HTMS :: Volume #92

#9159: Crosses the tribulation to want me to assign/life while me?

Heavenly Tribulation, formally starts. 天劫,正式开始。 This is First Layer Heavenly Tribulation. 这是第一重天劫 But this might, is more terrifying than final First Layer Heavenly Tribulation of others. 可这威力,比其他人的最后一重天劫还要恐怖。 Many people are flabbergasted secretly. 许多人都暗暗咂舌。 Does not know that Ling Xiao can shoulder several times. 不知道凌霄能扛得住几次。 Hopes that he was rumbled to kill one time!” “希望他一次就被轰杀!” sea Sheng coldly said. 海晟冷冷道。 As the matter stands, he did not use the adventure. 这样一来,他就不用冒险了。 Ling Xiao stands there, raised the head to look up to the sky. 凌霄站在那里,抬头仰望天空。 This is fight between he and heaven. 这是他与苍天之间的战斗。 Startling thunderclap instantaneous bang on his body. 惊雷瞬间轰在了他的身上。 He has not handled anything. 他没有做任何事情。 This is the experiment. 这是试验。 If First Layer Heavenly Tribulation cannot block with ease, then following Heavenly Tribulation, he died. 如果连第一重天劫都不能轻松挡住,那么后面的天劫,他就死定了。 Heavenly Tribulation bang on his body. 天劫轰在了他的身上。 Transmitted an intermittent numb feeling. 传来了一阵阵酥麻的感觉。 However, has not become any injury to other party. 不过,没有对他造成任何伤害。 Not enough, this is not good.” “不够不够,这样根本不行。” Ling Xiao understands now finally own mortal body is abnormal. 凌霄现在终于明白了自己的肉身有多么变态。 Such nine levels of Heavenly Tribulation, although is only First Layer, may be unable to become any injury to other party unexpectedly. 这样的九级天劫,虽然只是第一重,可竟然无法对他造成任何伤害。 Bang! 轰隆! The heaven seemed to be angry! 苍天仿佛愤怒了! Under more terrifying startling thunderclap bang. 更恐怖的惊雷一道道轰下。 Ling Xiao is actually despising of face, with the aid of the strength of this thunder and lightning, cultivates the ancestral dragon true body. 凌霄却是一脸的鄙视,借助这雷电之力,修炼祖龙真身。 Bang! Bang! Bang!...... 轰!轰!轰!...... First Layer Heavenly Tribulation, there are 9980 startling thunderclap. 一重天劫,有九九八十道惊雷。 Moreover compares together is together more terrorist. 而且一道比一道更为恐怖。 The innumerable startling thunderclap, almost package Ling Xiao completely. 无数的惊雷,几乎将凌霄完全包裹。 Submerges completely. 完全淹没。 People could not have seen the Ling Xiao form. 人们已经看不到凌霄的身影了。 Death, death!” “死吧,死吧!” sea Sheng mumbled. 海晟念念有词。 Also insufficiently, insufficiently!” “还不够,不够!” Ling Xiao is not quite crisp. 凌霄却是不太爽。 Although this First Layer Heavenly Tribulation compares together is together stronger, but many. 这第一重天劫虽然一道比一道更强,但强不了多少。 Therefore takes to his impulse to be insufficient, but also is unable to make his ancestral dragon true body condense successfully. 所以带给他的冲击力不够,还无法让他的祖龙真身凝聚成功。 He has not stimulated to movement true yuan now. 他现在连真元都未催动。 Contends by the mortal body merely. 仅仅只是以肉身抗衡。 Hurried to finish, I needed Second Layer Heavenly Tribulation!” “赶紧结束吧,我需要二重天劫!” Ling Xiao impatient say/way. 凌霄不耐烦道。 Finally, after about one minute. 终于,在大约一分钟之后。 81 startling thunderclap all fall. 八十一道惊雷全部落下。 Heavenly Tribulation stopped temporarily. 天劫暂时停了下来。 Regarding general martial artist, at this time, Heavenly Tribulation contacted even. 对于一般的武者而言,这个时候,天劫就算是接触了。 Because of most Quasi-Emperor, after First Layer Heavenly Tribulation, can promote Quasi-Emperor. 因为大多数准帝,一重天劫之后就可以晋升准帝了。 The talent is higher, potential higher martial artist, the Heavenly Tribulation rank and number of times will be more. 天赋越高,潜力越高的武者,遇到的天劫等级和次数都会更多。 After a while, Second Layer Heavenly Tribulation fell. 过了一会儿,第二重天劫就落下了。 Second Layer Heavenly Tribulation, only has 8864. 二重天劫,只有八八六十四道。 But the might actually wants the terrifying more than First Layer. 但威力却比第一重要恐怖很多。 In the thunder and lightning contained the strength of flame. 雷电之中蕴含了火焰之力。 Becoming wilder, is more fearful. 变得更加狂暴,更加可怕。 Therefore also calls it hot thunder Heavenly Tribulation. 所以也称之为火雷天劫 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Once again, Ling Xiao by hot thunder total flooding. 又一次,凌霄被火雷全部淹没。 Ling Xiao vanished in everyone's field of vision, people can only see to burn the startling thunderclap of flame. 凌霄又消失在了所有人的视野之中,人们只能够看到燃烧着火焰的惊雷。 Hot thunder Heavenly Tribulation, only then some talented martial artist can welcome. 火雷天劫,只有一些有天赋的武者才能迎来。 Compared with general Quasi-Emperor, can slightly that some. 比起一般的准帝,能稍微强那么一些。 Basically, only then First Layer Heavenly Tribulation martial artist, the bloodlines rank should not achieve half god-ranked. 基本上,只有一重天劫武者,血脉等级应该都没有达到半神品 Second Layer Heavenly Tribulation, what faced is martial artist of half god-ranked first-level bloodlines. 二重天劫,面对的是半神品一级血脉的武者 Ex analogia. 以此类推。 In other words, in True Martial Continent history, before the third bloodlines eruption awakens, the bloodlines rank has existence that high can reach half god-ranked six levels. 也就是说,真武大陆历史上,在第三血脉爆发觉醒之前,血脉等级最高有能达到半神品六级的存在。 Here, the eruption awakens does not calculate. 这里,爆发觉醒的不算。 Explained some True Martial Continent talents. 说明真武大陆还是有些天才的。 Ling Xiao thought of own bloodlines rank. 凌霄想到了自己的血脉等级。 Two -and-a-half god-ranked nine levels of bloodlines. 两种半神品九级血脉。 Whether this means that oneself must withstand Ninth Layer/nine layers Heavenly Tribulation. 这是否意味着,自己要顶住九重天劫啊。 Thinks that also is really enough shocks. 想想还真是够震撼的。 After Second Layer Heavenly Tribulation finished, Ling Xiao felt crisp. 二重天劫结束之后,凌霄感觉到非常爽。 Second Layer Heavenly Tribulation really hit compared with the First Layer Heavenly Tribulation might. 二重天劫果然比一重天劫威力打了很多。 No matter the ancestral dragon true body or the Heavenly Dao domain, obtained quenching. 不管是祖龙真身还是天道领域,都得到了淬炼。 He longs for arrival of Third Layer Heavenly Tribulation now. 他现在渴望第三重天劫的降临。 Although Heavenly Tribulation stopped, but sea Sheng has not actually acted. 虽然天劫停下来了,但海晟却没有出手。 He felt, the Ling Xiao talent is very high. 他觉得,凌霄的天赋很高。 Therefore, perhaps will have Third Layer Heavenly Tribulation to arrive. 所以,恐怕还会有第三重天劫降临。 Must wait to be good. 必须得等一等才行。 Third Layer Heavenly Tribulation, in fire attribute increased another species. 三重天劫,火属性之中又增加了另外一种属性。 Makes the thunder tribulation more fearful. 使得雷劫更加可怕。 This time, Ling Xiao still has not used true yuan. 这一次,凌霄依然没有动用真元 However actually used dragon Yuan. 不过却动用了龙元。 The main purpose is not to resist, but integrates in the dragon Yuan the body thoroughly, does not need to erupt to release. 主要目的并不是对抗,而是将龙元彻底融入身体之中,不用爆发就可以释放出来。 Becoming one strength naturally. 成为自然而然的一种力量。 Third Layer Heavenly Tribulation, is really fearful, moreover is nine levels of might, what doesn't know others' Third Layer Heavenly Tribulation?” 三重天劫,果然可怕,而且还是九级威力,不知道别人的三重天劫什么样?” Ling Xiao could not experience in any case. 凌霄反正是体验不到了。 After Third Layer Heavenly Tribulation finished, sea Sheng hesitant. 三重天劫结束之后,海晟犹豫了一下。 Ling Xiao crosses the tribulation is so relaxed, but also really made him a little worry. 凌霄渡劫那么轻松,还真让他有点担忧了。 Won't have Fourth Layer Heavenly Tribulation? 不会还有第四重天劫吧? Rumble! 轰隆隆! Really, as the terrifying thunderclap resounds, Ling Xiao Fourth Layer Heavenly Tribulation arrived. 果然,随着恐怖的雷声响起,凌霄的第四重天劫降临了。 Fourth Layer Heavenly Tribulation, in the startling thunderclap integrated the strengths of fires, water and earth three elements. 四重天劫,惊雷之中融入了火、水、土三种元素的力量。 The strength of these three elements have not only counter-balanced mutually, because instead touched to have a more fearful strength. 这三种元素之力不仅没有互相抵消,反而因为碰触产生了更可怕的力量。 Although many people stand beyond the Heavenly Tribulation range, but had been frightened by this First Layer Heavenly Tribulation kneels on the ground. 许多人虽然站在天劫范围之外,但已经被这一重天劫吓得跪在了地上。 Too fearful. 太可怕了。 This fellow also has Fourth Layer Heavenly Tribulation unexpectedly, is difficult to be inadequate, before he does not have the eruption awakens, is half god-ranked four levels of bloodlines?” “这家伙居然还有第四重天劫,难不成,他没有爆发觉醒之前,就是半神品四级血脉?” Also really has this possibility, this is the evildoer/monstrous talent in evildoer/monstrous talent.” “还真有这种可能,这是妖孽中的妖孽啊。” Does not know that can have fifth heavy Heavenly Tribulation.” “不知道会不会有第五重天劫。” Is impossible, it is said the evildoer/monstrous talent of innate bloodlines true body, possibly bring in five heavy Heavenly Tribulation . Moreover the Heavenly Tribulation might and compared with his, is not a scale is completely good. “不可能吧,据说先天血脉真身的妖孽,才可能引来五重天劫,而且天劫威力与他这相比,完全不是一个档次好吧。 His Heavenly Tribulation might was too overbearing. 他这天劫威力太霸道了。 Nine levels! ” 九级啊!” Surrounding martial artist, discusses spiritedly. 周围的武者,议论纷纷。 Regarding Ling Xiao, has too many speculations. 对于凌霄,存在太多的猜测。 Has shocked. 已经震惊。 The Fourth Layer Heavenly Tribulation fermentation time is very long. 四重天劫的酝酿时间很长。 Continued for a half hour. 足足持续了半个小时。 Finally, four color lightnings fell together. 终于,一道四色闪电落了下来。 Tore directly void. 直接撕裂了虚空。 Four colors, represent four strengths. 四色,代表四种力量。 Four effects of strength fusions, far ultra general thunder tribulation. 四种力量融合的效果,远超一般的雷劫。 Bang! 轰! Four color lightnings divided on the body of Ling Xiao. 四色闪电劈在了凌霄的身上。 Four different color interactions, brought very terrifying destruction strength. 四种不同的颜色互相作用,带来了非常恐怖的毁灭力。 Ling Xiao does not dare to neglect, stimulates to movement true yuan directly. 凌霄不敢怠慢,直接催动真元 Resists this fearful might. 来抵御这可怕的威力。 Simultaneously uses to swallow the ancestral dragon ability, swallows the strength of this four color to integrate in the mortal body , to continue to quenching the ancestral dragon true body. 同时利用吞噬祖龙的能力,吞噬这股四色之力融入到肉身之中,继续淬炼祖龙真身。 Bang!...... 轰!...... Four color lightnings, have almost not stood still to fall, rumbles unceasingly in the Ling Xiao top of the head. 一道道四色闪电,几乎没有停歇地落了下来,不断轰在凌霄的头顶。 This process, continued long time. 这个过程,持续了很长时间。 Finally, four color lightnings ended. 最终,四色闪电结束。 Ling Xiao stands there, for a long time has not moved. 凌霄站在那里,许久都没有动弹。 Superficially is very miserable. 从表面上看是挺惨的。 Because the body had many spots to be rotten. 因为身体有许多部位都已经烂了。 This is the fearful places of four color lightnings. 这就是四色闪电的可怕之处。 Was the time!” “是时候了!” At this time, sea Sheng moved finally. 此时,海晟终于动了。 In his opinion, Ling Xiao Heavenly Tribulation finished. 在他看来,凌霄天劫结束了。 Should be seriously injured. 应该已经受了重伤。 At this time acted, regarding cutting to kill Ling Xiao, should have the biggest assurance. 这个时候出手,对于斩杀凌霄,应该有最大的把握。 I scratch, how did some people clash?” “我擦,怎么有人冲进去了?” Probably Soaring to Heaven Sect sea Sheng!” “好像是凌天宗的海晟!” „Is his must do?” “他这是要干什么?” Also can do anything, the murder, it is estimated that thought that the opposite party is seriously injured. “还能干什么,杀人呗,估计是觉得对方受了重伤。 Even if has together Heavenly Tribulation, it is estimated that must ferment for over a half hour, enough she killed the opposite party. ” 而就算有下一道天劫,估计也得酝酿半个小时以上,足够她杀死对方了。” sea Sheng's appearance, making many people be startled big. 海晟的出现,让很多人都吃惊不小。 Also can look that he wants to do. 也能看出来他想干什么。 At this time in the sky does not have the startling thunderclap to fall. 此时天空中没有惊雷落下。 Fourth Layer Heavenly Tribulation had finished. 四重天劫已经结束。 Five heavy Heavenly Tribulation have not arrived. 五重天劫还未到来。 Good of very sea Sheng this time choice. 海晟这个时机选择的很好。
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