HDD :: Volume #8

#728: Big dream

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Chapter 728 big dream 第728章大梦 In bamboo garden, inexplicable is sad is filling the air. 竹园内,一股莫名的哀伤在弥漫。 Excuse me, the little friend, lived some things unable to see through for a lifetime as before, making you be laughed.” “不好意思,小友,活了一辈子依旧有一些事情无法看穿,让你见笑了。” Restrains own mood, belongs to tranquilly, will look at Wu Mian, Nan Huazi says. 收敛自身的情绪,重新归于平静,将目光投向无眠,南华子开口说道。 Hears this saying, Wu Mian shakes the head. 听到这话,无眠摇了摇头。 Little friend explained the doubts for me, can be interested in listening to me to tell a story again?” “小友为我解答了疑惑,可有兴趣再听我讲一个故事?” On the face shows the smile, Nan Huazi opens the mouth to ask. 脸上露出笑容,南华子开口问道。 Hears this saying, in the heart has a subtle premonition, the Wu Mian eyes narrows the eyes. 听到这话,心中有一种微妙的预感,无眠双眼微眯。 Senior please say, the younger generation listens in reverent attention.” “前辈请讲,晚辈洗耳恭听。” The lower back is stiff, Wu Mian made the gesture of listening attentively. 腰背挺直,无眠做出了倾听的姿态。 Sees such a, the Nan Huazi smile. 看到这样的一幕,南华子笑容更甚。 Formerly the child, he liked having a dream inborn, was full of the curiosity to all things, in his brain always the ideas of some powerful and unconstrained styles “从前有一个孩子,他天生就喜欢做梦,对万事万物都充满了好奇心,他的脑子里总有一些天马行空的想法・・・” The words are low and deep, a story was told by Nan Huazi. 话语低沉,一个故事被南华子娓娓道来。 The story is very simple, even the convention, a since birth curiosity is very exuberant the child, and likes having a dream after has a dream one time, its dreamland changed to a butterfly, from now on this child will have ability that roams through all living things dreamland. 故事很简单,甚至很俗套,一个生来好奇心旺盛且喜欢做梦的孩子在一次做梦之后,其梦境化作了一只蝴蝶,自此这孩子就拥有了遨游众生梦境的能力。 But liked having a dream the child who to step path of cultivation with the aid of ability of this butterfly, experienced with the past completely different sceneries, knew the vastness of the world, his life has not acknowledged as teacher, has not received the disciple, can in his not deficient inheritance and practicing that resources in the dreamland roamed through freely. 而借助这只蝴蝶的能力这个喜欢做梦的孩子踏上了修行之路,见识到了与以往完全不同的风景,方知天地之广博,他这一生没有拜师,也没有收弟子,可以在梦境中自由遨游的他并不缺乏传承和修行资源。 It always not too many hobbies ; first, to have a dream ; second, to judge tea, approximately 35 good friends, toward touring North Sea evening Cangwu, the judging tea theory said, does not annoy the dust, the life is very free and unrestrained. 其平生并无太多爱好,一是做梦,二是品茶,约三五好友,朝游北海暮苍梧,品茶论道,不惹尘埃,生活好不逍遥自在。 Perhaps the only pursue lives forever, this he seeks after the immortal actually not, but is he wants to look at the scenery of that position. 其唯一的追求或许就是长生不死,这倒不是他贪图长生,而是他想去看一看那个位置的风景。 But during one's lifetime, always has too many helplessness, because all sorts involve, this unique secular world he reluctantly to sovereign who is doomed unify the whole world, that time he, although has not died by luck, but actually being a mass of cuts and bruises of defeat. 可人生在世,总有太多的无奈,因为种种牵扯,本超脱俗世的他无奈对上了一位注定一统天下的皇者,那一次他虽然侥幸未死,但却败的体无完肤。 Even therefore gave birth to obsession, split up two me, one was original he, longs for the strength extremely, wanted to destroy all him, what was most essential was this he directly with accompanying him fresh the monster creature fusion in one. 甚至因此生出了执念,分化出了两个我,一个是原本的他,一个是极度渴望实力,想要毁灭一切的他,最为关键的是这个他直接与伴他而生的妖物融合在了一起。 Originally severe wound dying, had such mistake, but, he can only make a move personally suppress and kill oneself monster creature, but he himself also therefore falls from the sky. 本就重伤垂死,又出现了这样的差错,无奈之下,他只能亲自出手镇杀了自己的妖物,而他自己也因此陨落。 „Does little friend, how you feel this story?” “小友,你觉得这个故事怎么样?” The story said that Nan Huazi opened the mouth to ask. 故事讲完,南华子开口问道。 hears word, Wu Mian brow slightly wrinkle. 闻言,无眠眉头微皱。 Story is good, although the result of lead is imperfect, but he has experienced to all sorts of wondrous and mystery in world, this point exceeded all living things, it can be called entire life splendidly.” “故事挺好的,主角的结局虽然并不完美,但他已经见识到了世间的种种玄奇,这一点就超越了芸芸众生,其一生称得上精彩。” Is only I do not like, does not contradict with the pursue strength free and unrestrained, both should be right of complementing one another, since is unable to abandon all, then should want completely all means to get hold of it.” “只是我个人并不喜欢,逍遥自在与追求力量并不相悖,两者应该是相辅相成的才对,既然无法抛弃一切,那么就应该想尽一切办法将其握紧。” Hesitates 12, Wu Mian gave own appraisal. 沉吟一二,无眠给出了自己的评价。 Wu Mian is very clear, the lead of this story is present Nan Huazi, view its life can see, he is true heaven's proud son, not only the talent is outstanding, but also has great dream true butterfly this monster creature that may be called the terrifying associated. 无眠很清楚,这个故事的主角就是眼前的南华子,观其一生可以看出,他是真正的天之骄子,不仅天赋出众,还拥有大梦真蝶这种堪称恐怖的妖物伴生。 On murdering great dream true butterfly perhaps not strongest, but its freedom roams through all living things dreamland the ability enough to level all, in then situation, the entire all living things dreamland was the Nan Huazi back garden, was demanded everything by him, the average man unavailable inheritance and resources he only needed to have a dream has. 在杀伐上大梦真蝶或许并不是最强的,但其自由遨游众生梦境的能力已经足够抹平一切,在当时的情况下,整个众生梦境都是南华子的后花园,由他予取予求,常人难以获得的传承和资源他只需要做个梦就有了。 Perhaps this cultivation condition was once Dao Ancestor and Buddha Ancestor not necessarily compares favorably with, the most important thing is great dream true butterfly inborn agreed with Nan Huazi as Nan Huazi associated monster creature, was impossible to backlash. 这种修炼条件恐怕就是曾经的道祖佛祖都未必比得上,最为重要的是大梦真蝶作为南华子伴生妖物天生与南华子契合,根本不可能反噬。 However perhaps because is extremely smooth, gradually Nan Huazi fostered the seemingly tranquil and light temper, until he meets Emperor Ying, suffered the unprecedented disastrous defeat. 不过或许正是因为太过顺利,久而久之南华子养成了看似宁静、淡薄的性子,直到他遇上赢帝,遭遇了前所未有的惨败。 Until he discovered that at that moment suddenly his tranquility, light is not impregnable, heart demon multiplies, the divine soul two points, associated monster creature great dream true butterfly does evil I. 直到那一刻他才猛然发现他的宁静、淡薄并没有那么无懈可击,以至于心魔滋生,神魂两分,伴生妖物大梦真蝶化作恶我。 Hears Wu Mian such answer, Nan Huazi sends out a sigh, for a very long time did not speak. 听到无眠这样的答案,南华子发出一声叹息,久久不语。 Today the mood completely, I should also dissipate, after all I have been a deceased person.” “今日谈兴已尽,我也该消散了,毕竟我早已是一个死人。” I once left behind the inheritance in this place, if the little friend is interested to take, but I must inform the little friend ahead of time, initially to suppress me of that fission, I cut to kill great dream true butterfly, and became earth immortal tool its refining, but that I have not dissipated, it was in harmony with all living things dreamland, dodged the life and death by this, but will return sooner or later again, once you took the inheritance, definitely to he.” “我曾于此地留下传承,小友如果有兴趣可以取走,不过我需提前告知小友,当初为了镇压那个分裂的我,我斩杀了大梦真蝶,并将其炼化成了地仙器,但那个我并没有就此消散,其合于众生梦境,以此规避生死,但早晚会再次归来,你一旦取走传承,就必然会对上他。” At the appointed time you, if cannot cut to kill his remnant will to backlash inevitably, after all this Dreamwalking Palace is his body.” “届时伱若不能斩杀他的残念就必然遭受反噬,毕竟这梦游宫本身就是他的身躯。” The voice falls, waves, three types of things appeared in the Nan Huazi front, respectively was one volume of bamboo slip, magical seed as well as a losing plant tea tree that took the form of the spreading the wings butterfly. 话音落下,一挥手,三样事物出现在了南华子的面前,分别是一卷竹简、一颗形似展翅蝴蝶的法种以及一棵枯死的茶树。 I keep the inheritance completely all here, how choose all depending on yourself.” “我所留传承尽皆在此,如何选择全凭你自己。” I once bragged the free and unfettered in vain, actually does not want to be the big dream comes to naught finally, rests, rests.” “枉我曾自诩逍遥,却没想终是大梦一场空,去休,去休。” The aura dissipates, the trace that Nan Huazi once left was cancelled quietly. 气息消散,南华子曾经留下的痕迹悄然被抹去。 Inheritance that Grand Dream True Scripture, Earthly Immortal leaves behind, middle-grade dao seed dreamwalking, 11th grade wonderful treasure Forgetting Sorrow Tea, again in addition complete earth immortal tool, seriously big seduction.” 大梦真经,一位地仙留下的传承,中品道种梦游,十一品奇珍忘忧茶,再加上一件完整的地仙器,当真好大的诱惑。” All sort of treasure object information print the heart, does not have to hesitate excessively, Wu Mian completely all received these treasure object, this karma he received. 诸般宝物的信息印入心底,没有过多犹豫,无眠将这些宝物尽皆收了起来,这个因果他接下了。 change of Heaven drops, if Dragon Tiger Mountain thinks that does not drop down in the first wave of tide, having a earth immortal tool suppression background is very necessary, but this treasure object in present Great Profound World very few. 天变降至,龙虎山若想不在第一波浪潮中就倒下,拥有一件地仙器镇压底蕴是十分有必要的,可这种宝物在现在的太玄界中少之又少。 Dragon Tiger Mountain is only Dreamwalking Palace that may start, but wants refining Dreamwalking Palace, Grand Dream True Scripture and strength of dreamwalking dao seed must. 龙虎山唯一有可能入手的就是梦游宫,不过想要炼化梦游宫,大梦真经梦游道种之力是必须的。 In comparison, Earthly Immortal remnant soul karma is actually unacceptable, although the opposite party resorted to some method to dodge the life and death, but the price of this method was inevitably big, it does not know when can return, even returned still certainly is not the most flourishing stance. 与之相比,一位地仙残魂因果倒不是不能接受,虽然对方动用了某种手段规避了生死,但这种手段的代价必然不小,其不知何时才能归来,就算归来了也一定不是全盛姿态。 But regarding own future, Wu Mian has enough self-confidence. 而对于自己的未来,无眠有着足够的自信。 Also at this time, as Wu Mian will inherit in the income hand, this does not know how long dreamland had to be loudly stave, the Wu Mian form also dissipated quietly. 也就是在这个时候,随着无眠将传承收入手中,这一处不知存在了多久的梦境轰然破碎,无眠的身影也悄然消散。 Meanwhile, mysteriously and inexorably has vision together not to know that let fall from where. 与此同时,冥冥中有一道目光不知从何处垂落了下来。 I stay behind inherit one for not to make Dao of Dreams bury ; second, to draw out that said remnant will, has not actually thought that this inheritance fell in the hand of Moon lineage finally unexpectedly, does not know that was the luck is the calamity.” “我留下传承一是为了不让梦道埋没,二是为了引出那道残念,却没想到这道传承最终竟然落在了太阴一脉的手中,也不知是福是祸。” A sigh resounds, some sighs of not being able saying that but at this time, there is another words sound to get up. 一声叹息响起,有说不出的感叹,而就在这个时候,又有另外一道话语声响起。 Moon lineage is truly troublesome, but this little fellow can become the Moon lineage successor big probability is Moon Star's fate of present age, the natural talent and Fortune Dao are not inevitably bad, will not easily fall from the sky, your Dao of Dreams inheritance has a big probability to inherit.” 太阴一脉确实麻烦,但这小家伙能成为太阴一脉的传人大概率是当代的太阴星命,天资和运道必然不差,不会轻易陨落,你的梦道传承还是有不小概率能传承下去的。” The sound even more moves fast, seeming to separate is very very far, the quick this piece void restored tranquilly. 声音越发飘忽,好似隔得很远很远,很快这片虚空就又恢复了宁静。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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