HNOF :: Volume #6

#502: Being unable to back down

Tao Yaoyao listened to Xiao Yan and Yang Qing words, instead even more doubts: To Time? What arrived at Time?” 陶夭夭听了萧焱杨清的话,反而更加疑惑:“到时间了?什么到时间了?” Xiao Yan with a smile had still not spoken, after Yang Qing hesitant one next, explained one simply: Yuanfang he... Every day is plans to cultivate Time of oneself formulation, in the meantime, he is also one unusual... Um, person who is punctual.” 萧焱仍然笑着没有说话,杨清犹豫了一下后,简单解释了一句:“元放他…每天给自己制定的修练时间都是规划好的,同时,他也是一个非常…嗯,非常守时的人。” Tao Yaoyao stayed, speechless laughs in spite of trying not. 陶夭夭呆了呆,也不禁哑然失笑。 Although Yang Qing had not related in detail, but her or understood, now to Li Yuanfang to cultivate Time of oneself arrangement plan, this person of obvious some obsessions, Time to selecting must handle affairs as scheduled. 虽然杨清没怎么细说,但她还是明白了,原来现在已经到李元放自己安排计划的修练时间了,这人明显有些强迫症,时间到点了就一定要按原定计划行事。 Tao Yaoyao somewhat funny looks at Li Yuanfang: „An interesting person, has idea actually.” 陶夭夭有些好笑的看着李元放:“倒是个有趣的人,有意思。” A moment later, Yang Qing that side has intercepted a Sky-Patching Vine rattan successfully, in deep green Sky-Patching Vine spreads mysterious Spiritual Qi fluctuation. 片刻之后,杨清那边成功截取了一段补天藤的藤条,碧绿的补天藤中传出玄妙的灵气波动 After Yang Qing the rattan gives Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan immediately brings Tao Yaoyao to leave Medicine Valley, returns to All-Heaven Grand Palace. 杨清将藤条交给萧焱后,萧焱当即带着陶夭夭出了药谷,返回诸天大殿 Arrives at the midway, Xiao Yan behind Tao Yaoyao opens the mouth to say suddenly: Fellow Daoist Xiao, I have my presumptuous request, but also looks at you to consent.” 走到中途,萧焱身后陶夭夭突然开口说道:“萧道友,我有个不情之请,还望你应允。” Xiao Yan has turned around, optional asking: What matter?” 萧焱转过身来,随意的问道:“什么事?” The Tao Yaoyao look was still very relaxed, but the vision is quite serious, said slowly: Long time heard that Fellow Daoist Xiao Fighting Technique aggressive, then may also be called in the Profound Gate Heavenly Sect peer disciple is second to none.” 陶夭夭的神色仍然很轻松,但目光却极为郑重,徐徐说道:“久闻萧道友斗法凶悍,便是在玄门天宗同辈弟子中也堪称首屈一指。” A Xiao Yan eyebrows porch, not salty not pale saying: Under Master's Tutelage disciple, Xiao unworthily occupying seat of honor, but that is because entering the Sect is early, fellow Martial Brothers each one startled certainly colorful, Xiao never improperly belittles oneself, but does not dare to claim without justification is second to none.” 萧焱双眉一轩,不咸不淡的说道:“家师座下弟子,萧某忝居首座,不过那是因为入门较早而已,同门师兄弟个个惊才绝艳,萧某从不妄自菲薄,但也不敢妄称首屈一指。” Here. Xiao Yan thread of conversation sudden revolution: but, with Cultivation Realm Cultivator. Can defeat my Profound Gate's Disciple person, always only we Martial Brothers.” 说到这里。萧焱话锋突然一转:“不过,同境界修士中。能击败我玄门弟子的人,从来都只有我们自家师兄弟。” overbearing domineering words. Mentioned in the Xiao Yan mouth, expression, did not have lightly slightly haughtily contented, seemed stating the one universally acknowledged general knowledge. 霸道跋扈的话语。在萧焱口中说来,语气平淡至极,没有丝毫骄矜自得,仿佛在陈述一个举世公认的常识。 Tao Yaoyao stared at Xiao Yan to look at an eye, on the face gradually the reveal smiling face, showed neither approval nor disapproval to the Xiao Yan's words, the just chuckle was saying: „The Tao Yaoyao no talent, wants to ask Fellow Daoist Xiao to advise.” 陶夭夭盯着萧焱看了一眼,脸上渐渐绽开笑容,对萧焱的话不置可否,只是轻笑着说道:“陶夭夭不才,想请萧道友指教一下。” Even if in the heart had the premonition, with a Xiao Yan war. Perhaps oneself defeats wins few, but Tao Yaoyao or initiated the challenge on own initiative. 即使心中已经有预感,同萧焱一战。自己恐怕败多胜少,但陶夭夭还是主动发起了挑战。 Moreover in Profound Gate Heavenly Sect own Jade Capital Mountain top, initiated the challenge toward Xiao Yan. 而且就在玄门天宗自家的玉京山顶,向着萧焱发起了挑战。 Because since this has been she continuously wish, wants with a Xiao Yan war, if oneself actually first flinched in the end, even does not have including the fighting courage, this will affect seriously Tao Yaoyao future cultivation, even if obtains Sky-Patching Vine to make up for the Golden Core crack, possibly had not crossed the hope of Lightning Tribulation. 因为这是她一直以来的心愿,想要与萧焱一战,如果到头来自己却先退缩了,甚至连交手勇气都没有,这将严重影响陶夭夭日后的修行,哪怕得到补天藤弥补了金丹裂缝,可能都没有渡过雷劫的希望。 She is sword cultivator. Was fastidious unprecedented, although will not pursue the senseless failure and casualties, but if such simply flinches, sword heart covered in dust is doomed. 她是剑修。本就讲究一往无前,虽然不会去追求无谓的失败与伤亡,但如果这么简单就退缩,剑心蒙尘是注定的。 Because. Opportunity that she has not recalled, depending on the Xiao Yan present progressive speed, later the disparity of both sides only by pulling is getting bigger and bigger. 因为。她没有挽回的机会,凭萧焱现在的进步速度,以后双方的差距只会被拉的越来越大。 If Tao Yaoyao has not given birth before this challenges the Xiao Yan's thoughts. That said fortunately, but since her oneself had the thought first. That only has to abandon all worries, performs oneself the energy. Victory or defeat by day. 若是陶夭夭此前没有生出挑战萧焱的心思。那还好说,但既然她自己先动了念头。那就唯有抛开一切顾虑,尽己所能。胜败由天。 Xiao Yan tranquil looks at Tao Yaoyao, one year ago the matter on Desolate Sea Daoist Assembly, after Shi Tianhao, Zhu Yi and other human affairs, has to him has said that therefore he knows that Tao Yaoyao once had with the idea that oneself fights. 萧焱平静的看着陶夭夭,一年前荒海法会上的事情,石天昊朱易等人事后都有给他讲过,所以他知道陶夭夭曾经有与自己一战的想法。 Flowing Light Sword Sect...” The Xiao Yan corners of the mouth reveal wipe the faint happy expression, just this smiling face is somewhat desolate. 流光剑宗…”萧焱嘴角露出一抹淡淡笑意,只是这笑容有些冷淡。 If Time backs up for four years ago, perhaps but also in him of Wuzhou City time, facing Tao Yaoyao, continually looks up to makes not arrive, because opposite party fundamental stands in one he looks also looks at the not arrive altitude. 时间若是倒退回四年之前,还在乌州城时候的他,面对陶夭夭,恐怕连仰望都做不到,因为对方根本就站在一个他看也看不到的高度。 Murong Yanran was received disciple by Flowing Light Sword Sect, visits to break an engagement, in his mind is sad, the fighting spirit surges upward unprecedentedly, but he is not silly, knows that regarding that time oneself, Flowing Light Sword Sect is what kind of one colossus. 慕容嫣然流光剑宗收入门下,上门退婚,他心中郁愤,斗志前所未有高涨,但他不傻,也知道对于那时候的自己来说,流光剑宗是怎样的一个庞然大物。 But now, Xiao Yan lowered the head to come to see Jade Capital Mountain of oneself under foot, then looked over a wide area to look in all directions, looked at All-Heaven Grand Palace under distant place huge Mysterious Heaven Precious Tree and tree, in that main hall, is sitting the person who changed his destiny. 而现在,萧焱低下头来看看自己脚下的玉京山,然后游目四顾,看了看远处庞大的玄天宝树和树下的诸天大殿,在那座大殿里,正坐着改变他命运的人。 Xiao Yan smiles, catches the eye to look to Tao Yaoyao, Tao Yaoyao slightly frowns, because she sees in Xiao Yan's both pupils as if suddenly the there is flame to flash impressively. 萧焱一笑,抬眼望向陶夭夭,陶夭夭微微蹙眉,因为她赫然看到萧焱的双瞳中仿佛突然有火光闪动。 From silent, instantaneously to setting the prairie afire potential, Xiao Yan at this moment, the body reveals extremely wild Aura, as if the disaster arrives. 从寂静无声,瞬间到燎原之势,此刻的萧焱,身上流露出一股极为狂暴的气息,仿佛天灾降临。 From All-Heaven Grand Palace, projects one path Sword Light suddenly, such as fog like electricity, fast exceptionally, the human eye is almost unable to catch its path. 诸天大殿内,突然射出一道剑光,如雾如电,迅捷异常,人眼几乎无法捕捉其轨迹。 Tao Yaoyao stares, recognizes that is her Master Sword Venerable Flowing Light Sword Light. 陶夭夭一愣,认出那是她师父流光剑尊剑光 Xiao Yan complexion has not changed, stands in same place, although is not old, but was indistinct somewhat the deep abyss mountain peak grandmaster bearing. 萧焱脸色没有丝毫变化,站在原地,年纪虽然不大,但已经隐约间有几分渊亭岳峙的宗师气度。 Sword Light covers two people, changes to one Sword World, this is Sword Venerable Flowing Light is the two people manufacture competition location. 剑光两人笼罩,化作一个剑界,这是流光剑尊两人制作的比试场地。 Xiao Yan places in Sword World, slightly smiles: Spiritual Qi on Jade Capital Mountain, my Profound Gate's Disciple transfers up to be more convenient, by making master Sword Venerable Flowing Light is manufactured Sword World, this fights to You and I is quite fair.” 萧焱身处剑界之中,微微一笑:“玉京山上的灵气,我玄门弟子调动起来要方便许多,由令师流光剑尊来制作剑界,对你我这一战来说比较公平。” At the same time was saying, Xiao Yan both hands shoulder behind, tranquil looks at Tao Yaoyao: Profound Gate Heavenly Sect Xiao Yan, please advise.” 一边说着,萧焱双手背负身后,平静的看着陶夭夭:“玄门天宗萧焱,请指教。” Tao Yaoyao calmed down, mental state restores to the condition of ancient well without ripples instantaneously: Flowing Light Sword Sect Tao Yaoyao, please advise.” 陶夭夭定了定神,心境瞬间恢复到古井无波的状态:“流光剑宗陶夭夭,请指教。” In All-Heaven Grand Palace, Lin Feng and Sword Venerable Flowing Light static looks at this, on Jade Capital Mountain the happen matter, hides the truth from the but Lin Feng's informer, naturally can discovers sound between Xiao Yan and Tao Yaoyao. 诸天大殿内,林锋流光剑尊静静看着这一幕,玉京山发生的事情,都瞒不过林锋的耳目,自然可以发现萧焱陶夭夭之间的动静。 Xiao Yan and Tao Yaoyao strength is quite good, particularly present Xiao Yan, the battle efficiency is far in excess of the Golden Core Realm Cultivator category, whatever they make war on Jade Capital Mountain, although will not injure to the Jade Capital Mountain slightest, but the sound was too big. 萧焱陶夭夭的实力都颇为不俗,尤其是眼下的萧焱,战斗力远远超越金丹期修士范畴,任凭他们在玉京山上开战,虽然不会伤到玉京山分毫,但响动太大了。 This fights does not die to fight actually, therefore does not need to alarm too many people, Lin Feng has not built miniature world by oneself Magic Force, but has given Sword Venerable Flowing Light this right, he does not fear Sword Venerable Flowing Light to cause to cheat completely, but by the pride of Sword Venerable Flowing Light, naturally will not be petty. 这一战其实并不是死斗,所以没必要惊动太多人,林锋没有以自己法力营造小世界,而是将这项权利让给了流光剑尊,他完全不惧流光剑尊使诈,而以流光剑尊的骄傲,自然也不会那么小家子气。 just thus, some significance, is equal to not favoring the oneself disciple Sword Venerable Flowing Light. 只是这样一来,某种意义上来说,也等于是连流光剑尊都不看好自己的弟子。 Lin Feng this moment looks at Xiao Yan and Tao Yaoyao, in the heart somewhat is quite funny: Miss, you please strive for fortunately, you face, but one already aggrieved all year round True Fated Son of Heaven.” 林锋此刻看着萧焱陶夭夭,心中颇有些好笑:“姑娘,你请自求多福,你面对的可是一个已经憋屈了一整年的真命天子啊。” but...” Lin Feng corners of the mouth gently one: Also really has his master then to have his disciple.” 不过…”林锋嘴角轻轻一咧:“还真是有其师便有其徒啊。” His turn the head and looks to nearby Sword Venerable Flowing Light, the opposite party is also looking to him, tranquil saying: Also looks at Sect Master Lin can to help.” 转头看向一旁的流光剑尊,对方也正看向他,平静的说道:“还望林宗主可以成全。” The Sword Venerable Flowing Light form is disappearing same place, transform into handle Long Sword, this sword does not have the entity, just to outline the one outline by the ray gradually, reveals one as deep as a well, drifting from place to place formidable Strength Domain. 流光剑尊的身影在原地消失,渐渐化为一柄长剑,此剑没有实体,只是由光线勾勒出一个轮廓,流露出一股难以捉摸,飘忽不定的强大力量意境 The flowing light of as if among Instant passing, Instant is so short, winds through in a hurry, is hard to grasp, is hard to catch. 仿佛刹那间即逝的流光,一刹那如此短暂,匆匆流过,难以把握,难以捕捉。 precisely Divine Origin Second Level Cultivation Realm Sword Venerable Flowing Light, appears leaves oneself Void Return Dharma Body. 正是元神二重境界流光剑尊,显化自己返虚法体 Lin Feng tranquil looks at this: Fellow Daoist why so? Void Return Dharma Body is damaged, no small matter.” 林锋平静的看着这一幕:“道友何必如此?返虚法体受损,非同小可。” Sword Venerable Flowing Light calmly said: Asked Sect Master Lin to advise.” His naturally also knows, although Void Return Dharma Body formidable, if damaged, then very difficult restores, serious even possibly dropped return to source god First Level Cultivation Realm. 流光剑尊静静说道:“请林宗主指教。”他自然也知道,返虚法体虽然强大,但一旦受损,便很难恢复,严重了甚至可能跌落回元一重境界 But he only has to show the oneself strongest condition to be good at this moment, is different from Tao Yaoyao does not know at this time completely some Xiao Yan many strengths, Sword Venerable Flowing Light before had witnessed Lin Feng take action, the impression of that formidable strength create, deeply engraves in his in the mind. 但他此刻唯有展现出自己最强状态才行,不同于陶夭夭此时完全不知道萧焱到底有多少实力,流光剑尊之前亲眼目睹过林锋出手,那强大实力造成的印象,深深镌刻在他的脑海中 With him with is Divine Origin Second Level Cultivation Realm, even the strength also slightly wins several points of Mount Shu four big Sword Lord Grandmaster, does not resist Strength facing Lin Feng, Lin Feng only leaves Mystical Ability Dharma Body, in them random one person on can duel Sword Venerable Shao Shang. 与他同为元神二重境界,甚至实力还稍胜几分的蜀山四大剑主宗师,面对林锋也是毫无招架之力,林锋只出一具神通法身,就可以单挑少商剑尊他们中的任意一人 Such strength, is not one Divine Origin Second Level Cultivator can alone contends completely. 这样的实力,已经完全不是一个元神二重修士可以独自抗衡。 But Sword Venerable Flowing Light this moment or initiated the challenge to Lin Feng, because he is the same to Tao Yaoyao, is unable to back down. 流光剑尊此刻还是林锋发起了挑战,因为他同陶夭夭一样,骑虎难下。 After Lin Feng accompanies Xiao Yan to go to Passing Clouds Peak fulfills the war approximately, after Tao Yaoyao several hundred years had not received Direct Disciple Sword Venerable Flowing Light to make an exception at the scene, receive Murong Yanran are Disciple. 林锋陪同萧焱行云峰履行战约后,自陶夭夭之后已经数百年没有收亲传弟子流光剑尊当场破例,将慕容嫣然收为门下弟子 Although does not have the famous saying, but has saved idea with other Lin Feng symptom, his in person from starts on Passing Clouds Peak, has with the idea that Lin Feng fights, afterward delayed because of the layer upon layer consideration. 虽然没有名言,但已经存了同林锋别苗头的意思,他本人从在行云峰上开始,就有同林锋一战的想法,后来因为重重思虑而耽搁下来。 When to today, he knows that Lin Feng cultivation base is what kind extraordinary, but the long-cherished wish has not recompensed, this is the his First Level heart knot. 时至今日,他已经知道林锋修为是何等不凡,但夙愿未偿,这便是他的一重心结。 arrived Sword Venerable Flowing Light this Cultivation Realm, on mental state very difficult has produced hard to solve it is difficult, if produces, is unable to melt, instead will be more ingrained than low Cultivation Realm Cultivator even more. 到了流光剑尊这个境界,心境上已经很难产生纠缠不清的碍难,但一旦产生,迟迟无法化解,反而会比低境界修士更加根深蒂固。 Therefore, even in Tao Yaoyao challenges before Xiao Yan, Sword Venerable Flowing Light first initiated the challenge to Lin Feng. 所以,甚至更在陶夭夭萧焱挑战之前,流光剑尊就已经先向林锋发起了挑战。 Otherwise, continuously for a long time hence, his is determined only more and more to vacillate, arrived at that time, will also be damaged including his sword heart. 否则,长此以往,他的决心只会越来越动摇,到了那个时候,连他的剑心也会受损。 Lin Feng faces Sword Venerable Flowing Light, faint said: this Eminence respects Fellow Daoist firmly to the heart of [say / way], therefore then did not need Mystical Ability Dharma Body to fight with Fellow Daoist.” 林锋面对流光剑尊,淡淡说道:“本座尊重道友坚定的向道之心,所以便也不用神通法身道友交手了。” Sword Venerable Flowing Light replied seriously: So, many thanks Sect Master Lin.” 流光剑尊郑重答道:“如此,多谢林宗主了。” Lin Feng calmly stands in same place has not moved, Sword Venerable Flowing Light knows that Lin Feng this is in waiting for him first take action, he not many idle talk, under the Magic Force stimulation of movement, Sword Light flashes, Void Return Dharma Body of Long Sword appearance in Void vanished immediately. 林锋静静站在原地没有动,流光剑尊知道林锋这是在等他出手,他当即也不多废话,法力催动下,剑光一闪,长剑模样的返虚法体已经在虚空中消失。 When he appears again, already nearly in Lin Feng front. 当他再次出现的时候,已经近在林锋面前 Including one Instant Time not arrive! 一个刹那时间不到 This sword, no other his intent, is quick, quickly not broken Sword Intent will display only arrived pinnacle, must overstep the Time boundary. 这一剑,别无他意,就是快,将唯快不破的剑意发挥到了极致,要超越时间的界限。 Lin Feng in the heart slightly moves, near ear as if once again listens to the arrived Sword Venerable Flowing Light serious words: „... Many thanks Sect Master Lin.” 林锋心中微微一动,耳边仿佛又一次听到了流光剑尊郑重的话语:“…多谢林宗主了。” This was not Sword Venerable Flowing Light also says words again, but was in this sword, as if contained Strength Domain of adverse current time. 这不是流光剑尊把话重新又说一遍,而是他这一剑中,仿佛蕴含了逆流时光的力量意境 Instant sword escape, actually not compared with Mount Shu Lesser Principle Sword Instrument inferior many.” Lin Feng nodded, the body still stood in same place has not acted, on the only forehead appears suddenly the one Supreme Ultimate Diagram mark, black and white Jinan, rotates up. 刹那剑遁,其实并不比蜀山少则剑器逊色多少。”林锋点了点头,身体仍然站在原地没有丝毫动作,只有额头上突然浮现一个太极图纹,黑白相济,转动起来
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