HNOF :: Volume #6

#503: The heart submits to pleased

Sword Venerable Flowing Light changes to the Long Sword appearance Void Return Dharma Body, hid the one path flash impressively. 流光剑尊化作长剑模样的返虚法体内部,赫然还隐藏了一道闪光。 That flash flickers, actually fluctuated in Instant Time many times, contained extremely formidable Sword Intent. 那闪光忽明忽暗,却是在一刹那时间内变幻了许多次,蕴含了极为强大剑意 But along with Sword Venerable Flowing Light Void Return Dharma Body burr Lin Feng, that path flash bright up, changes to ensiform Magical Treasure of handle shining suddenly. 而随着流光剑尊返虚法体飞刺林锋,那道闪光骤然明亮起来,化作一柄流光溢彩的剑形法宝 This handle flying sword, sword blade edge high light non-stop flashes, produces an inverted image the one person's shadow, that is one must white hair old man, tall ancient clothes, the imposing manner be swift and fierce steadily. 这柄飞剑,剑刃上流光不停闪动,倒映出一个人影,那是一个长须白发的老者,高冠古服,气势凌厉。 In old man both eyes non-stop has the ray to flash through, the time of snapping fingers, changes 60 times, each Light Avatar, is the First Level physical image. 老者双目之中不停有光芒闪过,一弹指的功夫,变化60次,每一副光影,都是一重物象。 Flowing Light Sword Sect Treasure of Mountain Protection, manifestation grade Sword Instrument Magical Treasure, Ksana Flowing Light Sword! 流光剑宗镇山之宝,化生级数剑器法宝,刹那流光剑 This sword is Flowing Light Sword Sect opening the mountain Sect Founder sword along, becomes Magical Treasure by sacrificial refining, since Flowing Light Sword Sect establishing a sect over ten thousand years, by numerous Powerhouse Expert relentless sacrificial refining, already had been achieved the Manifestation Stage number. 此剑乃是流光剑宗开山祖师的随身佩剑,被祭炼法宝,自流光剑宗开山立派上万年以来,一直被众多大能强者坚持不懈的祭炼,早已达到化身级数。 Before this Sword Venerable Flowing Light no matter goes to the meeting of Desolate Sea Daoist Assembly or Sky Ridge Peak, has not carried the Ksana Flowing Light Sword colleague, this time he to challenge Lin Feng comes, therefore not at all took hesitant has pressed the bottom Treasure Item. 此前流光剑尊不管是赴荒海法会还是天辙峰之会,都并没有携带刹那流光剑同行,这次他为挑战林锋而来,于是毫不犹豫带上了压箱底的宝物 Sword Venerable Flowing Light in person achievement Divine Origin Second Level Void Return boundary, manifestation grade Magical Treasure Ksana Flowing Light Sword has played oneself percentage hundred Strength and roles in his on hand can. 流光剑尊本人已经成就元神二重返虚之境,化生级数法宝刹那流光剑在他手上可以发挥出自己百分之百的力量与作用。 At this moment, the sword and body gather, Sword Venerable Flowing Light Void Return Dharma Body and Ksana Flowing Light Sword transformed into Sword Light combines, congeals one path to be very radiant, the ray of transcends space and time, in almost not arrive one Instant Time, arrive to Lin Feng front! 此刻,剑与身合,流光剑尊返虚法体刹那流光剑所化剑光合二为一,凝结成一道无比璀璨,穿越时空的光芒,在几乎不到一个刹那时间里,杀到林锋面前 Ksana Flowing Light Sword after Expert sacrificial refining, implication Instant sword escape Sword Intent is very profound, leaves a source with Sword Venerable Flowing Light. Both sides collaborate, was equal, therefore two Divine Origin Void Return Cultivation Realm big sword cultivator attack. 刹那流光剑历经强者祭炼,其中蕴含的刹那剑遁剑意无比精深,又与流光剑尊同出一源。双方联手,本来就等同于是两个元神返虚境界剑修攻击 Now the Sword Intent resonance fuses. Has produced the one plus one is greater than two results, swift and fierce. Almost reaches the arrived Divine Origin Second Level Cultivation Realm sword cultivator limit. 现在剑意共鸣融合。更产生了一加一大于二的效果,凌厉非常。几乎达到了元神二重境界剑修的极限。 Mount Shu Sword Sect Sword Venerable Shao Shang once suppressed at the meeting of Sky Ridge Peak initially enters Divine Origin Second Level Void Return boundary Sword Venerable Flowing Light, but faces this sword at this moment, if he does not have of Shao Shang sword in hand Six Lineage Immortal Swords, only cherishes hatred road can to walk at the scene. 蜀山剑宗少商剑尊曾经在天辙峰之会上压制初入元神二重返虚之境流光剑尊,但此刻面对这一剑,他要是没有六脉仙剑之一的少商在手,也只有饮恨当场一条路可以走。 But Lin Feng almost let the Time adverse current facing this sword, on the face the facial expression still serene, even the body gearing has not moved, on the just his forehead reappeared the Supreme Ultimate Diagram mark, and rotated up. 林锋面对这几乎让时间逆流的一剑,脸上神情仍然云淡风轻,甚至身体连动都没有动一下,只是他的额头上浮现太极图纹,并且转动起来 A Supreme Ultimate Diagram revolution, has as if made a connection with another First Level World. Sword Light that ray flashes, Sword Venerable Flowing Light and Ksana Flowing Light Sword unite fell into Supreme Ultimate Diagram of Lin Feng forehead. 太极图一转,仿佛打通了另一重世界。光芒一闪,流光剑尊刹那流光剑合一的剑光已经落入林锋额头的太极图之中。 Falls into Supreme Ultimate Diagram, Sword Venerable Flowing Light mind slightly is absent-minded, front Primordial Chaos opens, reset Four Symbols, Heaven and Earth initial, Eight Trigrams Manifestation Myriad Things, a side brand-new Good Fortune shows in his front. 一落入太极图内,流光剑尊心神微微恍惚,面前混沌开辟,重定四象,天地初始,八卦化生万物,一方崭新的造化在他面前展现。 before one's eyes Great Desolation change, the blue sea turn into mulberry fields. To his Sword Dao god, in hand Ksana Flowing Light Sword mysterious peerless, as if places oneself in one real Great Thousand World at this moment, is at a loss. Does not know that should start from where. 眼前洪荒变迁,沧海桑田。任凭他剑道通神,手中刹那流光剑玄妙无方,此刻仿佛置身于一个真实的大千世界中,也束手无策。不知该从何处入手。 That Instant flowing light, millenniums Sword Dao Domain, place oneself in this side World in a flash also the lost opportunity. 刹那流光,转瞬千年的剑道意境,置身于此方世界中也失去了用武之地。 When light stream passes. Also eventually just Good Fortune World's First Level truth, one constituent. 光流逝。也终究只是造化世界的一重道理,一个组成部分。 This person of Immense Divine Ability. Your I can does not break it.” Sword Venerable Flowing Light side, presents one to steadily the white hair and tall ancient clothes old man. It is not an entity, but comprised of Light Avatar, precisely Ksana Flowing Light Sword Sword Spirit, if by the seniority in relationships, is higher than compared with Sword Venerable Flowing Light even more. “此人神通广大。非你我可以破之。”流光剑尊身旁,出现一个长须白发、高冠古服老者。并非实体,而是由光影组成,正是刹那流光剑剑灵,若论辈份,比流光剑尊还要高出许多。 Sword Venerable Flowing Light listened to the word of Sword Spirit, slowly nod: good, I am not this person of opponent, before the challenge, my actually then heart has a feeling, but this fights imperative, I will not avoid.” 流光剑尊听了剑灵之言,徐徐点头:“不错,我不是此人对手,在挑战之前,我其实便心有所感,但这一战势在必行,我绝不会回避。” just now looks like, is brings contempt upon oneself eventually.” Sword Venerable Flowing Light all along face on proudly, rare appears the regrettable look. 只是现在看来,终究是自取其辱罢了。”流光剑尊一贯傲然的脸上,少见的浮现出遗憾神色。 Sword Spirit stands in beside him silently does not speak, as Flowing Light Sword Sect Treasure of Mountain Protection, experiences over ten thousand years of years change, at present met with so routs, in his mind is not also able to be tranquil. 剑灵站在他身旁默然不语,作为流光剑宗镇山之宝,经历上万年岁月变迁,眼下遭逢如此大败,他心中亦无法平静。 Suddenly, among broad Heaven and Earth resounds the Lin Feng's sound, tranquil as before: „Does Grand Dao before, Fellow Daoist why hesitate?” 突然,广阔天地间响起林锋的声音,平静依旧:“大道在前,道友何必踟躇?” Sword Venerable Flowing Light has not spoken, long time, his look restores as usual, nod said: Sect Master Lin said good, since I stepped this Jade Capital Mountain at that moment, finally, already to be how immaterial.” 流光剑尊没有说话,良久之后,他神色恢复如常,点头说道:“林宗主所言不错,从我踏上这玉京山那一刻起,结果如何,早已无关紧要了。” Thanked Sect Master Lin to be generous, if another day strove again, today this defeat, when occupied the first in merit.” Sword Venerable Flowing Light stern said that he does not have idea that provokes or refuses to accept slightly, instead in expressed gratitude to Lin Feng sincerely, the heart of genuinely submits to pleased. “多感谢林宗主慷慨,他日若再有精进,今天这一败,当居首功。”流光剑尊正色说道,他没有丝毫挑衅或者不服的意思,反而是在诚心诚意向林锋表示感谢,真正的心悦臣服。 Lin Feng slightly smiles: Congratulations Fellow Daoist has this harvest.” The forehead Supreme Ultimate Diagram mark revolves, from there flies to project stream of light, the flowing light from the sky divides into two, the fall on ground, appears Sword Venerable Flowing Light and Ksana Flowing Light Sword Sword Spirit appearance separately. 林锋微微一笑:“恭喜道友有此收获。”额头太极图纹旋转,从中飞射出一道流光,流光在空中一分为二,落在地上,分别显现出流光剑尊刹那流光剑剑灵的模样。 Sword Venerable Flowing Light and Sword Spirit together turned toward Lin Feng good the casual greeting: even more many thanks Sect Master Lin advises.” 流光剑尊剑灵都一同向着林锋行了半礼:“还要多谢林宗主指教。” Lin Feng beckoned with the hand: Fellow Daoist does not need so politely.” 林锋摆了摆手:“道友无需如此客气。” The his line of sight goes to outside the main hall, said with a smile: „The competition of well, You and I disciple must end.” 他的视线投向大殿之外,笑道:“唔,你我徒儿们的比试也要结束了。” After not Lin Feng Divine Origin is stranded, Sword Venerable Flowing Light immediately on feeling arrived oneself Sword Light transformed into Sword World in sound. 不被林锋元神所困后,流光剑尊立刻就感受到了自己剑光所化剑界中的动静。 He and Lin Feng's fought but to finish in flash, after their Fighting Technique had finished, Xiao Yan and Tao Yaoyao that side just started actually, but this two people was also not the loathsome disposition. 他和林锋的交手不过在一瞬之间就已经结束,所以当他们的斗法结束后,萧焱陶夭夭那边其实才刚刚开始,不过两人也都不是拖泥带水的性格。 A move of victory and defeat. 一招分胜负。 two people is the same thoughts, in a move decides the victory and defeat, the Xiao Yan's disposition is the custom turned trump card slowly, but in this year in Time he was really aggrieved was too long, this and Tao Yaoyao Fighting Technique, began directly enlarges incurs. 两人都是相同的心思,一招之内决出胜负,萧焱的性格本来是习惯慢慢翻底牌的,但这一年时间里他实在憋屈太久了,以至于这次和陶夭夭斗法,上手就直接放大招了。 In flowing light Sword World, royal purple terrifying small birds flutter to soar, send out incomparable terrifying Aura, as if must destroy among World-extinguishing all, precisely Hell Evil Fire, but the shape of Hell Evil Fire this moment transform into small birds, beside past wild overbearing, more spirit fluctuation fast Strength Domain. 流光剑界中,一只蓝紫色恐怖雀鸟振翅高飞,散发出无比恐怖气息,仿佛要毁灭世间一切,正是幽冥邪煌,而幽冥邪煌此刻化为雀鸟之形,于以往的狂暴霸道之外,更多了灵动迅捷的力量意境 Lin Feng looked at an eye, in the heart has smiled: Vermilion bird?” 林锋看了一眼,心中一笑:“朱雀吗?” The Tao Yaoyao original intention to hit by the oneself Instant sword escape speed advantage quickly slowly, actually unexpected Xiao Yan evolves the shape of Vermilion bird by Hell Evil Fire, is not unexpectedly slower than Instant sword escape in the speed many, but the destructive power actually stronger to be too many. 陶夭夭本意凭借自己刹那剑遁的速度优势以快打慢,却不防萧焱幽冥邪煌衍化朱雀之形,在速度上竟然不比刹那剑遁慢多少,而破坏力却要强出太多。 Xiao Yan accurate capture arrived Tao Yaoyao Sword Light, will counter-attack the surprise attack changes the formed frontage spells hardly, Tao Yaoyao so firstly then suffered a loss. 萧焱准确的捕捉到了陶夭夭剑光,将反击突袭变成了正面硬拼,陶夭夭如此一来便吃了大亏。 At this moment, in bluish violet flame transformed into small birds front, Tao Yaoyao leans on the sword to stand, facial expression but actually not depressed dejected, just sighed one lightly: It seems like is not good.” 此刻,就在蓝紫火焰所化雀鸟面前,陶夭夭拄剑而立,神情倒不沮丧颓然,只是轻叹了一声:“看来是不行啊。” The shape of small birds is gradually fuzzy, transform into piece of royal purple dark Fire Sea, in Fire Sea, one person's shadow gradually, precisely Xiao Yan. 雀鸟的形状渐渐模糊,化为一片蓝紫色的幽暗火海,火海之中,一个人影缓步而出,正是萧焱 The Xiao Yan whole person places oneself in dark green blue Fire Sea, appears evil severe overbearing, his look is tranquil: „Does even more continue?” 萧焱整个人置身苍蓝火海之内,显得邪厉霸道,他神色平静:“还要继续吗?” Tao Yaoyao looks seems coming from Netherworld Underworld, controls World-extinguishing Demon Fire, roaring flame King of Hell similar Xiao Yan, look to the sky and heave a deep sigh, receives the sword to sheathe, any words had not said. 陶夭夭望着仿佛来自幽冥地狱,掌控灭世魔火,烈焰阎王一般萧焱,仰天长叹一声,收剑入鞘,什么话也没说。 A moment ago that to putting together, Tao Yaoyao clearly felt Golden Core that oneself originally cracked, that crack was shaken even more to be bigger, almost wanted thoroughly shatter. 刚才那一下对拼,陶夭夭分明感觉到自己本就已经开裂的金丹,那裂缝都被震得更加大了一些,差一点就要彻底破碎。 In that moment, Sword World under Sword Venerable Flowing Light arrangement vibrated, almost must help to protect Tao Yaoyao automatically. 在那一刻,流光剑尊布置下的剑界都震动了一下,差点就要自动援护陶夭夭 This war, she suffers a crushing defeat, is speechless, almost by Xiao Yan move of Insta-kill. 这一战,她输得一败涂地,无话可说,几乎是被萧焱一招秒杀了。 Sword Venerable Flowing Light and Ksana Flowing Light Sword looks at Sword World inside image, looks at each other an eye mutually, slightly shakes the head. 流光剑尊刹那流光剑看着剑界内的影像,相互对视一眼,也都微微摇头。 Profound Gate Heavenly Sect, oddness of solid formidable. 玄门天宗,实在强悍的离谱。 Sword Venerable Flowing Light turn the head and looks to Lin Feng, the heart said: Just now that black and white two air/Qi interweave form World, is this Profound Gate's Master's Divine Origin Avatar? just does not know his Void Return Dharma Body, his Dao Fusion boundary, is the what kind appearance?” 流光剑尊转头看向林锋,心道:“方才那黑白二气交织而成世界,便是这玄门之主的元神化身吗?只是不知他的返虚法体,他的合道之境,又是何等模样?” Wants speaking of which, he also loses is more miserable than Tao Yaoyao, between Tao Yaoyao and Xiao Yan at least or to attack to attack, but the Sword Venerable Flowing Light body carries Ksana Flowing Light Sword, the body and sword about attack Lin Feng, Lin Feng fundamental has not actually counter-attacked, slightly revealed that Divine Origin Avatar Aura, opens the gate of World, directly swallowed Sword Venerable Flowing Light and Ksana Flowing Light Sword together. 真要说起来,他输得比陶夭夭还惨,陶夭夭萧焱之间至少还是以攻对攻,而流光剑尊身携刹那流光剑,身与剑合攻击林锋,林锋根本没有反击,稍微显露一点元神化身气息,开启世界之门,直接就把流光剑尊刹那流光剑一起吞了。 Installs this one person sword in oneself Divine Origin, not attack, how whatever the opposite party tosses about, actually just futile effort. 将这一人一剑装在自己元神之内,也不攻击,任由对方如何折腾,却都只是徒劳。 So Mystical Ability Magic Force, immediately subdues Sword Venerable Flowing Light and Ksana Flowing Light Sword together. 如此神通法力,顿时将流光剑尊刹那流光剑一同折服。 Ksana Flowing Light Sword Sword Spirit sighed, Divine Consciousness and Sword Venerable Flowing Light communicate: „The meeting of Sky Ridge Peak, no wonder this person did not reveal that Divine Origin Avatar broken goes to Six Lineage Immortal Sky Sword Formation on can, has such Mystical Ability Magic Force, Mount Shu loses not injust.” 刹那流光剑剑灵叹了口气,神识流光剑尊沟通:“天辙峰之会,难怪此人不显露元神化身可以破去六脉仙天剑阵,有这样的神通法力,蜀山输得不冤。” Sword Venerable Flowing Light nod one's head, had not answered that palm turns, takes out a thing, gives Lin Feng: This is thing of Sect Master Lin request, to receive in exchange for my disciple young Sky-Patching Vine, asking Sect Master Lin to kindly accept.” 流光剑尊点点头,没有回话,手掌一翻,取出一件东西,交给林锋:“这是林宗主要求的东西,为换取我弟子夭夭的补天藤,请林宗主笑纳。” That is the one small pocket, in the pocket, is many glittering and translucent gravels. 那是一个小小的口袋,口袋里,是许多晶莹剔透的沙砾。 Before Sky Ridge Peak bid good-bye, Lin Feng and Sword Venerable Flowing Light had the exchange, has indicated Tao Yaoyao to trade the Sky-Patching Vine reward, Sword Venerable Flowing Light this time honors an agreement along with Tao Yaoyao together, brought the thing. 之前天辙峰分手时,林锋流光剑尊有过交流,已经指明了陶夭夭补天藤的报酬,流光剑尊这次随陶夭夭一同履约,将东西带了过来。 Had work Fellow Daoist.” Lin Feng slightly smiled, receives these wind-drift sand, another side Sword Venerable Flowing Light also diverged Sword World, Xiao Yan and Tao Yaoyao comes out together. “有劳道友了。”林锋微微一笑,收了这些流沙,另一边流光剑尊也散去剑界,萧焱陶夭夭一起出来。 Sword Venerable Flowing Light looked at Xiao Yan an eye, slightly has nodded the head: Yesterday valley dust, the material of today Rising Cloud, I anticipated your tomorrow.” 流光剑尊看了萧焱一眼,微微颔首:“昨日谷底尘埃,今日凌云之材,我期待你的明天。” Some Xiao Yan slightly surprise looks to Sword Venerable Flowing Light, said such words by the Sword Venerable Flowing Light status, was almost equal to explaining that dispute of beforehand Xiao Yan with Murong Yanran, Flowing Light Sword Sect acknowledged that the punishment is deserved thoroughly. 萧焱略微有些意外的看向流光剑尊,以流光剑尊的身份说出这样的话,几乎等于是说明之前萧焱慕容嫣然的纠葛,流光剑宗彻底认栽了。 When Passing Clouds Peak, Sword Venerable Flowing Light after Murong Yanran is defeated immediately announced receives her for Direct Disciple, clarified must teach devotedly that making Murong Yanran defeat Xiao Yan to recover this gathering place in the future, saved the Flowing Light Sword Sect face. 行云峰上时,流光剑尊慕容嫣然落败后当即宣布收她为亲传弟子,摆明了就是要悉心教导,让慕容嫣然日后击败萧焱找回这个场子,挽回流光剑宗的颜面。 The people on the scene are all well aware, both sides mountain ridge has had, has pestered. 在场众人全都心知肚明,双方梁子算是结下了,会一直纠缠下去。 But today, Sword Venerable Flowing Light this word, was equal to giving up the original plan on own initiative, tacitly approved oneself is failure a side. 而今天,流光剑尊此言,等于是主动放弃了原先的打算,默认了自己是失败一方 I defeat Tao Yaoyao should am one of the reasons, but...” Xiao Yan looks subconsciously to Lin Feng: „... Whether this he also does have the relations with Master?” “我击败陶夭夭应该是原因之一,不过…”萧焱下意识看向林锋:“…这是否与师父他老人家也有关系?”
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