HDD :: Volume #9

#849: Top grade above

Chapter 849 special-grade above 第849章特等之上 Yellow Court blessed land, is post-disaster, the light golden light shines, covered a sacred color for entire blessed land. 黄庭福地,灾难过后,淡淡的金光映照,为整座福地镀上了一层神圣的色彩。 , coerces the wind quickly, swam around entire Yellow Court blessed land, in the small eye of Hong Yun full was excited, it can feel the uncommonness of this stretch of the world indistinctly, being used to plant the efficacious medicine is best. 呼,裹挟快哉风,游遍整个黄庭福地,红云的小眼睛中满是激动,它能隐约感受到这片天地的不凡,用来栽种灵药是最好的了。 After playing one, depresses in the heart excited, looks at empty Yellow Court blessed land, Hong Yun is deep during the thought that it always thought that this piece of blessed land lacked anything, for a long time later is suddenly enlighted, before it took out, plants various efficacious medicines as well as massive spirit in Yellow Court blessed land. 游玩一遍之后,压下心中兴奋,看着空荡荡的黄庭福地,红云陷入到了沉思之中,它总觉得这片福地缺了一些什么,许久之后恍然大悟,它取出了之前栽种在黄庭福地内的各种灵药以及大量的灵种。 , the dark green spring breeze swayed, blows three thousand li (500 km) yellow court, fresh green started to show talent for the first time on this desolated lands, life aura that suddenly thrived changed to the essence, fluttered just like a verdant gauze clothes above the land, various types of efficacious medicines started to thrive the growth, not only this was the spring breeze merit, was this Yellow Court blessed land strength, several transformations, its year of characteristics greatly were enhanced, not only can carrying/sustaining all efficacious medicines, but can also promote the efficacious medicine to grow effectively, rapidness that here the efficacious medicine can grow, good. 呼,墨绿色的春风吹拂,吹遍三千里黄庭,点点新绿开始在这片荒芜的土地上崭露头角,一时间勃发的生命气息化作了实质,宛如一层青翠纱衣飘荡在大地之上,各种灵药开始茁长成长,这不仅是春风的功劳,更是这片黄庭福地本身的力量,几次蜕变,其载物特性大大增强,不仅可以承载所有灵药,还能有效促进灵药生长,在这里灵药能生长的更快,更好。 Buzz, immortal light flows, several inspections, Hong Yun arrives at inner scenery the Earth Furnace edge, five immortal root including Qilin-blooded Bodhi will plant, these immortal root are Dragon Tiger Mountain these years collects, but besides Qilin-blooded Bodhi, other four types is only the immature bodies. 嗡,仙光流淌,几次考察,红云来到内景地大地烘炉边缘,将包括麟血菩提在内的五种仙根都种了下去,这些仙根都是龙虎山这些年收集的,不过除了麟血菩提之外,其他四种都只是幼生体。 Falls to the ground to take root, the Qilin-blooded Bodhi tired branches and leaves shone with the radiant brilliance slightly obviously immediately, its is partial to in earth, here takes root in the advantage that receives to be biggest, suddenly it stretches the body, performs obviously the spirited stance, really has pure white little flower opening on its tree top, shows the light fragrance, seeming to tie the hemorrhage bodhi again. 落地扎根,麟血菩提原本稍显倦怠的枝叶顿时焕发璀璨光彩,其偏向于土,在这里扎根受到的好处最大,一时间其舒展身躯,尽显昂扬姿态,在不知不觉间其枝梢上竟然有洁白的小花开放,透出淡淡的香气,好似要再次结出血菩提。 Sees such a, in the small eye of Hong Yun full is pleasantly surprised, it thinks really right, in this Earth Furnace is piece of immortal soil that most suitable immortal plant to grow, here qi of immortal spirit is richest, moreover there is silk threads black-yellow qi to fill the air, is only a pity area that can use small a point, only then a scrap place suits is used to plant the elixir. 看到这样的一幕,红云的小眼睛中满是惊喜,它想的果然没错,这大地烘炉之内就是最适合仙植生长的一片仙土,这里的仙灵之气最为浓郁,而且还有丝丝缕缕的玄黄气弥漫,唯一可惜的就是能利用的面积小了一点,只有一小块地方适合用来栽种仙药。 Can plants together fire parasol tree as well as lunar laurel?” “要不要将火梧桐以及太阴月桂一起种下去?” During pleasantly surprised, Hong Yun also fell into to hesitate, planting did not plant is an issue, suddenly in its small head starch, the long time thought fruitless, finally it decided to defer to the original idea the fire parasol tree type in Flame Mountain, the lunar laurel type in Moon Embracing Peak. 在惊喜的同时,红云也陷入到了犹豫之中,种还是不种是一个问题,一时间它的小脑袋中一片浆糊,久思无果,最终它还是决定按照原本的想法将火梧桐种在火焰山,将太阴月桂种在揽月峰 Although there condition does not have in Earth Furnace good, but the characteristics agree with these two immortal plant, is the place of excellent planter. 那里的条件虽然没有大地烘炉内好,但特性与这两种仙植更加契合,也是绝佳的种植之地。 On Moon Embracing Peak, falls to the ground to take root, obtains Yellow Court blessed land blessing, the lunar laurel form grows up at the visible speed, golden branch and jade leaves collides, changes to the indistinct immortal sound. 揽月峰上,落地扎根,得到黄庭福地加持,太阴月桂的身影以肉眼可见的速度长大,金枝玉叶碰撞,化作飘渺的仙音。 Looks from afar, the moonset butte, the lunar laurel form and bright moonlight superpose, seemed the growth above the bright moonlight, there is a heavenly music to be indistinct, let the person doubts in the middle of the month whether some people played a qin, only looked everywhere to disappear pitifully. 远远看去,月落孤峰,太阴月桂的身影与明月重合,好似生长在了明月之上,又有仙乐飘渺,让人不禁疑惑月中是否有人抚琴,只可惜遍寻不见踪影。 Sees such a, the vision falls in form that in Hong Yun non-stop busily, on the face of Zhang Chunyi showed a smile, but also is standing Black Mountain in his side, Chi Yan, Liu'er (six ears) as well as Wu Sheng (lifeless), at this time they are sizing up this piece of blessed land, although displays is inferior to Hong Yun to be obvious, but can see that they are also interested in this piece of new student/life blessed land very much. 看到这样的一幕,目光落在红云忙碌不停的身影上,张纯一的脸上露出了一丝笑容,而在他身边还站着黑山赤烟六耳以及无生,此时它们都在打量着这片福地,虽然表现的不如红云明显,但可以看出它们同样对这片新生的福地很感兴趣。 Does not know that my piece of blessed land exceeds the special-grade standard now.” “也不知道我这片福地现在是不是超出了特等的标准。” Solved the biggest future trouble, sees the Hong Yun so appearance, the Zhang Chunyi mind relaxes very much, waved nine clear nine muddy 18 innate qi to appear in his hand. 解决了最大的后患,又见到红云如此模样,张纯一的心神很是放松,一挥手九清九浊十八道先天之气出现在了他的手中。 At the beginning of blessed land opens 18 wisps of innate qi that is born had been smelted body-protecting immortal light by him, after these 18 wisps of innate qi are Yellow Court blessed land smelts earth origin bead, again transforms born. 福地开辟之初诞生的十八缕先天之气已经被他熔炼成了护体仙光,这十八缕先天之气黄庭福地熔炼地母珠之后再次蜕变所诞生的。 Is sizing up 18 wisps of innate qi in hand, pondered, Zhang Chunyi drew in them temporarily, innate clear qi and innate muddy qi refined great divine origin pill main material, had in a big way to him uses. 打量着手中的十八缕先天之气,沉思了一下,张纯一将它们暂时收拢了起来,先天清气先天浊气是炼制神元大丹主材,对他是有大用的。 Then you search the place to cultivate, hoping soon can achievement Monster Sovereign, I need to restore own injury.” “接下来你们自行寻觅地方修炼吧,以期早日能够成就妖皇,我需要恢复一下自身的伤势。” Has not disturbed Hong Yun, looks at several other monster creature, told, Zhang Chunyi entered inner scenery slowly in Sinking Moon Lake. 没有打扰红云,将目光投向其余几只妖物,吩咐了一句,张纯一缓缓走进了内景地沉月湖中。 The immortal light dissipation that the whole body lingers, Zhang Chunyi dharma body exposes truly, although snow-white skin, performs obviously uncommonly, but above full is the close fissure, seems a chapping chinaware, will bump will break to pieces, before this will be, he will take advantage of boundless magic force to use the consequence that earth immortal tool will cause continuously. He had not been wounded, he actually injured himself. 周身萦绕的仙光消散,张纯一法体真正展露,虽然冰肌玉骨,尽显不凡,但上面满是细密的裂痕,好似一件皲裂的瓷器,一碰就会碎,这是之前他依仗法力无边连续动用地仙器所带来的后果。他没有被人击伤,他却自己伤了自己。 However although these injuries look at the terrifying, but in fact not, these backlash karma to be troublesome, especially in Zhang Chunyi has inner scenery in Sinking Moon Lake situation. 不过这些伤势虽然看着恐怖,但实际上并没有之前那些反噬因果麻烦,特别是在张纯一拥有内景地沉月湖的情况下。 In the Zhang Chunyi complement gaps and omissions, after condensing dharma body immortal ascension, he similarly can with the aid of the Sinking Moon Lake mystical treat his injury, but Sinking Moon Lake most is good at treating is the wound of this mortal body. 张纯一补全缺漏,凝聚法体登仙之后,他同样可以借助沉月湖的神异来治疗自身的伤势,而沉月湖最擅长治疗的就是这种肉身之伤。 Crash-bang, the lake surface exudes the mighty waves, the Zhang Chunyi form is submerged by the silver white lake water, vanishes does not see. 哗啦啦,湖面泛起波澜,张纯一的身影被银白的湖水淹没,消失不见。 Sees such a, looks at each other one, several monster creature moved toward the different directions, Black Mountain went to Earth Furnace, Chi Yan and Liu'er (six ears) went to Flame Mountain together, Wu Sheng (lifeless) kept on Sinking Moon Lake, is protecting Zhang Chunyi silently. 看到这样的一幕,对视一眼,几只妖物走向了不同的方向,其中黑山去了大地烘炉,赤烟六耳一起去了火焰山,无生则留在了沉月湖上,默默的守护着张纯一 When the Zhang Chunyi training injury, in the outside world, various great changes is deriving. 而在张纯一修养伤势的时候,在外界,各种巨变正在衍生。 The Central Land nine fissions, Central Road was sent into exile, although other eight by Zhang Chunyi taking advantage of earth immortal tool by the great magic force anchorage, but has not really united again, has the average man the barrier that is hard to span, just like isolated islands, moreover these isolated islands are growing up every time, place of present say/way has endured compared with beforehand two, in the short time doubled, not to mention various disasters associated. 中土九道分裂,中央道被放逐,其余八道虽然被张纯一地仙器大法力定住,但并未真的再次合一,彼此之间有着常人难以跨越的隔阂,宛如一座座孤岛,而且每时每刻这些孤岛都在长大,现在的一道之地已经堪比之前的两道,短短时间内增长了一倍,更不用说还有各种天灾伴生。 But this also directly caused many major influence to lose ruled the range to oneself the control, had Great Yan Royal Dynasty of most world in name is also the government order is at this moment difficult Flame Capital. 而这也直接导致很多大势力都失去了对自家统治范围的掌控力,就连名义上坐拥大半个天下的大炎王朝此时此刻也是政令难出炎京 In such a case, many confusions start to multiply, is the person is the ghosts is causing trouble seriously, many people want to realize oneself ambition taking this opportunity. 在这样的情况下,诸多混乱都开始滋生,当真是是人是鬼都在作祟,很多人都想借此机会实现自己的野心。 Before has all influence suppression, the social class quite solidifies, although they had the ambition, actually does not dare to move heedlessly, once after all revealed the symptom, may bring in the brutal suppression very much, but is now different, the in the right place at the right time person and all prepared, they realized the ambition the golden opportunity. 以前有着各方势力镇压,阶级较为固化,他们虽然有野心,却也不敢乱动,毕竟一旦显露苗头,很有可能会引来残酷镇压,但现在不一样了,天时地利人和皆备,正是他们实现野心的大好时机。 However compares in turbulent lower-level influence, these have major influence that Pseudo Immortal assumes relatively to be peaceful at this moment, the know-nothing party is dauntless, therefore jumps very happy, but they are different, they clearly know that Dragon Tiger Mountain also True Monarch in the world, at this time raises the turmoil to bring about own destruction completely, perhaps small scale that does not care, but noisy big was really different, although they have a background, but does not think that own small physique can resist an anger in the world True Monarch, after all this True Monarch can a fan surrender nine dragon childs, a fan separates the Central Land fierce person. 不过相比于动荡的下层势力,此时此刻那些拥有伪仙坐镇的大势力却相对安静,无知者无畏,所以跳的很欢,但他们这些人不同,他们清楚的知道龙虎山还有一位真君驻世,此时掀起动乱完全是自寻死路,小打小闹那位或许不在意,但真的闹大了就不一样了,他们虽然有所底蕴,可也不认为自己的小身板能抗住一位驻世真君的怒火,毕竟这位真君可是能一扇降服九龙子,一扇分开中土的猛人。 The attitude of regarding the lower-level turmoil they having mostly disregards at this moment, in maintaining the basically stable foundation, they place to capture some great good fortune the entire energy, provides for the old ancestor to comprehend world's principles as soon as possible, will strive soon to set in a True Immortal this goal. 此时此刻对于下层的动乱他们采取的态度大多都是不管不顾,在维持自身基本稳定的基础上,他们将全部精力都放在夺取一些大造化,供养自家老祖尽快领悟天地法则,争取早日出一位真仙这个目标上。 At this time world's principles is turbulent, not suitable immortal ascension, but has complemented, does not affect the people to comprehend, this to all Pure Yang cultivator and Pseudo Immortal is the opportunity, for this opportunity they had spent in distress the long years. 此时天地法则动荡,不适合登仙,但到底已经补全,并不影响众人去参悟,这对所有的纯阳修士伪仙来说都是机会,为了这个机会他们已经苦熬了漫长岁月。 In front of their dao path, these turmoils are not anything, even noisy again ominous, finally the still harvested life, may have 1-2 anomaly to appear, but absolutely is few, even can also complete to shuffle while this opportunity one time, matter that making some past was not suitable to handle. 在自家的道途面前,那些动乱并不算什么,就算闹的再凶,最终也是被收割的命,或许会有1-2异数出现的,但绝对是极少数,甚至还可以趁着这个机会完成一次洗牌,做一些以往并不适合做的事情。 So long as can have True Immortal, all losses can look to make up, regarding this point, is very clear, then only has to have influence that True Immortal that all major influence look assumes to base truly, the present confusion is just a start. 而只要自家能出一位真仙,一切的损失都可以找补回来,对于这一点,所有大势力都看的很清楚,接下来唯有拥有真仙坐镇的势力才能真正立足,现在的混乱只不过是一个开始而已。 In addition, some major influence also starts to relate actively own remains in the beyond the heavens older generation, prepares for the later confusion. 除此之外,一些大势力还开始积极联系自家的一些尚存于天外的先辈,为之后的混乱做准备。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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