HWBS :: Volume #2

#167: Under dead wood and guest

Besides these two kinds of special groups, the average person escaped changes the pass time of time, from approximate eight years to 20 years. 除了这两类特殊人群之外,一般人脱变期的度过时间,大致八年到20年之间。 But the examination escapes range, then observed own body floccosoids to account for the body area degree to be OK, when the body skin color completely brown went to the black, transferred pure white, then the representative escaped changes the conclusion of time. 而查看脱变程度,则观察自身身体白斑所占身体面积的程度就可以了,当身体肤色完全褐去黑色,转为纯白,便代表脱变期的结束。 Which kind Bai Xiao did not know is in itself, escaping that needs how long changes the time wants, but now once more after slurping, the spot on hand increases directly from the sesame seed the palm of the hand degree, he then understood, he is the most pitiful first kind, after several years, if he had not finished escaping changes the time, that explained that he died... 白消原本不知晓自己是哪类,需要的脱变时间要多久,但现在再次经过吸食,手上的斑点直接从芝麻变大成巴掌程度,他便明白了,他是最可悲的第一类,几年过后,若他还没有结束脱变期的话,那就说明,他已经死了… „The most miserable first kind, oh...” “最惨第一类,唉…” Bai Xiao has realized the next this time even more small and weak body silently, heavy sigh. 白消默默体会了下此时越发弱小的身体,沉沉的叹息一声。 Must know that in the System attribute list, a Physique data is bigger, is more difficult to promote on the representative, between the digit and digit the disparity is also bigger, can say that 10 reduce 9 not to be equal to 1, possibly is equal to 9! 要知道,在系统属性表中,身体素质项数据越大,也就代表越难提升,数字与数字之间差距也越大,可以说,10减9并不等于1,可能还是等于9! Therefore, from 9( dark red) to 9( pure white), that night the time, sliding of Physique, how was big! 故而,从9(深红)到9(纯白),这一夜时间,身体素质的下滑,是何其的大了! But like this calculates the body that the words that Bai Xiao is proud, likely cannot shoulder slurping of dead wood body, finally will end up to turn out the result that attracts the adult to do, this deduction, making Bai Xiao somewhat be hard to accept! 而这样算下来的话,白消引以为傲的身体,很可能扛不住枯木体的吸食,最终会落得个吸成人干的结果,这推论,让白消有些难以接受! Oh, wants to take the body cultivator road, now can only be forced reluctantly, changed to the fort route.” “唉,本想走体修路的,如今只能被迫无奈,改成走炮台路线了。” Bai Xiao is very helpless. 白消很无奈。 Lucky, in the six years, he early has expected has not placed the same basket the egg, temporarily the change system strength has not fallen too seriously. 万幸,这六年来,他早有所预料的没把鸡蛋放在同一个篮子,临时改变体系实力没跌得太严重。 Feels within the body overnight explosion several tenths many Elemental Power, as well as in the air more compatible Seven Elemental Attribute element, tastes the dead wood body benefit slightly Bai Xiao, obtained some comforts. 感受体内一夜之间激增数成之多的行力,以及空气中更加亲和的七行元素,稍稍尝到枯木体甜头的白消,得到了些安慰。 It is not right, what Bai Xiao is strange has not felt the Wood Element zero to have any enhancement compatible. 哦,不对,白消奇怪的还是没有感受到木行的零蛋亲和有任何的提高。 This has concerned for many years, appears in his mind uninterruptedly, the reason of even more clear Second Wood great tree picture causes trouble, Bai Xiao cannot determine, but guessed that the estimate is this. 这是不是关乎多年来,不间断出现在他脑海中,越发清晰的乙木巨树画面的原因作祟呢,白消没敢确定,但猜测估计是这样的。 Present Bai Xiao, after many probes, obtains a result, the Second Wood great tree picture that is, this strange has what using unclearly, other people have not appeared from the start, even if one time! 现在的白消,经过多番试探后,得出一个结果,那就是,这奇怪不明有何用的乙木巨树画面,其余人压根就没有出现过,哪怕是一次! Therefore now, Bai Xiao can affirm that this takes root the great tree picture in his mind, absolutely is in his body all the roots of change! 所以如今,白消可以非常肯定,这扎根在他脑海中的巨树画面,绝对是他身体内一切变化的根源! Nearly turns into the somatic cell of vegetable cell, has the cell wall, the epidermal cell also has the white chloroplast \; The strong big abnormal resiliency, the metabolism of cell is much quicker, cell algebra also big scary \; Obviously as the Wood Element large clan, actually links the lowest grade wood not to have compatible, all these all, are this may the Second Wood great tree do the ghost absolutely! 近乎化成植物细胞的体细胞,拥有细胞壁,表皮细胞还拥有白色的叶绿体\;超强大的变态恢复力,细胞的新陈代谢快得吓人,细胞代数也大的吓人\;明明身为木行大族,却连最低等级的木亲和都没有,这一切的一切,绝对都是这可乙木巨树搞得鬼! Now, this slurping quantity scary escaping changes the time, the Bai Xiao also guess is the ghost who it does. 现在,这吸食量吓人的脱变期,白消也猜测是它搞的鬼。 In light of the Second Wood legend that Bai Clan spreads, Bai Xiao had already suspected, his body, is Second Wood special training, to come back to life with body! 结合白族流传的乙木传说,白消早就怀疑了,他的身体,是乙木特异培养,以复生用的躯体! What a pity, Bai Xiao really had determined also useless, his strength was too weak, does not have huge Balance Point, without any means. 可惜,白消就算真的确定了也没用,他实力太弱了,又没有庞大的平衡点,没有任何办法。 Bai Xiao skims the distracting thoughts, looks at the System page layout, hesitant, finally spends hundred Balance Point again Physique promotes to 9( dark red) the degree. 白消撇去杂念,看着系统版面,犹豫了下,最后花费一百平衡点重新将身体素质提升到9(深红)的程度。 The function of Balance Point is multipurpose, promoting Physique the minor matter naturally to be OK . Moreover, he used Balance Point to promote Physique to promote from a higher unknown level, because of his present awakening dead wood body, will not use the Balance Point effect changes low, Balance Point should promote Physique is many, was many. 平衡点的作用是万能的,提升身体素质的这种小事自然是可以了,而且,他用平衡点提升身体素质是从更高一种未知层次上提升的,不会因为他如今觉醒枯木体,使用平衡点的功效变低,一个平衡点该提升身体素质是多少,就是多少。 This point, compares actually no use other, clansman who can only the desperate crazy collection different fruit treasure, only be able to play the weak role finally is luckier, so long as Bai Xiao Balance Point is enough, does not need to be worried that will be inherited to attract. 这一点,倒是比其他无助的,只能绝望的疯狂收集异果宝物,最后还只能起微弱作用的族人幸运多了,白消只要平衡点足够,就不用担心会被传承吸死了。 Bai Xiao wants simply to promote 9 Physique( black red), restores Arch-Elementalist to consider as finished, but thinks finally that thought the consumption is too big, and can only maintain one month of Arch-Elementalist strength, next month the night of circle must fall once more, might as well keep part of Balance Point spare good. 白消本想干脆把身体素质提升回9(黑红),恢复上级行者算了,但最后想想,觉得耗费太大,并只能维持一个月的上级行者实力,下个月圆之夜还要再次跌下来,不如留着一部分平衡点备用的好。 And, present he could not be weaker than Arch-Elementalist many. 并且,现在的他也比上级行者弱不了多少。 In dīng! Physique promotion...’ 叮!身体素质提升中…’ dīng! Physique promotes!’ 叮!身体素质提升完毕!’ As System electron sound falls, Bai Xiao fierce fat, words that however examines carefully, actually discovered that this was not Bai Xiao was fat, but was Bai Xiao whole body muscle fat, causing him to seem like fat. 随着系统电子音落下,白消猛的胖了一圈,然细看的话,却发现这并不是白消胖了,而是白消的浑身肌肉胖一圈,导致他看起来像是胖了点。 However this is only thinks to Bai Xiao so, regarding other people, Bai Xiao and yesterday any change, after all Bai Xiao yesterday has not been 9( dark red) volume, with present not any change. 不过这只是对白消来说觉得如此罢了,对于其他人来说,白消和昨天没有任何变化,毕竟白消昨天就是9(深红)的体积,与现在没任何变化。 After finishing restores, Bai Xiao got out of bed, moves the next endless night to sit cross-legged, but the after both legs of numb and aching, takes off the long dress, revealing makes the person look like thought that dangerous Hong investigates the muscle, prepares to apply ointment. 忙完恢复后,白消下了床,活动了下长夜盘膝而酸麻的双腿后,脱下长衣,露出让人看起来就觉得危险的弘纠肌肉,准备敷药。 Bai Clan inheritance dead wood body for a long time, even if stupid, can summarize to concern the material of dead wood body, produced to the awakening dead wood body beneficial medicine. 白族传承枯木体已久,即使再愚笨,也都能总结出一些关乎枯木体的资料,生产出一些对觉醒枯木体者有益的药物了。 Bai Xiao on is taking at this time the solution of as if detachable oil, has been Bai Clan for many years, invents the most effective kind of medicine, can help just after the night of moon/month circle, escaping of extremely painful slurping changes rapidly regains the condition, as well as the cage gathering dead wood body slurps the residual slight vitality forcefully, restores the vitality slightly! 白消此时手上拿着的这份仿佛活络油的药液,就是白族多年来,发明出最有效的一类药物,能帮助刚经过月圆之夜,万分痛苦的吸食的脱变者快速恢复状态,以及强行笼聚枯木体吸食残留的细微生命力,轻微恢复生命力! Can restore slightly, was very good, regarding other clansmen, many a little makes a mickle, because perhaps gives the vitality that this lost, by luck did pass extremely escape changes the time is uncertain? 能轻微恢复,已经很不错了,对于其他族人来说,积少成多,或许就因为多出了这一丢丢的生命力,才侥幸万分的度过脱变期也不一定呢? Although Bai Xiao does not have this to worry about the poor life the worry, but his Balance Point is how precious, but also is owing ten ten thousand Balance Point debts not, naturally does not dare to waste the slightest. 白消虽然没这担忧小命的烦恼,但他的平衡点何其珍贵,还欠着十万平衡点的债务没还,自然不敢浪费分毫。 The method of use solution is very simple, only need wiping gently carry on the back on the line. 使用药液的方法很简单,只需轻轻的抹在背上就行了。 Why as for must wipe the back, but is not other spots, Bai Xiao does not know, he with explaining. 至于为什么要抹后背而不是其他部位,白消也不知,他是跟着说明走的。 At this moment, in balcony that Bai Xiao opens, a Bai Dali monkey trampled likely, shouts greatly: „The Bai Xiao elder brother, Xiao Clan sent for coming to our village unexpectedly, moreover tone extremely arrogant wanted to challenge our Bai Clan all younger generation under 17 years old, the Bai Xiao elder brother, selected the color to have a look to them quickly!” 就在这时,白消打开的阳台上,白大力像个猴子般踹了进来,大喊道:“白消哥,肖族竟然派人来我们村里了,而且还口气狂妄的想要挑战我们白族所有17岁以下的年轻一代,白消哥,快给他们点颜色看看!” Then, the hairstyle ten thousand years invariable were bald Bai Dali were shocked all of a sudden, by Bai Xiao along with the movement were entangled together the blade carved the muscle to be shocked, he has not thought that after temperate Bai Xiao has taken off the clothes, body, unexpectedly solid to so terrifying situation, at healthy match that even if held in the past, these grandiose incomparable champions, didn't have such bulk muscle? 说完,发型万年不变还是光头的白大力一下子就愣住了,是被白消随动作纠结在一起的刀刻肌肉惊呆了,他万万没想到,一直温和的白消脱下衣服后,身体,竟然结实到如此恐怖的地步,哪怕以往举办的健美赛上,那些壮硕无比的冠军们,也没这么大块的肌肉吧? Came happen, helping me touch the solution, said casually with me what's the matter.” “来了正好,帮我摸一下药液吧,随便和我说说是怎么回事。” Sudden intrusion of Bai Dali, Bai Xiao in consternation, smiled, has turned around to say to him. 白大力的突然闯入,白消愕然过后,笑了笑,转过身对他说道。 After looking at the Bai Xiao broad musculi dorsi, Bai Dali cannot bear swallow a saliva in groups, the moral nature could not suppress panic-strickenly. 看着白消宽广的成群后背肌,白大力忍不住咽了口口水,心底压不住惊骇。 Is this what kind strong body? 这是何等的强壮身体啊? Is the Bai Xiao elder brother, same only 14 years old with me really? 白消哥,真的和我一样只有14岁吗? When Bai Dali shocks, suddenly somewhat understood why he is not the Bai Xiao match, this grade of mortal body, actually some big wills and boldness, pay the magnanimous sweat, can carve? 白大力震撼之余,忽然有些明白了他为何一直都不是白消的对手,这等肉身,究竟得有多大的毅力与魄力,付出何等海量的汗水,才能雕刻出来? When this muscle, blows up, can probably the wiredrawing? 这身肌肉,鼓起时,大概都能拉丝吧? Bai Dali subconscious receiving solution. 白大力下意识的接过药液。 Actually Bai Xiao thin were many, thinks that his Physique when 9( black red), that called perfect. 其实白消已经瘦了很多了,想他身体素质在9(黑红)时,那才叫一身完美。
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