HDD :: Volume #11

#1083: The whale falls

Southern Desolate, half divine wood crash from beyond the heavens, his tearing place whether there is blood completely flows, suddenly the blood such as the rain gets down, incarnadine this stretch of the world, the bloody smell derivation that but has no, instead the rich grass banks rose covered entire Southern Desolate, this is Monster Saint's blood. 南荒,有半株神木从天外坠落,其撕裂处有无尽的鲜血流淌,一时间血如雨下,染红了这片天地,不过并无任何的血腥气衍生,反而有一股浓郁的草木香笼罩了整个南荒,这是妖圣之血 Rumble, the divine wood day falls, reclines in Southern Desolate, its figure is great, is shady and luxuriant, looks from afar, seems a be continuous several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km) green mountain range. 轰隆隆,神木天降,横卧于南荒,其身形伟岸,枝叶繁茂,远远望去,好似一条绵延数万里的苍翠山脉。 But at this time, heaven's will let fall, has the terrifying tribulation thunder to fall, is stroking the divine wood unceasingly. 而就在这个时候,天意垂落,有恐怖的劫雷落下,不断击打着神木。 Each thunder falls, monster qi on these half Monster Saint body will go to a point pale, in the strength of thunder unceasing succinct , the essence of these half Monster Saint body is changing. 每一道雷霆落下,这半具妖圣躯上的妖气就会淡去一分,在雷霆之力的不断洗练之下,这半具妖圣躯的本质正在发生改变。 Meanwhile, under nourishing of Monster Saint's blood, barren Southern Desolate started to have the transformation, does earth vein that some breaks, dry up start to give full play to the vitality, what Weisheng? Unusual refinedness is the Saint, their blood is a genuine talent treasure, has the merit of good fortune. 与此同时,在妖圣之血的滋养之下,原本贫瘠的南荒开始发生蜕变,一些断裂、枯竭的地脉开始重新焕发生机,何为圣?超凡脱俗者为圣,他们的血已经是一种真正的天才地宝,有造化之功。 Above Vault of Heaven, the half body was hit to explode, by returning wind returning fire divine ability suppresses the injury silently, Zhang Chunyi looks at this. 苍穹之上,半边身子被打爆,以回风返火神通压制自身伤势,张纯一默默的看着这一幕。 „A whale falls, but the myriad things live.” “一鲸落而万物生。” Observes the Southern Desolate myriad things to produce, the Zhang Chunyi train of thought flutters quietly far. 南荒万物生发,张纯一的思绪悄然飘远。 Met dead wood Monster Saint killing move hardly, that feared that has law day earth manifestation and five thunder Zhangtian prints blessing, his dharma body was also hit to explode directly, but after this time, he also had a relatively clear cognition regarding own strength. 硬接了枯木妖圣一记杀招,那怕有法天象地和五雷掌天印加持,他的法体也被直接打爆,而经过这一遭,他对于自身的实力也有了一个相对清晰的认知。 Acts full power, he has been able to burst out the strength of true Earthly Immortal, is nearly invincible in the boundary of True Immortal, but compares in true Earthly Immortal he had also been inferior, this might as well mainly display in divine soul, to the comprehension of say/way, on magic force essence as well as dharma body. 全力出手,他已然能迸发出真正的地仙之力,于真仙之境近乎无敌,但相比于真正的地仙他还有所不如,这不如主要表现在神魂,对道的领悟,法力本质以及法体上。 blessing that prints under law day earth manifestation and five thunder Zhangtian, 4th heavenly layer grasps five thunder is not in fact weak in general Monster Saint divine ability, even has also surpassed, for example dead wood Monster Saint, he grasps also on several 4th heavenly layer true divine ability, discussed by divine ability only might as well grasps five thunder. 在法天象地和五雷掌天印的加持之下,四重天的掌握五雷实际上已经不弱于一般的妖圣神通,甚至还有所超出,比如枯木妖圣,他掌握的也就几种四重天真神通而已,单以神通论还不如掌握五雷。 But stated differently dead wood Monster Saint can be able the percentage hundred to display oneself divine ability prestige, because Zhang Chunyi the control is insufficient, the magic force essence insufficient and other reasons can only the crude expression strength, the former is the iron fist, the latter is one pile of gravels, the castle that the gravel builds is seemingly good, but actually cannot withstand the attack of iron fist. 但不同的是枯木妖圣可以将自身神通的威能百分百发挥出来,而张纯一因为自身掌控力不足,法力本质不够等原因只能粗暴的宣泄力量,前者是铁拳,后者是一堆砂砾,砂砾堆砌成的城堡看似不错,但却经不起铁拳的打击。 Present I am also not the Monster Saint opponent, but does not have the strength of resistance, if only the pure straddling of zones acts, in Monster Saint is not willing to enrage under the heaven's will premise, I completely fearless.” “现在的我还不是妖圣的对手,但也不是毫无反抗之力,若只是单纯的跨界出手,在妖圣不愿触怒天意的前提下,我完全无惧。” Enters regarding the true body, dead wood Monster Saint is the best example, believes that the successor will dread.” “至于说真身入界,枯木妖圣就是最好的例子,相信后来者会有所忌惮。” Looks up the day, looks as in the blood rain of falling gently, in the double pupil of Zhang Chunyi is completely profound, that wipes to make cutting immortal blade light that Immortal Deity trembles, although has diverged, but that aura still preserved. 抬头望天,看着依旧在飘落的血雨,张纯一的双眸中尽是深邃,那一抹令仙神颤栗的斩仙刀光虽然已经散去,但那股气息尚有留存。 Because of all sorts of accidents of sorts, Zhang Chunyi is not strange regarding Heaven Beheading Immortals Platform, but also until today, he true experience to the Beheading Immortals Platform elegant demeanor. 因为种种机缘巧合,张纯一对于苍天斩仙台并不陌生,但也直到今天,他才真正见识到斩仙台的风采。 Built true law day earth manifestation, Zhang Chunyi can feel itself and Heaven approached, this was also he dares to face directly the Monster Saint important support, so long as were not struck suppress and kill by Monster Saint, he can awaken heaven's will on own initiative, pursued Monster Saint with the strength of heaven's will. 修成真正的法天象地,张纯一能感受到自身与苍天靠近了许多,这也是他敢于直面妖圣的重要支撑,只要不被妖圣一击镇杀,他就可以主动唤醒天意,借天意之力驱逐妖圣 But in the original plan, he wants to protect oneself at most, makes beyond the heavens Monster Saint eat slightly to owe while convenient, has not thought of Beheading Immortals Platform to leave, Monster Saint falls from the sky directly. 只不过在原本的计划中,他顶多就是想借此自保,顺便让天外妖圣吃个小亏,怎么也没有想到斩仙台出,一尊妖圣直接陨落。 Stiff peach clan Monster Saint will die ; first, he underestimated me ; second, he searched into Great Profound World oneself true body, not only this made him enrage Heaven truly, made him lose room to maneuver thoroughly, otherwise Monster Saint not damn was so neat.” “僵桃一族这尊妖圣之所以会死,一是他小看了我,二是他将自己的真身探入了太玄界,这不仅让他真正触怒了苍天,更让他彻底失去了转圜的余地,不然一尊妖圣怎么也不该死的这么干脆利落。” Is good because of me is not true Earthly Immortal, and resulted in the favor of Heaven, perhaps otherwise this I must time by certainly backlash.” “好在我并不是真正的地仙,且得了苍天的亲睐,不然这一次我恐怕也要遭受一定的反噬。” In the heart has clearly to become aware, Zhang Chunyi took back own vision, but at this time, the blood rain in sky no longer fell finally, has fiercely goes out of the haze Yang, sprinkles ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) golden light, shining entire Southern Desolate. 心中有所明悟,张纯一收回了自己的目光,而这个时候,天空中的血雨终于不再落下,有烈阳走出阴霾,洒落万丈金光,照耀整个南荒 Before this time Southern Desolate, desolate Szo, the myriad things are no longer prosperous, a highest place is ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), stretches across the north and south, the be continuous several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km) mountain range stands and waits for a long time in between Heaven and Earth, its nature like the jasper, is sending out the rich vitality/angry, just like a Divine Mountain. 此时的南荒不复之前萧索,万物欣欣向荣,一座最高处有万丈,横跨南北,绵延数万里的山脉伫立在天地间,其质如碧玉,散发着浓郁的生气,宛如一座神山。 At this moment, comes under the influence of dead wood Monster Saint's blood, across Southern Desolate has the peach wood to grow, underwater, in the mountain, in the forests, the marsh land, cavern and other places can see the peach wooden form, but in that jasper Divine Mountain is lives the peach wood. 此时此刻,受到枯木妖圣之血的影响,南荒各地都有桃木长出,水下,山中,林间,洼地,洞窟等地都可以见到桃木的身影,而那座碧玉神山上更是遍生桃木。 Well, sees such a, feels that full of vitality, because of the Zhang Chunyi injury was worried Hong Yun gives birth for the first time finally, it changes to the spring breeze, walks randomly in Southern Desolate, changes to the spring rain, nourishes ten thousand spirits. 咦,看到这样的一幕,感受到那勃勃生机,原本因为张纯一伤势而担心不已的红云终于开怀,其化作春风,游走在南荒,又化作春雨,滋养万灵。 The time passes, Hong Yun put behind gradually, immerses during this change. 时间流逝,红云渐渐忘却了自我,沉浸于这种变化之中。 Has not known how long, peach trees grew into quietly, extract the deep green peach leaf, starts out the tender and delicate peach blossom, entire Southern Desolate changes to one piece vastly such as the sea peach forest, cannot look at the end. 不知过了多久,一株株桃树悄然长成,抽出碧绿的桃叶,开出娇嫩的桃花,整个南荒都化作一片浩瀚如海的桃林,一眼望不到尽头。 But in this process, Hong Yun in stepped forward forward one step regarding call the wind and summon the rain divine ability cultivation, was the twofold day, its spring breeze mutation of grasping, the essence has also been promoted again, touches the strength of four seasons truly, no longer is the wind of pure vitality. 而在这个过程中,红云对于呼风唤雨神通修持在不知不觉间向前跨出了一步,达到了两重天,其掌握的春风也再次异变,本质得到提升,真正触及到四时之力,不再是单纯的生机之风。 Well, sobers, feels itself to change, Hong Yun is pleasantly surprised, then thought of anything, it hurries to the place that Zhang Chunyi is at hastily, at this moment, Zhang Chunyi is standing under that jasper Divine Mountain. 咦,清醒过来,感受到自身变化,红云又惊又喜,然后想到了什么,它连忙向张纯一所在的地方赶去,此时此刻,张纯一正站在那碧玉神山之下。 The point exposes, the stabbing pain mind, Zhang Chunyi stopped the footsteps. 锋芒展露,刺痛心神,张纯一停下了脚步。 This is Beheading Immortals Platform keeps the strength on that Monster Saint body.” “这是斩仙台留在那尊妖圣躯体上的力量。” In the double pupil has the flame to jump, looked at jasper Divine Mountain again, Zhang Chunyi saw a continuously silver white slash on its mountain massif, it bloomed to cut the immortal to murder the aura of god, making one unable to bear have the chill in the air, but more approached this mountain range center, these traces were more crowded, posed the threat to Immortal Deity sufficiently. 双眸中有火焰跳跃,再看碧玉神山,张纯一在其山体上看到了一缕缕银白刀痕,其绽放出斩仙弑神的气息,让人忍不住心生寒意,而越靠近这座山脉中心,这些痕迹就越密集,足以对仙神造成威胁。 But in peak one high approximately three zhang (3.33 m) of that jasper Divine Mountain, the trunk and branches dragon knot, the color of leaves deep green peach tree growth, above is hanging nine jade peach, among has the snake shadow to walk randomly, sends out rich qi of immortal spirit, looked makes one know uncommonly its. 而在那碧玉神山的顶端则有一棵高约三丈,枝干虬结,叶色碧绿的桃树生长,其上挂着九颗玉桃,其内有蛇影游走,散发出浓郁的仙灵之气,一看就让人知其不凡。 Stiff heart peach, are born 11th grade immortal root above that Monster Saint skeleton, when is immature its has the violent poisonousness, food it, the snake will gnaw food his heart spirit, the life will change to the vegetation that will be completely spiritless, after only having will be truly mature, it can become to cultivator beneficial immortal root.” “僵心桃,诞生于那尊妖圣尸骸之上的十一品仙根,未成熟之时其有剧毒,食之,蛇灵啃食其心,生灵将化作无知无觉的草木,唯有真正成熟之后,它才能成为对修士有益的仙根。” Snake spirit grow the horn, the good fortune derives, may wash divine soul, transforms the divine soul essence.” “蛇灵生角,造化衍生,可借此洗涤神魂,蜕变神魂本质。” With the aid of Immortal Treasure Chart, Zhang Chunyi had certain understanding regarding the details of this peaches of immortality tree, its essence is good, to cultivator to monster creature is extremely precious immortal treasure, because it can wash the monster creature divine soul impurity, causes it close to the clear spirit. 借助仙珍图,张纯一对于这一棵仙桃树的底细有了一定的了解,其本质不俗,无论是对修士还是对妖物来说都是一种极其珍贵的仙珍,因为其能洗涤妖物神魂杂质,使其靠近清灵。 Similar method, Dragon Tiger Mountain also grasps, and incessantly one type ; first, great divine origin pill ; second, Sun refinening the spirit method ; third, Wu Sheng (lifeless) insight sword, what is undeniable is these three methods has own limitation, is very difficult to promote, being far from the stiff heart peach is so convenient. 类似的手段,龙虎山也掌握有,且不止一种,一是神元大丹,二是太阳炼神法,三是无生慧剑,但不可否认的是这三种方法都有自己的局限性,很难推广开来,远没有僵心桃这么方便。 However the stiff heart peach have confusing very much, if did not know about it, takes rashly, had the possibility very much. 不过僵心桃很有迷惑性,若是对其不了解,冒然服用,很有可能着了道儿。
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