HTMS :: Volume #94

#9371: Five lines of chaotic deaths!

Hehe, was similar!” “嘿嘿,差不多了!” Ling Xiao scratched the blood of corners of the mouth. 凌霄擦了擦嘴角的鲜血。 Finally this time, he actually can definitely avoid. 最后这一次,他其实完全可以躲开的。 Escaping spatial cooling had finished. 遁空冷却早就完毕了。 But he does not have. 但他没有。 Because the time quick was not enough. 因为时间快不够了。 He needs to set at the deathtrap then to live by himself. 他需要让自己置之死地而后生。 He succeeded! 他成功了! Landing flickers. 落地的一瞬。 The Heavenly Dao domain was promoted! 天道领域晋级了! Ten levels cross the threshold! 十级入门! Promotes from nine levels of domains to ten levels of domains. 从九级领域晋升到十级领域。 This is a nature must leap. 这是一个质得飞跃。 Ling Xiao looked to five lines of chaotic, revealed wiped the happy expression. 凌霄看向了五行乱,露出了一抹笑意。 Then, you damn!” “接下来,你该死了!” Although was only left over for one minute, had more than enough to spare. 虽然只剩下一分钟了,不过绰绰有余。 12 dragon spear/gun, kills!” “十二龙枪,杀!” Ten levels of Heavenly Dao domain eruptions! 十级天道领域爆发! A Ling Xiao spear pierces leaves. 凌霄一枪刺出。 Snort, carves the insect small technique, dies to me!” “哼,雕虫小技,给我死!” Five lines have not cared randomly at first. 五行乱起初并未在意。 Still was a blade cuts. 仍然是一刀斩出。 Because his advantage is very big, most uncomfortable is Ling Xiao hides. 因为他优势很大,最不爽的就是凌霄躲躲藏藏。 The upfront fight, he does not fear. 正面战斗,他是一点都不怕的。 But in contact that flickers. 可就在接触的那一瞬。 He discovered that oneself was wrong. 他发现自己错了。 The might that this strikes was too strong. 这一击的威力太强了。 Did not know many compared with before. 比之前不知道强了多少。 Under strikes, two people retrocede unexpectedly simultaneously over a hundred meters away. 一击之下,两人竟然同时后退上百米远。 Ling Xiao from the complete disadvantage, transformed well-matched. 凌霄从完全劣势,转变成了旗鼓相当。 Merely because of domain rank promotion. 仅仅是因为领域等级晋升而已。 This is impossible!” “这不可能!” Five lines chaotic dumbfounded. 五行乱目瞪口呆。 He is simply unacceptable. 他简直不能接受。 Ling Xiao broke through during with his fight unexpectedly. 凌霄在与他的战斗之中竟然突破了。 Really must damn. 真得是该死啊。 How can like this. 怎么会这样。 You are very indeed strong, but stopped! „ “你的确很强,不过到此为止了!“ Ling Xiao contemptuous smiling. 凌霄轻蔑的笑了笑。 At this moment, five lines raised the head randomly suddenly. 这一刻,五行乱猛然抬头。 Because he felt anything. 因为他感觉到了什么。 In the sky, an empty shadow of temple appears. 天空之中,一座神殿的虚影浮现。 The terrifying strength is condensing unceasingly. 恐怖的力量在不断凝聚。 Heavenly Dao judgement, most likely (80%) might!” “天道裁决,八成威力!” Ling Xiao uses 12 dragon spear/gun to coordinate 36 Emperor Armament, the might to endure compared with the Heavenly Dao judgement of 60% might. 凌霄使用十二龙枪配合三十六件帝兵,威力堪比60%威力的天道裁决。 Therefore, wants to beat the opposite party, must make the Heavenly Dao judgement stronger. 所以,想要击败对方,就得让天道裁决变得更强。 What! 什么! Five lines act unreasonably to think much. 五行乱来不及多想。 Cuts a blade full power, attempts to resist this to strike the strength of Heavenly Dao judgement. 全力斩出一刀,企图抵挡这一击天道裁决的力量。 He wants to hide actually. 他倒是想躲。 But Ling Xiao the eye of imprisonment has displayed. 凌霄的禁锢之眼已经施展出来。 Is delaying of moment, could not have shunted. 就是片刻的耽搁,已经躲不开了。 Only can resist. 只能抵挡。 Bang! 轰隆! The Heavenly Dao judgement bang of most likely (80%) might on five lines of chaotic bodies. 八成威力的天道裁决轰在了五行乱的身上。 Five lines bleed profusely from the head randomly. 五行乱七窍流血。 In an extremely difficult situation. 狼狈不堪。 However, blocked finally. 不过,总算是挡住了。 This fellow also indeed is strong. 这家伙也的确是强。 Hahahaha, Ling Xiao you cannot kill me, this was you strongest attacks. “哈哈哈哈,凌霄你杀不死我,这就是你最强的攻击了吧。 Your woman is dying immediately. 你的女人马上就要死了。 Then, so long as I support, you were finished! ” 接下来,只要我撑住,你就完蛋了!” Five lines laughed randomly. 五行乱大笑了起来。 He does not say that now killed the Ling Xiao words. 他现在已经不说杀死凌霄的话了。 Because he did not have that confidence. 因为他没那个信心了。 Now he must do supports. 他现在要做的就是撑住。 Blocks. 就是挡住。 Withstands. 就是顶住。 Blood sword!” “血剑!” Ling Xiao rubbish, raises the hand directly. 凌霄没有废话,直接将手一扬。 A blood sword appeared before five lines of chaotic bodies suddenly. 一把血剑骤然出现在了五行乱的身前。 What! 什么! Five lines revealed the shock incomparable vision randomly. 五行乱露出了震惊无比的目光。 At this time was unable to resist. 此时已经无法抵挡了。 This blood sword appears extremely suddenly. 这血剑出现太过突然。 Also was too quick. 也太快了。 Scoff! 嗤! The mid-graded Emperor Armament armor was pierced by a sword unexpectedly. 中品帝兵铠甲居然被一剑洞穿。 Blood sword five lines of chaotic body penetrations. 血剑将五行乱的身体穿透。 Blood splattering. 鲜血喷溅。 The scene is startled to explode! 场面惊爆! The Ling Xiao blood sword, is the real Saint soldier. 凌霄的血剑,可是货真价实的圣兵。 Although Ling Xiao is unable to play the air vent might. 虽然凌霄无法发挥出气威力。 But displays by the governing sword technique, unexpected launching attacks. 但以御剑术施展,出其不意的发动攻击。 Can cause very big damage. 还是能造成非常大的伤害的。 Hateful! Do not want to kill me!” “可恨!你别想杀我!” Five lines frighten the complexion big change randomly. 五行乱吓得脸色大变。 Almost, was almost pierced the strategic point. 差一点,差一点就被刺穿了要害。 However although he at this time the severe wound, has not actually died as before. 不过他此时虽然重伤,却依旧没有死。 Ha, but also was left over for ten seconds, finally the death, can be you, rather than I!” “哈哈哈,还剩下十秒钟了,最后死的,会是你,而不是我!” Five lines laughed wildly randomly. 五行乱狂笑了起来。 He so angrily roars, is not only because frightened, because he himself also hopes so. 他这般怒吼,不仅仅是因为恐惧,更因为他自己也希望如此。 He does not want to see Ling Xiao to have other attack method again. 他不想再看到凌霄有别的攻击方式了。 Otherwise, he really must end. 否则,他真得就完了。 Pitifully, what did you look at the top of the head are?” “可惜了,你看头顶是什么?” Ling Xiao shows a faint smile to say. 凌霄微微一笑道。 What! 什么! The more terrifying Heavenly Dao adjudicated. 更恐怖的天道裁决来了。 Ten tenths might! 十成威力! Complete body Heavenly Dao judgement. 完全体天道裁决。 The Heavenly Dao judgement only cultivates the complete boundary at present. 天道裁决目前只修炼到圆满境界。 Although the might is limited. 虽然威力有限。 But ten tenths might, kills five lines of chaotic, was enough. 可十成威力,杀死五行乱,足够了。 Let alone is injured five lines of chaotic. 更何况是受伤的五行乱。 Damn, I have not been able dead, I must break through to come obviously!” “该死,我还不能死啊,我明明就要突破而来!” These days, five lines randomly continuously by Ling Xiao suppression attack. 这段时间,五行乱一直被凌霄压制攻击。 He can feel, he has been in the unusual feeling. 他能感觉到,他已经处在了奇特的感觉之中。 As if the strength of the world must derive. 似乎世界之力要衍生出来了。 He must break through the high-grade Great Emperor boundary. 他要突破道上品大帝的境界了。 I cannot die, so long as does not die, I can promote, cannot die!” “我不能死,只要不死,我就能晋升了,绝不能死!” Five lines clench teeth randomly. 五行乱咬了咬牙。 Used to erupt the complete attack full power. 倾尽全力爆发出了全部的攻击。 Attempts to block this to strike. 企图挡住这一击。 So long as blocks this to strike, he was saved. 只要挡住这一击,他就得救了。 The iron buddha can definitely complete the fight. 铁浮图肯定能完成战斗。 You cannot kill my, cannot kill!” “你杀不死我的,杀不死!” He puts together completely the whole body strength, offered a sacrifice to all treasures. 他拼尽全身力气,将所有的宝物都祭出来了。 Even if were damaged, he does not care. 哪怕是被损毁,他也不在乎。 He now, only needs to live on the line. 他现在,只需要活下来就行。 Lives, he can make the breakthrough. 活下来,他就可以取得突破。 When the time comes, is the Ling Xiao time of death. 到时候,就是凌霄的死期。 Bang ka! 轰咔! God thunder Tianjiang, the Heavenly Dao judgement of ten tenths might rumbled finally. 神雷天降,十成威力的天道裁决终于轰了下来。 Bang above five lines of chaotic complete defenses. 轰在了五行乱的全部防御之上。 Defense lines were routed. 一道道防线被击溃。 Then rumbled above the ground. 而后轰在了地面之上。 The ground was rumbled broken. 地面被轰碎。 Deeply caves. 深深塌陷下去。 All are destroying. 一切都在毁灭。 Stopped that moment. 停止的那一刻。 Five lines poured in the pool of blood randomly. 五行乱倒在了血泊之中。 However he smiled. 但是他笑了。 Although he is motionless. 虽然他一动不动。 But he lived. 但他活了下来。 He has not died! 他没有死! But another side, an iron buddha palm bang flew the snow lotus, killed. 而另外一边,铁浮图一掌轰飞了雪莲,杀了过来。 Ha! ! Hahahaha! Ling Xiao, you were defeated, you were defeated!” “哈!噗!哈哈哈哈!凌霄,你失败了,你失败了!” Five lines are laughing randomly. 五行乱大笑着。 Although the mouth spits blood unceasingly. 虽然嘴里不断吐血。 But without dying has not died. 但没有死就是没有死。 By his half Great Emperor cultivation base, such injury can also restore quickly. 以他半步大帝修为,这样的伤势也很快就能恢复。 „Were you very happy? Really must be ignorant.” “你很高兴?真得是无知啊。” Ling Xiao shakes the head. 凌霄摇了摇头。 Two huge forms blocked the way of iron buddha suddenly. 两道巨大的身影突然拦住了铁浮图的去路。 Destruction Black Dragon and white bones madame. 毁灭黑龙与白骨夫人。 They possibly cannot block the iron buddha many time. 他们可能挡不住铁浮图多场时间。 But does not require the too much time. 但也不需要太多的时间。 One second then. 一秒钟即可。 Ling Xiao revealed wiped the happy expression. 凌霄露出了一抹笑意。 Before arriving at five lines of chaotic bodies . 来到了五行乱的身前。 „ Should you break through? What a pity , without the time to restore. “你应该已经突破了吧?可惜,没时间恢复了。 The little darlings die! 乖乖去死吧! Swallows! ” 吞噬!” Ling Xiao released to swallow ancestral dragon. 凌霄释放出了吞噬祖龙 At that moment, five lines of uncombed hair had/left the unwilling pitiful yell sound. 那一刻,五行乱发出了不甘的惨叫声。 Why, why. 为什么,为什么啊。 He is very willing. 他好不甘心。 He has broken through. 他已经突破了。 Is high-grade Great Emperor. 已经是上品大帝了。 But, at this moment, he is actually dying. 可是,这一刻,他却要死了。 Because his injury was too serious. 因为他伤势太重了。 No-!” “不-!” This is five lines leaves in world later sound randomly. 这是五行乱留给世间之后的声音。 Five lines were chaotic. 五行乱死了。 Ling Xiao broke through. 凌霄突破了。 From Ninth Layer/nine layers complete Quasi-Emperor, promoted the peak Quasi-Emperor 10% durations and degrees of cooking instantaneously. 瞬间从九重圆满准帝,晋升到了巅峰准帝10%火候。 The strength of the world really makes up greatly. 世界之力真得是大补啊。 Not only lets his cultivation base breakthrough, made the Heavenly Dao domain rise suddenly instantaneously ten levels of peaks. 不仅让他的修为突破,也让天道领域瞬间暴涨到了十级巅峰。 The world principle integrated in the domain principle. 世界法则融入到了领域法则之中。 Good thing that not ginseng makes up absolutely greatly. 绝对是不人参更大补的好东西。 Ling Xiao then looked that to also with the iron buddha that Destruction Black Dragon and white bones madame fought, revealed wiped the happy expression: Also does the plan continue? Continued words, I accompany! At the worst kills two people again!” 凌霄回头看向了还在与毁灭黑龙、白骨夫人战斗的铁浮图,露出了一抹笑意:“还打算继续吗?继续的话,我来奉陪!大不了再多杀两个人而已!”
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