HDD :: Volume #8

#738: Curse

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Chapter 738 curse 第738章催命符 Southeast Road, the filling the heavens phenomenon is still evolving, not only has not dissipated, instead is even more astonishing. 东南道,弥天异象还在演化,不仅没有消散,反而越发惊人。 Some people saw the immortal sword trail in this heaven-shaking phenomenon incessantly, that rich qi of immortal spirit and incomparable point are unable to counterfeit absolutely, but besides immortal sword, but also some people saw Immortal casts the scenery of sword, even also some people saw magnificent immortal mansion, all these all explained that this heaven-shaking phenomenon perhaps is the omen that ancient immortal mansion reveals itself. 有不止一人在这惊天异象中看到了仙剑的踪迹,那浓郁的仙灵之气与无匹的锋芒绝对无法作假,而除了仙剑之外,还有人看到了仙人铸剑之景,甚至还有人看到了一座光辉灿烂的仙府,这一切的一切都说明这惊天异象或许就是一座古老仙府出世的前兆。 But has knowledge profoundness from these scenes, in the shades of especially these immortal sword found the traces, confirmed that these phenomenon are related with Bottle Gourd Sword Sect, the most obvious point is these immortal sword is Bottle Gourd Sword Sect casts. 而更有知识渊博者从这些景象,特别是那些仙剑之影中找到了蛛丝马迹,确认这些异象都与葫芦剑宗有关,最明显的一点就是这些仙剑都是葫芦剑宗铸就的。 This news spreads, all cultivator boiled. 这个消息传出,所有修士都沸腾了。 Since world's spirit inspiration recovery, immortal mansion also appeared, but is mostly ruined, moreover basically is some loose immortals leaves behind, and does not have any ancient dao lineage present world, but this Bottle Gourd Sword Sect is different. 天地灵机复苏至今,仙府也出现了一些,可大多都是破败的,而且基本上都是一些散仙遗留,并没有什么古老道统现世,而这葫芦剑宗却不一样。 The inheritance is remote, even stretched across the era, although has not had Heavenly Immortal, but has had the Earthly Immortal suppression background, taking a broad view at the entire world is illustrious dao lineage. 其传承久远,甚至横跨了纪元,虽然没有出过天仙,但一直有地仙镇压底蕴,放眼整个天下都是赫赫有名的道统 But thinks of Bottle Gourd Sword Sect, the people first think is that prestige unparalleled, once cut to injure Monster Emperor, cuts to kill reveres Monster Saint heaven immortal tool Myriad Swords Bottle Gourd, that is treasure object that Emperor Ying once wants to obtain. 而想到葫芦剑宗,众人第一时间想到的就是那威名无双,曾斩伤妖帝,斩杀多尊妖圣天仙器万剑葫芦,那是赢帝曾经都想得到的宝物 If this filling the heavens phenomenon is really related with Bottle Gourd Sword Sect, then represents them also to have the opportunity to obtain heaven immortal tool in legend? Even if cannot obtain Myriad Swords Bottle Gourd, other immortal tool still. 若是这弥天异象真的与葫芦剑宗有关,那么是不是代表他们也有机会得到传说中的天仙器?甚至就算得不到万剑葫芦,其他仙器也可以啊。 Bottle Gourd Sword Sect is well-known with the sword, not only excels with the technique of sword, is good at casting the technique of sword, the immortal sword quantity of its having in the entire world is to rank among the best, perhaps only has Dao of Sword first sect in this aspect too white Jianzong can the constant voltage his head. 葫芦剑宗以剑闻名,不仅擅长用剑之术,更擅长铸剑之术,其所拥有的仙剑数量在整个天下都是数一数二的,在这一方面或许只有剑道第一宗・太白剑宗才能稳压他一头。 The Myriad Swords Bottle Gourd reputation is too big, wanting the difficulty to be very high, is not the average person can expect that but if the chance is enough, other immortal sword not necessarily are impossible. 万剑葫芦的名头太大,想要到手难度很高,不是一般人可以奢望的,但若是机缘足够,其他仙剑却未必不可能。 Not to mention Bottle Gourd Sword Sect this ancient dao lineage inevitable foundation is solid, did not say that points to the inheritance of Earthly Immortal, is various efficacious medicine immortal treasure also inevitably are many, these are the good fortunes. 更不用说葫芦剑宗这种古老道统必然底蕴深厚,不说直指地仙的传承,就是各类灵药仙珍也必然不少,这些都是造化。 Thinks of these, greed in numerous cultivator heart is even more blazing, wishes one could to crash in immortal mansion immediately, at this moment, immortal mansion, they only cannot only worry pitifully truly obviously dry/does. 想到这些,众修士心中的贪念越发炽热,恨不能立刻冲进仙府之中,只可惜此时此刻,仙府尚未真正显化,他们也只能干着急。 But over time, the increasing numbers of people were attracted the vision by Southeast Road heaven-shaking phenomenon, suddenly entire Central Land boiled, an inheritance of side ancient dao lineage, heaven immortal tool that but also possibly has including one, this is the seduction that present Central Land any influence is unable to neglect. 而随着时间的流逝,越来越多的人都被东南道惊天异象吸引了目光,一时间整个中土都沸腾了,一方古老道统的传承,还包括一件可能存在的天仙器,这是现在中土任何一个势力都无法忽略的诱惑。 Main Southern Road, Seven Phoenixes Palace, is opening the eyes in Qing Yin of deep sleep suddenly, its whole body has silk threads qi of immortal spirit to reappear. 正南道,七凰宫,原本正在沉睡的青吟猛然睁开了双眼,其周身有丝丝缕缕的仙灵之气浮现。 „Is this Monster Saint aura?” “这是妖圣的气息?” In the eye has two bunches of azure flame combustion, turns the head to look suddenly to the Southeast Road direction, on the face of Qing Yin full is surprised uncertain. 眼中有两簇青色的火焰燃烧,霍然转头看向东南道的方向,青吟的脸上满是惊疑不定。 Naturally cannot be strange regarding Monster Saint aura Qing Yin, although its heyday is only Monster Sovereign, but the Feng Qiwu subordinate does not have Monster Saint to exist. 对于妖圣的气息青吟自然不会陌生,它全盛时期虽然只是妖皇,但凤栖梧的手下并不是没有妖圣存在。 This is the Monster Saint's blood aura, will not be absolutely wrong, moreover its divine will has been defeated and dispersed, had Monster Saint to fall from the sky.” “这是妖圣之血的气息,绝对不会错,而且其神意已经溃散,有妖圣陨落了。” Passed initially surprised uncertain, Qing Yin affirmed own guess. 度过最初的惊疑不定,青吟肯定了自己的猜测。 Good fortune, great good fortune, this world should my proving the Dao.” “造化,大造化,此世合该我证道。” The mind surges, Qing Yin wants to flutter, he thought at this moment oneself obeyed the Feng Qiwu arranged reincarnation world of mortals is really decides wisely. 心神激荡,青吟欲振翅而起,此时此刻他觉得自己听从凤栖梧的安排转世下界实在是再英明不过的决定了。 Although discarded extremely the Monster Sovereign strength temporarily, but actually traded the broader future, the previous Human Sovereign seed was this, the present Monster Saint cave mansion is also this, all these all are paving the way for his future proving the Dao. 虽然暂时舍弃了绝顶妖皇的实力,但却换来了更广阔的未来,先前的人皇种子是这样,现在的妖圣洞府也是这样,这一切的一切都在为他未来的证道铺路。 „It is not right, shortly from this Monster Saint's blood aura, this Monster Saint should fall from the sky, but at this time how to have Monster Saint born, is that dust-laden old bastard unable to insist, wants to wrestle at risk of life?” “不对,从这妖圣之血的气息来看,这尊妖圣应该陨落不久,可这个时候怎么会有妖圣出世,难道说是那个尘封的老不死坚持不住,想要拼死一搏?” Presses down moving restlessly of innermost feelings forcefully, paces up and down on phoenix nesting wood, Qing Yin was speculating all sorts of possible, he had not only found an accurate answer pitifully. 强行按下内心的躁动,在梧桐木上来回走动,青吟推测着种种可能,只可惜他始终没有找到一个准确的答案。 No matter what, is to enter the world at this time, this Monster Saint must die without doubt, this is heaven's will, that feared that is Monster Saint is unable to disobey.” “不管怎么样,此时入世,这尊妖圣都必死无疑,这是天意,那怕是妖圣也无法违逆。” Stops the footsteps, the enormous and powerful phenomenon income eyeground of Main Southern Road, in the eye of Qing Yin full is firm. 停下脚步,将正南道的浩荡异象收入眼底,青吟的眼中满是坚定。 The shallow water raised the big fish, compares in Immortal Deity, this time Great Profound World is beach shallow water, even if pushes reluctantly, and endured heavenly tribulation, must die without doubt. 浅水养了大鱼,相比于仙神,此时的太玄界就是一滩浅水,就算勉强挤进来,并熬过了天劫,也必死无疑。 That at this time that falls from the sky Monster Saint popular force will pass rapidly, fans into the world, and evolves this heaven-shaking phenomenon, is closely linked with this point. 此时那尊陨落妖圣的力量之所以会迅速流逝,散入天地,并演化出这惊天异象,就与这一点息息相关。 „The good fortune that Monster Saint brings I must decide, moreover this is also an opportunity, a destruction Dragon Tiger Mountain opportunity.” “那尊妖圣带来的造化我要定了,而且这也是一个机会,一个覆灭龙虎山的机会。” Knows that the appearance of that Monster Saint cave mansion also requires some time, cuts actually moves restlessly, Qing Yin restored the reason, a plan also takes shape in its heart immediately. 知道那妖圣洞府的出现还需要一定时间,斩却躁动,青吟恢复了理智,一个计划也随即在它心中成型。 The Monster Saint cave mansion reveals itself, this is true great good fortune, the attracted necessity continues his, entire Central Land will therefore move, when the time comes also bears the brunt as Dragon Tiger Mountain of landlord inevitably. 妖圣洞府出世,这是真正的大造化,被吸引的必然不止他一个,整个中土都会因此而动,到时候作为地主的龙虎山也必然首当其冲。 At this moment this from the good fortune recent place is not the advantage, but is the curse. 此时此刻这距离造化最近的地方已经不是优势,而是催命符。 Thinks of these, exudes one to sneer, Qing Yin turned around to fly into Immortal Phoenix Hall, had a dead wood to exist in this main hall at this moment. 想到这些,发出一声冷笑,青吟转身飞进了仙凰殿,此时此刻在这大殿中有一棵枯木存在。 Resting was so long you also to awake.” “睡了这么久你也该醒了。” The vision falls on this dead wood body, Qing Yin says, as his words sound falls, azure-wood divine flame put out from its mouth, falls on the dead wood, after this was it was reincarnated, draws support from immortal fire that mystic art careful nourishing had/left. 目光落在这棵枯木的身上,青吟开口说道,而随着他的话语声落下,一朵青木神炎从它的口中吐出,落在了枯木身上,这是它转世之后借助秘法精心温养出的一朵仙火 , the flame ascended, the big dead wood will wrap instantaneously completely, under the ignition of these flame, changed to the flying ash on the lost plant trunk and branches in abundance. 呼,火焰升腾,瞬间将高大的枯木完全包裹,在这些火焰的灼烧下,原本就已经枯死的枝干纷纷化作飞灰。 However when all trunk and branches change the flying ash is on the wane, wipes the strange vitality suddenly in the dead wood decayed stump to breed, the next instance, by the dead metaplasia, wipes the sprout to extract from the dead wood decayed body. 不过当所有枝干都化作飞灰凋零的时候,一抹奇异的生机突然在枯木腐朽的树桩内孕育,下一个瞬间,由死化生,一抹新芽从枯木腐朽的身躯内抽出。 Also in this moment, from inside to outside, the blazing fire of life combustion, countless spiritual inspiration from comes in swarms in all directions. 也就是在这一刻,由内而外,炽热的生命之火燃烧,数不尽的灵机从四面八方蜂拥而来。 Saw such a, on the face of Qing Yin reveals a smile. 看到这样的一幕,青吟的脸上流露出了一丝笑容。 Seven Phoenixes Palace Supreme Elder Daoist Changchun main cultivation azure luan method, is all connected with him, in addition are also a person is outstanding, naturally is worth him abandoning the heart treatment, naturally, the opportunity he gave, can grasp is Daoist Changchun own matter. 七凰宫太上长老长春道人主修青鸾法,与他一脉相承,再加上自身也是一个人杰,自然值得他废心救治,当然了,机会他给了,能不能把握住则是长春道人自己的事情。 This Nirvana is successful, washes off decayed, has a new lease of life, this Daoist Changchun will be true immortal ascension will be hopeful in the future, but will have his help, the plan of my destruction Dragon Tiger Mountain will be inevitably safer.” “这一次涅槃成功,洗去腐朽,重获新生,这长春道人未来才是真正的登仙有望,而有他的帮助,我这一次覆灭龙虎山的计划必然更加稳妥。” In the heart the thought rotation, the smile on Qing Yin face is even more rich. 心中念头转动,青吟脸上的笑容越发浓郁。 The reincarnation repairs, maintains a Monster Sovereign essence that does not lose with the aid of oneself, Qing Yin refers to the law of this world, successfully stepped into similar Pseudo Immortal boundary, even is more perfect. 转世重修,借助自身保持不失的一点妖皇本质,青吟参考此世之法,成功踏入了类似伪仙的境界,甚至更加完美。 Although practicing moderation is powerful, but Qing Yin has not gotten Dragon Tiger Mountain rashly, it does not have the absolute assurance to cut to kill Dragon Tiger Mountain two Pseudo Immortal, what he wants is absolutely safe, but now this opportunity seemed like. 虽然自持实力强大,但青吟也没有冒然打上龙虎山,它没有绝对的把握斩杀龙虎山的两尊伪仙,他要的是万无一失,而现在这个机会似乎来了。 Some moment, true phoenix cried, rich life aura changed to the essence, a form of Daoist condensed, was Daoist Changchun, its Pure Yang perfection aura is blooming recklessly, what was different from before was its decayed aura has cleared completely, the whole body is passing the naked eye obvious vigor, just like true young people. 某一刻,真凰啼鸣,浓郁的生命气息化作实质,一个道人的身影凝聚出来,正是长春道人,其一身纯阳圆满的气息肆意绽放着,不过与之前不同的是其一身腐朽气息已经完全散尽,浑身都透着肉眼可见的活力,宛如一个真正的年轻人。 Disciple thanks politely the founder!” “弟子拜谢祖师!” Heavy labor first, the mind surges, full is grateful, a Daoist Changchun bow, deep good a ritual. 重活一世,心神激荡,满是感激,长春道人一躬到底,深深的行了一礼。 Sees such a, felt a Daoist Changchun condition, Qing Yin satisfied nod. 看到这样的一幕,感受了一下长春道人的状态,青吟满意的点了点头。 Gives you three days of time adjustment condition, three days later we go to destruction Dragon Tiger Mountain, the good fortune of Monster Saint cave mansion I want, Five-colored Phoenix Garment and dragon child Qiuniu (Dragon-Bull) I must take carry back.” “给你三天时间调整状态,三天之后我们去覆灭龙虎山,妖圣洞府的造化我要,五彩凰衣龙子囚牛我也要拿回来。” The words fall, Qing Yin spread the wings to depart Immortal Phoenix Hall. 话语落下,青吟展翅飞出了仙凰殿 Hears Qing Yin this saying, remembered once experience, in the eye of Daoist Changchun flashes through together the cold light suddenly. 听到青吟这话,想起曾经的经历,长春道人的眼中蓦然闪过一道冷光。 Three days? Enough.” “三天吗?足够了。” a thought emerged, the Daoist Changchun form was submerged by world's spirit inspiration again. 一念泛起,长春道人的身影再次被天地灵机淹没。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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