HTMS :: Volume #92

#9160: Beginning of the universe bead

Naturally, at least sea Sheng thinks like this. 当然,最起码海晟是这样认为的。 Thinks as for him is right, the reality will give on him a class. 至于他想的对不对,现实会给他上一堂课的。 Ling Xiao contemptuously looked at sea Sheng one eyes. 凌霄轻蔑地看了海晟一眼。 Also really some people dare unexpectedly, when he crosses the tribulation acts. 竟然还真的有人敢在他渡劫的时候出手。 Just, what a pity intended to be a little premature. 只不过,可惜出手有点过早了。 First Fourth Layer Heavenly Tribulation, has not constituted any injury to him. 四重天劫,根本就没有对他构成任何伤害。 The opposite party must kill him, is no different daydreams. 对方要杀他,无异于白日做梦。 Came, do not want to walk!” “来了,就别想走了!” The Ling Xiao corners of the mouth bring back wipe the happy expression. 凌霄嘴角勾起一抹笑意。 Waits for sea Sheng to come there. 就在那里等着海晟过来。 The distance of kilometer, sea Sheng arrived instantaneously. 千米的距离,海晟瞬间就到了。 Pounded toward the back of the head of Ling Xiao on directly. 直接朝着凌霄的后脑勺上砸了过去。 Ling Xiao shows a faint smile, figure twinkle. 凌霄微微一笑,身形闪烁。 sea Sheng's attack fell in the ground. 海晟的攻击落在了地面上。 Does not have hit Ling Xiao. 却没有命中凌霄 Ling Xiao smiled saying with a smile: sea Sheng, you run away with great difficulty, brings death unexpectedly, really must be pitiful.” 凌霄笑了笑道:“海晟,你好不容易逃走,竟然又来送死,真得是可悲啊。” „Haven't you been injured?” “你没受伤?” sea Sheng knits the brows. 海晟皱了皱眉。 That Fourth Layer Heavenly Tribulation might big, he looks is very clear. 四重天劫的威力有多大,他可是看的很清楚。 However, Ling Xiao has not been injured unexpectedly. 然而没想到,凌霄竟然没有受伤。 He wants to leave thunder tribulation the range. 他想要离开雷劫的范围。 Because he discovered that plundering cloud in sky still has not disappeared. 因为他发现天空中的劫云依然没有消失。 Came, but also walks anything, accompanies my crossing from mainland to an island tribulation!” “来了,还走什么,陪我一起渡劫吧!” Ling Xiao keeps off on road that instantaneously, in sea Sheng left, rumbled sea Sheng. 凌霄瞬间挡在了海晟离开的路上,将海晟轰了回去。 At this time, the heaven seemed like the violent anger. 此时,苍天似乎暴怒了。 Fifth heavy Heavenly Tribulation comes extremely quickly. 第五重天劫来得极快。 Five heavy Heavenly Tribulation, integrated the gold/metal element. 五重天劫,又融入了金元素。 Might even better. 威力更胜一筹。 Changed to five colors Heavenly Tribulation. 化作了五色天劫 Big of might, incomparably shocks. 威力之大,无比震撼。 Scratches!” “擦!” Sees this, sea Sheng depressed. 看到这一幕,海晟郁闷不已。 Five heavy Heavenly Tribulation come imagination is much quicker. 五重天劫来的比想象中的快得多啊。 Fermented for enough a half hour Third Layer to Fourth Layer. 三重四重酝酿了足足半个小时。 But Fourth Layer to five heavy, ten minutes. 四重到五重,也就十来分钟吧。 It seems like dark green was naive is the anger. 看来苍天真得是怒了。 Ling Xiao stopped the attack to sea Sheng, crosses the tribulation with single-hearted devotion. 凌霄停止了对海晟的攻击,专心渡劫。 At this time, the five colors heavenly thunder has rumbled. 此时,五色天雷已经轰了下来。 sea Sheng uses resists full power. 海晟倾尽全力抵挡。 But was pounded to turn directly in the place, the whole body burned black piece. 但还是被直接砸翻在地,浑身焦黑一片。 Almost gave the direct bang to kill. 差点就给直接轰杀了。 At this time these martial artist understand enough comes, Ling Xiao Heavenly Tribulation might terrifying. 此时那些武者才明白够来,凌霄天劫威力有多恐怖。 Before they also thought nine levels of Heavenly Tribulation might probably might as well first-level Heavenly Tribulation. 之前他们还以为九级天劫的威力好像还不如一级天劫呢。 Originally is only the misconception. 原来只是错觉。 But sea Sheng First Layer Quasi-Emperor. 海晟可是一重准帝啊。 Unexpectedly was almost killed by a Heavenly Tribulation bang. 居然被天劫差点一下轰杀。 How following does Heavenly Tribulation also resist? 后面的天劫还怎么抵挡? Beginning of the universe bead , helping me!” “混元珠,帮我!” sea Sheng shouts one panic-stricken, a bead departed his storage ring, appeared in his top of the head. 海晟惊恐地大喊一声,一颗珠子飞出了他的储物戒,出现在了他的头顶。 Formed a circular against rain shade. 形成了一个圆形的防雨罩。 Blocks the five colors heavenly thunder that dropped unceasingly for him. 替他挡住了不断落下的五色天雷。 „The beginning of the universe bead is Quasi-Emperor spirit treasure, moreover it is estimated that at least is mid-graded, then unexpectedly the divine tool, can block including five ninth day of the ninth lunar month level Heavenly Tribulation.” “那混元珠是准帝灵宝吧,而且估计最起码是中品,竟然那么神器,连五重九级天劫都挡得住。” Surrounding martial artist, envies. 周围的武者,羡慕不已。 Generally martial artist crosses the tribulation, will prepare spirit treasure that crosses the tribulation to use. 一般武者渡劫,都会准备渡劫用的灵宝 sea Sheng is naturally no exception. 海晟自然也不例外。 However the effect of beginning of the universe bead may too be powerful more than others' spirit treasure. 不过混元珠的效果可比别人的灵宝强大太多了。 Most half Quasi-Emperor cross spirit treasure that the tribulation uses is only low-grade Quasi-Emperor spirit treasure. 大部分半步准帝渡劫用的灵宝都只是下品准帝灵宝而已。 Even is only nine levels of spirit treasure. 甚至只是九级灵宝 Fully cannot be the Quasi-Emperor spirit treasure degree. 完全达不到准帝灵宝的程度。 Had the asylum of beginning of the universe bead, sea Sheng clenches teeth, planned that gets rid of Ling Xiao while this opportunity. 有了混元珠的庇护,海晟咬了咬牙,打算趁此机会干掉凌霄 These five heavy thunder tribulation could not kill by explosion him in any case. 反正这五重雷劫也轰不死他。 The next quarter, his sword punctures. 下一刻,他一剑刺出。 However the sword has not only arrived at side Ling Xiao, had been given the bang to be broken by the five colors heavenly thunder. 然而剑光还未到凌霄身边,就已经被五色天雷给轰碎了。 sea Sheng depressed. 海晟郁闷不已。 Such attack is not good. 这样的攻击根本不行。 Must result in body to be good. 必须得近身才行。 Near body, can cut to kill Ling Xiao. 只有近身,才能斩杀凌霄 However he close to Ling Xiao. 然而他靠近凌霄 Ling Xiao actually chooses to avoid immediately. 凌霄却立即选择避开。 Deals with the attack of Heavenly Tribulation with single-hearted devotion. 专心应付天劫的来袭。 Although five heavy Heavenly Tribulation compared with Fourth Layer. 五重天劫虽然比四重强了许多。 But by the Ling Xiao strength, dealing is quite easy. 但以凌霄的实力,应对起来还是比较容易的。 After all after each Heavenly Tribulation, his ancestral dragon true body can condense, the mortal body will be more powerful. 毕竟每一次天劫之后,他的祖龙真身就能凝聚一些,肉身就会强大一些。 The strength will also be increased. 实力也会提升。 Damn, this is five ninth day of the ninth lunar month level Heavenly Tribulation, this fellow does not use any spirit treasure, can deal with ease?” “该死,这可是五重九级天劫啊,这家伙不用任何灵宝,就能轻松应付?” sea Sheng air/Qi unbearably. 海晟气得够呛。 He wants to kill Ling Xiao, is completely because thought that Ling Xiao must certainly resist Heavenly Tribulation full power, like this he had the opportunity to kill Ling Xiao. 他想杀凌霄,完全是因为觉得凌霄肯定要全力抵挡天劫,这样他就有机会杀死凌霄了。 But who knows, facing five heavy Heavenly Tribulation, Ling Xiao performance unexpectedly that relaxed. 但谁知道,面对五重天劫,凌霄表现竟然是那么的轻松。 Somewhat is really awkward. 真有些尴尬。 Hateful, cannot waste the time, must result in leaves with a sense of urgency.” “可恶,不能浪费时间了,必须得抓紧离开了。” Cannot catch up with Ling Xiao, sea Sheng plans to leave. 追不上凌霄,海晟就打算离开。 His beginning of the universe bead can block five heavy Heavenly Tribulation, but if also has Sixth Layer Heavenly Tribulation, he troubled. 他的混元珠能挡住五重天劫,但若是还有六重天劫,他就麻烦了。 Therefore, he plans to wait again. 所以,他打算再等等。 He does not believe that Ling Xiao will not be injured. 他就不信,凌霄不会受伤。 Hehe, which you go.” “呵呵,你去哪儿啊。” However when he must leave, Ling Xiao blocked him once again. 然而就在他要离开的时候,凌霄又一次拦住了他。 Go away!” “滚开!” sea Sheng violent anger, erupts the strongest attack, attempts the bang to draw back Ling Xiao. 海晟暴怒,爆发出最强攻击,企图轰退凌霄 Pitifully only the Heavenly Tribulation direct bang falls at this time together, blocked in his way. 只可惜此时一道天劫直接轰落下来,拦在了他的去路上。 sea Sheng depressed. 海晟郁闷不已。 Almost, his arm did not have. 差一点,他的胳膊就没了。 After all must attack Ling Xiao, his arm must stretch out beyond the protection. 毕竟要攻击凌霄,他手臂就得伸出保护之外。 In the meantime, Heavenly Tribulation stopped suddenly. 就在此时,天劫突然停了下来。 sea Sheng delivered the tone. 海晟送了口气。 Five heavy Heavenly Tribulation, should be last, Ling Xiao is impossible to initiate Sixth Layer Heavenly Tribulation. 五重天劫,应该是最后一道了吧,凌霄根本不可能引发六重天劫吧。 Make secretly happy. 让正暗自高兴。 Because crossed the tribulation to finish, Ling Xiao affirmed thinks the means consolidated strength. 因为渡劫完毕,凌霄肯定得想办法巩固实力。 He had the opportunity. 他就有机会了。 However the next quarter, his complexion changes again. 然而下一刻,他脸色再次大变。 Your younger sister, how!” “你妹啊,怎么还有啊!” The tribulation cloud in sky has no meaning of divergence, instead became compares was more terrifying before. 天空中的劫云没有任何散去的意思,反而变得比之前更加恐怖。 Is impossible! How to have Sixth Layer Heavenly Tribulation, damn!” “不可能!怎么会有六重天劫,该死!” sea Sheng frightened the urine, ran away crazily. 海晟吓尿了,疯狂地逃窜。 However, already late. 然而,已经晚了。 The time-gap that Sixth Layer Heavenly Tribulation arrives at only has one minute. 六重天劫降临的时间间隔只有一分钟。 But the might big were too more than fifth intensity of gravity. 但威力却比第五重强大了太多。 Because in this First Layer Heavenly Tribulation, contained an element- wooden! 因为这一重天劫之中,又蕴含了一种元素-木! The wooden element, can make the loss of Heavenly Tribulation minimize. 木元素,可以让天劫的损耗降到最低。 Generally Heavenly Tribulation falls from the upper air, how must lose 20-30% might. 一般天劫从高空落下,怎么着也得损失20-30%的威力。 But had the wooden element, cannot. 但有了木元素,就不会了。 Moreover, even if resists by spirit treasure, cannot weaken the Heavenly Tribulation might. 不仅如此,即便以灵宝抵挡,也削弱不了天劫的威力。 This time, is six color Heavenly Tribulation. 这一次,是六色天劫 sea Sheng frightens looks like the mouse to see the cat to be the same, runs away crazily. 海晟吓得就像是耗子见到猫一样,疯狂逃窜。 He really must to cry. 他真得是要哭了。 The regret entered this range. 后悔进入这个范围了。 Before felt one kilometer distance is not anything. 之前觉得一千米的距离不算什么。 But now, one kilometer distance looks like a nightmare. 但现在,一千米的距离就像是一场噩梦。 Bang! 轰! Six color Heavenly Tribulation pound to approach together directly. 一道六色天劫直接砸向。 The ray of beginning of the universe bead instantaneous was dim. 混元珠的光芒瞬间黯淡了许多。 sea Sheng does not dare to walk. 海晟不敢走了。 He sits cross-legged to sit simply, pours into own true yuan beginning of the universe bead crazily, attempts to shoulder this Heavenly Tribulation time. 他干脆盘膝而坐,将自己的真元疯狂注入混元珠之中,企图扛过这一次的天劫 Six color Heavenly Tribulation continued some time. 六色天劫持续了一段时间。 Complete landing. 全部降落。 But sea Sheng's true yuan also almost consumed up. 但海晟的真元也差不多消耗光了。 His beginning of the universe bead is gloomy, almost cannot have what puppy. 他的混元珠黯淡无光,几乎起不到什么小狗了。 He does not even dare to gobble up the compounded drug, because he must make the best use of the time to leave. 他甚至不敢去吞吃丹药,因为他要抓紧时间离开。 But, this time, he really must cry. 但,这一次,他真得哭了。 Because Sixth Layer Heavenly Tribulation finished flickers, sevenfold Heavenly Tribulation accordingly. 因为第六重天劫结束的一瞬,第七重天劫就应声而来。 Áng ~ ~! 昂~~! A dragon recited resounds! 一声龙吟响起! Void, unexpectedly Thunder Dragon flew directly. 虚空之中,竟然有一条雷龙直接飞了下来。 The speed terrifying is incomparable. 速度恐怖无比。 Arrived at sea Sheng's top of the head instantaneously. 瞬间就到了海晟的头顶。 Damn damn damn!” “该死该死该死!” sea Sheng was insane. 海晟要疯了。 Had heard early sevenfold Heavenly Tribulation can melt the shape. 早听说过七重天劫就可以化形。 But has not seen. 但从来没见过啊。
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