HSH :: Volume #7

#648: Win total victories! Grasps the god it strength( asked monthly ticket)

Zuo Ci asked toward Zhu Ning and Princess Ning Han: The topic that His Majesty Shen Lang sets, can you understand? Can understand?” 左辞朝着祝柠宁寒公主问道:“沈浪陛下出的这个题目,你们看得懂吗?听得懂吗?” Goldbach's conjecture, to let him is familiar, therefore spreads to become 1 + 1 in the people. 哥德巴赫猜想,为了让他耳熟能详,所以在广大民众中流传成为了1+1。 In fact, it is: Any one was bigger than 2 even numbers to write the sums of two prime number. 实际上,它是:任一大于二的偶数都可写成两个质数之和。 At present on Earth, this topic non-solution, very straight many people said as before he is the gem in mathematical imperial crown, one of the world modern times three big math difficult problems. 目前地球上,这道题目依旧无解,很直很多人都说他是数学皇冠上的宝石,世界近代三大数学难题之一。 ...... Renews diligently ---- Please renovate the visit later ……努力更新中----请稍后刷新访问 This chapter the renewal, be please renovating the visit diligently later 此章节正在努力更新ing,请稍后刷新访问 The handsome fellow beautiful woman of cell phone visit, first registers a member!!! 手机访问的帅哥美女,先注册个会员好吗!!! The registration home station member, uses the bookshelf bookmark function, easy reading 注册本站会员,使用书架书签功能,更方便阅读 If this chapter is the author asks the ticket and so on idle talk, please jump over continues to look at the next chapter 如果此章是作者求票之类废话的,请跳过继续看下一章 Please first collect this page, facilitates under to read, otherwise under could not find this chapter 请先收藏此页,方便等下阅读,不然等下找不到此章节咯 Recommends the Great God author: forest Yujiang face/color --------- Metropolis: Best son-in-law forest Yujiang face/color 推荐大神作者:林羽江颜---------都市:最佳女婿林羽江颜 3 a 2 f 2 f 2 fbook 2 f 20 f 18291 f 3a2f2f2fbook2f20f18291f Synopsis: 内容简介: When master on point of departure, this gate pressed the bottom to writing Tianliu the maintaining life true words, said that cultivates industriously, must have effect ps: In this book all technique laws, the say/way secret arts, the cultivation art secret skill, came from this dense conceals, does not get true line, and not absurdly from cultivation. Is sure to remember! Cautious it sincerely! 师父临别之际,给文天留了一句本门压箱底的保命真言,说是勤加修炼,必有奇效ps:本书中所有术法、道诀、功法秘技等,均来自本门密藏,不得真传者且勿妄自修炼。切记切记!谨之慎之! % e 163 e 15 c 80 e 4% bd % b 3% e 5% a 5% b 3% e 5% a 9% bf % e 15 e 97 e 7% be % bd % e 6% b 10 f % e 9% a 11 c % e 8% bd % ac % e 170 e 106 a 8% e 14 c % b 0% e 14 d 80 ef % bc 9 a 3 a 2 f 2 f 2 fbook 2 f 20 f 18291 f 0 a 0 a % e 163 e 166 a 2 f 2 f 2 fbook 2 f 20 f 18291 f 0 a 0 a % e 163 e 163 e 176 e 5% ae % b 9% e 8% af 95 e 8% af % bb % ef % bc 9 a 3 a 2 f 2 f 2 fbook 2 f 20 f 18289% new 81 Chinese net first rounds %e163e15c80e4%bd%b3%e5%a5%b3%e5%a9%bf%e15e97e7%be%bd%e6%b10f%e9%a11c%e8%bd%ac%e170e106a8%e14c%b0%e14d80ef%bc9a3a2f2f2fbook2f20f18291f0a0a%e163e166a2f2f2fbook2f20f18291f0a0a%e163e163e176e5%ae%b9%e8%af95e8%af%bb%ef%bc9a3a2f2f2fbook2f20f18289%新八一中文网首发 Chapter 1 witnessed oneself were cremated 第1章目睹自己被火化 Sorry, we have made contribution, makes the funeral arrangements.” “对不起,我们已经尽力了,准备后事吧。” Outside the hospital ward the voice of doctor is very light, but the forest feather on hospital bed actually hears clear. 病房外医生的声音很轻,但病床上的林羽却听得一清二楚。 Perhaps before the person dies, continually the sense of hearing will become especially keen, particularly mother's weeping sound, will be particularly incisive. 可能人死之前连听觉都会变得格外灵敏吧,尤其是母亲的哭声,分外尖锐。 Because behaves righteously to pay with the life, the forest feather is not first, regarding this he did not regret, but thought that is unfair to mother. 因为见义勇为付出生命,林羽并不是第一个,对此他并不后悔,只是觉得对不起母亲。 Morning that the father dies, mother pulls him, does not know that had many pain, now he was admitted to clear People's Hospital by the outstanding result, the life with mother is just about to be bright, has not thought that actually had this accident/surprise. 父亲死的早,母亲一手把他拉扯到,不知道吃了多少苦,如今他以优异的成绩考入清海市人民医院,与母亲的生活正要明亮起来,没想到却出了这种意外。 Damn heaven.” “该死的老天。” The good people do not have to report, forest feather cursed one in a low voice, the eyelid cannot support again, closes slowly. 好人果真没有好报,林羽低声咒骂了一声,眼皮再也撑不住,缓缓合上。 My son!” “我的儿啊!” Sad and shrill weeping sound awakens the forest feather fiercely, he opens eyes looked, discovered own this time stands in the tail block unexpectedly, but mother is putting on the bed to wail. 一声凄厉的哭声猛地将林羽惊醒,他睁眼一看,发现自己此时竟然站在床尾,而母亲正扑在床上嚎啕大哭。 Mother, what you cries, my not in good condition in this?” “妈,你哭什么,我这不好端端的在这吗?” The forest feather great happiness, thinks oneself were getting better mysteriously, puts out a hand to pat mother, discovered that own hand passes through from mother's body unexpectedly. 林羽大喜,以为自己神奇痊愈了,伸手一拍母亲,发现自己的手竟然从母亲的身体中穿了过去。 The mother slight response, has not put on the bed to weep bitterly as before. 母亲没有丝毫的反应,依旧扑在床上痛哭。 The forest feather look changes, raised the head to see that on the bed is also lying down unexpectedly, the facial color turns green witheredly, obviously does not have the vitality/angry. 林羽神色一变,抬头看到床上竟然还躺着一个自己,面色干瘪发青,显然已经没了生气。 Did I die? 我死了? forest feather looked down the eye to stand of tail block, discovered the body somewhat empty white, moreover somewhat was slightly transparent. 林羽低头看了眼站在床尾的自己,发现身子有些虚白,而且微微有些透明。 The forest feather in great surprise, after the person died, really has the soul! New 81 Chinese net first rounds. 林羽大惊,原来人死之后真的有魂魄!新八一中文网首发. Regardless of he said anything, makes anything, the mothers cannot feel. 无论他说什么,做什么,母亲都感受不到。 With the help of nurse, mother endured suffering to forest feather wore the shroud, later the nurse shipped the funeral car(riage) his corpse. 在护士的帮助下,母亲忍痛给林羽穿上了寿衣,随后护工把他的尸体运上了殡葬车。 The mother follows to board, sits by his corpse, tight is gripping his hand, in the inflamed eye socket the tears keep welling up outward, feather, you feel relieved, mother got through here matter, accompanies you immediately.” 母亲跟着上了车,坐在他的尸体旁,紧紧的攥着他的手,红肿的眼窝中泪水不停地往外涌,“羽儿,你放心走,妈把这边的事情办完了,立马就下去陪你。” To her, the son was her entirety, the son died, she lived in the world, does not have any significance. 对于她来说,儿子就是她的全部,儿子死了,她活在世上,也没有任何意义了。 One hear of mothers want to commit suicide, forest feather was anxious immediately, studies the scene that in the movie is coming back to life to lie down on the corpse, but does not have any function, sits up each time, only then own soul. 一听母亲想要寻短见,林羽顿时急了,学着电影里还魂的场景躺到尸体上,但是没有任何作用,每次坐起的,都只有自己的魂魄。 Vehicle quickly to crematory, after the payment, the staff to the forest emergence a makeup, gave a forest feather mother numberplate simply, then cremated the personnel to push forest feather the body to go to cremate the hall. 车子很快到了火葬场,缴费之后,工作人员简单给林羽化了个妆,递给林羽母亲一个号码牌,接着焚化人员推着林羽的尸体去了焚化大厅。 Does not want!” “不要!” When cremated personnel his corpse advancement crematory instantly, the forest feather collapses instantaneously. 当焚化人员将他的尸体推进焚化炉的刹那,林羽瞬间崩溃。 With the combustion of mortal body, forest feather felt that own consciousness is weakening, the body has the innumerable light luminous spots to scatter to go to all around, the soul also slowly is becoming pale. 随着肉身的燃烧,林羽感觉自己的意识正在变弱,身上有无数淡淡的光点向四周流散而去,魂魄也正在慢慢的变淡。 Meanwhile, his starts to flash before another world at present, the pleasant institute and is the endless darkness, is mixing with the glowing red flame and sad and shrill pitiful yell sound. 与此同时,他的眼前开始闪现出另一个世界,入眼所及都是无尽的黑暗,夹杂着红通通的火焰以及凄厉的惨叫声。 Hell! 地狱! This is the first thought that forest feather consciousness flashes through, the powerful sense of fear embezzles him instantaneously. 这是林羽意识中闪过的第一个念头,强大的恐惧感瞬间将他吞没。 His soul subconscious in airborne to/clashes randomly proceeds along no particular course, the luminous spot still kept flutters from his soul body . Moreover the speed is getting quicker and quicker. 他的魂魄下意识的在空中乱冲乱撞,光点仍旧不停的从他魂体中飘出,而且速率越来越快。 The hell world in his eye is also getting more and more clear, can hear the following mysterious hoarse sound to summon him. 他眼中的地狱世界也越来越清晰,能听到下面一个神秘沙哑的声音正在呼唤他。 At this time in the crematory forest feather the body nearly burnt through, in the ashes blue jade hanging falls to glow the dazzling ray in the raging fire together suddenly. 此时焚化炉内林羽的身体近乎燃尽了,灰烬中一块碧玉色的吊坠突然在烈火中焕发出耀眼的光芒。 When this is Grandfather forest feather passed away leaves his, at a young age wears to the present, wears the shroud the time, mother has not picked specially. 这是林羽外公去世时留给他的,自小戴到现在,穿寿衣的时候,母亲特意没有摘下来。 Hanging the falling ray is getting more and more abundant, later a breakage of pēng, a wisp of aquamarine light shadow fiercely from hanging to fall jumps out, one in soul that adhered to stick cohere forest feather. 吊坠光芒越来越盛,随后的一声破裂,一缕碧绿色的光影猛地从吊坠中窜出,一下附着到了林羽的魂魄上。 In his mind broadcasts an old sound, I am your ancestor sage, starting today, you are I teach others, my medicine Taoist skill law, practices medicine to provide relief, crosses the person to cross oneself 紧接着他脑海中传来一个苍老的声音,“我乃你祖上圣人,从今日起,你便是我传人,得我医道术法,悬壶济世,渡人渡己” Afterward the sound dissipates, the huge information content floods forest feather the mind suddenly, the medical ethics profound technique, the practicing law secret art and ancestor travelled for pleasure the experience to swamp into forest feather the mind altogether. 随后声音消散,庞大的信息量陡然间充斥进林羽的脑海,医道玄术、修行法诀及祖上的一些游历经验一股脑的涌入了林羽的脑海中。 The information in mind, forest feather is feeling excitedly, as if opened a front door of new world. 着脑海中的信息,林羽感觉十分兴奋,仿佛打开了一新世界的大门。 But this exciting vigor disappears, obtains the secret technique inheritance also to have what using, oneself are the deceased person who soon to go to hell. 但这股兴奋劲转瞬即逝,得到秘术传承又有何用,自己已经是个马上要下地狱的死人了。 This thought flashes through, in the forest feather mind jumps out of a memory of related coming back to life technique suddenly. 这个念头闪过,林羽脑海中突然跳出一条有关还魂术的记忆。 The memory showed, through the coming back to life technique, after dying , the soul loose person cannot take possession the rebirth. 记忆显示,通过还魂术,死去后魂魄未散的人可以附体重生。 However forest feather the mortal body had been reduced to ashes in the fire, but also has the record in the coming back to life method about mortal body damage well, mortal body falls from the sky, melts the ghost, seeks the living specimen, latter attaches it.” 但是林羽的肉身已经在大火中化为灰烬了,不过好在关于肉身损坏的还魂方法也有记录,“肉身陨灭,化鬼,觅活体,后附之。” forest feather held breath a cold air/Qi, meant own mortal body damage, to resurrect, can only change into the ghost through the coming back to life technique, looks for others' mortal body to take possession. 林羽倒吸了一口冷气,意思是说自己肉身损坏,要想复活的话,只能通过还魂术化为鬼,找别人的肉身附体。 Must know in the consciousness of human, but ghost evil incarnation, moreover oneself, if on others' body, weren't equivalent took others' life in disguised form? 要知道在人类的意识里,鬼可是邪恶的化身啊,况且自己要是上了别人的身,不相当于变相剥夺了别人的生命吗? Hesitant Kung Fu, forest feather the soul is getting more and more pale, was only left over an illusory image, near the ear sound also even more clear. 犹豫的功夫,林羽的魂魄已经越来越淡,只剩下了一道幻影,耳边的声音也愈发的清晰。 forest feather clenches teeth, looks that was advanced one after another cremates the corpse of hall, suddenly came the idea, the deceased person is not good, should the living corpse? 林羽咬咬牙,看着接连被推进焚化大厅的尸体,突然来了主意,死人不行,那活死人应该可以吧? After several minutes, forest feather arrives settles the sea city biggest vegetable request to raise the center. 数分钟后,林羽来到了清海市最大的植物人托养中心。 Many vegetables have not realized, does not wake for a lifetime, they living only has the body, forest feather believes, electing this person to take possession, is not the murder. 很多植物人是没有意识的,一辈子都醒不过来,他们活着的只有身体,林羽认为,选这种人附身,就不算杀人。 At first looking of forest feather also hospital ward hospital ward in the past, sought for the appropriate body. 起先林羽还一个病房一个病房的找过去,寻找合适的身体。 But discovered that own consciousness is getting more and more light, is going to extinguish quickly completely, that shouts from hell is also getting more and more rapid. 但发现自己的意识越来越淡薄,很快将要消弭殆尽,那个来自地狱的呼唤声也越来越急促。 The forest feather makes the ponder without enough time, aims at a 20 -year-old male vegetable, has a thought the coming back to life technique, changes into wisp of white smoke suddenly, worming one's way into of acting boldly regardless of one's safety. 林羽来不及多做思考,瞅准一个二十来岁的男性植物人,念起还魂术,陡然间化为一缕白烟,奋不顾身的钻了进去。 You cannot escape!” “你逃不掉的!” Meanwhile, near the ear shouts turn into a sad and shrill pitiful yell suddenly, later the forest feather then lost the complete consciousness. 与此同时,耳边的呼唤声陡然变成一声凄厉的惨叫,随后林羽便失去了全部的意识。 When forest feather wakes again, only feels the glare to be dazzling, passed the moment to adapt, lowered the head looked, oneself is lying down in the hospital ward. 等林羽再醒过来的时候,只感觉强光刺眼,过了片刻才适应过来,低头一看,自己正躺在病房里。 Success! 成功了! forest feather excited almost called, sat up fiercely, looked at eye own new body, impatient ripped to switch hands on syringe, then jumped down the bed, but the foot fell to the ground, body staggered to fall the ground. 林羽兴奋的差点叫出来,猛地坐起,看了眼自己的新身体,迫不及待的撕掉手上的针管,接着跳下了床,但脚一落地,身子一个踉跄摔到了地上。 Possibly because long time is lying down reason, the muscle somewhat slight atrophy of this young people. 可能因为长时间躺着的原因,这个年轻人的肌肉有些轻微的萎缩。 forest feather staggers to crawl, looked up calendar on the wall, the discovery is the next day, is touching the bed and wall, feels the ice-cold temperature in the hand transmitting, felt that to having a dream to be the same, oneself died yesterday, never expected that resurrects today. 林羽踉跄着爬起来,抬头看了眼墙上的日历,发现已经是第二天了,触摸着床和墙壁,感受着手上传来的冰冷温度,感觉就跟做梦一样,自己昨天才死,没想到今天又复活了。 Under the activity, adapted to this new body slightly, then he then ran out of the hospital impatiently, he now at heart only then a matter, is sees own mother. 稍微活动下,适应了这具新身体,接着他便迫不及待的冲出了医院,他现在心里只有一件事,就是去见自己的母亲。 At this time in the steamed stuffed bun shop was filled with the person, more than ten bludgers clamored are making the forest feather mother render back the money. 此时包子店里挤满了人,十几个小混混叫嚣着让林羽母亲还钱。 To undergo the surgery to forest feather, the forest feather mother was forced taking advantage of hundreds of thousands usury, knew that forest feather died, bludgers then unbearably anxious dunned. 为了给林羽做手术,林羽母亲被迫借了十几万的高利贷,得知林羽死了,小混混们便急不可耐的来讨债了。 You can count on that I sold the shop for these days, receives money to give back to you, asking you first to leave.” “你们放心,我这几天就把店卖了,拿到钱就还给你们,求你们先离开吧。” The forest feather mother is inflamed the pair of eyes plea saying that wants to send quickly them, the son just walked, she does not hope he walks is not peaceful. 林羽母亲红肿着双眼恳求道,希望赶快把他们打发走,儿子刚走,她不希望他走的不安宁。 Grass, your broken shop value several money, your son died, we walk, whom if you did run we to manage to ask for money?” The yellow wool bludger of lead was foul-mouthed. “草,你这个破店才值几个钱,你儿子都死了,我们一走,你要是跑了我们管谁要钱去?”领头的黄毛混混骂骂咧咧道。 You can count on that I will definitely not run, I sufficiently collect money, immediately gives back to you.” “你们放心,我肯定不会跑的,我凑够钱,马上就还给你们。” „It is not good, said today that any we must receive money!” yellow hair is unforgiving. “不行,今天说什么我们也要拿到钱!”黄毛不依不饶。 But I really do not have money now, you also know, to treat an illness to my son, money squandered “可是我现在真的没钱,你们也知道,为了给我儿子治病,钱都花光了” The forest feather mother feels like a knife twisting in the heart, in the hoarse sound brings to entreat. 林羽母亲心如刀割,沙哑的声音里带着一丝哀求。 Without money is also good, this, you give us your family that deteriorated house transfer, when repaid a debt.” yellow hair the eyes drip a revolution, said the true goal. “没钱也行,这样吧,你把你家那栋破房子过户给我们吧,就当还债了。”黄毛眼睛滴溜一转,说出了自己真正的目的。 The forest feather mother is startled slightly, the house is Grandfather forest feather stays behind, although is somewhat obsolete, but the section is very good, according to the clear present house price, can sell at least 2,000,000-3,000,000, their is stealing openly simply. The new 81 Chinese nets renew the quickest computer end: / 林羽母亲微微一怔,房子是林羽外公留下的,虽然有些老旧,但是地段很好,按照清海现在的房价,起码能卖个2,000,000-3,000,000,他们这简直是在明抢啊。新81中文网更新最快电脑端:/ However now the son dies, the family/home did not have, keeps the house also to have any significance, pays off the debt, that oneself can also feel at ease. 但是现在儿子死了,家也就没了,留着房子还有什么意义呢,还清债,自己也就能安心的去了。 Thinks of here, forest feather mother completely discouraged nod, just about to complies, at this time out heard one to shout angrily suddenly. 想到这里,林羽母亲万念俱灰的点点头,刚要答应,这时门外突然传来一声怒喝。 „It is not good! Our family/home house minimum value several million, your is robs!” “不行!我们家房子起码值几百万,你们这是抢劫!” forest feather controlled his new body to clash hurriedly. 紧接着林羽驾驭着他的新身体风风火火的冲了进来。 „The wild bastard who damn, where comes, closes your trifling thing!” yellow Maoqi does not hit comes out, looks at forest feather sick person clothing/taking, but also thinks mental illness where runs, to raises hand is a palm of the hand. “操你妈的,哪来的野崽子,关你屁事!”黄毛气不打一出来,看着林羽身上的病号服,还以为是哪里跑出来的神经病,冲过来扬手就是一巴掌。 forest feather hides subconsciously, puts out a hand to push, the yellow wool whole person flew instantaneously, flew 56 meters away, had from the sky delimited one to the arc, falling of pēng to inside table on. 林羽下意识一躲,伸手一推,黄毛整个人瞬间飞了出去,飞了足足有五六米远,在空中划过一到弧线,的摔到了里面的桌子上。 Kills him to father!” “给老子弄死他!” yellow Maowu the chest was calling out pitifully two, later orders, several other bludgers flushed immediately, gathering round forest feather is one beats, forest feather lifts the hand to counterattack hastily. 黄毛捂着胸口惨叫了两声,随后一声令下,其他十几个混混立马冲了上来,围着林羽就是一顿拳打脚踢,林羽连忙抬手还击。 Then in the steamed stuffed bun shop resounded a wailing sound, the bludgers called out pitifully again and again. 接着包子店里响起了一片哀嚎声,小混混们惨叫连连。 Their more than ten people on, even/including Linyu the lower hem corner has not bumped into together unexpectedly, but forest feather the fists and feet hits on them, was similar to by the car(riage) is hit generally. 他们十几个人一起上,竟然连林羽的衣角都没有碰到,而林羽的拳脚打在他们身上,就如同被车撞了一般。 Only needs a fist, they then sore being able to set out. 只需要一拳,他们便疼的起不了身。 forest feather incomparably are also shocked, said that the ghost upper body strength is greatly infinite, has not thought unexpectedly real . Moreover the movements of these people in his eyes seem very slow, is very good to avoid. 林羽自己也无比震惊,都说鬼上身力大无穷,没想到竟然是真的,而且这些人的动作在他眼里显得十分缓慢,很好躲避。 Warning! Warning!” “报警!报警!” yellow hair is scared by this at present, he sees has been able to hit, but has not seen has been able to hit, simply non- human. 黄毛被眼前这一幕吓坏了,他见过能打的,但是没见过这么能打的,简直非人类啊。 One hear must report to the police, the forest feather mother hurries to clash to grab forest feather the hand, anxious sound said: Young fellow, they must report to the police, you walk quickly, here I process.” 一听要报警,林羽母亲赶紧冲过来抓住林羽的手,急声道:“小伙子,他们要报警了,你快走吧,这里我来处理。” Any words that mother, you spoke, where I can abandon you.” “妈,你说的什么话啊,我哪儿能扔下您啊。” Forest Hataka was popular the tears to come out, but can also live is seeing the mother, was really good. 林羽高兴地眼泪都要出来了,还能活着见到老妈,真是太好了。 Hears his name, mother is startled slightly, bewildered visits him. 听到他的称呼,母亲微微一怔,一脸茫然的看着他。 Looks at mother's look, the forest feather awakened instantaneously, oneself were lives, but actually traded a body, mother did not know herself. 看着母亲的眼神,林羽瞬间醒悟了过来,自己是活过来了,但是却换了一副身体,母亲根本不认识自己。 Embarrassed aunt, noticed that your I remembered my mother, blurting out that can therefore not help, do not mind.” “不好意思阿姨,看到您我就想起了我妈,所以情不自禁的脱口而出,您别介意。” forest Yupa said own real identity to scare mother, quickly arranged a lie. 林羽怕说出自己的真实身份吓坏母亲,急忙编了个瞎话。 Doesn't matter, the young fellow, you walks quickly, the matter of our family/home cannot implicate you.” Forest feather mother said that while pushes out him. “没关系,小伙子,你快走吧,我们家的事不能连累你。”林羽母亲一边说,一边把他往外推。 forest feather has not replied, touches the chopsticks on table to throw, the chopsticks shoot at yellow hair rapidly, pēng, pressed down 110 cell phones to sew on the wall yellow Maogang. 林羽没答话,摸起桌上的筷子一扔,筷子飞速射向黄毛,的一声,将黄毛刚按上110的手机钉到了墙上。 yellow hair frightened the face to be white, the chopsticks on wall are leaving ear also one centimeter, if made a mistake slightly, that nail on wall may be own head. 黄毛吓得脸都白了,墙上的筷子离着自己耳朵也就一厘米,要是稍微出点偏差,那钉在墙上的可就是自己的脑袋。 Help! Murder! Help!” yellow hair frightened to call out pitifully immediately, grievance that sound could not say, was they first owes obviously money. “救命啊!杀人了!救命啊!”黄毛吓得顿时惨叫了起来,声音里说不出的委屈,明明是他们先欠自己钱的啊。 Do not shout, this money I for Auntie Qin also!” “别嚷嚷了,这钱我替秦阿姨还!” forest Yuleng the sound said that since oneself resurrected, that these debts should come by oneself. 林羽冷声说道,既然自己复活了,那这些债理应由自己来还。 Young fellow, how this can be good, can your my first seeing, how make you render back the money for me?” Forest feather mother somewhat doubts looks at forest feather, why does not know, this young fellow gives her a seemingly familiar feeling. “小伙子,这怎么能行,你我第一次见,怎么能让你替我还钱?”林羽母亲有些疑惑的看着林羽,不知道为什么,这个小伙子给她一种似曾相识的感觉。 Regarding the forest feather knows that her surname, she is not surprised, the son behaves righteously matter many netizens who pay with the life to know, her name and contact method were also dug up, many people of good intention must give the son to see off, she declined. 对于林羽知道她姓氏这点,她并不吃惊,儿子见义勇为付出生命的事情好多网友都知道,她的姓名和联系方式也都被扒了,很多好心人都要来给儿子送行,她都谢绝了。 Good, this was you said that you gave us money.” No matter why yellow Maoke the forest feather renders back the money for others, so long as can receive money, his duty was accomplished even. “好,这可是你说的,那你把钱给我们吧。”黄毛可不管林羽为什么替别人还钱,只要能拿到钱,他的任务就算完成了。 Gives me three days of time.” forest feather said. “给我三天时间。”林羽说道。 „” Yellow wool somewhat is that speechless, such awesome said that but also thinks that can take immediately money. “”黄毛有些无语,说的这么牛逼,还以为立马就能把钱拿出来呢。 What's wrong? Don't you believe me?” “怎么?你不相信我?” Sees yellow hair not to speak, forest feather knitting the brows head, tone somewhat ice-cold. 见黄毛没说话,林羽皱了皱眉头,语气有些冰冷。 Believes, believes that but the big brother can you say your name to me?” Looks at the forest feather ice-cold look, the yellow wool is out of control to hit to tremble. “相信,相信,不过大哥您得跟我说下您的名字吧?”看着林羽冰冷的眼神,黄毛禁不住打了个寒颤。 Name? 名字? Right, the anxiety in the morning walking, the name of this person has not even come and looks. 对啊,早上走的急,连这个人的名字都没来的及看呢。 You could rest assured that I comply your certainly to achieve, like this, three days later, is here, you come by all means that I both capital and interest gives back to you when the time comes together.” “你放心,我答应你的一定会做到,这样,三天后,还是这里,你只管过来,我到时候连本带利一起还给你。” forest feather has the energy, entire this body. 林羽之所以这么有底气,全赖自己这具身体。 He thought that since can live in the request raises the center, in this young families again ordinary, at least can also more than ten 200,000 come out with, must first use, when oneself make money, then also goes back. new ~ 8 ~ 1 ~ Chinese net www.x ~ 8 ~ 1 z щ. com 他心想既然能住在托养中心,这个年轻人家里再普通,起码也能拿个十几二十万出来吧,先要来用用,等自己赚了钱,再还回去。ァ新ヤ~8~1~中文網www.x~8~1zщ.com Has experienced forest feather the skill, yellow hair does not dare to say anything, just about to nods to comply, suddenly look looking to the shop, seemed by anything is attracted generally. 见识过林羽的身手,黄毛也不敢多说什么,刚要点头答应,突然眼神怔怔的望向店外,好似被什么吸引住了一般。 forest feather also follows to look out curiously, sees only the entrance not to know when came red BMW x5, the vehicle door to open, steps a section of fair slender beautiful leg, later on the vehicle a stature selected high, wears the beautiful woman of white Bohemia long skirt. 林羽也好奇的跟着往外看去,只见门口不知何时来了一辆红色的宝马x5,车门一开,迈出来一截白皙修长的美腿,随后车上下来一个身材高挑,身穿白色波西米亚长裙的美女。 book / 18 / 18289 / book/18/18289/ The long skirt beautiful female beggar under the pitch-black long hair, took off the sunglasses, the fair skin and fine appearance are simply with stunning good looks, under yellow hair and his helper looked dull. 长裙美女拨了下乌黑的长发,摘下墨镜,白皙的皮肤和精致的容颜简直惊为天人,黄毛和他一帮手下都看呆了。 forest feather was also attracted, this beautiful woman look and makings truly are the best quality goods. 林羽不禁也被吸引了,这个美女相貌和气质确实都属于极品。 The long skirt beautiful woman looked up Steamed stuffed bun Shop, the knitting the brows head, then walked slightly quickly. 长裙美女抬头看了眼包子铺,微微皱了皱眉头,接着快步走了进来。 book / 18 / 18289 / book/18/18289/ Beautiful woman, buys the steamed stuffed bun, what stuffing wants?” “美女,买包子吗,要什么馅儿的?” Forest feather blurting out, always helped mother sell the steamed stuffed bun before, sees a person such cavity, has become a conditioned reflex. 林羽不由的脱口而出,以前老帮母亲卖包子,见人就这么一腔,已经成为一种条件反射了。 What did you call me?” The long skirt beautiful woman coldly swept his one eyes, with displeasure. “你叫我什么?”长裙美女冷冷的扫了他一眼,语气不悦。 Beautiful woman.” “美女啊。” forest feather thought that own name does not have the issue, some doubts, first time see to shout that the beautiful woman also has is not willing to listen. 林羽觉得自己的称呼没问题,不禁有些疑惑,头一次见喊美女还有不愿意听的。 The long skirt beautiful woman sizes up his one eyes, cold sound said: Ok, He Jia glory, stupor two months, oneself wives does not know.” 长裙美女打量他一眼,冷声道:“行啊,何家荣,昏迷两个月,连自己老婆都不认识了。” book / 18 / 18289 / book/18/18289/ book / 18 / 18289 / book/18/18289/ Content being a probationary student: 内容试读:
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