HWBS :: Volume #2

#186: The setting sun of ape

The monster wolf has not died, is very normal, if such died, that Bai Xiao thinks strange, how the monster wolf said that is also the thought that he moved in childhood does not dare to have exists, he did not have arrogant considering now to despise childhood all. 妖狼没死,很正常,要是就这么死了,那白消才觉得奇怪呢,妖狼怎么说,也是他小时候连触碰的念头都不敢有的存在,他可没自大的认为现在就可以藐视小时候的一切了。 Bai Xiao looks to kill intent condensation nearly substantive monster wolf, has thought over in the lower part surplus Elemental Power, discovers in the dantian Elemental Power, although sees the bottom, but after can support he uses some time body Elemental Art, then very tranquil facing directly monster wolf. 白消看着杀意凝聚近乎实质的妖狼,掂量了下体内剩余的行力,发现丹田内行力虽是见底,但还是能支撑他使用一段时间的体行术后,便很平静的直面妖狼。 Estimate today, is in my this life, the body cultivator Elementalist profession's last act, was body Elemental Art most peak has fought, the monster wolf, you may probably make me enjoy oneself to the full surely, must make me feel that for these years hammered the pain of body crazily, was not wastes!” “估计今天,是我这一生中,体修行者生涯的尾声了,同时也是体行术最巅峰的一战了,妖狼,你可千万要让我尽兴啊,要让我感到,这几年来疯狂锻体的痛苦,不是白费的!” Early already several hundred Elemental Art cultivation to Bai Xiao of non- seal rank at this time, rare hand seal . Moreover the knot, is one of the he most familiar number seal, the Animorphing giant ape changes!! 早已经将数百们行术修炼到无印级别的白消此时,罕见的结印了,而且结的,是他最熟悉的数印之一,兽化巨猿变!! This is he on the setting sun to own body cultivator path, expressed the final respect! 这是他对自己体修道路上的夕阳,表示最后的尊重! This was also the farewell in the past, henceforth no longer an seal that body cultivator Elementalist posed as. 这也是告别以往,从此不再以体修行者自居的一印。 Has the floor big evil spirit giant ape to emerge out of thin air fully, raises the day to roar, no longer depressing rules by force also along with it reappearing, increases for it wipes the overlord ominous oppressive. 一头足有楼层高大的凶煞巨猿凭空出现,扬天怒吼,不再压抑的霸道相也随之浮现,为其增添一抹霸王的凶虐。 Come, after this war, my body cultivator path, does not have again regrettably!” “来吧,这战过后,我体修道路,再无遗憾!” In the sound, brings the unwillingness that one trivial cannot be observed, may be more, will be to the path of future law confused with the anticipation, the giant ape at this time, moved, will take a step, a fist! 声音中,带着一丝微不可察的不甘,可更多的,是对未来法的道路迷茫与期待,巨猿此时,动了,迈步,一拳! „!!” “嗷呜!!” The monster wolf refuses to admit being inferior, kills intent to be imposing, carries the scarlet eye shadow, changes into a wisp of remnant shade. 妖狼不甘示弱,杀意凛然,携带猩红的眼影,化为一缕残影。 Bang!! 砰!! The hurricane wells up crazily, the sand and crushed stone splash, the fist and remnant shade of Bai Xiao touch. 飓风狂涌,砂石飞溅,白消的拳头与残影相碰。 Next second. 下一秒。 Bang! 嘭! With a bigger sound of the wind, both by quicker speed separation, the giant ape retroceded more than ten steps, but the remnant shade, flies upside down more than hundred meters, the rumbling broken giant stone, sprinkles place. 伴随着更大的风声,两者以更快的速度分离,巨猿后退了不止十步,而残影,足足倒飞百余米,生生轰碎巨石,洒满一地。 Ha, comes again!” “哈哈哈,再来!” Bai Xiao watched the ophthalmagra to want the broken right arm, as well as on thick index finger and middle finger incomplete bulk flesh and blood, almost revealed the wound of bone bloody, the name has grinned fiendishly, took a step to wield complete left arm to rush. 白消看了眼剧痛欲碎的右臂,以及粗大食指和中指上残缺大块血肉,血淋淋差点露出骨头的伤口,狰狞笑了,迈步挥动完好的左臂冲上。 But in the period, the wound of right arm fingertip, the hematischesis scab, increases the meat gradually...... 而在期间,右臂指尖的伤口,逐步止血结痂,增肉…… Monster wolf dizziness vertigo has feared from stone, the whole body hardest skull place, a wisp of blood flows out, the monster wolf shook the head, has put out a front tooth, as well as two he is unclear the mince meat why can reduce, does not fear the life and death changes into the remnant shade to rush once more savage. 妖狼头晕眼花的从石头里怕了起来,全身最为坚硬的头骨处,一缕鲜血流出,妖狼晃了晃脑袋,吐出了一枚门牙,以及两块他不明为何会缩小的肉末,不畏生死的再次化为残影凶残冲上。 This time, the monster wolf has chosen circuitously, no longer opposes the enemy by the weak strength. 这次,妖狼选择了迂回,不再以弱势的力量对敌。 For a while, the remnant shade and giant ape interlock unceasingly. 一时,残影与巨猿交错不断。 Useless, in the face of the absolute strength, the speed is meaningless, so long as were hit by me, you were finished!” “没用的,在绝对的力量面前,速度毫无意义,只要被我打中,你就完蛋了!” Facing the monster wolf to the attack of his both hands dead angle, Bai Xiao is specially fearless, the calm patient control unwieldy giant ape body one by one is dealing with, waited for that the opportunity sets out the most fatal fist. 面对妖狼专向他双手死角的攻击,白消无所畏惧,沉着耐心操控笨重的巨猿身躯一下一下应付着,等待时机出动最致命的一拳。 Must know, the junction that this moment ago did not meet the tough head-on with toughness strikes, by monster wolf that small physique, did not have its own the mutual counter-balance strength of attack, Bai Xiao has been able to guarantee, so long as the monster wolf were held the opportunity to hit a fist by him, he can hammer the muddy flesh the monster wolf directly! 要知道,这可不是刚才硬碰硬的交击,以妖狼那小身板,没了它自身攻击的相互抵消力道,白消敢保证,只要妖狼被他抓住机会打中一拳,他可以直接把妖狼锤成肉泥! The waiting is long, the opportunity is rare, the time the past three minutes, Bai Xiao had not found any opportunity gradually, was on the ape is nipped many blood wools to get down on the contrary, the Bai Xiao entire ape condition appeared is very distressed, the dripping with blood, has the ability that the super speed restored luckily, otherwise this fighting method he early should lie down. 等待是漫长的,机会是难得的,时间逐渐过去三分钟,白消没有找到任何机会,反倒是自己猿身上被咬了不少的血毛下来,白消整个猿型状态显得很是狼狈,鲜血淋漓的,幸好有着超快速恢复的能力,不然这打法他早该躺下了。 However the waiting is worth, under the Bai Xiao calm defense, the monster wolf, was tired! 不过等待是值得的,在白消沉稳的防御下,妖狼,累了! The remnant shade stops, monster wolf to gasp for breath sigh sticking out one's tongue, maintains for a long time the speed of close speed of sound, Bai Xiao big many that the physical exertion far ratio immovability, this time monster wolf, was somewhat irritable, under this circumstance, this way, the death, definitely is it! 残影停下,妖狼气喘吁吁的吐着舌头,维持长时间接近音速的速度,体力消耗远比不动如山的白消大的多,此时的妖狼,有些急躁了,这情势下,再这样下去,死的,肯定是它! The monster wolf somewhat drew back intent, but, will Bai Xiao let off the monster wolf? 妖狼有些退意了,只是,白消会放过妖狼? The answer does not have the suspense, grinning of Bai Xiao pain, the stride approaches the monster wolf. 答案毫无悬念,白消痛楚的咧着嘴,大步逼近妖狼。 The monster wolf is angry, he after becoming Wolf King, not so distressed, immediately goes to intent retrogression, the tooth is launching the ferocious attack once again. 妖狼大怒,他自当上狼王后,还没如此狼狈过,顿时去意消退,咧着牙再度发起猛烈的进攻。 This time, the monster wolf choice uses it strongest even/including to incur the repertoire, the talent Ability earthquake, the additional extreme velocity attack! 这次,妖狼选择使用它最强的连招套路,天赋神通地震,加极速攻击! Sees only the monster wolf to stamp fully, the violent earthquake occurred suddenly, in earthquake that in this shivers including the air, monster weasel-hair writing brush unprevailing changes into the remnant shade extreme velocity to attack to Bai Xiao. 只见妖狼一跺足,猛烈的地震陡然发生,在这连空气都颤抖的地震中,妖狼毫无影响的化为残影极速攻向白消 The earthquake makes Bai Xiao not stand steadily, Bai Xiao pulls down the personal appearance to stand firm hurriedly, in the heart is actually disdains to monster wolf one. 地震使得白消站立不稳,白消急忙压低身形稳住,心中却是对妖狼一阵不屑。 The monster wolf wants to hit anything slightly 99, he is clear, nothing else but wants to make under him the plate not steady, defends the simple open intrigue that lets slip, reason that indeed, the open intrigue is called the open intrigue , because is hard to avoid, can only meet hardly, regarding other people, indeed is very hard to deal with one move, presses Lishan to be big, but, regarding him, is actually...... Does not affect! 妖狼想打什么小99,他一清二楚,不外乎是想让他下盘不稳,防御失手的简单阳谋罢了,诚然,阳谋之所以称为阳谋,是因为难以躲避,只能硬接,对于其他人来说,的确是很难缠的一招,压力山大,不过,对于他而言,却是……毫无作用! On you can the earthquake?” “就你会地震?” Bai Xiao stamps directly fully, snow conceal for a long time Intermediate level Elemental Art Shocking Heaven's Might displays, an earthquake opens in the Bai Xiao under foot spread similarly. 白消直接一跺足,雪藏已久的中级行术震天威施展,一股地震同样在白消脚下蔓延而开。 Although Bai Xiao Shocking Heaven's Might weak more than planned compared with it monster wolf, Bai Xiao not, in Shocking Heaven's Might displays the ability that in the range walks freely, but this, was enough, enough Bai Xiao comes to a stop in the earthquake staggered center counter-balance strength, enough breaks the monster wolf in the ability that in its own talent Ability walks freely, lets the monster wolf in the earthquake center faced with the Bai Xiao same treatment/salary. 白消震天威比之妖狼弱了不止一筹,白消也没有在震天威施展范围内自由行走的能力,可这,却已经足够了,足够白消在地震交错的中心抵消力道站稳,也足够打破妖狼在它自身天赋神通内自由行走的能力,让妖狼在地震中心面临与白消一样的待遇。 Simple, the style of monster wolf was broken, a monster wolf short of breath, the chest cavity obviously fluctuated! 简简单单,妖狼的招式就被打破,妖狼一阵气急,胸腔都明显的起伏了! This was it did not have toward not the broken strongest style in the past! 这可是它以往无往不破的最强招式啊! However at this time, the third party appeared...... 然而这时,有一位第三者出现了…… The monster wolf and Bai Xiao hit very much happy, but it seemingly has forgotten, when comes, Bai Xiao is one person travels together...... 妖狼和白消打得很欢,可它貌似忘了,来时,白消是和一人同行的…… Jade bone, diamond!” “玉骨,金刚!” The low and deep sound behind the close distance resounds in the monster wolf, the monster wolf has a fit of bad temper instantaneously, first turns around to rebound rapidly, was too what a pity late, was too late...... 低沉的声音在妖狼身后咫尺的距离响起,妖狼瞬间炸毛,第一时间急速转身远跳开,可惜,已经太迟,太迟了…… Sees only a skin color flood the Yu Ze's youth calm face, the wrinkle has not looked like the statue false thing slightly, will move, nobody will think that he is a live person, but his Yu Ze's color hand, poked maliciously in the waist of monster wolf, before the monster wolf jumps, has helped it do for somebody, making it fly the midair. 只见一位肤色泛着玉泽的青年沉着脸,没有丝毫皱纹像极了个雕像假物,要不是会动,没人会觉得他是个活人,而他玉泽色的手,已经狠狠的戳在妖狼的腰间,在妖狼跳起之前,已经帮它代劳,让它飞上了半空。 The copper head gagger bean curd waist, the common trait of wolf class, the monster wolf cannot be exceptional, is mixing with the blood of internal organs, reveals from the monster wolf mouth, white Xu the strikes, monster wolf already severe wound! 正所谓铜头铁骨豆腐腰,狼类的共同特点,妖狼也没能例外,一口夹杂着内脏的血,从妖狼嘴中泄露,白绪的这一击下,妖狼已然重伤! Does attractively!” “干得漂亮!” Bai Xiao eye one bright, when the meat shield sold was so long, assassin finally take action, moreover struck fatally! 白消眼睛一亮,当肉盾卖了这么久,刺客总算出手了,而且还一击致命! Bai Xiao does not dare to hesitate, the stride rushed, jumps, facing the front tiny wolf body, both hands , the big arm draws the waist, the anger exclaims: Death, endures! Endure! Fist!!” 白消没敢迟疑,大步冲了上去,一跳而起,面对胸前渺小的狼躯,双手相和,大臂拉腰,怒吼道:“死吧,忍!忍!拳!!” Gathers the strength, surplus all Elemental Power are outspoken consumes the spatial hammer directly!! 蓄力,剩余的所有行力毫无保留直接耗空锤!! The monster wolf like the shell, was rumbled directly being embed remaining earthquake remaining prestige inside the earth, the earth, direct collapse! 妖狼如炮弹般,直接被轰嵌进尚存地震余威的大地里,大地,直接崩坏! Bai Xiao falls, in the midair changed into the human form, exhausted single knee in the ground respite, at the same time, the mind unique electron sound transmits: 白消落下,半空中已化为人形,疲惫的单膝跪在地上喘息,与此同时,脑海独特的电子音传来: dīng! spirit beast Wolf King death, mission: Hunts and kills spirit beast Wolf King. Complete! 叮!灵兽狼王死亡,任务:猎杀灵兽狼王。完成! Rewards 150 Balance Point. 奖励150平衡点 ............ ………… Finally, completed......” “终于,完成了呢……” Bai Xiao has smiled, smiles very happily, in this crowd of corpses spread in the wild bloody slaughterhouse, smiles did not dread. 白消笑了,笑得很开心,在这群尸遍野的血腥屠场上,笑得毫无忌惮。 Monster wolf, I am very happy, really!” “妖狼,我很开心,真的!” Thank you accompanies my this war, thank you 150!” “谢谢你陪我这一战,也谢谢你的150!”
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