HSH :: Volume #7

#655: Offer sacrifices! The sensibility of high rank dragon!( Asked monthly ticket)

Then Shen Lang wants completely all means that to find this so-called antiquity Great Tribulation Temple ruins. 接下来沈浪想尽了一切办法,想要找到这个所谓的上古大劫寺遗址。 However did not have the exception to be defeated completely. 但是毫无例外全部都失败了。 He rode greatly ultra was flying 20,000-30,000 meters upper air, this also continued, he also searched several hundred thousand meters upper air with the strong psychic force. 他骑着大超飞到了20,000-30,000米的高空,这还不止,他还用强大的精神力搜索了几十万米的高空。 No discovery. 没有任何发现。 He penetrates into the seabed, even bored a hole through tens of thousands meters, has not discovered any antiquity vestige as before. 他又深入到海底,甚至凿穿了几万米,也依旧没有发现什么上古遗迹。 Heaven above and Earth below, Shen Lang where has looked. 天上地下,沈浪哪里都找过了。 But is defeated completely. 但全部都失败。 Even his brain hole opens greatly, thought that the antiquity Great Tribulation Temple vestige possibly was a spaceship, every day fixed time, will have flown this air zone, this can evade the surveillance and attack of Jiang Li. 甚至他脑洞大开,觉得上古大劫寺遗迹可能是一艘飞船,每天固定的时候,就会飞过这片空域,这样才能躲过姜离的监视和攻击。 Therefore, he calmly is waiting. 所以,他就静静等待着。 However anything had not discovered as before. 但是依旧什么都没有发现。 This is impossible, Mulan sent out the information to the ten thousand li (5,000 km) big wilderness a while ago, absolutely possibly is not the rumor, certainly has the reason. 这是不可能的,木兰前段时间向万里大荒漠发出信息,绝对不可能是空穴来风,一定是有原因的。 Since Map Display Coordinate here, then the antiquity Great Tribulation Temple ruins can here. 既然地图显示出来的坐标在这里,那么上古大劫寺遗址就一定会在这里。 Shen Lang continues the flight clearance thought to imagine. 沈浪继续放飞思维进行想象。 Great Tribulation Temple to a certain extent, is very marvelous existence, once it was a distance antiquity civilization recent influence. 大劫寺某种程度上,算是一个非常奇妙的存在,曾经它算是距离上古文明最近的一个势力。 Did not say other, solely the Great Tribulation Palace’s ghost town, needs to demonstrate in the total solar eclipse. 不说别的,就单单大劫宫的的鬼城,就需要在日全食的时候才能显示出来。 Then this antiquity Great Tribulation Temple ruins? Has similar condition? 那么这个上古大劫寺遗址呢?是不是有类似的条件? However recently didn't have the total solar eclipse? 但是最近没有日全食了啊? Actually solely by the words of worldwide scale, the total solar eclipse probability is big, dozens years can meet one time, but were away from the previous total solar eclipse time already the past thirty years. 其实单单论整个世界范围的话,日全食的概率还是不小的,几十年就能遇到一次,而距离上一次的日全食已经过去三十几年了。 However Shen Lang underwent the incomparably precise computation, discovered that at least in this region, wants to see the total solar eclipse, at least must wait till for 53 years later. 但是沈浪经过了无比精密的计算,发现至少在这片区域,想要看到日全食,至少还要等到五十三年之后。 However Shen Lang discovered pleasantly surprised, recently did not have the total solar eclipse, but has the total lunar eclipse. 但是紧接着沈浪惊喜地发现,最近没有日全食,但是却有月全食。 Then when the total lunar eclipse approaches, can have the pleasant surprise? 那么在月全食来临的时候,会不会出现惊喜? Then Shen Lang calculates fast, approximately 17 hours, will have the total lunar eclipse. 接下来沈浪更加飞快地计算,大约还有十七个小时,就会发生月全食。 Then currently has an issue. 那么现在有一个问题。 Can Jiang Li know existence of this matter? Although his hell crystal has not spread here, he also in the North Pole imperial palace, but can he actually send the antiquity human powerhouse to come? 姜离会不会知道这件事情的存在?他的地狱晶体虽然还没有蔓延到这里,他本人也在北极皇宫之内,但是他却可以派遣上古人类强者前来啊? Antiquity Great Tribulation Temple ruins, if really related to the sensibility of high-level dragon, that development level was as good as desert Capital, even it, Jiang Li is impossible to let off. 上古大劫寺遗址,如果真的关系到高级龙之感悟的话,那重要程度丝毫不亚于漠京,甚至还有过之,姜离是不可能放过的。 Then, Shen Lang calmly is waiting for the arrival of total lunar eclipse! 接下来,沈浪就静静地等候着月全食的到来! ............ ………… The night falls, the bright moonlight like the disc, is hanging in the sky, illuminates the entire sea level slightly. 夜幕降临,明月如同圆盘,悬挂于天空,把整个海面都微微照亮。 Thorough quietness. 彻底的静谧。 Does not know is the fairyland, is the deathly stillness. 不知道算是仙境,还是死寂。 But is truly too beautiful to behold, making one be enchanted by. 但确实美不胜收,让人迷醉。 Looked at the bright moonlight of space, Shen Lang was remembering Mulan again. 望着天上的明月,沈浪再一次想起了木兰 Remembers that at that time after was went to Heaven Horizon Sea Pavilion to go on a pilgrimage, came cross bright moonlight, Shen Lang also took moon inside matter to crack a joke. 记得当时是去天涯海阁朝圣回来之后,也遇上了一轮明月,沈浪还拿着月亮里面的事情开玩笑。 This world is really the good fortune measures not, once Heaven Horizon Sea Pavilion was sacred place, but quick in the Shen Lang mind it turned into the devil temple, but now it becomes the Shen Lang most loyal influence, became the Great Qian Empire final influence. 这个世界真是造化莫测,曾经的天涯海阁是圣地,但是很快在沈浪心目中它又变成了魔鬼圣殿,而现在它又成为了沈浪最忠诚的势力,成为大乾帝国最后的势力。 However, sees moon, Shen Lang thinks Mulan. 不过,看到月亮,沈浪还是想木兰 Really peaceful, even the wind does not have. 真是安静啊,连风都没有。 Shen Lang calmly is waiting for occurrence of total solar eclipse. 沈浪静静地等待着日全食的发生。 Suddenly...... one group of shadows attacked the bright moonlight of space. 忽然之间……一团黑影侵袭了天上的明月。 This was the tian gou in legend eats moon/month. 这就是传说中的天狗吃月了。 The disc general bright moonlight was camouflaged gradually, the total lunar eclipse is happening. 圆盘一般的明月渐渐被遮蔽了,月全食正在发生。 What is the total lunar eclipse, works as Sun, moon, the star becomes a straight line, Moon enters the planet shadow completely time, was called the total lunar eclipse. 什么是月全食,就是当太阳,月亮,星球成为一条直线,月球完全走进行星影子的时候,就被称之为月全食。 This process is very quick, the shadow swallowed the entire moon fast. 这个过程是非常快的,黑影飞快地吞噬了整个月亮。 The entire sea level is getting more and more dark, is getting more and more dark. 整个海面越来越暗,越来越暗。 Finally all moonlight vanished completely. 最后所有的月光全部消失了。 Shen Lang also thought Jiang Li will not let up this opportunity, the martial arts expert who will dispatch top antiquity human comes to attack, but finally not. 沈浪原本还觉得姜离不会放过这次机会,会派遣顶级上古人类的武道高手前来袭击,但结果并没有。 Naturally, this time space has not had any unusual form. 当然,此时的天上也没有发生任何异状。 The antiquity Great Tribulation Temple ruins in imagination have not appeared, any ghost town and so on thing has not appeared. 想象中的上古大劫寺遗址没有出现,什么鬼城之类的东西也没有出现。 When Shen Lang felt are one guess makes a mistake, suddenly...... in the sea level had the mutation. 就当沈浪觉得自己是不是猜测出错的时候,忽然……海面上出现了异变。 An vortex is forming fast, more and more greatly, more and more greatly, the diameter exceeded 20,000-30,000 meters finally. 一个漩涡正在飞快地形成,越来越大,越来越大,最后直径超过了20,000-30,000米。 Unprecedented big vortex, but in the vortex anything cannot see. 前所未有的大漩涡,而漩涡之内什么都看不见。 Shen Lang knows that the strength of tide because of the orbit insertion, but in the same month total eclipse time, the strength of this tide will have the change. 沈浪知道潮汐之力就是因为月球引力,而当月全食的时候,这种潮汐之力是会有变化的。 However could not form such big vortex. 但是也形成不了这么大的漩涡吧。 The total lunar eclipse must be in the second half stage, the tian gou must spit moon, but at this time the vortex also stopped the growth, seemed framed instantaneously, will then reduce. 月全食就要进入下半阶段了,天狗要把月亮吐出来了,而这个时候漩涡也停止了增长,瞬间仿佛被定格,接下来就会缩小。 Only then such flash, 0.01 second. 就只有这么一瞬间,0.01秒钟都不到。 Shen Lang as if saw the light shadow in the big vortex, vaguely was the light shadow of some antiquity vestige. 沈浪在大漩涡里面仿佛看到了光影,依稀是某个上古遗迹的光影。 At this time normal person's response definitely was without enough time, because of flashing past, could not see. When the picture is over 20, in the person eyes is the coherent movement. In other words when a picture appears is smaller than 0.05 second, the human eye cannot discover. 这个时候正常人的反应肯定是来不及的,因为一闪而过,根本就看不见。当画面超过20帧的时候,在人眼中就是连贯的动作。也就是说当一个画面出现之间小于0.05秒的时候,人眼是发现不了的。 But Shen Lang is different, in his inner world, the time can slow down unceasingly. 沈浪不一样,在他的精神世界内,时间可以不断地放慢放慢放慢。 In that flash that the big vortex frames. 在大漩涡定格的那一瞬间。 Shen Lang exhausts all strengths, the entire body flashes before instantaneously. 沈浪用尽所有的力量,整个身体瞬间闪现。 Whiz!” “嗖!” Invests into this big vortex in completely, immediately vanishes without a trace. 完全投入到这个大漩涡之内,顿时消失得无影无踪。 The tian gou started to put out moon. 天狗开始吐出月亮了。 Moon of space, bit by bit restored luminously. 天上的月亮,一点一点恢复了光亮。 But this big vortex getting smaller, getting smaller, completely vanished finally, in the sea level thoroughly restored quietly, is ordinary like a mirror, as if that huge vortex had not appeared a moment ago. 而这个大漩涡越来越小,越来越小,最后完全消失了,海面上彻底恢复了静谧,如同一面镜子一般,仿佛刚才那个巨大的漩涡从来都没有出现过。 Without how long, moon of space had fully restored, is the disc is still ordinary. 没有过多久,天上的月亮完全恢复了,依旧是圆盘一般。 But at this time the super flight beast greatly ultra compelled ignorant, it looked at the sea level, looked at moon of space. 而此时超级飞行兽大超懵逼了,它看了看海面,又看了看天上的月亮。 Masters? Its biu vanished. 主人呢?它biu的一声就消失了。 Where that...... should that then I go to? 那……那接下来我应该去哪里啊? No master, me is so floating in airborne, felt very anxious, as if the enemy will come to seize it momentarily. 没有主人在,我就这么飘在空中,感觉很不安啊,仿佛敌人随时会来把它抓走。 Therefore, greatly ultra also dives fiercely, biu drills into the sea water. It can in the sky, be able in any case in the land, can live in the sea water. 于是,大超也猛地俯冲而下,biu的一声钻入海水之内。反正它能在天空,能在陆地,也能在海水生活。 However after he sneaks the seabed, cannot see Shen Lang again, bleak seabed, the trace of does not have any life, let alone sea monster, fish and so on thing, the coral did not have. 不过他潜入海底之后,再也看不见沈浪,只有荒凉的海底,没有任何生命的痕迹,别说海怪,鱼啊之类的东西了,就连珊瑚都没有了。 This similarly is sea of the thorough deathly stillness, greatly ultra can only roam through in the seabed alone, idle. 这同样是一片彻底死寂之海,大超只能孤寂地在海底遨游,无所事事。 ................................................ ………………………………………… Shen Lang opens the eye again time, has been in miserable ancient ruins. 沈浪再一次睁开眼睛的时候,已经处于一个凄凉古老的废墟之中。 Said accurately in a great at the foot of the hill, but the summit is the ancient ruins. 准确说是在一个巨山脚下,而山顶就是古老的废墟。 He had gone to Great Tribulation Palace’s, looks at it to destroy the beforehand drawing, is really very magnificent, mysterious, filled with the different world aura. 他曾经去过大劫宫的,也看过它毁灭之前的图画,真是非常华丽,神秘,充满了异世界气息。 However this summit ruins, are not at present gorgeous. 但是眼前这个山顶废墟,就一点都不华美了。 Great Tribulation Palace has the mysterious statue, antiquity Sanskrit. 大劫宫有许多神秘的雕像,还有上古梵文。 But at present this ruins instead anything does not have, grey bare. 而眼前这个废墟反而什么都没有,灰秃秃的。 All is the stone carves, but is rough, merely quite original construction trace. 所有的一切都是石头雕琢而成,但是非常粗糙,仅仅只是比较原始的建筑痕迹而已。 This is not because the age was too long to leave uncultivated, but was it is this appearance. 这并不是因为年代太久而荒废了,而是它原本就是这模样。 However Shen Lang can look, its construction pattern and Great Tribulation Palace are exactly the same. 但是沈浪看得出来,它的建筑格局和大劫宫是一模一样的。 Said accurately, Great Tribulation Palace imitates it to construct completely, but carved. 准确说,大劫宫是完全模仿它建造出来的,只不过精雕细琢了很多。 Without guessing wrong, this was the antiquity Great Tribulation Temple’s ruins. 如果没有猜错的话,这就是上古大劫寺的遗址了。 Moreover it also in the summit of mountain. 而且它也是在大山之巅。 Shen Lang step by step crawls upward, before quick arrived at the entrance. 沈浪一步一步往上爬,很快就到了山门之前。 Right, this was the antiquity Great Tribulation Temple ruins, because these three characters wrote clearly. 没错,这就是上古大劫寺遗址,因为这三个字写得清清楚楚。 Great Tribulation Temple! 大劫寺 Across the entrance, is a square, giant square, but nobody left. 穿过山门,就是一个广场,巨大的广场,但是空无一人。 Behind of square, is a main hall, with the stone-built main hall, is not completely fine, appears very rough, plain, primitive. 广场的后面,就是一座大殿,完全用石头建成的大殿,一点都不精美,显得非常粗糙,古朴,原始。 Here every inchs, is the stones, moreover seems like that type of very ordinary stone. 这里的每一寸,都是石头,而且看上去还是那种非常普通的石头。 At this time the Great Tribulation Temple’s palace gate is the closure, similarly is a leaf of stone door. 此时大劫寺的殿门是关闭的,同样是一扇石门。 Shen Lang goes forward, pushes gently, the gate came! 沈浪上前,轻轻一推,门来了! In main hall, completely empty, does not have half person's shadow. Even in main hall, does not have any statue, does not have any Bodhisattva. 大殿里面,空空如也,没有半个人影。甚至大殿里面,也没有任何雕像,没有任何菩萨。 However the back door, Shen Lang shoved open gently, arrived at the rear palace. 不过有一个后门,沈浪轻轻推开,走到了后殿。 Finally saw the person. 终于看到人了。 A Buddhist priest, is implicated near a well. 一个僧人,旁坐在一口井边上。 Hears the sound of footsteps, that Buddhist priest raised the head, smiles toward Shen Lang. 听到脚步声,那个僧人抬起头来,朝着沈浪一笑。 Is that must win Gang Yi of Shen Lang Number One Beauty Under the Heaven man frequently, his faces and 30 years ago compares almost does not have any change, is uncertain about the gender as before, as before delicate and pretty incomparable. 就是那个时时刻刻要夺走沈浪天下第一美男子的冈一,他的面孔和三十年前比起来几乎没有任何变化,依旧雌雄莫辨,依旧俊美无匹。 Great Tribulation Temple Gang Yi, pays a visit my sovereign, long live, long live, long live!” Gang Yi first sets out, then kneels down toward Shen Lang, the forehead knocks in the ground. 大劫寺冈一,拜见吾皇陛下,万岁,万岁,万万岁!”冈一先起身,然后朝着沈浪跪下,额头磕在地面上。 He has not shouted the great misfortune bright king, but shouted my sovereign directly. 他没有喊大劫明王,而是直接喊吾皇陛下。 Great misfortune bright king, merely is only the lord of Great Tribulation Temple, but Sovereign Emperor your majesty, is the lord of the world.” Gang Yi said: My your majesty, you came finally.” “大劫明王,仅仅只是大劫寺之主,而皇帝陛下,则是天下之主。”冈一道:“我的陛下,您终于来了。” Shen Lang said: Gang Yi, you found the antiquity Great Tribulation Temple ruins eventually!” 沈浪道:“冈一,你终究还是找到了上古大劫寺遗址啊!” Gang Yi said: Very ashamed, Sovereign Emperor your majesty, said accurately was the antiquity Great Tribulation Temple ruins found me.” 冈一道:“非常惭愧,皇帝陛下,准确说是上古大劫寺遗址找到了我。” ?! 呃?! Also is this? 又是这样? Pavilion Lord Zuo Ci also said that was not they discovered ten thousand li (5,000 km) big wilderness antiquity vestige, but was opposite. 左辞阁主也是这么说的,并不是他们发现了万里大荒漠上古遗迹,而是相反。 Shen Lang said: „Others? You brought over ten thousand people at that time.” 沈浪道:“其他人呢?你当时带来了上万人了。” Gang Yi said: Should be dies completely, at this time in this ruins, only then I alone.” 冈一道:“应该算是全部都死了吧,此时在这个遗址之内,就只有我一个人了。” Shen Lang said: My wife Jin Mulan?” 沈浪道:“我的妻子金木兰呢?” Empress?” Gang Yi said: I can say that doesn't know?” “皇后陛下吗?”冈一道:“我能说不知道吗?” What words did this call? 这叫什么话? Does not know that does not know, knows knows, what was I can say did not know. 不知道就不知道,知道就知道,什么叫我能说不知道吗。 Shen Lang said: Can't say?” 沈浪道:“不能说?” The Gang Yi nod said: Right, cannot say, wants your majesty to realize.” 冈一点头道:“对,不能说,要陛下自己体会。” Shen Lang static silent, is looking at Gang Yi. 沈浪静静无声,望着冈一 „Is Gang Yi, unendurable these days?” Shen Lang asked. 冈一,这段时间难熬吗?”沈浪问道。 Gang Yi said: From the beginning is very unendurable, particularly first ten years, but the latter two ten years, almost a blink on the past, your majesty you appeared in my at present.” 冈一道:“一开始很难熬,尤其是头一个十年,但是后两个十年,几乎一眨眼就过去了,陛下您就出现在我的眼前。” Shen Lang said: You may know, antiquity bright king?” 沈浪道:“你可知道,上古明王?” Gang Yi said: Had known, very ashamed, if not the bright king direction, I cannot come here forever. Now I know finally why in the Great Tribulation Palace ghost town, I could not obtain the energetic soul of great misfortune bright king to inherit at that time, because...... I am only a ferryman.” 冈一道:“已经知晓了,非常惭愧,若非明王陛下的指引,我永远都到不了这里。现在我终于知道,为何当时在大劫宫鬼城里面,我得不到大劫明王的精神灵魂传承了,因为……我只是一个摆渡者而已。” Was sorry.” Shen Lang said. “抱歉了。”沈浪道。 No, I long relax exactly.” Gang Yi said: You must make me promote Hanging Temple, without issue. Even makes me promote Great Tribulation Temple, making it the top unique influence, this does not have the issue. However wish makes me save the world, this...... is impossible, this is not my mission. I also rejoiced, he is not my mission.” “不,恰好我长长松了一口气。”冈一道:“您要让我振兴悬空寺,没有问题。甚至让我振兴大劫寺,让它重新成为顶级的超脱势力,这也没有问题。但是想要让我去拯救世界,这……就太不可能了,这不是我的使命。我也非常庆幸,他不是我的使命。” Shen Lang said: Gang Yi, do you know the sensibility of high rank dragon?” 沈浪道:“冈一,你知道高阶龙之感悟吗?” Gang Yi said: Has heard, but I am basic the sensibility of dragon reluctantly.” 冈一道:“听说过,但是我连入门龙之感悟都勉强。” Shen Lang said: „The sensibility of basic dragon, is the two-dimensional surface. But the sensibility of middle rank dragon, is a three-dimensional three-dimensional energy world, you thought that what appearance the sensibility of high rank dragon is?” 沈浪道:“入门龙之感悟,是二维平面的。而中阶龙之感悟,则是一个立体三维的能量世界,那你觉得高阶龙之感悟是什么样子的?” Gang Yi silent the moment said: You said a moment ago two-dimensional, three-dimensional, the sensibility is it possible that high rank dragon is four-dimensional?” 冈一沉默了片刻道:“您刚才说了二维,三维,莫非高阶龙之感悟是四维的吗?” Once Shen Lang also thought so that but he instead does not think so that now, because four-dimensional had spanned the space and time, was too high, perhaps is the category of sensibility of ultrasaurus finally. 曾经沈浪也是这么觉得的,但是现在他反而不这么觉得的,因为四维已经跨越了时空,太高了,或许已经是属于终极龙之感悟的范畴。 Shen Lang said: You are the person of comprehending, you felt, what the sensibility of high rank dragon is?” 沈浪道:“你是参悟之人,就你本人觉得,高阶龙之感悟是什么?” Gang Yi said: extremely sorry your majesty, I completely unknown, is unable to infer.” 冈一道:“非常抱歉陛下,我完全未知,无法推断。” The Shen Lang vision looked to Gang Yi the well, he cannot help but remembered is losing the state ruins, in summit of Snow Mountain pyramid, Shen Lang completed the sensibility of middle rank dragon. 沈浪目光望向了冈一身边的这一口井,他不由得想起在失落国度废墟,雪山之巅的金字塔内,沈浪完成了中阶龙之感悟。 At that time, sacrifice own life and soul of 13 Daxian, poured into to a dry well. 当时,十三大贤师的牺牲自己的性命和灵魂,注入到一口枯井之内。 That soul, seems the well water. 那灵魂,就仿佛是井水。 The prices of official 13 Daxian master lives, helping Shen Lang complete the sensibility. 正式十三个大贤师生命的代价,帮助沈浪完成了感悟。 But now, here also has a well. 而现在,这里又有一口井。 Shen Lang said: Gang Yi, what use this well makes?” 沈浪道:“冈一,这口井是做什么用处的?” Gang Yi said: Sorry, I do not know, your majesty.” 冈一道:“对不起,我不知道,陛下。” Shen Lang said: You thought that it can make me complete the sensibility of high rank dragon?” 沈浪道:“你觉得它能够让我完成高阶龙之感悟吗?” Gang Yi kneels down to kotow said: Common people do not know, asking your majesty to forgive.” 冈一跪下叩首道:“草民不知,请陛下恕罪。” This time Gang Yi, really seems like a pure ferryman, is only responsible for ferrying, but does not give any judgment, any guidance, any misleading. 此时的冈一,真的像是一个纯粹的摆渡者,只负责摆渡,而不给予任何判断,任何引导,任何误导。 Shen Lang arrives at this dry well, visited one downward. 沈浪走到这口枯井边,往下探望了一眼。 ! 啊! This dry well really good depth, compared with losing state Snow Mountain withstand/top that dry well in pyramid, must deeply 10,000 times continue, the feeling of going nonstop to the center of the earth. 这口枯井真的好深啊,比起失落国度雪山顶上金字塔内的那口枯井,要深了一万倍都不止,给人一种直通地心的感觉。 Moreover inside is not spatial, as if there is water. 而且里面不是空的,仿佛是有水的。 Naturally, it is not the genuine water, but is the soul. 当然,它不是真正的水,而是灵魂。 Innumerable souls! 无数的灵魂! However Inaida's the water of soul has not filled, merely is only 2/3. 但是井内的灵魂之水没有满,仅仅只是三分之二。 Shen Lang shivers saying: That 10,000 people that you bring, where went to?” 沈浪颤抖道:“你带来的那一万人,去了哪里?” Gang Yi has not spoken, but kneels to bend down completely on the ground is motionless. 冈一没有说话,而是完全跪伏在地上一动不动。 Shen Lang thought of the answer, immediately scalp tingles. 沈浪想到了答案,顿时头皮发麻。 Lunatics, through lunatic. 疯子,彻头彻尾的疯子。 Did 10,000 people that you bring, fully enter in the well? Did all souls, offer sacrifices completely?” Shen Lang asked. “你带来的一万人,全部进入井里了?所有的灵魂,全部献祭了?”沈浪问道。 Gang Yi has not spoken as before, but kotows unceasingly. 冈一依旧没有说话,只是不断叩首。 Shen Lang is absolutely terrified, said: That...... that Mulan, she in inside?” 沈浪毛骨悚然,道:“那……那木兰,她在不在里面?” Not in!” Gang Yi said. “不在!”冈一道。 Immediately, Shen Lang relaxes. 顿时,沈浪松了一口气。 But cannot bear, he does not need to offer sacrifices, he must walk with the Jiang Li completely different paths. 但还是受不了,他不需要献祭,他要走和姜离完全不一样的道路。 The previous time, 13 Daxian masters offered sacrifices oneself life, Shen Lang felt sadly, but that 13 Daxian masters have lived for a long time were too too long, departing to them instead was an extrication. 上一次,十三名大贤师献祭了自己的性命,沈浪感觉到悲伤,但是那十三名大贤师已经活得太久太久了,离去对于他们来说反而是一种解脱。 That 10,000 people that however Gang Yi brings, inside has many people also to be young. 但是冈一带来的那一万人,里面有很多人还能年轻啊。 What reconstructs Great Tribulation Temple’s to be ideal, unravelled entirely. 什么重建大劫寺的理想,统统灰飞烟灭了。 This more than 10,000 people, turned into this dry well soul completely. 这一万多人,全部变成了这枯井里面的灵魂。 Your majesty, but...... but this well water is still discontented, discontented...... Gang Yi shivers to say as before: Why this...... is this?” “陛下,但……但这井水依旧不满,依旧不满……”冈一颤抖道:“这……这是为什么啊?” Shen Lang said: You invested 10,000 people to go, in did this well water of soul, how many rise?” 沈浪道:“你投入了一万人进去,这口井里面的灵魂之水,升高了多少?” Gang Yi kotows said: Does not have the promotion, it had 2/3, 10,000 people of souls offers sacrifices, has not promoted including one millimeter.” 冈一叩首道:“毫无提升,它原本就有三分之二,一万人灵魂献祭进去,连一毫米都没有提升。” Shen Lang said: Sad?” 沈浪道:“悲伤吗?” Gang Yi said: „In deep sorrow, waits for your majesty to arrive, the brain is nearly numb.” 冈一道:“痛不欲生,就等着陛下到来,脑子近乎麻木。” Then, he has talked endlessly, was this antiquity Great Tribulation Temple’s this dry well, why discontented? 接下来,他一直喋喋不休,这上古大劫寺的这口枯井,为何就不满啊? Did inside water, why stop in 2/3? 里面的水,为何就在三分之二处停下来了啊? At that time, 13 Daxian masters filled up that with the soul the dry well, completed the sensibility of middle rank dragon. 当时,十三个大贤师用灵魂填满了那口浅浅的枯井,完成了中阶龙之感悟。 That present...... needs how powerful soul, can fill up this dry well? 那现在……需要多么强大的灵魂,才能填满这一口枯井? Without a doubt, this well completes the sensibility of high rank dragon place. 毫无疑问,这口井就是完成高阶龙之感悟的地方了。 That is what composed the water of it 2/3 soul? 那是什么组成了它三分之二的灵魂之水? Gang Yi knows certainly, the water of soul is certainly full, can make your majesty conduct the sensibility of high rank dragon. 冈一当然知道,灵魂之水一定要满,才能让陛下进行高阶龙之感悟。 However he could not find any means to make it full. 但是他找不到任何办法让它满起来。 Therefore, he bringing more than 10,000 people, offered sacrifices completely, the result...... does not have the function. 于是,他就把带来的一万多人,全部献祭了,结果……毫无作用。 Grief. 哀莫大于心死。 He is also a ruthless person, what a pity does not have the use. 他也是一个狠人,可惜没有用处。 Your majesty you came, that...... the slightly feudal official followed them.” Gang Yi shivers saying: Feudal official exhausts all wills, exhausts all entreaties, please do not prevent me. I make one bring death, oneself are actually also living, this was more painful than 1000 times the death. Asked your majesty to show mercy, certain...... must make me follow them to go.” “陛下您来了,那……微臣就跟随他们而去了。”冈一颤抖道:“臣用尽所有的意志,用尽所有的哀求,请您不要阻止我。我让人去送死,自己却还活着,这比死亡痛苦了一千倍。求陛下开恩,一定……一定要让我跟随他们而去。” Then, Gang Yi is looking at this deep well. 说罢,冈一望着这口深井。 everyone Senior Brother, Junior Brother, I came.” Gang Yi said slowly. 诸位师兄,师弟,我来了。”冈一缓缓道。 Jumped to leap, plunged into this deep well, unravelled instantaneously. 纵身一跃,跳入了这口深井之内,瞬间灰飞烟灭。 Not only the body did not have, the soul did not have. 不但身体没有了,就连灵魂也没有了。 He also offered sacrifices this well, is Shen Lang conducts the sensibility of high rank dragon. 他自己也献祭了这口井,为沈浪进行高阶龙之感悟。 However, even if Gang Yi jumped in this well, the water of soul had not filled as before, only had 2/3 as before. 但是,哪怕冈一跳进了这口井,灵魂之水依旧没有满,依旧只有三分之二。 The Gang Yi soul offers sacrifices, has not promoted including one millimeter soul water level. 冈一的灵魂献祭,连一毫米灵魂水位都没有提升。 2/3 nd, 2/3! 三分之二,三分之二! Shen Lang sighed gently, is looking at this deep well, is looking in the innumerable souls. 沈浪轻轻叹息一声,望着这口深井,望着里面无数的灵魂。 The reason told him, at this time should not jump. 理智告诉他,此时不应该跳下去。 However the emotion told him, immediately jumps! 但是情感告诉他,立刻跳下去! Gang Yi jumped a moment ago, unravelled directly. More than 10,000 people jump, vanishes in a puff of smoke. 刚才冈一跳下去,直接灰飞烟灭。一万多人跳下去,也灰飞烟灭。 I also came.” “我也来了。” Shen Lang leapt lifelong, jumped down this deep well, as if to hell, deep well to center of the earth. 沈浪终身一跃,跳下了这口深井,仿佛通往地狱,通往地心的深井。 Vanishes in a puff of smoke? 是灰飞烟灭? Carries on the sensibility of high rank dragon? 还是进行高阶龙之感悟? .................................... ……………………………… Note: Around 11 : 00 pm arrives home, therefore really the poor point asked for leave, but sits in meditation for two hours to form in one's mind, then starts the symbol, writes around 5 : 00 am, finally finished! 注:晚上11点多才到家,所以真的差一点点就请假了,但还是静坐两个小时构思,然后开始码字,写到早上 5 点多,终于写完了! Goes home the later refresh time to return to the stock rail, thank you! Has the brothers of monthly ticket, supports my several surely, the cakes and pastries depends on this to support the spirit, thanked profusely. 回家之后更新时间会回到正轨的,谢谢大家!有月票的兄弟,千万支持我几张,糕点就靠这个撑着精神,千恩万谢。
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