Chapter 730seamless garment
第730章无缝衣All living thingsdreamland, Dreamwalking Palace, the Wu Mianformquietlyappears.
众生梦境,梦游宫,无眠的身影悄然出现。Grand Dream True Scriptureneedsto practicetaking advantage of the dream, this period of timehestaysin the Heavenspan Towerupper layer, butthistrue scriptureworthilyis the Earthly Immortalinheritance, is really obscure, thatfeared that Wu Mianhas reversedinnate, has not the weakaccumulationonDao of Dreams, nowalsocrosses the thresholdreluctantly.大梦真经需要借梦修行,这段时间他都停留在通天塔的上层,不过这一真经不愧是地仙传承,着实晦涩,那怕无眠已经逆转先天,在梦道上有不弱的积累,现在也才勉强入门而已。„Grand Dream True Scripturecrosses the threshold, thenImustattemptlow-grade dao seeddream returnsas well asmiddle-grade dao seeddreamwalkingsmelts, when the time comes can perhaps tryrefiningthisearth immortal tool.”
“大梦真经入门,接下来我需尝试将下品道种・梦回以及中品道种・梦游熔炼,到时候或许就可以尝试炼化这件地仙器了。”Goes out ofHeavenspan Tower, overlooksentireDreamwalking Palace, in the eye of Wu Mianflashes throughwipes the color of anticipation.
走出通天塔,俯瞰整个梦游宫,无眠的眼中闪过一抹期待之色。Dreamwalking PalaceisNan Huaziby the great dream true butterflymonsterbodyrefining uponearth immortal tool, the essenceis special, in additionhas the subsequent hand who Nan Huazileaves behind, onlyhasto practiceGrand Dream True Scriptureas well ashasexistence of dreamwalking powerto tryrefining, othermethodsallare not completely good, thisisNan Huazileaveshissuccessor.梦游宫是南华子以大梦真蝶的妖躯炼就的地仙器,本质特殊,再加上有南华子留下的后手,唯有修行大梦真经以及拥有梦游之力的存在才可以尝试炼化,其他方法尽皆不行,这本就是南华子留给其传人的。Butatthis time, waited for a long time, Sang Qi that preparesto departhad detectedanythingsuddenly.
而就在这个时候,等待多时,原本已经准备离去的桑祈突然察觉到了什么。„Is the person with high aspirationsanddaydoes not loseseriously.”
“当真是有心人、天不负。”Has not imagined the pleasant surprise, butgives a calm smile, Sang QiapproachedWu Mian, calmsome time, hermentalityhas adjusted, shelongs forregarding the reversalinnateopportunityas before, but the mentalityis very good, will therefore not be unbalanced.
没有想象中的惊喜,只是淡然一笑,桑祈靠近了无眠,冷静了一段时间,她的心态已经调整过来,对于逆转先天之机她依旧渴望,但心态很好,并不会因此失衡。LooksSang Qi that quietlypresents, the Wu Mianbrowselects.
看着悄然出现的桑祈,无眠眉头微挑。„Sees the corridorbrother, has the important matter to with the brotherconsult below,does not know the brothercanbe convenient?”
“见过道兄,在下有要事要与道兄相商,不知道兄可方便?”Salutes upon meeting, in the Wu Mianfront, Sang Qiobviouslyis very polite.
见礼,在无眠的面前,桑祈显的很客气。To be honestwas knowinginitiallyWu Mianreversedinnate, in the hand likely graspedtendays of secrettime, shehas the crookedthoughts, this is not only becausegreedy , because shewas clear that inthiskind of secretnormal conditioncultivator is not possibleto take the transaction, evenshe, as soon asasksthese wordshave the possibilityto become enemieswithWu Mian, non-is the personal grudge, butis an enmity, althoughsomeextreme, probability that but this situationpresentsin factandbig.
说实话在当初得知无眠逆转了先天,手中很可能掌握了十天之秘的时候,她并不是没有动过歪心思,这不仅仅是因为贪婪,更是因为她清楚这类隐秘正常情况下修士是不可能拿出来交易的,甚至她一开口问出这句话就有可能已经和无眠结仇,非是私人恩怨,而是道仇,虽然有些极端,但这种情况出现的几率实际上并不小。Butshehas promotedPseudo Immortal, adds onassisting of Monarch Miaoinhermethodagain, thatfeared that the Wu Mianstrengthhas not dropped, shedoes not fearsimilarly, not to mentionnow the Wu Mianstrengthhas droppedPure Yang, buteventuallyshegave upthischoice.
而她已经晋升伪仙,以她的手段再加上淼君的相助,那怕无眠的实力未曾跌落,她同样不惧,更不用说现在无眠的实力已经跌落纯阳,不过最终她还是放弃了这个选择。Because ofaccording toherobservation, Wu Mianhad a bigprobability born innate ability, shehad confidenceto defeatWu Mian, butdid not haveenoughassuranceto killWu Mian, in additionDragon Tiger MountainalsohadanotherPseudo Immortalto exist, oncebegan, variablewas too big, thereforefinallyshechose the peacetransaction.
因为按照她的观察,无眠有不小的概率已经诞生了天赋神通,她有把握击败无眠,但却没有足够的把握杀死无眠,再加上龙虎山还有另外一尊伪仙存在,一旦动手,这其中的变数太大,所以最终她选择了和平交易。Feels the sincerity and seriousness in Sang Qiwords, thinks that the beforehandboth sidesveryharmonioustransactions, Wu Miannods.
感受到桑祈话语中的诚挚和郑重,想到之前双方十分融洽的交易,无眠点了点头。Soon, two peoplearrived atSang Qiin a Dreamwalking Palacepoint of private residence.
不多时,两人来到了桑祈在梦游宫一环的一处私宅。„Fellow Daoist, thisisrare treasureseamless garment, does not have the energy of attacking, but inside and outside can actually isolate, there isthisrare treasureto protect, todayyourIdiscussed that the matterwill not have the bystanderto know.”
“道友,这是异宝・无缝衣,无攻伐之能,但却能隔绝内外,有此异宝守护,今日你我所谈之事不会有外人得知。”Saying a word, Sang Qiwas taking outspecialrare treasure, histhinascicada wing, is the light gray, floatsinin the air.
言语着,桑祈取出了一件特殊的异宝,其薄如蝉翼,呈浅灰色,漂浮在空中。Seesthisrare treasure, the eyesto narrow the eyes, Wu Mianeven morefelt the matter that Sang Qimustsayis not simple, butat this timeSang Qiopened the mouthagain.
看见这件异宝,双眼微眯,无眠越发觉得桑祈要说的事情不简单,而这个时候桑祈再次开口了。„Fellow Daoistmayhave the method of limitsecretleak, if present, can the presentuse.”
“道友可有限制秘密外泄的手段,如果有,可以现在动用。”Looked atWu Mian, Sang Qifurtherindicatedownattitude.
将目光投向无眠,桑祈进一步表明了自己的态度。hearsword, deeplooked atSang Qi, Wu Mianshook the head, method that inhishand some trulylimitsleaked, but the levelwas quite low, is unable to restrainPseudo Immortal.
闻言,深深的看了一眼桑祈,无眠摇了摇头,他手中确实有一些限制泄密的手段,可层次比较低,无法约束伪仙。Saw that Wu Miansodisplays, the Sang Qibrowslightlywrinkle, shehadsimilarmethodactually, maybe usedto restrain itselfto be very difficultto makeWu Mianbelieve.
看到无眠如此表现,桑祈眉头微皱,她倒是掌握了类似的手段,可用来约束自己很难让无眠信服。„Is open about the facts a brother, thisIhave a transactionto wantwithyouto dotime, regardless ofthismatterbecomeswithinadequate, wecango toHeavenspan Towerto makevowingwith the strength of dream oath and ensure does not divulgeanysecret.”
“不瞒道兄,这一次我是有一笔交易想要和你做,这件事无论成与不成,我们都可以去通天塔借梦誓之力立下誓言,保证不泄露任何隐秘。”Was preparedearly, Sang Qisaidownalternative scheme, did that althoughwill bring to the attention of otherZodiac Associationmembers, butoverallisveryreliable.
早有准备,桑祈说出了自己的备用方案,这么做虽然会引起元辰会其他成员的注意,但总体而言还是很可靠的。Heardthissaying, in the Wu Mianheartreallyhadseveralpoints of curiosity, does not know that thisSang Qimustmakeanythingto tradewithhim, was so actually prudent, hecansee that Sang Qimustdo that not onlytohisbinding, wastoher ownbinding.
“可!”Hesitates12, Wu Mianindicatedownattitude.
沉吟一二,无眠表明了自己的态度。Hearsthissaying, in the Sang Qiheartrelaxesslightly.
听到这话,桑祈心中微微松了一口气。„Fellow Daoist, Myriad Treasures Pavilion of Dragon Tiger MountaininDreamwalking Palacehas been buying at a high pricethis period of time various inheritance, evenput outcan the succinctmortal body, increased the immortal ascensionprobability9th gradespirit fruitacquiredFive Elements Pine, but was immortal ascensionprepares?”
The restrainingmind, Sang Qiopens the mouthto ask.
收敛心神,桑祈开口问道。hearsword, the Wu Mianbrowselects, nods, there is nothing to conceal.
闻言,无眠眉头微挑,点了点头,这并没有什么好隐瞒的。In factDragon Tiger Mountainhas been purchasing various inheritance, buteveryoneis not a fool, spiritual inspirationrecovers, change of Heaven, inheritance not will obviously send outradiantlybrilliance, only ifcompelsto have no other choice, otherwiseno onewill inheritto taketo sellprofound, thisthingwill not only divulge the secret, evenis relatedwith the mysteriously and inexorablydestiny.
事实上龙虎山一直在收购各类传承,只不过大家都不是傻子,灵机复苏,天变将至,原本不显的传承将重新散发璀璨光辉,除非逼不得已,不然没人会将高深传承拿出来卖,这东西不仅会泄露自身隐秘,甚至还与冥冥中的天命有关。Alsobecause ofso, thatfearedDragon Tiger Mountainlong-termpurchase, the obtainedlimited, generalinheritanceis still good, immortal legacyis seriously very few, altogetherDragon Tiger Mountainalsoonlycollectedtwo, moreoverincompletefierce, is unable to practice.
也正是因为如此,那怕龙虎山长期收购,所得依旧有限,一般的传承还好,仙道传承当真少之又少,总共龙虎山也只收集到了两道,而且残缺的厉害,根本无法修行。ButnowZhang Chunyihad arrived at the critical momentregarding the deduction of Grand Supreme Dragon Tiger ConceptHuman Immortal chapter, variousurgently neededtypes of capitalgrains, thereforeDragon Tiger Mountainput outfivelines of pine nuttypestoimmortal ascensionhelpfultreasuringspiritual object, thisisHong Yuntheseyearsexpedites childbirthlaboriously.
而现在张纯一对于太上龙虎观人仙篇的推演已经到了关键时刻,急需各种资粮,所以龙虎山就拿出了五行松子这种对登仙有帮助的珍惜灵物,这是红云这些年辛苦催生出来的。Onlyby the theory of value, the completeImmortalinheritancenaturallycomparesfivelines of pine nutsto be precioustogether, mayat the presentthis timepoint, the Immortalinheritancenot necessarilybe in some eyes more precious than thesefivelines of pine nuts, especiallytheseaccidents/surprisesobtain the Immortalinheritanceimmortal ascensionhopefulexistence.
光以价值论,一道完整的仙人传承自然比五行松子珍贵,可在现在这个时间点,在有些人眼中仙人传承未必就比这五行松子珍贵,特别是那些意外得到仙人传承又登仙有望的存在。„Ihave a completeinheritance that points toEarthly Immortal, althoughis different from the traditionalpath, butwas usedto referwas enough, the Dragon Tiger Mountainsuch being the caselarge-scalepurchaseinheritance, had realized the importance that immortal ascensionthisclosed/pass, inheriteddifferently, the disparitywas huge, ifdid not go astraycarefully the road, was too late to regretseriously.”
“我有一部直指地仙的完整传承,虽然有别于传统道路,但用来参考却足够了,龙虎山既然如此大规模收购传承,想必已经认识到了登仙这一关的重要性,传承不一样,彼此之间的差距是巨大的,若是不小心走错了路,当真是追悔莫及。”Saying a word, Sang Qiwas starting outownchip.
言语着,桑祈开出了自己的筹码。Waves, a piece of deep greenlotus leafappearsin her hands, aboveinscribes the Grand Daotrue words, sends outrichdao rhyme, that moment that itpresents, the worldnaturallyreverberates, evolves the phenomenon of the water and sky the same color, if notthere israre treasure the seamless veilclothescovers up, thisphenomenonwill certainlyvibrateentireDreamwalking Palace, thisistogether a topwaterYuaninheritance, eventhatpiece of lotus leafis noteverything.
一挥手,一片碧绿荷叶出现在她的手中,上面铭刻大道真言,散发出浓郁至极的道韵,其出现的那一刻,天地自然回响,演化出水天一色的异象,若非有异宝・无缝纱衣遮掩,这一异象必将震动整个梦游宫,这是一道顶尖的水元传承,甚至那片荷叶也不是凡物。„Reallyis the Earthly Immortalinheritance!”
“果真是地仙传承!”Sees clearlythisto inherittogether, the Wu Mianheartlakealsoexuded the mighty waves, butwas quickhe is also calm.
看清这一道传承,无眠的心湖也泛起了波澜,不过很快他又冷静了下来。Regardingprecious of Earthly Immortalinheritance, Wu Mianis together clear, sinceSang Qiputs outsuchtreasure objectto exchange, the thing that asksis not inevitably simple.
对于一道地仙传承的珍贵,无眠一清二楚,桑祈既然拿出这样的宝物来交换,所求的东西必然不简单。„What do youwant?”
“你想要什么?”Looks straight aheadSang Qi, Wu Mianopens the mouthto ask.
直视桑祈,无眠开口问道。Heardthissaying, in the facial features under Sang Qimaskreveals a happy expression.
听到这话,桑祈面具下的面容上流露出了一丝笑意。„Iwant a reversalinnateopportunity.”
“我想要一个逆转先天的机会。”Saying a word, is gazing atWu Mian, has not let offWu Miananylookto change, Sang Qihanded the Wu Mianfront the immortallotus leaf of carrying/sustainingEarthly Immortalinheritance.
言语着,注视着无眠,没有放过无眠的任何一个眼神变化,桑祈将承载地仙传承的仙荷叶递到了无眠的面前。Hearsthissaying, the Wu Mianeyesnarrows the eyes, the densemeaningsdodgepass.
( This chapterends)
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