HWBS :: Volume #2

#173: Finally came

Now supposes lunch, sinister scorching sun particularly boiling hot, however outskirts, does not have one person the meaning that has the summer vacation to eat meal, all with total concentration mind investment in arena, strength completely not coordinated two. 现在估摸午饭时分,毒辣辣的骄阳分外滚烫,然而村头处,却没一人有避暑吃饭的意思,全都聚精会神的将心神投入在擂台上,实力完全不对等的两人。 Initially enters Lesser Elementalist, was joined to the azure date bow to meet the Lesser Elementalist upstream standard Bai Conan \; 初入下级行者,配上青日弓能达到下级行者上游水准的白柯南\; After the innumerable wheels, actually obviously the weary color, the strength obviously was not the Intermediate Elementalist range the witch breath. 经过无数车轮,却仍不显疲色,实力明显达到中级行者范围的巫息。 On the scene, therefore the person believe that this was one has been doomed the duel of result, Conan, lost! 在场的所以人都认为,这是一场注定了结局的决斗,柯南,输定了! Chu Tianfa in royal family, shook the head, thought that does not need to look again, prepares after this showdown, leaves Bai Clan on the return trip. 王室中的楚天法,已经摇摇头,觉得没必要再看下去了,准备在这场对决过后,就回程离开白族 Imperial prince, you do not want to take a look at Tianjiao that Bai Clan said again, looked that Bai Clan this does not have the afraid facial expression, perhaps still really exists also perhaps!” “皇子,您就不想再看看白族所说的天骄吗,看白族这毫无心虚的神情,或许还真存在也说不定呢!” The courtiers see Chu Tianfa to move the body, then the worldly person request has detected his idea, said in a low voice. 侍臣只是见楚天法动了动身子,便人精般托测出了他的想法,低声说道。 Does not use, even if exists, had nothing to do with me.” “不用了,即使存在,也与我无关了。” Chu Tianfa refuses to say without hesitation that he hears horse Cha passes message to understand related Bai Clan some afterward, have not thought in the Bai Clan younger generation also to have any so-called talent, even if there are, is impossible to be witch breath degree, remains again also is only the waste time. 楚天法毫不犹豫的拒绝道,他听到马茶的传音了解到有关白族的一些事后,已经不认为白族年轻一代中还有什么所谓的天才了,即使有,也不可能达到巫息这种程度,再留下来也仅是浪费时间。 At this time the two on arena, have hit. 此时擂台上的两人,已经打了起来。 Conan spreads out, evaded the big centipede that attacks fierce, extracts several arrow feathers from the back arrow pouch, the steps bends the bow greatly, old man's, several azure shade winds shoot, locks Wu Xi not by the exposed flesh that the gold/metal toad protects. 柯南拉开距离,避过凶猛攻来的大蜈蚣,从背后箭囊抽出数只箭羽,踏步大弯弓,翁的一声,数道青影飙射而出,锁定巫息没被金蟾护住的裸露肌肤。 The azure shade is extremely quick, quickly to letting the person can only see the remnant shade that remains, the genuine arrow feather, already does not know that plundered where. 青影极快,快到让人只能看到余留的残影,真正的箭羽,早就不知掠到了何处。 This was the azure date bow Element Treasure ability, let build the long arrow on bow, the speed large scale promotion that projected, and caused the arrow feather supplementary armor piercing, the effect of penetration. 这便是青日弓这行宝的能力了,让搭在弓上的长箭,射出的速度大幅度提升,并使箭羽附带破甲,穿透的效果。 Ordinary, does not have in the slight flower fancy, however practical ability actually quite practical, if this bow falls in the person hand that can play, the strength that displays, the far supernormal person imagines, even if high-level Element Treasure, feared that is unable to substitute for the status of this bow in these person of hearts. 普普通通,没有丝毫花里花俏,然实际能力却是相当的实用,倘若这弓落在会玩的人手中,发挥出的实力,远超常人所想象,即使是高级行宝,怕也无法取代这弓在这些人心中的地位。 The arrow feather is quick, what a pity, actually cannot hitting a target Wu Xi, be wielded by the gold/metal toad left foot fast, the arrow feather then all sews on the arm of gold/metal toad. 箭羽很快,可惜,却没能射中巫息,被金蟾左足快速一挥,箭羽便全钉在金蟾的胳膊上。 The witch breath under gold/metal toad both feet mask, lets somebody cool off or calm down smiles, in the eye ten fork character eye pupils start the accelerated service. 在金蟾双足遮挡下的巫息,冷冷一笑,眼中十叉字眼瞳开始加速运转。 The common flesh eye naturally is hard to see this to project the speed to surmount the speed of sound the arrow feather, has avoided not to mention, perhaps has not responded that body by to bind large cave, once meets, will suffer a loss ironclad, but Wu Xi is not an average person , he the inborn god eyes, can look through in world all motion trajectories, the dynamic vision is how abnormal, even if on arrow feather quick ten times, he can also see again clearly! 寻常人肉眼自然是难以看见这射出速度超越音速的箭羽,更别提是躲避了,恐怕还没反应过来,身体就被扎出个大洞,一旦遇到,铁定会吃大亏,但巫息不是普通人,他,天生神眼,能看破世间一切运行轨迹,动态视力何其变态,即使箭羽再快上十倍,他也能看得清清楚楚! Conan can block the arrow feather not to feel to the witch breath slightly accidentally, if Wu Xilian this strength does not have, already made into pig to pack off. 柯南对巫息能挡住箭羽没有感到丝毫意外,若是巫息连这份实力都没有,早就被打成猪头送走了。 The calm face, Conan draws full Qingri to bend once more. 沉着脸,柯南再次拉满青日弓。 ! 咻咻! Also is several arrows departs, what a pity as before is not studious, under the eye of witch breath, the arrow feather of Conan does not threaten to say, regardless of comes many, was received by the gold/metal toad huge body, Wu Xi does not damage. 又是数支箭飞出,可惜依旧是无用功,在巫息的眼睛下,柯南的箭羽毫无威胁可言,无论来多少,都被金蟾庞大的身体接下,巫息丝毫不损。 Game ended!” “游戏结束了!” Wu Xi thinks very bored, took him to regard as important the unusual azure date to bend, actually linked to his threat feeling does not have, what kind careless and wasteful use of nature's products! 巫息觉得很无聊,拿着他看重异常的青日弓,却连对他的一丝威胁感都没有,何等的暴殄天物! The ground leisure big centipede, the acceleration, Conan respond suddenly like lightning potential, bit directly on the calf of Conan, Conan called out pitifully to make noise immediately, under the fierce ache, the body will not raise, the arrow feather straight wind that prepared to project especially in the future to the sky, the accurate aim lost greatly. 地上慢悠悠的大蜈蚣,陡然加速,以闪电般,柯南反应不及之势,直接咬在了柯南的小腿上,柯南顿时惨叫出声,剧烈的疼痛下,身子不尤往后一扬,准备射出的箭羽直直的飙向天空,准头大失。 Blue date bent, was my!” “青日弓,是我的了!” The Conan situation loses instantaneously, the azure date of soon succeeding in obtaining bent, making the witch breath unable to endure patiently again greedily, said with a smile severely. 柯南大势瞬间失去,即将到手的青日弓,让巫息再也忍耐不住贪婪,厉笑道。 As his voice falls, the big centipede 1100 thin feet fast crawl on Conan, after twining, the body suddenly tightens, Conan loses immediately falls to the ground balanced. 随着他声音落下,大蜈蚣1100细足快速在柯南身上爬行,缠绕一圈后,身体猛然勒紧,柯南顿时失去平衡倒地。 Hateful!” “可恶!” Conan also wants to struggle, actually cannot work loose, instead was bitten on the nape of the neck by centipede one, the strong numb transmission, the body stiffened all of a sudden. 柯南还想挣扎,却丝毫挣脱不得,反而被蜈蚣一口咬住脖颈上,浓烈的酥麻感传来,身体一下子僵住了。 Cannot move the slightest. Death!” 动弹不了分毫。“死吧!” The witch breath carries gold/metal Chan, grinning fiendishly flushed, breeds the right hand of thick Elemental Power, on the bang toward the Conan belly goes. 巫息携带金蟾,狞笑的冲了过来,孕育浓厚行力的右手,直往柯南肚子上轰去。 That position, is the dantian! 那位置,是丹田! It can be said that once Wu Xi in bang, the dantian disrupts, then, only if spends the high price to invite the medical ethics outstandingly skilled treatment, seeks to treasure the day material different fruit repair, otherwise, Conan in the future, will then be disabled person one! 可以说,巫息一旦轰中,丹田碎裂,那么,除非花大价钱请医道圣手医治,寻找到珍惜之极的天材异果修复,否则,柯南往后,便是废人一个! Scolded me? 骂我? Very good, from now on the future, will pass in the lamentation, regretted that you said words that should not speak, regretted that you offended should not the person of offending! 很好,从今往后,就在悔恨中度过吧,后悔你说了不该说的话,后悔你得罪了不该得罪的人! Wu Xi the corners of the mouth have cracked to arrive at root of the ear, coordinates strange both eyes, seems twists evilly. 巫息嘴角已裂到耳根,配合诡异的双眼,看上去非常邪恶扭曲。 Lost, loses thoroughly! 输了,输得彻底呢! Conan desperate has closed the eye, secret forced smile, confident greets the following pain. 柯南绝望的闭上了眼睛,暗暗苦笑,坦然的迎接接下来的痛楚。 Meanwhile, the Bai Clan elder rolls, three elders are driven beyond the limits of forbearance, could not endure patiently again, aura rose suddenly, the right hand lifted, the terrifying prestige can condense in the control, Patriarch and Second Elder were forced, has released own aura, with facing each other across a great distance, released oneself aura similarly, reminds the horse tea that they do not act unreasonably to contend. 于此同时,白族长老团中,三长老忍无可忍,再也忍耐不下去了,气息一阵暴涨,右手一抬,恐怖的威能在手心凝聚,族长二长老被迫,也释放了自己的气息,与遥遥相对,同样释放自己气息,提醒他们不要乱来的马茶相抗衡。 Bang! 轰! Silent imposing manner bombardment, presented all people to feel an indescribable oppression transmission, heart drum rumble jumped, as if, had the heart disease to be uncomfortable, did not dare the move slightest, does not dare to make slightly the sound! 无声的气势轰击,在场所有人都感到了一阵难以言喻的压迫感传来,心脏鼓的隆隆直跳,仿佛,犯了心脏病般难受,不敢动弹分毫,不敢发出丝毫声响! Soundlessness suddenly, as if the time becomes slow, the scene fell into one piece strangely silent...... 猛然间的哑然无声,仿佛时间变得缓慢起来,场面陷入了一片诡异的寂静…… However at this time, broke this as if to press one of the suspension key, making the time restore original fast, made the elder group eliminate the aura, three elders downloaded the right hand prestige energy, was among the horizons, sped along to come, together brightly, rainbow glow of four color doping! 然而这时,打破这似乎按了暂停键的一幕,让时间重新恢复原速,也让长老团消去气息,三长老卸掉右手威能的,是天际间,飞驰而来的,一道明亮之极,四色掺杂的虹芒! „The stars refer to!!” “星辰指!!” Airborne, reverberation low and deep magnetic-sonic, lets complexion that three elders such as the volcano will soon erupt, alleviation slowly, shows the smiling face of feeling relaxed, sighed: Finally, came!” 空中,回荡的低沉磁音,让三长老如火山即将爆发的脸色,慢慢的缓解下来,露出释然的笑容,叹道:“终于,来了啊!” But observes Patriarch and Second Elder, is so. 而观族长二长老,也是如此。 The voice has not fallen, the rainbow glow then at quick the extremely speed, carries lets the energy of air distortion sufficiently, before the wind shot the Conan body, pointed to the witch breath forehead. 语音未落,虹芒便以极快的速度,携带足以让空气扭曲的能量,飙射到了柯南身前,直指巫息额头。 The horse tea complexion changes, take action will guarantee Wu Xi, similarly was actually threatened the meaning the aura to retaliate to do by according to obstructs, restores from now on already without enough time, he can only hope that the witch breath can avoid this tribulation voluntarily. 马茶脸色一变,正要出手保下巫息,却被以同样威胁含义的气息回敬搞得一窒,恢复过后已然来不及了,他只能希望巫息能自行躲过这一劫。 Witch breath complexion big change, abnormal dynamic vision distant lets discover this attack, UU reads www.uukanshu.com to attack is too quick, he responded radically without enough time that the attack arrived at present. 巫息脸色大变,变态的动态视力远远的就让发现此攻击,UU看书www.uukanshu.com可攻击实在太快,他根本来不及反应,攻击就到了眼前。 A life and death time, witch breath decisive withdrawing suddenly, near at hand, so long as bent the waist the azure date that can obtain to bend, the palm under pressed, Conan that can discard again, at this moment, completely threw after the brain has no longer paid attention, a mind Pure Brightness, he only thinks now that lived! 生死一线的时刻,巫息果断的猛然后撤,近在咫尺,只要弯腰就能得到的青日弓,掌心再下压一点,就能废掉的柯南,此时此刻,全然抛在了脑后不再理会,脑海一片清明,他现在只想,活下来! Withdraws some of spreading out, making the witch breath have the extremely short time, he chose to make the huge gold/metal toad keep off before the body. 后撤拉开的些许距离,让巫息有了极其短暂的时间,他选择让庞大的金蟾挡在身前。 When bang, gold/metal Chan an airborne tumbling, the vine leaves the massive dust, the person ready dead did not have keeping off of mood before Wu Xi the body, prepared by it hardest scales iron back, withstands this terror rainbow glow. 轰隆,金蟾一个空中翻滚,蔓出大量尘土之时,死士般毫无情绪的挡在了巫息身前,准备以它最坚硬的鳞甲铁背,来承受这恐怖的虹芒。 The guard of this life gu, knew in the heart that three pure gold toad defensive powers have how powerful witch breath to relax finally, but under checks, when the rainbow glow contacts the gold/metal toad back, his once more complexion crazily changes, because, he depending on the life gu of maintaining life, three pure gold toads, in front of the rainbow glow, does not prevent the ability! 本命蛊的护身,心知三足金蟾防御力有多么强悍的巫息终于松了口气,可下一刹,虹芒接触到金蟾后背之时,他又再次脸色狂变起来,因为,他赖以保命的本命蛊,三足金蟾,在虹芒面前,毫无阻挡能力! Witch breath once more suddenly to retreat, scary looks at the abdomen flesh and blood of three pure gold toads, is similar to the wax is melted starts out wash bowl large cave, as well as the oncoming force does not reduce the slightest the rainbow glow. 巫息再次暴退,骇人的看着三足金蟾的腹部血肉,如同蜡般被融开出个脸盆大洞,以及来势不减分毫的虹芒。 Damn!” “该死!” Wu Xice drawing back, the complexion ugly discovery, this rainbow glow is most state-of-art has aimed from the start at him slightly has not changed, this belt aiming can also turn round especially, is impossible to evade! 巫息侧着退,却脸色难看的发现,这虹芒最尖端压根就一直对准他丝毫未变,这特么带瞄准还会拐弯的,根本不可能躲得过! Finally, his helpless can only choose to put out his food pocket, day ghost Kun, after secret art displays, a sincere earth attribute guard shield heavy protects him. 最后,他无奈的只能选择拿出他的饭兜,天煞坤,法诀施展后,一个厚重的土属性护罩沉沉的将他护住。 Loudly, rainbow glow has hit Wu Xi finally, after a distortion rebellion, the dazzling bright color break-up gets up, a rainbow glow ballooning, bang! 轰然,虹芒终于击中了巫息,一阵扭曲暴动后,刺眼的亮光闪起,虹芒一个鼓胀,嘭! Exploded! Reads also wants to look for the latest chapter? Your OUT, micro letter attention public number: Read the literary or the suduwx beautiful woman superiorly slightly arranges to help you look for the book! Is reads to pull up younger sister without hampering the other seriously! 爆炸了!看书还要自己找最新章节?你OUT了,微信关注公众号:优读文学或者suduwx美女小编帮你找书!当真是看书撩妹两不误!
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