HS :: Volume #22

#2101: The disaster nears

Master! This thing is somewhat familiar.” Little Fragrant Pig calls out in alarm one. 主人!这东西有些熟悉。”小香猪惊叫一声。 Qin Feng withdraws immediately hundred meters, with the black fog wide berth of cave entrance, when the black fog appears instantaneous, he has thought initially in swallowed the black fog that in the falling god island mystical place bumped into, simply and present black fog is exactly the same. 秦枫立即退后百米,与洞口的黑雾保持安全距离,当黑雾出现瞬间,他就想到了当初在陨神岛秘境中碰到的吞噬黑雾,简直和眼前的黑雾如出一辙。 If here black fog really and black fog in falling god island mystical place belongs with the Class One type, then may be big troublesome. 如果这里的黑雾真和陨神岛秘境中的黑雾属于同一品种,那么麻烦可就大了。 Those who let Qin Feng rejoice, the black fog that in cave entrance flutters as if had not discovered his existence, very possible is because overflows fully, these black fog fluttered in cave entrance a meeting, returns to cave entrance, so relapse. 秦枫庆幸的是,洞口中飘出的黑雾似乎并不是发现了他的存在,很可能是因为溢满而出,这些黑雾只是在洞口飘荡了一会,又回到洞口中去,如此反复。 However because of the appearance of black fog, Qin Feng cancelled temporarily entered the thought of cave, he with own eyes has experienced in the falling god island mystical place the great strength of black fog, as if can swallow all, instantaneously embezzled the member and Spirit Grass. 不过因为黑雾的出现,秦枫暂时打消了进入山洞的念头,他可是亲眼见识过陨神岛秘境中黑雾的强大,仿佛能够吞噬一切,瞬间就把修士和灵草吞没。 Even if initially participated in member Realm of falling god island exploration not to be high, but that is unable to explain the issue, after all Qin Feng induced the intense crisis from the cave entrance black fog, but this crisis now only then he meets can really greatly time will appear. 就算当初参加陨神岛探险的修士境界不高,但那也无法说明问题,毕竟秦枫已经从洞口黑雾中感应到了强烈的危机,而这种危机如今只有他遇到化真大能的时候才会出现。 Well? Where is this?” “咦?这是什么地方?” Exceedingly high prominent peak? Here is the exceedingly high demon peak!” “通天主峰?这里就是通天魔峰啊!” Really treads the broken straw sandal non- seeking place, must come not time-consumingly all...... In demon surely member, who thinks, exceedingly high prominent peak in First demon peak unexpectedly under place.” “真是踏破草鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫……魔都千万修士中,谁又会想到,第一魔峰内的通天主峰竟然在地底下。” In Qin Feng does not have the countermeasure, five forms from Changkong (vast sky) fall. 正在秦枫没有对策时,五道身影从长空落下。 Some quick people have discovered his existence. 很快就有人发现了他的存在。 Wu Tong Head, at the foot of the hill really has the person, everybody handles affairs carefully.” The expression of speech man ten segregate heavily. “吴通掌门,山脚下竟然有人,大家小心行事。”说话男人的语气十分凝重。 His voice just fell, five forms fell on the Qin Feng opposite, when sees clearly the Qin Feng appearance, five people stare. 他话音刚落,五道身影已经落在了秦枫对面,当看清秦枫的面貌时,五人都是一愣。 Is you!” And a clothes old man start to talk. “是你!”其中一位青衫老者开口。 Qin Feng to this person of some impressions, in No. 1 demon Yi, many people congratulated to the red tea on own initiative steps into really the boundary, present clothes old man also. 秦枫对这人有些印象,在一号魔峰山脚下,很多人主动向红茗道贺踏入化真之境,眼前的青衫老者也在其中。 Who are you?” Qin Feng has seen the opposite party, actually does not know his status. “你是谁?”秦枫只是见过对方,却不知道他的身份。 Old man is demon Big Dipper sect gate faintly recognizable gate Head Wu Tong.” “老夫乃是魔都七星宗门飘渺门的掌门吴通。” Actually what Qin Feng cares is not the status of opposite party, how his more curious these people come. As for these five people of cultivating for and cold palace Chi Xu four people of similar, is increased to lead by a tribulation, other Elder while cauldron Realm. 其实秦枫在意的并非对方的身份,他更好奇这些人是怎么进来的。至于这五人的修为和寒宫池绪四人差不多,由一位劫变大能带领,其余的长老都是乘鼎境界 Such lineup does not allow to look down upon absolutely, but Qin Feng will not care. 这样的阵容绝对不容小视,但是秦枫并不会在意。 How do you come in?” Qin Feng enters the subject. “你们是如何进来的?”秦枫直入正题。 As if is somewhat discontented with his manner, Wu Tong complexion micro cold: Young Hero while cultivating of cauldron First Boundary to can fighting the Ouyang day, has saying that is a cultivate Dao talent, but that fights you are is also opportunistic, if no help of red tea, you are unable under to survive in the Ouyang day......” 似乎是对他的态度有些不满,吴通脸色微冷:“少侠乘鼎一境的修为就能对战欧阳天,不得不说是一位修道天才,不过那一战你也算是投机取巧,若是没有红茗的帮助,你根本无法在欧阳天手下存活……” Wu Tongshuo some bewildered words, Qin Feng was very clear his meaning, this is establishing Ma Wei. 吴通说了些莫名其妙的话,秦枫却很清楚他的意思,这是在立下马威。 How my strength does not need you to worry, you have not answered my issue.” Qin Feng complexion also cold. “我的实力如何不用你来操心,你还没有回答我的问题。”秦枫脸色也冷了下来。 How we enter here not to need you to worry, in rumor exceedingly high prominent peak the wonderful treasure are innumerable, our well water not interfering with river water, takes various roads respectively.” Wu Tong has indicated the manner. “我们如何进入这里也不用你来操心,传言这座通天主峰内奇宝无数,咱们井水不犯河水,各走各的路。”吴通表明了态度。 Actually when sees Qin Feng that moment, Wu Tong several people of moods are disturbed, they with own eyes experienced a Qin Feng blade to divide the collapse space, and can also the motion be free in the Ouyang day location, facing this kind of monster 其实当见到秦枫的那一刻,吴通几人心情忐忑,他们可是亲眼见识了秦枫一刀劈出塌陷空间,并且在欧阳天的场地中还能行动自如,面对这样一位妖 ( This chapter has not ended, please turn page) (本章未完,请翻页) The evil level member, several people does not want the fight. 孽级修士,几人并不想发生恶斗。 However cultivation resources in exceedingly high prominent peak is too attractive, Wu Tongke does not want to cup one hand in the other across the chest to give Qin Feng. 但是通天主峰里的修炼资源太诱人,吴通可不想拱手让给秦枫 Only can say that the ideas of these people hit are from the beginning wrong, Qin Feng has not thought must monopolize the resources in exceedingly high prominent peak, his main purpose is actually under immortal lineage/vein, but discovered that now the immortal lineage/vein do not exist. 只能说这些人的想法打一开始就是错误的,秦枫从来没想过要独占通天主峰内的资源,他的主要目的其实是地底下的仙脉,可现在发现仙脉根本不存在。 Let alone also has to swallow the black fog to block at present in cave entrance, Qin Feng even hesitates to enter in the cave, if Wu Tong several people of manner are slightly more moderate, he may tell the secrets of five people of black fog, but absolutely does not have that thoughts now. 更何况眼下还有吞噬黑雾拦在洞口,秦枫甚至犹豫着要不要进入山洞中去,如果吴通几人的态度稍微缓和一些,他或许会告诉五人黑雾的秘密,但现在完全没有那个心思。 You must enter the cave to go in freely, has any relationship with me.” Saying that Qin Feng does not care at all. “你们要进山洞尽管进去,跟我又有什么关系。”秦枫满不在乎的说道。 Five people stare, has not thought completely Qin Feng so will be good to speak, they even in secret transported fully True Yuan, thinks that had the field great war to hit. 五人都是一愣,完全没想到秦枫会这么好说话,他们甚至暗中运足了真元,以为有场巨战要打。 „Do you mean what he says?” Some Wu Tong protection. “你说话算数?”吴通还是有些防备。 Qin Feng sneers saying: This has something to deceive people, this exceedingly high prominent peak is not my family opens, do I have the right to order you to leave inadequately?” 秦枫冷笑道:“这有什么可骗人的,这座通天主峰又不是我家开的,难道我还有权利命令你们离开不成?” Five people were stumped, Qin Feng said is very reasonable, their hearts live awkwardly, was a oneself enter the venue lowers the status. 五人被问住,秦枫说的很有道理,他们心生尴尬,是自己一入场就把地位放低了。 This should better, but, otherwise hits, who will be the winner is uncertain!” “这样最好不过,否则真打起来,鹿死谁手还不一定!” Wu Tongfang sentence ruthless words, the face that this is wants discarding picks, Qin Feng has not responded him from the start, the line of sight looks far to spatial. 吴通放了句狠话,这是想把丢掉的面子捡回来一些,秦枫压根没搭理他,视线看向远空。 Wu Tong lung must explode with rage, he is also solemn Big Dipper large amount gate Head, keeps aloof in entire demon status, when has received this type of air/Qi. 吴通肺要气炸,他好歹也是堂堂七星大宗门的掌门,在整个魔都的地位都高高在上,什么时候受过这种气。 Sir Head, we a bit faster enter the cave.” And Elder as if saw Wu Tong anger, spoke hastily the persuasion, was very afraid this fight to fire. 掌门大人,咱们还是快点进入山洞去吧。”其中一位长老似乎看出了吴通的怒火,连忙出言劝说,深怕这场战斗打响。 Snort! We walk!” “哼!咱们走!” Wu Tong coldly stared Qin Feng one, then leaves in a huff. 吴通又冷冰冰的瞪了秦枫一眼,然后拂袖而去。 Five people of diving postures leap, form disappeared in the mountain bottom, actually just entered in the cave, spread several panic-stricken pitiful yells. 五人飞身一跃,身影已经消失在山底,却刚进入山洞之中,传出了几道惊恐的惨叫。 „...... In the cave has the ambush.” “啊……山洞里有埋伏。” What ghost thing is this? My arm did not have, body did not have, my head?” “这是什么鬼东西?我的胳膊没了,身体也没了,我的头呢?” Saves me! Sir Head saves me quickly......” “救我!掌门大人快救我……” Quickly the cry continuously, comes to go is quicker. 叫声此起彼伏,来得快去的更快。 In the cave restored as usual, to resemble any matter not to occur has been same, actually crossed after for several seconds, two blood shades depart from the hole, reason that said that is the blood shade, because of the dripping with blood of two, the clothing already vanished, the body is bruised and lacerated, the five senses are not, whom could not distinguish clearly is. 山洞里已经恢复如常,就好像什么事情都没有发生过一样,却又过了几秒过后,两道血影从洞中飞出,之所以说是血影,因为那两人的身上鲜血淋漓,衣物早就消失,身上皮开肉绽,五官根本不在,已经分不清谁是谁了。 However Qin Feng has distinguished the status from two people of aura finally, one of them is faintly recognizable the gate Head Sir Wu Tong, another person is in four Elder the Realm highest riding cauldron Peak member. 不过秦枫最后还是从二人身上的气息辨别了身份,其中一人正是飘渺门的掌门大人吴通,另一人是四位长老境界最高的乘鼎巅峰修士。 Even if were Qin Feng had guessed correctly when such result, but with own eyes was seeing the picture, had a scare. The black fog in cave he imagines is more terrifying, rides can not revolt against the leeway that continually cauldron Peak and tribulation change greatly, this enters for several seconds, already swallowed not a person not a ghost. 就算是秦枫已经猜到了这样的结果,但在亲眼见到画面时,还是被吓了一跳。山洞中的黑雾比他想象中的更加恐怖,连乘鼎巅峰和劫变的大能都毫无反抗余地,这才进入数秒时间,已经被吞噬的不人不鬼了。 Wu Tong and that Grand Elder, although is also living, actually the feeling lives to might as well die. 吴通和那位大长老虽然还活着,却感觉生不如死。 They ran away from cave entrance furiously, but early was encumbered by the black fog, as if every several other seconds, some spots of their body dissipate in the wind, probably was the fossil is blown to melt by the wind was the same. 他们奋力从洞口逃了出来,但是身上早被黑雾缠身,仿佛每隔几秒,他们身体的一些部位就在风中消散,好像是化石被风吹化了一样。 Young Hero, saves me quickly......” Wu Tongchao Qin Feng 少侠,快救救我……”吴通朝秦枫这边 ( This chapter has not ended, please turn page) (本章未完,请翻页) To did not have the beforehand arrogance and discontented again. 冲来,再也没了之前的傲气和不满。 After Qin Feng has gotten back one's composure, immediately treads flying sword to leave, let alone he did not hold a favorable view on Wu Tong several people, even if Wu Tong is his good friend, in front of the black fog of these terrors, Qin Feng does not have any means. 秦枫回过神后立即踏着飞剑离开,别说他本来就对吴通几人不看好,就算吴通是他的好朋友,在这些恐怖的黑雾面前,秦枫也是没有任何的办法。 Head, the grandson definitely already knows that in the cave has freak, he is cloudy we.” Exclaimed while cauldron Peak Grand Elder. 掌门,那孙子肯定早就知道山洞里有怪物,他在阴我们啊。”乘鼎巅峰大长老吼道。 Wu Tong also wants to pray for rescue Qin Feng, but saw that the opposite party ran not to have the shade directly, in the heart the anger burnt the day: We die, must draw in him to make the pad back.” 吴通本来还想求救秦枫,但见到对方直接跑没影了,心中怒火烧天:“咱们就算是死,也要拉上他做垫背的。” Two people pursue immediately toward Qin Feng, Changkong (vast sky) pulls out two black fog. Their bodies had been swallowed cleanly, in black fog only remaining two [gold/metal], that golden ray also in slowly gloomy, the life aura is getting more and more weak. 二人立即朝秦枫追去,身后的长空拉出两道黑雾。他们的身体已经被吞噬干净,黑雾中只剩下两道金芒,那金色的光芒也在慢慢暗淡,生命气息越来越弱。 Qin Feng has not offered a sacrifice to scud awl, but the flying sword speed is also extremely quick, by Wu Tong two people of present Yuan god Condition, is hard to overtake radically. 秦枫就算没有祭出飞云锥,但飞剑的速度也是极快,以吴通二人现在的元神状态,根本难以追上。 Head, I felt that oneself is not quickly good.” Is weak while the cauldron Peak Grand Elder sound. 掌门,我感觉自己快不行了。”乘鼎巅峰大长老声音虚弱。 Which Wu Tong also very to goes, suddenly changed the flight direction: We could not overtake that grandson, went to the gate place quickly, exited these black fog bands...... Even if dies, we also want Dora several pad backs.” 吴通也好不到哪去,突然改变了飞行的方向:“我们是追不上那孙子了,快去阵门的地方,把这些黑雾带出去……就算是死,咱们也要多拉几个垫背的。” In the face of the death, Wu Tong and that Grand Elder were in the crazed situation, no matter after they these swallow the black fog lets out, will bring what kind of disaster, or they look forward to the entire demon to be swallowed by the black fog. 在死亡面前,吴通和那位大长老已经到了丧心病狂的地步,他们才不管这些吞噬黑雾放出去后会带来怎样的灾难,又或者说,他们巴不得整个魔都都被黑雾吞噬掉。 Two people supported the last god knowledge to rush to the peak, Changkong (vast sky) as if split an opening, several groups of light beams shot from the opening, happen to according to exceedingly high prominent peak, but the Wu Tong five people bumped into, fell from array method of that Changkong (vast sky) opening. 二人撑着最后一股神识冲到了峰顶,长空仿佛裂开一道口子,数团光柱从裂口中射下来,正好照在通天主峰上,而吴通五人就是误打误撞,从那个长空裂口的阵法中掉下来的。 hōng lóng! 轰隆 Black fog fierce dashing in the crack empty gate, spreads a fierce explosion. 黑雾凶猛的冲撞在裂空阵门上,传出一阵剧烈爆炸。 Qin Feng has circled, returned to the mountain peak top. 秦枫只是绕了一圈,又回到了山峰顶上。 He does not know how Wu Tong several people enter the exceedingly high prominent peak, the behavior that but sees two people of putting up a last-ditch struggle at this time, in the heart understands clearly immediately. 他根本不知道吴通几人是如何进入通天主峰的,但此时看到二人垂死挣扎的行为,心中立刻了然。 „It is not good! If makes these black fog has lifteds exit, the entire demon even west Haizhou must degenerate into the hell.” Qin Feng had guessed correctly the Wu Tong two people of intentions, cannot bear were obloquying at heart these two are crazed. “不好!要是让这些黑雾散出去,整个魔都甚至西海洲都要沦为地狱。”秦枫已经猜到了吴通二人的意图,忍不住在心里大骂这两人丧心病狂。 Even if he is not the member in western Haizhou, is not demon demon cultivation, but he does not hope to see this disaster occurrence. 就算他不是西海洲的修士,更不是魔都的魔修,但他也不希望看到这种灾难发生。 When recovers, Qin Feng chops a blade toward crack immediately spatially, wants the Wu Tong two people finally wipes the god to know the destruction, when actually the purple glow soars to the heavens, two groups of black fog disperse immediately, is deceiving him to get rid unexpectedly intentionally. 当回过神来,秦枫立即朝裂空劈出一刀,想要将吴通二人的最后一抹神识毁灭,却当紫芒冲天,两团黑雾立即散开,竟然是在故意骗他出手。 hōng lóng lóng! 轰隆隆 A dark green ruler blade curls up the Frantic incomparable blade qi hurricane to fire into the crack to be spatial, during the collisions has the huge sound of everything may become vulnerable, on spatial presented one group of sunspots in the crack, is actually not the picture that the black fog condenses, but was a Qin Feng blade gets down to divide the collapse space the crack spatially. 苍尺一刀卷起狂暴无比的刀气飓风冲向裂空,碰撞间带起地动山摇的巨大动静,在裂空上出现了一团黑点,却不是黑雾凝聚的景象,而是秦枫一刀下去把裂空劈出了塌陷空间。 Ended, array method was being swallowed.” The Qin Feng look great change, he as if saw a giant disaster will soon arrive. “完了,阵法在被吞噬。”秦枫神色巨变,他仿佛看到了一场巨大的灾难即将到来。 Changkong (vast sky) transmits two crazy strange to smile. 长空传来两道疯狂的怪笑。 ha ha ha! You want to kill Father, Father will not make you feel better.” 哈哈哈!你想害死老子,老子也不会让你好过。” Your this crazed fellow, lets out the black fog unexpectedly, you will become the person condemned for all time in entire western Haizhou, will be spurned for ten thousand years, ha ha ha!” “你这个丧心病狂的家伙,竟然把黑雾放出去,你将成为整个西海洲的千古罪人,会被唾弃万年,哈哈哈!” Qin Feng did not have the thoughts to pay attention to two people of spoken languages, he takes out several flags to lose immediately to Changkong (vast sky), wants to repair fast a breakage gate. 秦枫已经没心思理会二人的言语,他立即取出数枚阵旗丢向长空,想要快速把破裂的阵门修复起来。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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