HDD :: Volume #11

#1079: I am a world

Chapter 1079 I am a world 第1079章我即天地 The pitiful yell sound continuously, the sea of fire sweeps across, sky incarnadine, suddenly the monster cloud is defeated and dispersed, the monster such as the rain gets down, sees only these monster creature oronasals to get angry, in abundance since the clouds drop, was blown by the wind in the midair, changes to the ashes instantaneously. 啊,惨叫声此起彼伏,火海席卷,天空被染红,一时间妖云溃散,妖如雨下,只见那些妖物口鼻冒火,纷纷从云端跌落,在半空中被风一吹,瞬间化作灰烬。 Facing this overbearing Samādhi True Fire, monster creature moistening dies, only has Monster Sovereign to struggle 12, but if messes with were many, must die as before without doubt. 面对这霸道的三昧真火,妖物沾之即死,唯有妖皇才可挣扎一二,但若沾惹的多了,依旧必死无疑。 The cry, the sharp crying sound penetrates the clouds, the skyhawk spreads the wings, the whole body was lingered by the tricolor flame, gold/metal feather Monster Sovereign goes all out is struggling, no matter but it resorts to what kind of method unable to put off these flame, instead makes these flame fever more prosperous. 唳,尖锐的啼鸣声穿透云霄,天鹰展翅,浑身被三色火焰萦绕,金羽妖皇拼命的挣扎着,可不管它动用何等手段都无法扑灭这些火焰,反而让这些火焰越烧越旺。 Before to prevent Zhang Chunyi escaped, it flushed quickest, but also because of so, bore the brunt, received the most serious wound. 之前为了防止张纯一逃跑,它冲的最快,但也因为如此,首当其冲,受了最严重的伤。 I do not want dead.” “我不想死啊。” In the mouth and nose emits the flame, the consciousness is fuzzy, the gold/metal feather skyhawk gave out desperate angry roaring. 口鼻中冒出火焰,意识模糊,金羽天鹰发出了绝望的怒吼。 , the flame ascended, the monster body of gold/metal feather skyhawk was suddenly decayed, changed to the ashes instantaneously, it died, extremely Monster Sovereign fell from the sky. 呼,火焰升腾,金羽天鹰的妖躯猛然腐朽,瞬间化作灰烬,它死了,一位绝顶妖皇就这么陨落了。 In the distant place, looks at such a extremely, the group monster heart has the intimacy, the gold/metal feather skyhawk died, the terrifying of this flame is obviously ordinary, now only they rejoice is they have not grasped like gold/metal feather skyhawk such tyrannical escaping law. 在极远处,看着这样的一幕,群妖心有戚戚,金羽天鹰都死了,这火焰的恐怖可见一般,它们现在唯一庆幸的就是它们没有掌握如同金羽天鹰那样强横的遁法。 Burns top Monster Sovereign vigor, making him change to the ashes, is really the overbearing flame, it seems like that this was great divine ability, Zhang Chunyi you gave me really a pleasant surprise, but you also reach the limit now, powerful divine ability was also needs cultivator to revolve.” “将一尊顶尖妖皇的精气神燃烧一空,让其化作灰烬,真是霸道至极的火焰,看来这又是一门大神通,张纯一你真是给了我一个惊喜,不过现在你也到极限了吧,再强大的神通也是需要修士去运转的。” In the pupil the flower bloom and fade, locked the Zhang Chunyi internal energy, the peach moves young. 眸中花开花谢,锁定张纯一的气机,桃夭动了。 , everywhere peach blossom fluttered about, such as the tide charged into the sea of fire. 呼,漫天桃花纷飞,如浪潮般冲向了火海。 Under Samādhi True Fire, these peach blossoms seem especially frail, insisted reluctantly a breath will be burnt down cleanly, is good is extremely numerous because of its quantity, overlapping, suddenly will not be committed to flames by the sea of fire, but peach young form in partly visible. 三昧真火之下,这些桃花显得格外脆弱,勉强坚持一息就会被焚烧干净,好在其数量极多,层层叠叠之下,一时间也不会被火海付之一炬,而桃夭的身影则在其中若隐若现。 She takes the flower petal as the bodywork structure, when a flower petal was lit by Samādhi True Fire, she will appear above another flower petal, leads the way, has not contaminated on the slight flame unexpectedly, this is she cultivation escaping law divine ability substitutes stealthily, takes the peach blossom as the punctuation, realizes the space to jump. 她以花瓣为承载体,当一片花瓣被三昧真火点燃之时,她就会出现在另外一片花瓣之上,一路前行,竟然没有沾染上丝毫的火焰,这是她所修持的遁法神通・移花接木,以桃花为标点,实现空间跳跃。 At this moment, the hand grasps five thunder Zhangtian to print, Zhang Chunyi is communicating the world, restores the strength, regarding raiding peach young True Monarch he has not paid attention, uses to grasp five thunder and Samādhi True Fire continuously five times, is truly enormous to his consumption. 此时此刻,手握五雷掌天印,张纯一正在沟通天地,恢复自身力量,对于袭来的桃夭真君他并没有理会,连续动用五次掌握五雷和一次三昧真火,对他的消耗确实极大。 Big ups and downs seal!” “大枯荣印!” The piece leaf does not moisten the body, passes through the sea of fire, confirmed own guess, looks to regain the condition Zhang Chunyi, peach young True Monarch directly urges to send killing move. 片叶不沾身,穿越火海,确认了自己的猜测,看着想要恢复自身状态的张纯一,桃夭真君直接催发了杀招 The ups and downs two air/Qi runners, want to wear down all, but appeared in this time Wu Sheng (lifeless) and Hong Yun form together. 枯荣二气转轮,欲消磨一切,而就在这个时候无生红云的身影一起出现。 , offered a sacrifice to the dragon bead, Hong Yun urges to send great divine ability call the wind and summon the rain, but Wu Sheng (lifeless) also cut to fall a sword. 呼,祭起龙珠,红云催发了大神通呼风唤雨,而无生也随之斩落了一剑。 The blade wind sword rain, primordial slaughter killed the sword, Hong Yun and Wu Sheng (lifeless) used the full power, but even like this they as before were not the peach young True Monarch opponents, was routed. 刀风剑雨,元屠杀剑,红云无生纷纷动用了全力,可就算是这样它们依旧不是桃夭真君的对手,纷纷被击溃。 Overreaches oneself!” “不自量力!” Looks that was struck Hong Yun and Wu Sheng (lifeless) that flies, peach young True Monarch has not pursued, but was the direct racket to Zhang Chunyi, but at this time, absolutely terrified, slit one's throat the loss of yin shadow to cover in her heart. 看着被击飞的红云无生,桃夭真君没有追击,而是直接拍向了张纯一,不过就在这个时候,毛骨悚然,一抹死亡阴影笼罩在了她心头。 Rumble, the world look changes, the dense and numerous thunder fall, such as the palm of jade suddenly appears in her at present. 轰隆隆,天地色变,密密麻麻的雷霆落下,一只如玉的手掌突然出现在她眼前。 „It is not good, his strength has not exhausted!” “不好,他的力量并没有耗尽!” Detected that is not right, knows oneself fall into a trap, peach young True Monarch must commit suicide decisively, to substitute one thing for another divine ability to withdraw, but at this time, the sound of chilly sword cry got up, terrifying killing intent burst out, a pair of scarlet pupil opened quietly, looks to her, among is completely tyrannical and crazy. 察觉到不对,知道自己落入了陷阱,桃夭真君就要果断自杀,以李代桃僵神通脱身,可就在这个时候,清冽的剑鸣之音响起,恐怖的杀意迸发,一双猩红的眸子悄然睁开,看向了她,其内里尽是暴虐和疯狂。 Looks in the eyes, the feeling of instinct dreads, the peach young True Monarch mind was suppressed immediately, had stagnation of flash, this flash is very short, but is actually the difference of life and death, when she works loose already late. 四目相对,本能的感受到畏惧,桃夭真君的心神顿时被镇压,有了一瞬间的凝滞,这一瞬间很短暂,但却是生死之别,等她挣脱之时已经晚了。 Among the fingers and palms lingers five thunder, in this instance, Zhang Chunyi held the peach to be young. 指掌间萦绕五雷,在这一个瞬间,张纯一抓住了桃夭。 Five thunder seals.” “五雷封印。” The regeneration changes, Zhang Chunyi changes to the chains by five-colored thunder light, peach young True Monarch binding, making it fall into to the deep sleep. 再生变化,张纯一五色雷光化作锁链,将桃夭真君束缚,使其陷入到沉睡之中。 Must unite monster immortal Monarch to pass on the law, cannot comprehend with hardship, Wu Sheng (lifeless) stepped into a day of monster to unite the divine light practicing threshold naturally, this divine ability was not difficult in initial cultivation, the most essential issue was murderous aura nourishing, but this was not difficult to Wu Sheng (lifeless), it murdered incalculably, raised was good murderous aura. 得戮妖仙君传法,不需苦苦参悟,无生自然而然踏入了天妖戮神光的修行门槛,此神通在初期修持并不困难,最关键的问题就是杀气温养,而这对无生并不难,它杀伐无算,养的一身好杀气。 However the Wu Sheng (lifeless) cultivation time is too eventually short, therefore the divine ability prestige can be extremely limited, under normal circumstances wants to cope with peach young such True Monarch is not not possible, only has while its unprepared, may play the effect unexpectedly. 不过无生修持的时间终究太短,所以神通威能极其有限,在正常情况下想要对付桃夭这样的真君根本不可能,唯有趁其不备,出其不意才有可能起到效果。 Also because, Zhang Chunyi will so take itself as the bait, tempts peach young True Monarch to swallow the bait, his strength truly consumption was similar, otherwise is unable really to hide the truth from peach young True Monarch and many Monster Sovereign, but he can also use world's power. 也正是因为如此,张纯一才会以自身为饵,引诱桃夭真君上钩,他自身的力量确实消耗的差不多了,不然也无法真的瞒过桃夭真君和诸多妖皇,但他还可以动用天地之力 Before building true law day earth manifestation divine ability, Zhang Chunyi can only urging move divine ability by oneself, after may practice successfully true law day earth manifestation divine ability, Zhang Chunyi can actually transfer world's power directly, only if world's power dries up also or is prohibited, otherwise he does not need to be worried one consume. 在修成真正的法天象地神通之前,张纯一只能以自身之力催动神通,可修成真正的法天象地神通之后,张纯一却可以直接调动天地之力,除非天地之力枯竭亦或者被封禁,否则他根本不用担心自身消耗。 Day monster unites the god, I was planned.” “天妖戮神,我被算计了。” The consciousness went black, in the peach young True Monarch heart flashed through such thought. 意识陷入黑暗,桃夭真君心中闪过了这样的念头。 Substitutes one thing for another truly the mystical, by her attainments, did not fear the death, this made her innate be in an impregnable position, that feared that Zhang Chunyi showed the extremely strong strength she not to fear, at the worst died one time, this was not anything, but substituted one thing for another is not really no weakness. 李代桃僵确实神异,以她的造诣,根本不惧死亡,这让她先天立于不败之地,那怕张纯一表现出了极其强大的实力她也丝毫不惧,大不了就是死一次,这并不算什么,但李代桃僵也并不是真的毫无弱点。 Others cannot kill her actually to prohibit her permanently, for this reason her also cultivation divine ability for suicide, may disintegrate specially in an instant, has not actually thought that met a day of monster to unite divine light unexpectedly. 别人不能杀死她却可以永久封禁她,为此她还专门修持了一道用于自杀的神通,一念之间就可解体,却没想到竟然遇到了天妖戮神光 Before then, the peach young unite divine light to be defenseless regarding the day monster, because this divine ability only has to unite monster immortal Monarch to grasp, initially united monster immortal Monarch dead an untimely death, not inherits to stay behind, this divine ability has been lost, if not the position is extremely high, the peach do not know young existence of this divine ability, she does not think divine ability in this legend will appear again, but her own first experience. 在这之前,桃夭对于天妖戮神光并无防备,因为这道神通唯有戮妖仙君一人掌握,当初戮妖仙君横死,并无传承留下,这道神通早已失传,若非地位极高,桃夭根本不会知道这道神通的存在,她怎么也不会想到这门传说中的神通会再次出现,而她自己还是第一个体验者。 Day monster unites divine light really specially to subdue|grams monster creature, unexpected under Monster Clan True Monarch is still even hands tied, but true law day earth manifestation is powerful.” “天妖戮神光果真专克妖物,猝不及防之下就算是妖族真君也要束手,而真正的法天象地更是强悍。” Awaits repairs to a deeper level, I gather with the world, world's power is my strength, to great utmost, when in Jienei is invincible, because I am a world, only then such divine ability can be called is first great divine ability.” “待修到更深层次,我与天地合,天地之力即我力,至宏至大,当于界内无敌,因为我即天地,也只有这样的神通才能称得上是第一大神通。” Far of present my also difference, can transfer world's power to change to magic force merely, the next stage should inspire the dao mark blessing oneself body of between Heaven and Earth directly, at the appointed time may get rid of the limit of inner scenery, all sort of divine ability completely all can burst out the powerful strength in my hands, is a law passes seriously, ten thousand laws are bright.” “现在的我还差的远,仅仅能调动天地之力化作法力而已,下一阶段应该是直接引动天地间道痕加持己身,届时就可摆脱内景地的限制,诸般神通尽皆能在我手中迸发出强大的力量,当真是一法通,万法明。” Takes back the palm, looks to fall into the deep sleep, peach young True Monarch that cannot have a thought that Zhang Chunyi suppresses in it five thunder Zhangtian seal. 收回手掌,看着陷入沉睡,一念不起的桃夭真君,张纯一将其镇压进五雷掌天印之中。 But in the distant place, sees such a, the group monster look changes, some cannot believe oneself eye. 而在远方,看到这样的一幕,群妖色变,有些不敢相信自己的眼睛。 Circumstance steep revolutions anxious, previous quarter peach young True Monarch also held the Zhang Chunyi flaw, will utterly destroy, never expected that the next quarter becomes the Zhang Chunyi captive. 情势陡转急下,前一刻桃夭真君还抓住了张纯一的破绽,正要斩尽杀绝,没想到下一刻就成为了张纯一的阶下囚。 What to do should we? True Monarch is not an opponent, how do we deal with this ominous person?” “我们该怎么办?连真君都不是对手,我们怎么对付这个凶人?” The monster heart is fearful, although dozens Monster Sovereign are living, but the numerous monsters actually feel any security sense at this moment. 妖心惶惶,虽然还有数十尊妖皇活着,但这一刻众妖却感受到任何的安全感。 Walks!” “走!” Has to draw back intent, has monster creature to run away, but at this time, the world look changes, had the thunderstorm derivation of terrifying, covered several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km) surrounding area, changed to the cage this region. 心生退意,有妖物想要逃走,而就在这个时候,天地色变,有恐怖的雷暴衍生,覆盖数万里方圆,将这片区域化作了牢笼。 Rumble, the thunder snake runs, the blazing thunder falls unceasingly, large expanse of monster creature was changed to the hard coke. 轰隆隆,雷蛇奔走,炽热的雷霆不断落下,成片成片的妖物被化作了焦炭。 The hand grasps five thunder Zhangtian to print, revolution method day earth manifestation divine ability, by oneself heart seal sky overhead, Zhang Chunyi inspires world's power, rewrote this place celestial phenomenon. 手握五雷掌天印,运转法天象地神通,以己心印天心,张纯一引动天地之力,改写了此地天象 , inspired lightly, world's power came in waves, yellow court golden pill of Zhang Chunyi within the body started again the blooming brilliance, although he can intimate borrowing world's power, but own magic force was most reliable. 呼,轻吸一口气,天地之力滚滚而来,张纯一体内的黄庭金丹开始重新绽放光彩,虽然他可以直接借用天地之力,但自身的法力才是最可靠的。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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