HS :: Volume #21

#2100: Unexpected

hōng lóng! 轰隆 The bang blasts out in the snowy area. 巨响在雪地炸开。 The avalanche that tumbles from the summit four shoot, the small snowball as if stone of blasting open generally flies to shoot, penetrated nearby several snowy mountains. 从山顶滚落的雪崩四射,炸裂的小雪球仿佛石头一般飞射出去,击穿了附近几座雪山。 The Qin Feng person is unable to work loose in the snow pit deep place, a formidable magnetic field fetters in which him, that is the location that the Ouyang day displays. 秦枫人在雪坑深处根本无法挣脱,一股强大的磁场将他束缚其中,那是欧阳天施展出来的场地。 Facing the Ouyang day, Qin Feng realized among once more both sides is similar to the gap general strength disparity, some time ago in the No. 1 demon peak fight, the Ouyang day obviously had not erupted fully, or was the red tea keeps off most offensive. 再次面对欧阳天,秦枫才意识到双方之间如同鸿沟一般的实力差距,不久前在一号魔峰脚下的战斗,欧阳天显然没有爆发全力,又或者说,是红茗挡下了绝大多数的攻势。 Ants young child, knows now old man fierce, you dare to kill my second son, I must refine the demon infant you, always can not be reincarnated.” “蝼蚁小儿,现在知道老夫的厉害了吧,你敢杀我次子,我要将你炼成魔婴,永世不得超生。” Ouyang day form hangs above snow pit, is drifting together the True Yuan great hand in his top of the head, the hand imprint started to tenesmus, the speed fast, the death aura covered the trim snow pit, could not find a slim chance of survival completely. 欧阳天的身影悬在雪坑之上,在他头顶上飘浮着一道真元巨手,手印已经开始下坠,速度飞快,死亡气息笼罩整片雪坑,完全找不到一线生机。 Qin Feng plans to hide into the star space, actually felt a light array method fluctuation in the snowy area deep place of under foot, he broke in the bottom immediately, has discovered the new gate. 秦枫都打算躲入星界空间,却在脚下的雪地深处感受到了一股淡淡的阵法波动,他立即冲入地底,发现了新的阵门。 Buzz! 嗡! Qin Feng cannot attend to this gate leading to where, has gripped. The aura in gate starts to fluctuate, when this transmission feeling is entirely different, in the Qin Feng mind painful, was transmits very remote place obviously. 秦枫也顾不上这个阵门会通往何处,一头扎了进去。阵门中的气息开始波动,这次传送时的感觉截然不同,秦枫脑海中一阵生疼,显然是传送到了十分遥远的地方去。 hōng lóng lóng! 轰隆隆 Almost meanwhile, True Yuan hand imprint of blocking the sky falls down, the snow flies upwards, feels entire Great Earth shaken swaying. 几乎同时,遮天蔽日的真元手印坠地,积雪飞扬,感觉整个大地都被震的摇晃。 The Ouyang day finds out the god knowledge immediately, in the snow pit could not feel the Qin Feng aura, he face upwards to laugh wildly: Ha Ha! Jun, the big enmity reported that your relieved going. As for bustling place dance that girl, I will make your Big Bro conquer her, red tea, I also will make him die without the burial ground sooner or later.” 欧阳天立即将神识探出,雪坑中已经感受不到秦枫的气息,他仰天狂笑:“哈哈!俊儿,大仇已报,你安心的去吧。至于红尘舞那丫头,我会让你大哥征服她,还有红茗老贼,我早晚也会让他死无葬身之地。” ...... …… Transmitted the hemiprism fragrant time in array method, Qin Feng fell to the ground finally. 足足在阵法中传送了半柱香时间,秦枫总算落地。 All around is the vast plain white snow, only then before a big mountain peak standing erect body, when sees that mountain peak, Qin Feng is excited, this is the exceedingly high prominent peak that he seeks for painstakingly. 四周是一望无际的平原白雪,只有一座高大的山峰屹立身前,当看见那座山峰时,秦枫心情无比激动,这就是他苦苦寻找的通天主峰。 Qin Feng at this time distance prominent peak is about ten li (0.5km) far, this is away from him to drive the scud awl to arrive in a minute, and Qin Feng can induce to the aura of prominent peak, this not illusory mountain peak like outside, but really stands erect there solid mountain. 秦枫此时距离主峰不过十里地远,这点距离他驾驶飞云锥片刻间就能到达,并且秦枫能够感应到主峰的气息,这绝不是像外面那样虚幻的山峰,而是实实在在屹立在那里的实山。 The scud awl dodges passes, departs ten li (0.5km) instantaneously outside. 飞云锥一闪即逝,瞬间飞出十里地外。 Actually in must descend in main Yi, Changkong (vast sky) appears suddenly a white light gate, has fed in the beforehand open area Qin Feng instantaneously. 却在就要降落主峰山上,长空突然浮现出一道白光阵门,瞬间又把秦枫传回了之前的空地。 „Is this empty mountain?” Qin Feng excited mood immediately dissipation most. “这又是一座虚山?”秦枫激动的情绪顿时消散大半。 The Little Fragrant Pig sound conveys: Master! This should be the solid mountain, but the entrance was hidden.” 小香猪声音传来:“主人!这应该是实山,但是入口被隐藏起来了。” Qin Feng attempts to rush to the mountain peak from other direction immediately, when arriving at the peak has met an appearing suddenly gate, feeds in him to goes same place, after dozens attempts, Qin Feng realized that in this stretch of snowy area hid the innumerable gate, and transmission place of gate is a place, was he just entered here that stretch of open area. 秦枫立即又尝试着从另外方向冲上山峰,还是在到达峰顶时遇到了突现的阵门,又将他传回到原地去,经过几十次的尝试后,秦枫意识到这片雪地中隐藏了数不清的阵门,并且阵门的传送地点都是一个地方,就是他刚进入这里的那片空地。 Facing the present non- matrix gate, Qin Feng has, he cannot think through to arrange these gates can think greatly? Why must spend these many energy and resources handles this insignificant matter. 面对眼下无数阵门,秦枫感到头疼,他想不通布置这些阵门的大能是怎么想的?为什么要花费这么多精力和资源做这种无意义的事情。 However at present is actually not complaint time, the Qin Feng mentality is gradually calm, he sits in the snowy area, Jingxin (tranquil mind) feels all around array method wave 不过眼下却也不是抱怨的时候,秦枫的心态渐渐平静下来,他坐在雪地中,静心感受四周的阵法 ( This chapter has not ended, please turn page) (本章未完,请翻页) Moves, tries to seek for the means of broken bureau. 动,试图寻找破局的办法。 After half double-hour. 半个时辰后。 Qin Feng throws several flags, works as a flag to float spatially, outlined several partly visible apertures, these apertures then hid in a Void gate, and several gate Qin Feng had gone a moment ago also. 秦枫丢出数枚阵旗,当阵旗浮空,勾勒出几道若隐若现的光圈,那些光圈便是隐藏在虚空的阵门,并且有好几个阵门秦枫刚才还进去过。 After seeing the result, in Qin Feng hand unceasing sways a flag, a Void gate appears the primary form, unexpectedly continuously, densely covered trim Changkong (vast sky). 见到成效后,秦枫手中不断的挥洒阵旗,虚空的阵门一个个显现原形,竟然接连不断,密布整片长空 After quite a while. 半天后。 A flag in Qin Feng Storage Ring has used up, but he marked a top of the head flake sky gate, these gate arrangements were ordered, looked to have over ten thousand fully. 秦枫储物戒里的阵旗都用光了,可他只是标记出了头顶一小片天空的阵门,那些阵门排列有序,一眼望去足有上万个之多。 If seeks according to this way, even if the flag is enough, can spend several Hundred-year to look?” Qin Feng raises head to look at the day, the heart lives a despair. “要是照这种方式寻找下去,就算阵旗足够,也要花个几百年才能找完吧?”秦枫仰头望天,心生一丝绝望。 Master! Since the beforehand some people had found the exceedingly high prominent peak, explained that indeed has to enter the prominent peak the means that but that means definitely are not the method that Master uses now.” Little Fragrant Pig said. 主人!既然之前有人找到过通天主峰,说明的确是有进入主峰的办法,而那种办法肯定不是主人现在用的方法。”小香猪说道。 Qin Feng at present one bright, as if caught some clues, he in does not throw the going forth to battle flag toward Void on, marks the good flag Changkong (vast sky) on the contrary little received. 秦枫眼前一亮,似乎抓到了些蛛丝马迹,他不在往虚空上丢出阵旗,反倒把长空标记好的阵旗一点点的收了回来。 Appears a Changkong (vast sky) gate to start disappearances, goes into hiding in the air, as if has not appeared, works as a gate to be getting fewer and fewer, in the Qin Feng eye actually bright light sparkles, he had found these gates secrets. 浮现长空的阵门又开始一个个的消失,隐匿在空气之中,仿佛从来都没有出现,当阵门越来越少,秦枫眼中却精光闪闪,他已经找到了这些阵门的秘密。 ! 唰! Also quite a while passes. 又是半天过去。 After Qin Feng takes back all flags, threw all flags instantaneously. 秦枫把所有阵旗都收回后,又瞬间将所有阵旗丢了出去。 The flag like the rain, scatters Changkong (vast sky). 阵旗如雨,散落长空 The gate once more visualization in air, but this presented the different picture, after these gates float is spatial, the fast start merge, from over ten thousand turns into several thousands, from several thousands turns into several hundreds, the final ten thousand normalizing, have formed one ray of light glow dazzling Void light. 空气里的阵门再次显形,而这回出现了不一样的画面,当那些阵门浮空后,快速的开始合并,从上万变成数千,又从数千变成数百,最终万阵归一,形成了一道光芒耀眼的虚空光阵。 Qin Feng by that only light attraction, in heart excited myriad, he knows that this gate is true transmission, and may be extremely transmits to the exceedingly high prominent peak on. 秦枫被那唯一的光阵吸引,心中激动万千,他知道这个阵门才是真正的传送阵,并且极有可能是传送到通天主峰上面。 But Qin Feng does not have sharply to clash, is sitting in the snowy area displays one to ponder Condition. 秦枫却没有急着冲进去,正坐在雪地中表现出一副沉思状态 In the gate evolution, he also had many new sensibility to array method, array method is actually same as Merit Technique Martial Skill, can evolve the promotion unceasingly, but a moment ago the Myriad Swords Return To One of picture and sword technique accomplishment of ten thousand normalizing was exactly the same. 在刚才的阵门演变中,他对阵法又有了许多新的感悟,阵法其实跟功法武技一样,可以不断演变升级,而刚才万阵归一的画面和剑技大成的万剑归一如出一辙。 After there is this comprehension, the Qin Feng train of thought opens greatly, in the mind flashes through the innumerable thoughts instantaneously. He Martial Skill Merit Technique and array method that starts to study blend, to Merit Technique Martial Skill deduces array method some mysteries through the profound understanding, this way opened a leaf of new front door gradually, making the comprehension of Qin Feng to array method reach the new altitude. 当有了这种领悟后,秦枫思绪大开,脑海中瞬间闪过无数个念头。他开始将所学的武技功法阵法融汇起来,通过对功法武技的深刻理解去推演阵法的一些奥秘,这种方式渐渐打开了一扇新的大门,让秦枫阵法的领悟达到了新的高度。 ! 唰! Has not known how long, Qin Feng lifted the hand suddenly, discards several flags. 不知过了多久,秦枫突然抬手,将数枚阵旗丢去。 Flag reappearing midair, blocks that [say / way] dazzling gate, the ray of that [say / way] gate gets down fast gloomily, finally becomes illusory, vague hanging above Changkong (vast sky). 阵旗浮现半空,将那道耀眼的阵门封锁,那道阵门的光芒快速暗淡下去,最终变得虚幻起来,若有若无的挂在长空之上。 Really is this!” “果然是这样!” The Qin Feng corners of the mouth bring back wipe the curve, when had a higher comprehension to array method, he then discovered that the present gate confuses the person similarly, if he enters that dazzling door, perhaps will directly be spread this place. 秦枫嘴角勾起一抹弧度,当对阵法有了更高的领悟时,他便发现眼前的阵门同样是迷惑人的,如果他真的进入那扇耀眼的阵门,说不定会被直接传出这个地方。 Congratulates Master! Steps into Level 8 immortal!” The Little Fragrant Pig excited sound resounds. “恭喜主人!踏入八级阵仙之列!”小香猪兴奋的声音响起。 Qin Feng awakens suddenly, originally oneself unknowingly achievement immortal, but then, hangs at this time is long 秦枫猛然惊醒,原来自己不知不觉中成就了阵仙,而这么说来,此时挂在长 ( This chapter has not ended, please turn page) (本章未完,请翻页) Spatial that [say / way] illusory gate, is one Level 8 immortal. 空的那道虚幻阵门,是一个八级仙阵。 Qin Feng does not know that Divine Venerate Continent also does have an immortal to survive now, but he can affirm that northern Sand Region, the southern Peng Chau and western Haizhou do not have an immortal. But now is actually not the celebration time, Qin Feng calms down, to leap fast flies into a Void gate. 秦枫不知道神尊大陆如今还有没有阵仙存活,但他可以肯定北沙洲、南坪洲和西海洲是没有阵仙的。但现在却不是庆祝的时候,秦枫快速冷静下来,一跃飞入虚空的阵门。 Buzz! 嗡! The fluctuation of energy in array method is very fierce, Qin Feng feels the dizziness vertigo. 阵法里的能量波动无比剧烈,秦枫感到头晕眼花。 He understood at this time that seems like, only then ten li (0.5km) far exceedingly high demon peak, originally has the hundred-thousand eight thousand li(500 km) from oneself. 他这时才明白过来,那个看似只有十里地远的通天魔峰,原来距离自己十万八千里。 Is good because of the final success passed through transmission, when the both feet found the landing feeling, Qin Feng discovered that he is standing on a peak. 好在最终成功的穿越了传送阵,当双脚重新找到着陆感,秦枫发现他正站在一处峰顶上。 This peak does not have the snow, but is a green spooky picture, Qin Feng sweeps off at will, the look in great surprise, in the entire summit platform has been covered with Level 5 Level 6 Spirit Grass, Spirit Grass of this rank looks like the weed equally is simply luxuriant many, but in also many Level 7 Level 8 Spirit Plant, even occasionally can see several Level 9 Spirit Grass. 这处峰顶并没有积雪,而是一片绿幽幽的景象,秦枫随意扫去,神色大惊,整个山顶平台上长满了五级六级灵草,这种级别的灵草简直就像是杂草一样茂盛繁多,而在其中还有不少七级八级灵株,甚至偶尔能看到几颗九级灵草 Spirit Grass is extraordinary regarding a Pill Master significance, after Qin Feng has gotten back one's composure, immediately received that several Level 8 and Level 9 Spirit Grass Storage Ring, he was even disinclined to manage as for Spirit Grass of Level 7 following rank, if took away really completely, has not known that must receive year of Monkey Ma Yue. 灵草对于一位丹师的意义非凡,秦枫回过神后,立即将那几株八级九级灵草收入储物戒中,至于七级甚至以下级别的灵草他都懒得去管了,要是真的全部收走的话,还不知道要收到猴年马月 Compared with Spirit Grass of Manshan, Qin Feng cares about the mountain peak underground immortal lineage/vein actually, even if not the immortal lineage/vein, that also absolutely giant best quality goods spirit lineage/vein as spirit source support, otherwise is spiritual qi on No. 1 demon peak possibly so rich? 比起满山的灵草,其实秦枫更关心山峰地下的仙脉,就算不是仙脉,那也绝对有一条巨大的极品灵脉作为灵源支撑,否则一号魔峰上的灵气怎么可能如此浓郁? Qin Feng must fly immediately toward the mountain peak , the line of sight was actually feared by the picture of top of the head, he discovered that on is not the sky, but is dusky materials, has opening together to open on the demon peak, there is a light beam to shine from the opening. 秦枫立即就要朝山峰下飞去,视线却被头顶的景象惊住,他发现头上并不是天空,而是一片灰蒙蒙的物质,有一道裂口开在魔峰顶上,有光柱从裂口照射下来。 What's all this about?” Qin Feng raises head to wait and see the magnificent picture to mutter. “这是怎么回事?”秦枫仰头观望着壮观景象喃喃自语。 Master! Originally No. 1 demon peak under place.” Little Fragrant Pig startled [say / way]. 主人!原来一号魔峰就在地底下。”小香猪惊道。 Qin Feng is suddenly enlighted, looks again toward the top of the head, the opening that splits obviously is the sky, but No. 1 demon peak that he stands at this time, unexpectedly under the places of demon 308 mountain peaks. 秦枫恍然大悟,重新朝头顶望去,那裂开的口子明明就是天空,而他此时站立的一号魔峰,竟然在魔都308座山峰的地底下。 This discovery stems from Qin Feng to anticipate completely that he has guessed the demon bottom is hiding the immortal lineage/vein or the spirit lineage/vein group, what the result under hides is the No. 1 demon peak...... Then the issue came, how does this kind of mountain peak provide the spirit source? 这个发现完全出乎秦枫意料,他一直猜测魔都地底藏着仙脉或者灵脉群,结果地底下藏的是一号魔峰……那么问题就来了,这样一座山峰是如何提供灵源的? Qin Feng wants to break the head not to think clearly, under he makes a pilgrimage to a famous mountain temple to fly simply, believes that mountain Di, answer Natural will have made known. 秦枫想破脑袋也想不明白,他索性朝山下飞去,相信到了山底,答案自然就会揭晓。 This No. 1 demon peak the Qin Feng imagination high were too more, under extremely fast Condition of scud awl, dropped several double-hour to arrive in Dashande. mountain Di is the spacious incomparable plain, the ground is covered with Spirit Grass, several Heaven and Earth Yi Fire are flying. 这座一号魔峰比秦枫想象的高了太多,在飞云锥的极速状态下,足足下降了数个时辰才抵达山底。山底则是空旷无比的平原,地面长满灵草,还有几朵天地异火在飞动。 Qin Feng when the mystical place river course of purple light mountain range, has seen many Heaven and Earth Yi Fire float levels of the lake pictures, therefore he sees Fire Seed on plain lawn at this moment, has not been wild with joy or pursued directly. 秦枫在紫霞山脉的秘境河道上,也见过许多天地异火漂浮湖面的景象,所以他此刻看到平原草地上的火种时,并没有欣喜若狂或者直接去追。 Because these Heaven and Earth Yi Fire are pure wild Fire Seed, speed fast, if no excellent terrain condition, do not want to catch them. 因为这些天地异火都是纯野生的火种,速度飞快,要是没有绝佳的地形条件,根本别想抓到他们。 Master! There has a cave entrance.” Little Fragrant Pig shouts suddenly. 主人!那里有个洞口。”小香猪突然喊道。 Qin Feng has also discovered at the foot of the hill portal, after his god knowledge has swept the trim foot, discovers under the mountain also only then that cave entrance can enter the mountain peak. 秦枫也已经发现了山脚下的洞门,并且当他神识扫过整片山脚附近后,发现山底下也只有那一个洞口能够进入山峰内部。 Has not actually waited for Qin Feng to go , a strange sound transmitted orally from the hole, saw one group of black fog to reappear, having the hell death aura to flutter near. 却还没等秦枫进去,一阵奇怪的声音从洞口传了出来,跟着就见一团黑雾浮现,带着地狱般的死亡气息飘近。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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