psychic force. 这一次,又消耗了他相当部分的精神力。 This dragon character, inscribes in this wall screening house from street. 这个龙字,铭刻在这个影壁。 Instantaneously, direct activation. 瞬间,直接激活了。 This wall screening house from street starts to dissolve, becomes one group of light shadow. 这个影壁开始溶解,成为一团光影。 Control center activates, you obtain the middle rank jurisdiction.” “控制中心激活,您取得中阶权限。” All these, are with exactly the same of desert Capital. 这一切,还是和漠京的一模一样。 Shen Lang walked into the wall screening house from street control center slowly, enters the boundary of sensibility of dragon. 沈浪缓缓走入了影壁控制中心,进入龙之感悟的境界。 Instantaneously, the inexhaustible psychic force wells up to enter crazily. 瞬间,无穷无尽的精神力狂涌而入。 Consumed a moment ago, almost was supplemented instantaneously fully. 刚才消耗的,几乎在瞬间就被补充满了。 Continuously by the present, happened all and desert Capital is exactly the same. 一直到现在为止,发生的一切都和漠京一模一样。 Then, should be an energy life speech. 接下来,应该就是一个能量生命说话了。 However...... 然而…… It is not! 并不是! Rumbling rumbling......” “轰轰轰轰……” Shen Lang only thought that the surrounding energy space, had the incomparably violent explosion. 沈浪只觉得周围的能量空间,发生了无比猛烈的爆炸。 The entire wall screening house from street control center, as if turned into the flaming roaring flame instantaneously, moreover blue roaring flame. 整个影壁控制中心,仿佛瞬间变成了熊熊烈焰,而且还是蓝色的烈焰。 The normal roaring flame is the high temperature, but here blue roaring flame, is actually the incomparable severe coldness, seems more than 200 degrees Celsius below zero. 正常烈焰是高温的,而这里的蓝色烈焰,却是无比的严寒,仿佛是零下二百多摄氏度。 Angry! 愤怒! Boundless endless anger and hatred. 无边无尽的愤怒和仇恨。 Then, the innumerable roaring flame condense become a tall and pleasing to the eye form. 接着,无数烈焰凝聚成为了一个美轮美奂的身影。 Does not see clearly the face, even does not see clearly the stature. 看不清楚面孔,甚至看不清楚身材。 However...... actually gives people an esthetics the pinnacle. 但是……却给人一种美学的极致。 Filled the magic tempts / is puzzled, even if she does not have the body at this time. 充满了魔幻的诱/惑,哪怕她此时连身体都没有。 Then, this exceptionally beautiful and charming, inverts the form of all living things, opened the eye fiercely. 然后,这个倾国倾城,颠倒众生的身影,猛地睁开了眼睛。 The eye-catching ray that blooms, almost makes one vanishes in a puff of smoke instantaneously. 绽放出的夺目光芒,几乎让人瞬间灰飞烟灭。 She...... is Empress Medusa! Loses Empress Medusa in empire. 她……就是美杜莎女皇!失落帝国的美杜莎女皇。 In this world psychic force, in soul most powerful lifeform. 这个世界上精神力,灵魂里最强大的生物。 „Are you...... the Jiang Xie descendant, Son of Jiang Li Shen Lang?” Empress Medusa cold sound said. “你……就是姜歇的后代,姜离之子沈浪?”美杜莎女皇寒声道。 Shen Lang said: Is I!” 沈浪道:“是我!” Empress Medusa said: You want me to offer sacrifices your soul, fills up the well of that soul, helping you complete the sensibility of high rank dragon? You psychic force that wanted me to sacrifice itself to survive, completes your long-cherished wish, achieved your goal?” 美杜莎女皇道:“你想要我献祭自己的灵魂,去填满那一口灵魂之井,帮你完成高阶龙之感悟?你要我牺牲自己残存的精神力,去完成你的夙愿,完成你的目标?” Shen Lang is silent. 沈浪沉默。 Empress Medusa cold sound said: You only need tell me, is also?” 美杜莎女皇寒声道:“你只需告诉我,是还是不是?” He wanted to say is not, because he has been thinking, had other means that offering sacrifices of Gang Yi and more than 10,000 people, has made one incomparably deeply regret. 他想要说不是,因为他一直都在想着,是不是有另外的办法,冈一和一万多人的献祭,已经让人无比痛惜。 Does that present Empress Medusa also want to offer sacrifices? Shen Lang does not like offering sacrifices this word! 那现在美杜莎女皇也要献祭吗?沈浪不喜欢献祭这个词! Therefore Shen Lang was also for silent one second, then said: Yes!” 所以沈浪又沉默了一秒钟,然后道:“是!” .......................................... …………………………………… Note: The next chapter strives to write before a o'clock, does everyone have the monthly ticket? Gives me several, helping me support this period of time, is extremely grateful! 注:下一章争取在一点钟之前写出来,大家还有月票吗?给我几张,帮我撑住这段时光,万分感激!
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