HNOF :: Volume #5

#490: Suppresses two swords

Lesser Yang Sword fair and honest, gentle and mild radiant golden color Sword Light, as if the hold up the sky pillar same stiffly withstands Lin Feng Heaven Supporting Seal Magic Force suppression. 少阳剑中正平和的璀璨金色剑光,仿佛擎天支柱一样硬生生顶住林锋承天印法力镇压 But Greater Yin Sword changes to all round the fog, twines around golden color Sword Light, constantly stimulates to expedite golden color Sword Light, the assistance, urges Lesser Yang Sword Sword Light even more formidable with all one's heart, attempts breakthrough Lin Feng's Magic Force supress the seal. 太阴剑则化作团团云雾,缠绕在金色剑光周围,不断激发催生金色剑光,尽心辅佐,促使少阳剑剑光越发强悍,试图突破林锋的法力镇封 Lin Feng engrossing looks at this, then increased some pressures on Heaven Supporting Seal. 林锋饶有兴趣看着这一幕,然后在承天印上又加大了些压力。 Simultaneously All-Heaven Grand Capture Strength also added that together suppression Lesser Yang and Greater Yin two swords. 同时诸天大擒拿力量也加了上去,一起镇压少阳太阴二剑。 Feels the pressure to increase unceasingly, two handle immortal swords also changed the resistance way, golden color Sword Light vanished suddenly do not see, entire integrated in the fog. 感受到压力不断增大,两柄仙剑也改变了对抗方式,金色剑光突然消失不见,整个融入云雾之中。 By beforehand Lesser Yang as Lord and Greater Yin is the auxiliary pattern, transforms formed Greater Yin Sword to act to deal with the Lin Feng Magic Force main force, but Lesser Yang Sword hidden in the Greater Yin Sword transformed into fog, unceasingly by own Sword Qi Spirit Power assistance support. 由之前的少阳为主太阴为辅模式,转变成了太阴剑充当应对林锋法力的主力,而少阳剑隐于太阴剑所化云雾中,不断以自身剑气灵力辅佐支持。 Two swords no longer refute, but by Greater Yin Sword gentle and reserved changeable Sword Intent, socializes with Lin Feng, places hopes to wear away the rock with water. 两剑不再硬顶,而是以太阴剑阴柔多变的剑意,同林锋周旋,寄希望于以柔克刚。 Um, two handle swords both are manifestation grade Magical Treasure, moreover arrived at the manifestation peak level, is away from the Enlightenment boundary only bad one pace.” Lin Feng in the heart had the spectrum: Mount Shu Six Lineage Immortal Swords, the remaining four handles, should is also the same rank.” “嗯,两柄剑都是化生级数法宝,而且都到达了化生巅峰的层次,距离大乘之境只差一步之遥。”林锋心中有了谱:“蜀山六脉仙剑,剩下四柄,应该也是相同的级别。” Similar to Cultivator cultivate strives, promoting oneself Cultivation Realm to be the same, Magical Treasure has the Cultivation Realm division of oneself similarly. 如同修士修练精进,提升自己境界一样,法宝同样有自己境界划分。 Magical Treasure has four heavy Cultivation Realm, from low to high, separately is Spirit Gestation, manifestation, Enlightenment and Good Fortune. 法宝有四重境界,由低到高,分别是孕灵化生大乘造化 first heavy Cultivation Realm named Spirit Gestation, namely breeds the meaning of Original Spirit, birth Magical Treasure Original Spirit, the consciousness constantly grows, by the Primordial Chaos unclear simple thought. To ultimately has the completely independent independent thought and self-awareness. 第一境界名为孕灵,即孕育元灵之意,诞生法宝元灵,意识不断成长,由混沌不清的简单意念。到最终拥有完全自主的独立思维与自我意识。 And, Magical Treasure Original Spirit can oneself absorb Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi. Continually promotes oneself Magic Force, is at cultivate like the person. 并且,法宝元灵可以自己吸纳天地灵气。不断提升自己法力,就像人在修练一样。 but. Spirit Gestation grade Magical Treasure, is still not able congealment oneself Spirit Body, the consciousness to depend on each other in the Magical Treasure main body completely, cultivate needs the master sacrificial refining coordination, Strength the growth, the self- cultivate words, the speed will be very slow. 不过孕灵级数法宝,尚无法凝结自己灵体,意识完全依存于法宝本体之中,修练需要主人祭炼配合,力量才会快速增长,自我修练的话,速度很缓慢。 If Magical Treasure promotes Second Level manifestation Cultivation Realm, that situation is different, Magical Treasure Original Spirit congeals the self- physique. can is separated from the Magical Treasure main body short, thus, Magical Treasure Original Spirit oneself then can normal cultivate, does not need master sacrificial refining, the strength can also rapidly grow. 如果法宝晋升二重化生境界,那情况就不一样了,法宝元灵凝结出自我形体。可以短暂脱离法宝本体,这样一来,法宝元灵自己便可以正常修练,无需主人祭炼,实力也能飞速增长。 generally speaking, the Magical Treasure might, with the sacrificial refining cultivation base contrast, Spirit Gestation grade is equal to the sacrificial refining himself Divine Origin First Level incarnation Cultivation Realm strength, manifestation grade is equal to Divine Origin Second Level Void Return Cultivation Realm. Enlightenment grade Magical Treasure, is equal to Divine Origin Third Level Dao Fusion Cultivation Realm. 一般来说,法宝的威力,与祭炼者的修为对比,孕灵级数等同于祭炼者本身元神一重化身境界的实力,化生级数则等同于元神二重返虚境界大乘级数法宝,更是等同于元神三重合道境界 But has the one problem, that is Spirit Gestation grade Magical Treasure and manifestation grade Magical Treasure, is unable to play the itself complete might independently. Must have the Divine Origin Expert control of same rank to be able percentage 100 to display Strength. 但这其中存在一个问题,那就是孕灵级数法宝化生级数法宝,无法自主发挥出本身全部的威力。必须要有同级别的元神强者驾驭才能百分之100发挥力量 Past before Sand Region City opening the mountain grand ceremony, that war, Pang Jie controlled Supreme Void Temple's Spirit Gestation grade Magical Treasure Six Form Sword, because of Pang Jie oneself not completed Divine Origin. Therefore in the combat process, Six Form Sword cannot shows the oneself complete elegant demeanor actually. 昔日沙洲城开山大典前那一战,庞杰驾驭太虚观的孕灵级数法宝六形剑,因为庞杰自己未成元神。所以战斗过程中,六形剑其实没能展现出自己的全部风采。 Although by far similar Nascent Soul Realm Magical Artifact. But is not a Magical Treasure proper might. 虽然远胜一般元婴期法器。但并不是一件法宝应有的威力。 If there is traded at that time already achievement Divine Origin boundary Yan Mingyue on hand, that Six Form Sword strength is equal to one Divine Origin First Level Realm Expert. 若是换了在当时已经成就元神之境燕明月手上,那六形剑的实力便等于又一个元神一重境界强者 Fellow Daoist principle. The war of Kunlun Mountains, Yu Family Family Lord Dao Venerable Profound Darkness Yu Xintao, once controlled Yu Family family heirloom Profound Darkness Treasure and Lin Feng fights. 同道理。昆仑山之战,于家家主玄冥道尊于新涛,曾经驾驭于家传家之宝玄冥宝策林锋交手。 Profound Darkness Treasure is in itself manifestation grade Magical Treasure, because of Yu Xintao in person only Divine Origin First Level incarnation Cultivation Realm, cannot build Void Return boundary, strength that therefore Profound Darkness Treasure can show, has Spirit Gestation grade. 玄冥宝策本身是化生级数法宝,但因为于新涛本人只有元神一重化身境界,未能修成返虚之境,所以玄冥宝策能展现出来的实力,也就只得孕灵级数 But on Desolate Sea Daoist Assembly, Great Qin Dynasty Anliang King Shi Zongyue controls manifestation grade Magical Treasure Hidden Dragon Pot by Divine Origin Second Level Void Return Cultivation Realm cultivation base, plays its might and role on can perfectly. 荒海法会上,大秦皇朝安良王石宗岳元神二重返虚境界修为驾驭化生级数法宝藏龙壶,就可以完美发挥其威力和作用。 At this moment restless Lesser Yang under Lin Feng and Greater Yin two swords, is manifestation grade Magical Treasure, moreover is in the manifestation peak, only almost then can bring it up a level. 此刻在林锋手底下闹腾的少阳太阴二剑,都是化生级数法宝,而且都处于化生巅峰,只差一点便可以更上一层楼 But is this point distance, is unbearable, nobody controls, is unable to play the oneself complete might. 但就是这一点距离,却咫尺天涯,无人驾驭,就无法发挥出自己全部威力。 Magical Treasure, needs to promote Third Level Cultivation Realm, achieves Enlightenment grade, Original Spirit can the thorough accomplishment, can be separated from the main body, and independent control main body, alone displays completely Strength, ascends the sky into to have one's wish. 法宝,需要晋升第三重境界,达到大乘级数,元灵才能彻底大成,可以脱离本体,并独立驾驭本体,独自发挥全部力量,上天入地随心所欲。 Enlightenment grade Magical Treasure, in the battle efficiency, is equal to one Divine Origin Third Level Dao Fusion Cultivation Realm Powerhouse Expert completely. 一件大乘级数法宝,在战斗力上,完全等同于一个元神三重合道境界大能强者 arrived this situation, Magical Treasure Original Spirit even can chooses Escaping Tribulation reincarnation, Reincarnation becomes the genuinely life, the birth grew, henceforth became in Great Thousand World one genuinely is independent, brand-new Life. 到了这个地步,法宝元灵甚至可以选择脱劫转生,投胎成为真正的生灵,出生成长,从此成为大千世界一个真正独立,全新的生命 Original Spirit Escaping Tribulation reincarnation, namely relieves with the relation between sacrificial refining original masters, just Escaping Tribulation reincarnation Original Spirit, will cut off thoroughly with the relation between Magical Treasure main bodies, forever loses into the opportunity of treasure of Good Fortune. 元灵脱劫转生,即解除同祭炼者原主人之间的联系,只是脱劫转生元灵,也将彻底斩断同法宝本体之间的联系,永远失去成为造化之宝的机会。 After reincarnation, all are unknown, although Magical Treasure Original Spirit cultivate up wants easy many compared with the ordinary life, but whether achievement Divine Origin, can ascend ramble Longevity boundary again, completely is the unknown, therefore generally speaking, Magical Treasure Original Spirit not initiative Escaping Tribulation reincarnation. 转生之后,一切都是未知,虽然法宝元灵修练起来比普通生灵要容易许多,但能否成就元神,再登逍遥长生之境,完全是未知数,所以一般来说,法宝元灵都不会主动脱劫转生 Loses the Original Spirit Magical Treasure main body, has certain probability can birth new Original Spirit, does not duplicate Rebirth, new born Magical Treasure Original Spirit, with the relations between Original Spirit, was similar to the children with the parents. 失去元灵法宝本体,有一定几率可以诞生新的元灵,并非复制重生,新生法宝元灵,同原本元灵之间的关系,类似于子女同父母。 As for Magical Treasure fourth heavy Cultivation Realm, is highest Cultivation Realm Good Fortune boundary, is on the other hand more mystical, in the entire Heaven Primal World history has not presented the treasures of several Good Fortune. 至于法宝的第四重境界,也是最高境界造化之境,则相对来说神秘许多,整个天元大世界历史上也没有出现过几件造化之宝。 Magical Treasure promoted Good Fortune grade, Original Spirit instead did not have the passing physique, but transform into a side Good Fortune Will existence, did not appear to make an appearance gradually frequently. 法宝晋升造化级数,元灵反而没了过往形体,而是渐渐化为一方造化意志般的存在,不经常显现露面。 About the treasure of Good Fortune, in the past Buddhism Great Thunderclap Temple once put forward the one concept, the reputation is Paramita Magical Treasure, indicates the sea of bitterness which knows no bounds, may the protects people cross the sea of bitterness by Paramita Magical Treasure, goes directly to Paramita. 关于造化之宝,昔年佛门大雷音寺曾提出一个概念,誉之为彼岸法宝,寓意苦海无边,以彼岸法宝护佑人们横渡苦海,直达彼岸 Among Life and Death, there is big terrifying, inadequate Divine Origin, the age is eventually limited, always has to come to the end a day. 生死之间,有大恐怖,不成元神,寿数终究有限,总有走到尽头的一天。 Human Race achievement Divine Origin boundary, Monster Race practices Immortal Monster Soul, can and Heaven and Earth same longevity, the naturally life is nearly infinite, Heaven and Earth inextinguishable, I am undying. 人族成就元神之境,妖族练成不灭妖魂,都可以天地同寿,自然寿命近乎无限,天地不灭,我即不死 But if this a side Heaven and Earth, this a side Great Thousand World thorough Destruction? 但要是这一方天地,这一方大千世界彻底毁灭了呢? Regarding Expert of Divine Origin rank, besides was killed by the external force, only the 1 by 1 naturally death way, together moved toward Annihilation along with this side Heaven and Earth. 对于元神级别的强者来说,除了被外力杀死以外,唯一一自然死亡方式,就是随此方天地一起走向寂灭 Heaven and Earth Annihilation, is above Life and Death, bigger terrifying, with Heaven and Earth same longevity, this a side Heaven and Earth life comes to the end, the naturally lives of these people together will also come to the end, under turns out in full strength not to have the egg. 天地寂灭,是生死之上,更大的恐怖,与天地同寿者,这一方天地的寿命走到尽头,这些人的自然寿命也会一起走到尽头,倾巢之下无完卵。 birth, aging, illness and death, formation, existence, destruction and emptiness, Good Fortune then circulates in birth and death, a side Good Fortune opens, the development, declines until Annihilation finally, returns to the nihility, then in once more Creation from nihility. 生老病死,成往坏空,造化便是在生灭之间循环,一方造化开辟,发展,最终衰落直到寂灭,重归虚无,然后自虚无中再次创生 But in the hearsay, the treasure of Good Fortune, hopefully resists Heaven and Earth Annihilation unsurpassed supreme treasure, the helping other spans innumerable Era, has rushed to the Heaven and Earth Annihilation great misfortune, moves toward new born. 而在传闻之中,造化之宝,就是有希望抵御天地寂灭的无上至宝,助人横亘无数纪元,闯过天地寂灭大劫,走向新生 The treasure of extremely little present world just Good Fortune, in Heaven Primal World, gradually became existence in legend. 只是造化之宝极少现世,在天元大世界,已经渐渐成为传说中的存在。 Magical Treasure wants achievement Good Fortune grade, is also quite difficult, in the Heaven Primal World history has record the treasure of Good Fortune, when is coordinate certain days the chance, just now can bridge over that path is similar to the natural moat threshold. 法宝想要成就造化级数,亦极为困难,天元大世界历史上有过记录的造化之宝,都是配合一定天时机缘,方才能跨过那道如同天堑般的门槛。 This natural moat, is not only the sacrificial refining difficulty, in might , is almost the insurmountable gap. 这道天堑,不仅仅是祭炼难度,在威力上,也几乎是不可逾越的鸿沟。 Actually Spirit Gestation, manifestation and in Enlightenment three grade Magical Treasure, there is existence in to subdue|grams. 倒是孕灵化生大乘三个级数法宝中,有下克上的存在。 Among different Magical Treasure, the strong and weak also has the difference, decided the high below factor has, sometimes the sacrificial refining cultivation base height, the sacrificial refining cultivate Dao Technique quality, the raw material and fit and unfit quality of sacrificial refining condition wait / etc., besides these conditions, even more adds on a luck factor. 不同的法宝之间,强弱也有差别,决定其中高下的因素有许多,祭炼修为高低,祭炼修练道法品质,原材料和祭炼条件的优劣等等,除了这些条件外,有时还要加上一点运气因素。 Some Magical Treasure, although just Spirit Gestation grade, can actually compared with manifestation grade Magical Treasure even more formidable, even can challenges Enlightenment Magical Treasure. 有些法宝,虽然只是孕灵级数,却能比化生级数法宝更加强大,甚至可以挑战大乘法宝 This with some Cultivator because of Mystical Ability Magic Force formidable, or the Innate Talent extraordinary reason, can the Exceeding Level fight be the same. 这就跟有些修士因为神通法力强大,或者天赋异秉的缘故,能越级战斗一样。 For example Lin Feng's becomes Dao Technique treasure Bell of Good Fortune, now refining up the first heavy item shape, named Creating Life Gate, at this moment is Spirit Gestation Cultivation Realm Magical Treasure, just germination Spiritual Sense, but also only such as baby similar, needs to continue to cultivate the growth. 例如林锋的道法造化之钟,如今炼成第一重物象,名为创命之门,此刻是孕灵境界法宝,刚刚萌生灵识,但还只如婴儿一般,需要继续培育成长。 however, although also just Spirit Gestation grade, Creating Life Gate might Lin Feng had the approximate estimate, by far in common Spirit Gestation Magical Treasure. 只不过,虽然还只是孕灵级数,创命之门的威力林锋已经有了大致的估计,远胜于寻常孕灵法宝 But at this moment in Lin Feng on hand restless Lesser Yang and Greater Yin two swords, in manifestation grade Magical Treasure, is the outstanding person, and reaches the manifestation peak, is away from the Enlightenment boundary only one pace. 而此刻正在林锋手头闹腾的少阳太阴二剑,在化生级数法宝中,也是佼佼者,并且都达到化生巅峰,距离大乘之境只有一步之遥。 As Sword Instrument them, murders sharply, might formidable, if controls in Divine Origin Second Level or the Divine Origin Third Level Expert hand, plays the oneself complete might, even if may also fight facing Enlightenment Magical Treasure. 作为剑器的他们,杀伐犀利,威力强悍,若是在元神二重或者元神三重强者手中掌控,发挥自己全部威力,就算面对大乘法宝也可一战。 But is insufficient limited to manifestation Magical Treasure Innate, present they are unable to play the oneself proper might, Lin Feng suppression they, does not spend easy Strength. 但受限于化生法宝先天不足,眼下的他们无法发挥自己应有的威力,林锋镇压他们,不费吹灰之力 Facing dodging transfers, hopes to escape suppression Lesser Yang and Greater Yin two swords, Lin Feng slightly smiles, turbulent Magic Force breaks in All-Heaven Boundary World, changes to two purple big hands directly. 面对闪躲挪移,希望逃脱镇压少阳太阴二剑,林锋微微一笑,汹涌法力冲入诸天小世界内,直接化作两只紫色大手。 A hand acts bashful the Greater Yin Sword transformed into fog that the change runs away, another hand racket, wipes golden light to be shaken to be separated from the fog, precisely Lesser Yang Sword. 一只手拿捏住变化逃窜的太阴剑所化云雾,另外一只手一拍,一抹金光就被震得从云雾中脱离出来,正是少阳剑 Lesser Yang Sword again changes makes one zhang (3.33 m) length non- front Giant Sword, but Greater Yin Sword under Lin Feng Magic Force suppression, changes the primary form. 少阳剑重新变作一丈一长度的无锋巨剑,而太阴剑林锋法力镇压下,也变回原形。 Two handle swords both were held by Lin Feng, huge Strength makes their non-stop vibration tremble, is actually inescapable. 两柄剑都被林锋抓住,庞大的力量让他们不停震动发抖,可是却无法逃脱。 Ten thousand years of painstaking cultivation, a dynasty completely loses, this Eminence does not want so, when you guys is self-possessed is.” Lin Feng faint said: this Eminence not corrupt you guys two for my Profound Gate Heavenly Sect potency, but to disturb to cause trouble, that this Eminence did not mind that has broken to pieces you guys Original Spirit simply.” “万年苦修,一朝尽丧,本座不欲如此,你们当自重才是。”林锋淡淡说道:“本座也不贪你们两个为我玄门天宗效力,但如果想要捣乱生事,那本座不介意索性碎了你们元灵。” Greater Yin Sword natural disposition gentle and reserved is changeable, first stabilizes, in the sword blade edge transmits the thought of coldly: Good, I then wait to visit you to perish under my Mount Shu sword.” 太阴剑本性阴柔多变,首先安定下来,剑刃中传来冷冷的意念:“好,我便等着看你灭亡于我蜀山剑下。” On the contrary is another side Lesser Yang Sword, although the manner is quite from the beginning gentle, but actually still don't agree submitted now, persists in resisting. 反倒是另一边少阳剑,虽然一开始态度较为平和,但现在却仍然不肯屈服,坚持抗争。 The Greater Yin Sword bush telegraph gives him: You extinguish broken here, Lesser Yang Sword Instrument Lineage then wants Source Qi to damage severely, my Mount Shu Six Lineage Immortal Sky Sword Formation also wants a landslide corner/horn, at this moment leaves leeway with Body, when he looks toward my Mount Shu this Profound Gate's Master avenges a grievance, collaborates from outside with the inside, is Righteous Path.” 太阴剑传递讯息给他:“你碎灭在这里,少阳剑器一脉便要元气大伤,我蜀山六脉仙天剑阵也要塌方一角,此刻留有用之身,他朝我蜀山找这玄门之主报仇雪恨时,里应外合,才是正道。”
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