HSH :: Volume #7

#649: Shen Lang ascends the throne for the sovereign! Gets married Ning Han!( Asked monthly ticket)

Sees settles down finally, Zhu Hongxue long relaxes. 见到终于尘埃落定,祝红雪长长地松了一口气下来。 Zuo Ci kneels down to kotow directly said: Your majesty, the feudal official is guilty, almost leads to the terrible disaster, asking the flight of steps leading to a palace hall to drop the crime.” 左辞直接跪下叩首道:“陛下,臣有罪,差点酿成滔天大祸,请陛下降罪。” Shen Lang said: He, although is false, but also...... too real. No matter which aspect is more real than me, but so, you believe in the heart of hearts even my.” 沈浪道:“他虽然是假的,但是也……太真了。不管哪一方面都比我更加真实,但就算如此,你们在内心深处还是相信我的。” This point actually real. 这一点倒是真的。 In this genuine and fake Shen Lang’s gambling, Shen Lang actually falls in leeward from the beginning comprehensively, no matter which aspect evidence is disadvantageous to him. 在这一场真假沈浪的博弈中,一开始沈浪其实全面落于下风,不管哪一方面证据都对他不利。 But everyone to the Shen Lang opportunity, has been wanting to find the excuse to make him prove itself, found the false Shen Lang’s evidence. 但所有人一直在给沈浪机会,一直想找理由让他证明自己,找到假沈浪的证据。 Really was similar to Shen Lang saying that the heart of hearts wanted Shen Lang real, perhaps this was an intuition. 真的就如同沈浪所说,他们内心深处更愿意沈浪是真的,或许这是一种直觉了。 From now henceforth, this pyramid is the absolute restricted area, besides your majesty, anybody can not enter.” Zuo Ci said: This leafed door we with here nightmare stone installment construction, asking your majesty reset password, the reset to be in charge.” “从今以后,这个大金字塔就是绝对的禁地,除了陛下之外,任何人不得进入。”左辞道:“这扇门我们是用这里的噩梦石装置构建而成的,请陛下重置密码,重置掌印。” Shen Lang not polite, but arrives at this front door place directly, reset password and hand imprint. 沈浪并没有客气,而是直接来到这个大门处,重置了密码和手印。 From now henceforth, only then he can enter and exit. 从今以后,只有他一人能够进出。 Imprisons him, and treats and cures, is not dying.” Shen Lang points at false Shen Lang to say. “把他囚禁起来,并且进行救治,千万不要死了。”沈浪指着假沈浪道。 Yes!” “是!” Left pyramid, Shen Lang and the others returned to the Great Qian palace. 离开了大金字塔,沈浪等人回到大乾宫殿内。 Sir Zuo Ci, where did you find this false Shen Lang’s?” 左辞大人,你是在哪里找到这个假沈浪的?” Zuo Ci said: „The edge in ten thousand li (5,000 km) big wilderness, he came from the west side.” 左辞道:“就在万里大荒漠的边缘,他从西边而来。” Comes from the west side? The ten thousand li (5,000 km) big wilderness is very west side, but can also toward the west? Where is that? 从西边而来?万里大荒漠已经算是非常西边了,还要往西?那是哪里? This is a round star, from the Eastern empire toward east, will have arrived at Silun Empire, Silun Empire again continuously toward east, was an unknown. 这是一个圆的星球,从东方帝国一直往东,就会到达西仑帝国,西仑帝国再一直往东,就是一个未知数了。 But at that time Fire God Church evacuated from Silun Empire the time, was continuously toward east, to completely unknown place. 而当时火神教西仑帝国撤离的时候,就是一直往东,前往完全未知的地方。 The west side of Eastern empire is Western Region various countries, the west side of Western Region various country's is the ten thousand li (5,000 km) big wilderness. 东方帝国的西边是西域诸国,西域诸国的西边是万里大荒漠。 In other words from the geography of this star, the west side and Silun Empire of ten thousand li (5,000 km) big wilderness is quite actually near, perhaps the middle is away from the unknown place. 也就是说从这颗星球的地理上,万里大荒漠的西边和西仑帝国其实已经比较近了,中间或许就隔着未知之地。 According to this route path, that false Shen Lang as if came from that unknown place. 按照这个路线轨迹,那个假沈浪仿佛是从那个未知之地而来的。 Jokes aside, even if to the present, the feudal official could not find his any flaw.” Zuo Ci sighed: Which aspect no matter from, which angle, he completely and His Majesty Shen Lang is exactly the same, beforehand all memory past events, even if the matter that only then between you and me knows, for example I left Qian Capital with you, to Great Tribulation Palace. I probe vaguely, finally he also responded correctly. Or I see his first, has not really had the suspicion.” “说真的,哪怕到现在,臣也找不到他的任何破绽。”左辞叹息道:“不管从哪一个方面,哪一个角度,他都完全和沈浪陛下一模一样,还有之前所有的记忆往事,哪怕是只有你我之间知道的事情,比如我带着您离开了乾京,前往大劫宫。我非常隐晦地试探,结果他也正确回应。或者说我见到他的第一眼,真的就没有产生怀疑。” Let alone Zuo Ci, Shen Lang could not see any flaw. 别说左辞了,就连沈浪自己都看不出有任何破绽。 Really, no matter the look, the skeleton, the makings really and Shen Lang is completely same. 真的,不管是眼神,骨架,气质真的和沈浪完全一样。 It is estimated that also only then the Shen Lang’s wife and children can distinguish, because Yaoyao darling had taught resonance of heart of Shen Mi among about family members, mind telepathy, this was a very profound thing, evasive. 估计也只有沈浪的妻子儿女能够分辨出来了,因为幺幺宝贝曾经教过沈宓关于亲人之间的情感共鸣,精神感应,这是一种非常玄的东西了,不可捉摸。 Your majesty, a bad news.” Pavilion Lord Zuo Ci said. “陛下,还有一个坏消息。”左辞阁主道。 Shen Lang said: Is the dark strength of Jiang Li empire, has started to spread?” 沈浪道:“是不是姜离帝国的黑暗力量,已经开始蔓延了?” Understands clearly not to have your majesty.” Zuo Ci said: „The dark ginger Great Emperor absorbs the core through the special way the energy, and construction hell crystal vault energy cover. Where this type of hell probe constructs, where the hell crystal energy cover constructs, where his dominant strength arrives.” “圣明无过于陛下。”左辞道:“黑暗姜大帝是通过特殊的方式吸取地核的能量,并且构建地狱晶体穹顶能量罩。这种地狱探针构建到哪里,地狱晶体能量罩构建到哪里,他的统治力就到哪里。” Truly is this, therefore Shen Lang has not thought develops the influence in the ginger empire, even if in that many people are the tendency in his, Heavenly South City Commander Black Water Platform, under him 1000 people, has not seen Shen Lang, but knew the after truth of the world, takes place of the fallen is Shen Lang dies. 确实是这样的,所以沈浪从来都没有想过在姜帝国之内发展势力,哪怕那里面有很多人是心向于他的,天南城黑水台提督,还有他麾下的一千人,从来没有见过沈浪,但是得知了世界的真相后,就前仆后继为沈浪而死。 Therefore seems like, so long as Shen Lang can prove itself, uncovers Islamic, can obtain giving loyalty to of ginger empire common people. 所以看上去,沈浪只要能够证明自己,揭清真相,就能重新得到姜帝国万民的效忠。 But is not this, because the entire ginger empire has completely grasped in the Jiang Li subordinate antiquity human hand. So long as in the energy cover, is his absolute home game, in this range, his nearly in God, is absolutely invincible. 但不是这样的,因为整个姜帝国已经完全掌握在姜离麾下的上古人类手中。只要在能量罩之内,都是他的绝对主场,在这个范围内,他近乎于神,是绝对无敌的。 In the past in North Pole, he grasped the strength of entire North Pole, has arrived powerful limitlessly, including Empress White Jade Capital the duty of this level, was referred to by him, unravelled directly. 当年在北极,他只是掌握了整个北极的力量而已,就已经强大到无边无际,连白玉京女皇这种级别的任务,被他指了一下,就直接灰飞烟灭了。 Now he has almost ruled the most star, that was more invincible. 如今他几乎已经统治了大半个星球,那就更加无敌了。 Swallowing of Jiang Li to the whole world core was fast, is careful, basically does not waste any energy, is not very anxiously the expansion. 原本姜离对整个世界地核的吞噬快速,却又细致,基本上是不浪费任何一点能量,并不是非常急着扩张。 Because this inside involves to an equilibrium issue. 因为这里面涉及到一个平衡问题。 The construction energy cover needs to pay the energy, maintains the ecology in energy cover, needs the energy. 构建能量罩是需要付出能量的,维持能量罩内的生态,也是需要能量的。 Once constructs a vault city, must harvest the serious offense in paying. 所以一旦构建一个穹顶城市,必须收获大过于付出。 But ten thousand li (5,000 km) big wilderness these 130 million square kilometers regions, a time have died place, here underground energy dried up relatively, here swallows the energy, some gains don't equal the loss. 而万里大荒漠这1.3亿平方公里的区域,已经算是死过一次的地方了,这里地下的能量本就相对枯竭,在这里吞噬能量,有些得不偿失。 Pricks here underground to swallow the energy with it the probe, might as well goes to the into the sea|nautical mile construction vault city directly, pricks the seabed deep place the hell probe. 与其把探针刺入这里地下吞噬能量,还不如直接去海里构建穹顶城市,把地狱探针刺入海底深处。 Before, dark empire, although sends the person to come to detect desert Capital unceasingly, the meaning of but not having mounted a large-scale attack, but this I discovered time, the dark empire to our surrounding, has started.” Zuo Ci said: North side giant probe, is puncturing to the underground of desert one after another. But hell probe everywhere one visit, is the place of hell crystal covering, is Jiang Li displays the place of supernatural power.” “之前,黑暗帝国虽然不断派遣人前来侦测漠京,但是并没有大举进攻的意思,而这一次我发现,黑暗帝国对我们的包围,已经开始了。”左辞道:“北边一根一根巨大的探针,正刺到沙漠的地下。而地狱探针所到之处,就是地狱晶体笼罩之地,就是姜离施展神力之地。” Was Shen Lang’s appears obviously very much, making Jiang Li accelerate to the destruction footsteps of desert Capital. 很显然是沈浪的出现,使得姜离加速了对漠京的毁灭脚步。 Our Heaven Horizon Sea Pavilion discovered this ancient times vestige time, obtained many ancient times weapons, particularly transforms in the bloodlines, in the life transformation, progresses by leaps and bounds completely.” Pavilion Lord Zuo Ci said: Therefore the Heaven Horizon Sea Pavilion subordinate all warriors, the military force obtained the astonishing promotion. However a little, here all ancient times weapons, we are unable to use, cannot activate, because does not have the jurisdiction.” “我们天涯海阁发现这个远古遗迹的时候,得到了许多远古武器,尤其是在血脉蜕变,生命改造上,完全是突飞猛进。”左辞阁主道:“所以天涯海阁麾下所有武士,武力都得到了惊人的提升。但是有一点,这里所有的远古武器,我们都无法用,也不能激活,因为没有权限。” Ning Han said: All we incomparably long for that return of His Majesty Shen Lang, we believe that you will have this jurisdiction.” 宁寒道:“所有我们才无比渴望沈浪陛下的归来,我们相信您会拥有这个权限。” Shen Lang thinks a while said: I must go to pyramid again.” 沈浪想了一会儿道:“我必须再一次去大金字塔内。” Yes!” Zuo Ci said. “是!”左辞道。 Princess Ning Han said: Your majesty do not forget, after one hour, toward the meeting, you must ascend the throne to proclaim oneself emperor greatly officially. I know that perhaps you do not hope, but this is important.” 宁寒公主道:“陛下不要忘记了,一个小时之后大朝会,您要正式登基称帝了。我知道您或许不希望,但这非常重要。” .................. ……………… Shen Lang entered in pyramid again. 沈浪再一次进入了大金字塔内。 This time does not need to write the dragon character, because he had started the jurisdiction. 这次已经不需要书写龙字了,因为他已经启动了权限。 He only needs, walks into the wall screening house from street directly. 他只需要,直接走入影壁之内。 Right, this wall screening house from street is only a special energy light shadow, is not the substantiality exists. 没错,这个影壁只是一个特殊的能量光影,不是实质性存在得到。 Welcome visits, respectable middle rank commander.” In the Shen Lang ear resounded the sound. “欢迎光临,尊敬的中阶指挥官。”沈浪耳朵内响起了声音。 This is not the sounds of people, is more like an energy life. 这不是人声,更像是一种能量生命。 She said very clearly, middle rank commander. 她说得很清楚,中阶指挥官。 Shen Lang closes the eye, the release all spirits, enters the sensibility of boundary dragon. 沈浪闭上眼睛,释放出所有的精神,进入龙之感悟境界。 Quite comfortable. 好舒服啊。 Instantaneously, the inexhaustible psychic force, enters in his brain continuously, before consumed immediately obtains the supplement. 瞬间,无穷无尽的精神力,源源不断进入他的大脑之内,之前消耗的立刻得到了补充。 „Do I have these jurisdictions?” Shen Lang asked. “请问我有那些权限?”沈浪问道。 You use the middle rank jurisdiction.” The energy life said: „The control center of this city-state, altogether 19999 jurisdictions, you have 19900 jurisdictions.” “您用中阶权限。”能量生命道:“这座城邦的控制中心,总共有19999个权限,您拥有其中的19900个权限。” This sounds very astonishing, as the middle rank commander, is only left over 99 jurisdictions unable to have unexpectedly. 这听上去很惊人啊,作为中阶指挥官,竟然只剩下99个权限不能拥有。 However Shen Lang knows, the jurisdictions of all strategy levels, are behind that several. 但是沈浪知道,所有战略级的权限,就是后面那几个。 Shen Lang said: „Can I conduct the field of vision of dragon? Inspects the entire ten thousand li (5,000 km) big wilderness?” 沈浪道:“我能够进行龙之视野?视察整个万里大荒漠吗?” The energy life said: Our jurisdictions merely in the ninth city-state, a total of 1.3 million square kilometers. Naturally now the remaining all city-states have destroyed, therefore automatic acquisition detection entire empire domain jurisdiction, but needs to consume certain energy, whether continues?” 能量生命道:“我们的权限仅仅只是在第九城邦,总共一百三十万平方公里。当然如今剩下所有城邦都已经毁灭,所以自动获取了侦测整个帝国领域的权限,但是需要消耗一定的能量,请问是否继续?” Shen Lang said: Continue.” 沈浪道:“继续。” Yes, enters the view of dragon.” The energy life said. “是,进入龙之视野。”能量生命道。 Instantaneously, Shen Lang present changed thoroughly, it as if turned into a big dragon that hovers in the sky, can see the entire ten thousand li (5,000 km) big wilderness. 瞬间,沈浪眼前的一幕彻底变化了,它仿佛变成了一条翱翔在天空的巨龙,能够看到整个万里大荒漠。 Naturally Shen Lang knows, all these through looking at that two eyes of day totem realize. 当然沈浪知道,这一切都是通过望天图腾的那两只眼睛实现的。 However this feeling was too marvelous. 但是这种感觉太奇妙了。 The Shen Lang’s spirit as if flies above nine days, overlooks the entire ten thousand li (5,000 km) big wilderness. 沈浪的精神就仿佛飞在九天之上,俯瞰整个万里大荒漠。 However what pitifully is, too much different sceneries, have not been the limitless repetitions, the vast desert, does not have the sign of little life. 不过可惜的是,并没有太多不一样的景色,就是无限的重复,一望无际的沙漠,没有一点点生命的迹象。 The entire ten thousand li (5,000 km) big wilderness, 130 million square kilometers, once were a powerful ancient times empire, actually extinguished on previous big destroys. 整个万里大荒漠,1.3亿平方公里,都曾经是一个强大的远古帝国,却在上上一次大涅灭中毁灭了。 Therefore, was equal to that said it experienced destroyed the era twice. 所以,等于说它经历了两次毁灭纪元。 But desert Capital of this survival, was called the ninth city-state, altogether has 1.3 million square kilometers. Naturally overwhelming majority degenerated into the ruins, now area not over 30,000 ordinary kilometers. 而这个幸存的漠京,被称之为第九城邦,总共有一百三十万平方公里。当然绝大部分都沦为废墟了,如今面积不超过三万平凡公里。 But is not very really easy, does not know that it depends upon anything, supports to today, but has not destroyed, other city-states have unravelled 50 years ago. 但真的很不容易了,不知道它是依靠什么,支撑到今天而没有毁灭的,其他的城邦早就在五十年前就灰飞烟灭。 Shen Lang’s field of vision continuously toward north, continuously toward north! 沈浪的视野一直往北,一直往北! Toward northern 10,000 li (0.5 km), 20,000 li (0.5 km)...... 往北一万里,两万里…… Then he saw! 然后他看到了! Of incomparable shock. 无比震惊的一幕。 The startled day probe beyond comparison, is higher than the world's highest mountain peak, moreover it as if lives. 无以伦比的惊天探针,比世界上最高的山峰还要高,而且它仿佛是活的。 !” “噗!” !” “噗!” One after another, pricked in the ten thousand li (5,000 km) big wilderness. 一根一根,刺入了万里大荒漠之内。 After pricking, the probe radius all within dozens kilometers, changed. 刺入之后,探针半径几十公里内的一切,都发生了变化。 The ten thousand li (5,000 km) wilderness original yellow red, turned into the strange blue color instantaneously. The entire ground froze in thoroughly, even if here is the desert, has no moisture content. 万里荒漠原本的黄红色的,瞬间变成了诡异的蓝色。整个地面被彻底封冻,哪怕这里是沙漠,已经没有什么水分了。 The astonishing cold air raids, then the space starts the floating snow. 惊人的冷空气袭来,然后天上开始飘雪。 The Jiang Li empire, in this way, is spreading toward south unceasingly. 姜离帝国,正在通过这种方式,不断地往南蔓延。 He not in surrounding demon crystal, but must construct a hell crystal channel directly. 他不是在包围魔晶,而是要直接构建出一个地狱晶体通道。 This, really seems like in the demon beast world, a spread of dead spirit clan, seems like the interstellar to strive for hegemony the spread of inside insect clan, but without is so disgusting, appears very only beautiful. 这一幕,真的像是魔兽世界里面,亡灵一族的蔓延,又像是星际争霸里面虫族的蔓延,但是没有那么恶心,显得非常唯美。 Jiang Li regarding the place that the crystal spreads, the world turns into the blue color, the sky floating snow, thermal shock, appears very only beautiful. 姜离对于晶体蔓延到的地方,世界变成蓝色,天空飘雪,温度骤降,显得非常唯美。 Shen Lang is calculating fast, the Jiang Li hell crystal front from the desert Capital also about 20,000 li (0.5 km), but according to this rate of fire spread, most three months can arrive in desert Capital, it is almost spreading at a daily rate of 200 mile. 沈浪飞快地计算着,姜离地狱晶体前沿距离漠京还有两万里左右,但是按照这个蔓延速度,最多三个月就能够到达漠京,它几乎以每天200里的速度在蔓延。 Moreover this each probe gets down, means a fortress, means where the Jiang Li evil clutches can touch. 而且这每一根探针下去,就意味着一个堡垒,就意味着姜离魔爪能够触及到哪里。 Shen Lang asked: Once the evil clutches spread of enemy to desert Capital, at our energies, somewhat chance?” 沈浪问道:“一旦敌人的魔爪蔓延到漠京,以我们的能量,有几分胜机?” The energy life said: Zero.” 能量生命道:“零。” Shen Lang one said surprised: Such absolutely?” 沈浪一愕道:“这么绝对?” The energy life said: „The energy under empire land, has exhausted completely, the ninth city-state, 1.3 million square kilometers, remaining 39,000 square kilometers merely, the energy chances of these lands, can only maintain the revolution of ninth city-state ruins reluctantly. But the enemy has nearly half world, about 200 million square kilometers land energies, are about our 10,000 times, therefore does not have the victory possible.” 能量生命道:“帝国土地下的能量,已经全部耗尽,第九城邦,一百三十万平方公里,也仅仅之剩下三万九千平方公里,这些土地的能量胜机,只能勉强维持第九城邦废墟的运转。而敌人拥有近乎半个世界,将近两亿平方公里的土地能量,大约是我们的一万倍,所以毫无胜利可能。” The information content of these words is big. 这句话的信息量非常大。 Shen Lang said: Please analyze the ninth city-state revolution way.” 沈浪道:“请对第九城邦运转方式进行解析。” After the moment! 片刻后! Shen Lang saw the revolution principle of desert Capital. 沈浪看到了漠京的运转原理。 Really good...... familiar. 真的好……熟悉啊。 From the blueprint principle, is almost just the same as the Jiang Li empire vault city purely. 单纯从图纸原理上,几乎和姜离帝国穹顶城市一模一样。 This giant pyramid, is higher than the mountain, but the reveal outside like the tip of the iceberg, it is deeper in the underground part, pricks the mantle deep place directly, the innumerable energies touch the claw, in direct thorough core. 这个巨大的金字塔,比高山还要高,但露在外面如同冰山一角,它在地下的部分更深,直接刺入地幔深处,无数的能量触爪,直接深入地核之中。 This pyramid is also swallowing the core, the energy of mantle. 这座金字塔也在吞噬地核,地幔的能量。 Same evil, same overdraws the vitality of star. 一样的邪恶,一样透支星球的生机。 No wonder this ten thousand li (5,000 km) big wilderness dies such thoroughly, because of all vitalities, all energies, was swallowed cleanly, became the absolute death forbidden area. 难怪这万里大荒漠死得这么彻底,因为所有的生机,所有的能量,都被吞噬得干干净净了,成为绝对的死亡禁区。 But this desert Capital, was the ninth city-state of ancient times empire , was barely managing to maintain a feeble existence. 而这个漠京,也是远古帝国的第九城邦,也算是在苟延残喘。 Perhaps the city revolution of Jiang Li empire, refers to this ancient times empire, because just his energy main body was the hell crystal, therefore the whole world was the snow and ice and blue color. 姜离帝国的城市运转,或许就是参照这个远古帝国的,只不过因为他的能量主体是地狱晶体,所以整个世界都是冰雪和蓝色。 Shen Lang said: You swallowed land all vitalities, causes the destruction of entire empire, enabling this lands dead thoroughly, why?” 沈浪道:“你们吞噬了大地所有的生机,导致整个帝国的毁灭,使得这片土地彻底死去,为什么?” No wonder Shen Lang looked that this ten thousand li (5,000 km) big wilderness looks like sparks/Mars surface, sorrel, moreover is thorougher than sparks/Mars, sparks/Mars also has the mountains and canyons at least. 难怪沈浪看这万里大荒漠那么像火星表面呢,红褐色的,而且比火星更加彻底,火星起码还有山川和峡谷呢。 After sparks/Mars was died the star appearance, but the ten thousand li (5,000 km) big wilderness, was this world died the later appearance. 火星就是死去后的星球模样,而万里大荒漠,就是这个世界死去之后的模样。 Therefore this world too satirized, the place of found so-called hope, the place of light, died unexpectedly thoroughly thoroughly place, but the land of Jiang Li empire is moving toward the death, but has not died at least thoroughly. 所以这个世界太讽刺了,找到的所谓希望之地,光明之地,竟然是彻底死透了的地方,而姜离帝国的土地虽然正走向死亡,但起码还没死透呢。 The energy life said: Our development to land, originally be at a quite balanced condition, even if slightly overdraws, can still through the star attraction, the solar storm make up. The arrival that because big extinguishes, making us to construct an unprecedented energy cover, before trying to resist Sun at the point of death the counter-attack drastic change, resists the startled day the solar storm. However...... failed as before, cannot block. We overdraw the energy cover that the vitality energy of 1.3 square kilometers land constructed, has unravelled instantaneously.” 能量生命道:“我们对大地的开发,原本处于一个比较平衡的状态,就算略有透支,也能够通过星球引力,太阳风暴重新弥补。但是因为大涅灭的到来,使得我们不得不构建一个前所未有的能量罩,试图抵御太阳临死前的反扑剧变,抵御惊天的太阳风暴。但是……依旧失败了,根本挡不住。我们透支了1.3平方公里土地的生机能量构建成的能量罩,瞬间就已经灰飞烟灭。” The energy cover unravelled, that inside ancient times empire human naturally also died completely, their city-states also in big extinguished ruined majority, but remaining that parts in the baptism of years, degenerated into the yellow sand. 能量罩灰飞烟灭了,那里面远古帝国人类自然也全部死去,他们的城邦也在大涅灭中毁掉了大部分,而剩下的那部分在岁月的洗礼中,也沦为了黄沙。 Since that ninth city-state, why can fortunately survive? 那第九城邦,为何能够幸存至今? Perhaps the destruction of this ancient times empire, to a Jiang Li absolute negative example, wanted to resist the solar drastic change attack using the energy cover is completely impossible, therefore he only had a thought that swallowed entire star all energies, then led the survival soul of this world, left thoroughly. 这个远古帝国的毁灭,或许给姜离一个绝对的反面例子,想要利用能量罩抵御太阳剧变袭击完全是不可能的,所以他只有一个念头,吞噬整颗星球所有能量,然后带领这个世界的幸存灵魂,彻底离开。 Shen Lang said: I have 99 jurisdictions, can't the unlocking?” 沈浪道:“我还有99个权限,不能解锁?” Yes.” The energy life said. “是的。”能量生命道。 Shen Lang said: That you felt a jurisdiction that I am interested in?” 沈浪道:“那其中你觉得我非常感兴趣的一个权限呢?” The energy life said: Life transforms, biological transformation.” 能量生命道:“生命改造,生物改造。” Shen Lang said: „Is the maximum jurisdiction that this pyramid has what?” 沈浪道:“那这个金字塔拥有的最高权限是什么?” The energy life said: Staring of god.” 能量生命道:“神之凝视。” Shen Lang said: What do you mean?” 沈浪道:“什么意思?” The energy life said: You control the eyes of totem, has swept one, all lives, turn into the fossil.” 能量生命道:“您控制图腾的双眼,扫过一眼,所有生命,变成化石。” Really so! 果然如此啊! This is the unique skill of Empress Medusa, is the god level energetic technique that her talent grasps. 这是美杜莎女皇的绝技,也是她一个人才掌握的神级精神术。 But this miracle energetic technique, was stolen by Jiang Xie afterward. 只不过后来这个神迹精神术,被姜歇窃取了。 Also can have the so powerful energetic technique in this pyramid unexpectedly. 没有想到,在这个金字塔竟然也能拥有如此强大的精神术。 It is not able to imagine, once the Jiang Li empire armies attack, so long as Shen Lang strafes one, all armies turn into the fossil completely, does this...... shock? 无法想象啊,一旦姜离帝国大军来袭,沈浪只要扫射一眼,所有军队全部变成化石,这……何等震撼? Shen Lang said: Maximum jurisdiction that I can grasp at present, what is the highest weapon?” 沈浪道:“那我目前能够掌握的最高权限,最高武器是什么?” The energy life said: Energy dragon Pao.” 能量生命道:“能量龙炮。” Energy dragon Pao? 能量龙炮? Immediately a giant statue appears in front of Shen Lang’s, this was an ancient times artillery, actually carved to become the contour of big dragon, big mouth that it opened was a muzzle. 顿时一个巨大的雕像出现在沈浪的面前,这是一门远古火炮,却雕琢成为巨龙的外形,它张开的大嘴就是炮口。 This should be the ancient times empire super weapon. 这应该算是远古帝国超级武器了。 Shen Lang said: Is each bombing, launched Regret of the Dragon probably?” 沈浪道:“是不是每一次炮击,都像是发射了一枚龙之悔?” He elaborated, when released the Regret of the Dragon explosion scene. 他一边阐述,一边释放出龙之悔爆炸时的情景。 This was the interesting part of sensibility of writing dragon, can use a character, demonstrated the Regret of the Dragon’s explosion principle completely, the explosion power, waited for all data. 这就是龙之感悟文字的妙处了,能够用一个字,完全演示出龙之悔的爆炸原理,爆炸威力,等等一切数据。 Right, is similar.” The energy life said. “对,非常相似。”能量生命道。 Shen Lang said: At present desert Capital, is the ninth city-state, has several dragon Pao?” 沈浪道:“目前漠京,也就是第九城邦,拥有几具龙炮?” The energy life said: A total of nine, but is only left over one now.” 能量生命道:“总共九门,但现在只剩下一门。” Shen Lang said: I whether has all weapons of activation energy dragon artillery following level?” 沈浪道:“我是否有激活能量龙炮以下级别的所有武器?” Yes.” The energy life said: But, such words only save not many energies to bring a bigger loss to us.” “是的。”能量生命道:“但是,那样的话对我们仅存不多的能量会带来更大的损耗。” Shen Lang said: How can obtain this maximum jurisdiction of looking at the day totem? Staring of god?” 沈浪道:“如何才能获得这座望天图腾的最高权限?神之凝视?” The energy life said: According to your view, grasps the sensibility of high rank dragon.” 能量生命道:“按照您的说法,就是掌握高阶龙之感悟。” Shen Lang said: Where then goes to grasp?” 沈浪道:“那么去哪里掌握?” The energy life said: extremely sorry, I do not have the related knowledge reserve in this point.” 能量生命道:“非常抱歉,在这一点我没有相关知识储备。” Shen Lang said: If with looking at day ancient times totem eye looking at each other, whether can obtain the sensibility of high rank dragon?” 沈浪道:“如果和望天远古图腾眼睛对视,是否能够获得高阶龙之感悟?” The energy life said: extremely sorry, this issue exceeds your jurisdiction, exceeds my jurisdiction.” 能量生命道:“非常抱歉,此问题超过您的权限,也超过我的权限。” The time was up, immediately took 6 : 00 am, must come toward the meeting greatly. 时间差不多了,马上就要上午 6 点了,大朝会要来了。 Shen Lang withdrew from the sensibility of boundary dragon, the surroundings as in the pyramid main hall, as in wall screening house from street light shadow. 沈浪退出了龙之感悟境界,周围依旧是在金字塔大殿之内,依旧是在影壁光影内。 The whole person seems especially healthy and vigorous, all psychic forces that before consumed, supplemented completely. 整个人显得尤其精神奕奕,之前消耗的所有精神力,全部补充了回来。 It can be said that the harvest is huge. 可以说收获非常非常巨大。 Was equal to that Shen Lang had this city-state all powers directly. 等于沈浪直接掌握了这座城邦所有的的权力。 Existence of this ancient times city-state was very actually ignominious, but was truly powerful, once Shen Lang grasped the observation day totem the maximum jurisdiction, in the ten thousand li (5,000 km) big wilderness, Shen Lang has not necessarily fought high below with Jiang Li the ability. 这座远古城邦的存在其实很不光彩,但确实非常强大,一旦沈浪掌握了望天图腾的最高权限,那么在万里大荒漠,沈浪未必没有和姜离一战高下的能力。 .................. ……………… 6 : 00 am! 早上 6 点! An imperial robe, Shen Lang of imperial crown, appears in the imperial palace main hall officially. 一身龙袍,皇冠的沈浪,正式出现在皇宫大殿之内。 Several hundred civil and military officials, bow politely neatly. 几百个文武官员,整齐叩拜。 Outside several hundred thousand people, kneel down to kotow fully. 外面几十万子民,整整跪下叩首。 Entire night of sleepless, for today. 整整一夜无眠,就是为了今天。 Waited for 29 years, finally waited till today. 等待了二十九年,终于等到了今天。 Powerful incomparable, creates His Majesty Shen Lang of miracle, finally return. 强大无比,创造神迹的沈浪陛下,终于归来了。 Finally does not need to despair. 终于不必在绝望了。 The dark sky, presented the dawn finally. 黑暗的天空,终于出现了曙光。 The day...... quick must shine! 天……很快就要亮了! My sovereign, long live, long live, long live!” “吾皇,万岁,万岁,万万岁!” My sovereign, long live, long live, long live!” “吾皇,万岁,万岁,万万岁!” In the mountainous cry tsunami, Shen Lang ascends the throne for the emperor finally. 在山呼海啸中,沈浪终于登基为帝。 Is called Great Qian Empire as before, but is not the Jiang Family dynasty, but was the Shen dynasty. 依旧叫作大乾帝国,但已经不是姜氏皇朝,而是沈氏皇朝。 At this moment, was postponed fully for 30 years. 这一刻,算是整整推迟了三十年。 On the same day Shen Lang defeated Great Yan Sovereign Emperor time, should ascend the throne for the sovereign, but he did not have. 当日沈浪击败大炎皇帝的时候,本就应该登基为皇的,但是他没有。 Because of that empire, belonged to Jiang Family at that time, inherits from Jiang Li. 因为当时那个帝国,是属于姜氏的,是继承自姜离的。 But now this Great Qian Empire, belongs to Shen Lang’s, although he does not want. 而现在这个大乾帝国,是属于沈浪的,尽管他一点都不想要。 However, these several hundred thousand people of needs, even is the only goal that they survive. 但是,这几十万人需要,甚至是他们存活下去的唯一目标。 The entire enthronement ceremony is broad, dignified. 整个登基仪式非常恢宏,庄严。 Continued fully for six hours. 整整持续了六个小时。 The ceremony is legitimate, in the custom according to history book comes completely. 仪式非常正统,完全按照史书上的规矩来。 Because was at this time, more needed the ceremony feeling. 因为越是这个时候,就越需要仪式感。 However, here abbreviates does not raise completely. 不过,在这里省略全部不提。 .......................................... …………………………………… In the afternoon! 下午时分! Princess Ning Han arrives in front of Room Shen Lang’s again. 宁寒公主再一次来到沈浪的面前。 That drama that your majesty, you said that finished?” Ning Han asked: „Have you won?” “陛下,您说的那一场大戏,结束了吗?”宁寒问道:“您已经赢了吗?” Jiang Li said three days of time, now passes merely half, but the gambling of Shen Lang and Jiang Li, as if ended. 姜离说三天时间,如今才仅仅过去了一半,但沈浪姜离的这一场博弈,仿佛结束了啊。 Shen Lang as if has won, the disguiser who that sneaks, had been grasped. 沈浪仿佛已经赢了,那个潜入进来的伪装者,已经被抓起来了。 Shen Lang said: No, that drama was just halfway, without finishing. I felt freely oneself must win, but I have not at least won now.” 沈浪道:“没有,那一场大戏刚刚进行了一半,没有结束。我尽管觉得自己必胜,但至少现在我还没有赢。” Actually that false is Shen Lang who? 那个假沈浪究竟是谁? Jiang Li has said that he only sent a disguiser, that definitely was one, is not two. 姜离说过,他只派来了一个伪装者,那就肯定是一个,不会是两个。 False Shen Lang? Disguiser? 沈浪?是不是伪装者? Jiang Li said that within three days, do not uncover to hold the disguiser, the entire desert Capital will have the total destruction. 姜离说了,三天之内,不把伪装者揭出来抓住,整个漠京就会有灭顶之灾。 However now looks like, a form piece excellent, Shen Lang has obtained the observation day totem the jurisdiction, can monitor the entire ten thousand li (5,000 km) big wilderness momentarily, moreover can launch energy dragon Pao, although the maximum jurisdiction did not have the unlocking. 但是现在看来,形式一片大好啊,沈浪已经获得了望天图腾的权限,随时可以监视整个万里大荒漠,而且还能发射能量龙炮,虽然最高权限还没有解锁。 But the Shen Lang’s strength obtains innumerable time of extending. 沈浪的力量已经得到了无数倍的延伸。 At least at this time looks like, had not discovered that any desert Capital has the danger of destruction. 至少此时看来,并没有发现什么漠京有毁灭之危。 Although the Jiang Li hell crystal is spreading toward south, the giant probe pricks ten thousand li (5,000 km) wilderness unceasingly, once is close to desert Capital, that here will also turn into the Jiang Li home game, that nearly has the strength of god. 姜离的地狱晶体虽然在往南蔓延,巨大的探针不断刺入万里荒漠,一旦接近漠京,那这里也会变成姜离的主场,那就近乎拥有神的力量。 But that at least is several months later things. 但那至少是几个月后的事情。 Also, this false Shen Lang is really very strange. 还有,这个假沈浪真是非常离奇啊。 He has no flaw, moreover even in the inner world, he was still full of the intense fight desire,...... sense of justice. 他没有任何破绽,而且就算在精神世界内,他也充满了强烈的战斗欲,还有……正义感。 He as if really goes all out to defeat Shen Lang for the justness, turns into the masquerader Shen Lang. 他仿佛真的是为了正义而拼命要战胜沈浪,把沈浪变成冒充者。 Your majesty, although you have the control jurisdiction of this desert Capital pyramid, but...... you are also a bystander, right?” Princess Ning Han said. “陛下,尽管您拥有这座漠京金字塔的控制权限,但……您还算是外人,对吗?”宁寒公主道。 Shen Lang said: Right, I am human, therefore is a bystander. On the contrary you are its person on one's own side, otherwise Empress Medusa to you will not demonstrate that the entrance of this ancient times vestige, you will not trade a body completely.” 沈浪道:“对,我是人类,所以是一个外人。相反你才算是它的自己人,否则美杜莎女皇也不会向你展示这个远古遗迹的入口,你也不会完全换一具躯体。” Continuously by the present, as before only then Ning Han found the desert Capital entrance. Anybody must be able to enter under her leadership, is no exception including Zuo Ci and Shen Lang. 一直到现在为止,依旧只有宁寒找到漠京入口。任何人都要在她的带领之下才能进入,包括左辞沈浪都不例外。 Therefore regarding this city-state, Ning Han seems like the person on one's own side. 所以对于这个城邦来说,宁寒才像是自己人。 Because loses the empire Medusa royal family, this looking day totem of ancient times empire, is the person of surface snake bodies, to a certain extent they are the same clan. 因为失落帝国美杜莎王族,还有这远古帝国的望天图腾,都是人面蛇身的,某种程度上他们是同族。 Princess Ning Han said: Before Empress Medusa and I looked at each other, my brain territory as if blasted out instantaneously, anything does not know.” 宁寒公主道:“之前美杜莎女皇和我对视的时候,我脑域仿佛瞬间炸开,什么都不知道了。” Actually Shen Lang is also similar, can only accept very slight information, remaining does not understand totally. 其实沈浪也差不多,只能接受非常细微的信息,剩下的一概不懂。 Princess Ning Han said: But after trading a body, these unknown information, were instantaneously clear.” 宁寒公主道:“但是换了一具身体后,那些未知的信息,瞬间就清清楚楚了。” Shen Lang said: Because of this body, is loses the empire similar, Medusa similar.” 沈浪道:“因为这具身体,算是失落帝国同类,美杜莎同类。” Princess Ning Han said: However the Medusa race, as if can through a very special way, making human share this energetic cognition.” 宁寒公主道:“而美杜莎种族,仿佛可以通过一种非常特殊的方式,让人类共享这种精神认知。” The Shen Lang second understands, at that time Jiang Xie through conquering the heart of Empress Medusa, thus obtains all her abilities, including staring of god. 沈浪秒懂,当时姜歇就是通过征服了美杜莎女皇的心,从而获得她所有的能力,包括神之凝视。 Princess Ning Han said: This should be marrying, I and you once had the engagement, is Royal Father Ning Yuanxian and Jiang Li sets, this engagement can become invalid. For you rule desert Capital well, grasps the strength and jurisdiction of this city well, I thought that we can marry, then with a sacred and intimate way, shares my spiritual strength, naturally is unilateral sharing. I pay to you, but you do not need to share any information to me.” 宁寒公主道:“这应该是一种联姻,我和您曾经有婚约,是父王宁元宪姜离定下的,这个婚约可以作废。但是为了您更好地统治漠京,更好地掌握这座城市的力量和权限,我觉得我们可以联姻,然后用一种神圣而又亲密的方式,共享我的精神力量,当然是单方面的共享。我对您付出一切,而您不需要对我共享任何信息。” Shen Lang said: Blending of energetic aspect is right?” 沈浪道:“精神方面的交融对吗?” Yes.” Princess Ning Han said: At least, you need to know that the entrance of this city-state, cannot monopolize this secret by me.” “是的。”宁寒公主道:“至少,您需要知道这座城邦的入口,不能由我一个人独享这个秘密。” Even also incessantly so. 甚至还不止如此。 Shen Lang had asked that can with looking at the day totem looks at each other, studies the sensibility of high-level dragon. 沈浪曾经问过,能不能和望天图腾对视,学习高级龙之感悟。 However the energy life of this pyramid said the no comment, because the Shen Lang jurisdiction is insufficient. 但是这个金字塔的能量生命说无可奉告,因为沈浪权限不够。 He is pure human, is the bystander, but has the sensibility of dragon. 他是纯粹的人类,是外人,但是却拥有龙之感悟。 But after Princess Ning Han traded the body, concluded some fate with Empress Medusa, therefore regarding this city, she seem like the person on one's own side, but the sensibility of her not dragon. 宁寒公主换了身体后,和美杜莎女皇缔结了某种缘分,所以对于这个城市来说,她倒像是自己人,只不过她不会龙之感悟。 Therefore, once Shen Lang and Princess Ning Han get married, in some significance is marrying of two races. 所以,一旦沈浪宁寒公主成婚,某种意义上算是两个种族的联姻。 Once such Shen Lang obtains the psychic force of Princess Ning Han about Medusa race, perhaps then the jurisdiction can be raised, perhaps regarding the sensibility of high rank dragon, there is a certain help. 那样沈浪一旦得到宁寒公主关于美杜莎种族的精神力,那么或许权限能够提升,或许对于高阶龙之感悟,也有一定的帮助。 At least then Jiang Xie Crown Prince, swindled Empress Medusa like this all knowledge and abilities. 至少当时的姜歇太子,就是这样骗取了美杜莎女皇所有的知识和能力。 Shen Lang said: Is merely blending of energetic aspect, is?” 沈浪道:“是仅仅精神方面的交融,还是?” Princess Ning Han said: If you do not mind, I am willing to bear children.” 宁寒公主道:“如果您不介意的话,我愿意生儿育女。” Minded, minded once to the hatred of Princess Ning Han? 介意,介意曾经对宁寒公主的仇恨吗? A little minds. 还是有点介意的。 Shen Lang is not the magnanimous person, wish makes him thoroughly tolerant is impossible. 沈浪不是大度之人,想要让他彻底宽容是不可能的。 However, since cannot kill it, does that...... marry it?! 但是,既然不能杀之,那就……娶之?! Shen Lang said: Good, if not mind, we can conduct the wedding momentarily.” 沈浪道:“好,如果都不介意的话,我们随时可以进行婚礼。” Princess Ning Han said: Yes, your majesty! My this prepares!” 宁寒公主道:“是,陛下!我这就去准备!” That night! 当天晚上! Shen Lang bows to Heaven and Earth to get married with Princess Ning Han officially, gets married her for Imperial Noble Consort Great Qian Empire. 沈浪正式和宁寒公主拜堂成亲,迎娶她为大乾帝国皇贵妃。 ................................................ ………………………………………… Note: Finally finished, tomorrow must get up early to go far! Sir everyone, has the monthly ticket to bestow me surely! Kotows Shane, the benefactor long live! 注:终于写完了,明天还要早起出远门呢!诸位大人啊,有月票千万赐给我呢!叩首谢恩,恩公万岁!
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