HDD :: Volume #9

#831: A narrow escape

Chapter 831 a narrow escape 第831章九死一生 Nether Yin, reincarnation lake, a pill furnace across the sky, blazing air/Qi greatly hold. 阴冥,轮回湖,一尊丹炉横空,炽热之气大盛。 Calls Chi Yan, overlooks reincarnation lake, Zhang Chunyi stretches out the palm, skimmed one handful of lake water, this innate death qi in this lake water, did not understand before, but present Zhang Chunyi can actually look to understand that this reincarnation lake lake water in fact by air/Qi of gathering a narrow escape, has dead extremely fresh meaning, bred in the death of pinnacle new student/life. 唤来赤烟,俯瞰轮回湖,张纯一伸出手掌,掬起了一捧湖水,这先天死气就在这湖水之中,以前不懂,但现在的张纯一却能看明白这轮回湖的湖水实际上都是由九死一生之气汇聚而成的,有着死极而生的意味,在极致的死亡中孕育出一点新生。 However the lake water leaves that moment of lake surface in Zhang Chunyi handful, all reincarnation lake's water dissipated, its lake water cannot leave this lake. 不过就在张纯一捧起湖水离开湖面的那一刻,所有轮回湖水都消散了,其湖水不能离开这座湖。 Was defeated?” “失败了?” Looks oneself like the jade, do not annoy the palm of dust pure white, the Zhang Chunyi vision moves slightly slightly, is somewhat surprised, but understood anything faintly. 看着自己洁白如玉,不惹丝毫尘埃的手掌,张纯一目光微动,有些意外,但又隐隐明白了什么。 Thinks oneself saw through the essence of this lake water to borrow yin-yang power its handful, but the reality is not simple, saw clearly the essence to gather the lake water first step. 原以为自己看穿了这湖水的本质就能借阴阳之力将其捧起,但现实却没有那么简单,看清本质只是收取湖水的第一步而已。 This reincarnation lake lake water seems like that the mystical do not reveal, but wants to gather is not simple, is not the strong and weak of strength is so simple, more is the essential height, because it passed through the life and death, in the normal condition existence of unique life and death can gather its lake water. 轮回湖的湖水看似神异不显,但想要收取却并不简单,不是力量的强弱那么简单,更多是本质的高低,因为其贯穿了生死,正常情况下只有超脱生死的存在才能收取其湖水。 Black Mountain, you attempt.” 黑山,你尝试一下。” Knows oneself were incapable of gathering this reincarnation lake lake water, Zhang Chunyi looks at Black Mountain, these year of Black Mountain did not idly spend in Nether Yin Heaven. 知道自己无力收取这轮回湖湖水,张纯一将目光投向了黑山,这些年黑山阴冥天中并不是虚度的。 hears word, Black Mountain nods, one step takes, inspires middle-grade dao seed netherworld body as well as middle-grade dao seed suppressing the hell strength, the whole body sprouts the dim light, in the palm wheel of life and death, grasped directly to reincarnation lake. 闻言,黑山点了点头,一步迈出,引动中品道种幽冥体以及中品道种镇狱的力量,周身萌发幽光,掌中转轮生死,直接抓向了轮回湖 wheel of life and death seal, this is Black Mountain in divine ability in the Hell-Suppressing Heavenly Monument foundation is centered on netherworld body dao seed and suppressing the hell dao seed, takes reincarnation lake as divine ability that the reference creates. 转轮生死印,这是黑山神通镇狱天碑的基础上以幽冥体道种镇狱道种为核心,以轮回湖为参考所创造出的神通 Hell-Suppressing Heavenly Monument is heavy in suppressing, but the wheel of life and death seal goes a step further, the life and death suppression in the fingers and palms, changes to swift and fierce murdering divine ability, if not places in Netherworld to practice if there is day to help, Black Mountain wants to comprehend this divine ability is not easy. 镇狱天碑重在镇压,而转轮生死印则更进一步,将生死镇压在指掌间,化作凌厉的杀伐神通,若非身处幽冥之中修行如有天助,黑山想要参悟这一神通并不容易。 But now this divine ability is also only the embryonic form, needs to be improved, but really had the ideal condition of grasping the life and death. 而现在这一神通虽然还只是雏形,有待完善,但确实有了掌握生死的意境。 The tiger claw falls, the reincarnation lake surface exudes the mighty waves, one handful of as limpid as pinnacle, the lake water of impurity had not been grasped by Black Mountain slightly in the palm, leaves the reincarnation lake instance in his tiger claw, these lake water evaporated as before baseless. 虎爪落下,轮回湖面泛起波澜,一捧清澈到极致,没有丝毫杂质的湖水被黑山抓在了掌心,不过在其虎爪离开轮回湖的瞬间,这些湖水依旧凭空蒸发了。 Saw such a, Black Mountain sends out a low and deep tiger roar, the Zhang Chunyi brow selected. 看到这样的一幕,黑山发出了一声低沉的虎吼,张纯一则眉头微挑。 Pure isn't divine ability's power good? It seems like I think was simple, but this is also normal, after all present Black Mountain has not grasped principles power, wants to rely on pure divine ability to take out the lake water somewhat to indulge in fantasy.” “单纯的神通之力不行吗?看来还是我想的简单了,不过这也正常,毕竟现在的黑山法则之力都尚未掌握,想要凭借单纯的神通取出湖水有些异想天开了。” Now looked like can only try last means.” “现在看来只能尝试最后一种办法了。” In the heart the thought rotation, Zhang Chunyi looked at Black Mountain. 心中念头转动,张纯一将目光投向了黑山 Feels the idea of Zhang Chunyi, Black Mountain depresses the mighty waves in heart, stretches out the tiger claw, took off one piece to congeal the solid lotus flower petal from yin-virtues treasured lotus of top of the head. 感受到张纯一的想法,黑山压下心中的波澜,伸出虎爪,从头顶的阴德宝莲摘下了一片凝实的莲花瓣。 Surpasses many ghost creature, since accumulation, yin-virtues treasured lotus of its top of the head is still most probably unreal, concentrates the solid flower petal to only have two pieces truly merely, now goes to 1/2 all of a sudden, is really somewhat grieved, but it also knows the importance of this matter to Zhang Chunyi, therefore the movement has no hesitation. 超度诸多鬼物,积累至今,它头顶的阴德宝莲大半依旧是虚幻的,真正凝实的花瓣仅仅只有两片,现在一下子就去了二分之一,实在是有些心痛,不过它也知道这件事对张纯一的重要性,所以动作没有任何的迟疑。 yin-virtues treasured lotus is sends people to heaven the dao seed attached product, by the innate yin virtues gathering, the probability is not solid, resembles empty, Black Mountain treated as hold water the vessel this piece of lotus flower petal at this moment. 阴德宝莲本身是度人道种的附属产物,由先天阴德汇聚而成,似实非实,似虚非虚,此时此刻黑山将这一片莲花瓣当做了盛水的容器。 The lotus flower petal entered the water, the Black Mountain cautious belt/bring one scoop of reincarnation lake's water, left reincarnation lake that flash in it, its entire heart raised, if this method were not good, it was really at wit's end. 莲花瓣入水,黑山小心翼翼的带起了一瓢轮回湖水,在其离开轮回湖的那一刹那,它的整个心都提了起来,如果这个方法还不行,它就真的无计可施了。 The lake water as before, to the pinnacle, seems a nihility limpidly as far as eyes can reach, but the feeling in hand told Black Mountain this reincarnation lake's water not to dissipate, it remains. 湖水依旧,清澈到极致,一眼望去好似一片虚无,但手中的感觉却告诉黑山这一次轮回湖水并没有消散,它依旧存在。 The mind surges, Black Mountain could not bear send out a low roar, but saw such a, in the Zhang Chunyi heart also relaxes, if this method were not good, he really can only gain innate death qi from other places, said actually not could not certainly find, was only the time and energy of expenditure are inevitably many, not necessarily came. 心神激荡,黑山忍不住发出了一声低吼,而看到这样的一幕,张纯一心中也松了一口气,如果这个方法不行,那他就真的只能从其他地方获取先天死气了,倒不是说一定找不到,只是花费的时间和精力必然不少,未必来的及。 yin virtues number of copies innate, can shelter the soul to be reincarnated, to a certain extent this is also a strength of unique life and death, now looks like really feasible.” 阴德份数先天,可以庇护灵魂转世,从某种程度上来说这也是一种超脱生死的力量,现在看来果然可行。” On the face exposed the smile, the furnace opens the frontline, that reincarnation lake lake water that Zhang Chunyi will gather fed in pill furnace. 脸上展露笑容,炉开一线,张纯一将收取的那一份轮回湖湖水送进了丹炉之中。 Completes all these, does not have any hesitation, Zhang Chunyi left Nether Yin Heaven directly, compares here, Yellow Court blessed land is the place of better pill refining, moreover wants to refine resurrection pill also to need other auxiliary medicinal herbs. 做完这一切,没有任何的犹豫,张纯一径直离开了阴冥天,相比于这里,黄庭福地才是更好的炼丹之地,而且想要炼制起死回生丹还需要其他的辅助药材。 As Zhang Chunyi collects issuance of order of medicinal herb, entire Longevity Dao Alliance moved, this time, the dao alliance strength has radiated most Central Land, not to mention Dreamwalking Palace this convenient trade place exists. 而随着张纯一收集药材的命令下达,整个长生道盟都动了起来,今时今日,道盟的力量已经辐射了大半个中土,更不用说还有梦游宫这个便捷的交易场所存在。 In situation that in Longevity Dao Alliance catches up completely, how long without using, refined all sorts of auxiliary efficacious medicines that resurrection pill needed to deliver to Dragon Tiger Mountain on the collection completely. 长生道盟完全发力的情况下,没有用多久,炼制起死回生丹需要的种种辅助灵药就收集齐全送到了龙虎山 But Zhang Chunyi the action also triggered the attention of many people, many people guessed that this Zhang Chunyi will intend to refine furnace great pill, even may be can assist immortal ascension immortal pill, after all to Zhang Chunyi this boundary, only had immortal ascension to be worth him spending so the time. 张纯一的这一举动也引发了许多人的关注,不少人都猜测这一次张纯一将出手炼制一炉大丹,甚至有可能是能够辅助登仙仙丹,毕竟到了张纯一这个境界,唯有登仙才值得他花费如此功夫。 However guessed no matter how, even in the heart curious extremely, still no one dares to peep at the Zhang Chunyi action truly, after all these fall from the sky Pseudo Immortal and Human King skeleton not to have cool passing. 不过不管怎么猜测,就算心中好奇万分,也没有人敢真正窥视张纯一的举动,毕竟那些陨落伪仙人王的尸骨还没有凉透。 Then, time gentle is passing, in a flash is three years. 就这样,时间平缓的流逝着,一晃就是三年。 Yellow Court blessed land, the dao sound echo, a pill furnace across the sky, has the pale flame flaming to burn, is quenching reincarnation lake's water in pill furnace unceasingly, but Zhang Chunyi both eyes empty gather, the mind is in harmony with the world, is moving the mysteriously and inexorably Yin-Yang profound and abstruse principles. 黄庭福地,道音回响,一尊丹炉横空,有青白之炎熊熊燃烧着,不断淬炼着丹炉中的轮回湖水,而张纯一则双目虚合,心神合于天地,拨动着冥冥中的阴阳玄机。 Some moment, Zhang Chunyi opened the eyes, his pupil is in sharp contrast, has Jing of Xianhua Yin-Yang differentiation. 某一刻,张纯一睁开了双眼,其眼眸黑白分明,有阴阳分化之景显化。 Three years quenching, the crucial moment the foot, is the time, Hong Yun.” “三年淬炼,火候已足,是时候了,红云。” The thought exudes, shouted out, the Zhang Chunyi mind and Chi Yan blends, simultaneously the revolution flame and sun and moon three principles power, the desire returns to reincarnation lake's water this turns over to the Yuan. 念头泛起,呼喝了一声,张纯一心神与赤烟交融,同时运转火焰、太阴、太阳三种法则之力,欲将轮回湖水返本归元。 But hears shouting out of Zhang Chunyi, was drowsy, has defended Hong Yun spirit by pill furnace shakes immediately, it deeply inspires, cloud body inflates rapidly, then puts out grayish white wind suddenly, is returning wind. 而听到张纯一的呼喝,原本昏昏欲睡,一直守在丹炉旁的红云立刻精神一震,其深吸一口气,云躯飞速膨胀,然后猛然吐出一股灰白之风,正是回风 , the wind helped the fire intensity, resulted in helping of Hong Yun returning wind, Chi Yan the potential of returning fire, embezzles pill furnace immediately completely, starts to touch the reincarnation lake's water root truly. 呼,风助火势,得红云回风之助,赤烟返火之势更甚,顿时将丹炉完全吞没,开始真正触及轮回湖水的根源。 In this instance, the reincarnation lake's water ebullition, starts to return this turns over to the Yuan, is changed to innate qi by the lake water, when are not many nine wisps of innate death qi as well as wisp of innate life qi appeared in pill furnace, this exactly was reincarnation lake's water. 在这一个瞬间,轮回湖水沸腾,开始返本归元,由湖水重新化作先天之气,不多时九缕先天死气以及一缕先天生气出现在了丹炉之内,这恰好是一份轮回湖水 Also the water that no matter or takes out is many are few, it finally is only one, many will not be few, only then after reincarnation lake restores, can attempt to gather second, this is reincarnation lake own limit. 又或者说不管取出的水是多是少,它最终都只是一份,不会多也不会少,只有轮回湖自行恢复之后才能尝试收取第二份,这是轮回湖自身的限制。 Brings back to life, I need seven vitality/angry, four death qi, now are just good.” “起死回生,我需要七份生气,四份死气,现在刚刚好。” The thought rotation, the furnace opens the frontline, Zhang Chunyi gathers five wisps of innate death qi, only leaves behind four wisps, then delivered six wisps of innate life qi that Zhuang Yuan delivered, just about 74 numbers. 念头转动,炉开一线,张纯一收取五缕先天死气,只留下四缕,然后将庄元送上的六缕先天生气送了进去,刚好合七四之数。 This furnace pill becomes.” “这一炉丹会成。” Has the induction, bringing a self-confidence of being hard spoken language, Zhang Chunyi to close pill furnace again. 心生感应,带着一种难以言语的自信,张纯一再次将丹炉闭合。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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