HNOF :: Volume #5

#491: Wang Lin is missing

Different from Greater Yin Sword, Lesser Yang Sword is silent, but throughout has not actually stopped with the resistance between Lin Feng, instead gets stronger and stronger. 不同于太阴剑,少阳剑沉默不语,但同林锋之间的对抗却始终没有停止,反而愈演愈烈。 All along the gentle person, instead appears especially biased in certain places. 一贯平和的人,在某些地方反而会显得格外偏执。 In some sense, you have not distinguished with genuinely human anything actually.” Lin Feng in the heart said with a smile: what a pity, prefers death to humiliation here does not have anything to affect.” “从某种意义上来说,你倒是跟真正的人类没什么区别了。”林锋心中笑道:“可惜,在我这里宁折不弯是没什么作用的。” You, if Enlightenment grade Magical Treasure, but can also turn several spray, manifestation Magical Treasure of without owner, or do not jump da.” Lin Feng looked that does not look, left hand, is a Dao Technique strength emits, congeals a purple big hand, simultaneously grasps on Lesser Yang Sword, makes an effort to grasp. “你要是件大乘级数法宝,还能翻起几朵浪花,无主的化生法宝,还是别蹦跶了。”林锋看也不看,左手一张,又是一道法力放出,凝结成一只紫色大手,一起抓在少阳剑上,用力一握。 The golden color Sword Light instantaneous annihilation that on the sword was rocking unceasingly, the Lesser Yang Sword main body sends out one to make the grating sound of person of tooth acid, seems calling out in grief to whin. 剑上本来正在不断晃动的金色剑光瞬间湮灭,少阳剑本体发出一阵令人牙酸的刺耳声音,仿佛在悲鸣哀嚎。 Lin Feng faint said: this Eminence does not feel embarrassed you, is treating honestly.” 林锋淡淡说道:“本座也不为难你,老老实实待着吧。” Lesser Yang Sword was imprisoned thoroughly by Lin Feng's Magic Force, is incapable of working loose, although Sword Spirit still transmitted the unyielding thought that but also can only helpless by Lin Feng suppression, but in other one side, Greater Yin Sword also similarly by Lin Feng suppression up. 少阳剑林锋的法力彻底禁锢住,无力挣脱,虽然剑灵仍然传递出不屈的意念,但也只能无奈的被林锋镇压,而在另外一边,太阴剑也同样被林锋镇压起来 Two handle swords both sent in Mysterious Heaven Cosmic Light Heavenly Land by Lin Feng, presses with Golden Crow Great Saint Soul Remnants together under the giant sword chest. 两柄剑都被林锋送入玄天宙光洞天内,和金乌大圣残魂一起压在巨型剑匣下方。 The giant sword chest vibrated, terrifying Aura has filled the air immediately, made Lesser Yang Sword and Greater Yin Sword shivers. 巨型剑匣震动了一下,恐怖气息顿时弥漫开来,令少阳剑太阴剑为之颤抖。 They are Sword Instrument give birth to Original Spirit, regarding Strength of peerless ominous sword in the sword chest seals, the feelings are more profound, can clearly realize that is existence of one how terrifying. 他们都是剑器生出元灵,对于剑匣内封存的绝世凶剑的力量,感触更为深刻,能清楚意识到那是一个多么恐怖的存在。 Tidied up two handle Magical Treasure Sword Instrument, Lin Feng slightly has thought: Um, this time has the dead enmity with Mount Shu Sword Sect. Mount Shu Divine Origin Second Level Cultivation Realm Cultivator almost made into the severe wound by me completely, did not have Lesser Yang and Greater Yin two swords. The Six Lineage Immortal Sky Sword Formation might also pelts, the Mount Shu Sword Sect overall strength is damaged. Now should is at contracts the defense condition, preventing some people to take advantage.” 收拾了两柄法宝剑器,林锋稍微思索了一下:“嗯,这次算是跟蜀山剑宗结下死仇了。蜀山元神二重境界修士几乎全部被我打成重伤,没了少阳太阴二剑。六脉仙天剑阵的威力也大降,蜀山剑宗整体实力受损。现在应该是处于收缩防御的状态,防止有人趁火打劫。” Properly speaking Mount Shu Sword Sect this moment should will not attack on own initiative, but was difficult to guarantee Mount Shu to be used to overbearingly, will take risks.” Lin Feng in the heart is thinking: Little Lin and Little Qing this moment floats alone outside, may become the object of Mount Shu Sword Sect retaliation.” “按理说蜀山剑宗此刻应该不会主动出击,但难保蜀山骄横惯了,会铤而走险。”林锋心中想着:“小林子小清子此刻孤悬在外,或许会成为蜀山剑宗报复的对象。” Actually, intentionally places outside Wang Lin and Yang Qing, becomes the opposite party attack target, then Lin Feng prepares again ahead of time, arrangement arrangement. Is the most advantageous choice, likely again fights the one attractive ambush warfare, cancels to extinguish the potential enemy kills. 其实,故意把汪林杨清放在外面,成为对方攻击的靶子,然后林锋再提前准备,布置安排。才是最有利的选择,很可能再打一个漂亮的伏击战,将潜在敌人勾出来灭杀。 but Lin Feng does not plan such to do, after thinking moment, his or decision recalls mountain to come Wang Lin and Yang Qing. 不过林锋不打算这么做,思索片刻后,他还是决定把汪林杨清招回山来。 As for the Wang Lin's parents, Lin Feng also prepares to specially permit Wang Lin to lead them to return to the mountain, the similar situation is also applicable to the Wuzhou City Xiao family, Xiao Yan person, if has not being able to put down, can brings back to mountain to come. When the time comes places in their oneself Immortal Cave then. 至于汪林的父母,林锋也准备特许汪林带他们回山,同样的情况也适用于乌州城的萧氏家族,萧焱若有放不下的人,也可以带回山来。到时候安置在他们自己洞府即可。 Although, Great Qin Dynasty has to send for nursing in secret, Mount Shu in the situation of Profound Gate Heavenly Sect mutual hatred, will not set up Great Qin Dynasty such one powerful enemy mostly again. 虽然,大秦皇朝有派人暗中看护,蜀山在与玄门天宗交恶的情况下,多半不会再树大秦皇朝这样一个强敌。 But is difficult to hold that type only to attempt the happy person to exist for a while. Lin Feng does not have the interest to take risk. 但难保有那种只图一时痛快的人存在。林锋没有兴趣冒险。 Thinks of here, a Lin Feng forehead, the bright flame runs out. Before fall on body, changes to the one Giant image, is actually Flame Dragon Heavenly Armor. 想到这里,林锋一点眉心,明亮火光冲出。落在身前化作一个巨人形象,却是炎龙天铠 Under Lin Feng thought operation. Flame Dragon Heavenly Armor separates, War God Clone from there departs. Appearing. 林锋意念操纵下。炎龙天铠分离开来,战神分身从中飞出。重现于世。 Wild vitality Strength, just likes Ardent Sun across the sky similar, made the person palpitation. 狂暴的气血力量,犹如烈日横空一般,令人心悸。 War God Clone is System, on cultivation base automatic promotion to with the Lin Feng in person synchronization, close degree can said that has surmounted Clone, looks like Lin Feng second oneself is simply same. 战神分身系统所出,修为上自动提升至跟林锋本人同步,密切程度可以说已经超越了分身,简直就像是林锋第二个自己一样。 This moment War God Clone Strength Cultivation Realm, has reached the Divine Origin First Level Martial Dao Cultivator peak, perhaps when with Cultivation Realm Martial Dao Cultivator, Lin Feng has seen in the person only Divine Origin First Level Zhu Hongwu has with the qualifications that War God Clone contests. 此刻战神分身力量境界,已经达到元神一重武道修士的巅峰,同境界武道修士中,林锋见过的人里或许只有元神一重时的朱洪武才有同战神分身过招的资格。 Resembles Beirong Left Virtuous King, Right Virtuous King such cultivation base, completely is not War God Clone opponent, present War God Clone also one fights Strength facing Divine Origin Second Level Cultivator. 北戎左贤王,右贤王那样的修为,完全不是战神分身对手,现在的战神分身面对元神二重修士也有一战之力 Iron Tree Clone, still stayed in Nascent Soul Initial Stage Cultivation Realm actually, but also needs non-stop cultivate. 倒是铁树分身,仍然停留在元婴初期境界,还需要不停修练 Lin Feng achievement Divine Origin boundary, refine Flame Dragon Heavenly Armor no longer to have any difficulty now, then does not need War God Clone to continue to stay in Flame Dragon Heavenly Armor. 林锋现在已经成就元神之境,炼化炎龙天铠不再有任何难度,便不需要战神分身继续停留在炎龙天铠内。 After War God Clone comes out, the Lin Feng main body puts out a hand a stroke, the in Void breaks open one path crack, delivers War God Clone to cross endless Space, goes to the Wang Lin hometown to be at the Great Qin Dynasty southern border area that. 战神分身出来后,林锋本体伸手一划,在虚空中破开一道裂缝,送战神分身横渡无尽空间,前往汪林家乡所在的大秦皇朝南疆地区。 Although Martial Dao Cultivator battle efficiency is tyrannical, because does not discard ** reason, although the short distance sprint speed is faster, can breaks open Space fly to escape, is in the long distance long journey, wanted too to be slowly many compared with Divine Origin Avatar, calculated advantages are accompanied by disadvantages. 武道修士战斗力虽然强横,但因为不舍弃**的缘故,虽然短距离冲刺速度更快,也能破开空间飞遁,可是在长距离远行上,比起元神化身要慢了太多,也算有利有弊。 Lin Feng's True Body then delivers a War God Clone regulation by Magic Force, enabling it to reach the destination as soon as possible. 林锋的本尊便以法力战神分身一程,使之能尽快到达目的地。 Clone Lin Feng splits open space flies to escape, felt that oneself soon went to the place, suddenly felt the Space serious distortion. 分身林锋破开虚空飞遁,感觉自己快要到地方了,突然感觉空间严重扭曲。 Um?” Lin Feng knitting the brows head of: This feeling, is the Divine Great Land Space wall bonds the breakage, has linked up Void Battlefield?” “嗯?”林锋皱了皱眉头:“这个感觉,是神州浩土空间壁障破裂,贯通了虚空战场?” Void Battlefield is piece of different Space, outside the lofty one hang in the sky, vast in territory, inside Space turbulent flow is turbulent, proliferates Void Storm, is quite dangerous. 虚空战场是一片异度空间,孤悬天外,幅员辽阔,里面空间乱流汹涌,遍布虚空风暴,极为危险。 Golden Core Realm following cultivation base Cultivator enters, must die without doubt, even if will be Golden Core Realm Cultivator is a narrow escape, similar only Nascent Soul Realm and Divine Origin time cultivation base Cultivator will also enter, but also dangerous layer upon layer. 金丹期以下修为修士进入,必死无疑,就算金丹期修士也是九死一生,一般只有元婴期元神修为修士才会进入其中,但也危险重重 Is Divine Origin Cultivation Realm Expert, person of fallen in Void Battlefield does not only know many. 光是元神境界强者,陨落虚空战场中的人就不知有多少。 Lin Feng breaks open Space, arrives at the place that the Wang Lin hometown is, just the arrived place, he immediately sees in the sky the one giant cavity to reverse in non-stop, as if wants Devouring all black holes. 林锋破开空间,降临汪林家乡所在的地方,刚到了地方,他立刻就瞅见天空中一个巨大的空洞在不停扭转,仿佛要吞噬一切的黑洞。 but Divine Great Land Great Thousand World Space Domain Strength, in repairs unceasingly voluntarily, again is stable, the crack that the Space wall bonds was made up gradually, will vanish getting smaller in less than how long does not see. 不过神州浩土大千世界空间界域之力,在不断自行修复,重新稳定,空间壁障上的破洞渐渐被弥补,越来越小,用不了多久就会消失不见。 Lin Feng Divine Consciousness sweeps, immediately complexion is ugly, because he discovered that oneself actually feels not arrive Wang Lin and Yang Qing Magic Force Aura. 林锋神识一扫,顿时脸色难看无比,因为他发现,自己竟然感觉不到汪林杨清法力气息 Not is only their two people oneself Magic Force Aura, leaves their Space Talisman including Lin Feng, does not feel arrived. 不仅仅是他们两人自己法力气息,连林锋留给他们的空间符箓,都感觉不到了 Had this situation, the only two possibilities, one has Magic Force cultivation base to block contact of Lin Feng compared with Lin Feng higher Expert by big Mystical Ability with them, another one possibly was, Wang Lin and Yang Qing entered Void Battlefield! 出现这种情况,只有两个可能,一个是有法力修为林锋更高的强者以大神通阻断了林锋与他们之间的联系,另一个可能就是,汪林杨清进入虚空战场了! Lin Feng deeply inspires, reminds oneself maintains calm, he thought before Shi Family Life Lamp is the idea of very good, therefore oneself has also made, Wang Lin and Yang Qing Life Lamp unobstructive, this moment should did not have the danger of life. 林锋深吸一口气,提醒自己保持冷静,他之前觉得石氏家族本命灯是个很不错的主意,所以自己也弄了些,汪林杨清本命灯无碍,此刻应该还没有性命之险。 raises the head looked at the airborne Space crack, Lin Feng not at all was flying hesitant. 抬头望着空中的空间裂缝,林锋毫不犹豫飞了上去。 exceed approaches the Space crack, Lin Feng felt suddenly that oneself keeps Yang Qing Magic Force mark, is even more clear. 越靠近空间裂缝,林锋突然感觉,自己留在杨清身上的法力印记,越发清晰。 The Lin Feng Divine Consciousness careful search, discovered immediately wipes the azure light to stay in crack edge, has placed Void another side, after Space closing of fracture, will then be kept mostly in Void Battlefield. 林锋神识仔细搜索,顿时发现一抹青光停留在裂缝边缘处,已经身处虚空另一边,待空间裂缝闭合后,多半便会被留在虚空战场里。 That is Feilian Light Avatar, just is resisting Space to twist the great strength at this moment with hardship, shortly already in shatter edge. 那是一头飞廉光影,只是此刻正在苦苦抵挡空间扭曲巨力,眼看已经在破碎边缘。 Green Feilian Light Avatar within the body, there is one person's shadow, precisely Lin Feng's Fifth Disciple, Yang Qing. 青色的飞廉光影体内,赫然有一个人影,正是林锋的五弟子,杨清 He was clenching the teeth at this time, pours into own Magic Force on completely Jade Talisman, tries to actuate Feilian Light Avatar to run out of Void to twist the fetter of Strength, re-enters Divine Great Land. 他这时正咬紧牙关,将自身法力全部灌注到手中的一枚玉符上,试图驱动飞廉光影冲出虚空扭曲之力的束缚,重回神州浩土 But Yang Qing has not formed Golden Core at this moment, controls this Nascent Soul Realm Magical Artifact, is unable to stimulate completely Strength, can only support reluctantly. 无奈杨清此刻没有结成金丹,驾驭这件元婴期法器,无法激发出全部力量,只能勉强支撑。 Saw that the Void crack getting smaller, gradually must close up, in the Yang Qing vision floats off the desperate color. 眼看虚空裂缝越来越小,渐渐就要合拢,杨清目光中浮起绝望之色。 He looked down in the hand Jade Talisman an eye: „It is not good! I cannot give up, even if my oneself does not return to depart, must send back them...” 他低头看了手中玉符一眼:“不行!我不能放弃,就算自己回不去了,也要把他们送回去…” In this time, the one person's shadow was dodging suddenly, the boundless great strength supports the Void crack stiffly, and puts out a hand to think Feilian Light Avatar grasps, although the palm is not big, but formidable Strength has towed from crack another side Feilian Light Avatar instantaneously forcefully. 正在这时,一个人影突然闪了过来,磅礴巨力硬生生撑住虚空裂缝,并且伸手想着飞廉光影抓来,手掌虽然不大,但强大力量瞬间将飞廉光影强行从裂缝的另一边拖了回来。 Master!” Yang Qing saw came the person, immediately whole face pleasantly surprised color. 师父!”杨清见了来人,顿时满脸惊喜之色。 Lin Feng brings Yang Qing to re-enter Divine Great Land Great Thousand World, after falling to the ground, Lin Feng sinking sound asked: Little Qing, what's the matter?” 林锋带着杨清重回神州浩土大千世界,落到地上后,林锋沉声问道:“小清子,怎么回事?” Yang Qing calmed down, replied hastily: Is one Nascent Soul Late Stage Old Monster looks for trouble, Third Senior Brother led me with a it war, in the battle process to make a connection with the Void channel.” 杨清定了定神,连忙答道:“是一个元婴后期老怪找麻烦,三师兄带着我与之一战,交战过程中无意间打通了虚空通道。” Mount Shu Sword Sect person?” 蜀山剑宗的人?” „It is not.” Yang Qing shakes the head: As if Devil Path Cultivator, several days ago has Golden Core Realm Devil Cultivator suddenly to appear in the, collects myriad soul cultivate demon merit, will stare at the Third Senior Brother hometown, Third Senior Brother therefore then take action strike to kill.” “不是。”杨清摇头:“似乎是魔道修士,十几天前有个金丹期魔修突然出现在附近,收集万千生魂修练魔功,盯上了三师兄的家乡,三师兄于是便出手将之击杀。” Lin Feng slightly nod, before one's eyes this matter, completely is an accident. 林锋微微点头,眼前这事,完全是一件偶然事件。 Or is Wang Lin's True Fated Son of Heaven Qi of Hegemon King provokes automatically, weeps and wails pastes toward him on, asks to ask the bad luck ghost of education oppressively. 或者说,是汪林的真命天子王霸之气自动招惹来,哭着喊着往他身上贴,求虐求教育的倒霉鬼。 Result that Golden Core Realm Devil Cultivator behind is standing one Nascent Soul Late Stage Old Monster, comes to murder those who have cheated them, this person is quite vicious, actually wants the slaughter to extinguish the Third Senior Brother entire clan, must refine the soul them completely, can not be reincarnated.” “结果那金丹期魔修身后站着一个元婴后期老怪,前来寻仇,此人极为狠毒,竟然要屠灭三师兄全族,更要将他们全部炼成阴魂,不得超生。” Listens to Yang Qing to speak of here, Lin Feng at heart thump a sound: Dry! Heaven Ordained Solitary Star?” 杨清说到这里,林锋心里咯噔一声响:“干!天煞孤星?” Although teased Wang Lin to grow a face of Heaven Ordained Solitary Star, but the family member suffered misfortune, particularly the parents encountered the misfortune, this was a tragedy, Lin Feng does not hope absolutely Wang Lin realized that torn, the close relative died certainly endless sorrowful. 虽然调侃汪林长了一张天煞孤星的脸,但亲人遭逢不幸,尤其是父母遭遇不幸,这绝对是件惨事,林锋绝不希望汪林体会那骨肉分离,至亲死绝的无尽悲恸。 Even if therefore affected Wang Lin's growth course, making the road of his True Fated Son of Heaven belong to mediocrely, Lin Feng does not hope that he goes to that Heaven Ordained Solitary Star path. 哪怕因此影响了汪林的成长历程,让他的真命天子之路归于平庸,林锋也绝不希望他真的去走那天煞孤星的道路。 Believes Wang Lin oneself, definitely also rather parents forever peace and good health. 相信汪林自己,肯定也宁愿父母永远安康。 Little Lin family member...” The Lin Feng eye closely is staring at Yang Qing, sees Yang Qing to take out jade slip saying: That Old Monster comes too ominously, Third Senior Brother some clansmen were killed, I and Third Senior Brother only with enough time save his parents and other few people.” 小林子的家人…”林锋眼睛紧紧盯着杨清,就见杨清取出玉简说道:“那老怪来得太凶,三师兄的一些族人被杀了,我和三师兄只来得及救下他父母和其他一部分人。” Shouted... Unfortunately great good fortune.” “呼…不幸中的大幸。” Lin Feng released a long breath, then discontentedly looked at Yang Qing an eye, smelly brat, does not lead you such greatly to gasp for breath. 林锋长出了一口气,接着不满看了杨清一眼,臭小子,不带你这么大喘气的。 The Yang Qing whole face worried: But, Third Senior Brother to protect the oneself parents, falls with that Old Monster to Void crack deep place depart.” 杨清满脸担忧:“可是,三师兄为了保护自己的父母,和那老怪一起陷到虚空裂缝深处去了。”
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